The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 06, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Her* Not Aloar Becawe Prltn Are Ltnir, Bat
In Which Quality and Low Pricesr-the Domi
nating Factors in Our Success—Prevail as Usual.
Extensive Showing of
To-morrow morning we shall show an entirely \\fl\
new line of Summer Millinery, consisting of \y t «
New Leghorns, White Hemp, Tuscan and \L jW J
Horse Hair Hats, White and Black,
Straw Color, Hemp and Panama. | r
The models include all the latest shapes. l\\ J J
Special attention is called to New Y.ork's Latest C
Craze—Black Milan Hemp Hats with Beaver Top—
now being exhibited here.
Also see the new Sport and Outing Hats, Felt and
Duck Hats in white, and Palm Beach colors. ~ m '
»"?r ment Children ' B Trimmed and Un ' Lillian Ru-eIT. Favorite
trimmed Hats. D*ll CDCCI
Trimmings of all kinds in a wide range of prices. rlllOW^rKKr)
All at our lower-than-elsewhere prices. Pur. Linen Crwh Top with Back gfoa
_ with Purchase of 6 Skein* at f\m*
Richardaon'a Pure Silk FIOM V IF*
Summer Wear and Men's Summer Underwear and Bal- and Embroidery Leaaon at
briggan, Gray Mixed, Black and "The Lillian Russell Pillow" is hand
r a ones White, in shirts and drawers; all tinted for embroideringin gorgeous shades
We are now showing a complete sizes 35c
stock of Summer White Materials Men's Athletic Underwear 25c e ™ ° to intr a
at prices that can't be duplicated. Men's Athletic Union Suits. Two-
Also new muslin Underwear in Cor- piece prices. niTIW^CnJCJpXO^J
set Covers, Brassieres. Drawers, Men's Silk How Riarir Km T.T, , ,""" .
OUH. _ UK " 08f • «»««, wary. Tan, \\ e want every lady to try It and learn wh»
Chemises, Combination Suits, Skirts, Putty and White. Special, . 25c millions of women prefer Richardson's.
Gowns, etc. New white Bibbed Un- Men's Lisle Hose all colors 1° i 2 c We can aupply Table Scarfi to match.
derwear. Vests. Drawers and Com- Men's Silk Boot Hose, all colors"
bination Suits. (2Uc
New Laces of all descriptions. Men's Colored Cotton Hose, all"col- DreSS Making Supplies
KZ ,n U ' ; »C. 8 pair, for 25c The Notion Department is brimful
New White Ribbons in Taffeta. Men s Mixed Hose 5c and 9c of dressmaking needs, including
v ll WC^Zf S j i II ( k M en's Neckwear, special values in Threads, Snap Fasteners, Hooks and
New White Piece Goods in all the silk, plain and fancy, in all the Eyes. Safety Pins, Button Moulds.
i ateßt , comblnations colors. Hooks and Eyes. Tape, Thimbles. Pins,
Splash and Snow Flake Voiles, Late Special, 25c Cotton Dutch and English Taoe Fin-
Voiles. Madras Dotted Swiss Cross Men's Caps 25c islAng Br ffinj. Pe»S«
mfd*Tnrifa M«n;» Belts, 50c value Boning, Girdle Forms, Collar Flares.
rfnon 'rS ~ en . S oarters - •• • ,oc 'Scud 25c Elastic In black, white and colors, and
Lmon, Mercerized Batiste, Plisse, Men s 4-ply Linen Collars lOc Buttons of all shapes and sizes, at our
Crepe, Linen. Longcloth, Nainsook. Canvas Gloves. ...Tc, 10c and 23c usual low prices
Ratine, etc.
Summer Soutter slc to 25c Dep't Store
Men's Drsss Sliirts in figured and
Biick, „„ , " HERE e » E,T MT »
work Shirts, aii sizes 25c 215 Market St. Opp. Court House
Specimens of Work Done by Pupils of
Local Schools Can Be Viewed by
Parents and Friends in the Various
Booms Next Thursday and Friday
One of the most elaborate and in
teresting exhibitions of art, drawing
and needlework, ever shown in the
borough publii - schools will be thrown
open to the puNie on the afternoons of
Thursday and Friday. May 13 an 1 14.
according to the following announce-
made by Professor L. E. McGin
nes, superintendent of the schools, this
Thursday and Friday, May 13 and
14. will be observed as Patrons' Days
in the Public Schools. Exercises will
be held in each of the rooms on Thurs
day afternpon from 2 to 3 o'clock. At
the close of these exercises the visi
tors will be invited to inspect the work
of the pupils in art, drawing and sew
For the convenience of patrons and
others who cannot be present on the
13th, the rooms will be thrown open
for inspection on Friday afternoon.
The high school exhibit in art and j
freehand drawing and mechanical draw j
ing will be open to the public on Fri
day evening. May 14. from 7.30 to 10
o'clock and on Saturday from 1.30 to
5 p. in.
A cordial invitation is extended to
patrons and citizens in general to visit
tbe school rooms on one or more of
these days. All will be welcomed by
teachers and pupils.
Standard Theatre's Offerings
"The Third Commandment" will be
beautifully illustrated in motion pic-'
tures at this popular theatre this even-1
ing for the purpose of assisting some
persons in following its jwecepts. Sea
scenery and'its possibilities will also be
a feature of the screen. This is a pic
ture which has few equals.—Adv.*
Steelton Transfer
Office Removed
To Trewick St., Hear From, !
where Lime and Sand can be had at
all times, also hauling of every de
scription will be attended to on
short notice.
At the STANDARD Theatre
The Third Commandment. Featuring
Tom Moore and Marguerite Courtot.
Three reels.
The House of D'Or. Three reels, extra
By the Sea. Featuring Charles Chaplin.
FOR RENT—House with nine rooms
and all Improvements: beautiful lawn
—lot 50x12i for garden; opposite frog:
shop. Inquire of JOHN M. HEAGY, 3J
S. Front St.. Steelton, Pa.
With the Theme. "The Baca and the
Bacer,'' the Evangelist Lands
Smashing Blows on Dancing and
Card Playing
Evangelist Hillis preached a soul
stirring sermon last night to a large
and appreciative audience on the sub
ject, "The Race and the Racers." In
the course of his remarks he said that
every one is in a race for something.
He drew a contrast between the past
and the present by comparing an old
time clock with one of to-day. The old
clock of fifty years ago says: "Don't
fret, don't fret," while the clock of to
day says, "Get there, get there." We
must get there to-day or lose out. He
said one of the most dangerous ene
mies of to-day is the cigarette. Re
ferring to the attitude of the pew to
ward the pulpit, he said: "If you
want your preachers to preach good
sermons you must pat them on the
back, not kick them. ' In reference to
hindrances in the race of life, he said:
"A whole lot of people are trying
to run the Christian race with such a
lot of weights hanging to them that
they cannot move forward. One of the
weights to-day on the lives of many
christians, and many who are not, is
the modern dance. Eighty and one
half per cent, of the prostitutes in Chi
cago said in a late interview that they
were placed where they were by the
modern dance. Fifty years ago you
could get a saw-log between two per
sons dancing; to-day you cannot get a
case-knife. I would rather have a
daughter of mine walk like a hippo
potamus than to learn to be graceful
bv the modern dance.
"Another weight is card playing.
Cards originated with an idiot son of
Henry, the eighth. The king offered
$25,000 to the man who would invent
something that would amuse his son.
Cards were invented to amuse a young
man who was an idiot, and they are
still used by idiots. I have never yet
seen a cardpjaving Christian who
amounted to anything as a soul-winner.
He played unmercifully the Christian
who will not forgive and in one of the
most dramatic and powerful thrusts
of the night said, 'The Christion Must
Forgive or He Will Go Straight to
Hell.' "
That the campaign is growing was
evidence..! by the announcements of
various activities. Meetings are being
held in the Reformed church every aft
ernoon at 4.15 for the boys of the
High school, under the direction of
Professor L«. S. Stahl. There are also
meetings in the Presbyterian church for
the girls of the High school, under the
direction of Mrs. C. E. Hillis. Plans
are being made for High school night
on Saturday at the tabernac-le.
Arrangements are about perfected
for a nursery to take care of the chil
dren, thus allowing mothers to attend
the meetings who could not otherwise
do so. The nursery will 'be under the
care of competent persons.
Th« cottage prayer meetings are now
starting, the town being divided into
72 districts. According to the plan
made there will be 288 of these meet
ings every week of the campaign.
Sunday school day will be observed
on Sunday afternoon at 3.15 o'clock.
The schools- will march to the taber
nacle in a body. 1
F /■ ; ; " . V
v V .
i Local Bed Men to Have Octorora Tribe
as Guests
Paxtang Tribe No. 243, I. O. B. M„
will entertain a large delegation of
members from Octorora Tribe, Harris
j burg, at the local wigwam, Second and
j\V alnut streets, this evening, when a
|li.rge class of candidates will be given
j the first degree. A social time will
j fellow the business session, during
which addresses will be made by several
j of the visitors and refreshments will be
served. Full turnout of local members
is requested.
Show to Be Held Under Auspices of the
Local Civic Club
| Tickets of admission to the May
j Carnival to be held under the auspices
of the local Civic Club in several
I weeks have been placed on sale and the
| committee in charge of arrangements
| announced this morning that plans were
I about completed. The coming show
I will be spaced on Second street between
j Hine and Adams streets, with headquar
| ters on the steel company lawn. Sec
| ond street and Angle alley". The Steel
| ton band will render one "of its popular
j concerts during the show.
Emanuel E. Diffenderfer Died at Home
of His Daughter
Emanuel E. Diffenderfer, an old and
highly-respected resident of Highspire,
died yesterday afternoon about 3.30
o'clock of kidney trouble, from which
he was ill about one year. Since the
death of his wife some years ago he
had resided with his only daughter,
Mrs. W. J. Reeves, Market "and Paxton
•He is survived by the following rela
tives: His mother, Mrs. Annie Diffen
derfer. Highspire; his daughter, with
whom he lived; four brothers, Abraham,
Marsh Bun; Jonas, Ohio, and William
and David, Highspire.
The Sons of Italy band, Harrisburg.
will aAVG ioio
I Pi
£ These are first class I% I
?■ j standard wrapped tread «
i'-'ti tires. They prt made «
(■} Qood and they foake good. it
f Size. Plain-Non-Skid. Tubes. ;
* 3 I?* sß.l# $6.05 51.73 fcWB
I S 3 *3O 5.75 6.35 1.85 E_l«
I f 3 x 32 6.35 6.85 2. CM)
J a>,jc3o 7.40 ! >i-
I -3 3 4x31 7.7 a 8.58 *.25 f Z,%
I i: 3 Ui32 7.85 8.75 2.3S bjM
§• > 3 4x34 8.48 8.15 2.45 >":•><»
1 i: 4 x3O 10.08 11.08 2.88 |KMa
% i i X3l 10.40 11.45 3.85 ->£
2 -j 4 x! 2 10.88 11.80 8.05 feJLS
£ :i 4 x 33 11.28 12.35 3.15
f i 4 x 34 11.58 12.85 3.25 .'OS
S 4 x 35 11.90 13.18 3.35
I ■ '« 4 X 34 11.35 13.55 3.45
K S 4 4xJ4 14.80 18.85 4.00 Tl
4 4x35 15.30 16.85 4.10 ';?>§•
r .a 4 4x34 18.88 17.35 4.20
a $ 4 4x37 16.25 17.90 4.38 }<rf
I. > 5 jtS-S 17.55 19.65 4.85 'nf
{'. -*■ S X 3« 18.4* 20.35 4.95 KM
V I 5 x' 37 19.00 20.85 5.85 g
v All prices subject to K m
t ; change without notice.
V- 'i Gl»e ua a trial order. When [■ M j
V,:" you once use our tirea yo.i [ M
\ t will buy no others. I
* Terms: C. O. D., sight Ygf
drattOTcaah with
will told its first »nnua>l ball in the
German Quartet Club hall, Front and
Washington streets. Thursday, IM»y 20.
Dancing will continue from 8 to 11.30
p. m.
Manager White, of Steel ton A. C.
'basfball team, has ordered practice this
afternoon and to-morrow afternoon at
5.30 o'clock in preparation for Sat
urday's game with the Hershey nine.
The Central Pennsylvania League sea
son will open here with the chocolate
town team as the attraction.
To-morrow Will Be Time of Formal
Opening at City Rescue
To-merrow is the time set for the
formal opening of the new quarters of
the_ Harrisburg City Jtescue Mission at
107>,<. South Second street. A service
will be held in the evening, to which
a'l t'Se 1 ifrons have been esieeically in
vited. The mission has left its original
quarters at 3 North Fifth street and
moved to the new location, where serv
ices are to be lield every evening.
The officers of the Mission are:
James W. Barker, president; Luther
Minter, vice president; William G.
Hean, secretary; Fred Kelker, treasurer.
Mrs. Alice J. Heckeir, Caliente, Ne
vada, is visiting her father, John H.
Wollett, Xorrti Third street.
Oliver Green, Xort'h Second street,
has returned from a visit to friends at
Vienna. May 6. —Due D'Avarna. the
Italian Ambassador, conferred yester
day with Baron Burian, Austro-Hungar
ian Foreign Minister. Much impor
tance is attached to the interview, but
no announcement has been made as to
the result. The negotiations with
Italy are generally regarded as having
reached a critical stage.
On the Italian Frontier, Wednesday,
May 5, Via Paris, May 6, 12.40 P. M.
—At the same time that the negotia
tions between Italy and Austria are be
ing continued. Italy's military prepara
tions are being completed with as much
energy as though the country expected
to participate in war to-morrow. All
the carabineers and customs guards,
who in Italy arc attached to the army,
havo been called to the colors and all
military leaves of absence have been
The frontier of Italy on the Austrian
side has been strongly fortified. All
the passes are protected with entrench
ments and wire entanglements. Con
crete has been used in a number of
places in the erection of barricades for
the protection of the soldiers.
Special measures have been adopted
for the defense of Venice and the art
treasures in this city. The naval au
thorities are of the opinion that long
range guns of large calibre are suffi
cient to prevent any hostile fleet from
bombarding the city, but attack from
aeroplanes is feared'. To afford protec
tion against the onslaughts of aviators,
anti-airship guns have been set up at
several points around the city and it
is believed they will be sufficient to
protect them from assault from above.
In addition to troops concentrated
on the Austrian frontier,.another Ital
ian army lias been brought together in
the vicinity of Brindisi, on the Adri
atic. This concentration is interpreted
as a sign that Italy foresees the pos
sibility of action in the near east.
London, May 6.—A Reuter's dis
patch from Sofia says that two Armen
ian journalists who have arrived there
declare that Armenians are being ar
rested in large numbers in Turkey.
• The reason for this as given by
Talaat Bey, the Turkish Minister of
the Interior, is that the Armenians in
Van are urging the population of the
town to revolt.
Rumania and Bulgaria in Compact
Turin, Italy, May 6.—A military
agreement has been concluded between
Rumania and Bulgaria which is pre
liminary to a formal political alliance
making it obligatory for those nations
to support each other in case of war.
according to a Saleniki dispatch to the
"Gazetta Di Torino."
Men —
Here's your chance; to buy
either a Waltham, a Hamilton or
an Elgin open-face watch and pay
for it while you are wearing it.
Each is 15-jewel movement in a
20-year guaranteed gold filled
case. Every watch is guaranteed
by the makers and back of tllis is
our own personal guarantee for
service and satisfaction. And the
price is onlv
Sold on our easy payment plan
$2 Per Month
By tha oldest Watch and Dia
mond Credit House in the City.
4N. THIRD BT. Second Floor
Philadelphia Division—lllerew to
go first after 4 p. m.: 113, 110, 120,
124, 13'2, 107, 102, 109, 123, 10S,
Engineers for IOC, 108, 110, 120,
I' 2«.
Firemen for 108, 109, 116, 120.
Conductors for 12®, 132.
Flagmen for 107, 11«, 111.
Brakemen for 102, 107 (2). 125,
Engineers up: Welsh, Sober, Gib
bons, Gil!umt<, Tennant, Long, Downs,
Davis, B. ti. Smith, Young, Dennison.
First, Wanbaugh.
Firemen up: Shive, Miller, Weaver,
Myers, Balsbaugh, Kearney, Mailen
ford, Ohronister. Bleich, Shaffer, Dodd,
Packer, Sees, G-ifberg, Brenner, Mof
fatt, Spring. f
Brakemen up: Jackson, Allen, Steh
man, Busser, Munima, Knupp, Koch
enour, Albright, Riley, Bogner, Bal
tozer, Armemt, Hivner, Moore, Mc-
Xaughton, Coleman.
Middle Division—2>4B crew to go
first after 2.35 p. m.: 24, 2'o, 23, 15.
Firemen for 248, 23.
Conductor for 2-3. \
Brakemen for 23, 16.
Engineers up: Havens, Kugler,
Hertzler, Free, Moore, Cloueer, Mum
ma, Webster, Simonton.
Firemen up: Gross, Wright, Ross.
Fletcher, Potteiger, Liebau, Sheesley.
Conductors up: Fralick, Ebe'rle,
Huber, Baskins, Keys.
Brakemen up: Myers, Wenrick,
Baker, Bolan, Reese, Strouser, Fritz,
Kissinger, Kwe, Stahl, Beil, Mar]in,
Kauffman, Henderson.
Yard Crows— Engineers up: Idindis,
Hoyler, Beck, Harter, Biever, Rudy,
Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Harvey,
Saltsman, Kuhn, Pelton, Bhyv«f,
Firemen up: Maoyer, Sholter, SneH,
Bartolet, Barkev, Sheets, Bair, tTlsh,
Bostdorf, Nchiefer, Kauch, Weigle,
Lackey, Cookerly.
Engineers for 4th 8, 10, 12. 16 22,
2d 21, Ist 24.
Firemen for 2d 8, 4th 8, 18 22
2d 21, 56.
P., H. and P. —After 11.45 a. m.: 7,
12, to, 5, 8, 22. 17, 16, 23.
_ Eastbound —After 2.45 p. m.: 69,
56, 67, 65,'57, 64, 61, 70, 59, 63.
Conductors up: Gingfoer, Orris, Hel
ton, Sipes.
Engineers up: Massimore, Crawford,
Kettner, Sonawitz, Merkle, Morrison,
Wireman, ijliddaugh. 'Martin, Fetrow,
Wood, Barnhart, Rich wine, Tipton,
Fortney, Sweeny, Lape, Pletz.
Fireimen up: Grunibinc, Fulton, Sul
iivan, fßowers, Zukowiski, Anspach, Lex.
Brakeinen up: Grimes, Heckman,
•McHenry, Zawaski, Miller, Smith,
Hoover, Shearer, Carlin, Harts, Kat.p,
'Miles, Eply, Kramer, Majton, Holbert. '
Philadelphia Division —22B erew to
gn first after 4.15 p. m.: 206 240
233. 235, 234, 222.
Engineers for 206. 234.
Firemen up: 206. 240, 234.
Conductor for 235.
Flagman for 210.
Brakemen for 212, 234, 240.
Conductors up: Logan, Flickinger,
Stauffcr, Dewees, Steinour.
Flagmen up: Suvder, Reitzel.
Bra-kemen up: ' Waltman. Tavlor,
Myers, Lutz. Musser, Goudv, Deeets,
Long, CanuAeli, Shuler, Baker, Sice!
Vandling, Jacobs, Harr.
Middle Division —ll7 crew to <*o
after 2.45 p. m.: 120, 111, 105, 118
107, 102.
Kngineer for 120.
Firemen for 120, 111.
Conductor for 107.
Brakemen for 105, 11S (2), 107.
Constantinople, May 5, Via Wireless
to Berlin and London, May 6, 7.59 A.
M.—The following official ■ statement
regarding the operations in the Darda
nelles was issued this afternoon by the
Turkish war office:
"The unfavorable situation of the
enemy in the Dardanelles remains un
changed. Reports from Athens regard
ing the occupation of Gallipoli and Xa
jgara'by landing forces are untrue.
"The Gallipoli peninsula is entirely
at our disposal for military movements.
The enemy holds only two points on
the coast, Seddul Bahr and Ariburau,
thanks to the constant firing of his
ships. The enemy is unable to make
any moves against the Turkish en
circling forces. The Asiatic coast has
been freed of our enemies."
Mrs. James Attick Awakes to Find Ne
gro in Bedroom
Mrs. James Attick, of Paxtang, yel
terday morning at 1 o'clock frightened
a burglar in her bedroom after he had
ransacked a clothes closet and some bu
reau drawers, and he fled out the sec
ond-story window, over the porch roof
and onto the ground, where his trail
was lost.
Mr. Attick and a nephew, William
Attick, heard Mrs. Attick's outcry and
immediately made a search of the
neighborhood, but the early morning
visitor, who is described as si light com
plexioned negro of large build, had dis
appeared. Nothing of value was taken.
Delegates to Sunday School Convention
March Through Town
Marysville, May 6.—This was the
big day of the forty-seventh annual
convention of the Perry County Sun
day School Association, which opened
here yesterday. The president, C'liarles
W. Bothwell, of Duncannon, was in the
chair in the morning.
A parade of all the delegates and
the members of the local Sunday schools
is planned, to form in the square and
march through the town. D S. Fry, of
Newport, will preside at to-night's
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
while your work gets done.
> How?
or lukewarm" water. Does
all the hard work that used
to tire you out. Does it
quickly, thoroughly, easily.
Felt h Co.. Philadelphia.
Coitlnunl From Klrat Pi(r,
Hers. There were half a dozen bands '
and oue a mounted band. The leading i
band chariot was drawn by 18 splendid i
the chap who has trou-
Lie witlvone pair of reins when he take.? ]
his best girl out for a Sunday ride '
gazed with astonishment and envy at 1
the nonchalant character who piloted j
this remarkable "hitch."
The funny old clown who sang the !
comic song, reeled oft' quips and!
corundrums and made the ringmaster!
ridiculous has become a medley, a mill-'
titude of abstracts, a whirlwind of un
identified comedy, i jtering to all ages.
He appeared in the parade this morn- 1
ing in the form of a brass band. Kach j
one personified in himself some age and i
characteristic of elowndom. While all)
others in the eavnleade looked straight i
ahead and were decorum incarnate, the I
clowns in that hand were in merry j
mood. They addressed every one—— j
man, woman, girl or child —and with [
the most humorous sallies kept the
crowd amused.
It is recorded that Nero fiddled while !
Rome burned. Harnsburg might have
been attacked before the crowds on the !
streets would have noticed this morn
ing. They were out for amusenieut '
and the circus delivered it in large j
Trappings Clesui and Bright
Old P. T. Barnum meant well in his
ancient day and did well enough, but if j
he had seen this parade to-day given j
by the circus he founded he would have J
been envious. The display of horse ;
flesh alone was well worth while. The i
costumes, trappings and all properties I
were clean and bright and from stem to |
stern the pageant was worthy of the
best traditions of this admittedly great- '
est show on earth.
But if the parade was the "finest, I
ever," as much can be said of the per
formance this afternoon, when this
thousand-sided miracle of the amuse
ment world entertained and delighted a
great audience.
The circus started with a glorious j
pageant illustrating the departure of :
Lalla Rookh from Delhi. It was a j
gorgeous affair, with a perfect ocean of \
color to dazzle the eve, and enlists the I
services of over 1.000 persons, together 1
with hordes of elephants and horses.
Then came the circus proper, and it was
an eve-opener for the blase person who
"has seen it all.'' Right from the
opening number there was more ginger
and go and snap than was ever before
seen at a circus.
And the great charm of it all was the I
great number of performances and acts \
that could really be called new. Pal- '
lcnberg's bears, who did everything but J
talk; Marcella's trained parrots, ma
caws and cockatoos, who also did ev I
erything, including talking; the war
elephants in a spirited battle pant.i- I
mime; Thalero's fox terriers and riding
monkeys; Adgie's 12 lions in a steel
arena; all these were being seen fori
the first time here and were among!
the high lights on a program which con
tained nothing commonplace or of a
mediocre nature.
Whirlwind Display of Riding
Among the riding numbers, the Eng- I
lish Hannaford Family were .seen in a
whirlwind display of riding which goes
beyond words to describe. And the
clowns! There must have been fifty of
them and they were the best ever. '
Aground and aloft there was never an I
idle moment and those who tried to see j
everything must surely feel the need of i
an occulist.
Surely it was a great performance
—great in conception, arrangement and
negotiation, and especially so in the
These are the kind of seeds we sell.
"The Plain Truth" is our aim! We will not misrepresent for
the purpose of making sales—nor for any other purpose.
We are free to admit that we are not infallible, but sometimes
make errors, but when we do we stand ready to rectify such
The Best Gardens can be made by using "Holmes Tested
Seeds." The largest stock and the largest number of varieties
to select from.
Everything for the Garden: Lawn Mowers Fertilizers, Rakes,
Shades, Hoes, etc.
106-108 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
merit and fewness of its offerings. The
whole program will be ropeated to-night
at 8 o'clock without an alteration or
Reading Man Was Third Engineer on
Gulfilght Tanker
Reading, Pa., May 6.—To 'escape
death twice when ships were blown up
by German submarines was the good
frtrtunp of Conrad .lackstead, a sailor
of Mt. Penn. He was on the nil tanker
Oulflight, struck near the Scilly Isles,
May 1, as third assistant engineer.
Two months before he was on the
Kvelyn, sunk in the North Sea by a
Herman warship. After a rest at the
home of a sister, Mrs. John U Karly.
No. 1515 Spring Harden street, Phila
delphia, he took a berth on the Oul
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
"A Royal Cabaret"
and a
Mats., 3 and 10c; Eves., 10 and t.~»c
Phetiplay To-day
Out of the Ruins
;t-reel Edison Drama
I I:
Vitagraph ! R . YOUNG"
_ . Biograpli Dra-
Coinedy ,„ at j c comedy
"HIS WIFE'S Don't fail to Me
SECRET :his oxceational-
Essanay Dr» - . .a y good show.
V - ,
10 A. SI. f o II I'. St.
In flu* Farm I'antany
"It's No Laughing Matter"
The Year's Biggost Success
"SNAP SHOTS," Edison comedy;
Selig comedy.
PERPETUA" with Vivian Martin.
linl., 5c | < hildreu, Scj Urcbrn., lUe
, i '
F \
Free Moving Pictures
every evening 7 to 11 p. m.,
Palace Confectionery, 225
Market street.