The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 04, 1915, Image 1

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D*UU*4 Mr P ott. Pag* I
5E- A ?W VOL. 77—NO. 129.
City of Tents Will Rise
In Park For Huge
Throng at Church
Rooms Being Engaged Now In Hum
ir.eistown. Palmyra and All Nearby
Towns As Well As In Harrisburg to
Shelter Coming Hosts
When the national convention of the
Chore}, of the Brethren opens in ller
ehey a month from now there will be
n<> less ten thousand members of
the denomination lodging 111 sheds,
tents, pr.vate re" en ts and h-'te* in
Hershe* and near >y places and from
five to ten thousand more attending
the sessions from lay to day as tran
s em i - to >. P.mis are being ma le to
a- ommolft'e 60.000 v.sitow on the
day of tl< meeting. On these
t. i 1- a e '.is, the cal.-ularions »t
the lodging committee which is making j
arrangements to accommodate the mul- j
T •? < hai-:nan of the omnuttee. A.
it. Longnecke:. of Palmyra. said to- j
«iay that it is the hope of those 111
rbarge of the a-rangeaients to find
lo.t. for ten :i.0.: delej ites ; :i
and mM Hertshey, Hunmielstown.
S»watara, I'nton Deposit. Palmyra an i
Annvi e iu: i.i: the convention -es
s ons, .tune 2 to 10. A thorough can
\ 1-- s now being made by the commit
t.-e m embers in these places, and all J
» nlable rooms are being reserve ! in
homes an i hotels.
Many of the delegates will find .
lodging* in this •-!ty. Members of the 1
Hummel Street i'hur<h of the Breth- '
ren alrealv have promises of visitors j
far beyond the canities of tueir and the* are • ntioipating over- ,
crow. ;ed conditions.
Visitors to Live In Teuts
Arrangements a r e row being male
f"- 'he erection of tei 11 the vicinity
< • H'ershey I'ark. for the use of a num
ber ■" \ - tore. I > iging commit
tee itoeif is not paanug for tents, but
• lat.oii of who will
the numbe- of available rooms. The
tents will be put up by the Hershev ,
j-ar.-i management and tae 0.-cupauts j
wi be charged rentiij.
Work 1- progress rapi ilv on the !
large convention Kuibiing in Hershey. I
which is being erected by the park j
management in the vie nitv of the
park nwimniing pool. This structure is j
being provided especially for the j
thur> h nf the Brethren convention, but
Continued on Kighth Pasf.
Paul E Garman Succumbs in Hospital
Early To-day—His Wife Says Home
Relations Were Happy and Blames
Suicide on Drink
Death i-ame to Paul E. Garman in
trie Harrisburg Hospital at 3.4•• 0'.10.-k
t is morning, several »ours after he
had sent a nullet through his brain
w.; e standing on Perry street just off
o* Cameron, n the presence of a doz
en «r more people last night.
barman, who resided at 26 North
S xteenth street, was employed as a
brakeaian on the Philadelphia A Read
ing railroad. Inste> t of going out on
his run yesterday afternoon ho went to
the .-ent :i, sertion of the city and pur
chased a re solver with money obtained
from pawning his watch. The police
say he then visited a number of hotels
an I irank liquor before committing
Mrs. Garman denied emphatically to-'
day that there had been any quarrel be
tween her an.| her husband. She said
tnat when her husband left the house
yesterday morning he was in the best
of spirit- He k:s 3 ed her an l his little
son good-bye. Mrs. Garman told him
that his dinner box would be realv on
the table for him to go out in the aft
At the time Garman shot himself his
w f e ita< atten iing an entertainment in
the Fourth Reformed church, only a
few doors from her home. She knew
nothing of the shooting until several
hour- afterward. When informed of it
she became hysterical • and had to be
placed in the --are of a physician. Mrs.
Garman said -he knew no ause of her
husband's action other than drink.
At the hospital there was found in
a pocket of Garman's coat, a White
Bio k lodge ticket of the Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen and a pawn check
for $9 In another pocket was a postal,
i-ard from his mother in Lebanon, stat
ing that his father was confined to bed
in a serious condition, and asking the
*on to stop in Lebanon.
A short funeral service will be held;
from the home Friday, in charge of the.
Rev. Homer May, pastor of the Fourth '
Reformed church. The body will later
be sent to Lebanon, where further serv-:
ices will l»e held from the home of his .
parents and interment will bo made.
Garman is survived by his parents,!
his wife and one son. v 11
fflj* Star- Snbcptnbtni
j "Uncle Henry" Sworn In This Morn
ing For His Third Term As Secre-
I tary of Internal Affairs, By the
Secretary of the Commonwealth
"Uncle Henry" Houck. of Lebanon,
who is in his SOth year, for the third
time took the oath of office as Sec re
( tary of Interual Affairs to-day, the
' i ceremony tiikiug place in the" State
Department, where Secretary Woods
. j administered the oath.
Immediately afterward Secretary
L Houck returned to his office where his
In Moth Year. Takes Oath for New
Term as Secretary of Internal Affairs
■ >ffi- e force had a surprise for him in
the form of two g-eat bunches of roses
.111 .1 other dowers, concealing his desk. ,
The veteran official and educator was i
deep:* impressed by this evidence of
esteem from those with whom he has
been so doselv identitieil for a number
ot years, and .iuring the congratula
tory reception that followed, express
ed his appreciation.
Secretary Houck says he has not de
c: le t on any changes in his department
for e and there will be none unless the
Appropr ations Committee is generous,
' in which event there may be some res
to-itions of those whii, were dropped
be .iuse of the syiali appropriation two
years a>»o.
During the lay Secretary Houtk re | many telegrams of congratula
tion from fr en Is throughout the State
■■in 1 many leinrtment' heads called on
• ; m with good wtshes for his third '
term. " Uncle" Henry was years
old ou March 6. last.
Aged Murderer of Shiremanstown
Farmer Will Likely Pass the Rest
of His Life in Cell
(Special to the Star-Independent.>
Car isle. Pa., May 4.—Max Morgan
tiiau. the Harrisburg huckster who
on-e was nnder sentence of death for
the murder atvjut a year ajo of .lohn M.
K ipp, a Shiremanstown farmer, but
whose offense was subsequently ie
lare I to be se.-ond degree mur ier un
der a de>-.siou by the Supreme
Court, to-day was sentenced by Judge
Wilbur F. Sadler, here, to a penitentiary
term of from 19 to 20 years. ThV
maximum penalty provided by law for
second degree murier is twenty years.
Morganthau made no comment after
sentence was passed. He dropped his
head and slowly departed from the
court ro in in the custody of the Sher
iff. W hen asked if he had anything
to say, before the court passe i judg
ment. the defendant turned his ga/.e
toward Judge >adler. shook his hea<! in
the negative and replied:
"Nothing. No sir."
Attorneys for Morganthau did not
press their plea for leniency. By many
here it is considered that the sentence
given Morganthau will amount to a
life sentence. His gray hair an i stoop
ed shoulders are evidences of his age,—
about 60 years.
J. Maisano's Tailoring Establishment
Robbed During Last Night—Po- j
liceman Makes Discovery
Six suits of clothes valued at about!
SIOO were taken from the merchant!
tailoring establishment of'.l. Maisano,
Fifth street, north of market, sime time
during last night. Discovery of the
robbery was made early this morning
by Policeman McCann, who found the
front door unlocked. A report was
ma le at the police station and Detee
tive Ibach is now investigating the
Aecor iing to Maisano, the store was I
securely locked last night when he left
for home. It is believed that entrance
[to the place was gained through the
transom, which is always keut dropped
some six or eight inches. This, it is
believed, was lowered further to allow
the passage of a per*on. On making his
e»« ape froin the building the thief took
an easier course by unlocking the front .
1 door.
The suits of clothing had just been !
finished recently and were ready to be
. sent to the buyers.
Representative Loses Pocket book
Dr. \\. Mitchell Hamilton, member
of the House of Representatives from
Allegheny foun'i. today reported to
thp police the loss of his pocketbook
containing sls. He first missed the
money yesterday afternoon. Dr. Ham
ilton's Harrisburg address is 312
Chestnut street.
Measure Putting Fur
ther Regulation on
Railroads Goes Down
By V ote of 40 to 127
Lower Branch Also Puts Quietus on the
Measure Proposing to Establish Bu
reaus in Big Cities for the Collec
tion of Automobile License Fees
The House of Representatives rhis
morning took it stand against placing
further regulations on railroads when
the Roney bill, requiring locomotives to
carry headlights powerful enough to
permit the engineer to distinguish an
object the size of a man 600 feet in
advance of his engine, was defeated.
The vote was 40 for and 127 against
the bill.
Mr. Honey said the measure was one
designed for safety on raiiroa Is, as it
gave the engineer the opportunity of
seeing danger ahead on the rails. Mr.
I Milliron. of Armstrong, pointed out the
j House s experience on the full crew
i bill, saying that a repealer would likely
appear next session for the Roney bill
and another tight would ensue.
Mr. Baldwin, of Delaware, said it
would be impossible to distinguish sig
nals if the strong lights were used.
Continued on F.labth I'me.
Submitted to Senate This Afternoon
With a Favorable Recommenda
tion From Committee
During the recess of the Senate this
afternoon, the railroad committee of
that body ha i a meeting and by a
vote of 7 to 8 they agreed to report
favorably the bill repealing the full
| crew law.
When the Senate met again. Senator
Sproul reporte d the bill as directed by
' the committee.
Senator Burke, of Allegheny, a mem
:»er of the committee, who is a railroad
I conductor, made a vigorous fight against
reporting the bill out t>ut he was out
, voted. The railroad officials were
I jubilant over the committee's action,
and the trainmen were depressed, but
! they said that they will make a tight
against the repealer in riie Senate, and
if they faii there they will carry the
tignt to the Governor.
The bill will be on first reading in
the Senate to-morrow.
Senate Leaders Agree With Governor
to Advance Money-Baising Bills
Governor Brumbaugh had a confer
ence this morning with Senators
Sproul. t row. Vare jnl McNichol, on
: revenue legislation.
The importance of devising some
■ means to obtain additional revenue
and whipping it into «hai>e for passage
was discussed and it is understood that
the several revenue measures now in
committee will be brought out and I
rushed through.
Revenue raisers which will net»ss.-
000,000 annually were agreed upon, it
was later learned. The bills are tax
ing anthracite coal at the mines; tax
! ing transfers of stocks and bonds two
cents on every $100; providing that
■•■ unties shall pay the costs of primary '
elections, and the measure increasing
the automobile license fee 50 per cent.;
| over the present rate.
Two of these bills were defeated by
the Legislature and then reconsidered
and placed on the calendar.
The demands for money in the com- 1
ing two years will be greater than the
| present natural income of the State
and the Governor and leaders sav thev
are compelled to put through legisla
tion providing for sufficient income. ,
Senate and House Leaders Decide on
Definite Date to Quit Work
The Republican leaders of the Sen
ate made it plain this morning that as
one result of the conference with the
fiovernor on revenue measures, the day
for final adjournment of the Legisla-j
t-ure will be May 20.
This was tentatively agreed to, after j
the Governor had said that it is imma-i
terial to him when the Legislature ad-j
journs, provided it has finished its
A consultation afterward between
the Senate and House leaders resulted
in the selection of May 20.
Thirty-two bills were acted on finally i
this morning in the House and Speaker
Ambler announced at 1 o'clock that
two more sessions would be held to-day,
from 4 to 6 o'clock this evening and
another beginning at 8.15 o'clock to
night. It is not exacted that a Fri
day session will be necessary.
Much of the House calendar can be
cleared up this week. The Senate h«,s
shown a disposition to pass the admin
istration billy and nothing of very
great importance but tax bills and road
legislation j»et remain to be acted on.
Republican Commis
sioners Pass the Tay
lor Bill to Purchase
Playground Plot
Arrangements Are Made for a Public
Hearing on May IN on the Curfew
Ordinance Commissioner Oorgas
Is 111 and at the Seashore
With his Republican colleagues rally
ing to his support. Park Commissioner
M Harvey Taylor, at the meeting of
the City Commissioners this afternoon,
succeeded in having passed his ordi
nance providing for the purchase of an
aire and a half of ground at Fifth and
Kmerald streets, proposed for a Tenth
ward playground. For this ground Tay
lor. under the ordinance, will pay $14.-
700, approximately a rate of $9,000
an acre.
The Mayor opposed the ordinance,
but his was the only dissenting vote.
Finance Commissioner W. L. Oorgas be
ing absent from the meeting. Mr. Oor
gas is suffering from the after-effects
of an attack of grip suffered early in
the spring and he now is at the sea
shore. where he hopes to regain his
Besides opposing the Taylor measure.
1 the Mayor urged the Republicans to
j consider delaying action on the meas
ure for at least one more week, this
i for the purpose of grauting a hearing
to .Joseph L. Shearer. ,lr„ who resub
mitted a proposition for furnishing the
City with a site for a playground in the
Tenth ward.
The Mayor also pointed out that it
! might yet be possible to acquire a part
t of Hoffman "s woods, despite the fact
' that the owners of that ground made
no offer of sale. He said the owners
j desire that the City make the offer.
1 stating the amount of groiind that is
i desired.
Wants a Badge for Peddlers
t'nder the Shearer proposition, which
took in the block between Fourth and
Fifth streets, immediately north of
Seneca, a frontage of 235 t feet
Fourth and Fifth streets was offered
for $15,660; 250 feet. $16,410; 300
i feet. $ 18,910, or 404 feet, $24,110.
; Shearer contended that this price is
! cheaper than the Fifth anil Emerald
street plot, which Taylor now will buy.
Continued on Kljthth I'ncr.
Dirt Annihilators Are Invading the
Northern Section of Allison's
Hill District To-day
Work on this, Harrisburg's second
clean-up day, was centered on the Al
lison 's Hill »ectiou, north of Market
street and east of the Pennsylvania
railroad. The extra force of men the
Pennsylvania Redu.-tion Company,
garbage collecting contractors yester
day removed 222 loads of ashes an.l
refuse from the backyards of the
southern section of the Hill, an aver
age of more than seven loads for each j
of the thirty teams.
From the results obtained yesterday
officials of both the Reduction Company
and the City Health Bureau expressed
belief that the community in general
is rendering all possible aid to the
movement. As the work progressed the
i city e food inspectors, David H. EJ
linger atod William C. Orr, and Assist
ant Health Officer Dr. Allen Z. Ritz
man, will inspect the work. By the
close of the week it is planned to have
the city patrolmen take a squint at the
back yards and report their findings
to the Health Bureau.
Employes Have Narrow Escapes When
Cylinder Head Blows Out
As a result of the blowing out of
the cylinder head of an upright en
gine used in driving the 20-inch roll- j
train in the merchant mill department
of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, in
Steelton, shortly after 6 o'clock this
morning, that de]>artment will be
closed down about one week.
The employes of this department !
were badly frightened and several men
had narrow escapes from the escaping
steam, but no person was injured and i
no other machinery in the mill was '
Irvin Zimmerman, of Speeceville,
Taken to Harrisburg Hospital
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Dauphin, May 4.—lrvin Zimmer
man, of Speeceville, while riding on a
motorcycle along the towpath, was
thrown off the wheel which fell on him
and erushed his ankle.
Zimmerman was taken to the
Speeceville station in a carriage by
Walter Speece and shortly after was
taken to the Harrisburg honpital in an
automobile by John Denger, who
spends the summer at Speeceville.
Non-Partisan Feature Eliminated
The Senate Municipal Affairs Com
mittee this afternoon repo'ted the
Clark measure eliminating the non- |
partisan feature in tlje election law .
for third class cities. The bill amends
the law under which Harrisburg is now .
operating. i
This Introduces Uncle Harry
Listen, boys andygirls!
Have you ever puzzled your brains about the war and all that it means!
Have you ever tried to figure out all the mixed-tip things that are printed
every day in the newspapers about the big battles on land and ou sea in the
great struggle in Europef
Have you ever tried to understand for yourself what the war is all about!
Did you ever have it explained to you how a submarine, —the little boats
that flit along beneath the surface of the water and blow up great battleships,—
are run by the crews of real men who go with them down to the depths of
the ocean!
Have you ever wondered and wondered about things like that, that are
occurring every day in the news and making the world's history?
Have you e\er found that newspaper articles about all kinds of things
that are happening in the world every day are written in a way that makes it
hard sometimes even for grown-ups to understand them!
Have you ever wished that somebody who knows all about these things
would explain them to you in a way that w-ould make them clear and more
interesting to you?
Of course you have if you are real boys or girls with a real desire to know
about all the very interesting things that* are going on every day.
Now the Star-Independent is going to let you have your wish.
The Star-Independent has found a man who can tell you all about these
things in a way that will interest you.
We will call him "I'ncle Harry" just to let you know that he is your friend.
I ucle Harry likes boys and girls very much aud he just lo' es to talk to
He is going to talk to them, —twice a week beginning to-day,—through the
columns of the Star-Independent.
His first talk is to-day,—you will find it on page 2, —and he is going to
give a talk very much like his talk of to-day on every Tuesday and Friday of
every week.
Don't fail to read these talks! You will like them.
Professor F. E. Dowues, City Superintendent of the Harrisburg Schools,
knows I'ncle Harry and thinks his talks are fine. Here is what Professor
Dowries says about them:
"It looks to me as though your 'Uncle Harry' talks ought to fill their
That purpose is to interest you boys and girls in the really interesting
things that are going on.
Head them, boys and girls, and keep reading them, or you'll miss something
just as good as the movies!
21500 MEN WERE
Result of Crushing
Blow Delivered by
Dual Monarchj r in
Western Galicia
Large Austro-German Army. Steadily
Concentrating Before Cracow for
Past Three Weeks, Finally Over
whelms the Czar's Forces
Vienna, May 4, via Ixmdon, 6.15
P. M. —Thirty thousand Russian sol
diers, 22 cannon and 44 machine guns
were captured in the battle of West
Galicia according to an official state
ment given out in Vienna this after
Berlin, .May 4. Via London.—The
Russians lost 21,500 prisoners to t>he
Germans an<l the Austrians in the re
cent heavy fighting in Western Galicia,
according to an official statement given
out in Berlin to-day.
This is the engagement in which the
Germans and the Austrians claim a
notable victory. In addition to the men
captured, the Teutonic allies took six
teen pieces of artillery, forty-seven ma
chine guns, and a large quantity of
war material.
Th Germans yesterday took five po
sitions in Flanders where the fighting
has been hot for many montihs past.
The same announcement sets forth
that in the German invasion of the
Baltic provinces of Russia the Germans
have captured more than four thou
sand retreating Russians.
Vienna, May 4, Via London, 12.15
P- M.—War bulletins issued by the
Austrian and German army headquar
ters and posted in Vienna yesterday
and to-day bring news of the Austro-
German victory over the Russians in
Western Galicia.
A large Austro-German army hag
been steadily concentrating before Cra
cow for the past three weeks, with the
idea of making a new offensive move
ment. All available Austro-Hungarian
troops have been quietly transferred
during this time to the Dunajec front,
CntUKi Glshtk Fan,
Berlin. May 4. by Wireless to Sav
ville.—The German Admiralty has is
sued an announcement setting forth
that 011 May 1. at noon, a German sub
marine sank the British torpedo boat
destroyer Recruit in the neighborhood
of the Galloperi lights.
On the same day near the North
Hinder lightship there was an engage
ment between two German patrol boats
and several armed English steam
trawlers. One trawler was destroyed.
A division of British destroyers there
upon entered the action, and the Ger
man patrol boats were lost. The Brit
ish Admiralty declares that a majority
of the crew was saved.
Berlin, Via London, INfay 4.—The
official statement issued by the German
Admiralty in reference to Saturday's
action in the North sea coincides with
the British version but describes the
lost German ships as "outpost boats"
which first engaged "armed English
trawlers, one of which was destroyed.
A division of English torpedo boat de
stroyers joined in the battle, resulting
in the loss of our out|>ost boats."
Shot in the French Trenches
Word was received by G. H. Atkin
son. 815 North Sixth street, of the
death of his grandnephew, H. F. Jamie
son, who was shot in the trenches in
France the first day after he arrived
at the front of the English lines. Al
though Mr. Atkinson has been in this
country 30 years, he has never seen
his nephew, who was 1J years of age,
yet he took a great ileal of interest in
the young man and always kept in cor
respondence with his family at Cardiff,
Invasion of Turkish territory on the
main land in Asia is reported unof
ficially to have been begun by the al
lied forces. An Athens dispatch says
that troops were landed at a point 35
miles from Smyrna. It is also said the
bombardment of Smyrna has been re
sumed and that the shelling of the
Turkish forts at the Dardanelles con
The official French report of to-day
states that another attack on the Brit
ish positions near Ypres, Belgium, was
made yesterday by Germans. The at
tack, it is sai<£ was driven back. The
French war office also announces that
ground was gained as the result of an
assault on German positions in the
Argonne, near Bagatelle.
The cost of a year more of war to
Continued on Eighth Pago.
Negotiations Closed Involving Sale of
000,000 1-2 Per Cent.
By Associated Press.
Now York, May <4. —iKuhn, Loeb &
Co. announced to-day that they hail
closed negotiations involving tlw sale
of $65,000,000 new general mortgage
4 1-2 per cent, gold bonds of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, being part
of an issue authorized by the share
holders last year.
It is understood that a pdrt of the
proceeds will be used for the refunding
of outstanding obligations. Part of the
money will also be used for new recon
struction and equipment.
The Steamer Minterne.
1.905 Tons, Torpe
doed Off the Scilly
Islands Yesterday
Force of the Explosion Hurls Him
Through the Aperture Made In the
Ship's Deck and Saves His Life-
Two Firemen Killed
London, May 4. 1.33 P. -M.—The
British steamer Minterne, from Cardiff
for the river.Plato, with 6,000 tons of
coal was torpedoed off the Scilly is
lands Monday. Two firemen were killed
and the second engineer was injured.
The wounded man and the remainder
of the crew have been landed at Pen
The striking of the torpedo was the
first intimation that a submarine was
in the neighborhood. The force of the
explosion hurled the engineer through
the aperture made in the ship's deck
and saved his life. The crew took to
their boats and finally were rescued by
fishing vessels.
The Minterne was of 1,905 tons net
and was 330 feet long. She was built)
| in 1903 and owned in London.
Athens, May 4, Via London, 2.10 P.
M.—The bombardment of the Turkish
forts on the Gulf of Smyrna has been
resumed, according to messages reach
ing here from Mitylene, and the war
ships of the allies continue their lively
shelling of the forts on the Dardanelles.
The allies are reported to have ef
fected a landing near the site of the
ancient Kphesus, a location 35 miles
south-southeast of Smyrna.
London, May 4.—A Tenedos dispatch
to the "Daily News" under Monday's
date says:
"Fierce fighting continues day and
night in the Dardanelles. The ships of
the fleet are working in shifts and the
bembardment is incessant. In spite of
desperate resistance, we have made
steady progress both on land and sea.
The most vital points of the enemy's
defenses now are strongly invested:"
A dispatch from Athens filed Sunday
to the "Daily News" savs it has been
learned from reliable sources that
5,000 wounded Turks have been sent
from Gallipoli to Constantinople, while,
four large transports loaded with Ger
man reinforcements have been sent to
the Dardanelles.
Ottawa, May 4.—The shiimient of
wheat, Hour and a large number of
other agricultural products and com
modities to tiie L'nited States has been
prohibited, it was officially announced
to-day, exrept when such shipments are
intended solely for domestic consump
tion in the United States and not for
re-shipment abroad.
Ex,>ortation of Canadian wheat and
other farm products to cortain foreign
countries through the United States
is allowed upon permits to be obtained
in each individual case.
British Advancing in Gallipoli
London, May 4, 6.20 P. M.—British
troops are now advancing into the in
terior of the Gallipoli peninsula, accord
ing to an official statement issued in
London this evening.
Another Big Bussian War Loan
London, May 4. —A Petrograd dis
patch to the "Times'' savs that an
other internal loan of >500,000,000
will be issued within a fortnight. Iti
success is assured.
By Associated Prcsa.
New York, May 4.—With the ex
ception of Westinghouse, prices eased
in the final dealings. Studebaker yield
ed five points on declaration of an in
itial dividend of 1 1-4 per cent. The
closing was Irregular. On comparatively
light and professional operations to
day's market m.ide partial recovery
from yesterday's reactionary move