The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 28, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    COT Jt JO Iffl;
Dramatic Incident In
Brooklyn Court To
day When Man Ac
knowledges Crime
Calls on Judge to Stop Proceedings as
He Waves Hand and Says He Is
Guilty Before God and the
By Associated Press.
New York, April 28.—Philip T.
White, the $6,000 a year manager of
k the Masury Paint Company in Brooklyn
on trial as the leader of a band of
highwaymen who held up his employers
bank messengers and robbed them of !
$3,000 nearly a year ago, rose from
his chair in the court room to-day,
stretched both arms toward Supreme
Court Justice Aspinall on the bench and
"Stop that; I am guilty; I want to J
confess my guilt before God and tbe
A court room scene seldom equalled
in the annals of the New York juris
prudence ensued. White, trembling with
» emotion, turned from the bench and
faced the jury:
Lived Two Lives, Tells Jury
"1 am guilty," he repeated. "It is
a bitter cup that is forced to my lips,
liut it is the Lord's will. I have lived
two lives—a decent one and that of a
highwayman. I hope that Goi' will
forgive and that I may live long
enough to make restitution.''
He reached up to his coat lapel and
fumbled with a gold button in the but
"And I surrender my membership
in the Mystic Shrine," he continued,
tearing, the button loose. "I am uo
longer worthy to remain a Shriner."
Asked No Clemency
White continued his impassioned |
avowal. He freely confessed the de- II
tails of the crime, but asked no clem- |
encv and made no statement as to the
motive which impelled him. When he ■
sat down, beside his long time friend,
, .lames F. Clinnin, auditor for the .
Haekett & Wilhelms Company, in
Brooklyn, who also was on trial on the
same charge, Clinnin arflSe.
"I wish to plead guilty too," he
said, and sat down.
The trial, which has been in pro
gress in the Supreme Court in Brook
lyn for several days, was at once
halted. The jury was dismissed and
court accepted the two pleas of guilty.
Sentence was postponed a week.
Scheme In Which They Robbed
Clennin and White were charged
■with having devised the scheme under
' which two messengers of the Masurv
Companv were robbed of $3,0'00 in
the hallway of the building occupied
"by the firm. The actual robbery was
committed by two highwaymen acting
■under White's orders. The four after
wards divided tlie money, White get
ting S9OO. This was testified to yes
terday by Robert S. Roberts, the man
who actually took the money from the
messengers hands.
White lived in a handsome home at
Elizabeth, X. J. When he was first ar
rested, after months of investigation
4 by detectives, his employers- were as
tounded, refused to believe him guilty
and assisted him to obtain bail.
Washington, April 2 B.—Adminis- ,
tration officials to-day awaited the out
cotfie of the American government's
appeal to the Turkish government for
relief for Armenian Christians in Tur
key as the result of reported massa
cres and threats of further outrages.
This actiou was taken in response
to a request of the Russian govern
ment which included an appeal for aid
for the Catholics of the Armenian
' church at Etchmiadzin in the Cauca
Argument Before Superior Court Starts
Late To-day or To-morrow
Argument in the several Perry coun
ty liquor license cases, being appeals ta
ken after the Perry county Judges, un
able to agree, declined to grant license)
applications, will be presented to the j
State Superior Court, in session in Pitts- 1
burgh, late this afternoon or to-morrow
. Perry county attorneys are looking
after the interests of tue appealing ho
telmen, while George R. Barnett, of this
city, who opposed the granting of li
censes when the Perry county license
court was held in March, is prepared to
argue that the license application pa
per, are faulty. Mr. Barnett has been
in Pittsburgh since Monday.
The Perry county case is the last on
the list to be considered at the Pitts
burgh session of the Superior Court.
Stork Leaves Three Girls at Residence
of William Frantz, but All Die
Lebanon, April 28. —Triplets, all
girls, were born Monday evening to
, Mr. and Mrs. William "Frantz, Tenth
street and Spring aJley, but the .joy of
the young parents was short lived, for
within the space of a few hours all of
the babies died. Burial of the little
bodies was made yesterday afternoon
in Mt. Lebanon cemetery.
Mr. Frantz is a secretary to Lieuten
ant Colonel L. V. Rausch, keeper of the
State Arsenal.
Final Adjournment May 13
It was given out by some <if the lead
ers in the Legislature to-day that final
adjournment will come on May 13,
> which leaves but. ten more working
days. This makes it quite likely much
legislation will fail of passage, even
if sessions of both bodies are held three
times a day, beginning next Tuesday.
One Boom in New Memorial Church
Will Be Set Aside for Use of G. A
B. Men of City When Post Booms
Are Abandoned
"With a total of $15,500 raised lur-j
ing the last eight davg, the campaign to
raise funds for the erection of a new
1 'Damp Curtin Memorial M. E. Church "
was formally closed at the final lunch
eon of the workers last night in the
present Curtain Heights IM. E. chapel,
Sixth and Camp streets.
Announcement was made last night
toy the Rev. A. S. Williams, pastor of
the congregation, that the campaign
will .be informally continued until May
24 when the silver jubilee of the church
will be celebrated. Mr. Williams said
that with $12,000 in cash already in
the treasury, together with the $15,-
500 raised during the campaign, the
building of the new edifice can be
started very soon.
At tihe suggestion of prominent G.
A. R. men in this city, it has been de
cided to set aside one room in the new
Camp Curtin Memorial ehurcfli where
the local Grand Army Posts can meet.
■When the ranks of the boys in iblue
are thinner by far than they now are
and it is deemed advisable to do away
with the present post rooms, the room
in the new church will always be open
to the men who fought the nation's
battles in '6l.
The totals reported bv the various
teams last night were as follows:
Men's Division—B. F. Barnharf,
$215; A. S. Benner, $276; George ißuf
fington, $401; W. F. Burgoon, $150;
D. W. Cofterel, $726; W. W. Criswell,
$333; J. A. Hall, $4?5; Eli Hollinger,
$242; A. 1,. Knight, $251; J. F. Taylor,
$214; Emery Miller, $284; George
Marshall. $319; W. H. ißricker. $1,411;
Ed tHammaker, $312; Mr. Sollenborger,
$476; Edw Rohrer, $148; C. O. Ely,
$528; Homer (Miller. $271; Charles
Bitting. S2SS. Total. $7,292.
Women's Division —Mrs. E. C. Gib
sons, $295; 'Mrs. A. C. Benner, $371;
IMtrs. C. A. Sollenberger, $.">73; Mrs.
Emma Crist, $425; Mrs. E. E. Darling
ton, $309; Mrs. D. W. Friese, $464;
Mrs. J. A. Haas. $717; Mrs. Margaret
Holland, $361; Mrs. Clarence Jeffries,
$412; (Mrs. A. Lee Knight, $713; Mrs.
.T. H. Kraemer. SSO9; IMliss Mildred
Fisher, $313: Mrs. Emma Wilson, $281;
iMrs. Emery Miller, $259; Miss Carrie
McCahan, $324; Miss Florence Pot
teiger. $259; Miss Marv Crane, S6SO;
IMrs. I. F. Waiters, $306. Total, $7,-
886. Grand total, $15,505.
United Company Director Says More
Boom Is Needed Since Laurel Fire
The destruction by forest fire of the
United Ice & Toal Company's storage
plant at Laurel, Cumberland county,
last Tuesday, will likely result in the
material enlargement of the company's
local plant at Forster and Cowden
streets, one of the directors said to
The destruction of the Laurel plant,
which was valued at $15,000, togeth
er with 17,000 tons of ice, lias brought
the company face to face with the
problem ultimately of getting more
storage room. In the meantime the
company will be supplied in part with
ice from the Walkermyer plant, at
Laurel, which escaped the flames.
Xo final decision to enlarge the lo
cal plant has as yet been reached, but
one of the officials of the company said
he is in favor of the project and in
tends proposing it at a boar 1 meeting
soon to be held.
Star State Athlete Gets Post in Boyd
Eugene "Shorty" Miller, the choice
of many sporting writers for All-
American quarterback during his last
two years at State College, was elected
assistant director in charge of athletics
of the Boyd Memorial Institution which \
will be built this summer and will be j
opened some time in the fall to the
boys and men of the Pine Street Pres-1
,byterian church.
"Shorty" was graduated from the
Central High school in 1910 and from
State College in 1914, after a spec-1
tacular career in athletics.
Prizes for Yellow Flower*
The Woman Suffrage Flower Com-1
mittee has offered through the outdoor j
department of the Harrisburg Civic j
Club five prizes of five dollars each for i
the best yellow flower gardens in this I
city during the coming summer. The !
members of the committee are Mrs. I
Frank Smith, Mrs. Walter P. Maguire,
Mrs. W. W. Galbrath, Miss Cara Mc-
Conkey, Mrs. Paul Gcndell, Mrs. C. M.
Cole, Mrs. .1. G. Ingram, Miss Maude
Kennedy, Mrs. David Kaufman, Mrs.
C. M. Kaltwasser, Miss Elinor Walter,
'Mrs. Lindley Hosford', Mrs. W. C.
Baldwin, Mrs. Horace Witman and
Mrs. George B. Kunkel.
Seized With Acute Appendicitis
I After appearing before the Senate
i Committer yesterday afternoon on the
Pittsburgh tax line, Ix)gan McKee,
secretary of the Pittsburgh Chamber |
of Commerce, was seized with a severe !
attack of acute appendicitis. He was
taken to the Harrisburg hospital. Early
this afternoon Mr. McKee was resting
comfortably, but attending physicians
had not fully determined whether an
operation would be necessary.
Mrs. Barbara Weiss a Suicide
W'ord was received here to-day of
the suicide of Mrs. Barbara Weiss,
sister-in-law of the late Judge Weiss,
of this city, at Salunga, Lancaster
county, yesterday. She was the wife
of J. S. Weiss, and was mentally un
balanced. She killed herself by hang
ing with a pair of shoestrings from the
upper hinge of her bedroom door.
Charged With Stealing Tomatoes
E. iM. Hoover and George W. Fetrow,
who were arrested early this morning
| by Policeman Kelly, charged with steal
; ing two crates of tomatoes from S. Russ
and a crate of dried apple sndts from
'Mrs. May Bell, who conduct stalls in
the Broad street market house, were
held for at a hearing before
Mayor Royal this afternoon under S2OO
To Hold Mock Trial
A serious charge will be brought
against one of the members of the
local lodge, Brotherhood Protective
Order of Elks, to-night, when a mock
trial has been arranged for by the new
social committee. The event will take
place in the social hall and will be par
ticipated in by a number of members.
The Weather Man Says Temperature
to Remain Below Eighty Degrees
For Awhile—Strong Ocean Breeie
Supplants Hot Spell
Harrisburgers will be given some
relief from the heat during the next
few days, according to E. R. Demain,
local forecaster of, the United States
Weather Bureau, who 9aid this morn
ing that the temperature will not ex
ceed eighty degrees either to-day or
The intense heat in for
the past three days has been higher
than in any other city in the United
States, according to weather bureau
Much relief came late yesterday
afternoon when a heaivy storm caused
the temperature to drop 25 degrees in
a few minutes' time. The storm did
slight damage in the city, but during
its crest the wind velocity Teached a
height of 36 miles an hour.
The telephone service at various
points in the city was put out of com
mission for a short time, while the
lights of the Harrisburg Light, Heat
and Power Company were cut off
twice during the storm. The Harris
burg Railways Company reported one
car derailed for a few minutes, caused
by mud being washed on the track.
Ihiring the heaviest part of the
storm much hail fell, especially in the
vicinity of Dillsburg, where' it is re
ported stones as large as walnuts fell
so heavily that they could be Shoveled
from the ground following the storm.
One ease of heat prostration was
reported, that of J. H. Peufield, a
traveling salesman from Cleveland,
Ohio, who was taken to the Shope
All cities over which the hot spell
has been prevalent report a decisive
drop in temperature this morning. The
disturbance, which was central over
the Southern New England States and
the Middle Atlantic States has moved
further south with a strong ocean
breeze supplanting it.
Elaborate Program Por the St. George
Entertainment To-morrow
At various times during the year
Branch 163, Knights of St. George,
holds social functions for its members
and their friends but never before has
such an elaborate affair been arranged
J as that which will take place to-mor
row evening in McOloskey hall, ad
joining St. Francis' Roman Catholic
church, Market street near Fifteenth.
Several weeks ago a committee com
posed of M. J. Barrv, Frank J.
Suter, Simon P. Hare, Thomas Culhane
and Charles Theuer, was appointed to
arrange for an "open" meeting for
the members of the branch and their
friends. For the occasion the Verdi
Italian band was secured and M. Oal
derazzi, the director, and C. Gaeta, the
president of the musical organization
began to map out a program and ar
range for several special numbers. The
Verdi band now has thirty members
and has become one of the crack
musical organizations of Central Penn
During the evening refreshments
will ibe served and there will be plenty
of cigars for the smokers. Arrange
ments were also completed to-day for
the presence of a supreme officer of
the knights, who will deliver a short
M. Calderazzi, director of the Verdi
band and a crack Steelton musician,
to-day announced the following pro
gram which will be interspersed with
special numbers "Fairest of the
Fair,'' Sousa; intermezzo, "The Bed
Devil;" march, "Under the Double
Eagle;" selection from "Nerma,"
Belinni; inarch, "The Midshipman;"
intermezzo, " Un-Bel-Foire," M. Cal
Seminary Professor Will Preach This
Evening at Fourth Reformed
Devotional exercises at the opening
of the day's session at the Fourth Re
formed church of the Lancaster Classis
were conducted by the Rev. H. I. Hille
gass. A report was presented by the
Kev. David B. Schneder, missionary to
Japan, and reports were made by the
committee on overtures and the com
mittee on minutes of classis.
This evening at the church the ser
mon will be preached by the Rev. Dr.
George W. Richards, of the Theological
Seminary of the Reformed Church of
the United States, Lancaster. His top
ic will be "Can We Still Be Evangelist
ic?" The Rev Dr. Ellis N. Kremer,
pastor of Salem church, this city, will
The presiding officer at the business
sessions of the classis is the Rov. Homer
S. May, pastor of the Fourth church,
the newly-elected president. The class
is will adjourn to-morrow afternoon.
170 Miles South of Ague Preita Now
Freed ol His Forces
Ague Preita, Sonora, April 28.
General Helias Calles, Carranza commis
sioner in Sonora, to-day made public a
telegram from Colonel Miguel Saman
iege, saying that Eastern Sonora, as
far as Hahuaripa, 170 miles south of
here, has been cleared of Villa troops.
Samaniege said the inhabitants of
the territory renewed their allegiance
to the Carranza government when his
expedition appeared. Villa forces, he j
said, withdrew toward Ures, where Gov- ;
ernwr 'Mavtorena, who is a Villa parti
san, is understood to be mobilizing an
Old Time Councilman Enrolls
John R. iScheamerhorn, formerly a
Harrisburg merchant, now of Custer,
Texas, has enrolled as a member of
the Harrisburg Ex-Councilmen'g Asso
ciation. and hae mailed to Augustus
Wildinan, his admittance fee of fifty |
centß. He will not be able to attend
the first banquet to be held in the
Chestnut street auditorium, May 18,
but writes that he hopes to attend
future ibanquets. Mr. Scheamerhorn
served in the Harrisburg school board
and both branches of Council. He re
moved to Austin, Texas, about twenty
years ago.
Carrell Gets Walter's Job
Announcement was made at the
State Highway Department late this
afternoon that Charles P. Walter, of
this city, superintendent of highways
of Dauphin county, has been superceded
in office by J. C. Carrell, superinten
dent at large. The change is to take
effect at once.
Cutlaitd Prom Ftat Pas*.
regular calendar, friends of the bill
tried to save it for a while by moving
that the House adjourn. This was
voted down and after a roll call on
the passage of the bill was started Mr.
Gibson, of Lycoming, moved that it be
dropped from the calendar. This mo
tion was carried. The bill cannot be
recalled this session.
The bill amending the public service
act to permit municipal home rule,
which was defeated and reconsidered,
was called up from the postponed calen
dar and passed.
Bee Bill Buzzed to Death
The House buzzed to death a bee bill
this morning. By a vote of 96 ayes
and 32 noes a bill requiring that bees
be kept fifty feet from a public high
way was defeated.
An administration act proposing a
two-cent stamp tax on transfer of ev
ery SIOO securities between corpora
tions was voted down by a vote of 38
ayes and 76 noes.
Among the bills passed finally were:
Providing for full value in payment
for animals kilted to prevent the spread
of the foot and mouth disease.
Validating acts of corporations be
fore recording their charter.
Regulating bonds of tax collectors
and providing for payment in boroughs
and townships.
Reducing quarantine on ehickenpox
and measles from 21 to 16 days.
Authorizing three fairs in a county
to participate in State aid, instead of
two as at present.
Amending milk act so that examina
tion of herds is necessary before prose
cution and providing for no prosecution
when tests show milk below State
standard in butter fats comes directly
from the herd.
Fixing number and salary of clerks
in the State Treasury.
Providing for the payment by the
authorities of boroughs and townships
of the premium charged by a trust or
bonding company.
1)8 Bills on Second Reading
Ninety-eight bills were passed on
second reading, sixty-six of which were
appropriation bills. Efforts are being
made to clear the House calendar of all
bills other than appropriation bills, so
that these measures can come before the
House at one time.
The House took a recess at 1.35
o'clock this afternoon until 7.30 o'clock
to-night. Despite the fact that many
members of the House from Philadel
phia will return home to-night to be
present at the special election in that
city to-morrow, it is expected that
Speaker Ambler will endeavor to have
a session of the House to-morrow morn
Preliminary to presenting their com
plaints to a Senate committee at a
hearing this afternoon at 3 o'clock,
members of the law committee of '.he
League of the Cities of the Third Class
went into session in the Court House
this morning and framed a number of
amendments which they will ask the
lawmakers to include in the bill now
pending which comes as an amendment
to the Clark commission government act
of 1913.
The committee decided to ask that
the Senate amendment giving the
Mayor appointive power over the police
and ofher members of his department,
be stricken out entirely. Another pro
posed amendment which graduates the
amount of thf salary of the Mayor ac
cording to the population of the com
munity, will be offered and the sub
stitution of a provision making it im
possible to increase the salary of the
Mayor after he has been nominated or
elected, will be suggested.
The committee will further ask to
have restored the provision of the orig
inal Clark act whieli designated that
the terms of Commissioners, two for
four years and two for two years, shall
•be reckoned according to the number
of votes received bv the candidates.
The two candidates receiving the
highest number will be elected for fou\
years and the next two for two years.
A Senate amendment provides that the
candidates for Commissioner shall desig
nate the term of offioe for which they
seek election, this plan being similar
to the method of electing school di
rectors which now is in vogue.
The committee unanimously opposed
the proposed Senate amendment which
provides for the election of City Treas
urers by popular vote. A suggestion to
bo made to the Senate gives the City
Commissioners power to appoint the
treasurer and fix his salary. The com
mitteemen were of the opinion, they
said, that the election of a 'reasurer
by the people and the fact that now he
receives a salaTv brings politics into the
'Belief was expressed 'by the commit
tee that if the treasurer were appointed
by the Citv Commission and his salary
fixed at a fair wage, the treasurer would
feel that he has a '%oss or superior"
and not that he is the supreme fiscal
In the Senate to-day Senator Sproul
introduced a concurrent resolution au
thorizing and directing the Attorney
General, Auditor General and State
Treasurer, for and in behalf of the
State, to compromise and settle all
that litigation pending in the Beawer
county court wherein the "Harmony
Society" is defendant, together with
any and all claims affecting the prop
ertv and assets of said society.
Mills introduced a resolution calling
for an appropriation of $5,000 for a
brick plant at the new penitentiary in
Centre county.
The Gerhart bill exempting life in
surance policies from all claims of
creditors, recalled from the Governor,
passed finally.
The Wickersham House bill limiting
the payment of mother's pensions to
women whose husbands are dead or
permanently insane or who have chil
dren under 16 years old, passed finally,
but the vote was soon afterward re
considered and the bill sent to the
Committee on Appropriations.
The House bill imposing liabilities
on persons in second class cities for
the cost of extinguishing fires occur
ring through criminal intent or wilful
negligence, passed finally.
The McConnell bill authorizing the
Governor to appoint a commission to
purchase the site of old Fort Augusta,
erected at Sunbury in 1755, passed
The Sproul bill authorizing elec
tric light, heat and power companies
to purchase securities of water com
panies, passed finally.
The vote by which the bill making
counties pay the cost of primary elec
tions was defeated on Monday, was
reconsidered and further action on the
measure postponed for the present.
The Habgood House bill Baking at
torneys eligible to election for District
Attorney after one year's practice,
passed finally.
The Chair announced that memorial
exercises will be held on next Tues
day afternoon for the late Senators
Hall, Elk, and FisWer, Northumber
The child labor bill on second
reading was referred back to the
Judiciary Special committee on motion
of Snyder, SchylkiH, with the under
standing that it should ibe reported out
The Senate passed finally the bill to
make counties pay primary election
expenses. ♦
On motion of Seuator Crow, the
seven bills known .as the workmen's
compensation bill were referred back
to the Committee on Corporations after
being passed on second re.idiug.
'When the Senate reconvened after
a recess Senator Snyder reported from
the Judiciary Special Committee the
child labor bill, " with the distinct un
derstanding," as he announced, "that
there shall be no objection to the offer
ing of amendments to the bill when it
ccines up on third reading next Monday
night." This, of course, does not im
ply that the amendments will be ac
The Senate at 1.25 adjourned, to
meet next Monday evening at 9 o'clock.
The governing body of the State
Department of Agriculture will be
known as the State Commission of
Agriculture under an amendment in
serted in the administration bill reor
ganizing the board, in the House this
morning. Another amendment makes
the secretary to the commission the
only officer in the department to be
appointed with the consent and advice
of the Senate. The amendments were
inserted by Mr. Whitaker, of Chester,
the sponsor of the bill.
Governor Brumbaugh issued a state
ment yesterday, ibefore this measure
came up for action, urging the mem
bers of the House to vote for the bill.
The Governor stated that it was a ful
fillment of a platform pledge and as
sured the members that it legislated
no one out of office.
The members of the commission are
to serve without salary but the ap
pointment of employes in the depart
ment with the exception of the secre
tary, is within the hands of the-com
mission. The measure will not come be
fore the House for final action before
next week.
Hospital appropriation bills being re
ported from the House committee car
ry an amendment making it mandatory
for hospitals to be equipped with patho
logical and clinical laboratories, sub
ject to the approval of the State Board
of Medical Examination and Licensure.
Mr. Dunn, of Philadelphia, raised a
question in the House this morning,
asking where the amendment came
from. Speaker Ambler referred him to
Chairman Woodward, of the Appropria
tions Committee, who was not in the
IHouse at the time. Sixty-six appropria
tion bill?, many of them carrying that
amendment, were passed on second
Mr. Dunn said he was informed that
equipment of these laboratories costs in
the neighborhood of $2,000 and, under
the slim amounts allowed by the com
mittee, many of the hospitals would
have to use the entire appropriation to
equip such laboratories. Mr. Dunn said j
he thought the amendment came from j
the State Board of Medical Examina- j
tion and Licensure.
The Harrisburg hospital is equipped |
I with such laboratories.
Continued From First Page.
on sale at the Y. M. C. A. and at Gor
! gas' drug store. The list of patrons
j is growing, additional names being an
; nounced to-day as follows:
Mrs. Frank R. Oyster, Mrs. E. E.
I Beidleman, the Misses Shunk, Mayor
John K. Koyal, Vance C. McCormick,
Mrs. Thomas M. Jones, Mrs. F. Her
bert Snow, Dr. Martha Pollock, Theo
dore G. Calder, Warwick M. Ogelsby,
Mrs. C. E. Titsworth, Mrs. A. E. Bu
] chanan, Mrs. J. E. B. Cunningham,
Mrs. V. Hummel Fager, Henry McCor
jniek, G. Irwin Beatty, Dr. George R.
Moffitt, Miss Clara M. Cunkle, Henry
B. McCormick, Mrs. Henry B. McCor
mick, the Misses Cox, Mrs. D. Bailey
| Brandt, Mrs. Rollin A. Sawyer, Mrs.
Robert M. Rutherford, Mrs. William
Jennings, Mrs. Henry C. Orth, Mrs.
Harry C. Ross, Mrs. C. J. Soorbier,
Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Dr. F. E.
Downos, Mrs. Hoinpr Black, Mrs. Wil
liam C. Armour, Mrs. J. G. Balsley,
Mrs. Charles H. Bergner, Miss Martha
Buehler, Mrs. Henry B. Bent, Mrs.
Sanfornl D. Coc, Miss Nancy Etter,
Mrs. Howard M. Bingaman, Mrs. B.
F. Blough, Mrs. C. Ross Boas, Mrs.
Henry D. Boas, iMiss Sarah McConkey,
Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, Mrs. John M.
Wallis. Mrs. Samuel C. Todd, Mrs. Jo
seph Nachman, Mrs. Harry Bowman,
Mrs. J. R. Morrison, Mrs. Arthur H.
Bailey, Mrs. Roy G. Cox, Mrs. 8. J. M.
McCarrell, Mrs. George M. Whitney,
Mrs. John W. Simonton, Mrs. Lewis E.
Johnson and Mrs. Rawn V. Davies.
Fire In Tailor Shop of A. Baer Was of
Unknown Origin
A fire which resulted in a loss of
several hundred dollars to the tailor
shop of A. Baer, Sixth and Boas
streets, occurred shortly before 9
o'clock last night. The fire which is
of unknown origin, started in the store
room. Most of the damage was to some
valuable dress goods which were ruin
ed by the smoke.
A telephone call was sent to the
Hope Engine Company, who arrived on
the scene a few minutes later.
Berrier Denies He Is a Hero
'Robert ®errier, of 1204 North Front
street, son of Harry Berrier, '' Mayor of
iHardscralVble," modestly denied to-day
a story that he rescued Bessie Shaw
from drowning in the river yesterday.
The story was that the 'MMayor V'
son pirlled Miss Shaw, who is .house
keeper for the Berrier family, out ot
the river near the Berrier home.
County Heads Defer Action, Awaiting
Return of John H. E"by,
Who Is 111
The absence of County Commissioner
John H. TOby, who is ill" at his iLykens
home suffering from a nervous -break
down, the other members of tihe County
Commissioners said to-day, makes it in
advisable at this time to take auv defi
nite action on the question of establish
ing a house of detention in (Harrisburg
where unconvicted juveniles may be
kept until court hearings are hail.
Also 'the Commissioners said they
they wiill not fix the time for t'he hear
ing at which assessors are to be ques
tioned 011 alleged padding of assess
ment lists until Mr. Bbv returns to 'bin
desk. Mr. Eby to-day was reported to
be «lowlv improving and belief was ex-
Eressed at his home that he soon will
e able to be about again.
Water Commission Wants Rocks Re
moved From Swatara Creek Bed
The State Water Supply Commission
has primarily withheld its approval of
the new bridge spanning the Swatara
creek, between Middletown and Roval
ton, holding that some stone taken
from the old bridge piers and left ly
ing along the banks of the stream by
the contractor first be removed. The
contractors this morning gave notice to
the Commissioners that the stone will
be removed at once. The contractors
to-day received an installment of
$1,500 on the Middletown bridge and
will get the balance of $540 on the
$17,275 contract when the rocks are
removed. I
Tax Case Appealed
An appeal from the decision of the
Dauphin county court in the Common
wealth's suit for taxes against the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company
to-day was filed by the Attorney Gen
eral with the Prothonotary of the Su
preme Court. The court held that the
company is not liable for the tax claims,
amounting to some $50,000. Snodgrass
&* Smith are counsel for the life insur
ance company.
Building Permit
C. M. Smilej- took out a building per
mit this morning to erect a one-story
iron garage at the rear of 1524 Berry
hill street, costing $75.
Wants Out of Jail
Artso Dimoff to-day petitioned the
court, saying that he would like to he
released from the Dauphin county jail
and certifying that because of insolv
ency he is unable to pay the amount
of the verdict rendered against, him by
a jury in a damage suit brought by
Simo Rusnov because of an alleged ma
licious prosecution. Dimoff wants to
give a bond as an evidence of good
faith that he will pay if he gets the
money and the court gianted a rule on
Rusnov to show cause why this appli
cation should not be allowed. A hear
ing will be held in the matter on May
Marriage Licenses
Joseph H. Albert, city, and Lillie A.
Kuebler, Steelton.
George Benko and Mary Korestinj,
Injunction Hearing May 3
Hearing of the Sterling Electric
Company's injunction proceedings
against five stockholders of the Wil
liams Valley Water Company, to pre
vent an alleged effort to gain control
of the latter, will be held May 3. The
temporary injunction is continued by
the court until then.
j Sunbury Bridge Site
Viewers for the site of the new
j $14,000 steel bridge across the Sha
niokin creek at Sunbury yesterday sug
| gested to the local court that the
| structure ibe placed at Tenth street.
Suit to Recover $5Bl
Suit to recover $5Bl, alleged to be
due for the care and treatment of his
wife at the State insane hospital,
has been brought against Peter Ma
garo by the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. Magaro is the pro
prietor of a local moving picture the
atre and his wife has been confined
since 1910.
Bent Estate Administrator
Roibert M. Rutherford, of Steelton,
has been named as administrator in
the estate of Major L. S. Bent, of Phil
adelphia, the late president of the
Pennsylvania Steel Company.
Continued From Flr»t
thought it ibest when there was any
likelihood of that law-making body of
the State disagreeing with "him to first
go to headquarters and talk things
over. Further, as Governor, the col
onel said, he did not want to run any
chances of disrupting the Republican
Conferred Constantly With Piatt
As President of the United States
the colonel readily admitted he con
ferred constantly with the Senator
from New York on all manner of
things. He said he valued the Sen
ator's advice and wanted to take ad
vantage of hie wide experience.
The statements were made in reply
, to questions asked the colonel during
. the early part of his re-direct exam
ination, his cross-examination by coun
sel for Sarneß, having been
concluded to-day.
The colonel was most active on the
' witness stand. He slapped his hands
upon his thighs and moved his arms
and head to give emphasis to his
words. He raised his voice and pound
i ed upon the arm of the witness chair
1 until counsel for Mr. Barnes entered
i an objection with the court against
what they termed his "gesticula
) tions."
Cross-Examination Concluded
The cross-examination of Mr. Roose
> velt was concluded to-day after he
i had been asked questions about speech
es and the salary and traveling ex
penses he received while President of
the United States.
f Are Subject to Inter-State Commerce
y Washington, April -28.—Interstate
v electric railways, other than street pas
•. sengcr railways, are held subject to the
' requirements of the Interstate Com
i- merce Commission relative to the filing
t of reports of finances and operations
and accidents.
Makes Initial Gain at Outset of Mar
ket Transactions To-d*y—Continues
to Hold Commanding Position and
Makes Further Gains During Day
New York, April 28.—The quarter
ly report of the U. S. SteeL Corporation
was favorably received by» speculative
interests, judging from tlse course of
the stock and the general market at
to-day's opening. Steel niewie an addi
tional gain of % of a point at the out
set, soon increasing this ,to a point.
Jjocal tractions, motors andtsome of the
industrial specialties rose a point or
more. Investment railway shares par
ticipated in more moderate degree,
while New York Central debenture 6s,
with a gain of'l%, made a new high
record. Airerieaii Tobacco, Central
Leather and Pressed Steel Car were
among the few issues to record de
Steel continued to hold its command
ing position, increasing its gain to 1%
points on very heavy dealings. Inter
boro common was really the most active
issue of the first hour and, with the
preferred stock, advanced as much as
steel. Representative railway issues,
which showed early backwardness, later
registered substantial advances, -while
in the general industrial and equipment
groups gains of 2 to 5 points were,num
erous, 'W-estinghouse being most con
spicuous. The overturn in the first
hour was very large, but diminished
materially later. Bonds were strong.
*New York, AprilA2B.
Open. ?Close.
Amal Copper 78 77%
Amer Beet Sugar .... 49 ,i BO
American Can 39 I'' 41%
do pfd 99%' V;. 99%
Am Car and Foundry Co 55% »56
Am Cotton Oil 52% i?; 63
Am Ice Securities .... 33% f34
Amer Loco 5514 ' 58%|
Amer Smelting 73% 73 5 / ft
American Sugar 110%i|lll
Amer Tel and Tel .... 121%™122%j
Anaconda 37%*' 37
Atchison 63% 63%
Baltimore and Ohio ... 78 77%'
Bethlehem Steel 147 «.146%
Brooklyn R T 91%!" 91%
California Petroleum .. 18% 19
Central Leather 39% 1 ,, 393^
Chesapeake and Ohio . . 47% . 47%
Chi, IMil and St Paul.. 95% 96%
Chino Con Copper ..... 48%FW»4 8 %
Col Fuel and Iron .... 32% ; 32%
Corn Products ........ 14 . 13%
Distilling Securities ... 13%*''' 13%
'Erie 29 29
Erie, Ist pfd 4<4%i, 44%
'General Electric Co ... 152
Goodrich <B 'F 49%._ 49%
Great Nor pfd 121 %«11121 %
Great Nor Ore subs ... 37% - 37%
Interboro >Met 22% 4 '24%
Tnterboro Met pfd ... 73 74
'Lehigh Valley 143%$ 144%
IMex Petroleum 90% ~ 90%
IMO Pacific 13% 13%
National Lead 643/4 <55
■Nev Consol Copper ... 16% 16^
Norfolk and Western . 68 68
Northern Pacific 109%
Pennsylvania R. R. ... 110%V110%
Pittsburgh Coal ...... 23% r 23%
Press Steel Car 48% 51%
Ray Con. Copper ...... 24% 24%
Reading 151%. 151%
Repub. Iron and Steel . 29 29
Southern Pacific 92% 93%'
Tennessee Copper 34 34%
Texas Company 139 139
Union Pacific 131% 132%
U. S. Rubber , 69% 69%
U. S. Steel 58% 58%
do pfd 10-9% 109%
Utah Copper 71 70%
W. U. Telegraph 69% 70%
Westinghouse Mfg ..... 86% 95
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
Chicago, April 28. —Close:
Wheat—'May, 162%; July, 137'/,.
Corn —May, 77%; July, 80%,
Oats —May, 55%; July, 55%.
Pork July, 18.10; September.
Lard July, 10.40; September,
Ribs July, 10.57; September,
Police Puzzled in Case of Stenograph
er Who Is Found Unconscious
By Associated Press.
Baltimore, April 28. —The local po
lice face a mystery in the case of Miss
Ida Robins, >2'2 years old, a stenograph
er, who was assaulted with a hammer
last Monday afternoon in the office
of her employer, Philip Lindemeyer,
dealer in printers' ink, in South
Charles street.
Miss Robins, with her skull fractur
ed in three places, is in a hospital not
expected to recover. Before becoming
unconscious she said she had been at
tacked by a negro who demanded
money. Later developments lead the
police to believe that a white man or
a white woman may have been her as
sailant.-Why a woman should figure in
the case, was not explained.
Continued From Flrat rift.
mans conquered Russian positions In
the vicinity of Suwalki, near the East
Prussian frontier, over a front of 12
There is again a sharp disparity be
tween German and French accounts of
what is happening in Flanders. The
official Berlin report says British ef
forts to recover the lost ground failed.
The Paris announcement asserts that
further progress was made in the Ypres
district. It is said heavy losses were
inflicted on the Oermans and that more
than WOo bodies of their dead were
counted at one point.
Paris, April 28.—Thfree hundred
refugees from l'oporinghe, eight miles
west of Ypres, which has come under
the fire of German artillery, have ar
rived in this city on special trains.
Most of them are inmates of an orphan
age and a home for the aged conducted
by Franciscan sisters.
When the "bombardment-of Poper
inghe was : begun on Sunday, the sisters
declare, the institutions were not
spared, although they were flying the
Red Cross flag. Three nuns were killed
while superintending the removal of
their charges and several of the inmatee
were wounded.