The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 13, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
Witmer, Bair & Witmer Witmer, Bair & Witmer MAY CLEARANCE SALE The Best {gjjg} in the House $25 SUlT—Models in Donegal Tweed —mixtures and checks, $12.50, $15.00, $18.75 to $25.00. —Model in black and navy—all late purchases—stO.OO, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, 930.00, $21.50 to $25.00. COAT—Styles in white, castor and green golline—lined and unlined— SIO.OO, $12.50 and $14.75. COAT—Styles along the more conservative lines—in navy and black — $8.75. $0.50, $11.50, $10.75, $21.50 to $25.00. SUMMER DRESSES—SUMMER SKIRTS—in quantities. Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 s,^ nut SOCIAL and PERSONAL MARAITA-MILLER WEDDING SOLEMNIZED LAST NIGHT Pretty Affaii Held at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller When Their Niece Is Married —The Kev. Robert Eamsey Officiated A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, 63 6 Harris street, last evening, when their niece, Miss Ethel Dorothy Mil ler, daughter of C. K. Miller, of New port, became the wife of Clifford Milton Maratta, of Altoona. The ceremony was performed at 6 o'clock by the Rev. Robert M. Ram sey, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Newport, who used the ring service. The bride wore a traveling eostnme of sand-colored silk poplin, with hat to harmonize and a corsage bouquet of bride roses. There were no attendants. Following the ceremony, which was wit nessed by the immediate members of the families and a few friends, n wed ding supper was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Maratta left for a trip to Columbus, Ohio. On their return they will reside in Altoona. where Mr. Maratta is employed as power plant in spector for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The bride has resided in this city for several years, making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. During that time she has been a teacher in a kindergarten at Hershey and made a host of .friends. Miss Carney Gives a Luncheon Miss Louise Carney entertained in formally at luncheon at her home in Steelton, to-day complimentary to Miss Grace Poet, of Hartford, Conn., who is the guest of Miss Sara Virginia Coop er, Camp Hill. Invited to meet Miss Post were Misses Katherine Etter, Mary Elizabeth Meyers, Dora Wicker sham Cpe, Eleanor Darlington. Sara Cooper, Mary Williamson. Alice Virginia Cooper Hostess Miss Alice, Vi nginia Cooper enter tained yesterday afternoon at her home in Camp Hill, complimentary to lier guest, Miss Grace Post, of Hartford. Conn. The guests enjoyed g3nies music and contests and prizes were won by Miss Winifred Meyers, Louis Kunkel, Jane Hickok and Louise Hickok. The guests included: Susanna Ma guire. Elizabeth Brandt, Janie Hickok, Louise Hickok, Gertrude Olmsted, Lv dia Kunkel, Cecelia Kunkel. Nell Payne. Winifred Meyers, Harriet Gil bert, Mary Cooper, Annette Steele, Dorothy Hurlock, Elizabeth Hurlock, Mary Emily Bailey, Annette Bailey* Eliza Bailey, Sara Bailey, Margaret Bullitt. Helen Davis, Darthea Davis, Margaret Davis, Jean Davis, Dorothv Cox, Catherine Beidleman, Alice Les cure, Esther Bishop, Virginia Florence Coeklin, Katherine Rutherford, Clare Reynders, Louise Johnson, Elizabeth Harris. Marion Reinoehl, Gladys Voor hees, Mary Louise ( Hubley, ' Harriet Witman. Harriet Oenslager", John Ma guire, Robert Earle, John Earlef James Cooper and Louis Kunkel. SEWING SOT BANQUET _____ b Queen's Daughters of Sylvan Heights Orphanage Held Annual Affair Yes terday, With Large Attendance The Queen's Daughters Sewing So ciety of the Sylvan Heights Orphan age gave its annual banquet yesterday afternoon at the orphanage. Officers of the society are: President, Mrs. 1 Bernard Schmidt; vice president.* Mrs. Patrick Vaughan; recorder, Mrs. Thom as Bradley; treasurer, Mrs. John P. 1 Gallagher. Those present at the ban- i were: Mrs. Free London, Mrs. M. Ludes, i Mrs. J. Kazenaugh, Mrs. P. A. Mad- ; den. Mrs. Andrew Keifer, Mrs. H. D. ! Hemler, M.-s. George Vanier, Mrs. I'. J. | (ierdes, Mrs. Harry Keller, Mrs. H.! Greenawalt, Miss Edith Hemler. Mrs. John Dohoney, Miss Anne Kolben schalg, Miss Schutzenbaugh, Mrs lieorge Sourbier, Mrs. O. J. Kellev, .Mrs. ; David Tracoy, Miss Kate Hemler, Mrs.' George Epplcv, Mrs. J. Mannin, Mrs. J. h. \ etter, Mrs. William J. Brennan, Mrs. George Xo'an, Mrs. Charles E. Schaut, Mrs. Hartbile, Mrs. X. Wold, I Mrs. Thomas McFadden, Mrs. N. Hand- Jev, Mrs. Charles Buck. Mrs. Hugh Mi Govern, Mrs P. Gaetta, Mrs. E. J. i Kreidler, Mrs. John Cznerski, Mrs. John Sneeringer, Mrs. Mary Sourbier, j Mr 9. J. Greenawalt, Miss Marv Keef, j Mrs. Harry Kreidler, Mrs. Andrew Taylor, Mrs John Gobi, Mrs. C. Tow- j sen, Mrs. E. Leedy, Mrs. E. T. Evve, Mrs. T. F. Flickinger, Mrs. Charles Mc- Enroe, Miss Matilda Schmidt, Mrs. John Hatton, Mrs. J. M. Walker, Mrs. Milton Vetter, Mrs. Leo Kamdcitz, Mrs. William Russ, Miss Loretta Hemler, Mrs. William Rodenhaver, Mrs. George Koenig. Mrs. Joseph Shord, Mrs. Ed ward Koenig and Mrs. Patrick Ken nedy. TWENTYCAWPSP. fI.S. OFfl. AT DISTRICT CONVENTION Delegates Prom All "Parts of County Attend Semi-Annual Dauphin South ern District Meeting—Principal Speaker, President H. A. Miller j Twenty camps of the Patriotic Or der Sons of America were present yes terday at the session of the semi-an nual Dauphin Southern District con vention. The delegates are as follows: •■'amp S, Harrisburg, George J. Mun ] dorff, A. G. Lehman, Joseph King, i.Prank Lindsey, W. H. Best, George Hoenshieldt, Peter Hupp, W. Franklin; Camp 16. Harrisburg, J. W. German, G. W. Myers, Thomas Numbers, J. E. E. Peters, E. Jones, E. J. Herbert, A. C. Dean; Camp, 102, Steelton; Charles Gallagher, Lloyd Hartman, C. Myers, M. A. Weisenford. M. R. Sansom, S. G. Brekenridge, Dewey Rodkev, R. Thompson; Camp 110, Elizabe'thville, Warren Swab; Camp 148, Wiconisco, F. E. Shambaugh; Camp 154, Wil liamstown, P. D. Helb; Camp 238, Lv kens, H. E. Buffington; Camp 307, Berrvsburg, C. S. Lebo; Camp 390, Millersbun?, .1. I. Corbett; Camp 424, Dauphin. H. S. Megonald, J. L. Fertig, S. D. Howard, I. F. Bogner; Camp 454, Lovalton, Dr. Ira Keiter; Camp 477, Penbrook, ,T. Novinger, F. D. Stence. F. Kichner, M. ,1. Sheipp, S, E. Stence; Camp 500. Harris-burg, W. H. Smith, J. A. Forsyth, J. W. Burd, S. C. Alex ander, W. H. Skinner, W. W. Pinker ton. G. W. Mehaffie. W. H. Schwartz boch; Camp 505, Highspire, W. Alle man, Roland Mathias, Earl Bamberger, George Baker, C. E. Householder, J. Baker, Elmer Duncan, Jacob Mathias, Lloyd Beinhamer; Camp 522, Enhaut, Charles Keiter, Robert Keim, E. Keit er, I, Holmes, Foster Linard, Lloyd Keiter, M. A. Wagner, Harry Niebons, Charles Pug-h; Camp 575, Gratz, J. .1. Buffington; Camp 576, Halifax, Mr. Still; Camp 614, Pillow. T. L. Snvder; Camp 639,' Harrisburg, H. D. Shanerj \. Stakley, J. W. Colestock, John Howard, H. C. Shelly, C. E. Stouffer, E. Homer. E. V. Roland; Camp 716, Harrisburg, J. S. Peiffer, Jesse Wells Harry MeSwine, John M. Sheaffer, M! J. Lewis. The national president, Her man A. Miller, and building trustee, H. L. wore the principal speakers during the session of the con vention. Many resolutions were adopt ed, and despite the fact that the weather was unfavorable there was an attendance of eightv members. The place of meeting an.) the time will be decided "by the president, secretarv and treasurer. The following officers'were elected: President, Lerov Ptigh, Camp 522 Enhaut; vice president, M. A. Weisen ford. tamp" 102, Steelton; master of forms, Frank Lindsey, Camp 8, Harris burg; secretary. Ed. H. Weigle, Camp ». Harrisburg; treasurer, O. H. Beck, Camp 16, Harrisburg; conductor. Llovd' Hartman Camp 102. Steelton; guard Kobert Keim. Camp 522. Enhaut; in spector. Charles Pugh. Camp 522, En haut; assistant secretary, Chester Wells, Camp 716, Harrisburg; chaplain, the Rev. E. V. Roland, Camp 639. Harris burg. To Have County Convention Steps were taken to join the three districts of Dauphin countv into one county convention. Two delegates will be sent from each of the twenty-two camps of the county. H E. Buffington was elected the temporary chairman to form the plans for the convention which will be held June 12, 1915, at Harrisburg, in the camp room of Wash ington Camp 16. Ed. H. Weigle was elected secretary and a committee on law was appointed, as follows: Harrv E. Zorger, E. V. Roland and J. M Shaffner, of Harrisburg; J. J. Corbett of Millersburg, and Dr. Ira Keiter, of Lovalton. Also a committee of three was appointed on the press committee, Ed. H. Weigle and Frank Lindsev of Harrisburg, and H. S. Potter, of Hali fax, Pa. After much discussion the county convention was launched and it is believed by all that this new move ment will be a wonderful success for the building up of tne order in the fu ture. Open Meeting in the Evening Many of the delegates remained for the evening, at which time Camp 477 gave a splendid entertainment in honor of the contention, an open meeting was held in the large hall of the order, more than one hundred people being present at the services, which were as follows: Singing, "America." audi ence; prayer, the Rev. W. R. Hartzell, of Enola; selection, ('nited Brethren choir; address. Harry E. Zorger, district president; solo, Mrs. Edward Weigle; address, Ed. H. Weigle, of Camp S; selection, choir; address, the Rev. W. R. Hartzell. Camp 680; duet, Misses Emma and Ruth Nissley; address, Her man A. Miller, Btate president; address, the Rev. Mr. Henry, pastor of the Lu theran church, Penbrook; singing, "The Star-Spangled Banner," audi ence; prayer, the Rev. W. R. Hartzell. Ira Cargill, of Steelton, acted as master of ceremonies. P. O. S. of A. Notes Washington Camp 424, of Dauphin, will hold the annual memorial services on Sunday, May 30. Washington Camp 8 will meet in the Mil at Third and Cumberland streets HARRTSBUHO STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENTNfi. MAY 13. 1915. this evening and will hoar reports from the 'delegates to the district conven tion Many visiting members will ho present. Matters of importance are to be presented to tho camp this evening and a large attendance is expected. State President Herman A. Miller was a visitor in Harrisburg yesterday, after attending the convention at Ten brook. State Building Trustee H. E. Buffing ton, of Liykens; was a visiter in towu yesterday and was one of the principal speaker.* at the district convention. ENTERTAINED FOR S()N Mr. and Mrs. Machamer Gave Party in Compliment to Frank Mach amer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Machamer en tertained at their home, 612 Dauphin street, last night complimentary to their son, Krnuk Machamer, Jr. The guests spent a pleasant evening with music and games after which refreshments were served. Those present were Miss Alice Wag ner, Miss Margaret Critchley, Miss Sarah Parker, Miss Miriam Horning, Miss Florence Horning, Miss Edith Machamer, Miss Mary Machamer, Miss Esther Shuey, Miss Verna Stone, Miss Clara Snyder, Miss Viola Redman, Mrs. Martha Hurst, Mr. snd Mrs. Allen Klinepeter and sou, John; Mr. and Mrs. M. Millignn and son, Joseph.; Mrs. V. A. Machamer, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Machamer, Sr., Samuel Kuhnert, Roy Hurst, Harvey Bolen, Harry Reynolds, Caryl Herman, Mervin Crowl, Diibbs ■Machamer, Paul Horning, Waiter Sny der and Prank Machamer, Jr. EDITH TALI AFERUO Popular Actress in "Young Romance" at the Regent Theatre To-day To-day is the last to see one of the Lasky productions in moving pictures where Edith Taliaferro is preiftnited as the charming Broadway star in "Young Romance." Founded on the successful play by William C. DeXlille. A modern photo-comedy of romantic youth. The Regent theatre is certainly ! showing some of the most wonderful j moving pictures in the world to-day. | Equal to the Metropolitan cities where ! people are paying big prices. "Young Romance" tells the humor ; ous and appealing love story of two ! department store clerks, a girl and a ' young man —Nellie and Tom. They j have never met at the store but both go to the same fashionable seaside re j sort during vacation week, each de ! termined, under false colors and as j sumed names, to taste, for once in a | life time, the pleasures of wealth and ! society. Nellie, (played by Edith Talia . ferro) pretends to be a Fifth Avenue heiress, and is pursued by an unscrupu lous fake count, from whom she is rescued by Tom. They fall in love but separate because they are both unwill ing to confess their deceptions. How ever, they meet under normal condi -1 tions the very first day they return to \ work—and everything ends happily. To-morrow and Saturday Mary Pk.k ford where she does not need anv in troduction to the moving picture lov ers. She will appear and be featured ; in "Such a Little Queen," in five i reels.—Adv. OAXCK AT FOUT WASHINGTON First of a Series Will Be Held at Park To-night A large crowd is expected to be pres ent this evening at Fort Washington Park when the first of the series of ; Thursday evening dances will be start led by the management. Loeser's full S string orchestra of ten pieces will play j all the latest selections. The program will consist of sixteen j numbers, including one-step, hesitation and fox trot, two-step, waltz and 1 schottische. The management, having ! received many requests for some of the • old dances, it has been decided to dance half old and half new dances through oufthe season. Special cars will be pro vided by the Valley Traction Company, leaving Market Square every fifteen i minutes. MRS. HOWAUI) BOVI) HOSTESS Entertains Members of Her Sunday School Class Mrs. Howard Boyd entertained the | members of her Sunday school class at ] her home, 314 Granite street, last 1 night. A short business meeting was | held, cfter which the evening was spent lin a social manner. Those present. : were: Mrs. Frank Slike, Mrs. Marie Green, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mrs. Florence ; Updegraff, Mrs. Minnie Warfel, Mrs. Gertrude Green, Mrs. Sylvia Brubaker, Misses Ruth Miller, Vesta Hall anil Mary Humphrey and Mrs. Howard Bovd. PAIITY AT WILLIAMSTOWN Miss Hazel Walkinchaw Entertained in Honor of William DeWalt On Friday evening, at the home of j Miss Hazel Walkinchaw, Williamstown, a masquerade party was given in honor of Count William DeWalt, of Germany, who is visiting in that place. The guests present were Misses Myr tle Hoffman, Bessie Moffett, Jennie Moffett, Hazel Walkinchaw, Florence Kauffman, Dolly Donley, Emma Bowen, Annie Himes, Margaret Watkeys, Dot Blanning, all of Williamstown, and Miss Hazel Adams, Shamokin; Harry Edwards, Gingo Saussaman, Russeil Holier, Charles Curtis, Jake Finkey, Russell Bowen, William Bast, Luke Ramlenbush, Max Bverlv and Count William DeWalt. Addressed Forestry Students The students of the State Forestry Academy at Mt. Alto, held an unusual ly interesting smoker Tuesday night at which Deputy Forestry Commissioner Williams, Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones and Mrs. Harry B. Montgomery, of this city, were guests. Mrs. Jones made an interesting and impressive address in behalf of the suffrage cause she so enthusiastically favors. Deputy Williams also gave "a brief talk on silvaculture. Eberley-Graybill Wedding East Drumore, May 13.—Miss Etta M. Gravbill, of this place, and Walter F. Eberlcy, of Quarryville, were mar ried yesterday by the Rev. E. J. Sheal, of the Lower Octoraro Presbyterian church, with the ring ceremouy". The couple was unattended and a reception followed at the home of the bride. THE HAIR BEAUTY THAT BELOHBS TO YOU 8o many who have long known that hair beauty was certain to fol low upqn systematic hair care have been loath to commence what they mistakenly think too much trouble. Proper hair care means only keeping the scalp and hair perfectly clean by use of some preparation made for shampooing, not for general cleans ing. Von can enjoy the best that is known for about three cents a sham poo by getting a package of Canthrox from your druggist. Dissolve a tea spoonful in a cup of hot water and your shampoo is ready. After its use the hair dries rapidly with uni form color. Dandruff, excess oil ami dirt are dissolved and entirely disap pear. Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its luster and softness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growth.—Adv. MT. CALVARY CHURCH DAXCK Men of Camp Hill Have Issued Invi tations for Subscription Affair Invitations have been issued hv the men of Mt. Calvary Episcopal church, of Camp Hill, for a subscription dance which will be held at Fort Washing ton Park, Friday evening, May 21. The committee includes: >M. A. Brinton, T. W. Hardt, C. O. Sfooar, Dr. R. M. Staley, .7. C. Arm strong and the patronesses are 'Mrs. James Henry Darlington, Mrs. James F. Bullitt, Mrs. J. \V. V. Reynders, Airs. Charles A. Allien, Mrs. K. K. Beidleman, 'Mrs. Benjamin F. Burns, Mrs. Oscar Z. Wiekersliam, Mrs. W. Harry Baker, Mrs. Augustus Wildman. ,lr„ Mrs. C. Rockhill Smith. Mrs. Dbenezor Francis, Mrs. S. F. Dunkle, Mrs. Martin A. Cumbler, Mrs. T. N. Kasson, Mrs. C. R. Bausher. Mrs. \V. R. Pound, Mrs. E. V'assein. Mrs. C. W. Hardt, Mrs. R. M. Staley, Mrs. M. A. Brinton, Mrs. Charles Bower, Mrs. G. \Y Ensign, Mrs. R. W. Roland, Mrs. W. S. Seibert, Mrs. O. R. Stackhouse, Mrs. E. E. Whitney, Mrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. W. H. Howard and Mrs. W. Lucas. DEBATIXM SOCIETY MET Intertesting Meeting TT cld at Home of George Fox Last Evening The semi-monthly meeting of the Piiilothenian Debating Society was held last night at the home of George Fox, 216 State street. The following new members were eleeted: Edward Wallower, Harry Rote, Charles Segelbaum, H. Becht Nissley and Robert Michael. A debate ou the subject of "Resolved, That Germany Was Justified in Sinking the Steamship Lusitania,'' was held. On the affirma tive were George Fox. Jonathan Black and Jesse Wells; on the negative, Ed ward Roth, Frederick Lvter and Rich ard Hamer. The judges were: Keu neth Patterson, Samuel Handler and William Bingham. The debate lasted for nearly one hour, and the judges could not decide who won the debate. The next meeting will be held at the home of Samuel Handler. Refreshments were served to the following: Edward Roth, Samuel Froehlich Charles Gless uer, Paul Walter, William Bingham, Jesse Wells, Frederick Lvter, Richard Hamer, Samuel Handler, Kenneth Pat terson and George Fox. Guests at Maratta-Miller Wedding | Miss Myrtle Varnell, of Heading; j Mrs. E_ M. Wetzel, Miss Minnie A. Wetzel and Miss Annie Rhoades, of Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. William Knap penberger, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Banks, J and Miss Mollie Conner, of Altoona; j Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Miller and Miss ! Martha Miller, of Newport, were guests j of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, 636 j Harris street, yesterday and attended 1 the Maratta-Miller wedding, which was j solemnized last night, Announce Birth of a Son j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lowengard, 229 ! Forster street, announce the birth of a | son, Joseph, Wednesday, May 12. Mrs. | Lowengard was Miss' Teabelle Gold i smith prior to her marriage. j MRS. MARY EI.LEN SINtiER DIES | Widow of the Late Davis Singer Passes Away at Mechanicsburg j (Special to the Star-Independent.) Mechanicsburg, May 13.—Mrs. Mary Ellen Singer, aged 79 years, widow of the late Davis Singer, died this morn i ing at her hom e on West Main street. | She had been a resident of Mechanics j burg for fifty years, having moved here ] with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I Sadler. Mrs. Singer was the last survivor of her immediate family, the only rela tives surviving being two nieces, by ! marriage, Mrs. Kate Ritner, South ' Market street, and Mrs. ( Laura Com | fort, West Main street, with whom she | made her home. She had been ill for several months from a complication of j diseases. Siie was a member of the 'Church of God. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. COMPLETE CARNIVAL PLANS Newsboys and Messengers to Le Guests of Firemen Final arrangements for the Veteran Volunteer Firemen's carnival, which opens next 'Monday night at Third and Keilv streets, was completed last night at a meeting of the amusement com mittee which met at 420 Market street. It was decided to extend an invita tion to the newly formed Newsboys' Association next Tuesday night and ev ery messenger boy employed by the Western Union and Postal Telegraph Companies is also invited on the same night. All the orphan children will be given an opportunity to be the guests of the firemen next Thursday afternoon when special amusements will be on hand for the children. The members present were A. L Pat ton, William Jauss, G. D. Ellis, T. S. Cless, J. H. Williamson, A. H. Kreid ler, E. L. Tittle, Edward W T ert, Charles P. Mack, Fred Huston, John A. Snyder, Edward F. Eisiey, Augustus Wildman, Williams, Bowers and Assistant Fire Chief Holbert. Injured in Fall From Swing Marietta, May 13. —While Ralph Hippie and Arhel Houseal were swing ing high in the air on a swing at Chickies park last evening, young Hip pie lost his balance and fell to the ground becoming unconscious. He was j taken home and his condition is se- ! rious. The park had just opened for the season. Hippie fell a distance of I twenty-five feet. I News of Persons Who Come and Go Miss Hazel Mackley and Miss Helen Morsch, of this city, spent Sunday iu Gettysburg. Miss Catherine Birch has returned to lier home in this city after spending a week in Bailey, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wallace. Mrs. Hamilton Bayley, president of the Young Women's Christian Associa tion of Washington, D. C., was a visitor at the local association on Tuesday. Miss (Catherine Coover, 2-3 Pine street,' was a guest at the marriage of Dr. Carson Coover and Miss Parsons at Rehobah, Del. The Misses (.'roll, of iMiddletown, arc \ isitiag tiieir sister, Mrs. J. P. Keller, Second and Walnut streets. Mrs. W. W. Wood, of Bradcntown, Fla., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. S. Joseph, 1912 Market street. Dr. J. H. Morgan, of Dickinson Col lege, Carlisle, addressed the students at Central High school yesterday morn iug. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Santer, £jit) North Sixth street, have returned from a week's,visit to Lancaster and Phila delphia. Mrs. S. P. Powell and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Powell, of Scranton, en route to San Francisco to the Panama-Ameri can Exposition, were guests of their cousins, Mrs. E. S. Joseph, 11)12 'Market street. W. R. Penwell, of Marietta, is visit ing his brother, James Penwell, of West Fairview, and friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs George Semi no, 242 South Thirteenth street, liave returned from Philadelphia. Marlin Brenneman, of Mt. Holly Springs, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Bruce O'Donnell, 1213 Derry street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reir, Keyserj W. Va., have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Balsbaugh, 11 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. John Miller, 31S South Thir teenth street, has gone on a six months' trip to Pittsburgh, Cleveland and San Francisco. John P. Gallagher and son, Bernard, 1836 Reginn street, have returned from Ha/.leton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lahdis Rudy, of West Philadelphia, who came here yes terday to attend the Griltin-Ellenberger wedding at Riverside, returned to their homo to-dav. Miss Sara Levitan, who motored to town with a party of friends from \ork, was the guest of Miss G. Claire Roth, (>26 Cumberland street. .Mrs. eorge Hutmau and daughter, Miss Esther Hutnian, have returned to their home, 1703 North Third street, after a several days' stay at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Milleisen, 1 01 North Third street, have returned from a motor trip to Lebanon. J. Grant Schwarz and daughter, Belle, of Camp Hill, have gone on a trip to Panama where they will "stay for several months. Mrs. William T. Markel, of Bow mansdale. will leave this evening for Baudon, Ore., where she will be the guest of .Mrs. H. K. Flom. Mrs. Markel will also visit relatives in South Da kota and will attend the San Fran cisco Exposition. Mrs. S. S. Miller, of Camp Hill, is registered at the Jefferson hotel, Rich mond, Va. Mrs. S. C. Boer her is on a trip to Washington and Maryland where she is visiting friends. ELUBTI-FISHER CLEE CLUE First Glee Club Ever Organized in a Harrisburg Factory Achieves Great Success lhe first glee club ever organized in a factory in Harrisburg is soon to give a public concert. -'The Elliott-Fisher Glee Club" is rehearsing at regular pe riods in the general ollice of the Elliott- Fisher Co. on South Cameron street fur its first annual Spring Musicale, to be given in the Tech High school auditor ium Thursday, May 27 at 8 p. m. This event will be a treat for mu sic lovers seldom offered for the low price of 25 cents Although the Elliott 1' isher Glee Club has never appeared in any public concert, it lias sung in manj of the largest Sunday schools and men s Bible classes in the city. The glee club is composed of thirty well known singers of Harrisburg, Steelton, Wormleysburg and Elizabethtown. The officials of the Elliott-Fisher Co. are very much interested in the organiza tion and several ot them are members. Both officials and men take pride in the splendid body of men who make up the membership. Under the direction of E. A. Doepke, Jr., Wormleysburg, the club has achieved a reputation for excellence that is highly complimentary and places it in a class among the best musical organizations of its character. Mr. Doepke is young in years, but old in music, having been a singer from boyhood, and it was largely through his splendid efforts that the club was or ganized and trained to its present effi ciency. Miss Sarah Lemer, ciolinist; Miss Flora Eshenowcr and H. Trgwitz will assist in the program. CHARITY FUNDS ADVANCED Two Hundred Bills Reported in Senate Include Those for Benefit of Harrisburg Institutions Of the more thau two hundred ap propriation bills reported in the Senate yesterday afternoon, they ha/ving passed the House, very few were altered and then only to shift items about so that the money appropriated to an institu fion would be more evenly divided and adapted to its wants. The appropriations as finally report cd will he substantially as they will go FORT WASHINIiTON PAVILION Under new management and remodeled. Thursday evening, Loeser's 10-piece orchestra. H. GEORGE HESS, Floor Manager. LADIES' BAZAAR DON'T FORGET i n |OC JikCl DONT FORGET THE NUMBER IU-1 i D.411101. THE NUMBER "We Advertise the Trath—The Troth Advertises Us" *- -» Friday Lpeciilt You Canßot Affird To Mist Women's and Misses' CORSETS Women's COATS $2.00 ami $3.00 OA BRASSIERES Worth u|> rQ values O%fC Worth QQg* to $5.00. Thompson's glove- 59c.. «/JFC .. , , titling. Magnolia and Open fronl and back; 1 styles, ma- Princess brands; lace and embroidery terlals and colors. sixes 18 to SO only. trimmed. All sizes. Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's White Chinchilla WAISTS SILK HOSE COATS Worth up to 7Q. Worth ID Worth up An q/j $1.50 I itC 50,... IOC to $7.50. <PO,jU Newest styles In All shades except- Belted styles; all lingerie and voile ma- ing black and white, sizes. terlals. All sizes. All sizes. Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' HUMAN HAIR Cloth Dress SKIRTS CLOTH SUITS SWITCHES , Worth up to (hC $ 1 79 $12.1(8 Worth up to 7/) to $4.00. Ip I • # %/ Made of all wool r , serge; tan, Belgian *l.ou » vv ,\ewost styles; splen- an(i nav y. Only ;i to did all-wool materials sell. Sizes 18 and 36. All shades. Women's Extra Size Women's and Misses' Cloth Dress SKIRTS Women S and MIBSCS CREPE GOWNS Worth up ["Q RATINE SKIRTS I Worth up to /J Q to $4.00. Worth lip to $1.20 OtfC Made- of all wool * i oe d fjyf C Made of good <|iial serge. Black and * * ity cotton crepe, in navy; SO to 38 waist Newest stylos, with eoloi'R only; sizes 15 hands. pockets. and 10. to the Governor. Harrisburg institn tions will get the following amounts: Polyclinic hospital, $4,000; Harrisburg hospital, $38,500; Messiah Rescue Home, $3,000; Nursery Home. $4,000: Children's Industrial Homo, $7,000; Heme for the Friendless, $4,500; Syl van Heights Home, $7,000. Other nearby institutions will re ceive the following amounts: Cbam- I bersburg hospital, $1 4,500; Columbia hospital, $12,000; Lowistown hospital, $19,000; Children's Aid, Franklin county, $1,500. ARSKX.U MKASIKE IS FASSKI) Wildman Bill Carries $72,000 for Com pletion of Improvements The Swartz bill repealing the la\y re gulating examination and licensing of engineers of stationary engines in th'.rd class cities was defeated in the House last night by a vote of S9 ayes and 46 noes, 104 affirmative votes being necessary to passage. The Wildman bill appropriating $72,000 for the comple tion of the State arsenal improvements was passed finally. The bill creating a bureau in the De , artment of Internal Affairs for the management of building anil loan asso ciations was sent back to committee where it will probably die. An at tempt to amend the bill on the floor of the House was voted down. JITXKY HOMK HI LK PASNKS Patton Bill As Adopted Puts Regula tion in Hands of the Cities "Home rule for jitneys" is provided in the Patton bill which was re<orted to the House last night. As originally drafted, the bill called for the tiling of a bond bv every owner of a jitnev to insure t'hc payment of any claim for damages that would be brought as the result of accidents. The House committee struck out this re quirement and loft to City Commis sions the authority to make regulations governing the operation of jitneys, the routes over which they shall niu, the rates of fare to be charged and the li cense fee to be required. Senator Patton, of West Philadelphia, has succeeded in having stricken from the bill calling for the setting aside of one-half of one per cent, of total amount raised from taxation in any first, sec ond or third class city for the pension BARGAINS For Jobbers, Printers and Storekeepers We have white sheet paper to soil at half of the original cost. All new stock. Call CAPITAL CITY JUNK CO. Tenth and Walnut Streets CONSOLIDATION ANNOUNCEMENT The C. Vernon Rettew Co. AND The W. F. Bushnell Agency (FORMERLY LOCATED IN UNION TRUST BUILDING) announce the consolidation of their business interests under the firm name of RETTEW & BUSHNELL 1000 North Third Street Through this consolidation it is the aim of the mem bers of the firm to render to their large clientele and the public generally, still more prompt and efficient service im all matters pertaining to Real Estate—-General Insurance Steamship Agency, Etc. 3 ! contended that this should ho loft to i I ho Councils of Hie local communities. 2 KLKt'-TIOX AMKXKMEXTS PAHS Two of the election law amendment! ! were passed in the House last night and 1 two laid over. Those passed put regis- I nation day in September in odd nurti bored years and provided for the iden tification of candidates by stating oc cupation on the ballot when the names ! are identical. The bills regulating payment of wit- I nous fees in registration cases and elim- I inating Presidential preference ballots I and regulating election-of a national committeeman were laid over, the first j being amended. "pHE, "straw" rush • is on —a straw hat is just the thing now gives lots of ventilation saves the hair kesps the head cool gives greatest comfort. Better values than ever at $1.50 to $4 1 * i Panamas, $5 and up pOULTOTSJ X SN. THIRD ST. i. "Where the Styles Originate"