The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 28, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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.Twtty Wedding at Home of the Rev.
Vd. B. Swart*, With the Bev. Dr.
O. A. Smacker, of Stevens M. E.
Church, Officiating
A very pretty wedding was solemn
ised to-day at the home of the Rev.
William B. Swartz, 1156 Mulberry
street, when his daughter, Roberta Eliz
abeth Swartz, became the wife of Fred
erick A. Harding, of California, a for
mer resident of Duncannon.
Promptly at noon, to the strains of
the Lohengrin wedding march, played
by Mrs. William King Swartz, ef
Brooklyn, X. Y., and Miss Mary
Swartz, the bridal party entered the
parlor, where the ceremony was per
formed, fhe Rev. Dr. C. A. Smucker
officiating. The decorations were of
roses, lilies of the valley, ferns and
The bride, who was given in mar
riage by her father, wore a gown of
white meteor satin with touches of real
lace and a tulle veil caught up with
lilies of the valley and earned a shower
of bride roses and lilies of the valley.
(Miss Annabel Swartz, a sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and wore a
white lace gown and carried an arm
bunch of pink roses. The bridesmaids,
Miss Alice Harding and Miss Ruth
Harding, of Duncannon, wore attractive
models of crepe de chine and carried
pink sweet peas. Miss Roberta Teale
Swartz. of Brooklyn, a niece of the
bride, was the little flower girl and
■wore a dainty gown of white lace over
pink taffeta and carried a Tuscan bas
ket of pink sweet peas.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served by Scott, of the
Country Club, after which Mr. and
Mrs. Harding left for New York, from
where they will sail for New Orleans.
From New Orleans they will go by rail
to California, where they will reside.
The bride is a talented reader and
ihas a wide circle of friends. Mr.
Harding, a former resident of Duncan
non, holds a responsible position with
» prominent business house of Califor
Demosthenian Society Meeting
The semi-monthly *ieetir.g of the
Demosthenian Society was held
last night at the home of Miss Mar
garet Weisman. 219 Briggs street. A
program of music and readings was pre
sented by Miss Katherine Fahnestock,
Miss (Helen Broomall, Miss Margaretta
Reed, Kenneth Patterson, J. Herbert
Bpringer. after which refreshments
were served.
present were Misses Catherine
Orth, Helen Gerdes. Lillian Kamsky,
Miriam Evan, Dorothy Melman, Helen
Broom&ll. Katherine Kelker. Catherine
Peters, Martha Miller, Marion Martz,
Mary VTitmer, Naomi Bevard, Caroline
Hatton. Margaretta Reed,
Weiseman. and Frederick Lyter, Panl
Parthemore. Lerov Smuoker, Anson De-
Vout, Carroll Penny, Herbert Springer,
, Clarence Cooper, Jonathan Black, Ken
-1 ueth Patterson and Richard Hamer.
! Miss Man - Orth and Miss Katherine
I Zeiders, of the faculty, were gueßts of
f the evening. The next meeting will be
kcld at the home of Miss Helen Gerdes,
h J * ■'
icZsSSsi -**. -"J ft 1
V ; • ■ ■
All arrangements are practically com
pleted for the Bpring Music Festival
of the Harrisburg Choral Society to
morrow. This afternoon, C. E. W.
Yoder, superintendent of' concert ar
rangements, with a large force of car
penters, began erecting the extension
•taee and the singers' platform at the
Majestic Theatre. This work will be
completed late to-night. The orchestra
and soloists will arrive to-morrow morn
ing at 9 o'clock; the rehearsal is at
10 in the theatre; the afternoon con
cert at 3 o'cloek and the evening con
cert at 8.15.
The final regular rehearsal will be
124 Rear of Union Trust Building 1
> • * > •. • '■ / • t ' ' *
1 1608 North Third street, Mav 11. Plans
for a picnic which will be held at the
summer home of Miss Miriam Ryan at
\Halifax were discussed.
Celebrated Her Birthday Anniversary
With a Party at Her Home
Monday Evening
Mrs. Harvey Keath celebrated her
birthday anniversary Monday by en
tertaining a number of friends at her
home, 605« Dauphin street, that even
ing. The guests spent a pleasant even
ing with music and games, after which
a buffet luncheon was served. Those
present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keath, Mrs.
Robinson, Miss Veronica Robinson,
Mrs. R. Shipe. and daughter, Theresa;
Mrs. Stine. Mrs. J. C. Wolfert, Mrs.
John Smith and children, Margaret,
Helen and Marie; Mrs. McCann, Mrs.
Frank Shindler and children, John,
Mary and Eugene; Dorothea Shindler,
Mrs.' John Robinson, Riverside, and
Miss Anna Condo.
Class No. S of Derry Street U. B.
Church Entertained in Social
floom of Church
The annual dinner of class No. 3
of Derry Street United Brethren church,
Fifteenth and Derry streets, taught by
Mrs. J. K. Robinson, was held in the
social "rooms of the ch.urch last even
ing. Covers were laid for a few over
Mrs. J. K. Robinson, the teacher,
was presented with aSchofield reference
Bible by the Rev. J. A. Lyter, pastor
of the church, in behalf of the class.
The arrangements for the dinner were
made by the sociarcommittee, of which
Mrs. R' W. Dowdell is chairman. The
guests included:
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Lyter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Gipple, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dowdell,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckaloo, Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. P.
E. Schmeidel, Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Niss
ley, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Benson, Mrs.
Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rebe, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Behnev, Mrs. A. Breck
enridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shultz,
Mrs. R. D. R*nn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hol
lingaworth, Mrs. E. D. Strickler, Mr.
and (Mrs. D. H. Rhinesmith, Miss Leah
Wolf, Mrs. C. Nisslev, Mrs. H. Clelland,
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McDonald, Mrs.
Charles Hare. Mrs. Mumma, Miss Jessie
Diven, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gingrich,
Mrs. Shockey, Mrs. H. Wilson, Mrs.
Lurch. Mr. and Mrs. L. Myers, Mrs. Ed.
Haverstick. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, Mr.
and Mrs. IH. L. Carl, Mrs. Harry Ney,
Mrs. Elmer Eshenaur.
Fields-L&van Wedding
Marietta, April 28.—Miss Edna J.
Levan, of Lancaster, and Charles P.
(Fields, were married yesterday at the
home of tie bride by the Rev. Dr.
IHaupt, of the Grace Lutheran church,
who performed the ring cereminy. A
reception followed.
held this evening in Fahnestock Hall,
when "Samson" will be rehearsed from
cover to cover. Every active member is
urged to be present without'fail.
Dr. J. Fred Wolle, of Bethlehem, who
arrived in the city this afternoon, said
of the Choral Society: "The Choral So
ciety is splendidly equipped. The dif
ferent parts are strong and well bal
anced. The society has worked hard on
"Samson" all winter and now knows it
well. Indeed, it is so well prepared for
the work that I am not afraid to have
it judged by the severest critic. I look
forward to a brilliant outcome of this
season's work in {he festival to-morrow
' We ÜBe , the word giganticTjecause of the enormous stock of Hats which we have BjM'
-/ prepared for this sale—because of the wonderful values which we offer—and because f£§9
* >VI > never in the history of our business have we been in a position to offer so many at
lap 1V A tractive Hats at such marvelously low prices. *
A \T r PRICES TALK! SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY! Note our sale prices! Make If®
IrS/-/ k /'J X VpW (f) ? our com P anson! If > style and quality considered, you do not find our Hats and prices E!
■ m V . v f} R just as advertised—if our values are not better you don't have to buy! jjS ■'
If you contemplate buying your summer hat—Buy it now! The assortment will never be so large—prices will never be so low!
Read these items over carefully! The Hat you want is here at.your price! 10
Large Black Hats Silky, Airy Braid Horsehairbraid Hats If
Wing Trimming Transparent Hats Black or White gfl
Worth $7.90 to <M QO WbSc Values $7.50 <J?fl AO Good $7.00 to t/l AO !IS
SB.OO .... ,0 * 7 98 • • SB.OO Values, H.Do g
We reproduced these from the ftml af^e * n Black, White and all The Summer, hot weather Hat fft j
highest class models shown on the the wanted colors—made in our light and airy—dressy and classy—
Avenue. There is no difference ex- O\N u workroom by expert makers the old-fashioned Garden Hat /of
cept that our prices are so much no aetorv ats. the Colonial days come back |§!H
I lower
! . . . ['/? " them for ,$lO. Ours are as When you see these the low price
All the newest shapes. f classy and our price is only $4.98 will astonish yoy. Pfgj
! for middle-aged women go 00 Worth $5.00 at . A"'! vZeHM at v 0.90 p
Our Sale Price,.. . V I We have a special selection, of these high-class tai ored I Large Black and Sand Colored Sailors Poke Bonnets
| We have taken better hats, better styles, and used better hatß in black and R " ° olor< '- They have the neweßt 08trich Mu "«»oom shapes—all kinds of Misses'* Hats—an immense 'jM 1
materials to_ make up these hats—no store has as good for ponpoms and fancies and are the cleverest hats ever selection—trimmed up and representing the latest ideas and iT/lIS
less than $5.00. produced for so little price. the price only , SB.OB j&Jfik.
| Trimmed Leghorn New White Summer Ostrich Trimmed ||
; Values $7.00 $9.00 - I li
j $4.98 and $5.98 J Every Conceivable New Shape nZltSf,?, $4.98 fe
All the newest shapes—some A Oft I n large, small and /h M (JO New York is showing Ostrich JNHI
faced with French crepe— %%_ medium ~ newest %/■»»» Trimmed Hats with the very ®
wide velvet ribbon trimming IjAVW »«= and b f s t styles of tjf'T best trade. It's the new idea. £g
—wing trimlhing, etc. ?jVI - P \S- trimmings velvet ■ \Y e give you any color or style
Most exquisite Summer Hats ever shown / " |/,i Worth SR QO I'ibbon ends also Ufn-ii. Min ot Hat aild ailV Color OStl'ich
for the prices. > (g> ) y ' ' wide satin ribbons. ' ' band and tips. raji
Tailored Trimmed Hats ßl,ck ' *">'*• «n«l Whit! & Black Hits S
. tfQ QQ $6.00 and $7.00 values at «0 AO Transparent Hats, (il QO M
31 vd*vO The Season's Latest Fad!
i Trimmed with Wings—newest fancy effects. To look Everybody wants them and at the above I |&Ai
at these hats—you would guess their prices $7.00 to l ow nriee tIIPV are within fckp nf anv- of our own workroom. Style, workmanship a£Sj
i SB.OO. We make the broad assertion that no other stores , • • an< l correct models of the highest class; all colors and
sell them for less than $7.00. DOdV. the price only $4.98
i Trimmed Panama Hats Sty QQ f Some French Room Models ttjl tiats With French Crepe ®
TT , ~ , , ... We have selected from our stock of French Room Models U/..1L |7 Crt #J» ■ (l
\ elvet nbbon bows—Wing trimming, about as hats, whick we have put In with this sale for no "O'lfl jI.DU, V Mjgf
... , other reason but to give our French Boom an equal.chance Black, sand and white—large sailor shapes any color rlflS
I etc.; all sliapes and Sizes. share in this great sale. Take elevator to Third Floor. facingß—carrying out the very newest ideas. (/ffll
le fc"ss oo 3 '® $3.98 Extra Special Trimmed Moaning Hats $3.98, $4.98, $5.98 I Hats $2.49 S
VV ui ill 4»J.vv. Which are worth beyond a doubt from $«.00 to SO.OO. ort "
xr , wifi, our own exclusive ideas—made by most expert makers these hats will appeal to Large Hemp Hats with ruffled mushroom ifjl ft)
. lushroont s aped tn on co n , the mogt discriminating people and yet our prices so low that to buy them from us briins, trimmed in velvet ribbon, pretty (iHH
facings, and lovely flower and ribbon trim- means a positive saving of from $2 to $4. a , . .. ... , T J. fZZRI
* • flowers, also large satin nbbon bows. Just
f nl ' n P — an ideal girl's Summer Hat. what your girl wants.
B. C R« r s en a; STRIMMED SI.49| Panamas CHILDREN'S PANAMAS C S'ED S SR'. $1.98 M
Worth $2..W With bands —20 color combinations. iir.jir< n . - Worth
Handmade of silk hemp or Tuscan Wifh fanrv Kanflg W \ III) i Both handmade Braid Hats and Hemp '
braids —trimmed in satin ribbon, flowers, £4 AQ AA IA £A AA J" u m I Um Hats —trimmingß are of the best and new- BSPS*'
et,'.; Wlute and burnt. A largo «wrt- ? li Colonff BtpdS ▼* § » V yij. Httle totrt as we " aB
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Miss Marie Sontheimer, of Philadel
phia, is spending a week with Mrs. Ray
mond Maxwell Staley, gt Camp Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Dambafh and son,
Charles, and Miss Kathryn Wisenauer,
of Philadelphia, have returned home
after visiting IMr. and Mrs. George
Emerick, 233 (Crescent"street.
Miss Mary Barefoot, who has been
the guest of the IMHsses Irma and 'Mary
'Moore, of New Cumberland, has return
ed to her home at Milroy. Miss Bare
foot has also been the guest of class
mates of 'Maryland College, in Mary
land, and Washington, D. C.,
Miss Huth Kleckner, Miss iHelen
Kleckner, IMdss Irma Moore, Thomas
Montgomery and MaTlin Wagner have
returned from a trip to Gettysburg.
Mi»s Ruth Huber and Miss Ellen
Moyer, of Lebanon Valley College, en
tertained the Misses Helen and Rose
Rothe, 2327 North Third street, over
the .week-end.
!Mr. and IMrs. Milton Lehman, 540
Crescent street, hafve returned from
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kugler, 2128
North Fifth street, are tome after a
visit with friends in Philadelphia.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Murray and
son, Fred Murray, 806 Green street, are
home after a visit with IMTS. Ida 'Mur
ray, in New York, and Coney Island.
Mr. and Mrs. (Harry Cassel, 1350
Vernon street, are home from Philadel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ising, of Shire
manstown, are guests of '.Mrs. Charles
Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street.
Augustus Kreidler, 809 Capital
street, has returned from Beading.
William Yates, JT., 614 North Seven,
teenth street, is the truest of friends in
Harry Hershey, Jr., of Leimovne, is
spending some time in Pittsburgh with
friends. '
MTS. A. Reed, of Keyser, W. Va.,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wes
ley Baldbuagh, 10 South Thirteenth
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm and
(Miss Julia Stamm, 333 South Thir
teenth street, motored home froip At
lantic City yesterday.
Mrs. Ralph (Hamlin, who has
visiting her father, William Maehlin,
at the Masonic temple, returned to-day
to her home in St. Paul, Minnesota. Mrs.
Hamlin was Miss Jessie Maehlin before
j her marriage.
Miss Helen Rufoell, of Chicago, is
spending a week as the guest of Miss
Julia Stamm, 333 South Thirteenth
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dtinlap, IM&ss
Irene Greenawelt and Henry Weir, all
of York, motored to this city yesterday
and were eritertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Emig, 214
North Second street.
Donald Mover, 408 Crescent street,
has returned irom a visit to State Col
The Rev. J, Hunter Watts, of (Lan
caster, has returned to his home after
a visit with his brother, Robert Watts,
1406 'Green street.'
Charles M. Singer, who has been the
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win IM. Singer, 2007 North Second
street, has returned to the Mercers'burg
Jamos McCormick, Jr., 101 North
(Front street, is registered at the Rit
tenhouse, Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. lEdward F. Dunlap,
1507 North Second street, are registered
at the HotVl Dennis, Aalantie City.
Mrs. J. E. Martz, of Lykens, has
returned home after a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hollenbaugh,
Peffer y artreet.
Bach Festival WiU Be Held* May 28
and 20
Mellowing a winter of rehearsals in
the chapel of the Moravian Seminary
and College for Women in Bethlehem,
the Bach Choir of the Bethlehems prac
ticed on Sunday afternoon in Packer
Memorial church, Lehigh University,
where the tenth Bach Festival is to be
held on May 28 and 29.
Dr. J. Fred Wolle, conductor, who
has been ill for several weeks has en
tirely recovered and is in charge of
all rehearsals. Time and attention is
being put principally upon the first
d«y's program, the St. John Passion,
which the choir is to sing this year
for the first time. The work for the
second day is the Mass in B Minor
which) will be rendered for the eighth
time in the Bethlehems.
More Than Eighty Employes of Light
and Power Company in
In spite of the threatening weather
last evening, the April "booster"
meeting of the heads and attaches and
other departmental employes of the
Harrisburg Light and Power Company
was a bij* success, more than eighty at
tending the session. The gathering was
held in the main room of the company.
'' Service and Efficiency'' was the
theme of the informal discussions and
among the speakers were C. M. PCalt
wasser, general manager; Robert W.
Hoy, commercial manager; H. W. Stone,
treasurer, and L. L. Ferree, superin
tendent of construction. The subject
was taken up from the various view
points and many of the other employes
took :part in the free-for-all quizz ses
sion that followed. After the meeting
a luncheon, just the kind to cool one
off after a sweltering day, was served.
has moved to H
Members Were Guest* of Miss Leil*
Greenawalt Last Evening
Members of Class 23 of the Fourth
Street Church of God, taught by Mrs.
Robert Wallower, were entertained at
the home of Miss Leila F. Greenawalt,
127 Sayford street, last evening.
A short business session was held
after which a social hour was enjoyed
anil refreshments served.
Those present were Mrs. John Du
gan, Mrs. Guy Eckard, Mrs. Sarah Kob
ler, Miss Anna Wenger, Miss Annie
Dugan, Mijs Alice Harris, Miss Miriam
McMullen, Miss Hattie Weidhiamer,
Mrs. William Reindel, Mrs. Harry
Greenawalt and Mr. and Mrs. John
Overley-Beeder Wedding
Lancaster, April 28.—Miss E. Mayme
Beed*r, of this place, and William P.
Overley, of near t ! his place, were mar
ried yesterday at the parsonage of the
Grace Lutheran church by the pastor,
the 'Rev. Dr. Haupt, with the ring cere
mony. They were unattended.
Attending Funeral of Mother
George W. Bennett and family, 2313
Jefferson street, left this morning for
East Waterford, Juniata county, to at
tend the funeral of the former*'« moth
er, Mrs. friscilla Bennett.
K. of 0. Will Hold a Dance
The Knights of Columbus will hold
a dance and musicale in Cathedral ball,
North street, to-morrow evening. A
splendid program has been arranged.