INc ro Buy wUontHomc'vl Salt and Exchange FOB SALE C. W. H. I.ANGLKTZ, I.umber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to see us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. ONE 4-cyllnder 30 H. P. large, roomy touring car. In first class condition: over sUed tires, good car for Jitney. Good equipment. Can be seen 331 S. Fourteenth St., City. PIANO VAN for sale; has brass rail ing and trimmings, and is in first class condition. Inquire at 137 S6uth Third St., Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE—If you got left on chicks. Time for S. C. Brown Leghorns. Lay In i to months. Order. Chicks, 100, $10.00; 50. $5.50; 25. $3.00. A. S. FIN GER, Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE —5-horsepower motorcycle; practically new; will sell at big sac rifice. Call H. FREIDBERG, 420 Wal nut St.. Harrisburg, Pa. TOR SALE—Cheap—One large Thomas Carey boiler and appliances: lot win dow sash, glazed. Apply Metropolitan Annex (formerly U. S. Hotel), No. 512 Market St. FOR SALE —Germantown cut-under carriage, rubber tires; first class con dition; silver mounted double set har ness and one set buggy harness. Apply Btone stable, Logan and PefTer Sts. BARGAINS In typewriters. Bar-lock, $10; Williams, $10; Remington, sls; Royal, S3O. L C. Smith and Under wood, prices reasonable. L, C. SMITH At BROS.. 36 S. Fourth St ONE PIANO—Was used about one year. 1 jun leaving city and will sell it reasonable on montnly payments Ad dress 37 48, care Star-Independent FOR SALE—AT GABLES. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full liue of the Acuie make. FOR SALE—At GABIJC'S, 111-117 South Second St.. 5,000 sets new Sssh. Bxlo *l2 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set Also other slses. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—By able-bodied middle-aged man. work on truck farm; can handle horses. Can give good reference and mi willing to \vork. Will give satis faction to right party for good home »nd reasonable wages. Address W. A. HAVERSTICK. 1993 Seventh St. YOUNG MAN desires position as bar ber; two and one-half months in bar ter school. Address 502 Mvers St., Steelton.' MIDDLE-AGED MAN wants position as janitor or man about the house to take care of lawns and garden. Ad dress 1511 Naudaln St. TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL student desires work of any kind, after schooi hours. P. O. Box 135, West Falrview. Pa. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE WANTED—Experienced bookkeeper. Do not apply unless you have had at least three to five years experience. Address X. Y. Z., No. 3776, care Star- Independent SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. COLORED GIRL would like place to cook for private family. References. I Address 234 Ridge St.. Steelton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED by a middle-aged widow as first class housekeeper or j first class cook in summer hotel or pri vate family; in or out of the city; best Pf references. Address M. W„ No. 5 Irvin's Place, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED—MiddIe-aged white woman I aesires day's work of any kind. Ad dress M. E. 8., 1521 Vernon St. AN HONEST, neat young colored wom an desires work by the dav or half day; references can be furnished. Ad dress 133 Balm St. Bosinuf Opportunities I v I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED—Party with capital to take! an interest in light manufacturing business; can show good profits; am; starting new plant in a live town 40 miles from Harrisburg. Address No. re Star- Independent MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT 00. 133 Walnut Street N Houses For Rent 1328 Cowden St., I s. f„ 6 r US ion N. ism st., 3 s. f„ s r.,..:::»i0 Ash Ave.. 21, s. f.. 6 r $lO 9 .^°i ster „ St " s ' b " 6 r -140 Linden St.. 3 s. f„ 8 r «is 1226 N. b'th St., S r »12 2141 Atlas St., 3 a. b., 7 r„ 913 eve,Uh St " 3 8 - b - 8 r... '. .sl3 ;$0« AlUton St.. s. b,. 7 r . b.. sls < 123 Dewberry St., 2 s. f., i 5 r sls 1535 S. 13th, 3s. b., Br. b., sitt i I |i 1103 N. 2d St., - s. f., 8r„ s. h.. S2H 1 23 N. ISth St.. 3a.b„ 8 r!, ... :.S ' 612 N. 16th St.. 3 s. b., Or 927' M I c ' » th st - 3s - b - 7r - ■ ■ •»> „ 3 f d st -> 3 "■ b - 10 f *32..%0 1914 Market St.. as. b.. 10 r... S4O 413 Briggs SC furnished. 2230 N. Second St.. 3s. b., 9 r.,.. Mfl I 122 Chestnut St., 3 s. b„ 10 r., . IPIS 1114 N. 2d St.. 3 «. b.. 8 r . i 2120 Chestnut St.. Bellevue Park IM i 1838 N. ind St., 3 s. b.. 13 r. & b.. »«0 .'3 S. Front St, furnished tSe-pt. It. .'O9 S. Front St., from Sept. 1. APARTMENTS " 343 Muenoh St., 4 r. & b 112 i !35 S. Summit St.. 3 r '*l2 I r 13 N. 4th St. 3r. & b ;«35 , 2208 N. 3rd St, 3d floor *i<> , 2»8 S. 3rd St., 2-d floor s4s { MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE Fir* Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets f Wants HELP WANTED—MALE PRINTING SALESMEN wanted to so licit Photo Engraving as a side lin® for a well-known and high class New York Engraving house at prices to compete with local engravers. Box 718. New York City. WANTED—Ford oar owners; every county, .to demonstrate Dadco Auto matic $lO Starter (patented). SSO week ly. Send with application five Ford owners' addresses. Over 20,000 sold. American Dadco ijp.. Detroit. Mich. BE'A DETECTIVE—Earn SSO to SIOO weekly; travel all over the world. Write Dept. 156, United States Detective and Adjusting Agency, Railway Ex> change. St. Louis, Mo. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn $25 to $75 weekly, chance to see the world witl» all expenses paid. Write for particu lars to Loraine Detective Sy»tem. Inc.. Dept. 121. Boston, Mass. S3O WEEKLY, evenings at home. Ev erything furnished, no experience, no canvassing. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 310, Omaha, Nebr. SSO MONTHLY' and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take orders, appoint agents; permanent. Jap-Amer ican Co., Chicago. EVERYWHERE, men willing to dis tribute circulars, samples, tack signs, collect names, etc. No canvassing. Continental Register, Chicago. GOVERNMENT examinations; thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not ap pointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Washington. D. C. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; cltisens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market sis.. Harrisburg, Pa. 18 MEN WANTED for chauffeur* posi tions; new system home study with models; recommended by auto manu facturers; our graduates earn $-5 to SSO weekly. Illustrated catalogue ana Employment Plan free. Wm. Crabb, Dept. 6, 66 Beaver St., New York. WANTED—An experienced chef. Those inexperienced need not apply. Apply Superintendent Harrisburg Club. Front and Market Sts. WANTED—Auto salesman with ex perience; excellent proposition to a food man. Address No, 3765, care Star ndependent. HELr WANTED—FEMAU. WANTED—GirI for light housework to make home at place. Steady posi tion to ris'ht one. Reference required.* | MRS. LOUIS, 12 N. Third St., Steelton. ' DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED at once. Apply Hershey House. 327 ; Market St. DO EASY', pleasatit coloring work at home; good pay, no canvassing; no experience required. Write Gleason Wheeler Co.. 337 Madison, Chicago. LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO per 100. No canvassing required. Send stamped-addresseil envelope for particulars. Eureka Co., Dept. 112 D. Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED Lady traveler. Experi ence unnecessary. Salary, commission and expense allowance to right lady. Mcßrady & Co., Chicago. FREE to any woman; beautiful 42- piece gold dec. dinner set for distrib uting 3 doz. cakes Complexion Soap Free with other products among friends, tio money needed. Tyrrell I Ward, 216 Institute, Chicago. i ! DINING ROOM girl wanted, at Hoff man Hotel, one who can assist at n6on. when and where all persons in ' chamber work. 441 Market St. j WANTED—An experienced chamber •maM. with good references. Apply Superintendent Harrisburg Club, Front and Market Sts. WANTED—A middle-aged lady to do I | light housekeeping for an invalid I lady; a good home for the right party. I Must have reference. Call at 507 Kelker i j street. 1 WANTED—Vampers, tip stitchers and headers. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Man ufacturing Co., Vernon St., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—Experienced help. Ap ply Silk Mill, corner North and Second streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16' years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn- i ing. Apply at Harrisburg ! Cigar Company, 500 Race street. AGENTS WANTED I AGENTS—Best money getter of the , age. Blue Bird Clothes Line reel, with rope. Sells 75 ecnts, costs quarter. I Evans Manufacturing Company, 618 South Dearborn, Chicago. AGENTS—If you want to earn more 1 money send for our catalogue of 1 repeat order articles Particulars free, j Empire Sales Co., North St.. Pulaski, i New Y'ork. | AGENTS—SOO per cent, profit. Free samples. Gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Any one can put j on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, 1 Chicago. 1 AGENTS—Something new; fastest sell ers and quickest repeaters on earth. Permanent, profitable business; good for SSO to $75 a week. Address American Products Co.. 17i9 Third St., Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS—If I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to SSO ; weekly. Greatest seller In years. Over I 700,000 sold In last six months. Every j housewife will buy on sight. Postal I brings liberal proposition and free sam ple. Address Manufacturer, l Union Square. New Y'ork. SALESMAN WANTED ATTRACTIVE proposition, on Commis sion basis (not requiring lurrying samples) of interest to salesmen of j woolens to merchant tailors, gents' fur nishing salesmen, ready-made clothing salesmen. Address Box 3777, care Star- j Independent. FREE cigarettes, cigars. Million to distribute; big pay. Send stamp for particulars. Sefla-tor Co., 243 West 125 th St.. New York. FLASHTRIC Sign Works, Chicago, of fers permanent, profitable position to salesman proving his ability to sell SIO.OO Electric Flashing Changeable Wording Window Signs, to merchants on 30 days time. BOARDING WANTED BOARD WANTED in a private family by a young single man; employed. I State location and terms. Apply 3773, . care^tar^udegendent^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WANTED WANTED—At once- —a good 2-passen ger 4-cyllnder car, not over $!50; must be in good running condition and good tires; will pay SSO cash, balance in three monthly payments; party can hold lease on car till paid for. Address i 3769, care Star-Independent DETECTIVE PRIVATE DETECTIVE GEORGE W. SHULER 522 S. Fifteenth St. Bell Phone 2898R HARRISBTTRO STAR-INDEPENUKNT. SATURDAY EVENING. MAT 8, 1915. Rial Estate REAL ESTATE FOB AALB FOR SALE— 52,000.00 will Miy 1«12 N. Fifth St.; 3- story frame; 10 rooms; lot 20x140. 228 and 230 S. 29th St., Penbrook; 2H etory frames; 7 rooms, bath and furnace —.front and rear porches; lotß 22Hx180 each: price attractive. Easy terms. BKINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. MILL AND FARM—43 Acres— 4 H miles south of Mlddletown; level sand-loam ■oil; frame dwelling; 8 rooms; bank barn; stone mill. 40x50; elegant water power; 1H miles from station; imme diate possession; price $4,500. BRIN TON-PACKEK CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—I 639 and 1541 Apricot St.. 2-story brick, almost new. 6 rooms and bath, front porch and all modern improvements; al»o 1643 Apricot St., same as above with store room; occu pied by confectionery store doing g-ood business. Owner leaving city and will sacrifice If sold quick. A. S. MILLER & SON, Eighteenth and State Sts. VACANT HOUSE for sale, an easy pay ment. Inspect it. No. IS N. Sixteenth street; all Improvements; steam heat. Small amount of cash required. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. 2 fe-STORY FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE 7 rooms, gas. porch, lot 20x110; held at $1350. A reasonable offer will be considered. BELL REALT"Y CO.. Berg ner Building. CAMP HILL LOT for sale at $550; size 75x146. This lot is well located. Also other suburban lots. Complete infor mation at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. —REMEMBER— (Office) offers (only) Bargain*. Over (4 00) farms for sale. Reason (low) prices guarantee sales (30) to (100) days. Advertise In (70) papers. Use (2) automobiles, make (4) to (6) trips daily. All (business) centers at (Dan ville) offices (opposite) Opera House. Answering by letters (200) inquiries dally is (slow) work. Have (6) tele phones for quick action. Many write (and) come after sales. Please (avoid) by telephone (7 to 8) morning (and) evening. 801 l (11-R) and United (140-E). —EDGE WAT BR I (35) acres ($1400) loam soil (mead ows) spring water creek (150) line ' fruli trees (4) acres woodland. Two- I Btory home, barn, outbuildings. With (3) hogs (16) chickens (4) ducks (2) I geese (6) guineas (young) fresh cow, | seven year flne horse, farm wagon, har j ness (12) bushel oats (24) corn (13) Sotatoes, ton (hay) and (2) straw — nly ($1750) paved street almost to (giveaway) bargain. (3) railroad sta tions (80) trains dally (2) trolleys. Tel ephone (7 to 8) Danville. —SUNNYORO VE Only (10) minutes (walk) to trolley and (lo) to edge of busy city. Notice only ($24) an acre for (150) Seres. With (4) fine horses t5) fresh cows (10) hogs (100) poultry (8) ton hay (10) ton I straw (300) bushel oats (o00) bushel corn. Bargain t$4800). Finest loca tion for stock business, poultry, berries, fruit and early vegetables In Pennsyl vania. (100) acres nearly level South? ern exposure. Running water through stone (milk) house. Mostly (new) painted buildings. GEORGE B. OSTRANDER Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings to 8) Evenings FOR SAliE—No. 138 N. Thirteenth St.; 3-story brick house; 8 rooms; bath; gas; furnace; porch; cemented cellar; lot 20Hx85. Price at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. • NEW BRICK HOUSES for sale—Only $6,300; easy ftrms; only one left of those eight newly built brick houses on Market street, corner Summit. L MIN- I TER, 11U7 Market street. Both phones. | FOR SALE—No. 1944 N. Seventh St., 2- j story ffame, all conveniences, front porch. Nos. 1107 and 1109 Plum avenue, ! 2-story frame, water in kitchen. No. i 1112 N. Fourteenth St.. briqk, conven j ienees, front porch. No. 1940 Derry St., all conveniences, front and side porch. C^JL^ORCUTTj^Ji^^CumberlandSU^ PENNSYLVANIA FARMS FOE SALE 85 ACRES with all stock, crops and im plements for $5,500. in Bucks coun ty, close to Philadelphia. Black loam soil, 10 acres timber; stone house, 8 room®. Swiss barn, 24 head. Necessary outbuildings. Stream, wind mill. Plen ty fruit. Will include ail crops in held I and barn, 3 horses, 4 cows, chickens ! and farming implements. One-half I cash required. C. E. FOLMER, 54 N. 13th St., Philadelphia. j EXCEEDINGLY well located and fer tile farm. 155 acres. 3 miles from i Pottstown. Close to trolley. Presents fine appearance. Elegant view. 3 acres timber. Good meadow. Brick house, S rooms. Brick barn, 60 head. Necessary I outbuildings. luO fruit trees. Very de sirable at $55 per uyt'e. One-half cash required. C. E. FOLMER, 54 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, ELEGANT »tock farm, 74 acres. In Bucks county, close to Philadelphia. Stone house, 11 rooms, bank barn, 40 head, many outbuildings; stream, plenty fruit; will include 10 head horn cattle, 200 chickens, 2 fl'ie horses, 25 hogs, crops in barn and field, complete set of fanning implements fro $7,500. One half cash required. C. E. FOLMER, 54 | N. 13th St., Philadelphia. , FOR RENT j No. 1413 Market St $26.50 | No. 1110 Walnut St. $20.00 i No. 2016 Kensington St $10.50 I No. 1019 S. St SIO.OO J. 2. GIPPLE, ; 1251 Market St. ' FOR RENT—Store room. No. 5 Grace ! street, two doors from Market St. and P. R. R. depot. Suitable for any business, large show window, water l and city steam heat; rent reasonable. I Apply CLUSTER'S JEWELRY STORE, 302 Market street. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent, all over city. Reasonable rents. Inquire HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 248 M. FOR RENT—House, all Improvements, city steam heat; central location, 3 doors above Market street; suitable for boarding or rooming house. 9 N. Fifth St. Apply S. MELTZER, 513 Walnut St. FOK KENT— -542 S. 17th St $18.50 540 S. 17th St., ....$18.50' Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third Street. FOR RENT— Houses with all Improve ments, at moderate rental* J. & GIPPLE. 1251 Market St. FUBN7BHED BOOMS FOB BENT DESIRABLE furnished rooms, newly painted, papered and furnished, elec tric light, steam heat, corner house; fine shade. One square from trolley, ten-minute walk to square. $1.50 per week up. 331 S. Fourteenth St. BOOMS FOB BENT ROOM FOR RENT—In a small, refined, private family; large, airy, well fur nished front room for two gentlemen; conveniences; desirable neighborhood; price, SIO.OO each per month, Including breakfast. Apply 3775, care Star-Inde pendent. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PROFITS of extraordinary proportions are likely to accrue as a result of commitments made at this time in cer tain curb issues. Ask for our special letter. Albert Deube A Co., 25 Broad St., New York. BUSINESS of your own. Responsible man wanted to operate vending ma chines and wholesale chewing guru. Small capital required. Part of time. Chic-Mint Qum Co., wlhningtoii, Dela Mkcollanooos FUBNITUBB PAOMHO PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1»0« North Sixth (treat, flrst data packer of fur -01 turn, china and orlcabrac. Ball phone »»»W. ALL BUNDS OF HAULING ALU kluda of haulluc. large two-100 truck; furniture, pianos, traight. In the city and suburbs. Ericas reason able. Picnic and pleasuro trips, day or • vaning. VVM. H. DARK. 1451 Viinoo 3L Bell phone 3517 J. STORAGE STORAGE in 1-atory orrek building. rear 408 Market St. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. Q. DIiiNER. Jeweler. iOt Market at. FIREPROOF STORAGE—Private rooms for household goods. s2.ou per month and up. We invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-44.. South Second St. HARRISBURG STURAGE COMPANY. PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNlNG—Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable terms. Ap ply by letter only. 3772, care Star-In dependent, FINANCIAL. ANY 1 PERSON NEEDING MONEY In amounts from $5 to SSO. holding a salaried position, would be benefited by calling on us. EMPLOYES' DISCOUNT CO., 36 N. Third St. I ■ i i i I —P———M—fcs PIANO MOVING PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing; work done by experts. WIN TER PIANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St. Bell phone 146. MISCELLANEOUS SAVE ALL, your baby chicks. Millions of chicks killed each year by White Diarrhoea and Bowel Trouble. E J Reefer, Poultry Expert, 1420 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa., is sending a re markable dollar preparation thai cures this terrible disease over night and saves your chicks. If it falls simply write him and he will refund your money. A million dollar bank backs up this guarantee. Send a dollar to-- day and save all your chicks. Reefer takes all risk. WANTED—Bicycles, or parts of bicy cles, for highest cash prices, at once. Try Keystone quick repair service and save money. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., 814 North Third St. Both phones. SIGNS of all kinds; brass signs at half price; our simplified process makes this possible; strictly high class work guaranteed. MANAHAN & CO.. 24 d. Dewberry street. PERSONAL. LADIES —When delayed or Irregular, use Triumph Pills; always depend able. "Relief" and particulars free. Write National Medical Institute, Mil waukee, Wis. APABTMENTS FOB BENT MODERN and sanitary; steam heat; electric lights, gas range and water heaters; laundry trays; finest equipped for medium rent in city. Location 1419 Vernon and 1416 Thompson .Sts. Open for inspection. Apply BAPTIST I. Third and Chestnut Streets. FOR RjENT—Large rot m, third floor, Are proof building; corner of Aber deen and Strawberry avenues. Freight elevator service. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., 222 Market St. APARTMENT FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath, with all conveniences. Including front and back porches with storage room, located corner Sixth and Harris. Apply L FILBERT. 1542 X. Sixth St. f.EAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2H story dwelling houses tor sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts. ! UNFUBNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT FOR RENT—Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, no children. Also, one furnished room. Apply 814 X. Third street. AUTO SEBVICE WANTED WANTED—Automobile service, for city use, to carry one or two passengers, for ten days, with privilege of 11 or 12. Chauffeur must be reliable. Average 15 miles per day, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Address 3774, care Star-Independent. HOME WANTED WANTED—Home for week-old baby boy; good parentage and healthy. Full surrender. Address A. M. C, No. 3771 care Star-Independent. ' ] » Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert'a Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. Do you? Call and deliver. FOUND —A decided Improvement In my I appaaranca since having my clothing 1 cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dya Works, 1409 N. Third. Branch. Hoffman- Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call- I Ing and delivering. -I ' Legal IRE Citizen*' Club—ln the Court of Common Pirns of Dnuphin County. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made by Charles H. j Jones, Albert H. Dultan«Wnd James R. ! Wilson, et al., to the Court of Common j Pleas of Dauphin County, on Monday, the 24th day of May, 1915, under the I Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to t provide for the incorporation and reg ulation of certain corporations," ap proved April 29th. A. D. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation, to be called the "Citizens' Club," the character and object whereof Is "the maintenance of a cluh for social enjoyments, and in this behalf to secure a suitable place of meeting, and to maintain a library and j a reading room provided with the news- I papers, magazines and periodicals of the day, thereby promoting the social, moral and educational welfare of Its members," and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly and its supplements. MICHAEL E. STROtJP, The Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary will be open daily except Sunday at I 3 p. m., at its new location, Front and , Harris streets, for the free treatment of | the worthy poor. Death and Obituary SNELL—On May 7. 1915. Charles R. Snell, aged 4 2 yoars, 4 months and 3 days. Private funeral services Monday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock from the home of his brother. John 1,. Snell, 21 Linden St. Interment In Harrisburg cemetery. CAPITOL HILL MANY CASESjJP FOR PARDON Preparation of List Shows 34 to Be Acted On—Only One From Dauphin County The Board of Pardons will meet on May 19th to ta|fp up a long list of cases, preparation of the list ol'_wlii.-h was completed to-day. There are thirt ty-four cases on the list, two eT thorn being capital cases, one from lh\.iwarc, the other from Schuylkill. JPhe only Dauphin county case is that of David Kaufman, who was convicted in Sep tember, 1913, of flim-flaming and short changing Harrisburg merchants, and sentenced to from two years and six months to three years in the pentiten tiary. Kaufman was refused a pardon Ist of February, but came back in March with aii application for a rehearing, which was granted him. llis companion in crime was pardoned last Decem ber. Kaufman's attorney is D. R. Grif fith. Jr., of Philadelphia. His father in New York has been indefatigable im endeavoring to secure his son's re lease. District Attorney Stroup will op pose the pardon, as lie did on the pre vious occasion when it was refused. Big Capital Increase The New Vork Central Railroad Com pany lias fled notice in the State De partment of an increase of its funded debt to $100,000,000 and of its cap ital stock to $300,000,000. This is the largest increase in a number of years, and will net the state a large sum in tax. Telephone Protest G. E. Christ, general manager of the Blnirsville Telephony Company, ap peared before the Public Service Com mission on the complaint against the Johnstown Telephone Company and 1 the \\ indher Telephone Company. The establishment of through service which will include the Windber territory is desired. The Blairsville Company has couuected with the Johstown Company and Johnstown has connected with the Windber line. Blairsville wants to con nect with Windber, and while the Johnstown Company is agreeable to the proposition the Windber Companv is opposed to it. ABOUT TO START WORK ON 2 NEW PLAYCROIBS Park Department Hopes to Have First and Tenth Ward Plots In Condition for Use in June Plan to Build Parkway Link This Year Abandoned Plans now are being prepared for laying out the proposed new First ward playground, at Thirteenth and Syca more streets, and work on grading the plot wiH be begun by Park Depart ment next week, so Park Commissioner Taylor announced to-day. This will mean that the play plot will be ready for use when all the city playgrounds will be formally opened in June. Similar work ou the proposed new Tenth ward playground at Fifth and Emerald streets, which site is to be acquired under an ofdinance adopted this week by the City Commissioners, will be begun within the next fortnight or as soon as the deed is transferred to the City. With the opening of the Em -1 erald street playground the one at Maple Hill will be abandoned. The Tenth ward playground is not large enough to permit laying out a baseball field and the Park Commis sioner plans, he said, to improve the ball field in Wildwood park after the Pennsylvania Railroad Company com pletes the foot bridge over its tracks at Division street. One half of this bridge already has been built The enormous cost that would be en tailed through tho construction of the Cameron parkway link, from Cameron ! street to South Front street, Commis | sioner Taylor said to-day makes it in advisable to carry out "the plans this | year. Plans will be made and the necessary ground acquired, if possible, and everything gotten Into shape so I that work may be begun next year. | The construction of a culvert beneath j the Pennsy's main line and a subway ; beneath Cameron street would make the | cost $50,000 or more. j WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS Bradstreet's Figures for Last Week In Harrisburg and Other Cities Bank clearings in the United States for the week ending May 6, as reported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, ag- I gregate $4,197,250,000; against $3,-1 241,455,000 last week and $3,443,- 238,000 in this week last year. Cana dian clearings aggregate $150,122,000, as against $133,357,000 last week and [ $185,100,000 in this week last year.] Following arc the returns for this week,' with percentages of change from this week last year: > New York <2,633,217,000 I 36 7 Chicago ;<64,000,000 D 1 2 Philadelphia 168,129,000 I 7 Boston 1 i>5,140.000 I 22.3 St. Louis 87,792,000 t 11.8: Kansas City 74,283,000 I 41.0 Pittsburgh, 58,645,000 D 8 I San Kramlsco, ... 53,340,000 I 14 Baltimore 37,623.000 D 1.1 | ■Jcranton 3.426,000 D 13.1 i Reading, *1,737,000 Wiikes-Barre 1,817,000 1 9.8 Ijs.nca.ster 1.611,000 D 3.2 Harrl»hurg 1.780,000 1 1.9 Krle 1,056,000 D 5.0 York 1,024,000 Dll.O Chester 614,000 D 12.5 •Last week's. Globe Indemnity Company, X. Y., WILL GO ON YOUR BOND The NeeW Agency, Kunkel Bldg. Barclay's Condition Improved George A. Barclay, superintendent of roads of the State Highway Depart ment, who was injured yesterday when the department truck went over a bank at Mountain Springs hotel, is slightly improved at the Harrisburg hospital to dav. :He is rational at times and phy sicians believe he will recover. FINANCE - " ' , ' 1 NEW YOBX STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker. Arcade Building. Walnut and Court Btre«t* New York, May S, 1915. Open Close Amalgamated Copper SSH American Beet augur 4.1 4 4 American Can, 32 3314 American C. and F". C 0.,.. 47\ B1 American Cotton OH 4t>H 47% American Ice Securities,. . 30'{'• 30 H American Locomotive, ... 45 45% American Smelting 85 65 4 American Sugar. w ICS's 107 American Tel. and Tel 12012«H Anaconda 31% 32U Atchison 9ti% 9i)% Baltimore and Ohio 72 72U Bethlehem fiteel 144 H 140H Bapoklyn R. T„ 85% 85 California Petroleum 15% 1«U Canadian Pacific 154 156% Central Leather 42 43 % rhes-apeake and Ohio 43% 41% Ohi.. Mil. and St. Paul 90 91 % Chino Con. Copper 41 43% Col. Fuel and Iron 25% 26% Oorn Products 14 12% liirie i 4% 25 1 do., Ist preferred 39% 40% I Joodrich B. V 42 43 % Srcat Northern preferred,. .115% llBVi Ut. Northern Ore. nubs 31% 31% Illinois Central 108 108 I tnterboro-Met 18 19% ; do., preferred :.... 67 «S ; "'high Valley 13! l 139% | Louis', iHe and Nashville,.. 120 120 Mexican Petroleum 74% 75 Missouri Pacific, 12% 13 National Lead 57 59 Nev. Cornell. Copper 13% 14% New York Central 84 % 86% N. Y., N. H. and H 62% 61% Norfolk and Western IS 43 Northern Pacific 101 104% Pennsylvania Railroad, ...107 107 % Pittsburgh Coal 20% 21 Press Steel Car 4 4 44 % Ray Con. CoTtper 24% 22% Reading 142 1 42% Republic Iron and Steel, .. 25% 25% iouthern Pacific 87 KS% Southern Railway 16 16 Tennessee Copper L 9 30% Union Pacific 123 124 % U. 3. Rubber 60% 61 S. Steel 52 53% Ctflih 17%; roosters. 12® 12%; chickens, broilers, 30@'38; turkeys, 13@15; ducks, 13@>15; geese, 10 @ 11. Dressed poultry firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18®)19; average, 16@>17: unattractive, 14@15; old roosters, 13%; frozen fowls, 16® 18; roasting chickens, 17@20; broiling chickens, 22@27; tur keys, IS@>22; ducks, 12® 18; geese, 12 @l6. Potatoes steady; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 50'52: Maine, 50@52; Now York, 43® 45; Florida, per barrel, $3.50@5.25. Flour steady; winter straight, 7.00# 7.25; spring straight, 7.257.50; spring patent, 7.50@5.50. Hay firm; No. 1 large bales, 19.50 @20.00; medium bales, 19.50#20.00; No. 2, 17.50fi18.50; No. 3, 15.50® 16.50: light mixed, 19.00# 19.50; No. 1, 18.00# 18.50; No. 2, 16.00# 17.00. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, May S.—Hog's—'Receipts, S,000; slow. Bulk, 7.25#7.50; light, 7.i0 #7.70; mixed. 7.10#7.65; heavy. 6.80# 7.45; rough, 6.80#6.95; pigs, 5.25#6.80. Cattle—'Receipts, 100; steady. Native beef steers, 6.50 #8.90; western steers. 5.75#7.60; cows and heifers, 3.00#8.ti0; calves, 6.50@9.25. Sheep—Receipts. 500; steady. Sheep, 7.50#8.50; lambs, 8.25#10.60. Chicago Board of Trade Closing Chicago, May B.—Close: Wheat—May. 153%; July, 126%. Corn —May, 74%; July, 76%. Oats —May, 53%; July, 52%. Pork—July, 18.00; September, 18.12. Lard—July, 9.82: September, 10.02. Ribs—July, 10.55; September. 10.85. COLORED VOTERS LEAGUE Entertained by the Colored Attaches of the State Legislature A dinner in honor of the Colored Energetic Voters League of Pennsyl vania was given at the (Hotel Corona by the colored employes of the Legis ture, and proved to be one of the most | successful social events of the present { session. The committee in charge of the dinner consisted of WiUiam Boles, John Bird, Edward' Collins, Frederick Thompson, Harry Turner and Edward Ambush. Among the guests were the following: James A. Auter, Roscoe Astwood, Harry Burris, Denny Bibbs, C'.ircncc B._Coles, Dr. Charles Crainpton, Fred, j Darrow, Theodore Frye, Marshall Fick j lin, D. W. Green, Andrew Gray, Wal | ter Hooper, James Hill, William Hicks, I Alphonso Harris, Joseph Hill, Alfred I Jones, Philadelphia; Charles Jones, | Albert C. Johnson, Frank Jefferson, I William Jones, Philadelphia; John I Keyser, Samuel Lawler, Edward' Mur |phy, William Madison, Percy Moore, | Robert Nelson, George Potter, Kdwin j Parson, Daniel Potter, Sr., Charles , Rose, Columbia; Randolph Smith, Amos Scott, Philadelphia; Warner Thompson, Daniel Williams, James Wilson, Harry , U Williams, Charles White, Columbia; Albert Yule. Seventy-eight Jitneys Now The jitney license business continues j | to boom at the office of the City Treas . urer, seventy-eight of them being li ! censed up to to day at noon. City I Treasurer Copelin is of the opinion now j that the 150 license tags for passenger carrying autos will not be sufficient for the city. Former Harrlsburger Operated on Ross R. Backenstoss, of Washington, D. C., formerly a Harrisburg barber, was successfully operated op. at the 1 National Homeopathic hospital in 1 'Washington, D. C., yesterday. He is a brother of Clarence O. Backenstoss, secretary to Mayor Royal. Chicago Girl Seeking Father Miss Catherine Sayers, of Chicago, 111., has written the police department here in an effort to find her father, John Sayers, whom she says has been separated from her mother for twenty five years and whom she believes is now in or near Harrisburg. 11 6/4% and Ample Safety We are offering the Two Year 6% Convertible Bonds of a very prosperous Public Utility Corporation, serving a territory growing at about three times the ratio of in crease throughout the United States. Price to Yield 614% Full particulars on request for Circular O-50_ N. W. Halsey & Co. 49 Wall Street, New York " "Study the Invest ments of Banks •s methods used by them can be employed by conservative private invest ors. Send for our Circular No. M-125, which contains a list of securities many of which have met with the ap proval of banks and are adapt ed to the requirements of in dividuals. These securities yield from about 4% to over 8% A. B. Leach & Co. • Investment Securities 149 Broadway, New York Chicaco Philadelphia Buffalo Botton Baltimore London Bull Market SIX STOCKS LEAD NEXT RISE List mailed on request We deal In all securities CLARENCE CONE & CO. Broadway Ji>w York American Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher. Te«|ed—Tried and Proven The effect of the powder thrown upon a fire Is almost Incredible. EBY CHEMICAI, COMPANY Manufacturing Chrmlntn and Phvnlrlnn Supplies 83 S. FOtIRTII SIX HARRISBCRG. PA. FOR SALE - Houses up town, houses down town, houses on the Hill, houses In suburban villages, varying in prices from three hundred dollars to twenty thousand. Koine very Rood investments. Building lots for sale, also farms. Six acre farm with house and staible, chicken house, one hundred peach and a tine lot of apple trees and other fruit; close to trolley and steam railway. Sixty-seven acre farm with tine apple orchard one mile from railroad station. SAMUEL PLOUGH 366 Crescent St., Harrlnhiirg, Pa. MONEY If you work, keep house, pay your bills and need money for a Rood purpose, we can supply it in amounts of to J2OO at legal rates, payable weekly or monthly. Organized in 1909 by local people with local cap ital to save borrowers from extortion, the Co-opera tive, regardless of what others advertise, still leads for business rates, terms and service. COOPERATIVE loan&lnmtmentCs. 3«4 CHESTNUT ST. Open daily from S a. m. to 6 p. m., and Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 3 o'clock. RMS FOR SALE AI,I. GRADES AND SIZES From 18 Acres, fair buildings, for S9OO, to 311 Acres, good buildings, for |37no. I