The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 08, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Amount of Estimated
Expenses $755
Above Estimated
Revenue for Year
Teachers' Request for an Additional
Increase in Salaries Is Turned Down
Miss Anna V. Orowl to Be Prin
cipal of New Shimmell Building
Estimated expenditures of the school
district for the coming year total
$755.2i> more than the estimated re
reipts according to the budget of the
Finance Committee submitted to that
body last night. Despite this deficien
cy "the tax rate was left the same as
last year at 8 1-2 mills.
The Teachers' Committee turned
down an additional raise in salary re
quested by teachers, the committee tak
ing the ground that the raise would
make necessary an increase in the tax
rate and this was deemed inadvisable.
The report of this committee, which
recommended the re-election of all of
the employes of the board together
with all of the teachers iu the district,
was approved.
The budget shows the estimated in
come of the board to be $483,638.56,
the items being: $420,750 tax on real
estate; $46,858.65. state appropriation;
$6,000 interest on deposits; $9,000
personal taxes, and SI,OOO tuition. The
greatest item of expenditure is that ot'
salaries. It includes the pay of the tax
collector, which is estimated at $6,000,
tnd the teachers' retirement fund of
$6,000, and totals $322,612.23. The
next highest expenditures are interest
on bonds, which is $46,275, and sink
ing funds to care for bonds falling due,
$45,966.55. Supplies and fuel total
$23,000. Text books will cost $8,000;
Technical High School, $5,000 for
maintenance; medical inspection. $3,-
000; open air schools, $1,500; public li
brary, $5,000; domestic arts, $1,000;
advertising, $1,500; state tax on bonds
$4,000, anil contingent, $2,500.
To Issue $0!>,OOO Bonds
The board also decided to issue
$99,000 worth of bonds to cover the
cost of an additional plot of ground at
Fifth and Mahantongo streets and for
the erection of the new Tenth ward
school house. The bonds will be serial
and be for SI,OOO each. They will
bear 4 1-2 per cent, interest. The in
terest on these bonds is included in the
estimated expenditure for interest on
all outstanding bonds.
Miss Anna V. Growl, principal of the
Wickersham building, was made prin
cipal of the new L. S. Shimmell build
ing at Seventeenth and Catherine
streets. The new school will be opened
in the fall.
The board approved the bill of the
committee which traveled for parts of
two weeks to select a principal of the
Central High School, which amounted
to $283.23. City Superintendent
Downes announced that the successful
candidate, H»ward G. Dibble, of Uim
bertville, X. J., will arrive in Harris
burg for two weeks, beginning May 14.
He will get into the work of the school
immediately, meeting with Superinten
dent Downes on that evening and with
Miss Anna M. Saul, who has been act
ing principal of the school. The Cen
tral High School faculty will tender Mr.
Dibble a reception on Saturday even
ing, May 15, at the school building. It
was decided by the board last evening l
that Mr. Dibble shall sign the diplomas
of the graduating class this year.
Twice as Much Truancy
Professor Downes reported that
there is twice as much truancy in the
city as formerly but little can'be done
as there is no house of detention. He
said two truant officers are kept busy.
The Senior and Junior classes of the
Technical High School obtained per
mission to visit the Pennsylvania Steel
works, in Steelton, on May 13, in
charge of their teachers. To pnpils of
the Forney building was given per
mission to hold a festival on the lawn
at the school. There was some discus
sion as to how the new Tenth ward
building should be faced and it was le
cided to meet with architect, C. How
ard Lloyd, on the ground to discuss
that subject.
Fairview Township to Get Its First Up
to-Date Building
The erection of the first modern
school building in Fairview township,
York county, will take place in the near
future when a twostorv brick building
will b e built at Bella Vista, south of.
New Cumberland.
Bids for the building were received
to-day by 6. John F. Greenfield, of Sid
donsburg. According to the plans of
the architect, C. Howard Lloyd, the
building will contain ofur rooms so
erected that an additional four room i
section can be added as the school ex
The building has an 88-foot front !
and is 34Vj feet wide. Each room is 21 i
by 32 feet, which is in vogue with a i
modern educational custom of not ex- '
eeeding forty pupils to a room.
Tumulty Resents Gardner's Talk
Washington, May B.—Representa- :
tive Gardner, while at the White House I
to-day getting )>erinission for some con- !
stituents to visit the parlors of the !
mansion, issued a statement on the j
Lusitania disaster urging that Presi- !
dent Wilson deal firmly with Germany
and giving his ideas of what Colonel
Roosevelt would do. When Secretary l
lumulty heard of it he issued a state
ment saying the White House resented t
Mr (rardner s ll using the executive
offices as an annex to his press
1.241 Loads of Rubbish Gathered
Harrisburg's clean-up week ended
late this afternoon after the extra
force of Pennsylvania Reduction Com-1
pany men had removed th e last load of
dirt and refuse from the section north
of Maclay street and east of the Penn
sylvania railroad. A total of 1,241
loads of refuse were taken out of the
City during the week, yesterda'fs to
tal being exactlv 200 loads. j
I •
Cutlaurd t'ru Ftrat Pace.
speeded toward the Irish coast. Diffi
culty was experienced in launching the
boats because of the heavy list of the
Lusitauia almost immediately after she
was torpedoed. Several of the frail
craft evidently capsized as they were
launched, or soon afterwards.
Owe Rescue to Life Belts
Many of the passengers owed their
rescue to life belts, which kept them
afloht until they were picked up by
boats. Among this number was Lady
Nlackworth, daughter of David A.
Thomas, the Welsh "coal king,"' and
Julian De Avals, Cuban Consul General
at Liverpool. Investigation has failed
to reveal that the steamer was given
warning of the proposed attack by the
submarine, which appears to have been
lurking off the Irish coast bent upon
destroying the largest and fastest ship
engaged in transatlantic trade.
The lookouts sighted the periscope of
a submersible a thousand yards away
and the next inst»nt they saw the
trail left by a torpedo as it flashed on
its course. Then came a terrific crash
as the missile pierced the liner's side,
followed almost immediately by an
other, which littered the decks with
wreckage. The course of tho liner was
at once turned towards shore. Four
torpedoes apparently were fired at the
Lusitania. but onlv two of them found
their mark.
Awful Carnage In Explosion
The loss of life caused by the tor
pedoes themselves and the explosions
they caused must have been terribly
! heavy. The tragic freight of bodies ta
| ken to Queenstown bears evidence of
the havoc wrought. Many of these
taken ashore were seriously injured and
more than a score died after they were
i removed to Cork and Queenstown hos
pitals. A long line of stretcher-bearers
marched from the piers as tugs and
trawlers arrived. The people of the
Irish city opened their homes to those
who had been saved and everything pos
i sible is being done for their comfort.
Witness Says They Were Responsible for
Brutality and Deaths at Bethlehem
Steel Works During Strike—John
C. Groome Testifies
fi.v Associated Prcst.
Washington, May B.—Activities of
the Pennsylvania State Constabulary,
particularly at the Bethlehem steel
plants, was the subject of to-day's hear
ing before the Industrial Relations
Commission. David Williams, a ma
chanist in the Bethlehem works before
the 1910 strike, charged that brutality
and deaths were due to the unneces
sary calling in of the State Police.
Workingmen at Bethlehem, he said,
were considering organizing a semi-mili
tary body.
Williams said the 1910 strike was
caused by the company requiring the
men to work every Sunday.
"Do they still work Sundays?"
asked Chairman Walsh.
"They work every Sunday, and. if
they don't want to make shells on Sun
day to kill off Germans, they can work
on Monday." replied the witness.
Commissioner W'einstock asked what
justification advanced for
arming men when the ballot was in
the hands of the wage earners. The
witness replied that the voters who
worked foi wages were not in the nia
jprity in Pennsylvania.
John C. Groome, superintendent of
the State Constabulary, and who testi
fied voluntarily after a formal protest
was made on behalf of the Governor of
Pennsylvania against the power of the
commission to require him to do so,
said the charge that his men were se
lected for political reasons was refuted
by the fact that of the 230 men on
the force, 225 had served in the reg
ular army. He denied the State Police
could be justly called a strike-breaking
organization, because the records
showed each man served only one day
a year on riot duty, not all of which
was due to labor trouble.
Millersburg Bridge Approved
The new concrete viaduct spanning
the Wiconisco creek. Millersburg. was
inspected to-day by a boar.l of viewers
made up of Jacob A. Henninger, A. S.
Hamman and Martin M. Keet. The
inspectors in their report to the Dau
phin county court on Monday will rec
ommend that the bridge be accepted
by the county.
Contractors Paid
The Stucker Brothers Construction
Company to-day was paid an install
ment of $5,827.63 this representing
monov for work done on the intercep
tor sewer protective wall this year. W.
H. Opperman was paid $6,74 7.39 for
the construction of sewers in Market
street, Market square and Second
Marriage Licenses
John Henry Moyer and Anna M.
Gruber, Campbellstown.
Frank O. Jackson and Bessie L.
Thomas, Harrisburg.
Jacob F. Schiefer, Londonderry
township, and Martha M. Selway, Steel
Wesley B. Witiner. Lykens, and Ber
tha V. Knouse, Liverpool.
New Coal Route
The Public Service Commission has
issued an order that the Pennsylvania,
the Lehigh Valley and the Ijeh'igfo and
New England Railroad Companies es
tablish a through route for the trans
portation of coke and coal from the pro
ducing regions in Pennsylvania to the
plants of the Lehig>h fire brick korks,
the Bryden Horseshoe Company and the
Crane iron works, located 'in C'ata
sauqua. The route will be over the line
of the Pennsylvania to Mt. Carmel. from
the latter place to Lizard Creek Junc
tion over the Lehigh Valley, and thence
over the Lehigh and New England
to the plants.
Not New Places
The creation by law of tho places of
a traveling auditor and two assistant
bookkeepers in the Auditor General's
Department does not imply that new
positions have been made, for the rea
son that these places have been filled
for some time because of their being
needed, and the sanction of law has
now been given them in order that they
may be placed on the regular roll and
not on the contingent fund.
CMtlmnl Fran lint Psm.
with respect to the lives of non-com
Talk of Special Congress Session
In official quarters and anion-,: diplo
matists there was apprehension that
the American people might not con
sider representations sufficient. A spe
cial session of Congress has been talked
of, but there has been no intimation
of it as yet from any official'quarter.
Officials, everywhere sparing in their
comment, realized that a word from
the high officials of the government
might have weight with public opinion
before the facts had been received and
"We are informing ourselves as
rapidly as possible of the facts and do
ing what we can for those injured,"
was the only statement Secretary Bry
an would make.
The President returned to the White
House at noon and resumed reading
dispatches. He continued to refuse to
make any comment.
At the German embassy both Count
Von Bernstorff, the ambassador, and
Haniel Von HaimhauseiV, councillor,
were out of town, but the ambassador
was expected to return late to-dav. It
whs definitely known, however, that no
advices had been received making ref
erence to the catastrophe. The general
sentiment prevailing was one of con
cern and regret that the destruction of
the ship had been attended with the
loss of life.
That the Lusitan ia was eonsidred a
"franc tireur" of the sea by German
naval commanders was stated in tier
man diplomatic circles. It was further
said that embassy officials had not re
ceived any notification to the effect
that the big British liner hail removed
her guns.
Chairman Stone's Statement I
Chairman Stone, of the Senate For
eign Relations Committee, made this
"The tragedy is, of course, profound
ly regretted. If the reports as to tho
loss of life are true, the sympathies of
the civilized world will' be deeply
stirred. But for us, it seems to me that
good sense dictates that we keep our
heads until we get our bearings. It
is a bad time to get rattled and act
impulsively. Don't 'rock the boat!'
"Without expressing an opinion as
to our relations to this event or as to
our duty in the premises, there are some
facts we cannot overlook and are bound
to consider. ,
"We cannot overlook the fact that
the Lusitania was a British ship, flying
the British flag and subject at any "time
to be put into the actual naval service
of the government.
British Reservists Aboard?
"Indeed, it is stated that at the time
she was attacked she was carrying mili
tary reservists to England for service in
the British armv
"True, there were American citizens
aboard, but it must not be forgotten
that they went aboard a belligerent
ship with full knowledge of the risk
nnd after oflicial warning by the Ger
man government. When on board a
British vessel they were on British soil.
Their position was substantially equal
to being within the walls of a fortified
New Thing in War, Says Lodge
"Aside from the possible loss of
American lives, let us ask ourselves
just where we come in. At the present
moment and with the light now before
me, I confess that it appears to me that
from our standpoint as a neutral na
tion the Gulflight case presents a more
delicate and serious complication than
the ease of the l.usitania."
Senator Lodge, ranking Republican
member of the Foreign Relations Com
mittee, said hp was not prepared to
discuss the sinking of the Lusitania.
The sinking of a passenger ship, even
of a belligerent, without giving passen
gers an opportunity to leave, the Sena
tor thought a new thing in warfare.
Washington, May S.—President Wil
son arose early and read the newspa
pers and such oflicial dispatches about
the Lusitauia as had been received be
fore breakfast. He went, as is his
custom on Saturday, to the golf links,
leaving word that if any important de
tails were received they "were to be sent
to him immediately.
Telegrams from friends and relatives
of passengers on the Lusitania began
arriving at the White House early in
the morning. They were immediately
referred to the State Department.
There was every indication at the
White House that while President Wil
son was deeply shocked at the loss of
American lives, he was determined to
await developments before determining
on a course of action of the United
States officials reiterated that he would
take no steps until all available infor
mation had been gained.
While an air of gravity pervaded
the White House, officials went about
making arrangements to receive direct
all messages being sent to the State
Department and keeping the President
in close touch with all branches of the
The chief concern of administration
officials was what the state of public
opinion might be when details begin
to come in.
Ambassador Page, at London, ad
vised the State Department that he has
instructed the consul at Queenstown to
care for the survivors and to furnish
money where it is needed. Two Ameri
can army officers have been sent to
assist. His message said:
"I have instructed our consul at
Queenstown to care for bodies of dead
and to give all help to sick, to aid the
survivors who lost all casji, and I have
sent two army officers, Captain Miller
and Captain Castle."
Star-Independent Force Guests of the
Management Last Night
• Lovers of the short stories of Rich
ard Harding Davis will be delighted
with the reproduction of his famous
storv "The Ijost House," now rum :ng
at the Victoria moving picture house.
The story is given by the films in all
of its intensity, a wonderfully thrilling
picture play of interest that fastens
the attention of the spectators and
holds it to the very finish. The story
of the adventures of tho two reporters
is told just as vividly by the films as
Davis has portrayed it in words.
Another beautiful one-film play at
the Victoria is that of "The Rene
gade," a tender, pathetic romance of
an English officer ami his desert love,
one that is full of emotion and senti
The entire force of the Star-Ind'e
pendent were guests of the Victoria
management last evening.
New York, May S.—The following
list of Lusitania survivors has been com
piled from cable dispatches received in
Now York and from the list sent by
the American consul at Queenstown to
the State Department and sent out from
Abramowitz, S.
Adams, Mis. Henry, Boston.
Adams, William McMillan.
Allen, N. N., Now York.
Ayala, Julia De.
Baloa, John J. (Passenger list gives
Ballantine. Margaret.
Bernard. C. I', New York.
Bernard, Oliver, Boston.
Birmingham, H. Edgar (Not on pns
senger list).
Bohan, James (Toronto).
Bottomlcy, Frederick (Not on pas
senger list).
Bowring, Charles W., New York.
Boyle, Nicholas.
Brandell, Miss Josephine, New York.
Bretherton, Mrs.
Brooks. J. H., New York.
Burgess. Henry G., New York.
Burnside, Mrs., New York.
Bvingtcn, A. J., London.
Byrne, Michael G., New Y'ork.
Cairns, M. (Not on passenger list).
Cannon, Owen (Not on passenger
Chambers. Guy.
Charles, J. H. (Toronto).
Charles. Miss Doris. Toronto.
Clark, A., Toronto.
Cliffe, Patrick (Passenger list gives
Horace Clift).
Colebrook, H. Ct., Toronto.
Collis, Edwin M.
Connor, Miss Dorothy, New York.
Cowper, Ernest, Toronto.
Croslev, Cyrus.
Croslev, Mrs. Cyrus.
Cross, A. B.
Daly. H. M. (Not given on list).
Davis, Fniily (Passenger list gives
Miss Annie Davis).
Dawson, Woodward Walter.
Dodd, Miss Dorothy.
Doherty, Mrs. and infant.
Duckworth, Elizabeth.
Duguid, George.
Dyer, Robert.
Ellis, John.
Evans, T. J. M. (Not on list).
Ewart, Robert J.
Ferereszewich, John (Not on list).
Fernandv, Edward (Not on list).
Fish, Mrs. and two children.
Freeman. John.
Gardner, R. t
Gautlett, F. J., New York.
Ghiberdot, Herbert.
Grath,.o. H. (Not on list).
Gwyer, Rev. H. L.
Gwyer, Mrs. H. L.
Hammond, O. H., New York.
Hardy, Miss E.
Harnwick, C. C., New York,
llarriman, Cornelius (Not on list).
Harris, D. C.
Henderson, Huntley.
Henderson, Violet.
Herris, John (Not on list).
Hill, Mrs. C. T. London.
Holland, Miss.
Holland, Mrs. Nina.
Hooke, Elsie (Not on list).
Hooke, J. (Passenger list gives
George Hooke).
Hotchkiss, Charles (Not on list).
Houghton,.J. H. (Not on list).
Ilousuell, Edgar.
Jeffry, A. M. (Not on list).
Jeffrey, Charles L„ Chicago.
Jenkins, Bertram, New York.
Jenkins, Frances (Not on list).
Jones, First officer A. K.
Judson, Fred S.
Kay, Robert.
Kaye, Miss Katherine.
Kessler, George, New York.
Knox, S. M., Philadelphia.
Lane, G. B.
Lassetter, Mrs. H. 8., London.
Laseter, F„ London.
I>auriat, Jr., Charles E., Boston.
Ijeary, James, New York.
Ijevin, Thomas D. (Not on list).
Levinson, Joseph (Not on list).
Lewis, Third Officer J. F.
Light, Herbert.
Lines, Stanley L. B.
Lines, Mrs. Stanley L. B.
Linnson, Jr.
Livermore, Mernar.
Lockhart, R. R., Toronto.
Loney, Miss, New York.
Lund, Mrs. C. H.
Lurdonne, Mrs. Andrew and infant.
McConnell, John W., Memphis,
McMurrav, L., Toronto.
Mackworth, Lady, Cardiff, Wales.
Manley, A. (Not on list).
Marderud, U'no. (Not on list).
Marcheral, Mr., wife and two chil
Martin. Mist* R.
Mathos, A. T., Montreal.
Mereline.t Mrs. (Not on list).
Myers, W. G. (List gives H. H. Mey
Maycock, Miss May.
Mesh, Mrs. Thomas, (Not on list).
Moore, Daniel.
Moore, John.
Morris, the Rev. H. C. 8.
Moslev, G. G„ New York.
Murdoek, Miss Jess C. (Not on list),
Neath, H. (Not on list).
North, Miss Olive.
O'Dounell, Patrick.
Oslevan, Thomas.
Pappadopoulo, M. N., Greece.
Pappadopoulo, Mrs. M. N , Greece.
Parker, James. (List gives W.
Pavnter, Mrs. Irene, Liverpool.
Pearl, Ardray.
Pearl, Major F. Warren, New York,
Pearl, Mrs. F. Warren, and two chil
dren, New York.
Pearl, Stuart Duncan D., New
Perry, F. K. A. (Probably Frederick
J. Perry).
Perry, F. K. (Probably Frederick
J. Perry).
Phillips, Thomas. (List gives Wil
liam Phillips).
Phillips, Wallace 8., New York.
Rankin, Robert, New York.
Reiddy, G. (List gives J. R. Read
Rowan, Frederick. (List gives A.
Scott, J. (Probably George Scott).
Sharp, Samuel.
Simpson, the Rev. H. W.
Slide)], Thomas. (Probably M. T.
Slidell, of New York).
Smith, J. Preston.
Smith, Miss Jessie Taft, Braceville,
Steele, George.
Stevens, George.
Stockton, Robert. (Probablv A.
Sullivan, Mrs. F.
Sweeney, John M.
Taylor, Richard Lionel, Montreal,
Thomas, D. A.. Cardiff, Wales.
Tierney, Michael. (Probably James
Tierney, of Pittsburgh).
Turner, Captain W. F„ of Luaita>nia.
Vassar, W. A. F., London.
Walker, Annie. (Proba.bly Mary
Walker). I
Ward, Charles.
Ward, Mrs. Charles.
Ward, George.
Ward, Mrs. George.
W r ebb, Miss Minnie.
Williams, Edith.
Winter, Miss T.
Witherbfte, Mrs. A. F., New York.
Wolfenden, Mrs. John.
Wrfcght, Robert C.
Young, Philip, Montreal.
New York. May 8. —When the Cun
arti line office opened early to-day the
first bulletin issued—the text of the
announcement made by the press
bureau at Liverpool last night stating
that 658 had been landed—strength
ened the belief that the loss of life
would be great, especially among tho
first cabin passengers.
As fast as the work could be done,
a list of survivors from the second cab
in was prepared. The first list, it was
thought, would be followed by others
during the day.
Among the callers at the office was
Harry Niemark, a Belgian, who came
to America with his father, Abraham
Niemark, three months ago, leaving his
mother and sisters in London. The
elder Niemark sailed on the Lusitania,
taking with him the entire fortune of
the family, which he had converted
into diamonds in order that they might
be realized on readily. His name was
not in the first list of survivors cabled
from Liverpool.
As the day wore on the crowd at
the Cunard line increased. At noon the
offices were filled with men and women,
many of them crying, who waited for
word of relatives and friends aboard.
Kverv clerk in the line's employ,
except those engaged in making lists
of survivors as they dribbled in from
Liverpool, was put to work answering
inquiries. Th walls of the office and the
counters were placarded with passeng
er lists showing all,aboard. A check
mark in ink was placed opposite the
names of those reported saved. There
were many white gape between the'
check marks.
F. P. Gaskell, in charge of the out
bound freight of the Cunard line, de
fied a report that there had been
picric acid aboard the Lusitania. Mr.
Gaskell said there were no explosives,
ammunition or any inflammable ma
terial on the ship.
There was frequent mention during
the day of the fact that the advertise
ment placed by the Herman embassy
in New York newspapers the morning
of the l.usitania's sailing had reap
peared in the newspapers to-day. This
advertisement reminded the puiblie
that Germany had declared a war zone
about the British Isles and warned
travelers that they would embark at
their own risk on ships flying the flags
of the allies.
At the oflices of the line it was an
nounced at noon that it was known
that 79 of the first cabin passengers
h id been saved, according to lists com
piled from their own advices and other
sources. A revision of the passenger
list placed the total number of pas
sengers aboard at 1,254. The crew
numbered 665, making a total of 1,919
persons on the ship.
Queenstown, May 8, 10 A. M.—The
bodies of victims from the Lusitania
are arriving i»n every incoming boat.
The Cunard line warehouse, which is
being used as a temporary morgue, al
ready has been filled and sixty more
bodies have been taken to the town
hall. Others are at the hospitals to
which were taken those whose condi
tion appeared most serious. Two chil
dren who were brought ashore clasped
in each others arms have not yet been
Mrs. Stanley Lines, who was brought
ashore in one of the ship's boats, im
mediately started a search of the city
to find her husband. She learned at 4
o'clock this morning he was dead at a
hotel. When the women landed they
presented a pitiful appearance. Some
were covered only with blankets. Many
children were without their parents.
The funerals of most of the British
victims will be held at Queenstown on
Two stokers have confirmed the re
port that the steamer was struck by
two torpedoes. The first entered No. 1
stoke hold and the second the engine
Liverpool, May 8, 1.58 P. M.—Al
fred Booth, manager-director of the
Cunard Steamship Company, made the
following statement to-day:
"1 desire to send my heartfelt sym
pathy, wherein all the Cunard direc
tors and managers join, to relatives
and friends of the American passengers
murdered by the German submarine.
"I am certain the whole civilized
world grieves for the sorrow and suf
fering caused, and in loathing for this
treacherous attack on innocent lives,
so many of whom were women and
"Every possible step is ibei>ng taken
to relieve the immediate wants of the
survivors at Queenstown after their
terrible experience."
Leaves Customer Half Shaved
Harry Gipe, a barber at 1914 State
street, left a customer half shaved
yesterday afternoon when City Detec
tive Harry White, approached with a
warrant for him charging non-support.
It happened that another barber hap
pened down the street wheeling a
babv coach and seeing the predicament
of the customer he finished thfc shUve.
Gipe was not arrested.
Aeks For Keys to Meters
City Electrician Clark E. Diehl, to
day made a formal demand on the Har
risburg Light and Power Company, for
keys to meters, which have ibeen in
stalled in four places in Harrisburg,
to check up ou the current being fur
nished to subscribers of the company.
The meters have been in service three
weeks and the keys have not yet been
turned over, Mr. Diehl said.
separated hemelf can be an answer to
the latest provocation."
New York, M«y B.—Stocks broke
with extreme violence at the opening of
the market to-day. The entire list was
adversely affected by overnight de
velopments relative to the sinking of
the Lusitania and ieavy selling orders
came from all over the country. Open
ing prices wore from 2 to & points be
low last night's close. Fifteen thousand
shares of U, 8. Steel was offered in one
lot at 2 points below yesterday's close.
Wall Street begun the day in solemn
and thoughtful mood. Overnight de
velopments in connection with the sink
ing of the Dusitania, much worse than
the financial district had been led to be
lieve yesterday, wore reflected in Wall
Street an 1 our before the stock market
opened. The thoughts of many leaders
of finance turned to Washington.
Officers of Stock Exchange firms were
thronged with customers and onlookers.
The heads of \>ig international banking
houses were on hand early and many
private cables were received from Lon
don and the continent. The tenor of
these messages WHS not disclosed except
in one instant, which told of a feeling
of deep resentment throughout London.
A torrent of selling orders was un
loosed when the gong rang. Transcon
tinental as well as English shares were
among the weakest issues. Bethlehem
Steel, a so-called war specialty, fell a
fraction on t'he first offering, then
dropped five points from last night's
close. U. S. Steel was offered in one
block of 15,000 shares at 52 to 52 1 / J
against last night's close of 54>/j..
Westing-house Electric opened with 6*-
000 shares at S2 to 85 against yester
day's close of 92. Studebaker doclined
five points. Reading, Goodrich,*.Bald
win locomotive and American car fell
4 to 5 points and Coppers from 2 to
3% points. Trading was extremely ac
tive and t'he floor was thronged.
The only stock of any importance to
show even a slight gain was Haiti
more and Ohio, which rose half a point
but. soon reacted.
On the floor of the Exchange the
scene before the reporting was one of
excitement. A very large percentage
of the 1,100 members gathered on the
floor long before the opening.
Recoveries more or less complete were
recorded before the expiration of the
first half hour, indicating the substan
tial character of the buying The mar
ket 'became more normal as prices un
derwent readjustment and trading
diminished in volume towards 11
o'clock. At that time the selling move
ment seemed to have lost its force.
At the opening level of prices a few
stocks, notably Reading, dropped to the
low point reached July 30 last, the day
'before the Stock Exchange closed be
cause of the European war.
B<>ar pressure was midlv effective in
the later dealings, the "list receding
about a point from best prices.
Drifter Picks Up 45 Survivors
London, May 8, 1.50 P. M.—A
further telegram has just been received
by the British officials from Cork stat
ing that 45 more survivors from the
Lusitania have been landed at Queens
town from a drifted.
Says Sinking Was Justifiable
Cleveland, 0., May 8. —Dr. Bernard
Dernberg, former German Colonial Sec
retary, who arrived here to-day from
New York to address the City Club,
holds the sinking of the Lusitania by a
German submarine to be justifiable.
Expel Germans From Stock Exchange
London, May 8, 2.13 P. M.—The
feeling of resentment against Germany
over the torpedoing of the Lusitania
was so strong on the Stock Exchange
this morning that the British members
united and turned all their fellow mem
bers of German origin, and all German
clerks, bodily out of the house.
Captain J. B. Miller Anrffog Missing
Washington, May B.—Captain J. B.
Miller, of the Coast and Geodetic Sur
vey, is among those missing on the
Lusitania. His family at Erie, Pa.,
telegraphed to the Survey Department
to-day for information. E. Lester
Jones, superintendent of the Survey,
wont with Captain Miller to the Lusi
tania the day she sailed.
Lusitania Insured For $7,."H>0,000
New York, May 8. —Insurance on
the Lusitania, it was said to-day, a
amounted to $7/500,000. The vessel
was valued in round figures, at $lO,-
000,000. The worth of the cargo she
carried was reckoned to-day at $735,-
Dr. Fisher Cables Wife He's Saved
Washington, May B.—Dr. Howard L.
Fisher, brother of Walter L. Fisher,
former Secretary of the Interior, who
was on the Lusitania, going to the
American Red Cross unit in Belgium,
cabled to his wife here from Queens
town to-day that he was safe and well.
Services Held in Pise Street Presbyte
rian Church This Morning
The funeral of Mrs. George S.
Chambers, widow of the Rev. Dr.
George S. Chambers, who died at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Wil
ley, Yonkers, N. Y., Thursday, was held
from the Pine Street Presbyterian
church this morning at 10 o'clock.
The services were in charge of the
Rev. Dr. Louis S. Mudge, pastor of the
church, assisted by the Rev. J. A. Ar
mentrout and the Rev. John H. War
den, of Bethany chapel. Interment was
in the Chamber? plot in the Harrisburg
cemetery. The pallbearers, elders of
the church, were: E Z. Gross, D. W.
Cox, Henry B. MeCormiek. J. A. Strana
han, J. E. Patterson and R. B. Mateer.
Three-Story Building to Be Erected
Here Soon
William E. Bushey, of Lemoyne, was
awarded the contract for fcho new
building of Brotherly Love Lodge No.
896, Grand United Order of Odd Fel
lows, to be erected on the northwest cor
nes of Briggs and Cowden streets. The
project includes a three-story 'brick
building with store rooms on Hie first
floor, a public hall forty feet square on
the second floor ami two lodge rooms
and offices on the third floor.
It is the intention of the contractor
to push the building as quickly as pos
sible and Odd FellJows of this city are
looking forward to the enjoyment of
their new quarters during the next
[ winter.
Three-Day Trip WIU Be Enjoyed bj
240 Harrlsburgers—Close Up Usti
at 6 O'clock To-night—Start Moo
day at 6.80
At noon to day sixty automobile*
which will haul in the neighborhood oi
240 people, were entered in the three
day publicity run of the Motor Clut
of Harrisburg, which will start from
Harrisburg Monday morning. In addi
tion there will be several official cart
carrying a dozen or more officials. Ad
ditionul entries were expocted all dur
ing the afternoon.
V. Grant Forrer will referee the run.
J. Clyde Myton, secretary of the club,
will be pacemaker and no man with
speed mania will be permitted to past
him on the road. George D. Proud,
who has managed the run, will act as
pilot and pathfinder and W. R. Dougla«
will be starter and finish judge.
The first car to leave the city will
be a Brockway truck entered by the
Commercial Car Company. Its piirposs
Is to carry the baggage of the passen
gers on the trip. This service will bs
continued on the entire run and bag
gage to be taken on this trip can be
left at the Dauphin Hotel to-morrow
as the start will be made shortly after
midnight Monday.
The noon and night, controls will be
taken into consideration only in the
matter of penalties. An easy touring
schedule of betwen eighteen and twenty
miles an hour. There was but one
stretch of bad road on the original
route as surveyed and thiß was changed
last week so as to eliminate the roads,
the change in tho mileage being but a
quarter of a mile. The road so cut out
has recently been repaired and is still
Many receptions ar e in store for the
motorists over the route, the greatest
reception being arranged by Wilming
ton, where all of the clubs will be
thrown open to the motorists.
Mr. Douglas will start th« first car
from Market square at 6.30 o'clock and
thereatfer all cars will leave at one
minute intervals until all of them are
on their way. The first night control
will be the Hotel Rudolph at Atlantic
City. On the second day the cars will
leave Atlantic City at 7.30 o'clock,
the night control of the second day be
ing at Hotel Dupont, Wilmington, Del.
The start of the third day,from Wil
mington will also be made at 7.30
The run is 408 miles long. Entries
close to night at 6 o'clock. Seventy
five trophies have been offered.
Lusitania Horror Puts Damper on Wel
come to U. s. Warships
By Associated Press,
New York, May B.—New York's wel
come to the sixteen battleships of the
Atlantic fleet, which steamed into the
'harbor to-day for the naval demonstra
tion here, was virtually one of silence.
The usual salute of the steam whistles
from harbor craft was lacking and as
the ships swept up the Hudson into
their anchorages scarcely a cheer went
up from the crowds lining the shore.
There seemed to be a general spirit
of depression, inspired apparently by
the disaster to the Lusitania, for usu
ally a ceremonial visit to New York
by ships of the navy is a gala occa
sion. The ships, with the Louisiana in
the lead, passed quarantine shortly aft
er 9 o'clock, the Wyoming, Admiral
Fletcher's flagship, brought up the
Shortly after the Wyoming came to
anchor, Acting Mayor McAneney, in the
absence of Mayor Miitchell, boarded the
flagship to extend to Admiral Fletcher
the official welcome of the city.
He Left Dauphin County in 1H54,
Driving Over Mountains
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Somerset, Pa., May B.—The "Som
erset County Leader," published at
Rockwood, this county, announces the
death of John Henry Farling, in his
87th year, one of the pioneer residents
of Rockwood, who was a native of
Dauphin county, and '"emigrated" to
Rockwood in the spring of 1854.
"He drove a team," says the
"Leader," "over the mountain from
Union Deposit, there being no railroads
at that early period in Somerset coun
ty. ''
Mr. Farling was a Civil war veteran
and his remains were buried with the
honors of the G. A. R. post of which
he was a member.
With the Philip Wolfersberger fam
ily, also from Dauphin county, h was
on of the founders of the flourishing
borouigh of Rockwood. Relatives of the
deceased still reside in Dauphin coun
ty, among them Miss Sarah Farling, of
Steelton. GLADE
C. E. Whitman, of This City, Chosen
Instructor of Male Chorus
Progress, May B.—The Proves*
Church of God male chorus has perfect
ed a permanent organization. C. B.
Whitman, 209 North Fifteenth street.
Harrisburg, will be instructor and
teacher. Officers elected are: President,
William Denney, Sr.; secretary, E. M.
Longenecker; assistant secretary,
Charles Lenker, and treasurer, George
Umholtz, Sr.
The chorus will sing at a men's and
boys' meeting to-morrow. The speak
er will be the Rev. Dr. H. F. Hoover.
9300 Bill for Woman Assailant
Ginetta Ponetti, charged with fel
onious assault on Joseph Chiari, the
change growing out of her stabbing
him in the ear during a Sheriff's sale
at 12i2'5 Wallace street, yesterday
morning, was' held under SSOO bail by
Alderman Murray, in police court this
afternoon. She was released on bail.
Chief Hutchison Coming Home
(?hief of Police Hutchison, who was
operated on in the Fountain Springs
honpital three weeks ago, started for
home to-day by automobile, according
to word received here this morning.
Chief Hutchison has been visiting in
Mt. Carmel for two days.
U. 8. Liner Sails for War Zone
New York, May B.—The American
Liner Philadelphia sailing for Liver
pool to-day steamed away with full
cabins'and with berth in the steerage
at a premium. She had 940 passengers
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.