The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, May 01, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
to Buy cwMJpnt Wants i lEELr WANTED—FEMALE. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for an act ive business' woman; one who has had former experience in handling securi ties. Address No. 3761, care Star-In dependent. ______ LADIES lmmediately. Home-work. evenings. Stamping coupons. etc. $.">.00 per 1.000. Steady. No experience. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Uitciose stamp. Erina Specialty Co., Toronto. Opt. LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO per 100. No canvassing required. Feinl stamped-sddressed envelope ftfr Sarticulars. Eureka Co.. Dept. 112 D. Lalamazoo. Mich. DO you want another $2 daily? No experience; constant spare time work knitting hosiery; iirachines furnished on contract; we take product. Glqason Wheeler Co. tine.). 337 Madison. Chi cago. LADIES —Make shields at home, $lO per 100; send stamp. Work sent prepaid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway. New York City. LADIES WANTED to solicit for tea and coffee business; good opportu nitv for live wires. Apply after 6.30 p. m. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. 208 N. Second St. WANTED —Experienced help. Ap ply Silk Mill, corner North and Second streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED —As waitress and chamber maid, protestant white woman with out encumbrances for small family, May Ist to November Ist, country home, nine, miles from Harrisburg; aud within ten minutes' walk of railroad station. Must have, first class experience and refer ences. Address 3763, care Star-Inde pendent. WANTED —Two women for first and second cooks, at the Pennsylvania hotel, 313 Broad. Apply at once. WANTED—Reliable white woman for housework, no washing, ironing or sweeping: must be good, plain cook. Apply Thursday, Saturday or Monday evening, 7 tiT 9 o'clock, at 218 Pine St WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race Btreet. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—A German woman wants work as a cook In a small family. Apply kt 515 N. Front St.. Steelton, Pa. tfoLORED GIRL wants uny kind of work. Call at 306 Daisy Ave., after 7 o'clock in the evening. MIDDLE-AGED colored woman would like work as a cook or day's work. A ddres6 2 8 Harrl3burg 1 Sale and Exchange FOE SALE TWO out-door brooder coops; price very reasonable. Apply C. L, BOAK, 2-'9 Broad St. FOR SALE—Two pianos, taken by legal proceeding, will be sold at wonderful sacrifice. PAUL A. KI'NKEL Attorney, 710-712 Telegraph Building. FOR SALE—I9I2 Cadillac; electric • •.lights, self starter, engine tire pump, excellent condition; three new tires. Bargain. E. E. CAMPBELL Mechanics burs, Pa. PUBLIC SALE—' of Williamstown Gas Company first mortgage bonds, and bonds, at Court Houie. on Wednesday, May sth, 1915,. at 10 o'clock a. m. W. W. SHOPE, JR., Executor. C. W. H. LAKGLETZ, I.umber—We ars overstocked with all kinds and trades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to see us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. Motorcycle Bargains Thor, with clutch, $40.00; Twin-cylin der Indian. Presto light, tandem, SIOO. Investigate. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO.. 814 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—Rebuilt Packard Road ster, 35 H. P., 4 cylinder, tires In good condition; 2 extras. Bargain to quick buyer. Call at J. H. TROUP GARAGE, rear of store, Is 'S. Market Square. ■FOR SALE —1910 Overland. In &ood repair, newly painted and overhaul ed recently; not used very much. Ap ply Sheet Metal Works, Seventh and Briggs streets. 1* OR SALE—I9I3 Kord 5-passenger auto, used 7,500 miles; good condi tion; new 314-inch tires, $325. Appiy 1117 N. Third St " BARGAINS in typewriters. Bar-lock. $10; Williams, $10; Remington, sls; Royal, S3O. L C. Smith and Under wood, prices reasonable. L vC. SMITH * BROS., 36 S. Fourth St ONE PIANO—Was used about one year. I am leaving city and will sell It reasonable on monthly payments. Ad dress 3748, care Star-Independent. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 11$, 115 "Jhid 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE—At Second St, 6,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo *l2 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sixes FOR SALE OE EXCHANGE EQUITY of $1,500.00, in out-of-town house, well rented, for exchange on touring car; Overland or Buick prefer red, or several equities for exchange on city property. Q. A. S.. 315 Broad S' FOR SALE Near Market Street 146 Ft of Frontage on N. Cameron St Streets on three Hides The. improvements are a wrfll-bullt 2 H -story brick house with 10 rooms, bath and steam heat. The price Is most reasonable MILLER BROTHERS & CO. SEAL ESTATE I Fir* Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets IPF* • •- - ' r' - -■/ . - Tv { 3 ** N ' , ■ ■ V * - ' * \ +* '. .' ' '• " ► •' ' "'. STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1915. Wants HELP WANTED—MAM BOY WANTED —Between the of 15 find 20. Call Arcade Laundry, Lo gan and Granite Sts., between 7 and 8 o'clock this evening 480 MONTHLY anil expense* to travel, distribute samples And take orders, appoint agents; permanent Jap-Amer ican Co.. Chicago. x 130 WEEKLY, evenings at home. Ev erything furnished, no experience, no canvassing. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn $25 to S7S weekly, chance to see the world with all expenses paid. Write for particu lars to tjorafne Detective System. Inc., Dept. 121, Boston, Mass. MEN WANTED for detective work; also taught by former U. S. Govt detect ive. Write J. Ganor. 2309 Calumet, Chicago. WANTED—Traveler. Age 57 to 50. Ex perience unnecessary. Salary, com mission and expense allowance to right man. J. E. Moßrady. Chicago. GOVERNMENT examinations; thorough instruction, Jo. Returned if not ap pointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Washington. D. C. ALASKA—Now offers you greatest op portunities on earth. Questions re garding work or business chances here carefully and truthfully answered by return mail. Enclose 50c, H. W. Ellis, Seward, Alaska. IP MEN WANTED for chaufTcurs posi tions; new system home study with models; recommended by auto manu facturers; our graduates earn >ls to SSO weekly Illustrated catalogue and Employment Plan free. Wm. Orabb, Dept. 6, 66 Beaver St.. New York. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information ap£ly to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—IS Carpenters for finishing work, at Johnstown, Pa. Call this evening, between 5.30 and 9.30, at Dau phin Hotel. Ask for MR. SWEGER. MACHINISTS WANTED—AppIy Em ployment Office, Bethlehem Steel Co., South Bethlehem. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. POSITION as chauffeur; can make own repairs: references. W. H. LOTZ, Box 51. Bressler. WANTED Middle-aged white man would like to get a position as day or night watchman; collector or work around summer place; can give A 1 ref erences. Address H. C, S., care Star- Independent. AGENTS WANTED WANTED—Responsible representative in aach county; new combination; 12 tools in 1. Sells at sight to farmers, teamsters, contractors, etc. Weight 24 lbs., lifts 3 tons, hoists, stretches wire, pulls posts. Many other uses; free sample to active agents; easy work; big protlts; one agent'* profit $45.50 in one day. Another SI,OOO in December, 1914. We start you. Write to-day for big color plate. Quick ac tion secures exclusive sale. Harrah Mfg. Co., Box H-20, Bloomtield, Ind. ARE you looking for good sellers? Write us and we will send full par ticulars regarding our lines. Samples 10c. Our representatives are making money. Weston Co., Arlington, N. J. AGENTS—Snappiest household line on earth; red hot sellers, steady re peaters, 100 per cent, profit; 250 light weight, fast selling popular priced ne cessities. Agents' outfit free. Get busy quick. Write to-day. Postal will do. American Products Co., 172S American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. START window shade laundry; no com petition. Brand new, easy, $5 to S2O day. We show you how. Experience unnecessary. Window Shade Laundry Co., Dept. B, 92 Grlswold St., Detroit, Micti. ACBNTS—SeII household wooden ware. New staple, catchy useful articles. Canvassing outfit consists of small working model of each article. I>arge illustrated catalogue and particulars free. Spauldlng Mfg. Co., Clinton. Me. JUST OUT—The greatest thing of the age. Sells on sight; wanted in every home. Agents given restricted terri tory. Write at once for particulars. E. Rubes Co., 914 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dept. 88. slon WEEKLY guaranteed; make wheat crisp; beats pop-corn, cracker-jack, etc. This new confection sells every where. Machine $7.50 prepaid. Sam ple can of Crisp, 10c. Get particulars. Corneau Co.. 555 Parkslde, Chicago. AGENTS—SOO per cent profit. Free samples. Gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Any one can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, Chicago. WE PAY biggest profits and have best line guaranteed hosiery, silk ties, etc. Write for outfit and secure your home territory. Never-Mend Hosiery Co., 19 Copeland Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS—The most wonderful house hold invention of this century. The Oxo-Gas Producer makes and burns its own gas from coal oil. Cheaper to operate than coal, wood or city gas. Fits any cook stove or range. No home complete without it. Exclusive terri tory assigned to responsible men. Gloria Light Company, 1100 Washing ton Blvd., Chicago, 111. AGENTS—If I had your name 1 oould show you how to earn $25 to SSO weekly. Greatest seller in years. Over 700,000 sold in last six months. Every housewife will £uy on sight. Postal brings liberal proposition and free sam ple. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union Square. New York. WANTED—Live Insurance Agents who will produce business, paying for sickness, accident and natural death; also for childbirth. This is something new and very attractive. Agents who mean business will apply to Box 3455, Boston, Mass. SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN—SideIine. Make SIOO velvet next week. Others do. You will. Ross made $43.00 first morning. Electric, Window Sign. Flashes changeable word ing. Outselling everything at SIO.OO. Thirty days time. Free sample. Flash tric Sign Works. Chicago. HELP WANTED. $250 for reliable man or woman, dis tribute 2,000 free pkgs. Borax Soap Powder with soaps, etc., your town. No money required. Ward Co., 216 Instl tute, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE CHIEF COOK wishes work, city or country hotel or camp; any plan. Wife as second. Apply No. 142 Balm street. Basinets Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUY OIL STOCK In $51,000,000 oom pany. lust organized; ground floor proposition; 100 per cent, dividends 90 days possible; 20 wells at once; quick action on your money; limited number shares at 2c share; $lO buys 500 par value stock; big advance Iri stock soon; selling fast; remit now; write for free Information; dividends declared soon. Amalgamated Oil Co., 1721 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma, Okla, Rial Estatr 1 i r»-|—a i i i - - - ' REAL KBTATB FOR SALE FOR «ALB—J-story brick house, all improvements. No. 110 South St, Cltv. Inquire C. STUDEBAKRR. Seo ond and State Sts. FOR sALE— -558 Woodbine St. 3-atory brick and frame dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; lot 16x110; stable on rear; possession at once. S. Progress; new 244-story frame dwelling single; 10 rooms; bath and steam heat: front, side and rear porch; lot 80x130; 6-mlnute walk from car line. 5 cent fare to city. BRINTON - PACK MR CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. 6 ACRES—One-half mile west of West Falrvlew; 8-room frame dwelling; frame barn; variety of fruit; within 5-cent fare limit to city; possession at once. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. —BDGEWATER— (3S) acres (11400) loam soil (mead ows) spring water creek (.150) tine fruit trees (4) acros woodland. Two story home, barn, outbuildings. With (3) hogs (16) chickens (41 ducks (2) geese (6) guineas (young) fresh cow, seven year fine horse, faftn wagon, har ness (12) bushel oats' C 24) corn (13) potatoes, ton (hay) and (2) atraw — Only ($1750) paved street almost to (giveaway) bargain. (3) railroad sta tions (SO) trains dally li) trolleys. Tel ephone (7 to 8) Danville. —SUNNYBROOK — (Bonnyhome) facing (meadows) by main road to City Market, (Iron Mills) Factories, Railroads. Pay ($200,000) monthly (20) churches (40) schools. Buildings alone valued ($3700). Tele phone (mall) delivered at door, sfluare to school and church (2) large apple orchards and running water (85) acres ® ($2900). Reason Wife's Death. I'or ($3650) Match team fine horses age (7) and (3) fresh cows (4) hearty hogs (76) chickens (100) bushel oats (160) l>vshel corn, hay and straw. GEORGE B. OSTRANDER Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings WILL exchange a farm of 5S acres in Dauphin county, 11 miles from Har risburg. for a city property. Price $3,000. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 a Thir teen thSt TOR SALE—A small amount of cash will buy a new brick house, now vacant, 3 rooms, bath, steam heat, chestnut finish, side entrttnee. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St. IDEAL BI'NGALOW, suburb, $1,600. Farm 156 acres, good stone house and barn, $2,600; 1713 Reglna, must be sold; two 3-story frame houses, $2,200. Rent for $24.00. 'IRWIN M. CABSELL, Real Estate and Insurance, 1444 Region. NEW BRICK HOUSES—IB 44, 46, 48 Chestnut street; now ready for in spection; 9 rooms and bath; gas, elec tric light; steam heat; finished in chest nut; large porches; side entrance; plenty light; pure air; good sewer: fine neigh borhood. Call or address Di F. BAUDER, 21 S. 'Eighteenth St. FOR SALE—PIot of ground. 108*50 ft.; southeast corner Sixteenth and Brlggs streets. For information write to MRS. ANNA HENNIG, 217 A Oak St, Wee hawken, N. J. VACANT HOUSE for sale, on easy pay ment. Inspect It. No. 18 N. Sixteenth street; all improvements; steam heat. Small amount of cash required. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. 'TOR SALE—3-story brick home, nine rooms, bath, gas, electric light; fur nace; porch. No. 5 S. Sixteenth St ; The price is reasonable, BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. TOR SALE—3-story brick W>use; eight rooms, bath, gas. .furnace, T>orch; side entrance. Inspect this property. 138 N. Thirteenth street. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. NEW BRICK HOUSES for sale—Only $6,300; easy terms; only one left of those eight newly built brick houses on Market street, corner Summit. L. MIN TER. 1167 Market street. Both phones. FOR SALE—No. 1944 N. Seventh St., 2- story frame, conveniences, front porch. Nos. 1107 and 1109 Plum avenue, 2-story frame, water In kitchen. No. llli N. Fourteenth St., brick, conven iences, front porch. No. IM-W Derry St., all conveniences, front and side porch. C. 11. OKCUTT, 26. Cumberland St. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT TOR RENT NO, 411 S. Thirteenth St. $20.00 No. 435 S. Thirteenth St., $23.W No. 1510 Catharine St $17.00 J. W. SWENOEL 219 S. Thirteenth St. FOR RENT No. 1413 Market St $86.50 No. 1110 Walnut St $20.00 No. 2016 Kensington St. $10.50 No. 1019 S. 21ft St SIO.OO J. E GIPPLE, TOR RENT—Very reasonably; in the Shenandoah Valley, at Winchester, Va„ a modern furnished brick house on large lot, In the best residential sec tion. Four large bed rooms, two baths, two servants' rooms, large hall, living, reception, music, dining rooms, spa cious porches, electric light, town water. For terms address Room 803, 456 Fourth Ave.. New York. ROOM for automobile, in garage, with cement floor; light, heat, water and locker; rent $5.00 per month. Apply MR. HOEHNBIt, 316 Broad St, Harris burg, Pa. • HOUSE FOR RENT—At 1404 Penn St.; best of location; rent $9.00 per month. Apply to GEORGE W, UPDE GROVE, 1200 Penn St. FOR RENT—3-story brick dwelling, at 1713 N. Third street. Best of loca tion. All improvements; immediate possession. Inquire 1100 North Front, Harrisburg, Pa. „ FOR RENT— -542 S. 17th 5t.,"... .$18.50 510 S. 17th St $18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third Street. FOR RENT 1817 Derry St, apartment $35.00 1315 Market apartment $30.00 Apartments from ... t.. .$22.50 to $32.50 1841 Zarker, house, $20.00 133 3. 14th $20.00 t houses, each, ..$25.00 2 houses, each, $ll.OO 2 houses, improvements, $13.00 HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 a 13th St. or Bell phone 248 M. FOR RENT— Houses with all Improve ments. at moderate rental* J, & GIPPLE. 1161 Market 8t TABLE BOARDERS WANTED MEALERS AND TABLE BOARDERS wanted at 1301 Fulton St.. or 454 Broad St. Good home oooklng. GARAGE FOR BENT GARAGE TOR RiBNT —Private com partments, Are proof and up-to-date, Calder and Penn streets, $5.00 a month. GEORGE W. UPDBGROVE, 1200 Penn APARTMENTS FOB RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT—Bay window front on Locust street; tiled, entrance; tiled bath; looker; hall phones; fully equipped kitchen. Apply Penna. Realty A Improvement Co., 132 Locust atreet. A FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT, suit able for dentist's or doctor's office, containing reception room, private bath, etc. Apply at The Penna. Realty & Im provement Co., office 132 Locust St. FOR RENT —Apartment of Ave rooms, bath and laundry room, second floor, corner property, plenty of light; must be aeen to be appreciated. GEORGE W. MYERS, 111 Hummel St. ' 1 Mlscelleneoes wJ ITXBNITPBB PAOKXNO PACKING —A. ». BHRENK. J»0« North Sixth •treat, first clasa packs;- of tur- obtna and Orlcabrac. B*l) yhtms MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT GO. 1U Walnut >tmi STORAGE. STORAGE in 1-story orick building, rui 408 Market St. Household gooJi In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. Q. DXENER, Jeweler, 408 Market St. ♦'IRE-PROOF SToRAaa warehouse, di vided Into private rooms Tor storage of household goods. New building. Low insurance. Inspection Invited. 437-445 South Second' street. HAKKI3BUKU STORAGE CO. PER BON AX. LADIES—When delayed or Irregular, use Triumph Pills; always depend able. "Keller" anU particulars free. Write National Medical Institute, Mil waukee, W is. ALL ENDS OF HAPLINO ALL, kluds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In the eity and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DAKS. 1463 Vernon at. Bell phone 1617 J. FINANCIAL. ANY PERSON NEEDING MONEY In amounts from $5 to SSO, holding a salaried position, would be benefited by calling on us. EMPLOYES' DISCOUNT CO., 36 N. Third St. TO LOAN—We have money at 5 per cent., in large amounts, tlrst mortgage collateral. Only tlrst class proposition considered. C. VERNON RETTlE\V_CO„_looo_N,_Thlrrt St. PIANO MOVING PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing "and storing; work done by experts. WIN TER PIANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St. Bell phone 146. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Bicycles, or parts of bicy cles, for highest cash prifces, at once. Try Keystone quick repair service and save money. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., 814 North Third St. Both njiQnes. SIGNS of all kinds; brass signs at half price; our simplified process makes this possible; strictly high class work guaranteed. MANAHAN & CO., 24 S. Dewberry street. DETECTIVE PRIVATE DETECTIVE GEORGE W. SHULER 522 S. Fifteenth St. Bell Phone 289SR - ; Death and Obituary DIBD. BAER—On Thursday noon, April 29, 1915, Luclnda Baer, wife of David Baer, aged 60 years and IS days. Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 2105 Herr street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further no tice. IN MEMOEIAM. IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE of Mrs. Alice E. Slerer, who departed this life May Ist, 1913, We have lost our darling mother. She has bid us all adietl, She has gone to live in heaven, And her form is lost to view. Oh, that dear one, how we loved her. Oh, how hard to give her up, But an angel came down for her And removed her from our flock. —'Husband and Children. f tl Legal i 11 IK HE Clllirnn' Club—ln the Court of Common Plena of Dauphin County. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made by Charles H. Jones, Albert H. Duffan aim James R. Wilson, et &1„ to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, on Monday, the 24th day of May, 1915, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and reg ulation of certain corporations." ap proved April 29th, A. D. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to be called the "Citizens' Club," the character and object whereof is "the maintenance of a club for social enjoyments, and In this behalf to secure a suitable place of meeting, and to maintain a library and a reading room provided with the news papers. magazines and periodicals of the day, thereby promoting the social, moral and educational welfare of its members," and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly and its supplements. MICHAEL E. STROUP, >Solicitor. Real Estate XEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OR BENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 3 Hi-story dwelling houses {or sale. Elder Real fei^teCOj^UhandDerrySt*^^^^ UNFURNISHED fOOMS FOB BENT FOR RENT—Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, no children. Also, one furnished room. Apply 814 N. Third street. BUMMER BOABDEBS WANTED FROM APRIL 26— Boarding on a farm, near Dauphin, at reasonable rates. Boating and fishing. Special rates for the season. Address 3782, care Star- Independent. FURNISHED BOOMS FOR BENT FOR RENT—Two-roomed suite; well furnished; large private porch; every convenience, including bath and phone. Facing Capitol Park, 406 North St. LAWYERS' PAFEB BOOKS Printed at this office in beet style, at loweet prices and on short notice. FOR SALE or will earhange oa rlty property i WAYNE COTTAGE, PERDIX practically new ft-room Summer and Winter Hornet 3 minute* walk from Station) Summer rentals make this proposition better than a 10 per cent. Investment. SIX PERDIX LOTS Three of these f«ee the Publlr Road—for business reasons we will resell these l.ots at a Snap Prlee. FOB SALlC—Three-story hrlek lAOO bloek, on Market St. V very de sirable house. Three-story brick. 2400 block, on N. Sixth St. Onlv *3OOO. New modern house, 2100 block, Derry St.—none better In llarrlsbura. Plot of desirable ground on N. Sixth St.— suitable for builders. ttORxIUO. I| un . galow site. High spire, MOxCK) ft.— corner plot, S4IH). FOn RE\T-jTm n new houses on Derry St., 2100 block. Steam hent, •24.00. THE YOUNG HOUSE & HUME COMPAHY 26 N. THIRD ST. Reo«l Rfttnt* Bell 713J Innurmire ■ QUOTATIONS. Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker, Arcade Building, Walnut and Court Streets New York, May 1, 1915. Open Close Amalgamated Copper, ... 7<s** 76 American Beet Sugar 49<4 48% American Can 4.1 >4 43 American C. and F 5S 5714 American Ice Securities,. 3", 34% American Locomotive, ... 60 58% American Smelting 73 > 4 73 Anaconda, 36% 36% Atcliieon 10214 102*4 Baltimore and Ohio 77% 77% Bethlehem Steel 11314 141 Brooklyn R. T 901* 90% Canadian Pacific 1B««, Central Leather ;:9"„ 40% Chesapeake and 0hi0,'.... 45% 46% Chicftgo. M. and St. Paul... 93% 93% Chlno Con. Copper 4646% Pol. P. and 1.7 32% 3274 Corn Products In 15 Distilling Securities 15 5 ., Brie ■> 28 *, 28 W do., first preferred 44' 8 44 '4 Seneral Electric Co 1«1H 160 Goodrich 11. F 52 51 Qreat Northern Ore, subs., 37V4 3614 lntei'boro-Met 22V, do., preferred 72' 4 7114 Lehigh Valley .143% 143U Mexican Petroleum S9 86 14 Missouri Pacific 11 a; 101 l National Lead 6974 69 Mev. Consol Copper 16 lo' 8 New York. Central 88 88 N. Y„ N. H. and H 67 14 67 14 Pennsylvania Railroad, ..10914 109 H Pittsburgh Coal 2314 23'» Press. Steel Car 5514 56% Ray Con. Copper 24 i 8 24 '% Beading 15114 151 Republic Iron and Steel,.. 31 5 „ so-^i Southern Pacific 92 ;l i 92% Southern Railway, 18'j, 1814 Tennessee Copper 34 \ 34 >4 IL'nion Pacific 131" s 131», C. S. Rubber 7014 69% L T . S. Steel 58•% 59'.'. do., .preferred 109% 109 4s t'tah Copper 67% 68'J Virginia-Carolina Ohe-m., .. S'JVi Western Union Tel., GS S , 68% Weßtingiiouse,- 107 103*4 Philadelphia Closing Prices Philadelphia, May I—Stocks cl-osed steady; Cambria Steel 4914 General Asphalt, . 1:7*4 do., preferred 6>>^4 Lake Superior, S Lehigh Navigation 74 Lehigh Valley 71% P. R. R 51 Philadelphia Electric 24 3 S Philadelphia Company 38 >2 do., preferred 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit, ... 9Vi Reading 7 r. > Storage Battery 53H Union Traction 35 U. O. 1.. 84 Vi Steel 53 Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, May I.—Wheat firm; N. 2 red, car lots; export, 1595i;162; No. 1 northern, Duluth fxport, 170®'173. Corn steady; No, spot, export, 78fr 79; No. 2 yellow, local, 84®54%. Oats firm; No. 2 white, 63®63t4, Bran irregular; winter, per ton, S3O; epring, per ton. $26.50® 27.00. Refined sugars firmer; powdered, 6.10; fine granulated, 6.00; confectioners' A, 5.90. Butter firm; western creamery, ex tra. 31; nearby prints, fancy. 34. Eggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, 6.0U; current receipts, free cage, 5.85; western extra firsts, free Case. H. 00; firsts, free case, 5.55. Live poultry firmer; fowls, 17®1714; old roosters, 12® 1214; chickens, 13® 18; turkeys, 13® 15; ducks, 13&15; geese, 10® 11. Dressed poultry firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18®19; average, ltilti 17; unattractive, 14®15; old roosters, 1314; frozen fowls, lti®18; roasting chickens, 17®20; broiling chickens, 32027; tur keys, 18®22; ducks, 12@18; geese, 12 @ 16. Potatoes weaker; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 50<i*52; Maine, 50®52; New V'ork, 43®45; Florida, per barrel, 3.50® 5.00. Flour steady; winter straight, 7.00® 7.25; spring straight, 7.25®7.50; spring patent, 7.50@8.50. Hay firm; No. 1 large bales, 19.00 ®19.50; No. 1 medium bales, 18.501® 19.00; No. 2, 17.00® 18.00; No. 3, 15.00W 16.00; sample, 14.00{i 15.00; light mixed, 15..".1 ie,, 19.00; No, 1, 17.50®15.00; No. 2, 15.50® 16.50. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, May I. Hogs—Receipts, 11,000; slow. Bulk. 7.50(8)7.70; light. 7.40®7.80; mixed, 7.40®7.80; heavy, 7.10 ® 7.70: rough, 7.10®7.25: pigs. K.26®7.10. Cattle—Receipts, 2,000; steady. Na tive beef steers. 6.15@8.75; western steers, 5.60®7.J0; cows and heifers, 3.10 ®8.50; calves, 6.00® 8.75, Sheep—Receipts, 2.00Q; steady. Sheep, 7.40®8.40; lambs, 8.25®10.75. Four Slaters in Hospital Viola, Lillian, Eldora and Margaret Maxwell, daughters of Aaron Maxwell, [. 1411 Monroe street, were all operated on at the Harrisburg hospital yester | iby fm- adenosis. To-day they are oe- I eu-pyinj"- adjoining beds in the chil dren 's ward in that institution. The children were taken to the hospital at tho instance of the Visiting Nurses' Association. " " Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—The well-dressed man. He | always sends his clothe* to Eggert'e Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1145 Market St. Do you? Call and deliver. FOUND—A decided Improvement In mjr appearance since having my clothing cleaned and preseed at Parisian Dye Works. 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns, 337 ChestXut. Bell phone. Call ing and delivering. LOST LOST—Large leather wallet, contain ' Ing cash, notes and private papers. Reward If returned to G, C. R„ 1629 Green St. s2oo*ooo 6% Three Year Secured Municipal Notes of South Vancouver (Part of Greater Vancouver, British Col.) Datsd May 1. 1918. Pue Mar 1, 1918. Optional at any Interest date after May 1, 1910. Princi pal and semiannual Interest payable In New York. Toronto, Vancouver aud London, Eng Denomination SI,OOO. These Notes ar* a direct and general obligation of the Municipality of South Vancouver (an important part of Greater Vancouver) and in addition are secured by the deposit and pledge of long term 5% Bonds of the Municipality at the rate of approximately $ 125 for every $ 100 of Notes, with the Equitable Trust Company of New York as Trustee. There is no limit to the amount of general tax that can be levied if necessary for their payment. APPROVAL OF PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Each note is endorsed by the Inspector of Municipalities of British Columbia certifying that validity is incontestable FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed valuation 1914 (Real Estate only) $43,815,311 Actual valuation 1914 (Real and Personal) 76,790,000 Value of Municipality'* assets, Dec. 31, 1914 7,837,164 Net bonded debt (including this issue) 3,604,646 Population 1914, 39,600 Genuineness certified by Equitable Trust Company. Trustee Legality approved by Messrs. Dillon, Thomson & Clay, N.Y. Subject to prior sale, we offer the above untold balance of a total issue of $790,000 Notes, at IOOV2 and Interest *» *' Full details on request for Circular K 89 Spitzer, Rorick & Co. Successors to SPITZER & CO., ESTABLISHED 1871 Toledo 5 Nassau Street, New York Chicago Sound 6% Bonds To Yield Full 6% Amply secured—an op portunity for holders of good bonds yielding 5% to secure 20% larger in come without specul ative risk. SIOO increase in income in ten years, on SIOOO par value. Write for full particulars furnish ed on request for Circular 0-46. N. W. Halsey & Co. 1421 Chestnut SL, Philadelphia New York Chicago San Pram-rlom Boston Baltimore at. Louis 'Study the Invest ments of Banks as methods used by them can be employed advantageously by conservative private invest ors. Send for our Circular No. JVI-125, which contains a list of securities many of which have met with the ap proval of banks and are adapt ed to the requirements of in dividuals. These securities yield from about \% to over 6% A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 149 Broadway, New York Chicago Philadelphia Buffalo Boston Baltimore London FARMS FOR SALE ALIi (iHADES AMI My,KM From 48 Acres, fair -buildings, for $llOO, to 311 Acres, good buildings, for' s37}iO. Ijots and acreage for suburban residences and f&hns for flowers, ohlckens, "truck" or vege tables. Come and see the country— It's delightful—A "Jitney" to show you around. C. B. CARE t'are'a Groorrr, Mwtleatown, Pa. A dmerlptlon at 400 Market street, llarrlaliiiric. Surety Losses Paid Under Extraordinary Circumstances Not only munt the Nlon maturity of a mirotj- company'a ohllKatlon* h» taken Into account by the Micceaaful aurety underwriter, but the extraordi nary nnd unforeseen character of aome of Ita rlaka muat be Klven eareful conalderatlon. In one caacV* aurety company on a bond of >2,000, renewed fo* a aeeond term, n» held liable for a total aborta** of SIB,OOO. la atlli another cane the aurety on n bond for SI,OOO for a simile term »«> held liable for SB,OOO. <(>robur|(er v. Surety Co., 102 K. W. KTJ.I On a fidelity bond for £2,500, dated Ueeember M, 1004. and »»uhHequeatly renewed annually until December, I|H)K, a aurety company haa been held liable, ten yeara after the bond waa Klven, for over SO,KOO. (Alex. Campbell Milk Co. V. Surety Co., ltfl App. Dlv. 73H.1 On a bond Klven for the faithful performance of hla dutlen by an aaalKaee for the beaetlt of creditor* a aurety ntmpany waa held liable and had to pay $.10,000 earned by a loaa by fire occurrinK In a factory ten daya after the appointment of the aaatgnee. (Hill v. Surety Co., 107 Win. 19.) In Indiana. In 1001, a aurety company furnlahed one of Ita own form* of fidelity bonda for the caahler of a bank. Kleven yeara afterward. In 11113, the Indiana Supreme Court held the aurety to be liable not In accordance with the terma of the bond which It had furalahed I Kit In accordance with the much broader terua of a State atatute. (Surety Co, et al. v. Poetker, 102 IS'. K. ST2.I THE L. F. NBBF t Insurance—Surety Bonda 410-11 Kunkel Building Bell Phone 3840 AGENTS—BROKERS—UNDERWRITERS—ADJUSTERS 11 Bull Market SIX STOCKS LEAD NEXT RISE List mailed on request We deal In all securities CLARENCE CONE & CO. 4S Broadway New York PUBLIC SALE Monday, May 3rd, 1915 At my Sale Stables, 21st and Greets wood Streets, HABBISBUEG, PA. M2S£L4O Hud of Extra Fine Horses and Mules Consisting of one express load of Illinois Horses, 28 in number, just the kind you nre looking for, good big draft horses, some well mated teams, weigh ing from 1200 to 1700 pounds apiece, thoroughly broke and dead-dowh pullers, the rest are a lot of all purpose horses to suit all class of buyers. Sale at 1.80 p. m. A liberal credit will be given. H. D. KOONS& STINE FOR SALE Look here! Do yon want to buy a ! new home? Go to 626 to 630 Geary St. I am Just finishing four three atory brick, mansard roof houses, with wide front and back porches and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented cellar, hot and cold, water In cellar. Parlor and dining room, large kitch en. five bed rooms and bath, six large l closets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and dining room finished floors. No houses in the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select' paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will I surprise you. I APRIL 12—TWO ARB! SOLD F. H. Hanfzman Office 860 llrlttici St. Some Burned Letters Sir Walter Heott once made an itin erary of the borders, in the course oJ which he wrote a lawyer friend in Bd in burgh a close and realistic account ol everything he heard and observed, ev er.v quaint location and droll custom But the stupid heirs of the recipient ol these priceless epistles consigned their to the flames and thus rendered what would have been a charming book im possible. A Matter of Location "When I was a boy," said Mr. Wa terstopk, "I wanted to go to sea and b« a pirate." "And you changed your mind," re plied Miss Cayenne, "to the extent ol deciding to remain on land."—Wash' ington Star.