The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 29, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    HHHBHLV Her* XO« A1*B« BtaiM PRTCM AN Lower, Bat BCCUM Qaalltle* Art
Supply More
1 Huck Towels, .. .sc, 10c »nd 12Hc
TV/CTT T T IXTTT T< Y' Window Shades complete, 25c
X Figured Cretonne, Bc, 10c and 12He
To-morrow morning we shall place on Bale another remarkable pur- Sllkollne, plain and figured,
chase of Untrimmed Hats for Ladles, Misses and Children, consisting of I°® * n " 13 He
fifty different shapes. Sailors, Turbans, Tricornes, etc. Made of fine Curtain Rods,
Milan, Hemp, Plain Hemp, Llsere Straws, etc., in black and all wanted Sc. sc, I®®. t*Hc and 25c
Trimmings are here in a large assortment of the newest ideas. There Men's Summer Wear
" e JirT^n eatl £ - etc - Also Velvet ElbboM Men's Dress Shirts In figured and
m black and all colons. All striifed p«Tcale, all sixes, ... 25c
> " Work Shirts 25c
NPW Snmmftr Cotton Windsor Ties in Crepe de Chene, Men's Summer Underwear Balbrig
new summer ooiwm Messaline and Plaids, all colors, K» n Gray Mixed, black and white,
Wn«Vi "Fahrir* 25c shirts and drawers, all sizes, 25c
Ladles' and Children's Handker- Men's Athletic Underwear, ....25c
New Orepe, white ground with col- chiefs, new border and embroid- Men's Athletic Union Suits. Two
ored figures 25c e ry effects, 5c to 25c P lec# Prices.
New Novelty Voiles, figures, stripes, New Pearl Beads, 25c Men's Silk Hose, black, navy blue,
etc 25c Large assortment Ladies', Misses' putty and white. Special, . . -25 c
New French Madras Cloth 25c ,Lnd Children's Rings in the latest Men s Lisle Hose, all colors, 12 }»c
mew nencn maaras ciom, .. . ._.» c 15( Men's Colored Hose, all colors.
New Silk and Cotton Colored Crepe Hat . lc 3c and 5c Oc, 3 pair for 25c
de Chene. Two-Piece Prices. •" ' Men's Colored Hose, all colors, .. 5c
New Fancy Tissues, large assort- » v aa Ji e Wnrt Men's Mixed Hose 5c
mont. latest coloring 22c An needle WOrK L/ep l Men's Suspenders 10c and 25c
New Silk Finish Poplin, all colors, 25c White Stamped Linen Doilies, Men's Silk Neckwear, large assort
-22c 22-inch, each 10c ment, plain and fancy effects.
v-„.. Pnlk , tw vniiM ifto SOc Stamped Drawers with floss, 23c Special 25c
New Polka Dot Voile stamped Ready-made Children's Men's Caps. 25c
New Figured Voiles 18c Dresse s, blue and tan, each. . . 10c Men's Belts 25c
New Figured Flaxon.
36-inch Plain Colored Voiles, all col- Special, each 10c Canvas Gloves, 10c and 25c
ors 12 H c I 2 and 25c Instruction Books.
32-inch Dress Gingham 25c Special, each ~. 5c ReadV-tO-Wear Dop't
New Dress Poplin, all colors. Large assortment of White Austrian
New Plain Colored Pongee Cloth, 17c China for hand painting, also pins Ladies' Gingham Aprons,
New Dress Gingham, stripes, checks, and medallions, also a complete 1 Oc, 15c, 19c and 25c
plaids and plain colors, . . .12He line of Artists' Materials for Ladies' Bungalow Aprons 25c
New Plisse Crepe in plain colors and China Painting consisting of Ladies' Black Aprons 25c
figures I2>2C Brushes of all kinds, Pencils, Ladies' White and Percale Waists,
New Children's Cloth, 28 and 32 Frey's Paints, Lavender Oil Me- • a^c
inches wide, desirable patterns, dium, Weber's Sphinx and Has- Ladies' White Aprons, 12He & 25c
12He and 18c burg's Gold at Popular Prices. Children's Rompers, Dutch and Ol-
New Percales in Ught and dark col- iver Twist Suits 25c
ors, best goods, 12He Household Needs Children's Black and Chambray
White Goods of all kinds, in plain Bloomers 25c
and fancy, including all the latest Pillow Cases, special values. Children's Gingham and Percale
weaves 10c to 25c Bc, 10c, 12*»c, 15c and 18c Aprons 25c
Bolster Cases. 25c Children's Gingham Dresses, . . ,25c
"Rol+c TTonH "Ratro Sheets. Two-piece Prices. Children's White Dresses, 25c
6 ' 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, Boys' Blouses In gingham and per-
Purses, Etc. sc, 6c, 7c and 8c cale 25c
. . . ... 36-inch Bleached Muslin, Boys' Pants, 25c
New showing of the atest novelties tV . ( 6c< 7Ci Hc and 10c overalls £sc
Bin and colors piiiow case Muslin, 42 and 45-inch, Boys' Hats i»*Sc
in different widths, also black and 12Hc and 15c Sun Bonnets 10c and 17c
white combinations. Special. _sc sheeting Muslin. 9-4 and 10-4, Children's Caps and Sun Hats, . ,25c
Special Ladles Hand Bags. . —>c bleached and unbleached, .. . 25c Infants' Slips and Skirts 25c
Ladies Pocket Books and Purses, Mercerized Damask 25c Infants' Sacques, 33c
_ „ . ~c Mercerized Napkins, sc, 7c and 9c Infants' Bibs,
Ladies and Children s Garters, plain Linen Crash Toweling, sc, 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c
tj? . £ ncy ,l •••••••• e l "C'° Bc, 10c, 12He and 15c Infants' Books,
Ladies Combs. Barrets. Side Combs, Cotton Toweling. 5c 10c, 15c, 19c aud 25c
, *^ c ", ••••••••■•••• -10 cto *_sc Turkish Towels, special values. Infants' Rattles, Novelties, etc.,
Ladies Hair Brushes 25c 10c, 12He, 17c and 25c 5c to 25c
Ladies' Hand Mirrors 25c
Ladies' Fabric Gloves, black and
HsTSoutter's lc to 25c Department Store
fects in Nets and Transparent
Also New Dutch Collars, -. _ «, , . _
12He, isc, 25c 213 Market »t Opp.Court House
Gus Boyne, Formerly With Cumber
land Valley and Southern Leagues,
Has Been Elected Captain—Street
Parade Prior to Game
Great preparations are being made
by the Highspire A. C. for the opening
of its Central Pennsylvania League
season, Saturday afternoon, at 3
o'clock when it will have for its op
ponents, its old rivals, the Middletown
Prior to the game there will be a
short parade of the players of the two
teams and some rooters all headed by
the Highspire band which will furnish
music throughout the game.
Burgess Klugh will toss out the ball
and Manager Waltemever announced
last evening that Gus Boyne, who
played first base with the \Frederick,
Md., team of the Cumberland Valley
League last season and a former mem
ber of Southern League, has been
ejected captain of the Highspire aggre
gation. The pitchers so far signed by
Highspire are Wilson, Kramer and
Johnson and the first named is likely to
■io the twirling for the home team in
the initial league game.
Will Bepeat Entertainment
Claes 7of St. Mark's Lutheran Sun
day school, Mrs. Charles W. Peck,
teacher, will repeat an entertainment
consisting of tableaux, readings and
special exercises, in St. Mark's church
to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. A
Bilver offering will be lifted.
To Give Benefit Dance
The Highspire band will give a
benefit dance in Croatian hall, here,
this evening. The committee on ar
rangements anticipate a large atten
I have just received a splendid !
assortment of new Ladles' Hats,
Wings and Flowers at my millinery |
and dressmaking parlor, North !
Front street, Steolton, which will be j
sold at very reasonable prices.
Miss Ideita Houck
At the STANDARD Theatre
Little Viola Dana, the Broadway Star
in The Btoning. Three-reel special.
Myrtle Gonzalez and Alfred Vosbaugh
in The Choice. One-reel vitagraph.
Yale Boss, Bessie Team and William
Bechtel In Shorty. One-reel Edison.
Tom Moore and Marguerite Courtot In
The Girl'and the Explorer. Two reels.
" ' " • •- - \. ■" • • f"; - , .. 7 —~ —.^™c
", •. • .' / » ■
; The Bev. Dr. W. N. Yates, of Harris
burg, Will Deliver the Dedication
Sermon—Electric Lights Were In
stalled To-day
The erection of the Hillis taber
nacle, at Second street and Booser's
run, is progressing rapidly considering
j the small number of volunteer workers
|on hand and announcement was made
J this morning that, electric lights would
be installed in the structure to-day so
that any volunteers, who desire* to
work at night, will be enabled to do
The dedication services will be held
Saturday night, services to begin at
'•45 o'clock, in charge of the Rev. Dr.
W. N. Yates, of Harrisburg, who will
preach the dedicatory sermon.
In spite of the wet weather there
was a large number of persons present
af the first choir rehearsal of the
Evangelistic chorus in the First Pres
byterian church, Wednesday night.
The Rev. Lawrence Stahl, musical
director for the Hillis evangelistic par
ty, will preach in the Methodist church
at Cumbler's Heights to-night.
The Bev. G. N. Lauffer Will Be In
ducted Sunday Morning
The council of St. John's Lutheran
church is making preparation for the
installation of the Rev. G. N. Lauffer
as pastor of that congregation, Sunday
morning, with services commencing at
10.30 o'clock. The address to the
congregation will b e delivered by the
Rev. Charles R. Trowbridge, of Easton,
president of the East Pennsvlvania
The charge to the pastor will be
delivered by the Rev. S. W. Herman,
pastor of Zion Lutheran church, Har
risburg. Following these addresses the
installation ceremonies will be held.
.The Rev. G. N. Lauffer assumed charge
lof John's, January 1, succeeding
, the Rev. Dr. M. P. Hocker, who re
' signed to take charge of the Emaus
| Orphan Home at Middletown. His pre-
I vious pastorate was at Newville.
Will Be Used on Electric Motor to
Operate Mill Machinery
A flywheel, made of boiler plates
| nveted together, ten feet in diameter,
has arrived at the local plant of the
Pennsylvania Steel Company to re
pjace a castirou flywheel which flew to
pieces some time ago when the large
electric motor, to which it was attach
ed, was being tested in the twenty
eight inch mill of the West End exten
Another feature at the local steel
plant yesterday was the giving of the
biggest gas engine of its kind ever
built its initial test. This engine will
be used in the operation of the new
blast furnace now nearly completed,
and a second engine of the same kind
j and size will be put in service at this
furnace in the future,
j The test of the big gas engine yes
| terday was witnessed by George Mesta,
I president of the (Mesta Machine Com-
I pany, the Pittsburgh concern which
, built the apparatus. Mesta was ac
| eompanied by a number of other of-
I fieials of his company.
Pennsy Freight Solicitor Appointed to
National City Bank
Anthony L. Geyelin, freight solicitor
for the Pennsylvania railroad in this
city, has been appointed a representa
tive to the foreign trade department
of the National City bank, of New
York, to have charge of ite work in
j this State.
The department of the bank was or
i ganized at the outbreak of the Euro
; pean war for the direct purpose of de
veloping trade with South American
| countries and furthering closer com
j mercial relations with them.
Funeral of Mrs. L. M. Vass
Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian
Maude Vass, who died Wednesdav
morning at i 2.30 o'clock, will be held
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
Mt. Zion Baptist church, Locust street.
The Rev. Mr. Hughes will officiate
and interment will be made in Lincoln
Standard Theatre's Offerings
A program, seldom equaled in qual
ity, is announced by the Standard The
atre for the performance this evening.
Many favorite actors will pass in review
in the drama and comedy which will be
sure to please all who come.—Adv.
"Money Making on Side" May Be
Eliminated, Is Assertion
Chicago, April 29.—'Pensions for re
tired ministers would have a tendency
to eliminate the commercialization of
the pulpit through "money making on
the side,'' according to Df. W. R. War
,ren, of Indianapolis, Ind., secretary of
the 'board of ministerial relief of" th«
Disciples of Christ, who addressed the
national convention of Conference
■Claimants of the (Methodist Eplscop*
Church to-day. Plans are 'being con
sidered by the convention to raise a
$10,000,000 fund to provide pensions |
for retired ministers, their widows and
'' Pensions would help to obtain more
and better ministers," said Dr. Warren,
"by overcoming the natural opposition
of parents, by enlisting the sons of mrn
isters who would otherwise have to go
into business to care for the parents."
< >
Steel ton Transfer
Office Removed
To Trewlck St., Near Front.
where Lime and Sand can be ha<l at
all times, also hauling of every de
scription will be attended to on
short notice.
Don't Stay Gray! Nobody Can Tell
Whan Ton Darken Gray, Faded Hair
With Saga Taa and Sulphur
Grandmother kept her hair beautiful
ly darkened, glossy and abundant with
f brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When
ever her hair fell out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture waa applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bottle
of tnis old-time recipe, ready to use,
for about 50 cents. This simple mixture
can be depended upon to restore nat
ural color and beauty to the hair and, is
splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp
and falling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody usee Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur, because it darkens so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it has
been applied—it's so easy to use, too.
You simply dampen a comb or soft
brush and draw it through your hair,
taking one strand at a time. Bv morn
ing the gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two, it is restored
to its natural color and looks glossy,
soft and abundant. —Adv.
Philadelphia Division—ll6 crew to
go first after 4 p. m.: 130, 127, 126,
130, 112, 105, 110, 122, 124.
Engineers for 110, 120, 130.
Firemen for 116, 119, 120, 127,
Conductor for 116.
Flagmen for 116, 130.
Brakemen for 127, 130.
Engineers up: Newcomer, Bruebaker,
Snow, Sobar, UncCauley, Downs, Speas,
Shaub, Gibbous, Earhart, Humbler, Lay
man, Davis, Foster, Statler, Grass,
Crisswell, Tennant, Gillums, Long,
Smith. Waubaugh.
Firemen up: Behman, Huston, Arns
berger, Kearney, (Myers, Weaver, Bals
baugh, MoXeal, Kreider, Xeidigh,
Chronister, IMahning, Wagner, Rhoads,
Sheaffer, ' Madenford, Duvail, Bleich,
'Moffatt, Shive, Pen well, Lees, Watson,
Gilberg, Miller.
Conductors up: Fink, Fesler.
Flagmen up: Witmyer, Bruehl.
Brakemen up: MvGinnis, Felker, Al
len, Arment, Kope, Kochenotier, Knupp,
Mumma, Stehman, Bogher, Riley, itoa>-
seed, Hivner, McXaughton, 'File, Moore,
Coleman, Gouse, Albright.
Middle Division—2sl crew to go
first after 1.30 p. m.: 235, 233, 245.
Laid off: 17.
Kngineers up: Knisley, Clouser,
Moore, Bennett, Mumma, Webster,
Simonton, Garman, Wissler, Smith,
Havens, Kugler, Hertzler.
Firemen up: Zeiders, Stouffer, Moh
ler, Cox, Fritz, Grass, Boss, Seagrist,
Wright, Karstetter.
Conductors up: Baskins, Gant.
Flagman up: Bodley.
Brakemen up: Frank, Roller, Baker.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Shaver,
Landis, Hovler, Beck, Barter, Biever,
Blosser, Rudy, Houser, Stahl, Swab,
Crist, Harvey, Saltsinan, Kuhn, Snvder,
Firemen up: Bair, Evde, Ulsh. Bost
dorf, Schiefer, Reueh, Wright, Lackey,
C'ookerlv, Maever, Sholter, Sneil, Barto
let, Getty, Barkey, Sheets.
Engineers for *2d 8, 16, 32.
Fireman for 18.
Philadelphia Division—2l2 crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 228, 206,
235, 240', MB, >2*22, 206, 234, 231.
Fireman for 22'6.
Conductors for 2<25. 233.
Flagman for 225.
Brakemen for 207, 21i2, 225, i2*4o.
Conductors up: Keller, Steinouer,
Flagmen up: Corrigna, Ford. Camp.
Brakemen up: Lutz, Musser, Goudy,
Long, Campbell, Shuler, Shaffner,
Baker, Bice, Vandling, Jacobs, Fair,
Middle Division—22>2 crew to go
after 1.4-5: 246, 249, 2'20.
Ten crews laid off at Altoona. Ten
to come in.
Laid off: 119, 114, 108, 104, 111,
P., H. and P —After 1 p. m.: 1, 8,
>, 16, 4, 22, 14, 6, 10, 11.
Eastbound—63, 64, 61, 58, 59, 65,
57, 71, 62, 52, 60.
Conductors up: Sipes, Renecker.
Engineers tip: Bonawitz, Fortney,
Crawford, Kettner, Wyre, Wood, Wire
man, Smeeley, Middaugh, Fetrow,
PJetz, Massimore.
Firemen up: Kelly, Rumbaugh,
Longnecker, Dowbower, Lex.
Brakemen up: Lauks, Maxton, Heck
man, Milles, Ayre6, Kapp, Ensminger,
U. S.-Great Britain 1014 Treaty
London, April 29, 3.08 P. M.—Vis
count Bryce has been appointed to rep
resent .Great Britain on the commission
to which, under the Anglo-American
treaty of 1914, ajiy issues between the
two countries Which might not yield to
diplomatic adjustment would be sub
Protection Against German Gases
London, April 29, 2.34 P. M.—A ro-
response has been made by
the public to the appeal for respirators
to protect the British soldiers In the
field against the gases employed by the
Germans. The War Office announce*!
to-day that it already had received &
sufficient number.
John Statler, of Middletown, dots on
Pension List Saturday
John Statler, a clerk in the Pennsyl
vania freight station, Middletown, will
be retired from the service Saturday,
being 70 years of age.
(Mr. Statler started to work for the
company in 1883 under Stephen Clair
as a weigh bill clerk and has worked
in that capacity ever since. He has
not lost a day for sickness since he has
been employed by the company.
Petrograd, April 29, 11.80 A. M.,
Via London, 2.35 P. M.—The Russian
occupation of Loubnia, a small Ullage
to the northwest of Uzsok Pass, was a
decided achievement in the Carpathian
campaign, for the reason that it seri
ously endangers the important railroad
line between the towns of Uzeok and
Berezna, a line which made possible the
extended Austrian operations in this re
gion and at the same time successfully
retarded the Russian advance in the di
rection of the Uzsok Pass.
During the past week, as the Rus
sian advance developed in the direction
of Uzsok Pass, the Austrians exerted
their entire strength to protect this
railroad line, affording RS it did an in
velnable means of communication be
tween the Austrian forces on the Uzsok
summit and those operating noar Orosh
and Pataka.
The seizure of Loubnia gives the Rus
sian artillery an opportunity of com
manding a part of this railroad.line and
virtually disqualifying it from further
The furious Austrian efforts to re
take this village culminated the night
of April 26 and the morning of April
27, when they reached the Russian po
sitions, but they were forced after a
hand-to-hand encounter to retire.
The authorities report that in this
region, as toll as at Lupkow and Stry,
the Austrian troops were not assisted
by the Germans, who are said to be
concentrating at Cracow and in West
ern Galicia. Ftfr reinforcements the
Austrian* had to rely upon their own
troops from Bukowina and upon men
of the landsturm from the Italian bor
C«tlnurd From First Pact.
side of the straits, and are advancing
An unofficial dispatch from Athens
states that the allies were victorious in
a battle on the west side of the penin
sula, inflicting serious losses on the
Turks and capturing one battalion.
The battle of Flanders has passed the
high point of intensity and is becom
ing less severe. An official Belgian
statement speaks merely of the activity
of artillery and aviators along the part
of the front held by Belgian forces.
Field Marshal Sir John French, the
British commander, has announced that
the German advance has been checked
To-day's ' official statements from
Paris and Berlin do not indicate that
significant changes occurred in yester
day's fighting. The French report says
Belgian and French troops made pro
gress in Flanders, while the German
announcement asserts that attacks on
the German positions on the west bank
of the Yser canal failed.-It is also said
the Germans advanced more than 104)
yards southeast of Verdun.
In the Russian campaign capture by
the Germans of a Polish village, is
claimed, as well as the occupation of a
Russian position near the Warsaw
front. This is the first indication for
several weeks of fighting of conse
quence along this line where occurred
some of the most severe engagements
of the war when the Germans were at
tempting to capture Warsaw.
Petrograd attaches importance to
the Russian capture of Loubnia north
east of Uzsok pass. Possession of this
town, it is said, will enable the Rus
sians to interrupt the operation of the
railroad on which the Austrians have
relied for moving troops along the
Beskld mountains.
It Is reported from-Rome that Italy
has reached an agreement with Great
Britain and France that, if she enters
the war, it will be contemporaneously
with a concerted offensive movement
against Germany and Austria by all
their opponents. The agreement is said
to provide also for the territory which
Italy is to acquire in event of victory,
and for a new and permanent alliance
between Italy and the Powers of the
Triple Entente.
In the Russian campaign new battles
are developing in the north, along thf
East Prussian border. Petrograd dis
patches speak of various encounters,
but make no mention of the victory
along a twelve-mile front which the
German War Office announced yester
day. Neither has it conceded the re
ported Austrian victory in Spkowina,
on the eastern end of the front, which
is said to have compelled the Russians
to fall back to the border.
A Berlin news agency announces
that the Austrian-Italian negotiations
are progressing toward a satisfactory
adjustment and that the most Important
points have been settled. Rome advices,
however, say that Italy is unyielding
and that a representative of the gov
ernment has admitted no agreement is
in sight. Austria is reported to have
stopped all ordinary traffic on railroads
along the border for the purpose of
rushing in large numbers of troops.
ij Every Man Read \\
] ! This treatment is said to have | !
I | acquired a wonderful reputation ] |
i ; throughout the ICast, owing to its J('
i i peculiar propensity to fortify the <!
] | nerve force and generate health ],
! i md a consequent personal mag- < '
i | netlsni, mi essential to the happi- ] j
] i ness of every normal human be- ( i
i i ing. It in claimed to be a bless- <j
] | ing to those who are physically ] >
,i impaired. gloomy, despondent,
i ; nervous and who have trembling 11
ji of the limbs, dizziness, heart pal-* 11
i > pitation, eold hands and feet, In- cj
] | somnia, fear without cause, tlm- j,
i i lditv in venturing and general ,ln
i' ability to act rationally as others ] |
|, do. Also of vast benefit to writ- j
II ers, pr itessional men, office work
| ers ami the victims of society's ' I
" late hours and over-indulgence in < 1
[ wines, liquors, etc.
, By preparing the treatment at ] i
« homo, secretly, n / one need know i j
| of another's trouble, while the ];
, Ingredients are much used in All- i >
< Ing various pi ejcrlptlons, so that j
I even the purchase, of them sep- \ i
> arately n«-ed occasion no tlm- i 1
> idity. ] |
[ If the reader decides to try it, ' >
> get three ounces of ordinary syr- < !
• up sarsapurilla eompound. and ] i
I one ounce compound fluid balm- i 1
i wort; mix and Ist stand two j \
> hour*; then get one ounce com- , p
; pound essence cardlol and one 1 1
i ounce tincture cadomene com- ! 1
J pound (not cardamom), mix all i 1
, together, shake w«ll and take I |l
i a teaspoonful after each meal and !p 1
I one at night. i 1
, This contains no opiates what- ! !
p ever and may also be used by i 1
| women who suffer with their 1 \
, nerves with absolute certainty of ' p
' prompt and lasting benefits.
How much of washday do
Vyou spend at the tub? J
you use
can get through a big wash
before noon, and not be tired
out either.
No boiling, no hard rubbing—
just use cool or lukewarm
It's new, it's sweet, it's a wonder worker.
F®Ss-Soap Powder
Mt. Gretna Chautauqua Disclaims Lia
bility to Answer to Action in
This County
John J. Moffit, of this city, recently
brought a suit against the Pennsylva
nia Chautauqua, of Mt. Gretna, to re
cover $158.10 representing the cost of
articles taken from his automobile
while it was in the custody of the
Chautauqua and notice of the suit was
served on George W. Mcllhenny,. of
this city, president of the society.
Thieves removed articles from the
auto while the machine was in storage
in one of the society's buildings, it is
alleged. To-day the defendant so
ciety, by its attorney, Senator Beidle
man, obtained a rule ou Moffit requir
ing him to show cause why the suit
should not be dissolved and further
why service of notice of suit should
not be stricken from the record.
It is alleged that the society is lo
cated in Lebanon county and that the
Dauphin county court is without juris
diction. The matter will be placed on
the argument list.
Cummer to Sign Contract
F. D. Cummer, of the F. D. Cummer
& Son Company, Cleveland, 0., the
firm that has been awarded the con
tract for furnishing Harrisburg's new
asphalt repair plant by a phone mes
sage to-day advised Highway Commis
sioner William H. Lynch that, he will
be here next Monday to sign the con
tract papers and that work will be be
gun on the plant construction within
the next "few days thereafter. The
plant is to be constructed and in op
eration within sixty days ufter the
contract i« signed.
Paid Verdict, Released From Jail
Withdrawing his petition for dis
charge from prison on the grounds of
his "alleged insolvency" Artso Dimoff
this morning paid the SSO verdict ren
dered against him in a damage suit
brought against him by Simo Ruenov
and he was freed.
Court Ousts Company
An order ousting the Pittsburgh
Nail & \Virj» Company from its charter
because of its failure to operate un
der the franchise this morning was
made by Judge McCarrell at the in
stance of the Attorney General's De
partment. The court also granted a
rule on the Dpep Well Water Company,
of Hazel township, Luzerne county, re
quiring that it show at a court hearing
to be held on May 17 why it also
should not surrender its charter. The
bond of James Willis Ballard, receiver
of the defunct Keystone Guard In
surance Company, to-day was reduced
from $200,000 to |50,0&0.
To Award Contracts Tuesday
The contracts for a street sprinkle*
and two street sweepers to be purchased
by the City Highway Department will
be awarded at next Tuesday's meeting
of the City Commissioners. The Charles
Hvass Company will get the contract
for the sprinkler and the Good Koads
Machinery Company through W. F.
Shoemaker, of Hummelstown, the con
tract for the sweepers, so it was said
Building on Decrease
Building operations in Harrisburg
during the month of April fell off con
siderably as compared with the corre
sponding period of one year ago. Thus
far this morning forty-eight permits
were taken out for new buildings and
improvements costing $95,375, while in
the same month last year there wert.
sixty permits for improvements costing
$292,17'5. One permit was taken out
to-day. Daniel Weinhold will eroct a
two-and-one-half-story brick house at
1924 Market sbreet, costing $4,300.
Three Harrlsburg Bankrupts
Notices received in Harrisburg l from
George C. Scheuer, Federal court clerk,
of Scranton, carry the information that
Karl T. Opperman and Malcom H.
Gettys, of Harrisburg, have been ad
judicated bankrupts. The cases have
bfeen referred to John T. Olmsted as
referee. The Gettys creditors will meet
at the referee's office, Third' and Mar
ket streets, this city, at 2 p. m.. May
4, and select a trustee to take charge
of the estate.
Similar action will be taken in the
Opperman case at a meeting of the
creditors in Olmsted's office on May 7,
at 2 p. m. Unless objections are filed
WiHiam McCalmont Shearer, an adjudi
cated bankrupt, of this city, will be
discharged from all his debts by the
Federal court on May 17, at 10 "a. m.
Lynch Asks for Sewer Bids
William H. Lynch, City Commission
er of Highways, is advertising for bids
for the construction of a sewer in a ten
foot wide alley and in Monroe street.
The proposals will be opened by the
Commissioner at noon on Friday, May
7, and the contracts awarded by the
City Commissioners on TuesJav, Mav
11. *' '
Liquor License Transferred
Transfer of the liquor license of
the Hotel Wallace, Wallace and Cum
berland streets, from .1. (.rant Hoflf- *
man to Harry F. Eckinger was granted
by the court yesterday. A few weeks
ago Kckinger was refused a license
Paxtonia Inn.
Summary of Wliat Must Be Done Be
fore B. J. H. Douglass Can Acquire
Land in the Susquehanna
Despite assertions to the contrary, it
was said at the Department of Internal
Affairs this morning, there had been no
protest filed by anybody connected with
the Harrisburg municipal government
against the granting of a warrant for
possession of a small newly-formed is
land in the Susquehanna river opposite
Kelker street to Benjamin J. H. Doug
lass, 1606 Green street.
Mr. Douglass made his application in
December, 1914, for this small island,
which contains 89.6 perches. The In
ternal Affairs Department referred the
application to the State Forestry Com
mission, which always has first claim
on "newly-discovered" land, and the
Commission notified the Secretary of
Internal Affairs that it does not want
the island.
The Internal Affairs Department
then advertised ttfe fact that the claim
had been made, and after three weeks'
advertising, if no caveat against grant
ing the claim is filed, and no written
prbtest made within thirty days, ap
praisers will be appointed V>y the Gov
ernor, Attorney General, Secretary of
the Commonwealth and Secretary of In
ternal Affairs.
These appraisers will place a valua
tion on the island of not less than $8
an acre, which will be reported to the
Board of Property, which has the last
say, in case a protest is filed, and, tif
none is filed, then the claimant will get
the property.
City Solicitor Seitz called a"t the In
ternal Affairs Department some time
ago in relation to tlie Douglass claim,
but filed no written protest, and, unless
such protest is filed, and it be. shown
that Douglass has no legal claim of
prior discovery, or that somebody had
not filed a claim before him, Douglass
will get the island, under the law.
Property of George Sheetz, Near Enter
line, Destroyed in Storm
When the heavy thunder and light
ning storm occurred Tuesday evening
the barn of George Sheetz, near Enter
line, Powl 'h Valley, was struck by
lightning and burned to the ground, in
cluding some valuable grain and farm
implements. The cattle were saved by
the farmer with the aid of his neigh
The Btablc of Grant B. Weaver, lie
chanicsburg, was struck, injuring a
horse and cutting a number of telephone
wires from the corner of the building.
Boy Under Knife for Appendicitis
John Kennedy, aged 9 years, of Wil
liamstown, was operated upon for ap
pendicitis this morning at the Harris
burg hospital. His condition is report
ed good.
There Is No Question
but that indigestion and the distressed
feeling which always goee with it caa
be promptly relieved by taking a
SsmsSSt W
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
George A. Gorgas
11 ' 1 • 1
is 25c cheaper. The pres
ent price of $4.95 for hard
pea js the lowest in years
and will hold good until
July 1. Kelley is ready to
fill all orders with the best
grades of Wilkes-Barre
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Street*