s THE WEATHEB CLOUDY TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW 0»HIW Htpwt P>« • SS£l u «'£f D VOL. 77—NO. 132. Lusitania Is Torpedoed and Sunk; Fate of I,2s3Passengers Unknown Great Cuuard Liner, Supposed to Have Been Attacked by a German Submarine, Goes to Bottom in 30 Minutes Off the Irish Coast RESCUE SHIPS HURRY OUT Many Americans on Board the Vessel — . Washington Is Great ly Excited But No Official Statement Issued b} r Govern ment at Late Hour This Afternoon By Associated Press, New York, May T.—The Cunard liner Lusitania, one of the fastest steamships afloat, was torpedoed and sunk this afternoon off the coast of Ire land, ten miles south of Kinsale. She had aboard 1,233 passengers. She sailed from this port last Saturday, May 1, and carried in addition to her own large passenger list, 103 passen gers transferred to her from the An chor liner Camperonia. The news of her sinking was an nounced by the local office of the Cunard Line and was based on cable advices received irom the home office of the company in Liverpool. Dispatches Announcing Disaster Three dispatches received in the or der needy reduction of Souain Dere which covers Kilid Bahr. "The allies lateT continued tlheir sue cesses, turning their attention to die section of the peninsula between Gaba Tepc and Seddul Bahr. "An entire division of Turkish rein forcements have arrived on the penin sula and desperate fighting is under way t,o prevent them from effecting a junction with the troops in holding the positions in the lower ports of the penin sula." Using Inflammatory Shells Dardanelles, Thursday, May 6, Via London, May 7, 12.22 P. M. —The ar tillery exchanges between the warships of the allies and the shore positions of the Turks continue. Some vessels are firing from the gulf ofSaros, making use of inflammatory shells. The town of Maiilos was set on fire yesterday. Certain Forts Silenced London, May 7.—Certain forts at | Chanak and Kalid Bahr in the Darda- I nelles have been silenced, while some of those of both sides of tihe waterway up to -N'agara probably also are out of ac tion, says a dispatch to the "Chrou icle'' from Mvtilene. Aviators Fly Over Constantinople Paris, May 7, 12.30 .U. M.—The first attack of the war on Constantinople is reported in an unofficial dispatch from Athens. It is said three Russian aviators flew over the c.itv dropping sev eral bombs which are .believed to have caused extensive damage. The message says also that tihe Rus sian Black sea fleet bombarded tho Turkish forts on the left bank of the 'Bosphorus on Wednesday. Several Rus sian shells fell within about ten miles of Constantinople. Victories Reported by Turks Constantinople, May 6, Via Wireless to Berlin and London, tMay 7, 8.07 A. IM.-—The following statement regarding the operations in the Dardanelles was issued last night 'by the Turkish war office: "An enemy battalion was annihilated Wednesday as the result of an attack by our troops against his left wing. "At Ariburau part of the enemy's strongly 'built entrenchments were cap tured. "At Seddul Bahr we inflieted Cieavv losses on the English and captured great q lantities of ammunition. Wo 'have taken ten enemy machine guns." WALL STREET CLOSING By Associated Press, New York, May 7.—Confirmation of the sinking of the Lusltanla was fol lowed by enormous selling' orders. Losses ran from O to 12 points stand ard stocks and 15 to 30 in war spe cialties, with a few substantial recov eries in the final dealings. The closing was weak. Stocks collapsed this aft ernoon on news that the British trans atlantic liner Lusitania had been tor pedoed. Prices fell away rapidly, but support brought some steadiness at tho close.