The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 13, 1915, Image 1

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DiMIM HtMrL I'Uf • J
5" a " 1, .h"J ed VOL. 77—NO. 137
British Ship Goliath Torpedoed; 1
Feared 500 Lives Lost in Disaster
English Navy Suffers Another
Disastrous Blow When Huge
Battleship Is Destroyed in
theDardanelles—Loss of Ves
sel Announced in House of
Commons This Afternoon
by First Lord of the Admir
alty—While Definite Infor
mation Is Lacking, the Offi
cial Says Loss of Life Will
Reach Half Thousand—Two
Turkish Gunboats and a
Turkish Transport Sunk by
Great Britain's Submarine
E-14 Also Reported
Bti Auociatnl Prrss.
London, May 13, 3 P. M.—The British battleship
Goliath has been torpedoed in the Dardanelles. It is
feared 500 lives have been lost.
Announcement of the loss of the Goliath was made in
the House of Commons this afternoon by Winston Spencer
Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty.
While no definite information apparently has been re
ceived as to the number of lives lost, Mr. Churchill said
he feared it would reach 500.
Mr. Churchill also announced that the British sub-'
marine E-14 had penetrated through the Dardanelles and
into the Sea of Marmora, sinking two Turkish gunboats
and a Turkish transport.
Mr. Churchill, on announcing the loss of the Goliath.,
"The Goliath was torpedoed last night in a torpedo
attack by destroyers while protecting the French flank
just inside the straits.
"Twenty officers and 160 men were saved, which I fear
means that over 500 were lost.
"The Admiral commanding at the Dardanelles also
telegraphs that the submarine E-14, which, with so much
daring, penetrated to the Sea of Marmora, has reported
they sunk two Turkish gunboats and a large Turkish
London, May 13, 3.07 P. M.—Twenty officers and 160
men of the Goliath's crew were saved.
The Goliath was one of the oldest British battleships
of the pre-dreaclnought type. She was built in 1898. Her!
complement was ToU men.
The Goliath was 400 feet long on the water line and :
74 feet beam. Her displacement was 12,950 tons. She was
armed with four 12-inch, twelve 6-inch and other guns.
The Goliath is the third British battleship whose loss:
in the attack on the Dardanelles has been announced by.
the British government.
Pari?, May 13.—A Haras dispat h
from Athens says:
".Vn allied fleet re-entered the Dar- j
danelles last night and bombarded the !
forts at Kilid Bahr, Chanak Kalevsi !
and Xagara. The bombardment wa' in- !
terrupted at 5 o'clock but was resum
ed three hours later and is beireg con
"Although the Turks have been I
Strongly reinforced, the bombardment
from allied warships is causing them
heavy losses and they are sttadily los
ing ground. Turkish trenches are filled
with bodies. (
Towns Now Smoking Ruins
London, May 13.—Assertions that , |
the towns of Chanak Kalessi, Maitos .
and Kilid Bahr now are nothing but
smoking ruins are contained in a se
ries of belated dispatches dated May
5, S a.nd 9. received by the "Times"
from Moudres on the Island of Lem
nos. Their destruction is said to have
been unavoidable since they lay in the
direct line of the fleet's fire.
The dispatch state that forts in the
straits gradually are being overcome
and it is believed a general assault is
in progress against the heights of
Achi Baba, the capture of which is a
necessary preliminary to a complete
clearance of the straits. There are per
sistent reports at Moudros that these
heights have been taken and that the
entire stretch of peninsula from C3pe
Hellee to Kilid Bahr now is in the
allies' hands.
Turkish Cruiser Reported Damaged
London. May 13.—Dispatches from
Odessa assert that the Turkish cruiser
Sultan Selim (formerly the Goben) was
bady damaged Monday in an engage
ment with the Russian Black Sea fleet
which was bombarding, tike forts of the
So Declares Represen
tative Walton, Spon
sor For Measure Now
In Governor's Hands
Bill Which Law-maker Believes Brum
baugh Will Approve Would Compel
Recent Harrisburg Appointees to Go
Unless They Can Pass Examination
About a dozen Harrisburg policemen
who hav k > not seen two years' consecu
tive service on the force will lose their
jobs if Governor Brumbaugh signs the
Walton Civil Service bill which was
sent to him from the Senate yesterday,
according to an interpretation of the
bill made this morning by Reprt\senta
tive Walton, of l*awrence county, spon
sor for the measure.
j Such policemen, Mr. Walton holds,
1 will have to take their ehances with
other aspirants for police jobs in tak
ing the civil service examination, if
they are to remain on the force. This,
ho ."out* lino applies salaried em
ployes of the fire department who have
not had two years consecutive experi
ence. The bill applies to all third class
cities, of which Harrisburg is one.
, Two years' consecutive experience is
necessary, under the bill, to exempt the
classes of employes referred to, and also
engineers and electricians, from civil
service examination, according to 'Mr.
j Waiton. He said this morning that he
I feels sure that the measure will have
.executive approval and that it will'be
'written on the statute books of the
j Commonwealth. One of the Senate
amendments makes the bill a law
••from and after the passage of the
j act." The two-year provision also is a
Senate amendment.
As Applied to Harrisburg
In the language of the bill all per
' sons who have a total service of two
1 years and who hold appointments at the
time this act goes into effect shall re
: main in office without being required
to pass examinations. Mr. Walton holis
ithat this provision means two years'
consecutive service at any time.
The Harrisburg situation, in which a
dozen or more new men have been
; made j>olicemen since March 1, 1913.
when the Lynch ripper bill was passed
bv the City Commissioners, was ex
plained to Mr. Walton. He said these
men, in his opinion, would be exempt
from examination onlv if at any time
previous to this appointment thev had
served two years. About a dozen of
the recent appointees to the force will
have to undergo examinations under
'this provision for they never had ex
perience before their present appoint
| ment, whereas other recent appointees
have served two years under other ad
, ministrations and need not take ex-
Continued on \inth l*nce.
Emerges Whole From CoUision With
Larger Car—David Fisher Hurt
Once more a Ford jitney came out of
i a collision on top. David Fisher, a
| plumber. 1304 North Third street, while
i driving his Stanley steamer up Green
i street, collided with a jitney coming
I lown Calder street at that intersection
lat 1.33 o'clock this afternoon. Fisher
; was cut when the windshield of the jit
! noy struck him and the front axle was
; so badly bent that the car had to be
j sent to the shop for repairs.
The jitney carried license No.
; 66.222. This license was taken out bv
t Kdward F. Eiselv. Fifteenth and Berry
liill streets. The car was in charge of
| a chauffeur. It sustained no damage
and the driver proceeded on his way.
Young Women Quit Tea Rooms Rather
Than Work An Extra Hour Daily
Patrons of the Tliorley tea rooms,
: 231 North Second street, learned to-
I day that Miss May Strohm, of River
j sideband Miss Mavme Coyle'have re
| signal their positions there.
Yesterday the manager of the estab
lishment outlined a new schedule of
-working hours, telling Miss Strohm and
Miss Coyle that their day would be one
hour longer. The two young women re
fused to work under those conditions
handed in their resignations which
took effect last night.
It was said at Thorley's this morning
that there was no general "strike" and
that the places of the two youug women
, have been filled.
Udine, Italy, May 12, Via Paris,
May 13.—Bvery preparation has been
made for the proclaiming of a state of
siege in all the Austrian territory
which borders on Italy. The govern
ment already is iu the hands of the po
lice and military.
Italians whoso homes »re iu Austria
already have fled for safety across the
I frontier in great numbers. It is esti
mate! that 40,000 have left Triest
; alone, while the total will aggregate
j 120,000. Uirge contingents of Austri
an troops are constantly arriving at
Triest and points in Gorz anil (Iradisca.
It is assorted in military circles here
I that Austria has been quietly gathering
i this new army for possible operations
! against Italy.
At some points on the frontier Au-
I strian and Italian troops are in such
1 close contact that they can see each
j other. The Austrian® have occupied
strongly fortified entrenchments. Mjniv
Oerman officers are with the Austrian
; troops camped near tior?. and Triest.
j Rome. May 12. Via Paris, Mav 13.
I Former Premier Giolitti, regarded as
j the leader of the party opposed to the
I intervention of Italy 'in the war, has
| had published in the "Tribune" a let
j ter in which he declares he came to
; Home because he was summoned hero
;to express his views. He says his eon
jvictions have not changed since he ex
j pressed them in a speech before Par
liament. Discussing the demonstrations
i against him he professes not to under
stand how persons who claim to be in
spired by principles of complete lib
erty have so little respect for other
people's opinions.
Palace for Wcunded if War Comes
Rome. May 12, Via Paris, May 13.
—Dowager Queen Margherita, mother
of King Victor Emmanuel, has given
I orders thaf the second floor of her pal
ace be transformed into a hospital for
! wounded in case of war. -
Obregon Loses Sioo in Killed
El Paso, Tex., May 13.—Fighting
j has begun between the Villa and Obre
gon forces east and west of State
of Guanajuato, according to a message
to-day from \ ilia s headquarters at
Ijeon. It was stated Obregon was re
pulsed to the east, losing 200 killed.
1,200 or 1,500 in Har
risburg and Steelton
Daily ExpectingSum
i mons to the Colors
j Societies of the Sons of Italy to Dis
cuss War Prospects Here—Many ■
Are Putting Their Affairs in Shape
for Them to Go
A majority of the able-bodied, un
naturalized Italian men, numbering be
tween 1,200 and 1,500, living in Har
risburg, Steelton and vicinity, daily are
expecting a call to their colors as a re
sult of the threatened war between
ltalv and Austria and some have ar- j
ranged their affairs so as to be able!
to leave for war duty on a moment's
notice, so it was said by prominent
Italians here to-day.
Letters and telegrams received from
relatives in the fatherland; along with
the news dispatches, confirm the belief
among the local Italians, they say, that
nothing now will prevent Italy from
joining the belligerent allies. Nightly
conferences, informal, however, are be
ing held here by the followers of the
Italian King, all with a view to being
prepared when the "call to arms" actu
ally is received.
The war question is to be one of
several topics that will be discussed at
a joint meeting of the Steelton and
Harrisburg societies of Sons of Italy
which will be held in the Odd Fellows'
hall, 321 Market street, this city, next
Sunday afternoon. The primary pur
pose of this meeting is to decide wheth
er an effort shall be made to have the
1916 convention 0 f the Sons of Italy
organizations, held in Harrisburg, so V.
Continued un .Ninth Page.
Federation of Labor
Delegates Adopt Res
olution After Pleas
Are Made For W omen
Executive Committee After Requesting
Governor to Veto Full Crew Repeal
Reports That Is Is Hopeful 'of
Favorable Action by Him
The delegate# to the convention of
the Pennsylvania Federation of Ijabor
at this morning's session in the Board
of Trade building passed a resolution
endorsing woman suffrage by a vote of
15 4 to 48, after prolonged discussion
of the question. The resolution was of
fered by David Williams, of Allentown.
After its adoption, a motion was of
fered to make the favorable vote unani
mous. The motion was lost.
4 Mrs. O. D. Oliphant, an anti-suffra
gist from Trenton, N. J., who was dis
satisfied with the audience given her on
the opening day of the convention, last
Tuesday, tried again this morning to
get the antis' case before the delegates.
Half a dozen representatives fought in
her behalf, but the chair ruled that
only reeogrlr.ed delegates should be
granted the privilege of the floor to
discuss the suffrage resolution.
In rendering this decision, President
Maurer explained that both the antis
and the suffragists had been given the
opportunity to present their respective
cases before the convention ou Tuesday
and that further presentations from
either Mrs. Oliphant or Mrs. Gertrude
Breslau Fuller, who had represented
the suffragists, were unnecessary. He
was supported in this stand by a ma
jority of the delegates but it was not
until after a heated discussion led by
delegates from Philadelphia that the
matter was dismissed and this vote
was taken on the resolution calling for
the Pennsylvania Federation of L-ibor's
support of the suffrage amendment at
the polls this year.
Men Argue for Suffragists
Prior to the appearance of Mrs. Oli
phant, vigorous arguments in favor of
tne convention supporting the woman
suffrage resolution, were presented by
"Steve" McDonald, president of the
Scranton Central Latior Union, and
"Dave" Williams, of Allentown. Both
Continued on Fifth I'atr.
Same Pallbearers Serve for Mr. and
Mrs. William S. Pipes. Who Are
Buried This Afternoon From Mar
ket Street Baptist Church
Mr. and .Mrs. William S. Pipes, who
died from injuries received when
struck by a trolley car at Perry and
Fourteenth streets last Sunday, were
buried in one grave this afternoon in
the Harrisburg cemetery. The funeral
was held from the Market Street Bap
tist church. Additional chairs had to
be placed in the church to seat the
large crowd that attended the services.
Many of the members of the congre
gation, as well as a large number of
persons from the fraternal orders of
which Mr. Pipes was a member, were
1 in attendance.
The services were held at 2.30
I o'clock, in charge of the Rev. Walter
H. Pullman, pastor of the church, as
sisted by the Rev'. J. W. Miller, pastor
of the Evangelical Lutheran church;
Continued on Fifth I'aice.
To Hold Inquest on Couple
A Coroner's inquest over the bodies
of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pipes, who
died at the Harrisburg hospital from
injuries recei\ed when struck by a trol
ley car at Perry and Fourteenth streets
Sunday, will be held at the office of the
Pistrict Attorney at 7.15 o'clock this
KM st Jitney License Issued
Harrisburg now has more than one
hundred jitney busses licensed to op
erate in the city. The license for 'bus
No. 101 was taken out just before
noon to-day. The rush for the $5 tin
tags has caused the City Treasurer to
send a hurrjr up order for 100 more.
But forty-nine of the original order of
150 license tags remain unlifted.
IS PLACED AT $1,000,000
Johannesburg, Union of South Afri
ca, May 13.—There have been a sc
ries of violent anti-licrtiian demonstra
tions in Johannesburg, wlurh culminated
yesterday in tne wrecking of a number
of (icrman and Austrian establishments.
The police intervened to quell the dis
turbance, but they were powerless.
All together over 50 buildings have
been wholly or partly wrecked and their
contents either burned or reduced
to matchwood. The establishments
cleaned out include ten large ware
houses, ten saloons, three hotels and
over twenty shops.
The mob destroyed the German Lie
derkranz ('ltd) and pillaged the oftires
of the General Mining Corporation.
This concern has an international
board of directors, including some Ger
mans. The crowd burned all, the
books, records and visible papers of the
The offices of Sir George Alms, near
the Stock Exchange, were raided and a
bontire made of the furniture. The
crowd also tired the premises of a well
known German tirtn, Gundelfinger &
Company, general merchants. The
damage here alone was not less than
$250,000. and the total- losses from the
rioting, which continued far into the
night, are placed 'veil over $1,000,000
The wreckers worked methodically to
the sound of whistles and in accord
ance with a list prepared in advance.
There was not looting, the crowds sim
ply carrying,oat a policy of retaliation.
With cries of " the murders of the Lusi
tania's babies are avenged" and "the
murders of our prisoners of war are
avenged," the German Club in Jo
htuinesburg was set on tire. Portraits
of Emperor William. Bismarck and the
Emperor of Austria were torn from the
walls and the building and thrown into
the flames.
Breaking up into smaller bands, the
wreckers set (ire to German property in
all diriH.tions. The entire renter nf
Johannesburg soon was brilliantly il
luminated, and further out in the sub
urbs blazing beacons could be seen at
points of the compass.
Tartiow, Galicia, May 11.— (By
Courier to Oacow anil Via ljoudon.
May 13. 2 P. M). —The struggle in
the region north of the Vistula river
and on the borders of Galicia, which
well informed persons here expect and
hope will bring a final decision in the
battle against the Russian armies, ap
pears to be approaching a conclusive
Terrific engagements were fought
to-day at positions 22 miles to the east
of Tarnow, in the vicinity of Dcbica
and Mielec, where the Austrian army
under Archduke Francis Joseph came
into fierce conflict with Russian font's
which were retreating eastward from
the Dunajec river and Tarnow. Airmen
who flew over the battlefield to-day re
ported that the entire front was marked
bv burning villages, most of which had
been bombarded. They say it looks
exactly like a gigantic j»rairio fire.
To the north of the Vistula river the
Austrian corps, commanded by Count
Kirchbach, has forced by Nida Line,
according to information reaching here.
To-day and yesterday the wind brought
with it as far as Tarnow the incessant
roar of gun fire indicating that Count
Kirchbach's forces are trying to ad
vance hand in hand with the troops of
Archduke Joseph Ferdinand and Gen
eral Von Mackensen.
Along the Carpathian front also the
Austrian armies have made a forward
movement, bringing the Third Russian
army and the remainder of the Eighth
Russian army in imminent danger of
being surrounded and destroyed. The
first train since Tarnow was retaken
by the Teutonic allies arrived here
Baptists Approve Wilson's Course
Houston, Tex., May 13. —The South
orn Baptist convention to-day unani
mously adopted resolutions approving
the stand taken by President Wilson in
the international relations of the Unit
ed States since the European war.
Prayer was offered for divine guidance
for the President.
The British battleship Goliath was
torpedoed and sunk at the Dardanelles
last night by a Turkish destroyer with
the loss of about 5<M» lives. Official
announcement to this effect was made
to-day in London, together with the
statement that two Turkish gunboats
and a Turkish transport had been
sunk. A British submarine made its
way entirely through the Dardanelles
straits into the sea of Marmera, where
it attacked the Turkish vessels.
The French War Office announced
that successes had been won in the new
offensive movement of the aUies just
south of the French border. It is said
the French yesterday captured the fort
at Notre Dane De Lorette with many
trenches; the village of Carency and
I'oiUint on Math !>•««.
! President's Document
On Lusitania Sinking
to be Made Public
This Evening
Text of t\e Note Eagerly Sought by
Officials at Washington and Exact
Phrasoology of Document Is Await
ed With Increased Anxiety .
/<i/ Associated,
Washington, May 13.—President
Wilson's note to Germany on the sink
ing of the Lnsitnnia will bo given out
in Washington this evening for publi
' cntion in morning papers to-morrow.
•Secretary Bryan announced to-day that
it is between 1,200 and 1,500 words
In announcing the deeifio* to publish
the note to-morrow morning Secretary
Brvan said he expected it could b«
! transmitted to Germany in time for de
livery to the Gorman Foreign Office
early to-morrow. Actual transmission
bv cable anil through Rome and Vienna,
he said, would occur lato to-day. Nu
merous communications, the Secretary
said, have reached the State Depart
ment from citizens on the attitude the
government should take.
"The advice offered in these com
munications," said the Secretary, "dif
fers, but all conclude with expressions
of support of the President of the
United States."
Finishing Touches on Note
President Wilson during the fiHre
i noon to-day put the finishing touched
on the note to be dispatched during
to-day to Germany demanding guaran l
Continued on Klrventh I'ntfe.
Note on Way to Germany
At 1 o'clock this afternoon the note
had been cleared over the telegraph
wired from Washington and was start
ed on its way over the undersea*cables.
It must go by way of Gibraltar and
Malta, and then to Rome and overland
lines to Vienna and Berlin. As a cour
tesy ;i copy is to ibe delivered to Count
Bernstorff, the German ambassador.
Some time this evening the State De
partment will I,'ive out copies for pub
lication in to-'niorrow morning's news
papers in the United States.
Guarding the German Embassy
Washington, .May 13.—A special
guard of plainclothes policemen was
placed to-day about the German em
bassy. Uniformed police have hereto
fore been there and detectives have
been looking after all the embassies
generally but it was not until to-dav
that a special guard was provided. Of
ficials said it was merely a precaution.
London, May 13.—A Reuter dis
patch from Vnjuiden says a Lugger has
arrived there with eighteen men, the
entire crew of tfie Danish steamer Lil
lian Drost, whicjh was sunk by a mine
Saturday while on its way from Blyth
to Copenhagen with a cargo of coal.
The Lillian Drost was a vessel of
1,256 tons. It was reported to have
sailed from Blyth on April 15.
By Associated Press,
New York, May 11.—Trading be
came more apathetic later, the list
drifting idle halfway between high and
low. The closing was firm. The stock
market halted for the greater part of
to-day's session uncertainty over inter
national conditions besetting extreme