The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 10, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Free! Free! Free!
'Each person sending in an answer to the Prosperity Picture Puzzle below will
receive a Beautiful Keystone State Souvenir Spoon chased with the Coat of
Arms of Pennsylvania. (Whether answer is correct or not). s
' —
A number off smiling faces are con
jUF ceaJed in this picture, representing the
of prosperity. How many can
Oak or Mahogany <yOU find ?
S Rocker Gather the family around and let them all help. Trace the faces
found, number them and bring or mail to our store at once
Read Instructions Carefully. Contest Open to All
One answer to a family. Each contestant sending in a reply will be treated exactlv alike and will
hnr£ K- S l rn * opportnnlty t° secure one or more of the prizes whether living In or outride of Harris-
contestant w, 11 receive a beantifu] Keystone State Souvenir Spoon chased with the Coat of
f VUI i (Whether answer Is correct or not. If called fey). In addition to this each ft
on?- sen, 'np a solution will receive a credit check for S3O or more, good toward the purchase of
an. r.. or used piano or player piano in our Harrisburg wareroom. You also have the nnnortimitv
°l 8 , 1,ver ' el I Rant lea,her seat6d backed racking chair or handsome
with use of ..heck in accordance with conditions. Only one answer from a family accepted.
Contest Closes May 17th, 1915, at Ten O'clock P. M. |
later*haa' tf»at tTme* ° W handß " 0t ' a,er ,han ,hat hour that ** "ear a post mark not 1
answ™^uJ«Tn^° TICE ~ Wrtte Dame and address clearly and distinctly, and bring or mall ||
Winter Piane Company, ......' I
23 North Fourth Street, j st - Xo - I
II • 1 n I city or Town ."33
Harrisburg, Pa. \ gj
Illinois Woman Says She Is Proud of
Her Boys
St. Louis. May 10.—« Mrs. Minna
Mollman. of East St. Louis, in her 73d
i-ear, has a> nieved distinction as the
'Mother of (Mayor*.'' The April elec
tions saw t.wo of her sons elevated to be
rhief executives of their home cities.
A thir l was a candidate for Chief Su
pervisor (sometimes called ''Mayor'')
of St. Clair county, but failed of elec
Fred W. Mollman took his seat two
weeks ago as Mayor of East Mt. Louis.
A month ago his brother, Julius, was
elected Mayor ot' iMascoutah. 111.
( I gaess Tarn the proudest woman in
j , the I nitel States, ' «aid Mrs. Mollman.
W "I am proud of my boys. They have
Veu good to their mother and they
ifcive always been more devoted to their
f "families than to politics. If only their
father hail lived to see their success,
my happiness would be complete."
Fleeing Young Man Is Captured and
Brought Eack
Pottsville. Pa.. May 10.—John Os
wald. who :t :s allege ! forged checks
on numerous Pottsville business firms,
aud then tooi< a train for the We«t.
was arrested yesterday at Harrisburg
and brought back here and placed in
Among business firms whose checks
are alleged to have been forged by Os
wald are: Shearer a. Grant. Young's
• grocery store. W. J. Vought and Con
tractßr John Hou«er.
He seemed to have little trouble in
r getting these .-he-ks cashed. Oswald
is only 22 years old.
Bets It In Position Unsafe For a Slid- j
den Grab
Mifflintown, May TO.— Ex-County '
Commissioner Fran -is Hower. aired 67 1
years, a prominent farmer of this coun- 1
ty, was accidentally killed vesterdav. .
Mr. Hower had'placed a" gun in 'his I
hog pen. near the poultry coop, intend- j
ing to kill a fox. a>nd 'as he reached
for the gun it wa» n some unknown
way discharged and the load blew the
top of his head off. killing him in- i
stjntlv. He is survived by a widow
and two children.
Lose Trout in Burning Auto
Hazleton. May 10.—Five big catch
es of trout were destroved bv fire
when the auto of Patrick Smith, of j
Hazleton. caught ablaze from a back
fire in the engine near White Haven. j
The car was worth SSOO, and was in- '
» cured.
I. Mayor to Probe Vice Charges
' . York, Pa.. May 10.—Mavor John R. j
L Lftfean will probe charges' mad> by :
j Miss Rose Livingstone, of New/ York
/ City, that there are girls of 1 Vand 14 i
! yevs living in dens of vice i J York. '
Taken From Jail Where He Was Placed
After Wife's Murder
11 Norman Okla., May 10. —Dr. B. E.
: Wair.i. a well-known physician, was
j tasen from the county jail here by
twelve masked men yesterday morning.
I and his body was found suspended from
a tree, two miles from town, a few
hours later. Dr. Ward was arrested
at his home in Noble, eight miles from
, j here, after his wife was found dead,
with a surgeon's knife penetrating her
i heart.
Persons living neatT the Ward home
i heard a woman scream several times.
. When several persons had gathered
' outside of the Ward home. >Mrs. Ward
toKl them to leave. When she con
' tinned to scream the front door was
forced and her body was found lying
. on the floor in the hallway. She "had
been stabbed twice through the heart,
and the knife was left sticking in the
i breast. Ward was 40, his wife 30
; years of age.
Senator's Yacht Expected to Sail From
Atlantic City Wednesday.
j Atlantic City, May 10.—When the
i yacht "Betty" lifts anchor and drops
out of the Inlet on .Wednesday night or
; Thursday morning the address of Unit
ed State* Senator Penrose, of Pennsyl
vania, will be "No Man's Land" until
he returns to Atlantic City or reports
i himself at some other port,
i At the Inlet yesterday it was said
the "Betty" was being overhauled and
(irovisioned for two weeks' cruise, but
, might be away for a longer period. Her
i destination is believe to be the lower
, ' he*apeake. I'nless he changes his
' mind, the Keystone Senator will be
| alone except for his skipper and a cook.
Pardoned Prisoner Was Nft Anxious to
Leave "Old Home"
Trenton, May 10. —The New Jersey
: State prison lost an interesting char
' aeter when John D. Budd. 62 years
I old. recently passed through its doors
to freedom,
i Budd of late has been* more of a
guest at the priso:i than anything else.
In December, 1913, he flatly refused
j to accept a parole that had been grant-
I ed him and, although the Court of Par
j lons gave him a full pardon on April
j i 6 last, he has tarried at the prison ]
i for two weeks, and when he took his '
leave he sail: "I feel that I am Icav- j
j ing my old home and friends."
Man HI, Hsngs Himself
Allentown. May 10.—Daniel Smith, !
j a prominent retired citizen of Lower 1
Milford township, SI years old, hang
ed himself yesterday to a tree near
j *be barn with a eash cord he hail taken
j from a window of hissed room. He had
1 been an invalid for two years.
Man Who Killed Son-inLaw Is Charged
With $20,000 Theft
New York, May 10.—'William V.
| Clearv, Democratic boss of Haverstraw,
' who was acquitted of the murder of his
youthful son-in-law, Eugene Newman,
; ami later indicted under the Sullivan
law, was again indicted Saturday by
j the Rockland County Grand Jury at
I New City on several charges of grand
! larceny.
j Three other men. all active in Dem
j ocratic in Rockland county, also
j were indicted. T'aey are Bernard Fox.
Clearv's political lieutenant; Joseph
I Felter. chairman of the ißoard of Super
| visors, and Warren Baisler, former
[ Overseer of the Poor of Haverstraw.
Clearly is charged with having em
; bezzled at least $20,000 of the poor
fund of 'Haverstraw. He was ehe<i to
; appear in court Saturday afternoon,
i but he did not do so and it is not be
| Sieved he will do so voluntarily.
, After his indictment a week ago a
I hen eh warrant was issued for him and
I .toekload Vountv detectives came to
New York. At the time it was believed
| that Clearv was somewhere in the
Bronx. He could not be found. Infor
mation reached the authorities that he
! was in New Jersey.
Pox was indicted for perjury at
' Clearv's trial for murder, when he swore
! he did not know what had become of
I the revolver with whi h Clearv killed
Newman. He was freed in $3,000 bail.
Plants in Perry County Hanre Plenty
of Orders
Marysviile, May 10.— B. W. Page
4: Son, proprietors of the Millerstown
shirt factory, have made arrangements
for the opening of their factory at
Millerstown as soon as a sufficient num
! ber of employes are obtained,
j The Newport shirt factory, after be
i'ng idle for two months, has resumed
operations with sixty operatives. Both
j have plenty of orders.
Second Love Test Tragic
Allentown, May 10.—John Green,
who forgave his wife for running i
j away with a drummer, saw her with
' another man Saturday nk>ht and when
»he returned home he thrashed her,
j then went into the cellar and made an
unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide
i by shooting. The police arrived before
| lie could finish himself and he was
1 locked up.
'Cycler Kills Street Clfeaner
Altoona. May 10.—While at work
I Saturday ni|ht, Patrick O'Connor,
aged 70, a street cleaner, was rifn down
by a motorcycle and so badly injured
that he died later in the hospital. E.
A. Fnrrer, aged 25, a machinist, who
was driving the motorcycle, surrender
ed to the police, but was rejeased pend
ing an investigation by the Coroner.
London, Mar 10.—Thomas Slidell,
of New York, who was interviewed in
London yesterday, said he saw Alfred
G. Vanderbilt ou the deck of the Lusi
tania as the, vessel was going down.
Mr. Vanderbilt, who could not swim,
was equipped with a life belt, but he
gallantly took it off, Air. Slidell said,
and placed it around the body of a
young woman. Then he went" off to
seek another life belt. The ship sank
a few seconds later.
Mr. Slidell said that he and Herbert-
Stone, of iXfw York, were sitting in the
smoking room by themselves when the
lirst torpedo Struck the ship. Both
men intuitively knew what had hap
pened and they simultaneously uttered
the word "toapedo." Together thov
left the room and went or deek, which
already had acutely tilted. Mr. Stone
made for the upper side of the deck,
while Mr. Slidell moved downward.
This was the last that Mr. Slidell saw
of Mr. Stone. Subsequently he asked
a number of survivors, but could not
■ find a"ny one who had seen Mr. Stone
Queenstown. May 10.—The brief
time elapsing betweon the torpedoing
and sinking of the Lusitania was long
enough to develop a heroine in Miss
Kathleen Kaye. 14 years old, returning
from New York, where she had been
visiting relatives.
With smiling words of reassurance,
she aided stewards in filling a boat with
women and children. Whon all were in
she climbed aboard the lifeboat as
coolly as an able seaman.
One sailor fainted at hia oar, the re
sult of a hard race to escape swamp
ing. The girl took his place and rowed
until the boat was out of danger. None
among the survivors bears as little sign
of her terrible experiences as Miss
Kaye, who spends most of her time com
forting and assisting her sisters in mis
Only AO Bags of Mail Lost
London, May 10.—The Postmaster
General announces that only 60 bags
of mail had been dispatched by tho
Lusitania. the bulk of the American
mail having gone by the liner New
York. The Lusitania was insured for
about $7,500,000. Of this amount, the
British government, under the war risk
plan, will have to pay about So per
■ Lady Allan's Daughters Missing
Queenstown, May 10.—No trace has
yet been found of the two daughters.
Anna and Gwen, of Lady Allan, of
Montreal. Their mother, "who is the
wife of Sir Montague Allan, a director
of the Allan Line, is prostrated with
grief and unable to see any one.
To Probe Lusitania Loss
London, May 10. —It is officially an
| nounced that the British Board of
j Trade, with the concurrence of the
Admiralty, has ordered an inquiry into
! the circumstances attending the loss of
! the Lusitania. Lord Mersey has con
j sented to conduct the inquiry. Lord
' Mersey conducted the investigations
J into the sinking of the steamers Titanic
j and the Empress of Ireland.
Mme. DePage Among Dead
j Queenstown, May 10.—The body of
i Mme. Marie DePage, wife of Dr. An
toin Deßage, medical director of the
Belgian Red Cross, is among the identi
fied dead. Mme. DePage recently lec
: tured in the United States on conditions
-in Belgium and collected funds for the
sufferers of her country.
Not Yet Time to Fight
Cambridge. Md„ May 10.—Former
Governor Patterson, of Tennessee,
i struck a responsive chord when he told
jan audience of 1.000 in the opera !
I house yesterday afternoon this was a I
• time for Americans to keep their heads, 1 1
| until it was seen whether the nation j
| ought to go to war for the national i
honor or not. He was heartily ap |
| plauded. He was speaking on national \
Hubbard Insured for $5H,000
Hartford, Conn., May 10.—The j
Aetna Life Insurance Company carried
i $38,000 on Elbert Hubbard and $20,-
000 on his wife. The Travelers' In
j surauce Company was hit heavily by
I Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt's death.
Piie and marine insurance companies
i of Hartford insured the Lusitania car-
I go, which included typewriters, revolv-
J ers and armored tools.
Killer As Motorcycle Strikes Pole
Bedford, May 10. —Henrv Price,
; aged l2il, was instantly killed here yes
-1 terdav afternoon when bis motorcycle
struck a pole. Negotiating for the pur
j chase of the machine he tried it out,
j lost control in making a short turn, his
neck, jaw and arm were broken and
: his head crushed. He was a son of
; Thomas Price, wae a tinner by trade
| and unmarried.
Fatal Fall to Avoid Hitting Dog
, Chester, May 10.—In trying to
! avoid running over a small dog that
j ran at his motorcycle while he was rid
ing along the Hook road, below this
I city, yesterday, George McMichael, 26
| years old, was thrown from the wheel,
I fracturing his skull and breaking his
j shoulder blade. Physicians at the
I Chester hospital say he is not likely to
: recover. McMichael's home is in Phil
Six Men Born May 8 Hold Party
_ Meehanicsburg, Pa., May 10.—As is
the annual custom, six Meehanicsburg
men Saturday observed their birthday
anniversaries with a big dinner at the
home of Walter Zacharias. ' The. par
ticipants of this unusual birthday party
are George Zacharias, John Atticks,
John C. Reeser, William Kohler, Wal- r
ter Zacharias and 8. Harper Myers, j.
Their ages range from 28 to fiO years, g
Each year one of the members enter- g
tains the others.
York Covets Harrisburg's Trade ,
York, Pa., May 10.—Congressman s
Lafean is making an effort to have a a
state highway constructed between this e
city and Dillsburg, so as to divert the h
business of upper York county to York. s
For many years Harrisburg has been t
getting the bulk of the business in up- \
per York county. n
Eludes Nurse and Takes His Life 3
Columbia, Pa., May 10.—Eluding *
his nurse, Benjamin Weaver, a retired a
farmer, 60 years old, took his life by li
cutting his throat. a
Lets see what VH history says:
The Stone Age man held a pebble in his
Bach mouth for moisture and to prevent thirst.
Forlorn makeshift of an arid land. Roots
and herbs served better where plant life
Between Early Spanish explorers found the Aztecs used
Times "chicle"—wholesome, pleasant and agreeably
chewy—welcome relief from tropical heat.
Today Refined Mexican Chicle, its merits proven
by the test of time, is the basis of
Studied processes, special machinery, immaculate factories
and the waxed wrapper sealed air tight make it the
Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package.
IMtod Profit-Sharing Coupons with each package—good for valuable presents.
These Coupons are the same as given with many popular high grade products'.
Let the active WRIGLEY SPEARMEN tell you all about i
these dainty, refreshing, toothsome confections they represent: 508
-Write WRIGLEY 31dg 8 , Chicago tor SPEARMEN Booh J
United Zlon Congregation Holds Exer-,
cises at Lancaster
Marietta, May 10.—The now home
of thd United Zion Mission was dedi- j
cated yesterday in Lancaster with spe- i
cial ceremonies. The dedicatory serv- i
ices were opened with an address by [
the Rev. H. G. Light, of Cleons, Leba
non county. i
The other clergy who took part dur
ing the day were the Rev. Henry Bix- j 1
Harrisburg Storage Company's Big Building Notable for Size
and Modern Construction
1- ijjji a S I 8 5 1 n i ;
j." JSpHji "i ir- 1 * Sn siPrh
Among the recent improvements in
real estate in this pitv—the large
building erected by the Harrislnrrg
Storage Company, on South Second!
street, is notable for size and substan
tial construction. It also has many ad
vantages from an architectural stand'!
point that makes it a modern plant for
storage in every respect. The offices
and warehouses practically occupy two
eiffht-story buildings with basements,
having a total floor area of 70,490
square ix-et. These buildings are close
together and connected with con
venient passageways, which virtually;
makes theni one. They wore built espe
cially for tho purposes to whi«:h they,
arp devoted, rfnd were planned and eon-!
■trusted in accordance with the most
approved i-lem for strength and dura
bility. They are built of brick, steel
and concrete, and are as fireproof and
ler, of Fredericksburg; Bishop Joseph I
Martin, of Murrell: the Rev. James J
Heitler, of Lititz; the Rev. John Brin-1
ser and the Rev. Solomon Brinser,
Elizabethtown. John L. Weaver, who!
had charge of the mission, and was ,
largely instrumental in it* establish
ment, also delivered an appropriate,
Changes in Church Rectorships
Marietta, May 10.—The Rev. Stan- I
ley A. Dobbins, assistant rector of St. I
sanitary as it is possible to make
them. Over 800 tons of sand and 9,000
barrels of cement were used in building
them. Some idea of the strength may
be had from the 43 reinforced concrete
piers in the basement, each capable of
supporting 150 tons.
The buildings are not only large but
the equipment is up to date in every
way. They are built along railway
sidings close to the main line of the
Pennsylvania railroad and loading ami
unloading can be done directly fioni
the cars. There are 17 receiving and
delivering doors, nine of which are
on railroad sidings. There. are
spiral chutes, three electric elevators
of groat capacity, a 200,000 pound
registering track scale, and automatic
grain scales.
In the departments for storing house
hold goods there artf 121 fireproof
Anthony's church, Tjancaster, will ims
ceed the Rov. V. T. Brozys as assistant
rector of Holy Trinity church, Colum
bia, the latter having been transferreH
to tho rectorship of St. Joseph's church,
Danville. The Rev. A. W. Brandt will
succeed the Rev. William MeEllhenny,
who died seve/al weeks ago, at Mari
etta. He comes from Danville.
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
rooms of various uzes. These roomi
have steel doors and window frames—
and in tlioso in which pianos nro kept
there in a system of vapor heating in
which an oven temperature is main*
IT he departments for storing mer
chandise have also been provided with
every facility for conveniently hand
ling goods. Every room in every de
partment is kept neat and clean and
there is order and system throughout.
Visitors arc forcefully impressed with
the thoroughness on every hand tor
rendering the most efficient service.
The Hnrrisburg Htorago Company has
been in successful operation for a "num
ber of years, and has established an
extensive business. Vance C. McCor
mick is president, J. Austin Brandt,
vice president, and I). Bailey Brandt,
secretary and treasurer.