The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 06, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
Witmer, Bair & Witmer Witmer. Bair & Witmer May Clearance Sale of Suits & Coats Complete and Ip-to-Date at Popular Prices Supply your Travel, Vacation amd Motoring needs now as we ARE OOiNG TO SMASH THIS STOCK TO PIECES. Suits, SIO.OO to 53G.50 Coats, $0.50 to $29.76 Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 st^ ut SOCIAL and SUFFRAGE BRIDGE AND TEA HELD AT COUNTRY CLUB Successful Benefit Affair Arranged by Mrs. Boy P. M. Davis and Commit tee of the City Suflrage Associa tion One of the most successful suffrage benetits ever held by local suffragists was held yesterday at the Harrisburg Country Club, when ■ the bridge party and tea was held under the auspices of the City Suffrage Association, with Mrs. Roy P. M. Davis as chairman of the committee. Decorations of yellow prevailed throughout the club house. Miss Helen McFarland presided over the literature table and Mrs. Harvey F. Smith, chair man of the Dauphin county committee, and Mrs. John Oenslager, chairman of city organization, presided over tlie tea tables. The sixteen bridge tables were in charge of the following: Mrs. Wilmer R. Batt, Mrs. Roy P. M. Davis, Mrs. Solomon Hiney, Mrs. George Preston Mains, Mrs. Horace M. Witman, Mrs. Karl Kaltwasser, Miss Letitia Brady, Mrs. Thomas M. Jones, Mrs. Frank A. Smith, Mrs. Edgar Marks, Miss Eleanor Darlington, Miss Eleanor Walter, Mrs. Paul Smith, Dr. Ruth A. Deeter. Mrs. Christian Lynch and Mrs. Lew Russell Palmer. The affair was not only a social suc i ess, but a financial one as well, for the receipts were considerably over SBO. Eastern Star Entertainment A dance and card party was given last night in Winterdale hall by the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 14 6. Morgan's orchestra furnished music for the dancing and during intermission refreshments were served by Phillips, the caterer. The committee of arrangements in cluded Mrs. Oharles Woelile, chairman; (Mrs. Charles Hoover, Mrs. Charles Kelir, IMrs. Gustave Koster, 'Mrs. Billett Law son and Mrs. John C. Gitt. Among the guests were: Dr. and Mrs. H. Range, IMechanicsburg; Dr. and Mrs. R. E. 'Holmes, IMr. and Mrs. George Kline, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barley, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. D. Barr, Mr. and Mrs. A H. Fraiin, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sheaffer, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Burk liolder, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Wright, iMr. and Mrs. Earl DeWald, Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Wohle, Mr. and iMrs. A. G. Shantz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Billttt Lawson, Mr. ami IMrs. Charles Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kehr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Neely, Mr. and IMxs. John P. Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Drake, IMr. and Mrs. Gustave Koster. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gitt, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Eshleman, Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Lawsou, Penbrook; Prof, and IMirs. George Henchman. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Shetto, iMrs. Joseph Sweigart, IMrs. I. S. 'Brickcr, Mrs. A. K. Drake, Mrs. E. Helen Boyer, Mrs. Jeanettc Shelly, Mrs. Lillian Beard, Mrs. C. W. Davis, MTS. C. Koons, 'Mrs. M. H. Hickok, 'Mrs. Maurice c. Beard, Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, Mrs. Irvin Ricker, -Mrs. Anna Bacon, Mrs. Laura Wallow er, Mrs. Martiha Schuyler, Mrs. Kath arine Brunner, Mrs. Katharine Drake, iMrs. Harry Christ, Mrs. C. W. Sebourn, Mrs. Katlierine Caley, Mrs. Kate G. Hegner, Mrs. Joseph Lester, Mrs. W. H. IMeyers, MTS. Ernest Cady, Mr. and IMrs. Frank Mountz, Mrs. S. Egolt', Mrs. F. Hunter, M\ss Gertrude Campbell, Ijeb anon;lMliss Louiseßrechel, Lebanon; Miss Quick, Accurate Thinking requires mental faculties thoroughly energized. Energy conies from food —right food. Not heavy, indigestible food, but food easily digested and at the same time highly nutritious. This double re quirement is splendidly combined in Grape-Nuts FOOD Made of choice wheat and malted barley, this famous food retains all the nutriment of the grain, including those priceless mineral elements that must be furnished the system for the best activ ities of body and brain. The delicate nut-like flavour of Grape-Nuts, its concentrated energy and ease of digestion make this wonderful food a standby in the homes of thoughtful people everywhere. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. HARRIBB t IRG STAB-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 1915. tHelen Barley. Miss Sarah Anna Swartz, 'M'iss Ruth Graybill, IMiss Elizabeth Snyder, Mass Hazel 8. Fraim, (Miss Elizabeth M. Feltenberger, MiRS \M«y ißorlev, Miss Johanna Reese, iMliss IMi&r garet Turner, iMiss Mildred Erelmyer, iMiss Mabel Charles, Miss ißerfcha IMot ter, Miss Irene Horner, IMliss LMalml Wal lower, Miss Madeline Batter, ->iiss Jo sephine Koser, Miss Francis Hamilton. Miss Daisy 'Martin, Miss Edna V. Smith, Miss Hulda'h Rice, Charles W. 'Boyer, Howard Fraim, J. J. 'Monroe, Kenneth '-NT. Rhoads, Charles S. Fisher, Roy Bor ley, Isaiah Reese, William Hicks, C. A. j Hoke, (Harry Finnerfrock. MRS. GEO.KEETASHOSTESS Entertained at a Bridge Luncheon in Compliment to Her Guest From Philadelphia Mrs. George King Keet, 268 Boas street, gave a bridge luncheon yester day complimentary to her guest. Miss [ Catherine Mullin, of Philadelphia. I The guests included: Mrs. Leroy H. Hagerling, Mrs. j James G. Hatz, Mrs. William S. Ham- I maker, Mrs. 8. Reuel Sides, Mrs. W. Calder Metzger, Miss Elsie Brinser, J Miss Lorene Shelley, Miss Marian I Leib, Miss Helen Leib. Mrs. Earl Mack enson, Miss Edith Troup, Mrs. Robert I W. Troup, Mrs. Frank Nead, Mrs. | Gecrge Porter Hammond, Mrs. Edward j Stuntz, Mrs. Harry T. Neale, Mrs. i Frank Long, Mrs. Paul Chadwick, Mrs. I Baird Potts, Mrs. Henry Clay Kennedy, Miss Katharine Warden, Mrs. William | S. Raub and Miss Esther Goll, of Lan j caster; Miss Mullin and Mrs. Keet. MISS m_ HOSTESS Members of Sunday School Class of Maclay Street Church of God Were Her Guests Miss Martha Shoop, 611 Forrest ! street, entertained the members of the Friendship class of the Maclay Street Church of God at her home Tuesday j evening. Those present were Mrs. R. V. Rit j ter, teacher; Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Ram j sev, Mrs. W. Wilbert, Mrs. Ella Forney, Miss Helen Merkle, Miss Helen Ram j sev, Miss Helen Sellers, Miss Owe : English, Miss Grace Gallagher, Miss Bessie Bixler, Miss Emma Sheetz, Miss Sue Groff, Miss McCoy, Miss May Adams, Miss May Merkle, Miss Paulino Wilbert and Miss Margaret 1 Shoop. The next meeting will be held j June 1 at the home of Miss Grace Gal lagher, 344 Harris street. ENTERTAINED DEGREE TEAM Dames of Malta Were Guests of Mrs. C. G. Duey The degree team of the Dames of Malta was entertained toy Mrs. C. G. Duey at her home, 617 Delaware street, last night. After a short business ses sion a social hour was spent and re freshments served. Those present were: Mrs. Sallie Howenstine, Mrs. Mar garet Keller, Mrs. Eflie Barger, Mrs. Cora Warren, Mrs. Dollie Grubb, Mrs. Mildred Michaels. iMrs. Agnes Reed, Mrs. Margaret Leedv, Mrs. Jessie Kuhl wind, Mrs. Marv Feihls, Mrs. Fink, IMrs. Blanche Harling. Mrs. Cora Ri'ber, Mrs. Carrie May and Mrs. Duey. PROMINENT CLERGYMEN t WILL ATTEND CONVENTION Diocesan Meeting Which Will Be Held In St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, May 10-18, Will Be Attended By Many Churchmen Clergymen and layipen attending the diocesan convention which will be held at St. Stephen's church, May 10-13, will be entertained during their stay in the city as indicated in the follow ing list: H. M. Ake, by W. P. Maguire, The Loohiel; A. Aune, by W. B. Hammond, 1609 North Front street; W. E. Allen, bv W. K. Mevers, The Bolton; F. R. Allison, by F. W. Watts, 2112 Chest nut street; E. S. Barlow, by C. B. Mc- Conkey, Stanley apartments; F. M. Bed dell, by J. P. Jones, The Bolton; R. Bell, by B. F. Burns, The Bolton; D. A. Blose, The Lochiel; G. R. Bishop, by W. W. Davis, 117 Pine street; G. C. F Bratenahl. Mrs. M. E. Olmsted, ID'S North Front street; G. I. Browne, by Dr. John Oenslager, 115 South Front street; Bishop Burgess, Bishop Darlinigton, 321 North Front street; F. G. Oaruthers, by Johu Heathcote, The Bolton; T. I. Lacey, The Lochiel; F. C. Charlton, by B. F. Meyers, The Bolton; W. C. Clapp, by the Misses Lett, 218 Pine street; F. A. Cook, by Mrs. Moorhouse, The 'Bolton; F. M. Crouch, by C. H. Lloyd, The Boltou; .1. V. Davies, ibv G. Reinoehl, The Bol ton; L. P. Davies, by J. Clement, The Lochiel; A. R. Dewitt, by W. M. Don aldson, The Bolton; P. R. Dix, by Mrs. R. A. Lamberton, The Metropolitan; F. W. Dorset, by W. S. Hurlock, The Bolton; C. H. Doupe, by Lesley Mc- Creath, The Commonwealth; W. Dor wart, by Dr. John Oenslager, The Lochiel; F. T. Eastment, by Mrs. T. R. Smith, 307 North Second street; G. 0. ljskins, by A. S., The Met ropolitan;" E. M. Frear, by Mrs. John Reily, The Lochiel; F. L. Gardiner, by P. T. Meredith, 1605 North Front street; R. F. Gibson, by Frank Payne, 612 North Front street; D. P. Griffith, by Frank Smith, The Commonwealth. W. Heakes, by G. I. Beattv, The Bolton; F. N. Hinkle, by Mrs. Matchett, 342 South Sixteenth street; W. B. Hooper, by W. T. Hildrup, The Com monwealth; Bishop Hodur, by the Misses Lett, 218 Pine street; G. G. Hoyt, by H. H. Bowman, 1516 North Second street; A. A. Hughes, by A. Lutz, 309 North Second street; Bishop Hulse, by J. F. Bullitt, 2220 Chestnut street; C). C. Kelsey, by Frank Pollock, 405 South Fourteenth street; C. J. Kilgour, by the Rev. Mr. Appleton; W. E. Kunkel, by C. B. Ely, The Lochiel; C. S. Kitchin, by Mrs. A. W. Norris, 207 South- Front street; J. H. Lamb, bv R. A. Sawyer, 309 North Front street; ,T. H. Lamb, Jr., by R. A. Saw yer, 309 North Front street; A. Mc- Millan, by Mrs. J. C. Kunkel, 11 South Front street; M. D. Maynard, by W. B. Hammond, 1609 North Front street; J. A. Miller, by G. Coloviras, 1908 Market street: R. R. Morgan, by G. A. Gorgas, The Bolton; L. C. Morrison, bv Dr. C. S. Rebuck, 412 North Third street; F. O. Musser, by W. H. Hender son, The Bolton; Bishop Murray, by Bishop Darlington, 321 North Front street; L. Nichols, by Dr. G. B. Kunkel, 118 Locust street; L. R. Powell, by !W. T. Hildrup, . The Commonwealth; |W. C. Pugh, by Mrs. G. D. Ramsay, ! 101 Locust street; W. M. Parchment, by W. E. Herron, 1245 Bailey street; li. B. Pulsifer, bv Mrs. A. W. Norris, 207 South Front street; 11. E. Scbmaus, by Mrs. W. Eglc, The Bolton; J. C. Skottowe, by Allen Donaldson, The | Commonwealth; F. C. Smileau, by Mrs. jH. D. Boas, The Lochiel; Bishop Sweeney, by Mrs. M. E. Olmsted, 105 North Front street; H. D. Speakman, by W. H. Speakman, Cloverly Heights; i Bishop Talbot, bv' P. T. Meredith, i 1600 North Front street; A. R. Taylor, I by G. M. Whitney, The Commonwealth; ■I. W. Torkington, by J. A. Herman, i The Commonwealth; C. G. Twomblv, by William Henderson, 25 North Front street; C. A. Tvndell, bv A. Perlev, The Bolton; A. P.' Wilson,'by W. F. Ran dall, The Commonwealth; F. C. Wood ward, by F. Gannett, 122 Woodbine street; D. Yule, by R. Morrison, 615 North Front street. V. W. A. BAZAR One Hundred Members of Junior Branch Will Help With Affair One hundred girls of the junior de partment of the V. W. C. A. will hold | a bazar at the building Saturday, May I S, beginning at 11 a. m. These girls have been working ev-1 ery Saturday afternoon this past win ter and are now ready to have a dis play and sale of the articles they have made. There will be on sale iron-hold ers, tea towels, picnic napkins, kewpie | cushions, strings of colored silk thread, j children's handkerchiefs outlined, pen j wipers, utility aprons, dust cloths. The | mothers of the girls will contribute | cakes and candy. The ladies in charge of this work are Miss Edna Sprenkel, j Miss Anna May Miller, Miss Cordelia i,V. Brenneman and Miss Mabel Ar j nold. ENTERTAINED M. I. 0. CLUB Members Were Guests of Mrs. Kirby Lawson Members of the M L. 0. Club were j entertained at the home of Mrs. Kirby I Imwson, 2533 Main street, Penbrook. | Those present were: Mrs. John Wetzel Jacobs, Mrs. ! Charles Wagner, Mrs. Bruce Taylor, j Mrs. F. M. Hunter, Mrs. Bruce Knight, ! rs. Paul Wallower, Mrs. Clarence Towsen and Mrs. Edward Kirby Law-* j sou. W. C. T. TJ. Meeting The regular meeting of the East Harrisburg W. C. T. I'. will be held to morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Fourth Reformed church, Sixteenth and Market streets. The topic for dis cussion will be "Florence Nightin gale" and the leader Mrs. J. M. Re buck. Missionary Society Entertainment The Lucknow Missionary Society of Grace M. E. chur<<h will give an en tertainment, consisting of music and rea/dings, to-night at 8 o'clock in the lecture room of the dhurch, Everybody is invited to aittend. Habecker-Warfel Wedding Lititz, .May 6.—Muss Edith Warfel was married to John R. IHabecker, of Lancaster, by the Rev. Dr. Haupt, pas tor of the Grace Lutheran church, Ijan caster, at the home of the bride. The ring ceremony torfts used and the couple was unattended. News of Persons Who Come and Go Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fox, 228 North Front street, have removed to their country place on the Yellow Breeches creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, 106 Walnut street, will leave shortly for their summer home near New Cumber land. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood Cameron and children, of Reading, have return ed to Mr. Cameron's former home at Richmond, Va., where they will make their permanent residence. Mrs. Berne H. Evans, of the Elphin stone apartments, Front and Forster streets, has returned from a visit in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Bradley, of Boston, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. William H. Bradley, Front and State streets. Mr. and Mrs. James Andrews, 1606 State street, are spending the month nt the Aldinger cottige, near Liugles town. Mrs. J. Newton Deeter, 204 Wal nut street, and Miss Lillian Quigley, 263 Boas street, have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Y\ Rippin, of Overbrook. Mrs. Charles F. fitter, 904 North Second street, has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Alexander Snyder, of Ardmore. Miss Ethel Fair, of the Harrisburg Public Library, staff, is spending at few days in Philadelphia Miss Annie Lewis, of Malvern, is the Sliest of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lewis, SO9 Capital street. Miss Emily Bailey and Miss Fran ces Bailey, Third and Maclay streets, have returned from Bellefonte where they visited Miss Sara Hastings. Miss Margaret Stackpole, 1525 North Front street, has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Bruce Caldwell, at Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bushoell, 1531 North Second street, have returned from a short stay in Atlantic City. Mrs. John Stine, of the Reynard apartments returned yesterday from Wernersville. Among those who attended the fu neral of W. Eugene O. Hake, which occurred yesterday afternoon were the following: Mrs. E. F. White, Miss Sara White, Mrs. George B. Noss, Duncan non; Mr. 'and Mrs. Edmund Constan tine and daughters, Dorothy and Ruth, Roanoke, Va.; Miss Albert Thomas, of Philadelphia; Mrs. A. E. Black, Miss Minerva Black, Altoona; Mrs. Ham aker, Miss Minnie Thomas, Johu C. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Seltzer, Mm. John Kohr, Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. von Hoffs and their children, Carolyn and Kerwin, have moved from 1928 North Third street, to the Metropolitan annex, formerly the United States hotel. Mr. von Hoffs has taken over the manage ment of this hotel. Miss Anna Glass, 40 North Seven teenth street, has returned from Sun bury. Miss Elizabeth Holmes, of Paxtang, is home after a visit to Philadelphia. Miss Bessie Lutz, of Lititz, lias re turned after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lutz, 328 South Fourteenth street. Mrs. Thomas McGeehan, of Chester, is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilmer in Paxtang. Miss Eva E. Reber, of Washington, I). C., is the guest of Miss Ruth D. Shure, 3'52 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. Ross Ferno, of York, is the iguest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, on Cottage Ridge. Henry Fink has returned to Mer cersburg Academy, after a visit with his mother, Mrs. Henry Fink, 2i2'9 Pine street. Miss Emorld Swartz, 424 North street, left to-day for a several weeks' stay in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Thomas McFadden, 1622 Dcr ry street, is home from a short stay in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs Harry ; Gochenauer and Mrs. Charles Swartz, 1311 Swatara street, are home after a motor trip to Carlisle. Mrs. Jacob Eckert, 708 North Sixth street, is home from Carlisle. Miss Anna Kyle, 1514 Penn street, I has returned from a month '8 stay with Mrs. H. Holler in Rahway, N. J. Frank Bowers, 1329 Kittatinny street, has been called to Newville by the death of his mother. Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, 1264 State street, left to-day for a trip to Ham-' burg and Reading. Mrs. H. M. Geiger, of Northuinber- ! lahd, is the guest of Mrs. Charles E.: Williams, 1501% North Sixth street.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beale, of Al-; toona, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Black, 311 Walnut street. Mrs. Joseph Kuepley, 634 Verbeke street, is visiting in Philadelphia. Mrs. John Troy, of Pittsburgh, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Bemove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. , Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calo mel does without of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics arc derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or disagreeable effects of any kind. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil, you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effects. 10c and 25c pel 1 box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus. O.—Adv. SHAIR UK AIT V—You VL It THFI-ND a MIKI.JV ■ft THING—to have beautiful JML n hnlr It TOO apply Emprra* ,lj jf/ InNtantaneoua Hair Color Vl i V/l Restorer. One applleatlou 1/ WM restores gray and faded H|A JM L hair to any color desired Iff inatantly An.v one can ap- 1J I|H Ply it. No aftemanhinK Pj K* necessary. >1.041 per box. M ttA Sold by Geo. A. Gorxaa, W niven, l*onteroy A | ward Groce, 1254 Walnut street, has 1 returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Spicer, 313, Walnut street), are spending some time i at Galen Hall, Atlantic City, where the | former is recuperating from a serious j illness. Miss Elnora Snyder, 826 Cowden i street, spent yesterday in Philadelphia. ; Mrs. Annie Lutz and daughter, Miss j Alma Lutz, of Liverpool, are guests of j Mrs. Martha J. Hartzell, 1501'/j North Sixth street. ENTERTAINED STUDY (Ll'B Members Were Guests of Mrs. Albert Chesley Yesterday Afternoon Mrs. Albert Chesley entertained the ' members of the Study Ciub at her home, I 212 North Third street, yesterday aft ernoon. The club has been studying "Pennsylvania" during the winter and j the subject of yesterday's discussion | was "Mural Decorations of the State Capital, are Artists and Their Works." Those present at the meeting yester- : day were Mrs. James Andrews, Mrs. L. ' D. Perry, Mrs. .Tames 'B. Carruthors, Mrs. E. H. Gottschall, Mrs. Homer S. May, Mrs. Henry Slay maker, Miss Kliz- ■ abeth Mueneli and Mrs. William Cooke. Recovering From an Illness Miss Minerva Greager, 402 North Third street, is recovering from a re cent illness due to overwork in writing plots for photo plays. (MINERAL APPROPRIATION S BILL CARRIES $32,497,406* The general appropriations bill is on j its way through the House, being re- ' ported out last night by Chairman | Woodward. It carries a total of $32,- | 497,406, which is about $5,000,000 less than for the two preceding years : and well within the revenues, according to the way the Woodward committee has figured it out. If there are no after discovered big items to tack on to the bill, it will call fot less than any bill of a similar char acter in. a number of years. The total this year is hardly a fair comparison with the sum of two years ago, which carried with it funds for the State Highway Department and for the tu- j berculosis division of tlie State Health ! Department, all of which this year'will j be cared for in separate bills. This table gives amounts for the j coming two years: Department Expenses Executive Department... $07,567 \ Executive Comptroller . . 15,600 ! State Department 287,500 i Auditor General 4 38,200 Internal Affairs 163,325 ! Treasury Department ... 160,300 j Attorney General 216,200 j Banking Department .... .218,500 Public Instruction 110,000 | ■ Professional Education . . 25,000 ! Medical Education and Li censure 33,500 | State Board of Education 30,000 j College and University | Council 1,000 j j Dental Council 4,000 i Adjutant General 178,960 I | State Armory Board .. .\ 12,000 Insurance Department . . . 205,000 1 i State Fire Marshal 121,000 j State Library 98,1"G0 State Museum 25,800 Free Library Commission. 31,000 Legislative Reference Bu reau 41,200 State Reporter 191,000 j Public Grounds and Bldgs 1,081,480 Sinking Fund 3,800 Board of Public Accounts 7,000 Board of Pardons 10,400 l Dept. of Agriculture .... 371,700 ) Dairy and Food Division. 186,300 1 Live Stock Sanitary Board 366,006 | Forestry Department .... 735,000 Department of Mines . . . 452,700 Department of Fisheries.. 264j100 Board of Censors 74,920 , Printing and Binding . . . 740,325 | Game Commissioners .... Distribution Documents., 104,800 ! Highway Department ... 890,800 j | Revenue Commissioners . 3,800 ! Department of Labor 644,980 j Quarantine Physician ... 91,270 I Health Officer, Phila 14,040 | State Police 714,635 | i Department of Health .. . 1,607,980 | Water Supply Commission 148,400 | Public Service Commission 588,320 j Board of Public Charities 101,500 Expenses of Government The Judiciary $2,933,680 The Senate 254,990 The House 564,896 ' Legislative Journal 7,600 Public Schools 16,000,000 'Miscellaneous 986,180 Totals $32,497,406 APPROVES LONGER HOURS FOR WOMEN HOTEL WORKERS The House last'night passed finally the Senate bill lengthening the hours of labor for women in hotels, restau -1 rants and boarding houses to 63 a week, thereby practically exempting that class of female labor from the • women's working hours act which was , passed in the last session of the Gen ■ eral Assembly. Mr. Maurer, the Soci -1 alist member, from Berks, opposed the passage of the bill. The only new bit of highway to be made part of the state system, through , legislation at this session, despite th« . fact tl»at hundreds of such bills were , introduced or proposed, is a four-mile , stretch in Adams county near Qettvs ! burg, a part of the road over which the ■ Southern army retreated after the bat- I tie there. A bill providing for this ; stretch of state highway was passed in the House last night. A bill which would hold railroads > responsible for fires which result from s sparks from locomotives, was defeated by a vote of 23 to- 104. The Swartz i bill making the Public Service Commis ! sion a Bureau of the Department of Internal Affairs was amended on third • reading last overling and laid over for printing. • LADIES' BAZAAR DON'T FORGET i«i IOC A\UQi DON7FORGET THE NUMBER IU-1 £ 5.411 l 01.IHE NUMBER "We Advertise the Trnth-The Troth Advertises Us" *■ ' These Big Specials for Friday Only For Friday Only For Friday Only WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' CLOTH COATS CLOTH SUITS Worth up to $5.95 AQ Worth up to $13.98 Ji AO For Friday . For Frlda y #7 ° „ J '' ' , . . . Newest Spring styles and colors. Newest Spnnjj styles, in materials Made of a „ woo , men . s wear e of pretty black and white checks, Sat j n ij ne(l Sizes 16 to 40 and coverts. All sizes. ~ l ~~~~~—™~ For Friday Only For Friday Only WOMEN'S AND MISSES WOMEN'S AND MISSES' CLOTH DRESS SKIRTS White Chinchilla COATS Worth up to $3.98 Cl aq Worth up to $7.50 QC For Friday «M*v7 For FridaV Newest yoke, circular and pleateil " styles, in materials of all wool serae, Pretty belted styles. All sizes. a „d neat black and white checks. For Friday Only For Friday Only r MUSLIN GOWNS MUSLIN PETTICOATS Worth up to $2.50 *1 Ift up to $1.25 7Q C For Friday For Friday * Made with pretty deep emhroid- Pretty styles. Embroidery and ery flounces, lace trimmed. _____^ ~—————^——— , For Friday Only For Friday Only Thompson's Glove-fitting POSRTW l AVERTO Magnolia and Princess COMBINATIONS CORSETS Worth up to $3.98 <T| OA Worth $2 00 &$3 oo nn For Friday....... • For Friday '"C Sizes 36 and 38 onlv. a . 10 . , Sizes 18 to 30 only. t For Friday Only Step in and inspect our splendid WOMEN'S AND MISSES' line of Women's and Misses' VOILE WAISTS Summer Washable Dresses Worth up to $1.25 Aft- At sll9 U P to slo>9B For Friday ...... WASH DRESS SKIRTS Newest style. All sizes. | At 95c up to $4.98 No Notice for Uniform Inspection The usual custom of notifying train men of the Pennsylvania railroad the day when their uniforms would be ex amined has been changed and no notice "The Quality Store" REMARKABLE BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY ONLY Ladles' Jersey-top Petticoats with colored striped silk flounce—only a few of these—regularly $5.00. Spe cial for Friday at $3.50 Children's Cotton Pongee Coats — odds and ends—all good styles and excellent qualities—sizes 3 to 6 years—worth S2.OH to sß.<lo. Spe cial for Friday at $2.50 Just to see how many Ladies and Misses want Rain Coats and Auto Coats we will offer special for Fri day our regular $5.00 coats at Dressing Sacques of good quality percale and dimity—low neck and short sleeves—light and dark colors —an excellent value at 50c. Special for Friday at ... . 49^ Ladies' Gray Percale Wrappers— neat patterns and nicely made—reg ularly 81.00. Special for Friday, while they last, at 69<* Save a Dollar on these genuine Crex Rugs—the most sanitary and durable of all summer rugs— Ox 12, Regular price 97.05. Spe cial for Friday at . $6.95 Bxlo, Regular price $H.75. Spe cial for Friday at, each, . $5.75 Floor Oil Cloth in new up-to-date designs and colorings—all perfect goods—regularly 35c and 30c. Spe cial for Friday at, sq. yd., . 25tf Beautiful Wool Porch Rugs—in blue, brown and green—size 3x5, only a few in the lot—worth $2.00. Special for Friday at, each, $2.00 Fibre Suit Cases, 24 Inches long, well made and will stand hard wear—handles sewed and riveted on—linen lined, with shirt fold. Spe cial for Friday at, each, $1.39 10c Crepe with light grounds and pretty neat floral designs. Special for Friday at, per yard, • • • 51^^ 15c White Voile, 27 inches wide, a tine sheer cloth for waists and dresses. Special fdr Friday at, per y ftrd 10<fr 10c neat check white Lawns, suit able for waists, children's wear and pajamas. Special for Friday at, per yard 7^ Brown Toweling in twill and honey-comb weaves. Special for' Fr iday at, per yard 4^>o 31c Floral Silks on white grounds with Belf-colored dots and neat print ed rosebud patterns in blue, pink, and hello. Special for Friday at, per y ard - 24^ 25c Bleached Pillow Tubing, 45 inches wide, best make. Special for Friday at, per yard, . . 19tf L. W. COOK 3 will be given in the future when tile in spection will 'be made. Some time ago; trainmen were notified that thev couldi change to summer uniforms and wouli bo permitted to let their coati uivbut' toned. 50c large all-over Kimono sleeve Aprons made of best ginghams in blue styles only. Special for Friday at, each I Short lengths of the best quality Percales in light, black, gray and blue styles, 12 M c grade. Special for Friday at, per yard, . 9VM 7-4 Unbleached Seamless Sheet ing, good weight and splendid even cloth, 20c quality. Special for Fri day at, per yard, , , 1 lo 10c Bleached Muslin of a splendid weight and quality, free of dressing. Special for Friday at, per yard, _ Lot of slightly mussed White Pet ticoats special for Friday— One lot showy embroidery trim med—with deen flounce, were SI.OO. Special for Friday at, each, . . 00^ One lot lace and embroidery trim med were $ 1.25. Special for Friday at - each 79i One lot lace, embroidery and rib-< bon trimmod, were $1.50. Special 1 for Friday at, each 98^ One lot fine $2.25 and $2.50' Skirts. Special for Friday at, each, $1.49; « Ladies' Neckwear special for Fri-2 day— 50c high neck styles. Special for. Friday at, each, 29tf SI.OO high neck chemisettes, j Special for Friday at, each, . . $2.50 high neck chemisettes.* Special for Friday at, each, $1.39 A special lot of 50c neckwear special for Friday at, each, . Warner's special striped batiste] Corsets—new model and a good St 1.50 value. Special for Friday at,' eacb 98^: Men's 50c Silk Sox, seamless—ln black and white. Special for Fri day at, per pair, Qsr#*- 3 pairs for SI.OO. v 1 Men's 25c Fiber Silk Sox—in black only. Special for Friday at, pr., 3 pr. for 50c. Icy Hot Bottle Cases reduced for $2.00 double pint basket case, each $1.39 $2.25 double pint imitation leather case, each, 59 $3.00 double pint imitation leather case, each, J gg Palm Olive Soap special for Fri day at, per cake, 70 5c Kewpie Post Cards special for Friday at 2 for 5^