THIS PLAYER-PIANO ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR A NAME Send in the Name BJIT "~ ~ You Suggest Today READ BELOW Wc have just closed a |j 1H contract with one of the largest H |T*W\__ factories in the world for a new Player-piano. This instrument will be built especially for us, according . The player action is to our own ideas. It is destined to simple, responsive and durable. It become the most popular player- plays full 88 notes. You can play it piano in this section of the State, perfectly and with the greatest owing to its very low price and ex- ease the first time jon try. traordinary quality. The Price, v^^~ —■ "t •p f V ' '/* *~ V "• V| ■ : *■, : v ~ " ■■''■ ■■■■"»'■ l ■ V.m »■ «wn '•immHamm'm i niiw——■■■. in ■»' .HI ■:■ .IJUII. - These pictures were taken by Captain Adrian Simpson, with the Grand Duke Aiexandrovitch. brother of ih» Tsar, and were secured during the recent operations on the Upper Sun Hiver, the stream which flows from the Car pathlans through the captured fortress of Peremysl. Iu the upper picture Is shown a group <>f troopers of the Kubur fline regiment from the Terek Province of the Caucasus, seated around the fire for an Impromptu meal. The Knbar dlnes live iu village communities In the gorges of the main Caucasus and the Black Mountains. The lower picture shows Bussian orderlies attached to the Caucasian Native Division, with horses iu their charge. I Marks & Copelin Extraordinary Salt To-morrow, Saturday Will Close Out 100 Women's and Misses' Tailored and Attractive models taken from regular stock, com prising high grade suits of serge, gabardine, tweeds and checks; Norfolk, braid bound and dressy coats; circular and tailored skirts. Regular Prices J25,00 to $40.00 SIB.OO No Approvals No Exchanges 31 North Second Street, Near Walnut m - _ MARIE DORO WHO WILL APPEAR IN REVIVAL OF "DIPLOMACY T" 7 ~ I v ♦ ' ; v v 4 - ; s? ! VI V I ■ " 'I s - , v t . K-h In ( tinrles Krohman's furthcoming "tri star" revival here of Sariiui "Diplomacy" in which William Oillette, Blanche Hates ami Marie Doro are share honors. Miss Doro will be seen as "Dora" the heroine, in the same ri in which she met with nothing less than a remarkable success in London t larger part of last season, the climax of her triumph coming when she gave command performance before the King and Queen. "Diplomacy" is one Mr. Frohnian's most important attractions this season and will be seen at t [ Majestic next Wednesday evening.—Ad v.*