THE WEATHEB FAZB TO-NIOHT AND TOMORROW BttilM Hefart Pa** ( SEa""""" VOL. 77—NO. 133. 1,216 Is Latest Estimate of Death Toll on the Torpedoed Lusitania Horror Equals If Not Exceeds Awful Calamity That Befell the Titanic Three Years Ago —Heartrending Scenes As Giant Vessel With Its Toll of Human Freight Sinks Be neath Waves—Two Torpe does Struck Doomed Vessel, Says Toronto Newspaper Man Who Was Among Sur vivors-He Declares There Was No Panic Among the Crew and Latter Proceeded in Prompt Manner to Get Passengers Into Boats-List of Survivors As Sent By U. S. Consul From Queens town-A. G. Vanderbilt Among the Prominent Men Lost By Associated Press, London, May B.—The latest available information in dicates that about two-thirds of the persons on board the Lusitania lost their lives. The number of passengers is given by the Cunard steamship representatives in New York at 1,254 and of the crew as 865, a total of 1919. The number of survivors now accounted for is 703. This indicates a death list of 1,216. Hopes that the list of persons saved may be materially increased were dashed by an announcement from the Brit sh Admiralty that all but one of the rescue fleet which put out from Queenstown had reported and that there was ; little prospect of news of further survivors. Of the 290 first-class passengers it is now believed only T6 were saved. No word has been received of Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Charles Frohman and other prominent men who were aboard. The story of the Lusitania came in >lo,wly owing partly to the confusion prevailing at Queens town, where most of the survivors were landed. No in formation was available as to how many of the Americans 3n the Lusitania had gone down. Stories told by survivors seemed to confirm the earlier report that the Lusitania lad been struck by two torpedoes. Ambassador Gerard at Berlin was directed to make in quiry of the German government concerning the sinking Df the Lusitania. While the situation is regarded at Washington as a serious one on account of the loss of American lives, it is expected the government will await the receipt of official nformation from Germany before deciding upon further steps. h»f^ n « d fl ra ! ty . t Statement given out in London shortly before 6 o clock this morning placed the number of sur vivors at 658. At 1.50 p. m. there was received in London a report from Ireland that 45 more survivors had been brought into Queenstown. If these 45 persons were not included in the total of 658 announced by the Admiralty the total of recorded survivors up to the present time is therefore 703 Queenstown, Via London, May 8, 10.16 A. M.—The various craft that yesterday afternoon went out from here to the scene of the Lusitania disaster returned to Queenstown last night and early to-day. All of them brought sur vivors in greater or lesser number. It is now estimated here that six hundred will be the outside number of those caved. No trace has been found here ®lj£ Mat" Mbtptnbcni of either Alfred G. Vanderbilt or Charles Frohman. The latest rescue boats to arrive are bringing mostly bodies of the dead picked up from the water at the scene of the disaster. The dead now here number ISM, and many of them are women. The naval and military authorities of Queenstown are rendering every assist- HARRISBURO, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1915 12 PAGES, ance possible in the removal of the dead and in assisting the injured to hospitals. The manager of the Cunard Line has taken ample hotel accommoda tions. as well as rooms in lodging houses, and there the survivor* are being sent. Awful Scenes in Queenstown Queenstown has never witnessed such a scene before. The dead are be ing conveyed to morgues and under taking establishments and numbers of motor cars have been brought into serv ice to take the injured to hospitals. The less seriously injured are being helped ashore by sailors and soldiers. Both men and women rescued, if they are able to walk, refuse to remain in their hotels. They haunt the docks, waiting and watching for friends and relatives. Many of the survivors are still be wildered from their terrible experiences, and their accounts of the sinking of the Lusitania are not entirely clear. It is to be noted, however, that one and all united in eulogising the manner in which the ship's officers behaved. Crew Works With Heroism Five minutes after the Lusitania was hit with the second torpedo amidships she had listed to such an extent that the life boats on one side could not be launched at all. The work of getting as many people as possible, for the most part women and children, into the only boats that could be got clear was at once undertaken by the captain and officers and men of the Lusitania and performed efficiently and with heroism. The scene as the big liner went down is described by the survivors as heartrending beyond words. Battling for life, the passengers called to rela tives and friends or bade each other good-bye. Collect Bodies of Floating Dead The small boats which had gotten away from the side of the liner picked up a good many survivors who, wtth life belts or clinging to wreckage, were floating on the surface of the water. But soon the boats all were crowded. These boats were in turn picked up by rescuing steamers coming at full speed from shore points, but in many cases four and more hours elapsed before tn« rescuers reached the scene. In many cases the only work left for the rescue workers to do was to collect from the water the floating bodies of the dead. Several passengers were ta ken aboard trawlers severely injured, only to die before they could he trans ferred ashore. A. C. VANDERBILT, ELBERT HUBBARD AND MANY OTHER NOTABLES REPORTED LOST New York, May B.—Many persons notaible in the business or social life of New York City were among those whose names were missing from the list of survivors of the Lusitania made public by the line here and at Queens towiT. Of those not reported as being saved Alfred G. Vanderbilt is one of the most widely known. Inheriting the bulk of the estate of his father, estimated at $70,000,000 to $100,000,000, he is one of the most wealthy men in New York. Also Elbert Hubbard, editor of the "Philistine," author of essays and publisher at East Aurora, N. Y., who is known throughout the country as "Fra Elbertus." Charles Frohman, theatrical manag er and producer, whose name had not been included among the survivors was another passenger. He was accompan ied by Justus Forman, playwright and author. Charles Klein, one of the best known American playwrights, also ac companied Mr. Frohman. Herbert Stuart Stone, elder son of the general manager of the Associated Press, is another American passenger not accounted for. Y'oung Mr. Stone was well known as the one-time head of the book publishing firm of H. S. Stone & Company, and the founder hnd editor of the "Chap Book" and "The House Beautiful," two successful mag azines. Among others whose names had not been included in the list of survivors were: A. L. Hopkins, president of the Newport News Shipbuilding Dry Dock Company. Dr. Pearson, a well-known American engineer, also one of the Lusitania's passengers, was associated with Com mander Stackhouse as one of the back ers of the expedition. Dr. Pearson, who jrtie accompanied by his wife, for a visit to England, was interested large ly in Mexican railways. Commander J. Foster Staokhouse, head of the proposed British Antarctic Ocean Society, which con templated a seven year trip to chart the Southern Seas. Commander Stack house came over here last summer to Beek the assistance of Americans in the enterprise and purchased the ex ploring ship Discovery for the purpose. The fruition of the expedition was de layed b_y the war. BRITISH ADMIRALTY CIYES BUT STATEMENT IN WHICH IT SAYS 1,500 WERE LOST London. May B.—Fifteen hunflred persons lost their lives the British Ad miralty estimates, when the Cunard Line steamship Lusitania was torpeitoorl yesterday afternoon off Old Head Kin sale, on the Irish coast. The known survivors number only 658. while there wore 2,100 souls aboard the great liner when she was attacked. Of those who were saved, 395 were landed at Queenstown and 11 at Kinsale, while 52 others aie reported to bo aboard a steamer. All but one of the rescue fleet of torpedo boats, tugs and trawlers which went out from Queenstown have reported. There is a slender hope that fishing boats hay have rescued a few more. In addition to the living brought ashore, the bodies of 4 5 who died of injuries or were drowned have been landed at Queenstown. Five more arc at Kinsale and it has been reported that an armed trawler, accompanied by two fishing boats, lias picked up 100 others. Declined to Join Rush for Boats The heavy loss of life'among the first cabin passengers is believed to have been due to the calmness and self pessession they displayed in face of danger. Most of them were at lunch eon when the steamer received her death blow and declined to join the rush for the boats and life belts. Thev believed the Cunarder would remain afloat until assistauce could arrive. Apparently every precaution had been tnken against a surprise attack bv a submarine. Lookouts were oti the alert constantly as the giant steamship Coatlnued on Twelfth l'aicr. SURVIVORS, PARTLY CLAD. HAD CAST ASIDE CLfITHINC ASTHEYPUTON LIFEBELTS Dublin, May 8, 6.24 A. >M.—Many of the Lusitania's survivors who lauded at Queenstown were only partly clad, having cast aside as much clothing as possible when they donned life belts. Most of the men, women and dhildren helped asihore by local bluejackets still wore these belts. One woman more than seventy years old was taken from tho water after having been kept afloat for some time by the life belt she wore. "I was talking with Mr. Winters of the Cunard line when the ship was hit,'' said Charles C. Harnwick, of New York, who has crossed the Atlantic sixty-one times. "Winters got into boat No. 17, whUnh overturned and flhen swam to boat No. 19. Most of the saloon passengers were at luncheon and the proportion saved was small. Mrs. M. M. Pappadopoulo, who was on her way to Athens with her husband, swam for a long distance toward shore before she was picked up. She believes her hus band was drowned." Julian De Avala, Cuban Consul Gen eral at Liverpool, although one of those badly injured, swam about for a long time and came ashore wearing only his underclothing. He climbed into three different boats but apparently the first two overturned. Bertram .Jenkins, of New York, helped two women into a boat, which •overturned as it reached the water, but later he saw one of the women, Miss Branded, an opera singer, at Queenstown. CAPTAIN TURNER, ON BRIIMiK UNTIL SHIP SINKS, RESCUED London, May 8, 8.02 A. M.—Captain Turner, of the Lusitania, stood at his post on the bridge until his Ship went down and was rescued three hours aft erward wearing a life belt, according to D. A. Thomas, the Cardiff, Wales, coal magnate. "Our course was shaped for shore im mediately after the torpedo struck," 'he said. "There is a difference of opinion as to whether the steamer was struck by more than one torpedo, but I heard only one.'' Many Survivor* in Serious Condition London, May 8, 10.32 A. M.—A number of survivors have been landed by fishing boats on Sovereign 'aland in the vicinity of Galley Head. Many are in a serious condition and it is feared that some will not survive. Says Lusitania Was Not Armed London, May 8, 1.51 P. M.—The British government to-day made the following announcement: "The state ment appearing in some newspapers that the Lusitania was armed is wholly false.'' Page Say B Vanderbtlt Perished London, May 8, 10.24 A. M.—Al fred G. Vanderbilt apparently perished when the Lusitania went down, ac cording to a message to Ambassador Page from the United States cpnsul at Queenstown. Frohman's Body Recovered Queenstown, May B.—The body of Charles Frohman. the theatrical mana ger of New York, has been recovered and brought to (Queenstown, where it is now being embalmed. LUSITANIA ON PREVIOUS TRIP MADE v EVERYTHING READY FOR AN ATTACK Tending to show that the captain of the Lusitania, on her voyage from this country which immediately preceded the one which ended yesterday whin the great liner was sent to the bottom by a torpedo, A. M. Keane, of 167 Paxton street, this city, gave out to day further details of a letter received from his sister, Miss Nora M. Keane, who sailed on the Lusitania on the pre vious trip. Brief reference to this let ter was printed in the Star-Indepen dent yesterday. While much of the letter is of a personal nature Mr. Keane made public the substance of that part of the communication which is of spe cial public interest at this time. According to Mr. Keane the letter states that on April 9, while the Lusi tania was sailing toward Liverpool, and was off the coast of Ireland, the captain ordered forty-eight life boats to be placed in readiness, as if in fear something might happen. The cap tain, however, assumed an optimistic attitude, telling the passengers that no" danger was anticipated. During the voyage three engines were constantly jn use but on April 9 the fourth was ordered in readiness, and immediately the firemen and engi neers steamed it up ready for instant use. For two nights before landing all lights on the outside of the vessel were extinguished and the decks were in to tal darkness. Miss Keane further wrote that much anxiety was shown among the passen gers and everybody was in a state of nervousness, although the captain in sisted there was no danger. Miss Keane sailed for Ireland on the Lusitania April 4, the vessel being de layed' one day in starting from New York, due to a heavy gale off the coast. She wa* accompanied to New York by her broWier, A. M. Keane, one of five brothers who are Pennsylvania Kail road engineers in this city. Mr. Keane remained. in New York until the steam ship set sail. He said he had never seen such a large number of people leave New York harbor or any ship be fore. He said most of the passengers on that voyage were from Canada. Miss Keane went to Ireland to visit her mother, who is ill. TWO TORPEOOES STRUCK LUSITANIA. SAYS TORONTO SCRIBE, WHOWASRESCUED Queenstown, May 8, 3.18 A. M.—A sharp lookout for submarines was >;ept aboard the Lusitania as she approached the Irish coast, according to Ernest Cowper, a Toronto newspaper man, who was among the survivors landed here. He declared that after the ship was torpedoed there was no panic among the crew, but that they went about the work of getting passengers into the boats in a prompt and efficient man ner. ''As we neared the coast of Ire land,'' said Mr. Cowper, "we all joined in the lookout, for a possible attack by a submarine was the sole topic of con versation. 1 was chatting with a friend at the rail about 2 o'clock when sud denly I caught a glimpse of the conning tower of a submarine" about a thousand yards distant. I immediately called my friend's attention to it. Immediately we both saw the track of a torpedo fol lowed almost instantly by an explosion. Portions* of splintered hull were sent flying into the air and then another tor pedo struck. The ship began to list to starboard. "The crew at once proceeded to get the passengers into boats in an orderly, prompt and efficient manner. Miss Helen Smith apf-ealed to me to save her. I placed her in a boat and saw her safely away. I got into one of the last boats to leave. Some of the boats could not be launched as the vessel was sink ing. There was a large number of wom en and children in the second cabin. Forty of the children were less than a year old." STOPS WAR PICTURES Police Captain Thompson Requests They Be Not Shown To-day Captain of Police Joseph P. Thomp son to-day requested managers of mo tion picture houses to refrain from showing films containing war pictures because of a possible demonstration in the audience in view of the sinking of the Cunarder Lusitania yesterday off the coast of Ireland. A news film containing war subjects shown in one of the Market street movies last evening was received in sil ence. Captain Thompson thought it best to be on the safe side. Defines an American Citizen London, May 8, 4.39 A. M.—Dis cussing editorially the Lusitania dis aster the "Standard" says: "An American citizen is an Ameri can citizen whether he b« a compara tively obscure passenger on a West African liner, the captain of a tramp steamer, or a millionaire traveling in on a transatlantic floating pal ace. But the mere vastness of the Lusi tania disaster cannot fail to impress Washington with a more vivid sense of its responsibility." United States Government Directs Ambassador Gerard to Ask the German Government for Report of Sinking of the Lusitania, As a Basis for Whatever Action May Be Taken By This Nation—Wash ington Officials Admit Situation Is Very Grave—President Is Deep ly Shocked But Will Take No Steps Until All Available Informa tion Is at Hand—Believed Ger many Will Hold the Lusitania Was a Belligerent Vessel—Special Session of Congress Is Discussed Washington, May B.—Shocked and appalled by the tragic aspect of the Lusitania disaster as hourly develop ments disclosed : ts magnitude and far reacihing possibilities, with the prob able loss of 137 American lives, Presi dent Wilson and his advisers are wait ing for all facts and for a crystalliza tion of public opinion to aid in laying out the course the United States will pursue in this latest international eom iplication—the gravest the President has faced since the outbreak of the European war. Nowhere in- administration circles is there any disposition to minimize the situation, but President Wilson while seeking facts hope® that the country will assume an examining attitude and reserve full judgment until all complete information is at hand. As more details began coming in activities at the White House and the executive departments of the govern ment disclosed how much administration officials realize the tensity of the sit uation. Secretary Bryan cabled Ambassador Gerard at Berlin to ask informally the German government for its report on the disaster and t-o Ambassador Page at London he sent messages urging re newed efforts to aid the suffering and to gather information. President Wilson, while he went to the golf links for his recreation, left strict instructions to be notified ot any important dispatches. Cabinet officers who had planned a week-end holiday away from Washington concelled their plans. A Belligerent Vessel? Chairman Stone, of the Senate For- COAST GUARD SAYS VESSEL SANK WITHIN EIGHT MINUTES Cork, Ireland. May 8, 6.04 A. M.— A coast guard who witnessed the sink ing of the ship believes she sank within eight minutes. His story is confirmed by a Cork farmer who was working near Old Head Kinsale when he heard shots and, looking seaward, saw a steamer with her bows in the air. He said hardly ten minutes later she keeled over on her side and sank. A resident of Ardfield estimates the ship was five miles from shore when he heard the crash of the torpedo when it pierced her side. For a moment she seemed to move slowlv straight ahead, then turned suddenly and then stopped, her bow sinking and the stern rising. Then she keeled over and disappeared from sight. W T ithin a few minutes ten boats had reached the spot where she ' went down. The trawler Daniel O'Connel, while; fishing, came upon two of the Lusitan- ! ia's boats, containing 65 passengers, mostly women and children, in a de plorable plight. The trawler took the boats in tow and was proceeding with them to Kinsale, when it was intercept ed by government tugs, which took the survivors to Queenstown. Trawler Sunk by a Submarine London, May 8, 8.15 A. M. —A dis paitch to the "Central News" from Alberdeen says the Bteam trawler Ben nington, one of three which escaped from a German submarine, was sunk toy shell fire from a submersible off Aber deenshire at 4 o'clock yesterday (Fri day) afternoon. The crew was saved by a Norwegian steamer. POSTSCRIPT PRICE ONE CENT. oign Relations Committee, issued » statement counselling calmness and ad vising "don't rock the boat." Chair man Stone pointed out that qualifying circumstances must be taken into con sideration because the Lusitania was a belligerent vessel, but he considered the attack on the American steamer Gulflight a mut'h more serious offense aga ; eutral rights. . -v, _ .-csident, -Secretary Bryan and other members of the Caibdnet were visibly depressed. Persons who talked witih them found them sick at heart and grieved at tho horror of the catas trophe. Notwithstanding that warnings •had been given, it bad been regarded as inconceivable by high officials that the threatened sinking of the vesaol wo.iVI actually be carried into effect. The fact that the Lusitania was a British ship, flying the British flag and o.ven had contraband of war altoard, did not remove from their minds the ever recurrent thought that a hostile submarino deliberately destroyed the ship with the knowledge that hundreds of defenseless neutrals and women and children were aboard. An Unprecedented Attack Everywhere that aspect oversrhad j owed the legal fihases of the ease, for, j while there is said to be no precedent in international law for the attack without warning on a belligerent mer- I chant ma n, it was realize that defense might be made on the charge that guns were mounted on the deck. That, how ever, the British government has de nied. In mainy quarters it was thought probable representations to Germany will be general, covering all the cases of attack on American vessels. It was pointed out that the case of the Gul flight, also torpedoed without warning, with a loss of three American lives might he made the basis for action oy ! the United States, but that the l,usit | ania incident the death of l,eon C. , Thresher, an American, on the British j steamer Falaba, and the attack by | German airmen on the American steam . er Gushing, might he grouped as an indictment by the American goverit | iiie-nt against Germany for failure to i observe the rules of international law Continued on Twelfth Page, RUSSIAN CITY OF LIBAU IS CAPTURED BYTHE GERMANS Berlin, May 8, Via London, 3.50 P. M. —Official announcement was made at the German War Office to-day that the city of Libau, in the province of Cour land, Russia, haul 'been captured by the Germans. In the capture of Libau the Germans have gained one of the main objects of their invasion of the Baltic provinces ■of Russia. This movement, undertaken within the last fortnight, was designed to occupy Libau and Riga, two of tho principal Russian ports on the Baltic, which would enable the Germans to harass Russian communications with Petrograd. The German movement in this quar ter was one of the surmises of the new spring campaign. Petrograd dispatches have made it appear that this attack was regarded lightly in the Russian capital. China Has Not Yet Replied Tokio, May 8, 11.30 A. M.—The Japanese Foreign Office announces this morning that it hail received no in formation as to the nature of China '• reply to Japan's ultimatum. Von Bernstorff in Seclusion New York, May 8 —Count Von Bernstorff, German Ambassador to the I'nited States, who reached this city last night, remained in seclusion to day. It is understood that he left or ders not to be disturbed.