■■■■■■■■■BUT Here Not Aloae Because Price* Are umr, Bat Beeaaae Qaalltlea Are Bette>|Hß|Bßi x.lJ® Millinery bargains a O ne 'D a Y Sale—Monday Only Every Article is New and Desirable Merchandise J 1.00 Actual Value: $2.00 Panama Hats: Ladies' and Misses' Hats, new Genuine Panama Hats, 1111) of lUMr'sOornSoiveotaaO yeullnever spend ■nothlt M »/fyL|v cent for any other eon MtrxVlT* cure or remedy on the , V*/ IM market. Here'* proof of what this wonderful Oom 4 \fmt Solvent will do. J. B.HaIL n \W a man over so yean oid 1 ■/ writes: "I hart spent a 1 ■mall fortune on worth. Kl less corn rcmedloi but never J. Ir-r W found anythlnc that would give V.' x 1 '/g me anything more than tempo. M rary relief. No matter what I/J r M used, the corns would U hack. About six months ago aV \ W friend advised me to try Bauer's \ Corn Solvent. I bought onelOe \/7i bottle and It completely eared every f f corn and bunion on bothfeet. After six [/ months there Is no sign of the oorns left. It's the one and only remedy that ever dif me any good." Hater's Corn Solvent tail dissolves the oota removes them oonpletefy, without pain. If rom want Immediate and permanent relief, get a bottle today. Buy of the druggist named bolow or send 10c to wm. ii_ Baser. Druaslat «»< Chemist, Beading, I'a. ' Kor sale in Harrisburg by Geo. A. Gorsas. News of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. L. Shimmel, 424 North street, is visiting friends in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weaver, 1931 Market street, are in New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Koons ami daughter, Miss Mary Koons, 540 South Seventeenth street, are the guests of friends in Ida Grove, lowa. William Dunn, 346 Crescent street, has returned from Lancaster. Benjamin Earp, 1323 Derry street, has returned from State College, where he was the guest of hiss on, Harold Earp. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose McGeehan and son have returned to Midland, aft er being gdests of Mrs. John McGee han, 1616 Market street. Mrs. ('. Shatter, 1329 Kittatinuy street, has returned from a visit with frieniis in Newville. Mrs. Annie Reed, of Pittsburgh, is in the city to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Nelson Kunns, 302 Reily street. Mrs. I. Watson has returned to her hotne in Huntingdon alter a visit with her mother, Mrs. L. Shimmel, 424 North street. Mrs. Edwin Fischler, 1209 Swatara street, and Mrs. Harry Jones, 358 South Thirteenth street, have returned home from Lykcns. Charles Pollmer, of Sunbury, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Earp, 1323 Derry street. H. 11. Bowers, 1329 Kitatiuny street, returned home from Newville. Mrs. McKasket and Miss Anastatia McGeehan have returned to Philadel phia, after spending several Jays with Mrs. John McGeehaiij 1616 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Lesley McCreath, 1915 North Front street, will reside dur ing the summer at their bungalow on the river road formerly owned by Richard McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. John (X Jay, of Hav erford, will be the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blake Bent, 207 State street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ferguson, 3004 North Second street, have re turned from a week's stay at Atlan tic City. Miss Ida M. Boyd, of Jacksonville, is spending a week with Miss Myrtle Kitzmiller, 1617 Regina street. Mrs. W. W. Stewart, 1604 State street, who spent a week with her son, Ralph Stewart, of Jamesburg, returned home yesterday. Miss Marguerite Plonk, of York, is the guest of Miss Sarah C. Sharpe, 306 North street. W. S. Bentz, of Lemoyne, left to day for a week-end visit to Philadel phia. Dr. George Burton Stull left Friday for Johnstown, where he was summoned to see his father who is reported seri ously ill. Will Spend Summer in Montana Miss Marie Briggles, of 127 Broad street, left yesterday for Ohinook, Mont., where she will spend the sum mer with her aunt, Mrs. C. Ireland. HALIFAX A. H. White to Deliver Lecture To morrow Afternoon Special Correspondence Halifax, May 8. —Jeremiah Chubb, of Topeka, Kansas, is visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Chubb left here fifty-eight years ago anil had not been here for fourteen years. He has be come quite wealthy sinee going to the Western State. Elmer E. Daugherty is visiting friends in Harrisburg. Special Mothers' Day services will i be held in the Otterbein United Breth ren church to-morrow morning. The pastor will preach a special sermon at 110 a. m. A. H. White, of Cleveland, Ohio, j manager of the Harrisburg branch of the American Civic Reform Bureau, will deliver a free lecture before the Halifax Brotherhood to-morrow after noon at 2.30 o'clock. Nearly 1,000 tickets have been issued to date and the United Brethren church, where the lecture will be held, promises to be crowded to its utmost capacity. U. S. Guager G. W. Westfall is again able to be about his home, recovering from a very serious illness. WILLIAMSTOWN Victor Orchestra Will Give Musicale Saturday Evening, May 22 i>ri-Hier's policy that brought the chamber into a misunderstanding with solicitors. "The Chamber of 'Commerce is now applying its members with yellow cel luloid membership signs to 'be 'hung in tlheir offices and begs to advise the pu'b- Me that on one except people having those canls are memibers of the (cham ber of Commerce. The cards will be up in all officers in a few days and members are requested to obtain fhem from the chamber's office in the Kun kel 'building." MOSES FRIEDMAN INDICTED Former Superintendent of Indian School Accused of Fraud Sunbury, Pa., May B.—The Grand Jury in the United States Court, Judge Charles B. Witmer presiding, yesterday returned a true bill of indictment against Moses Friedman, former super intendent, and 8. J. Nori, former chief clerk of the Carlisle Indian School. They are charged with defrauding the United States by charging ear fare for Indian students when they had paid it. Louis Cohen, of Scrauton, on trial here for two days, charged with de frauding wholesale clothing dealers out of SIO,OOO worth of merchandise by means of a suit company, operated in a 14x15 room, was found guilty and sent to jail pending an application for a new trial. OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED Fifth Street Epworth League Will Hold Anniversary Service In Church The Fifth Street Epworth League will have their anniversary service to morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock in the church auditorium, combining their service with the regular evening preaching service. Dr. Pyles, the pas tor of the Fifth (Street church, will preach a special sermon to the Ep worth Leaguers, and will install the following officers at the close of the services: President., Harry Asper; first vica president, Robert Shaub; second vie# president, Mias Myra Stutzman; thir<£ vice president. Miss ICathryn AI din go er; fourth vice president, Miss Nellie Foulk; secretary, Miss .lane Rothejc treasurer, Seth Barnhart; organist* Miss Bessie Bennett; Junior LeaguS superintendent. Miss Anna WilkinsniiJ There will be special musical numberi iby the church choir. George Kunkel, Jr., Best Speaker 3 (Special to the Star-Independent.) K Lancaster, iPa., May 8. —George KunJ ke'L, .IT., son of Judge Ueorge KunkelJ of Harrisburg, won first prize as tli# best »|>eaker at the eightieth anniveis warv of the IXagnot'hian Literary S(# ciety of Franklin and Marshall Colleges it was announved^to-day\^^^^^^^^J| GALEN HALL in the Mountains Wernersville, Pa. Delightful Spring Resort. Dry Air. Outlook of 35 Miles. Curative and Tonic Baths. Superior Cuinlne. Good Koads. N. y. Office, LM.'i Fifth Ave. HOWARD M. WING GAL.EN MOUNTAIN CO. Manager K. U YOUNG, Gen'l Mgr. 3