The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 28, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    f t Designers Who Patterned
Had In Mind,
Knowing that not all men "shake" their vests during Straw Hat season,
they have provided for comfort in the vests with skeleton backs.
Coats, too, have less lining, which insures greater comfort.
Let us show you a stylish variety of models and smart patterns includ
ing the popular plaids, at
$9.90 $12.50 sls S2O
Soon You* 11 Be Wanting«
Blue Serge Skeleton Coats,
Flannel, Khaki, Duck and
Linen Trousers,
Dusters (for men and hoys).
—And We Have Them All.
A Most Complete Stock of Summer Underwear
For the man who seeks comfort in the B. V. D. Union Suits, at SI.OO.
closed crotch union suits, we have a nota- Union Suits, tine ribbed; long sleeves;
ble improvement in the "Spartan," which ankle length; ecru; spring weight, at 79<
comes in cotton and lisle, at SI.OO and Balbriggan Underwear shirts and
$1.50. drawers; long and short sleeves; regular,
Munsing Union Suits, in cotton and lisle, stout and knee length drawers,
rsl.oo and $1.50. ment.
Union Suits— cotton, ribbed, open mesh; Underwear— shirts and drawers; open
white and ecru, at 50<. mesh and balbriggan; 25e garment.
MEN'S STORE Founilrd 1871
Narrow Escape As S. E. Pennebaker's
Auto Becomes Unmanageable
Special Correspondence
Mifflintown, April 28. —Beal town
ship High School commencement will
be held in the Presbyterian church at
Academia Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
While S. E. Pennebaker, of East
Waterford, was in Mifflintown having
motored from his home with his fam
ily, they had a very narrow escapo.
He and his daughter, Miss Buelali,
drove down to Pettit's garage for some j
repairs and supplies. When driving j
out on the street his car for some un
known reason headed directly for the j
old canal basin, along side the laundry
building. Mr. Pennebaker could not
get. the car stopped and only the pres
ence of a telephone pole in his path
prevented him from going over an em
bankment of twenty feet to possibly
George Heck, a former resident of
this place but now living in Altoona,
is visiting his many friends here. Mr. j
Heck was the founder and proprietor I
of the Riverside restaurant.
Commencement exercises of the Port |
Royal High School will be held in the I
Presbyterian church Friday evening,
April 30, at 7.30 o'clock. The fol
lowing is a list of the graduates: Mary
Elizabeth Brackbill, Mary Chandler
Graham, Elizabeth Moorhead, Esther
Mary Haldeman, Pauline Rice Mimen
ger, Margaretta Francis Shimmel, Ed
gar Thompson Graham, Lawrence Mar
tin Brackbill, James Roland Mcßurney,
James Foster Lukcng and Carl Austin
In 1888 a man living in the West
attended Perry county fair at New
port and on the fair grounds found a
pocketbook containing $5 and a small
trinket. This week after a lapse of
over 26 years he started proceedings to
locate the owner. The add states the
owner would receive his property by
identifying the trinket.
Jacob Snyder, of Reading, arrived in]
town Sunday and will spend a few]
weeks with his cousins, George and i
Miss Sara Parker.
Charles Stump, of Harrisburg, spent j
Saturday and Sunday with his parents, j
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly Stamp.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stahl and Mr. j
and Mrs. Truman, of Lewistown, spent j
Sunday at Dr. Andrews.
Miss Mary Leach, of Academia, j
spent Saturday with her aunt, Miss i
Margaret Laird.
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Swagart andj
children, of Lewistown, were Sunday l
visitors at the Vincent home on Cher-
Tv street. .
Mrs Wilbur Schweyer and daugh
ters, Elizabeth and Evelyn, spent Fri
day in Harrisburg.
Mifflin commencement exercises of
the class of 1915 were started when
the Rev. Mr. Lilley delivered the bac
calaureate sermon last Sunday. On the
evening of April 30, the Rev. Mr. Ely
will address the class at 8 o'clock in
Mifflintown Court House. Music by the
Mifflin orchestra. The graduating class
consists of the following persons:
Sara Berry, Helen Lauver, David Rowe
and Ralph Mayer.
At the last meeting of Mercersburg
Academy Athletic Committee William
Banks was elected captain of the team
for this spring. William is a native of
Mifflintown and is 18 years old. This
is the third year in which he has won
his "M." He has been a member of
the relay team and cross-country team
tor two years. In addition to this he
holds the honor of being the youngest
fellow to win an "M." The distances
in which lie cxcells are the mile, half
mile and quarter mile.
Mrs. Paul M. Humartier and daugh
ter, Jane, returned to her home in
Philadelphia, Saturday, after several
weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. I. Kul]..
Mrs Anna Fasick, of Juniata, and
Mrs. Klinepeter, of Harrisburg, spent
la-t week at the home of Olive Dif
Mrs. James Neely, of Harrisburg,
was a visitor on Friday at the home
of Mrs. D. L. Berry.
Shelly Souder and sister, Miss
Josephine, spent Sunday with their
parents at Spruce Hill.
Thieves Enter Uno Store and Carry Off
Large Amount of Goods
Coi i o»i#oi»u« , ne«.
Dillsburg, April 28. R. B. McClure,
the recently appointed postmaster, re-
signed his position with J. B. Spera on
Saturday evening and will enjoy a few
days' vacation prior to his becoming
A 3-year-old son of John Wolf and
wife, of Camp Hill, was buried in the
Dillsburg cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Thieves broke open a window and
entered the Uno store, a few miles east
of town, on Friday night and left with
a lot of shoes, shirts and overalls.
Stewart Hess is the owner of the store
and had a savage bulldog in the store
room at the time, yet the thieves suc
ceeded in entering so quietly that no
alarm was given until the morning,
when it was discovered that the store
had been entered.
,T. H. Hess, Arthur Hess and D. K.
Martin, carpenters from this place,
have secured employment in Harris
burg, as there is at present very little
building in this section.
Cleason Williams has been appointed
assistant driver for M. E. Shultz on ]
R. D. 1.
The baccalaureate sermon to the
Dillsburg High school will bo delivered
in the Lutheran church by the pastor
oa May 9.
Charles Cummings Cut Two-Inch Gash
in Knee Malting Ties
Sp"fln! Correspondence.
Duncannon, April 28.—The Duncan
non High school will play Halifax High
school on the local grounds on Satur
day afternoon, May 1.
Mrs. M. L. Bighter is visiting friends
at Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. (Miller and
little son, Arty, of Enola, and Mrs.
Catherine Johnston, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and
MTS. Jacob Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Willis, of Har
risburg, were week-end guests of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Charles Cummings was making
on Cove mountains yesterday when the
axe glanced and cut a two-inch gash in
his left leg between the knee and
ankle, that required the services of Dr.
H. D. Butter, who closed the wound.
John Keck, of Hershey, spent Sun
day with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
j E. Keck.
Robert Bumbaugh, who is employed
; at Reading, spent Sunday with his par
The banquet given by the memibers
1 of the I. O. O. F. lodge was well at
tended Saturday night. Quite a number
I of out-of-town guests were present.
Miss Millie Boyer cpent over Sun
i day with friends at New Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mader were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Keel, at Marysville.
The Penn township High school com
mencement will be held in the Meth
odist church Wednesday evening. The
Marysville orchestra will furnish the
music for the evening and Prof. Mc
(finnis, of Steelton, will address the
graduating class, which consists of the
following members: Alma Garlin, Grace
Haas, Martha Perry, J. Laverna Bitner,
Russell Fenicle, Sam Lightner and Stan
ley otroup.
Miss Helen Hiltner spent Sunday
with friends at Cove Station.
Miss Mary Morrison has returned
from a visit to Harrisburg.
Mrs. George Krick is having a fine
large porch built to her house in Penn
The body of William Early was
| brought here on Sunday for burial. Mr.
J Early for some time 'had been in very
I poor health, suffering from a stroke, and
at the time of his death made his home
with his daughter, Mrs.'Harry Walil, at
Mrs. Toland was a guest at Cove over
I the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sheely Celebrated
15th Wedding Anniversary Monday
Kporiul Correspondence.
Shiremanstown, April 28.—Mr. and
Mrs. David Charles, of Harrisburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Wolfe and daughter,
Eldorine, of Lemoyne, and Miss Lucet
ta Eslinger, of Camp Hill, visited at
the home of George Brubacher on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shuman and
Mrs. Jones, of Enola, motored to this
I place and visited at the home of Joseph
Misses Isabella and Laurie Feister
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe Vogelsong and children,
Pearl and Arthur, near Spangler's
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Pratz and
grandson, Stanley, of Enola; Mrs.
Gantt, of New Jersey; Alvin Bealor, of
Carlisle Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Bealor, of Harrisburg, visited Jo
seph Bealor, who is very ill at his home
on Locust street.
Mrs. Mary Tiostle, of Mechanics
burg, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Tros
tle, this place, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sheely cele
brated their fifteenth wedding anniver
sary at their home on Main street.
Dinner was served to the following
guests: Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Roth,. Mid
dletown; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kraber,
Harrisburg; Mrs. W. M. Bower, Bell
wood; Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Hershner,
Mechanicsburg; the Rev. and Mrs. H.
K. Lantz, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bower,
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Atticks, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Brenneman, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howry,
Mr. and Mrs. William Bates, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Howry, Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cob Sheely, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Miller,
J. W. Sheets, Miss Belle Heck, Miss
Irene Heck, Miss Blanche Howry, Miss
Katharyn Roth, Miss Marv Atticks,
Miss Marie Senseman, Miss Sue A.
Kline, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roth, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Hess, Dr. Joseph k
Mrs. J. C. Hall Is the Guest of Her Son.
Dr. Hall, in Baltimore
Special Correspondence,.
Millerstown, April 28.—Mrs. J. C.
Hall is visiting her son, Dr. Roscoe
Hall, in Baltimore.
J. M. Light has purchased a Beo au
tomobile from the Millerstown Auto
Mrs. J. S. Bucher has gone to Con
nellsville to visit her son, Kirk Haines.
Mrs. Howard Ward was a recent vis
itor in Baltimore. i
W. D. Bollinger is building a new
front porch to his residence on High
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopple, of Nan
tic, oke, spent Sunday in town. Mr.
Hopple was a former resident of this
Mrs. Roy Patton and daughter, Ethel,
spent Sunday in Lewistown with rela
Mrs. Lloyd Gates and Ijaby son have
returned to their home in Tyrone after
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mtrs. B.
M. Patton, for several weeks.
Mrs. Thomas Crane, of Harrisburg,
visited relatives in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley and
two daughters autoed to New Buffalo
on Sunday and visited relatives.
Mrs. Roland Harrison and two chil
dren, of Clarendon, Va., are visiting
Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. D. Wingert.
Miss Helen Rounsley was a recent
visitor in Newport.
Miss Isabel Weidler, of Ickesburg,
spent several days this week with E. C.
Resinger and family.
Miss Bertha Myers spent Sunday in
Funeral of Mrs. Margaret Walters
Talley Held Yesterday Afternoon
Dauphin, April 28. —Funeral serv
ices of Mrs. Margaret Walters Talley
were held yesterday afternoon at 1
o'clock at her late home, the Rev. F.
J. S. Morrow, pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church, officiated, assisted by
the Kev. R. F. Stirling, pastor of the
Presbyterian church. The pallbearers
were Charles Kerstetter, of Montgom
ery; Russell Fenstamacher, Wilson
Riffert, of Harrisburg; William G.
Garverich, Spencer G. Kinter and Lew
is Heck, of this place. Interment was
in the Dauphin cemetery.
Sheriff Harry C. Wells, of Harris
burg, has moved to his cottage at
Specceville for the summer.
The Red Bridge school closed on
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Bogner have re
turned to their home after spending
Dyspepsia Tablets
Will Relieve Your Indigestion
George A. Gorgas
several months with their daughter,
'Mrs. Donald Speece, Speeceville.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider and
son, Courtney, of York, were the
guests of Mrs. Sarah Sponsler on Sat
urday. ,
Mrs. Harry Branyan, of Millers
town, spent Tuesday with Miss Cora
The Rev. Dr. George Johnston, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church at Dun
cannon, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter, Speeceville, Tuesday. The Rev.
Mr. Johnston, who is pastor in charge
at the Speeceville chapel, spent several
days in Speeceville making pastoral
Joseph E. Lyter Elected President of
the Borough School Board
Spr -tal Correspondence
Halifax, April 28.—Mrs. John
Shultz, of Lykens, spent the week-end
in town with her sister, Mrs. Alice
Joseph E. Lyter was elected presi
dent of the Halifax School Hoard at a
special meeting on Monday evening to
take the place of John B. Klingman,
who resigned on account of moving his
family to Millersburg.
Joseph Bailor, of Halifax township,
has lost the sight of his right eye, the
result of running the point of a plow
share in it while sharpening it one
day last week.
The members of the local Odd Fel
lows' lodge held a smoker on Saturday
evening. Sandwiches, coffee and cigars
were served.
Charles Kreiner visited friends at
Harrisburg on Monday.
Miss Lyuia Landis, of Harrisburg,
arrived Monday evening to spend some
time with her grandmother, Mrs. Lydia
Miss Minnie Alvords spent several
days the past week with relatives at
C. C. Killheffer Given a Birthday Social
Last Evening
Special Correspondence.
West Fairview, April 28.—Charles
Killheffer was given a birthday social
last evening at his home on Railroad
avenue. It was made a surprise social,
being his thirty-first birthday. A pleas
ant time was had and refreshments
served to all present, who were as fol
lows: Misses Olive and Lottie Zeig
ler, Miss Elsie Demmy, Victor Neiman,
William Klitch and Merle Harris, oft
Harrisburg; Miss Mary Kauffmaji, Up
per Allen; Miss Mary Baughman and
Van Nunemaker, of Enhaut; Miss Anna
Wolf, of Ilighspire; Miss Catherine
Wolf and Miss Jennie Westfall, Camp
Hill; Charles Mutch, of Wormleysburg;
Misses Anna Davis, Annie Ensley, Jane
Holey, Ruth Shettel, Myrtle Weaver;
Samuel Spurrier. Edward Gladfolter,
Miles Gladfelter, Ira Killheffer, Morris
Killheffer, Charles Killheffor and Mr.
and Mrs. H. R. Killheffer, of West
Union prayer meeting will be held in
the Methodist church this evening and
the Rev. J. A. Shettel, pastor of the
U. B. church, will make the address.
David M. Karns, 74, Dies at the Home
of His Son
Specla l Correspondenc"
Mochanicsburg, April 28.—David M.
Karns died yesterday morning at the
home of his son, Milton C. Karns, South
High street. He was aged 7 4 years.
He is survived by a son, Milton C.
Karns, of this place, and a daughter,
Mrs. Ross Wiland, of Harrisburg. He
was a native of this county, having
been horn in Roxbury, about two miles
west of this place, where he spent his
early life. At the breaking out of the
Civil war he entered the army and
served during almost the entire contest.
He was a member of the 158 th regi
ment, Pennsylvania volunteers. He
was a member of Melita Lodge, Knights
of Pythias. His funeral will be held
on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the residence of his son, M. C. Karns,
South High street. .
The public fountain in front of
Franklin hall, which was closed during
the winter, ; s now open and is being
largely patronized and much appreci
ated these hot days.
An electrical storm, with some hail,
visited us yesterday afternoon and low
ered the temperature a few degrees.
A street piano furnished amusement
to a number of persons last evening,
Mrs. Ross Wiland, of Harrisburg, ia
here, called by the death of her father,
D. M. Kama.
As there is no Home Missionary So
ciety in the Methodist church of this
place, the church will not be represent
ed by delegates in the Home Missionary
Society convention being held in Har
risburg this week, but many from the
church will attend the convention as
Mrs. Jacob Donnelly, of Carlisle R.
D. .was a visitor here yesterday.
The Sunday school class taught by
Miss Beitzel in the First U. B. Sunday
school are preparing a play which they
will present on May 6.
Dr. G. F. Ritchey is the prize trout
fisherman of this place. On Monday he
caught twinty-nine trout in two hours
in the run near Hogestown.
The Eev. Paul Huyett Is Attending
Conference at Selinsgrove
Special Correspondence.
Berrvsburg, April 28.—William Wal
ters and son, Roy, of Lykcns, trans
acted business in Dalmatia Monday.
Mrs. John Hobb, who had been visit
ing her brother, M. S. Daniel, returned
to her home in Philadelpia last week.
Joseph Stoner and Prof. Harry
Klinger made a business trip to Ly
kens Monday.
The Rev. Paul Huyett left Monday
to attend annual conference at Selins
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgiett and
daughter, Katherine, left for Trevcrtou
Monday, where they will spend a few
Mrs. Lewis Barret and son, Gordon,
and Mr. and Mrs. David Bonder are
spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bender.
Mark Kebaugh transacted business in
Elizabethville Saturday.
Mrs. J. Welker spent a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Emanuel
Smink, in Lykens last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Straub, of Eliza
bethville, spent Sunday with the for
mer's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Runk, of Harris
burg, are spending a few days with the
Rev. J. Runk, who had been sick.
A. H. White to Make Address In
Trinity U. B. Church Sunday
Special Correspomlencis.
New Cumberland, April 28. —At
10.30 Sunday morning, A. H. White,
of Ohio, who is a representative of the
American Reformed Society, will make
an address in Trinity Unites! Brethren I
church. On Sunday afternoon at 2.30 \
he will address a men's mass meeting
in the Methodist church.
The Rev. Mr. Beiystresser, of Mid
dletown, will lecture on "The Vinegar
Peddler,' to-morrow night in the
Lutheran church, at 7.45 o'clock. No
admission will be charged.
This evening a delegation of Queen
Esther Circle of the M. E. church, will
go to Harrisburg, where they will at
tend the W. H. M. convention now in
session at the Stevens Memorial
Methodist church.
A number expect to attend the sale
of the old Mt. Olivet United Brethren
church which will take place on Sat
urday afternoon, May 1, at 1.30
o'clock. This church adjoins Mt. Olivet
Mr. and Mis. Theodore Kline, of
Harrisburg, called on Mr. and Mrs.
H. K. Reigle, Monday afternoon. Mr.
Kline was born in New Cumberland,
eighty-four years ago on Market
Miss Martha Hoke, who was a
week-end guest of Miss Margery Oren, j
has returned to her home in Newport, i
The roll partitions and plush cur
tains are being put in the new Church j
of God by W. C. Wriight, who repre
sents the A. C. Zimmerman Company,
of Lebanon. C. Day Rudy, of Harris
burg, is putting iu the windows, which
are all memorial windows. The pews
will arrive next week. The work will
soon be completed for the dedication,
May 9.
Miss Eva Keiffer, of Lvkens, who
spent the past week here as the guest
of Miss Mary Leiby, has returned to
her home.
Oeorge Reneker and son, George,
.Tr., of Harrisburg, were guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Reneker, yesterday.
Peddler Struck By Train
Danville, April 28. —Hard of hear
ing, Millard Mitchell, a peddler, was
struck last night on a crossing by a
passenger train. He is in the Blooms
burg hospital with both legs broken
and his skull fractured. I
•TlZ"lsGrand for Ach
ing, Swollen, Sweaty,
Calloused Feet
or Corns
Ah! what relief. No more tired feet;
no more burning feet; no more swollen,
bad smelling, sweaty feet. No more
soreness in corns, callouses, bunions.
No matter what ails your feet or what
under the suu you've tried without get
ting relief, just use "TIZ." "TIZ" is
the only remedy that draws out. nil the
poisonous exudations which puff up the
feet. "TIZ" cures your foot trouble so
you'll nover limp or draw up your face
in pain. Your shoes won't seem tight
and your feet will never, never hurt or
get sore and swollen. Think of it, no
more foot misery, no more agony from
corns, callouses or bunions.
Get a 25-cent box at any drug store
or department store and get instant re
lief. Wear smaller shoes. Just once
try "TIZ." Get a whole year's foot
comfort for only 26 cents. Think of it.
JSjoum&nX I
CAI.L 1001 ANY I'HOVK FOl JiDBD 1871
You'll Save A Neat I
Sum By Purchasing I
Embroideries and 1
Laces In This 4- 1
Day Sale fl
All are fresh and clean—a number of lots were S
[ purchased especially for this sale.
" 609 yards 18-inch Flouncing —values up to 50c ; dainty pat
* terns, for children's dresses or fine lingerie; 10-yard strips;
► yard, 25^
500 yards 27-inch Swiss Flouncing —values Me to 50c; hem
stitched and scalloped edge; yard, jH
45-inch Flouncing —values 50c and 59c; voile and rice cloth
flouncing; yard, 29£
27-inch Embroidered Flouncing —values 75c and 89c ; open
work patterns for girls' dresses, or two-tier flounces; yard,
45-inch Voile Flouncing— regularly $1.50; yard, 95^
27-inch Ruffled Baby Flouncing —regularly 75c; yard,
45-inch Batiste Flouncing— regularly $2.00; yard, . $1.25
27-inch Organdie Flouncing —regularly $1.25; yard,.. .89^
► laces ■
All Linen Cluny Bands— formerly 25c to 75c; yard, 19<*
r Oriental Laces-- white and cream, 4 to 9 inches wide; yard,
► to SI.OO V
I Venise Bands —2 to 4 inches wide; suitable for voile or
L organdie dresses; yard, to 50£
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
"Security Lock ■
Are Patterned I
Fashionable 1
You will note by the illustration that all are popular shapes
and convenient sizes. V
The fine walrus grain (Indian goat) and pin seal leathers
are also favorites. "S
Rut the remarkable feature about "Security Lock" bags
is the strong little lever that "locks" the catch, preventing it
from opening accidentally.
If you've been among I
the nu: iiH Jer |
i W M A N ■■MM———
For Thursday M
Twelve Domestic Specials 1
About Half Price J
Mostly remnants —in full pieces, every purchase <1
will be limited to 14 yards.
8c and 10c Outing Flannel, 20c Feather Ticking— blue M
27 and 36 inches A3kr striped; feather X'llllC <
wide; yard, proof, yard, <
7c fast color, blue checked 17c Pillow Cases un-
Apron Gingham, 5c ! )leached; size 45x36; 7'frc 1
yard, at 4
22e seamless Sheeting, un- 12i/;>c Cretonnes— 36 inches
bleached; full, perfect pieces, wide; full pieces; good selec- j
fine quality; 1 j.Jhr tion of patterns; (fikr i
yard, * I yard, 4
25c Awning Stripes —good 7c Simpson Calico full 4
quality; five colors to select pieces; in gray only; 'XTlan 4
from; 1 yard
yard, 6Vie Persian Challies —full i
8c to 12Vl»c Flannelettes— pieces; eight patterns to
in a variety of colors; select from;
to clean up, yard, yard, <
50c Wool Flannel— 27 and 36c Sheeting Lockwood; i
36 inches wide; in white and 90 inches wide; seamless; <
colors; bleached or unbleaeh- IQ r •<
yard, OL ed; yard,
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4
■.~ ' ■ <
Heavy Damage In Shamokin Storm
Shamokin, April 28.—1n a heavy
storm yesterday lightning struck the
fan house of the Scott colliery, oper
ated by the Susquehanna Coal Com
pany, •a'nd the mine was compelled to
shut down, as the electric light system
was wrecked. The home of Thomas
Vastine at Elysburg, was struck by
lightning and destroyed. Many farm
buildings were wrecked by the wind
and fields were inundated.
Fails to Get Death Benefits
Lancaster, April 128. —By a decision
of the local court yesterday, the by
laws of a society shall govern benefit
payments. John Hart sued
Council Degree of Pocohontas, fat
$1(N) for his wife's death, which till
council refused to pay, on the ground
that she was non-beneficial under
by-laws. She h:<d paid arrearages in
December, but died before the period
when she became beneficial. Court oft
died a nonsuit.