The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 10, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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South Cameron Street
: : Aroused at Boldness
of Negro, Who Es
. capes With Plunder
Mrs. William Snoddy Awakened by Bur-1
glar Searching for Money Under
Her Pillow —Adjoining House Loot
edu—Shoes Left Behind a Clue
Residents of South Cameron street,
n t the Swatara street crowing, were
thrown into a state of excitement at
;{:■,(( o'clock this morning "-hen Mrs.
William Snoddy, 4IS South Cameron
atieel, found a colored man in her room.
!He lied, with the woman in pursuit, and
she soon had scores of other residents
with very little 011 but night clothes,
"yhusing the burglar up the liiil just
east of Cameron street, where he dis
appeared. Three policemen joined the
chase and fired shots after the man.
With the fleeing burglar went valu
ables amounting to hundreds of dollars
taken from the Snoddy house and the
one adjoining, that of Edward lor
svtlie, fit 422 South Cameron street.
The I'orsvt lies did not know tibeir house
had been entered until after the excite
ment had subsided and they began to
search for valuables.
Leaves His Shoes Behind
The burglar left two damaging clues ,
behind. His shoes, which were found ]
in an alleyway between the two houses. 1
and a prescription on a 'lrug store in ;
Rochester, N Y.. which was found in ,
I'ne Snoddy house. He was hatless and ,
shoeless as he ran away from the ex- |
,-itcd people, but lie "as hugging his!
<oat in front of him. In the pockets of I
tiie coat- he had probably placed Ins j
plunder, for he got considerable of it. j
In the Forsythc house he got nine
rin"s. a gold watch and fob. some i
b-auty pins. a brooch and a string of
.•oral'beads. In the Snoddy house lie
• rot two rings, containing sixteen small |
diamonds and a revolver. In both j
houses his plunder 111 money aggre- I
gated $2.42. It was his greed for
monev that led to his discovery, lie
was crouched beside Mrs. Snoddy s bed .
with his hand under her pillow when
(the awtike. She reached out and touched
his crinkled hair and. realizing it was
a negro, screamed.
Gained Eutrauce Through Window
The negro ran into a back room.
Calling to her father to hold the door ;
shut Mrs. Snoddy ran to the front win-i
"dow and shouted for help. : The man
ran out of the room, down the »teps and
across the street to the wooded hill and
disappeared. In both instances he made j
his entrance through front windows. |
which, according to the police, were left i
.This is the third occasion in one day j
where thieves made considerable hauls r
in Harrisburg. I'harles H. Mort. a
trusted trucker in the home of T*. F.
JBruker, Twenty-sixth and Greenwood
streets, made away with SBO in money
and two watches valued at $75, accord
ing to the police. A warrant has been
issued for him.
'Mort was left in charge of rhe house
while Mr. Rrnker an?! his family went
nwav for the day. Op returning they
found the house cleaned of money ami
the two watches. Mort was missing and ,
to destroy nil evidence that might lead
t» his ea tnre he burned up a packet
of letters containing addresses of girls
hi" has been corresponding witih. The
embers of the letters were found in
Mte stove. City Detectives Ibach and
White are working 011 the robberies.
Brotherhoods Plan Co-operative Jitney
Servic to Rutherford
A number of members of the trans
portation brotherhoods and employes
of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
ways Company, are now planning to
run a co-operative jitney service be
tween Harrisburg and Rutherford. The
pktn is to purchase a motor truck and
fit it for passenger travel, between
midnight and dawn. Each stockholder
would ride out his share in the truck
alter which regular fares would be
charged and the dividends divided
among the stockholders. »
I'or a number of years the men who
work in the Rutherford yards have
tried to secure transportation after
midnight, ibut railway company offic
ials say this would be too expensive.
The number of men interested in the
scheme is said to be large and should
the move go through a retired or fur
loughed employe will be used as chauf
feur. All men not members of the
brotherhood will be allowed to ride at
regular fare, provided they can be ac
commodated without inconvenience to
Elks Distribute Flowers At Their First
Observance of Mothers' Day
Several hundred persons were pres
ent at the first Mothers' Day obser
vance to be held by Harrisburg
No 12, Benevolent and Protective Or
•der of Elks at the lodge home at 3.30
o'clock yesterday afternoon. All ad
dress was made by Deputy Attorney
General Hargest and vocal and instru
mental music given.
White carnations were presented to
all in attendance. There were 350 of
the flowers distributed. Benjamin Dem
ising presided.
Sermons 011 Mothers' Day were
preached in many local churches, in
some of which mothers acted as ushers.
At the Gospel Mission at Edgemont
the day was observed with the follow
ing program: Song, "When Mother
Prayed;'' prayer, the Rev, (A. Bain
bridge: solo and accompaniment, Mr.
and"'Mrs). Bainbridge and message,
"Honor Thv Father and Thy Mother,"
Mrs. W. J. Snyder.
Large Barn Burned at Florin
Florin, May 10.—The large barn on
the farm of Eli Shenk was totally de
stroyed by fire last night, entailing a
heavy loss. A number of horses, farm
ing implements and grain were con
sumed. What caused the fire is a mys
Alleges He Has a. Subsequent Docu
ment Which He Seeks to Have
Substituted For Instrument Al
ready Probated
Proceedings to set aside the will j
drawn by the late Andrew Nelson 1
Lukens, of Harrisburg, 011 April 20, |
1907, and the codicil thereto bearing !
date of August 11. 1914, both of
which documents have been admitted j
to probate by Register of Wills Roy
C. Danuer. were begun in the Dauphin
county courts this morning by Frank
S. Lukens, a non of the dead man.
Frank fc. Lnken* claims to have found
a more recent will and one which re
vokes the probated instrument. The
elder Lukens, who was the oldest re
tired mail carrier in the city, died on
April 30 in his 79th year.
•ludge Kunkel made an order citing
the Register of Wills into court and
requiring him to' show whether or not
the will he has probated actually is
the one which Mr. Lukens wrote last.
Appeal to the court was necessary, it
was pointed out bv Michal E. Stroup,
representing the son, in view of the
fact that a Register-of Wills is with
out legal authority to upset his own
decision after once admitting a will
to probate.
The will which the register now is
asked to probate in lieu of the one ad
mitted a week ago, makes the son.
Frank, the executor and sole benefi
ciary of the estate. It bear«s date of
April 9, 1913, three weeks before the j
elder Etikens died, and contains the '
names of Alderman A. M. Lamlis. of j
the sixth ward, aud 11. Sehampan, a j
local merchant, as witnesses.
To the Harrisburg Trust Company 1
were granted .letters testamentary on !
the Lukens entate under the probated j
will. The will and codicil as probated I
give. SSOO to Annie Sherlock, a sister j
of the dead man, and the remainder of ;
the estate is to be held in trust and 1
| the interest therefrom to be paid to ;
the sou.
I After the son's death the income is
;to be paid to the father's surviving j
I brothers and sisters, if any are then j
1 living. Should none survive the son, |
jthen the money is to be divided be-;
! tween the Home for Hie Friendless and !
I the Children's Industrial Home.
The will also specifies that SIOO be |
! paid to the Harrisburg Cemetery As
i sociation. Religious books go to the 1
j Ridge Avenue M. E. church, and other \
| books to the Harrisburg Public Li
brary. The court did not fix a time for
| the register to nuke answer.
Noted P. R. r. Official to Speak 011
"Adirondack Mountains" in Tech
High Auditorium To-morrow
•lames K. Rogers, cliief paymaster of
I the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
] ani l a member of the executive board, j
will lecture to-morrow evening in the
technical High school auditorium 011
the subject. "An Outing in the Adi
] roudlicks. For the last twentv years!
I Mr. Rogers has spent | arl of the'sum-!
mer months in the* Adirondack moun
tains. Waile in this citv he will be
I the joint guest of the Natural History
Society and many officials of the Penn
sylvania railroad. The lecture will be
.free anil illustrated.
Henry Pritther Painfully Iniured at
Second and Reel Streets
Henr.v Pritcher, 206 South street, a 1
driver for H. F. Graham, concrete con
tractor, was painfully injured this
morning, when his wagon was struck
by a trolley car at Second and Reel
1 streets.
Pritcher was thrown from the seat,
sustaining body bruises, a spriTined
right ankle and a laceration of the
right thigh. He was sent to his home
.it'ter treatment at the Harrisburg Hos
-1 pital.
Cleveland, May 10. —Five men are
! missing and six were rescued after
drifting about for four hours when the
I sandsucker The Junior struck a break
| water here last night. Two of those
rescued may die of exposure.
The Junior, unaided by lights, was
I feeling for the entrance when she
1 struck. She sank almost immediately.
A Typographical Error
Through a typographical error, for i
which The Globe Company Was in no!
way responsible, the word '' reservedly '' I
was printed instead of "reverently"!
'in the introduction to the ".Mothers'!
Day" poem by C. P. Byrne, inserted,
| over the Globe's name in the Star-In-j
1 dependent on Saturday last. The in
troductory sentence, as written bv The
I Globe, read as follows:
j "We Reverently Pause in the Midst
|of Our Business Labors to Pav a
| Tribute to Mothers' Day."
The Star-Independent desires thus to
| make acknowledgment of its resaponsi
| bility for the error.
Lawmaker Addresses Boys' Band
Representative Henry 1. Wilson, of
i Jefferson county, spent Sunday moaning
j instilling musical enthusiasm into the
boys of the Kolonial Kids'band. Mr.
I Wilson is a musician of ability, being
jan accomplished baritone player. His
talk to the bovs was received in a most
I cordial way. His advice to the boys
i was: "Be a real one or quit."
Rote Stricken in Court House
I Fra»k Rote, stenographer in Judge
| Kunkel's court, was taken suddenly ill
| with a nervous breakdown at noon to
day. His condition is not serious, but
his physician has advised a trip for rest
' and he will leave the city next Thurs
day. His illness caused a'postponement
J of the case of C. J. Mahoeney vs. the
| city.
Incendiary Fire at Marietta
Marietta, May 10. —Fire of incendi
ary origin this morning partially de
stroyed the building owned by John A.
Monk, Second street, and tenanted by
Bayard 8. Her'r as a pool room and
bowling alley. The loss is covered by*
insurance. A number of firemen were
almost overcome by smoke while in the
cellar. .
False Rumor of Wilson Assassinated
(Special to the Stair-independent.)
Chicago. May 10. —A false rumor
that President Wilson had been assas
sinated caused some excitement in the
Chicago Board of Trade to-day.
Continued From Ktrat I'ucc.
does not intend to call Congress iu ex
tra session. This disposes for the (ires- :
I ent at least of the suggestion that Ger
many's action will cause the United
j States to be drawn into the European
' conflict.
Considerations such as the military
■ importance of the United States to a£-
! l'eet. the course of the struggle abroad
i and the possibility that Jhe entry of 1
this country info the war would auto
matically cause a reduction in supplies
of ammunition to the allies because of
the greater need at home, have in
fluenced many officials to the belief that |
the disapproval of the United States |
can be voiced in far more-effective way
without declaring war..
Suggest. Gerard's Withdrawal
The withdrawal of Ambassador Ger
ard without actually severing diplo
matic relations has been suggested in
some official quarters as one way of
indicating the feeling of the American
government. Other officials intimate!
that a complete severance of diplomatic !
relations until complete reparations and ;
apology is made probably would con
form to the wishes of American public
President Wilson continued his con
sideration of the Lusitania disaster in
seclusion at the White House, but it
was indicated that before many days !
have passed he will let the country
know what steps he has decided upon. ;
While officials reiterated that the Presi- :
j dent wouJd not allow himself to be hur- 1
' lied into a hasty decision, he realizes ;
that public sentiment favors a prompt;
indication of what the United States!
i will do.
Messages Advocate War
1 Messages from all parts of the conn
try continue to pour into the White!
I House counseling Various courses, i
! some advocated war, but a majority ot' !
them counseled peace, although express
: ing horror ovei the great loss of life.
Chairman Stone, of the Senate For- )
! eign Relations Committee, was at the j
White House to-day and saw Secretary j
! Tumulty, but did not see the President.
; Explaining that he expressed his own
views and not of any officials.
| Senator Stone said he questioned
| whether thvre was any reason for eaII
-1 ing an extra session of Congress at pres
j ent. He said he did not know what
' the President was planning to do.
The President had no engagements !
I for to-day nefore his departure at 4 j
I o'clock for Philadelphia.
Dublin, May 9. Mrs C. Murray, of
I New York, a survivor of the Lusitania,
| who arrived here to-day, said that she
and her brother dived from the steamer |
! when it sank, both being good swim- j
j mers. They lost each other after the
j boat went down, but met later in a
shop iu Queenstown.
Explaining how so many passengers
were lost, Mrs. Murray said that the
serond sitting of the luncheon was in
1 progress when the first torpedo struck. |
j The people could not believe there was
any danger. Though some of them put I
011 life belts, a majority of them re j
maineil in the saloon until it was too 1
i late to make their escape. Others were j
in the cabins packing their baggage I
when the end came.
Mrs. R. Hill, of New York, said that
I after the second explosion a mass of
' wreckage came crashing on deck,
j crushing a crowd of men, women and |
children. The work of extricating these 1
people from the debris was in progress j
I when the women and children were j
called to enter the hoats.
SOOll after the Lusitania sank, Mrs. j
IHill adiled, the submarine came to the |
! surface, the German flag was run up
1 and. the vessel remained above water
; for ten minutes
Cork. May 10. —Lady Mackworth,
(laughter of D. A. Thomas, the Welsh :
coal magnate, declared in an interview j
that when she returned from her cabin 1
j with a life belt the deck was inclined J
at a fearful angle, making it impos- J
! sible to get about. She still was 011 j
deck when the vessel sank and was !
drawn down with it, but came to the
i surface and seized a bo.ard which was
| floating past.
She offered a corner of her frail sup
| port to a man who was struggling in |
| the water but soon he relinquished his
1 hold. I<ady Mackworth said she began
to feel the effects of her immersion ;
and must have lost consciousness, for
! the next she remembered she was float
! ing with a deck clwir under her. After
! another long interval she ai>ain (be
came unconscious a'nd has no idea how !
she got aboard the trawler Bluebell j
which brought here to Queenstown.
j Lady Mackworth said that while \
there certainly was some confusion ]
| aboard the Lusitania, she thought the
officers and crew acted \;ery bravely,
I but was unable to understand why
I they kept shouting there was 110 need
I for haste as the ship would not sink,
, j when it obviously was impossible for
;, it to keep afloat ma'iiv more minutes.
:i ——
j Amsterdam, May 10, via London,
j 12.26 P. M.—The Cologne "Volks
j Zeitung'' says:
"The sinking of the Dusitania is a
success of our submarines which must
be placed beside the greatest achieve
ment of this war. The srnking of the
■ giant English steamer is a success of
moral significance, which is still great
er than material success. With joyful
pride we contemplate this latest deed
of our navy. It will not be the last.
"The English wish to abandon the
German people to death by starvation.
' We are more humane. We simply sank
1 an English ship with passengers who
' at their own risk and responsibility,
' entered the zone of operations."
1 Kinsale Ireland, May 10, 3.57 P. M.
3 The coroner's jury which has been in
vestigating the deaths attendant upon
the loss of the Lusitania returned the
following verdict to-day:
"The jury finds that this appalling
crime was contrary to international j
law and the conventions of all civilized !
nations anil we, therefore, charge thej
officers of the submarine, and the Ger- '
(nan Emperor and the government of j
Germany, under whose orders they act- 1
ed, with the crime of wilful and whole
sale murder.".
London, May I o.—The' statement I
that three torpedoes were fired at the;
Lusitania was made to the Fishguard l l
correspondent of the "Daily News"j
on the authority of the Rev. Mr. Gu- i
vier, of the Church of England s Ca- ,
nadian Railway Mission, who said the
third found its mark while the last boat :
was being lowered.
When the Lusitania sank, Mr. Gu
vier said, a submarine rose to the sur
face and came to within 300 yards of
the scene. "The crew stood stolidity on
(the deck,'' he said, "and surveyed
their handiwork, I could distinguish
the German flag but it was impossible
to see the number of the submarine,
which disappeared after a few min
New York. May 10. —With Alfred
! G. Yanderbilt virtually given up for |
1 lost in the Lusitania wreck, there was
, some speculation to-day as to the prob
; able disposal of his vast estate, esti
! mated at from $T5,000,0'00 to $ 1 'C'O,-
I 000,000.
| Mr. Vanderbilt leives three sons,
I William 11. Vanderbilt, born iu 1901,
i to his first wife, Ellen French Vander
i bilt; Alfred Gwyntie Vanderbilt Jr.,
| and George, born lo his second wife,
i who was Mrs. Smith Holli'fls McKim.
Mr. Vanderbilt's attorneys refused io
discuss the matter on the ground that
they had not received legal proof of
j his death.
Former Secretary of Elbert Hubbard
Resigned Position Last February
It was learned yesterday t'hat Albert
Weil, whose parents reside at 42'1 South
Seventeenth street, was not on the Lusi
| tania. as Philadelphia reports had it.
Mr. Weil was secretary to Ei'berf Hub
'bard for two years, but in February re- |
I signed his position and is now a travel- !
ling salesman in the employ of tiie i
j Elliott-Fisher Typewriter. Company. It j
| was learned at his home last night that |
lie was in Harrisburg a week ago.
$1 00.000 Red Cross Fund Lost
May 10.—The body of
Mine. Marie Depage, wife of Dr. An
1 toine Depage. meiical director of the
Belgian Red Cross, is among the identi
fied dead. She was bringing back to
{ Europe SIOO,OOO contributed in the
i Cnited States to the Belgian Red
| Cross fund but this money was in the
liner's safe and went down with the
Speaker Clark on the Disaster
Bowling Green, Mo., May 10.— j
Speaker Clark, of the national House oft
I Representatives, at his home here last I
j night srfid it was his opinion that no
I extra session of Congress would be
• called because of the situation result
! ing from the sinking of the Lusitania.
| 'He said. "The less people talk about
| this disaster the better off the country
will be."
Barred From Cotton Exchange
Liverpool, May 10.—The board of j
i directors of the Cotton Association
I passed a resolution to-day setting forth,
I that no naturalized German or Austrian ;
j shall henceforth be permitted to enter j
j the Cotton Exchange.
Extends Sympathy for Americans
• ork, May 10. —The Lord Mayor of
Cork called vC3tcrilay upon the United
States Consul at Queenstown and tend
ered his own sympathy and that of the
| citizens of the city to the families and
relatives of Americans drowned in the
Lusitania disaster.
Illinois Woman's Body Found
Queenstown, May 10.- —A body
iandc i at Kinsale to-day was identified
'as that of Mrs. W. Willy. (The first
i cabin passenger list of the Lusitania
I contains the name of Mrs. Catherine E. j
j Willey, of I*ake Forest, 111).
Continued From I'irit Page.
man War Office announced on Satur-1
j day.
| Except for the assertion that, a small
amount of territory near St. George's
was won yesterday, the official French |
statement indicated no changes along
the western front. The German attacks
in Belgium were said to have been re
An aerial raid within forty miles of
London was made early to-day. Various
j conflicting reports were received from
J the Essex coast, one of which said seri
ous damage to property and some loss
iof life had been caused by bombs
! dropped by the raiders. It was reported
also that four Zeppelins tcck part in the
raid. Another dispatch, however, said
that while several air craft took part,
it had not been established whether
they were Zeppelin or aeroplanes. The
towns of South End, Westcliff-on-Sea |
! and Leigh appear to have been at
i tacked.
The Italian government is now ex-
I pected to reach shortly its decision for
or against war. In this connection Borne
regards as of significance the visit to
the capital of Siguor Giolltti, former
Premier and a member of the neutral
\ ist group. It is reported in Rome that
\ if Italy decides to enter the war she
will uo so by declaring war on Turkey.
The situation in Flanders and the
Carpathians, where the critical battles
of the present phase of the war are be
1 ing fought, is still obscure. On the west
' ern front both the Germans and their
opponents claim considerable gains. In
the Carpathians a similar situation ex
; ists; for though the Russians admit re
verses at the hands of the Austrians
and Germans they concede no such seri
ous defeats as are indicated by the
statements from Berlin and Vienna, and
assert that the Teutonic allies are now
being checked.
Contracts for Fire Hose
Park Conrniissione; IM. llarvey Tay
■ lor announced to-dny that he will go
into the meeting of the City Commis
sioners to-mcrrow and make a roconi
' mendation for the award of tihe con
" tracts for the purchase of $2,5U0 worth
t of fire hose.
C J. Mahoney Presses Claim That
Harrisburg Was Responsible for
Fall of His Home—lnsurance Case
Also in Court
The first of several damage* suits
against the City of Harrisburg for
damages caused to Naudnin street
houses when the old 30-inch Fifteenth
street sewer crumbled. March 27, 1913,
caved in and the fronts of the dwell
ings were precipitated into their cellars j
was put on trial in Judge Kuukel's side
of common pleas court this morning.
C. J. Mahoney, of Steelton, owner of i
one of these houses, is plaintiff and is
asking to be eompenaßted both for
damages to the house and also for losses
lie claims to have sustained during the
time the dwelling was out of repair and
could not be rented.
Elmer E. Fritchey and Edward !
Moeslein, who were Highway Commis
sioner and Building Inspector, respec
tively, when the-buildings caved in, are
among the witnesses subpoenaed. High- ;
way Commissioner William H. Lynch
also is taking an active part in' the
♦ rial.
In Judge McCarrell's court a jury'
was engaged all of to-day with the trial !
of an insurance case in which Daniel I
and I/iianna Evster, of near Halifax,
are sniiij* the Bovertown Mutual Fire
Insurance Company for a SI,OOO loss
sustained when their home was de
stroyed bv fire.
The fire occurred on January 10, |
1914, and the company refused io pay
the amount of the claim, witnesses said,
011 the ground that the policy holders
neglected, tinfil the day following the
fire, to pay the amount of an assess- I
inent levied in July of the preceding j
year. The plaintiffs, however, claim j
they had a perpetual policy and that,
while they could have been penalized I
because of the "tardy payment of the |
assessment, the company coud not arbi i
trarily terminate the policy on that j
ground. Mrs. Evster testified that she j
made several efforts to pay the assess- j
ment to the, company's Halifax agent,!
although for some unaccountable reason I
they could not arrange a meeting.
Half a Dozen Couples To-day Began
Suits to Have Court Untie
Marriage Knots
Half a dozen new divorce suits were !
begun this morning and in all but one
of these cases the complainant alleges
desertion as the grounds for the sep
aration papers. Domestic felicity pre
vailed in the home of Harry ,\i. and
Blanche E. King, this city, .just four
and a half months, then, the wife
charges, she was deserted. That was
on November 10, 1913.
Other suits were begun as follows:
| Emma vs. Harry T. Kleiner, desertion;
Mary vs. William S. <MII istensen, deser
tion; Ada vs. William D. Buhdv, deser
tion; Sarah vs. Edwin Specht, cruel
treatment; Elizabeth vs. Harry N. Noff
singer, desertion.
Many Cases Continued and Settled at
First Day of Term
Many of the cases listed for trial
;at this week's session of Common
. Pleas Court, either were continued or
, settlede to-day: 'Phe list follows: Bi
| inon Cooper vs. Daniel 'Reagan, assurnp-
I sit, settled; Eugene J. Fogartv vs. J. R.
j Newcomer, assumpsit, continued; Sam
i iiel Morrison vs. Edward 'M. Schell, tres-
I pass, settled; Dauphin Electrical &up
j plies Company . vs. A. IM. Sides, eou
] tinued; E. M. C'O'pe vs. Jacob Snyder,
j trespass, continued; Samuel Cafin vs.
E. L. iFrankem, assumpsit, continued;
Bessie 11. Downey vs. Central Iron aud
Steel Company, trespass, continued;
I Charles'Fedrico vs. J. H. Kellberg. tres
j pass, continued; Monitor Steam Cene
rator Company vs. IH. ii. Koppenhaver,
assumpsit, continued; Zerman & Black
burn vs. Dr. .Mm Ooenslager, assump
sit, settled; Lena 'Barna vs. Roumanian
'Beneficial Society, continued; Mack
'Manufacturing "Company vs. Stacker
Brothers' Construction Company, as
sumpsit, continued; Susan Wolfe vs.
I Henry M. Shade, trespass, continued.
j Building Permit
| 'Luther Minter took out a building
i permit lo build four two-story frame
j bouses on Summit street, north of Mar ,
j ket street, $2,000, and for the erection
iof one two-story brick building at.
jlßailey and Market streets, $1,600.
Bids for Water Mains
Highway Commissioner Harry F. Bow
l man is advertising for bids for the lay
ing of water mains in sections of Boas
and Monroe streets. The bids will be
i oipened at 3 o'clock on 'Monday, 'Mav
; 17 ' * '|
j Despit# the Damage He Dies He Is
a Good Scavenger.
Iu spite ot the erow's instinct to feed
on I lie eggs anil .voting of other species
iwhich lie hares in common with sev
eral other birds), who would really
wish to see hiui quite exterminated,
even If It were possible lo exterminate
so resourceful a fellow?
His destruction to crops Is certainlj
far less than that of the bobolink in
the southern rice fields. He is an effi
cient scavenger, and his destruction ot
white grubs, cut worms, wireworinn
and grasshoppers is of grent value.
Above all, however, his place In our
landscape is such that his passing
would leave a dreary void.
Winter or summer we are conscious
1 of liim against the sky, against the
fields or sen tic el on .i patriarch pine.
J lu the misty mornings of summer when
, the sun has not yet rolled up the cur
tains of cloud from the mountains we
hear his voice fur off In the woods,
rousing ns from slumber, and when
autumn has come and our Bugar groves
1 are a glory of crimson he is stfll there,
his distant call Uoatlng down sweetly
from the upland woods and testifying
, in some strange way the height, of the
peaks beyond.- Harper's Magazine.
It Waan't Made Simply Because the
Law Wouldn't Allow It.
A traveling salesman for a Ganse
voort street wholesale grocery flrni, re
cently back from a trip through rough
.lands of it neighboring state, tells this
possibly true I ale:
'"One day on my last trip I had a six
mile ride to make to the county seat,
and the small village in which 1 was;
had only one horse (hat I could hire
and no other form of conveyance. 1
may say that a friend trad lanced me!
in (he town that morning from his car,l
and I Imd sold goods enough to pay the I
expenses of I he trip.
"Well, 1 got away on the sorriest i
specimen of a horse 1 ever straddled,
and I was to semi him back by the!
mail carrier, though not as a parcel
post package. It took me two hours to
cover the distance—l was sorry enough
I hadn't walked—and a? I passed the
county jail on my old bag of bones a!
face grinned at me from between the
bars of a small square wiudow. 1 was
too sore to smile, but 1 nodded to the'
grin and the prisoner called to me:
" 'Say, mister,' he said, 'liow'd you J
like to trade that critter for thirty'
days in jail?'
"Just, then 1 would have been glad
enough to hare traded, but the law
wouldn't let me, and 1 rode on."—New j
York Sun.
Spicy Pen Picture John Hay Drew of
the French Emperor.
One of (lie bent filings John Hay evet
wrote, says William Koscoe Thayer it:
his presentutiou in Harper's of Hay's
unpublished diaries, is this pen portrait ;
of Napoleon 111.:
"Short, and stocky, lie moves with a
queer, sidelong gait, like a gouty crab 1
a man so wooden looking that youi
would expect bis voice to come rasp
lug out like a watchman's rattle; a!
complexion like crude tallow marked;
for dentil whenever death wants him-1
to be taken some time in half an bout'
or left, neglected by the skeleton king j
for years perhaps, if properly coddled. !
"The mustache and imperial which i
the world knows, but ragged and brist !
ly, concealing the month entirely, ar«
moving a little nervously as the lips!
twitch; eyes sleepily watchful—fupi
tlve, stealthy, rather ignoble, like serv
ants looking but of dirty windows ami
saying "Nobody at home,' and lying as
they say it.
"And withal a wonderful phlegm! H<
stands there as still and impassive a!
If carved in oak for a ship's figurehead |
lie looks not unllkp one of those rude:
inartistic statues. His legs are toe,
short, his body too long, lie nevet
looks well but 011 a throne or 011 11
horse, as kings ought."
Conserving the Joy of Life.
The most hopeful feature of the de-1
velopuieut of a new attitude toward j
youth is the willingness to conserve
the spirit of the Joy of life—tile great 1
gift, which youth has to offer to life, j
To youth has been given this great joy
of life, and it is the right of the indi-1
vidual to carry Its spirit on into age, j
making it fuller and deeper as the
years roll 011. The new movement is I
asserting the right of youth to its Joy,
recognizing that this is the creative
force which will raise life from a (lull j
level. It means less of the disenchant
ments of age, a keeping alive of the !
glow of life, cultivating an ever deep- |
ening optimism, so admirably express- j
ed by (hose simple lines of Browning: ■
Grow old along with me,
For the best Is yet to be.
—George K. Kearney in Forum. |
Making a Changeless Ink.
In shops where It is damp or cheml
cal fumes are present it is usually diiii
cult to cause labels to stick to bottles
or cans. All ink for use on such con- i
tainers is made as follows: Shellac, 2( ;
grams; dissolve it in a hot solution ol
borax containing 30 grams of borax tc
400 cubic centimeters of water; flllei j
while liot and add a solution made ol I
aniline black, 8 grams; tannin, 0.3 !
gram; picric acid, 0.l gram, and am \
monia, 15 grains, in water, 10 grams. '
It will be found that this ink work? j
nicely and resists the usual chemical
and corrosive fumes.—Cinciunatl»Com
mercial Tribune.
Charles Huntington Jacobs, Harvard,
'l6, author of the prize poem "Gott Mit
Uns," that so aroused Professor Kuno
Meyer that he wrote to Dr. Lowell,
president of Harvard University, declar
ing he would withdraw his candidacy
for an exchange professorship although
Harvard had eliminated him months be
fore his letter came, is worried over
the notoriety he has received.
Mr. Jacobs is extremely modest, and
after Professor Meyer had made "Gott
Mit Uns" a poem that everybody de
sired to read the student spent daja
dodging photographer*.
Wrist Watches
Girl foftfoatas
Here is an ideal gift for
tin l girl graduate—something
that will please her bevond
We recently secured n spe- *
rial lot of these magnificent
Wrist Watches from i. manu
facturer who made a liig sac
rifice for soot ca s h, ;iii(l we
are able to sell them 33 per
cent. under the regular selling
price. Thev are excellent time
keepers of the very latest do
sign, with expansion bracelet,
gold filled, finely jeweled, and
lire warranted for 20 vears.
They will actually last a life
time and will give the best of 1
Regular value SIB.OO
pSof $12.00
• Master's guaranteed goes
with each one.
We also have a treat for you in
Ladies' Diamond
$lO and up
These rings were made up
especially (or commencement
presents and each and everv
one is a great big special bar
'l'he diamonds are about
one fourth larger than
those Usually sold at cor
responding prices and are verv
beaut iful. They are white,
very brilliant and are fashion
ably mounted in Tiffany and
other stylish setting Start
ing at SIO.OO We have them
i graduated in prices at
sls, $25, $35 and SSO
Our ptlrpose in making up
these rings was to «ive vou a
much larger and a much finer
diamond than you could get
elsewhere for the same prices.
We earnestly invite you to
<'ome in and see tiiese extra- -
ordinary values.
I here are hundreds of other
pretty articles here that will
"lake useful and lastin"
Claster on the package
Is the Stamp of Quality
Gems Jewels—Silverware
302 Market St.
New York, May 10.
Open. Close.
Aninl Copper
Amer Beet Sugar .... 44 41 >■
American Can 34'/ 31-v
Am Car and Foundry Co ,10 49 "
Am Cotton Oil ....... 471 44
Am Ice Securities .... 30 1 / 29
Amer Smelting 66:1/. 03:1,
American .Sugar 107>/S> 103
Amer Tel and Tel .... Jio 119
Anaconda 32% 0
Atchison 9!) 1., 9R:i
Baltimore and Ohio ... 72', 70'/
Bethlehem Steel 137 132 :,/
Brooklyn K T SO', 86v!
California Petroleum ... Ifi 15iy
Canadian Pacific 157 1571/
Central Leather 3t>% 34 ; " i
Chesapeake and Ohio .. 43% 4|y
Chi, Mil and St Paul .. 91
Chino Con Copper .... 43 42'/,
Col Fuel anil Iron .... 26% 2 4',
Corn Products ; 12"„ 12"
Distilling Securities ... 11 1. 1 11/.
Krie 25", 24%
''•tie, I.i pfd 4U HSVi
lieneral Klectric ('0 ... 1,49% 149%
(iooilrich B K f."N.j 4ly
Ureal Nor pfd 11 «1 I|ti %
(treat Nor Ore subs .. 32% "*^l:
Interhoro Met 19
In'tcrtioro Met |.fM .... K7% «7^S»
l.eliigh Valley 139 137'/S
Me,x Petroleum 7 0 "1
IM'iwouu Pacific 13 13
Nev Consol Copper ... 14 13 ; /»
Now York ('en X 5 S3- I ',
N V, \ i|l and H H;{6o%
Norfolk and Western . 102',£ 101%
Northern Pacific 105'.. 103%
Pennsylvania If. h'. ... 107% 105'/.
I Pittsburgh Coal 20 19
| Press steel Car 45 42%
■ Hay Con. Copper <i-% 21%
Heading 142 " 14 1%
Itepuh. Iron and Steel . 25% 25
: Southern Pacific SS% 56%
'Southern Ky 17 16y R
Tennessee Copper 30% 30%
I I nion Pacific 125% 123%
C. S. Rubber til?/ 5S
! I'- «. HI eel 53% 50%
' lo l>'d 106% 105
I'mh Copper 64% St?/,
i W I' Telegraph 65 64%
| Westinghous, Mfg .... KX X 3%
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
Hi! Ah/io( intcri Press.
Chicago. May 10.—Close:
5 Wheat—May, lo2%; July, 126.
Corn —May, 74%; July. 76%.
Oats —May. 51%; July, 51%.
Pork July, 17.95; September,
18.3 5.
I.ard July, 9.67; September,
: 9.95.
Ribs July, 10.50;. September,
! 10.75.
| WANTED—Good blacksmith and paint
ar Annlv 545 Woodbine street