The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 29, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Member of Salem Congregation Is
Member of Executive Committee
With the Rev. Homer 8. May of
Fourth Church
At this morning's session of the
Lancaster classis of the Reformed
church at the Fourth church, Sixteenth
and Market streets, President Homer
6. May announced his appointment of
Elder Edwin C. Thompson of Salem
church as the third member of the
executive committee of the classis.
This committee consists of three mem
bers. The presidont and the secretary
of classis and a third member to be
appointed by the president, and its
function is to transact all necessary
business between sessions of the chureh
Wilson F. More, superintendent of
the Bethany Orphans' Home, Womels
dorf, was a visitor of classis during
the day. He addressed the delegates
this afternoon on the work being done
at the home.
A Missionary and Stewardship
committee was this morning appointed
as follows: The Rev. G. A. Whiten
moyer, the Rev. E. W. Stonebreaker
and Elder G. J. P. Raub.
A report made tv the committee on
the minutes of the General Synod pro
voked some discussion on various
phases of church activities. The report
of the church building funds committee
showed that during the past year
twelve funds of SSOO each have been
raised in f he bounds of classis. The
treasurer's report showed a sitisfaetory
financial situation.
Sustenance was voted by the classis
to the Armstrong Valley charge. $360;
the Warwick charge, $250, and Trinity
church, St. Peter's. S3OO.
All remaining business is expected to
be transacted late this afternoon or
to-night. An adjourned session will be
held in Lancaster within the next two
weeks. The purpose is the examination
of candidates for the ministry of the
/ Reformed Church, who will be grad
uated from the Theological Seminary at
No program has been arranged for
this evening, since this closing session
will be given over entirely to business.
The delegates will leave for their homes
this evening. They have been enter
tained during their three days' visit by
• memhers of the Fourth Reformed con
Rome, April 28, 11.30 P. M., Via
Paris, April 29, 5.10 A. M. —The bod
ies of fifty-six of the men who lost
their lives when the French ervrtser
Leon Gambetta was torpedoed by an
Austrian submarine in the strait of
Otranto, were buried with full naval
honors at Santa Maria Leuca this aft
The funeral was arranged by the
officers of Italian torpedo boat destroy
ers. Residents of the neighborhood
t joined the Italian sailors in attending
the service at the cemetery.
Police Ordered to Anrest All Who In
terfere With Apparatus Respond
ing to Fire Alarm
The ordinance which makes it un
lawful for teams and other vehicles ,to
* blockade the street and thereby pre
vent fire apparatus from having the
right of way when answering to a fire
alarm or attending a fire, aud which
the police of the city have been di
rected to enforce, was passed by the
former Select and Common Councils of
Harrisburg in the fall of 1898 and
" signed by .T. D. Patterson, the then
Mayor, on November 9, of that year.
City Clerk Miller this morning resur
rected copies of the bill, which pro
vides that trolley cars shall be stopped
and other vehicles shall turn to the
side of the highway, in giving the fire
apparatus the right of way. For vio
lation of the ordinance the Mayor or
any Alderman may impose a fine, the
amount to not exceed SSO. For failure
to pay the fine the violator may be
lodged in jail for a period not "to ex
ceed thirty days.
Trainmen's Band to CHve Concert for
Benefit c" Auxiliary To-morrow
The voting contest of the Ladies''
Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Rail- j
way Trainmen will be closed to-morrow i
afternoon in White's Hall, Broad and!
James streets. The contest was held I
for the benefit of the trainmen's baud.
The prizes, consisting of a $35 dia
mond ring, a gold watch and a chip dia
mond, will be awarded the three per
sons having the highest number of
votes, f
Up to the present the three highest
t in order are Mrs. John Preston, Mrs.
Jessie Kuhlwind and Mrs. W. H. Bit
ting. Following the count of the vote
the trainmen's band will give a con
cert for the benefit of the auxiliary.
Temperature to Remain Normal for
Next Few Days
The hot wave is broken and the
temperature in this section will remain
about normal for the next few days,
wa? the announcement made by Fore
caster Deniain, of the United States
Weather Bureau, this morning. The
highest temperature yesterday was 72
degrees, which mark will not be ex
» ceeded to-day.
Probably showers for Harrisburg
and vicinity to-night with clear weath
er to-morrow is the forecast. A email
rise in th e river is indicated for Har
Visit Chief of Police Hutchison
Clarence B. Backenstoss, Detective
Ibach, Fire Chief Kindler and Police
man Schelhas left this morning for Ash
land in an automobile to visit Chief of
Pdlice who has been a pa
tient in the Silver Spring hospital for
the past two weeks, where he under
went an operation.
Printed at this office in "best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
Letter of Governor Whitman Says
Time Was Ripe te Rid State of
Corrupt Influence*
Syracuse, N. Y., April 29.—1n a
letter produced by coupsfil for Col
onel Booaevelt during the re-direct ex
amination of the former President to
day, Governor Charles S. Whitman,
then Dietrict Attorney of New York,
told Charles H. Duell, of New York,
that "the time is ripe" for all Pro
gressive Republicans and members of
the Progressive party to "rid the State
of the party control which is respon
sible for corrupt funds."
The letter was written in 1914 and
the then District Attorney wrote that
the "men and the policies respon
sible" for the corrupt funds were not
confined to any one party. Mr. Barnes'
name was not mentioned in the letter,
but the colonel in reply to questions
said he understood that the reference
was to him. Colonel_ Roosevelt was ex
cused from the stand' shortly after this
letter was introduced.
William H. Killer, of Lancaster, Suc
ceeds Jesse E. B. Cunningham as
First Deputy Attorney General
! William H. Keller, president of the
Lancaster Law and Order Society,
prominent in Lancaster affairs, and a
widely-known attorney, has been ap
pointed First Deputy Attorney General
to succeed Jesse E. B. Cunningham, re
Attorney General Brown said that
Mr. Keller would at once assume the
■duties of his place, and that no furth
er appointments will be made until
the new bill reorganizing the depart
ment becomes a law. The new deputy
was a delegate to the National Repub
lican convention in Chicago iu 1912.
Salmon Fry
Fish Commissioner Buller, after a
visit to the fish hatcheries of the
State, announces that during the next
two weeks he will place 9,500,000
Susquehanna salmon fry in the streams
of the State, the largest number ever
sent out at one season's distribution.
Wants a Station
William S. Adams, of Menallen town
ship, Adams county, has petitioned the
Public Service Commission for a
freight and passenger station on the
line of the Gettysburg & Harrisburg
Railway at Mt. Tabor.
Schwab' s Representative
Blair C. Seeds, of Cresson, personal
representative of Charles M. Schwab,
was among the callers on State High
way Commissioner Cunningham to-day.
Mr. Seeds called the attention of the
Commissioner to the neet for a State
aid road in Loretto Borough, Caiabria
Take Up Road Questions at Home
State Highway Commissioner Cun
ningham left here early this morning
for his home in Pittsburgh, going by
automobile on a trip of inspection over
the southern route. Mr. Cunningham
will arrive in Pittsburgh this evening
and has made a number of engagements
for to-morrow and Saturday in the
Pittsburgh office with people wishing
to take up road questions with* him. He
will return by automobile on Sunday,
coming over the northern reute.
Commencement Exercises for Harris
burg Hospital Training Class June 1
The Women's Aid Society of the
Harrisburg hospital has started plans
for the tenth annual commencement ex
ercises of the Training School for
Nurses, to be held in Memorial hall
June 1. Eight nurses will receive di
plomas, having served three years.
This Is the largest training class ever
turned out.
On opening the exercises Frank A.
McCarrell, choirmaster of Pino Street
Presbyterian church, will give a piano
selection, to be followed with the invo
cation by the Rev. James F. Bullitt,
rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal |
church. The class will be addressed by
the Rev. Lewis S. Mudge, pastor of
Pine Street Presbyterian church.
The class will consist of the follow
ing nurses: Miss Josephine Weller,
New Castle; Miss 'Mercy Crozier, Wil
liamstown; IMiss Asenathe Haller, Wil
liamstown; Miss Luella May Davis,
Harrisburg; Miss Marguerite Hummel,
Steelton; Miss Addie Elizabeth Saltz
man, Beaver Springs; Miss May Gar
man, Harrisburg, and Miss Kathryn
Nell, Harrisburg.
Continued From Pint Face.
with the amounts collected in premiums
so that a reasonable rate could be es
tablished for every city. Companies now
report only 'by States,'he said.
He called the "conflagration
hazard" a bugaboo which should not
alarm anybody. iHe said that at is the
policy of insurance companies to set
aside five per cent, to cover this hazard
and if 'half oi Harrisburg should burn
down to-morrow the insurance compa<
nies would have enough surplus if they
put aside that amount.
Raps Underwriters' Secrecy
He said a merchant has jusft as much
right to know the premium his neighooi
is charged as he has the right to know
the amount 'his neighbor is assessed for
municipal taxation. In this connection
he said one of the chief faults of the
underwriters is the secrecy maintained
by boards which, however, is being
gradually done away with since a de
cision in the courts of Allegheny was
rendered requiring that the books be
opened for inspection.
He said that the Attorney General's
'Department has been assured that all ot
the boards operating in Pennsylvania
will follow that decision.
Special SeMion for Woman Suffrage
Trenton, N. J., April 29.—Governor
Fielder to-day issued a proclamation
for a special session of the Legislature
to convene next Monday to correct a
defect in the bill providing for a spe
cial election on October 19 when the
woman suffrage and two other proposed
amendments to the State Constitution
are to be submitted to the people.
X v / '
Continued From Pint Pas*.
an army of 35,000 men with.thousands
of rounds of ammunition for an attack.
Huerta In Mew Revolution?
San Antonio, Tex., April 29. —Pas-
cual 0. Angeria, formerly an officer in
Villa's army, who has arrived here
from Mexico, said that another revo
lution is being organized for Mexican
liberty and peace in which General
Huerta is the leading figure. Angeria's
statement follows
"Thousands of Mexicans believe
Huerta is the man to bring peace to
Mexico and organization of the new
plans are being perfected in New
York. While the nucleus of the new
party will consist of 10,000 officers
and men now in the United States and
might nay all but fifty in Texas, there
will be no violation of the neutrality
laws. The new party is cpmposed pri
marily *of ex-federals, but included
many from other parties, in fact an
amalgamation of Mexicans from the
several parties now are recognized in
an unsuccessful attempt to ibring about
VUla Forces Decisively Defeated
New York, April 21).—Francesco
R. EHas, Carranza consul general here,
announced to-day that he had received
a cablegram from General Garranzc
stating that the troops of Villa had
been decisively defeated by Constitu
tionalists at Villialdama, losing eleven
officers killed, 31 field pieces, ammuni
tion, equipment and horses, and that
communication had been re-establish
ed between ths main body of Consti
tutionalists and the Constitutionalist
army isolated at Laredo!
A second cablegram from General
Carranza, Mr. Elias announced,- read:
"We have received a report from Eb
ane advising that the Villa forcee have
surrendered to: General Prezilio."
V. S. Not in a Hurry
Washington, April 29.—The U. S. is
not considering the question of recog
nizing any government in
retary Bryan again declared to-day when
his attention was drawn to a report
that the Carranza administration ex
pected early recognition.
It is known that Carranza officials
here are urging upon the State Depart
ment their claims to recognition.
28 Zapatistas Reported Executed
Washington, April 29.—Twenty
three Zapata prisoners taken in the
battle at Ometusco, including several
minor officers, were executed according
to an official announcement by the
Carranza authorities in Vera Cruz for
warded to the State Department. Thir
ty-three Zapata troopers were killed
in the fight, it was added.
One of These Creates a Division of Dis
tribution of Documents in the
Department of Printing
Governor Brumbaugh to-day an
nounced that he had approved the fol
lowing bills
Giving licenses to practice osteo
pathy to candidates who have been
graduated from a reputable school of
osteopathy prior to July 1, 1912.
Extending the power to increase in
debtedness to townships of the second
Providing for semi-monthly pay
ments of salaries to employes of cities
of the first class.
Rep'ealing the act of 1869 relating
to hucksters and peddlers in Indiana
Relating to the satisfaction of
mortgages under power of attorney
directed to the recorder of deeds.
Regulating the printing, binding and
distribution of public documents and
creating a Division of Distribution of
Documents. The bill creates a chief at
$2,400; two shipping clerks, a book
keeper, stenographer and typewriter
at $1,500, and a messenger at SI,OOO,
to be appointed by the Superintendent
of Public Printing and Binding, with
the approval of the Governor.
Conferring authority on County
Commissioners to appropriate money
for the maintenance of indigent pa
tients in hospitals or sanatoriums.
Xaming the amount of bonds to toe
I given by county officers in Allegheny
I county.
Providing for the monthly payment
of county school superintendents.
The Daix motion picture censorship
bill was amended on second reading
in the House this morning by Mr.
Maurer, the Socialist member from
Berks. He had stricken from the
measufe a clause which would have
permitted the State censorship to dis
approve reels or* views wliich would
tend to "prejudice the public mind."
Striking this out of the bill gives
the censors only the right to disap
prove reels which are "sacrilegious,
obscene, indecent, immoral or such as
would tend to incite to riot." There
was no opposition to the amendment,
scarcely a dozen members of the House
knowing what was going on. If the
bill passes the House with this amend
ment it will have to return to the
Senate for concurrence.
This <bill is supported by the State
Board of Moving Picture Censors and
was introduced bv Senator Daix at the
instance of J. Louis Breitinger, the
present chief censor. The bill has pass
ed the Senate. It wipes out the present
censorship board but substitutes an
other which will have three members
instead of two.
London, April 29.—The "Daily
Mail's" Bucharest correspondent an
swers the question "Why is Rumania
not yet in the fieldt" as follows:
"Because hitherto she has not had a
sufficient supply of ammunition to
make her position safe. Rumania al
ways has kept a small supply of am
munition because her plans were based
on the hypothesis that she would be
fighting on the side of Austria in any
war—naturally so, as she had a secret
treaty of offensive and defensive al
liance with Austria and Germany. This,
however, was denounced "at the begin
ning of the present war on the same
grounds aa Italy denounced hers."
N. W. Ayer & Son, Through "Printers'
Ink," Starts a Series of Education
Articles With Relation to the Ten
dencies of Modem Times
A campaign of education as to what
really Constitutes effective national ad
vertising under modern conditions has
been started by the N. W. Ayer & Son
advertising agency, of Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and Chicago, through
a series of articles appearing in the pe
riodical, "Printer'B Ink." The follow
ing is quoted from the issue of April
"The United States is developing
the quality of nationalism. We are
coming to think of things In terms of
our nationality. Business men are in
terested in what the nation grows, what
the nation produces, what the nation
consumes, what the nation exports and
"If a calamity befalls one of our
States or cities, it is a national calam
ity. We have established a national
point of view and are thinking with a
national mind. Manufacturing is be
ing done on a national scale, distribu
tion studied on the same scope, and
national advertising has arrived.
"Under these conditions, there is
need for the national advertising agen
cy, and such an agency may be located
in Philadelphia or Detroit, or New.
York, or Kansas City or Denver, pro
vided that its activities are national,
its experience national an I its capacity
to serve organized on a national basis.
Getting National Viewpoint
"This country is geographically so
vast, its population so great, its range
of industries so wide, that no concern
may have a correct national point of
view unless this national view is made
up of segments of sectional views. In
othe* words, a correct national view
point may only be formed by an inti
mate study oi' the -contributing local
facts and conditions.
"Our business, which has for more
than a quarter of a century been the
largest of its character in the world,
has in the past few years undergone a
complete reoragnization. This reorgan
ization has not been merely a change of
men and methods; it has been rather
a re-expression to suit modern condi
tions of the first fine principles upon
which the business was established
forty-six years ago.
"For the past severar years our rep
resentatives have visited on an average
of thirty-seven States per year; we have
made an average of six thousand calls
per year; we have kept on file, closely
scrutinized, checked and registered,
whether we had an advertisement in
th(m or not, an average of fifteen thou
sand publications from all sections of
this country.
Collection of Information
"We have developed to an unusual
extent excellent information and stat
istics concerning many trades and many
localities. We have' impregnated our
own organization with a greatly broad
ened view of our nationality as ex
pressed in business methods and busi
ness necessities. We have become a
national advertising agency.
"There are a great many advertis
ing agencies which designate themselves
as 'general' or 'national' which appar
ently take unto themselves this qualifi
cation solely because they place adver
tisements in publications of general or
national circulation. From our point
of view, the intelligent use of national
publications is difficult until the agency
has had a very broad experience in
the use of many forms of local adver
tising media, such as newspapers, bill
posting, etc., in every part and section
of this big country of ours.
"That an advertiser and his agent
may plan to derive the full advantage
of an advertising expenditure, there
must,*in the first place, be a broad basic
knowledge of the. situation. Actual
conditions in each State should be
known. This information should be
matched up with the status of the ad
vertiser's husiness in each State. This,
in turn, should be considered in con
nection with an analysis of the circula
tion of national publications in each
State. Only by this process may ad
vertising be made to do its full part in
a sales campaign.
Start of Advertising Campaigns
"Some of the most remarkable na
tional advertising successes have start
ed as local campaigns with a national
effort in view as a work of the future.
"Too many thinly spread out, poor
ly supported,' so-calied national adver
tising campaigns are started, and the
annual death rate is something terrific.
Facts and figures are easily available
to every one, and need no comment
from us.
"This scheme of spending a few
thousand dollars in a national publica
tion and then proceeding to bluff the
trade in the line of merchandise thns
advertised, is pretty well played out.
Helpful, intelligent co-operation with
the trade is desirable. Retailers should
be responsive to the effort of honest
advertisers to place goods on their
shelves, but in too many cases consumer
advertising is used only as a club on
the retailer, and the appropriation is
not of sufficient size, nor the advertis
ing effort sufficiently continuous to real
ly accomplish much with the ultimate
Flans Completed for Knights of St.
George Gathering
Plans for the mammoth "Open
Booster" meeting of Branch No. 168,
Knights of St. George, in McCloskey
Hall, adjoining St. Francis church, this
evening were completed to-day when
arrangements were made for the recep
tion of at least two hundred men. The
Verdi Italian Band, with M. Calderaz
zi, as director, will give a concert dur
ing the evening and at the close re
freshments will be served. Cigars will
be in evidence throughout the even
ing, as a smoker is announced in con
nection with the social.
Prior to the meeting the band' will
march to the Star-llndependent build
ing and play several selections. The
march will then be resumed to Mc-
Closkey Hall, the band being sched
uled to reach there at 8.15.
• Perry County Liquor Licenses
Counsel in the Perry county liquor
license cases, appeals of which were
yesterday argued before the State Su
preme Court in Pittsburgh, requested
the appellate judiges for a speedy de
cision although the court gave no as
surance that it will at once file a de
cree. It is believed among the inter
ested attorney* that a decision will t>e
filed within two months and possibly
within the next fortnight.
* At At At At At At
Hig;hnplre Mlddletowa New Cumb I'd Streltoi Herahey Lebanon
. , July 5. p.m. May 81. a.m. May 22. July 10. May 8.
Hlghaptre, July 24. June 19. June 5. Aug. 14. Sept. 11.
t ' Sept. 18. July 3.
f J
May 1. May 29. May .11, a.m. May 22. June 5.
Middletown July 17. Aug. 14. July 5, a.m. Sept. 18. June 19.
Sept. 4 . July 31.
May 81. p.m., May 8. July 17. July 24. May 22.
New Cumberland. ... July 5, a.m., June 26. Aug. 7. July 31. July 3.
June 12, May 31. p.m. May 18. May 29. May 1.
Steelton July 31. July 10. July 5, June 28. Aug. 14.
Aug. 21. Sept. 11. Sept. 4.
„ . May 15. July 3. May 1. 'May 8. May 31, a.m.
Hershey Aug. 2». Aug. 7. June 5. June 19. Julv 5. p.m.
Aug. 28. Sept. 11. June 12. July 17.
. , May 29. May 15. July 10. July 24. May 31, p. m.
Lebanon June 26. June 12. Aug. 21. Aug. 28. July 5, p. m. '
Aug. 7. Sept. 18.
Norfolk Coats, Mannish Blouses and
Tailored Skirts First Essentials for
Freedom and Comfort
New York, May 29.
Caught in the thrall of the season 's
first heat, which accounts for the'smart
set's sudden departure, the great city
I turns its thoughts to the country club,
and the stores display trappings for ten
nis, golf, tramping and riding to tempt
those who may tarry in town and the
few who.motor in-to do their shopping.
So exacting is the mode for sports,
that the time is long past when a wom
an can appear on the turf in baggy, ill
fitting clothes. To-day her attire be
speaks the smart tailor. Separte coats
are particularly prominent. Straight in
Norfolk style, or flaring at the lower
edge, they are made of white chinchilla
cloth, white woolen barred in black,
covert cloth, checks, tweeds, washable
corduroy, awning striped linen and golr
cord, the \velt a silky rose and the stripe
A Trig Costume Seen on the Golf Course,
the Norfolk Coat of Chinchilla Cloth
and the Hat and Skirt of Blue Linen
A decided liking for the silk Jersey
sweaters is also -evident, the styles me
dium in length, ranging from the regu
lation model finished with a baud at the
neck to fancy sweaters with broad
sashes and sailor collars. Plain colors,
stripes and bars are shown in these,
rose, bluo and purple 'being favored
barred or striped in white. Even rain
coate have gained a few points in style,
now appearing in attractive Scotch
plaids and checks, rubberized to with
stand t'he water.
'Every detail of the costume is select
ed with care. Conventions are far more
strict concerning the blouse milady
wears agolting than with the dress she
dons for an afternoon tea. Plainly
tailored, long-sleeved waists, buttoned in
the front with adjustable collars, are
considered correct for country wear.
These are made in white, eolored or
striped linens, rose and green predom
inating; in some cases the stripe meas
ures an inch in width. Oftentimes, the
buttonholes are bound in a color to
match the stripes and the closing fas
tened like a cuff, wit'h buttons of match
ing color linked together.
On the tennis courts, middy blouses
are still seen, their freedom and com
fort having won the 'heart of the sports
woman. One shop on the Avenue de
votes a side window, tucked in between
two marble pillars, to rackets, balls,
sports shoes and middies. The blouses,
slashed in front and laced, have sailor
collars and cuff-like hems; they are
made of white linen, crepe de Chine,
wash silk and khaki cloth, the faibrdc of
the soldiers' uniforms, an attractive tan
in color and with good wearing quali
While the whims of fashion are not
as a rule rigidly followed in the clothes
for sports wear, the added width in
skirts is readily accepted. To he sure,
skirts for walking, golf anil tennis are
not extreme, but now measure from two
and a half to three yards around the
lower edge. Such fa'bries as pique, plain
and in novel stripes and bars, linen
crash, khaki, tweed and herringbone
mixtures are shown in these skiirts,
which are short and plain .save for a
lap closing or patch pockets.
Hats, too, have a swagger style. .Pan
amas appeaT in every conceivable Shape,
from slouch to stiff sailor, with knitted
silk "bands made like the knitted ties
the men wear. There are collapsible
hemp straws and 'black felts faced in
color, convenient to tuck in the cornel
of a'bag when leaving town for a week
end. Broad-brimmed sailors of printed
linen in two-toned effects and in natural
linen fafeed with blue are also smart,
while rolling 'brimmed sailors of grass
straw in purple and white, and black,
and white lend variety to the styles; or
you may have a bonny tam-o'-shanter
loosely knitted in coarse silk jauntily
j tilted to one side, like the Scotchman
j wears on the heath,
i As in other seasons, the gloves are
j the 'heavy mannish type of tan leafcnet
j or white buckskin to protect the hand
j of the fair wearer, but belts are a real
' innovation, as they appear in 'brilliant
stripes and checks, knitted to match the
bands on the hands, or in black or col
ored leather finished with a large buckle
at the front.
Fancy p>hoes have grown so common,
it is small wonder we find a few novel
ties among the models for sports wear,
j Perhaps the most striking is a white
■'buckskin tie with rubber sole and
I stripings of green or red leather, which
| serve as trimming, as well as a stay for
j the flexible buckskin. One house is fea
! ttiring a white buckskin shoe, the sole
j of white leather, treated in such a man
ner that it retains its whiteness in spite
| of wear. These heelless ties and shoes
are shown for tennis, w'hile walking ties
and shoes have heels aibout an inch
I high.
i Along with the other garments, rirt-
I ing habits are receiving considerable at-
I tent.ion. The new trouser and legging
in one, laced in front or buttoned at the
side, is a style adopted by young girls,
while older women favor the skirt, for
country wear, finished with a lap seam
front and back, with straps underneath
for cross-saddle riding. Riding coats
show the conventional notch collar, close
body and flaring skirt, and the habits
are made in whipcord, covert cloth,
tweed and khaki cloth, while can leath
er boots or leggings and ties the ap
proved mode of dressing the feet. The
Jff W * McCic.i.
The Mode Cleverly Interpreted in a
Linen Blouse and Pique Skirt foi
Sports wear, the Waist Featuring the
New Adjustable Collar
tendency in 'hats seems to point to the
mannish sailor with a fancy band;
gloves are the gauntlet and neckwear
the stock, usually pique or duck, in
some cases embroidered with large
green polka dots or gay purple fleur-de
lis, if you chance to be an ally.
It is interesting to note the studied
carelessness of the clothes of the wom
an |vho loves sport for sport's sane.
Two' notables of New York society ap
peared at a golf club early in the sea
son and I heard' an idler on the broad
veranda remark as they took the bunk
ers that t'hey certainly knew how to
wear their clothes. The very suitability
of the garments made them stylish.
With 'her fair skin tanned a delicate
brown, the first was a perfect picture
of what a robust American girl should
be in her Norfolk coat of tan chin
chilla, with blue linen skirt showing
below, sailor hat of the same material,
tan gloves and low-heeled ties of tan
leather. The other woman, a trifle old
er, wore a white linen blouse with a
collar turned low, a striped pique skirt
with large patch pockets and a panama
'hat with a checkered hand of knitted
silk that carried out the contrast ot
•her white 'buckskin shoes, stayed with
black leather, and her black leather
belt. There was nothing to hamper
their freedom, not a surplus frill or
button, but every detail of the cos
tumes showed the "thought that had been
g"ivee their selection by the women
This, However, Includes Notes of Which
Others Are Signers—Assets Small
The creditors of J. N. Deeter, bank
rupt, at a meeting before John T. Olm
sted, as referee, this afternoon selected
John C. Orr as trustee to take charge
of Deeter's assets. Since it was shown
to the referee that the only known as
sets of the bankrupt are valued at less
than SI,OOO, the bond of the trustee
was fixed at SI,OOO.
The examination of the bankrupt
will be conducted before the referee at
a hearing, the time of which will be
fixed by counsel for the creditors and
the bankrupt. Deeter's liabilities, it
has been certified to the referee, total
SIOB,OOO. That, however, includes
notes and bills, the primary liability
for which, it is said, rests with others.
It was pointed out that Deeter and
others were parties to judgment notes
which do not appear on the court rec
$3,000 BEQUEATHED Y. M. 0. A.
Will of Mrs. Sarah) McCauley Also
Provides for Memorial Pew
Among the many bequests in the
will of Mrs. Sarah E. Doll McCauley,
which was probated evening by
Register Roy C. l>arcner, is $1,500 to
be used in defraying ithe expenses of
a memorial pew in Market Square
Presbyterian church, for her husband,
Gilbert M. McCauley. Other public be
quests are:
Young Men's Chtristian Association,
$3,000; Presbyterian Board of For
eign Missions, $1,0100; Pfresbyterian
Board of Home Missions, $1,000;
Presbyterian Boardiof Ministerial Re
lief, $1,000; Homelfor Friendless, of
this city, SI,OOO.
The Harriaburg Trust <V>mpanv and
j Edward Bailey, are named executors
of her estate in the n'.ill ma»le June 27,
' 1912.
I For the support and education of
| Gilbert McCauley Bailev, a son of
| her nephew, Charles L. Baitey, the in
j come from $5,000 is iset aside until
he is 30, when the pnincioial will be
j paid. All the .jewelry, personal effects
I and furniture in the rnsidience at 13
South Front street, are given to Wil
liam E. Bailev anil Saran Harris Bige
low, to be distributed ias they may
deem best.
. Two cousins, Marv E. |»G lilford, of
Lebanon, and Annie M. Coyle, near
Carlisle, will receive $1 OQI ami SSO re
spectively. Two sons of Mrs. McCau
ley's dead sister-in-law Mary Loug,
formerly of Ashland, 0., jare left SIOO
each, as are the two daughters of her
brother-in-law, .Jacob D. MeCaulev, of
Bernice, Cal. The remainder of the es
tate will be held in for theee pur
poses: Paying her brother, Henrv Doll,
of Denver, Col., SIOO por month for
life, $75 to his widow at his death,
and SSO per month to ,his daughter,
Esther, when she is orphaned. Charles
McClauley, of this city, will receive
$25 per month as long asihe livee.
The rest of the income; is to be di
vided in equal portions between the
children of two deceased isisters, Mrs.
Katherine Harris and Mrs-. Emma H.
Bailey. Upon the death of! any of the
beneficiaries in the refliduaa-y trust, the
amount due that person is. to be divid
ed among their children.
Upon the death of all heirs any
net income of the estate/is to be paid
to the Market Square Presbyterian
New York, April 29.
Open. Close.
Amal Copper t 78% 77%
Amer Beet Sugar j. 50 50%
American Can : 41% 41%
Am Car and Foundry Co & 56 56%
Am Cotton Oil 53 53% i
Am Ice Securities .... 3.4 33%
Amer Loco • 59% 59%
Amer Smelting 7'4% 74%
American Bugar >lll 112
Amer Tel and Tel ....122% 122%
Anaconda 37% 37%
Atchison 104% 104% i
Baltimore and Ohio ... 78% 78
Bethlehem Steel 147 147
Brooklyn R T 71% 71% l
Canadian Pacific 169 168%
Central Leather 39% 39%
Chi, Mil and St Paul . . 96% 96%
Chino Con Copper 48% 48%
Col Fuel and Iron .... 32% 33%,
Corn Products 13% 14
Distilling Securities ... 14 14%
'Erie 44% 45%
Erie, Ist pfd 36% 36%
Goodrich IB F 50 50%
Great Nor pfd ' 121 .121%
Great Nor Ore, subs... 37% 38%
Illinois Central 110% 110%,
Interboro Met 24% 23%
Interboro Met pfd .... 74% 73%
'Lehigh Valley 144% 144%
IMex Petroleum 90 90
Missouri Pacific 14% 14%
National Lead 65% 67
Nev Consol Copper ... 16% 16%
N-Y, N H and II 6S' fi?%
Norfolk and Western .. 105% 105%
Northern 'Pacific 110% 110%
Pacific Mail 22% 22%
Pennsylvania R. R. ... 110% 110%
Pittsburgh Coal 23% 23%
Press Steel Car 53 56%
Ray Con. Copper 24% 24%
Reading 152% 152%
Repub. Iron and Steel . 29% 29%
Southern Pacific 93% 93%
Southern Ry 18% 18%
Tennessee Copper 34% 35%
Union Pacific 132% 132%
U. 8. Rubber 69% 71
U. S. Steel 59 59%
do pfd 110% 110%
Utah Copper 70% 70%
Vir.-Carolina Chem .. . 28% 28
W. U. Telegraph 70% 70
Westinghouse Mfg .... 96 98
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
By Associated Press.
Chicago, April 29.—Close:
Wheats-May, 163; July, 136%.
Corn —May," 77%% July, 80%.
Oats—May, 55%; July, 55%.
Pork July, 18.25; September,
Lard July, 10.40; September,
, 10.65.
Ribs July, 10.65; September,
Charged With False Pretense
David D. Elder was arrested last
night by Detective Ibach on three
charges of false pretense, preferred by
Maurice Russ, proprietor of the Hotel
Columbus, and A. Clement, proprietor
of the Commonwealth hotel. It is al
leged that Elder passed three bogus
checks on the hotels to the amount of
SBS. Two on an Elizabethville bank
and the other on a bank in New York
State. The 'defendant will be given a
hearing before Mayor Royal to-morrow
* i