THE WEATHER CLOUDY TO-NIGHT AKD TO-MORROW Detailed Httwt Pan • SK*«S" D VOL. 77—NO. 131. MANNING WOULD HALT COAL WHARF Says Light Co. Is "Not Desirous" of Meeting His Architectural Requirements ORDINANCE NOT BINDING ENOUGH j City's Landscape Expert Calls on Pub lic Opinion to Sustain Him In His Demand That Island Improvements Be Made According to His Views That Warren H. Manning, of Boston, Harris burg's landscape architect, now regard* the ordinance recently passed by the City Commissioner, giving the Harrisburg Light and Power Company the right to build a coal wharf on the main island, opposite the city, as not •ufiicicntly specific in the restrictions imposed on the light company in erect ing the wharf, was revealed in an open LETTER addressed to-day by MT. I Manning to the Harrisburg newsjiapers. Mr. Manning who, before the ordi nance was passed, approve*! t0,000. She lost her beautiful tresses in an accident in a laundry. VICTOiuT fIUSTRIANS CONTINUE THEIR ADVANCE; 50,000 RUSSIANS TAKEN Viewia, May G, via London, May 6, 5.20 P. M.—The victorious Austrian advance continues on the entire Wegt G«lici'«n front, according to an official announcement made by the war office to-day. Russian prisoners to the num ber of 50,000 have been taken. Vienna, May 5, via London, May 6, 2.4'0 P. M.—A battle of the most des perate character continued all night long and throughout to-day, without a break, on the West Galician front. The Austro-Gennan armies continued to gain ground on the southern sec tion of the battle front, capturing position after position from the Rus sians. FORMER U. S. SENATOR YOUNG, ARRESTED IX AUSTRIA, FREED Vienna, iMlay 6, Via I*>ndon, 12.35 P- M. —-Former United States Senator ljafavetrte Young, of Des 'Moines, lowa, accompanied by a former American deputy consul at Berne. Switzerland, was arrested at Innsbruck, Austria, yes terday, on a suspicion of espionage di rected against Mr. Young's companion. Mr. Young was promptly, released, with apologies, after a few hours' de tention in his 'hotel, but his companion was heH in custody in the hotel until to-day before he was able to satisfy the suspicions of the authorities, who ap parently 'hail been warned to look for a man of the same name. Mr. Young arrived in Vienna this morning. Speaking of the incident he said he saw no reason for complaint. He left later in the day for Berlin. Des Moines, la., May fi.—'Former Senator Lafayette Young left here for 'his European totiT January 2'6, first vis iting London' w'here 'he spent a month. He was in 'Belgium for ten days and since has been jn Paris and on the (French battlefields. He was in t.he French trenches in the northern part of France, April 15, 16 ami 17. Mr. Young is in Europe in the capac ity of war correspondent of his own newspaper, the Des Moines "Capital." LATE WARIEWS SUMMARY The battle in Western Galicia, launched a few days ago with an Aus tro-German attack from the Cracow region, has developed into one of the greatest encounters of the war. Petro grad dispatches admit that the situa tion Is a serious one, although It is as serted that the advance has been checked. At Vienna and Berlin, how ever, it is claimed the Russians have begun a general retread that their whole position In the Carpathians is precarious and that the entire eastern campaign may turn on the events of the next few days. Vienna advices say a desperate bat tle continued all day yesterday and Continued on Ninth Page. POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. TURK CORPS is DEFEATEDI BY RUSSIAN! 30,000 Under Pasha Are Routed Disorder in Khori Region MUSCAVITES USE I BAYONET POINIH Successfully Reputae Every Assault the Sultan's Forces and Then Counter Attack Put the Turks to Flight By Associated Press, London, May 6.—A Petrograd patch to the Kouter Telegram Companj^^H "Dispatches have been received on the defeat by the Russians of ■ Turkish army corps in the j An effort was made by 30,(K)0 ' under Djavid Pasha to invade the man-Khori region which the occupied. "The entire Turkish force hurled against tiie Hussian )«)<->I ion but the Muscovites, although icaliy inferior, held their ground. successive attack was received at 'bayonet point. The Russians then gan a counter attack and routed the exhausted Turks who ed in disorder/ The prisoners the famous Kurd leader Simko.'' Turks Leave t,500 Dead on Field London, May 6.—The Turks, sideraWy reinforced, attacked the lies' ramp at Krithis early morning, but were repulsed, 1,500 dead, according to advices Mitylene received by the Telegraph Company from its correspondent. The allies have ed iuto the interior, the dispatch and now occupy positions of strategic importance. A report from Tenedos says British warships continued their bombardmerft of Turkish tions in the Dardanelles arnd also Smyrna. THREE MORE VESSELS ARE I PUT OUT BY SUBMABINEM Ivondon, May fi, 12.52 P. M.— trawler Stratton, of Grimsby, was in the North sea yesterday by the gun fire of a German submarine. The was taken oil board the submarine. After the crew had been taken the sea cocks of the trawler opened, but this method of sinking vessel proved to be too slow. waiting for four hours, the German) tired eight shells at the Stratton. The fishermen wera-then ordered embark in a small boat which had taken from the Stratton. They landed at Hartlepool to-day. London, May 6, 12.39 P. M.— schooner Earl of Latham was sunk a German submarine off Kinsale, on Irish coast. The crew was permitted take to the small boats and was rescued by a trawler. The submarine fired shells at the schooner before she sftnk. London, May 6, 18.17 P. M.—The steamer Cathay, from Copenhagen for Chinese ports, was either mined or pedoed late last night in the North sea. She went down in twenty minutes. Her passengers and the members of her crew, totaling 43 persons, took to thu small boats and all were landed safely at Ramsgate to-day. WALL STREET CLOSING H By Associated Press. New York, May H.—Prices recorded general Improvement In the last hour under lead of the metal stocks and specialties. Bethlehem Steel gained 9 1-2 points. The closing was strong. The foreign situation was again the foremost factor in to-day's Irregular market. Recoveries in the later deal ings coincided with reports that nego tlations between Italy and Austria were proceeding favorably. *