The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Because of their great food value
No matter what our sentiments regarding
the war—no one will dispute the know
ledge of the Germans as to food values.
■ Garden Peas
—Only 10c a can
No otjjer Canned Pea has a greater food value.
/ Nona are so delicious to the taste no matter
how much you pay. Serve them once accord
ing to directions and you will buy no other.
If your dealer doesn't have them, write us and
we will see that you are supplied.
N&TE:—Nianm Ewrgrmmn Com—loc m corn.
Niana Milk—rich, clmmn, part, wholm
iomm. 10c m can.
High School Pupils to Give Entertain
ment Thursday and Saturday
Special Correspondence.
Linglestowu, April 27. —An enter
tainment will I>P held bv the pupils of
■.the Linglestown High school under the
supervision of Prof. H. B. King on
Thursday evening. April 29, and on
Saturday .evening. May 1.
Miss Tiifcper, of Harrisburg. on Sat
urday evening delivered a lecture to
women only.
The members of the Churi'h of God
met yesterday for the purpose of put
ting up a new fence around the church
Mrs. Philip Zimmerman, of Steelton,
visite dfriends here Friday.
Miss Anna J. Bernhardt, of Harris
burg, spent Saturday here the guest
of 0. B. Care and family.
Dr. Adams' show left to-day for
Rockville, where they will remain for
one week.
Miss Ksther Parting, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday the guest of her parent;,
"Mr. and Mrs. George Farling.
Mrs. Frank Hench and two children,
of Progress, spent Sunday the guests of,
Mr. and Mrs. McClellan Hench.
Miss Kliza Shriner, Miss Hulda
Longenecker and Miss Verna Juillard
visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Hocker at
Penbrook Sunday.
Miss Turner, of Harrisburg, ren
dered several beautiful selections in
the United Brethren church during
church services last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Johnson and
daughter, Ruth, of Steelton, were the
■week-end guests of Mrs. Mary Farling.
Miss Salome Feeser, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday with friends here.
Grant Lingle and family, Mrs. Min
nie Guistwhite and son, Joseph, of H*r-
Tisburg, and John Lingle and family,,
of Manada Gap, were the guests of Mr.
and 'Mrs. Thoma« Lingle on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Walker and son,
Robert, of Harri»burg, spent Sunday the
guests of Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Lutz.
Mr. and Mrs. Ha'rv Reiker and
daughter, Myriam, of Hummelstown,
spent Sunday the guests of Mrs. Reik
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clay.
Paul Getz, of Mount Joy, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Koons on
Mrs. John Lyme, of Ravsorville
Heights, spent Sunday with friends
(High School Commencement Exercises
to Be Held To-morrow Evening
Special Correspondence.
Duncannon, April 27.—The com
mencement exercises of Lower Duncan
non High school will be held to-morrow
evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Methodist
church. The church will be decorated
in the class colors, white and heliotrope,
and the class will sit under their motto,
"Not How Much. But How Well."
The address to the graduating class will
be delivered by Prof. L. E. McGinnes,
superintendent of the Steelton schools.
The music for the ocacsion will be fur
nished by the Marysville orchestra. D.
«The Walger"New
Model" Awning
Simple in construction —neat
in appearance—easy in operation
—long in durability. No springs
used—nothing to get out of
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
Phone H7»J. 405 Telegraph Bldg.
1 Oc
ThTWch Aroma
of all Havana CIGARS
?! distinctive. There has to be
More Qualify to make a smo e
with a dime. MO] Ais long
on quality.
Made by )ohn C. Herman & Co.
A. Kline, superintendent of Perry coun
ty schools, will present the diplomas to
the five class members, who are Alma
J. tiarlir, Grace H. Haas, Martha K.
Perry, J. Laverna Bitner, Russell D.
Fcnicle, Tan M. Lightner and Btanley
S. St roup- '
The forty-seventh annual convention
of the Perry County Sunday School As
sociation will be held in the Hillis tab
ernacle, Marysville, May 5 and 6, 1915.
An interesting program has been ar
ranged for the occasion. The officers
of the association are: President,
Charles W. Both well, Duncannon; vice
president, the Rev. J. C. Reighard,
Blain; treasurer, E. D. Bistline, New
port; recording secretary, tMiss Cather
ine E. Long, New Bloomfleld; statistical
secretary, Daisy V. Kuhn, Newport;
corresponding secretary, Purva B. Rob
inson, Liverpool.
Public School Commencement Exercises
to Be Held May 17
Special Correspondence.
Hershcy, April 27. —The annual
commencement exercises of tho M. S.
Hershey Consolidated Public, Schools of
Derry township will be held in the
Park amphitheatre on Monday evening,
May 17. Dr. Edwin Eli Sparks, presi
dent of the Pennsylvania State College,
will deliver the address.
Thursday evening a large number of
the members and friends of Holy Trin
ity Lutheran church assembled in the
basement of the church to give their
pastor, the Rev. F. C. Krapf, a fare
well social. The Rev. Mr. Krapf served
this congregation for the last four years
and during his pastorate the new
church was erected and the membership
greatly increased. He has accepted the
call to St. Andrew's church, Atlantic
City, and will leave next week.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. W. F. R.
Murrie moved into their beautiful new
residence, on East Chocolate avenue. It
is one of the most beautiful homes in
design, extent and modern architecture
in the entire Valley.
Odd Fellow Lodge Celebrated Mth An
niversary of Order on Sunday
Elizabethtown, April 27.—Eliza
bethtown Lodge, No. 128, I. O. O. F.,
attended divine services in the United
Brethren church Sunday evening. This
was the ninety-sixth anniversary of
the founding of Odd Fellowship in
America. The lodge has a membership
of one hundred members and is in a
flourishing condition, financially solid
and owns a three-story brick building
on South Market street. The building
was erected by James R. Mongomery,
a prominent and leading lawyer of Lan
caster, in the year 1836. It was the
third tavern in the town and was
named General Washington and was
so arranged as to be suitable for a pub
lic building.
Elizabethtown being centrally locat
ed within a radius of equidistant of
eighteen miles from four county seats,
Lancaster, York, Lebanon and Harris
burg, she conceived the idea that Eliza
bethtown some day in the future would
be, selected as the site for the county
seat of the new county and he would
have a building of substantial structure
to offer, twonty inch wall with a four
teen inch partition wall running from
the entry of the t)uilding to the roof.
First floor, high ceiling, with massive
posts, suggesting the pyisent stylo of
court rooms in use.
Funeral of Lester Koons Took Place
This Morning
Special Correspondence.
Hummelsfown, April 27.—There are
at present about a dozen cases of
chickenpox in the borough, the victims
all being children. The homes have
been placed under quarantine by the
board of health.
Peter H. Shope visited his' daugh
ter, Mrs. Harvey Lerch, at Harrisburg,
Mies Mabel Sanders, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
Emory WoW.
Miss Sue Brandt has returned to
her home at Mount Joy, after spending
several days with Miss Bertha Brin
Mr. and Mre. Harry Light and chil
dren. of Harrisburg, are spending the
week with Mrs. Light's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Walters. i
The funeral of Lester Koons, who
was killed while at work in the Ruth
erford yards last Thursday, took place
from hie late home, south
bellstown, this morning at 9 'o 'clock.
Services were held in the Gravel Hill
church and interment made in the
Gravel Hill cemetery.
Miss Emma Brinser, of Middletown,
is the guest of Mrs. Emma Brinser for
a few days.
William B. Lebherz, of Buffalo,
spent last evening with Mr. and Mrs.
P. V. Behney.
Mrs. George Alleman broke her
right arm by falling on the boardwalk
in the yard at her home, on Duke
William H. Landis Breaks Leg in a
Friendly Bout
Spe -ial Correspondence
Halifax, April 27.—William H. Lan
dis had his leg broken Saturday even
ing while cutting up with a friend in
Odd Fellows' hall.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schroyer and
two children spent Sunday with friends
at Matamoras.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Rutter and
daughter spent over Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Riland, in
Halifax township.
Mr. and Mrs. Voneida Sheetz, of
Palmyra, spent Sunday at the home of
his parents, Mr. and * Mrs. J. Peter
Mr. and Mrs. George Landis, of
Lucknow, called on friends in town on
C. C. Baker was a visitor to Lancas-
I ter on Sunday.
Miss Helen Weetfall, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Westfall.
Frank E. Keefer, of Woodside, visit
ed friends in town over Sunday.
Mrs. John Bobb, of Philadelphia, Vis
ited Her Brother Last Week
Sppcial Correspondence.
Berrysburg, April 27.—Francis and
Earl Strawecker, of Millersburg, visit
ed their father, Daniel Strawecker, on
The Rev. Mr. Huyett transacted
business in Elizabethville, Friday.
Miss Ceylon Bowman, of Fisherville,
and Miss Cathrine Mattis, of Eliza
bethville, were in town last week.
Mrs. John Bobb, of Philadelphia,
visited her brather, M. S. Daniel, for a
few days. »
Samuel Straub and family, of Wil
liamstown, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Poop last week.
Misses Pauline Derr and Kathrine
Cox spent Friday in Harrisburg.
The program rendered by the pri
mary scholars Friday night was a
grand success.
Mr, Watts, of Millersburg, was in
town Friday.
'Mrs. C. E. Kebaugh, Mark and Paul
ine Kebaugh motored to Lykens on
* .
Commercial Course to Be Added to High
School Curriculum
' p i Correspond ance.
Millersburg, April 27.—The funeral
of Miss Sallie Pontius, who died early
Saturday morning, was held yesterday
afternoon at 1.30 from the home of
her niece, Mrs. Abbie Keiffer, Moore
street. Miss Pontius was an invalid
for many years and for the past few
months suffered intensely. She was a
member of the Lutheran church and
for the nast 12 years resided at the
home of her niece, Mrs. Abbie Keiffer.
Deceased was 72 years old.
The funeral of Fred Specbf, who died
Thursday evening, was held Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock and was attend
ed by the local lodge of Modern Wood
men of America. The funeral was in
charge of the Rev. A. L. Iffiaeseler, pas
tor of the U. B. church, of which de
ceased was a member.
Miss Mary Stime, of this place, spent
Saturday iu Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Michaels visited
friends in Elizabethville on Sunday.
Mrs. Lawrence Weaver and daugh
ter, Sylvia, of Mt. Patrick, spent the
Your digestion, your gen
eral health will all be
greatly benefited by the
timely use of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It is
compounded from abso
lutely pure ingredients and
those best known as real
aids to the Stomach, Liver
and Bowels. It exerts a
general tonic effect and
helps Nature promote
health and strength in
the entire digestive sys
tem. Try a bottle to-day
but be sure you get
Stomach Bitters
At Bothirts You're Safe-The Furniture is Good & Values Always Satisfy
Styles are newest and handsomest, assortments largest, stocks most complete, and a policy of Liberal Credit
famous all over Harrisburg and vicinity.
Safety First For tlie Little Ones Ij-11
Insured by our germ-proof refrigerator construction. Health walks with the little ones up through the tender ft xSH L\\]D\ lIH
years of childhood when food is kept fresh, pure, clean and wholesome in- guaranteed high quality y| |\\ »*?SEBEdj I
H Saves one-third Ice expenses and gives to the housewife conveniences to which 21 \ I f I
El -A- J H is entitled. Built to last a lifetime. f U vS-TTZT'JjIHI—-—-
fpgM JL | * Top Ic.ers from $7.50 up. Side leers, SIB.OO up. Ice v lly |B
■ |jH Chests, $6.75 up. Remember, SI.OO will deliver one to your - | jjr
Large S£ Porch Fl#re »~^ matic T ' *iSs
Double woven cane seat, Smokeless wickless blue flame
nf\ Prices, 99.9 ft. $11.05, 913.95
. Kaltex Rocker 01.0" and $15.95. __ a. I|L ;1
We use '' ' or library
Wizzard Polish Mops Ji logan v finishes
Garden Hose, best grade, coupled, 42-inch Mission Porch and the mahog
Lawn Mowers, 14 and 16-inch Reinforced seat, oak finish, in . ' A very large and roomy comfortable
sizes AQ r/k jjp complete with A* IJQ . Af iQC Rocker, covered with rf> |j* /J/J
" chains «Pl»OJf • "* • best morrocoline leather, tpldtUU
* % <
6-ff. Bamboo Porch HFfffrTT 1 HC*PF m i® Japanese Matting
Screens ■ ■ H Wmti Good patterns red, green and blue,
■ A |g|W . per square yard iiOc
Painted green, . . . .$1.65 27x54 Japanese Matting Rugs, . . .29c
Linoleum Mats, one vard
square, 59tf MARKET STREE' V oDly
week-end at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Susan Lower.
A large delegation of Odd Fellows
attended services In the Reformed
church Sunday morning, when the Rev.
J. W. Kohler preached an excellent and
appropriate sermon.
H. L. Lark returned Friday evening
from a five weeks' trip to Mexico, Tex
as, jand the San Francisco exposition.
■William Herrold and family moved
from Center street to their own home
on East Union street this week. Before
movinir into the house Mr. Herold had
many improvements made to it and put'
in all modern conveniences.
Jacob L. Messnor, of this place, was
brought home from the Harrisburg hos
•pital Thursday, much improved in
The Millersburg School Board at
their last regular meeting decided to
add a commercial course to the regular
High school course. Pupils who ,care
to take up this branch of school work
will be taught stenography, typewrit
ing, bookkeeping, commercial arithme
tic, business methods, etc.
H. Howard Hoy contemplates remod
eling his store on Market street in the
near future.
The last word received from Miss
Jennie Wetzler, who is at the Mt. Alto
sanitarium, states that her condition is
not encouraging.
C. M. Mattis and family have moved
from their Union street home to their
summer home near Halifax.
On Tuesday evening the first drill
practice was held by the Wesley Boys'
Brigade of the Methodist church. The
brigade was organized by the Rev. W.
C. Skeath and already more than 50
boys have joined. F. 8. Kirk is con
ducting the drill practices.
The body of William Gray, who died
at the State Hospital for the Insane,
iHarrisburg, was brought here Thursday
afternoon and taken to the home of his
mother on West Union street. Burial
was made in Oak Hill cemetery. Be
sides his mother, two sisters and one
brother survive.
The Rev. and Mrs. Homer A. Trout
man, of Ansonville, Pa., are visiting
friends and relatives in Millersburg,
Miss Ella English, a Graduate Nurse at
Beading, Is Visiting Here
Sp"Cial Correspondencs.
Tower City, April 27.—George Hess
transacted business at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Harry Neitheimer, of Minets
ville, transacted business at this place.
The Rev. O. G. Romig, pastor of the
United Brethren church, returned to
this place after spending several days
with his family at Hershey.
Edwin Neidlinger aud family, of
Harrisburg, visited relatives at this
Leo Martin, of West Chester, is vis
iting his mother, Mrs. Patrick Martin,
at this place. The Rev. Stephen Smith,
pastor of St. Peter and St. Paul Cath
olic church, was confined to bed for a
few days, suffering from a severe at
tack of pleurisy.
Miss Ella English, a graduate nurse
of the St. Joseph's Hospital, at Read
ing, is spending a brief vacation with
her father, E. J. English.
A Keystone Christian Endeavor
League was recently organized in the
United Evangelical church.
Communion services were held in
the M. E. church on Sun'day evening.
Dr. D. F. Berney, of Scranton, visit
ed his parents at this place.
Tower City Lodge, 7. O. O. F., No.
755, attended a special anniversary
service in the M. E. church on Sunday
Miss Frances Stroup, of Harrisburg,
Visited Seyerai Days Here
Special Correspondence.
Fisherville, April 27.—M. L. Snyder
purchased a Ford automobile last
J. H. Fauber, of Wormleysburg,
erected some monuments and head
stones in the Fisherville and Fetter
hoffs cemeteries last week.
Eva Bowernwn visited at Loyalton
the past week.
Charles Kurzenknabe, of Harris
burg, was in town over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lyter, of Dau
phin, spent Sunday here at the home
of James Meckley.
Communion services on Sunday
were well attended at the Fetterhoffs
John Urich, of Halifax, spent Sun
day in town at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. C. A. Marsh. ,
Mr. and Mm. William Stoneroad, of
near Killinger, spent Sunday in town.
Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Lehr and daugh
ter, of Lykens, were in town on Sun
day at the home of Mrs. Anna Enders.
Miss Lizzie Shepley, of Mafcamoras,
visited at the home of James Meckley
on Sunday.
The Rev. J. C. Peace will preach in
the U. B. church next Sunday morn
ing. \
Mrs. Frances Stroup, of Harrisburg,
spent several days here after the fu
neral of her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Young.
C. A. M»rsh, who had been sick a
week or more, is better. He is up and
Commencement Exercises of the Gram
mar School Friday Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
West Fairview, April 27.—The
grammar school taught by Mis 9 Pearl
Killinger will hold commencement exer
cises in the school room on Friday aft
ernoon. The following program will be
Wong, "Come Cheerful Com
panions," school; recitation, "Greet
ings," Margaret Camber; roll call, Al
bert Koppenhcffer; recitation, "The
Girl Who Smiles," Letitia Deets; play,
"The Spelling Match," three girls aud
five boys; song, "Questions," school;
recitation, "A Queer Boy," Paul Seir
er; exercise, "Legends and Facts
About Trees and Flowers,' Vgeven girls
and eight'boys; song, "Blossom Bells,"
school; play, "Amateur Farming," two
girls; recitation, "The Rights of Wom
en," Kathryn Kutz; song, "Presi
dents," school; play, "No Good on Di
rections," two boys; recitation, "Jaky
on the Watermelon Quostion, Paul
Glessner; song, "Dreamland," school;
play, ''Advanced Geography," school;
recitation, "Spring Opinions," Charles
Shaffer; song, "Pennsylvania," school;
play, "One Way of Keeping Arbor
Day;" song, "Dell and Dingle,"
school; recitation, "How Betty Was
Helped," Helen Cripple; address by
Principal R. D. Reider; song, "Do Ail
the Good You can," school.
Mrs. B. 8. Boley and daughters,
Miss Jennie and Miss Annabelle Boley
visited Mrs. Boley's mother, Mrs. Anna
Rice, at Honeybrook, over Sunday.
L. R. Spong and F. S. Hoke . are
painting their properties on Railroad
The Misses Mary ami Rachel Mar
zolf, of Harrisburg, were guests of
their brother, A. E. Marzolf, on Sun
H. W. Neidig and sister, Miss Annie
Neidig, visited their aunts, Miss Eliza
Neidig and Mrs. Mary Lingle, at Belle
grove, on Sunday.
D. W. Shettel was at New York On
Saturday with the Kuola bowling club.
The United Brethren Sunday school
arranged to hold their Cliiklren's Day
services on the first Sunday of June in
the evening. They also voted favor
ably on a union picnic.
McClellan Kennedy, of Wilmington,
Del., Is 1 Visiting His Mother
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin, April 27.—Mrs. Frank
Bowman and children, of Speeceville,
attended a birthday party on Wednes
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Byers, Green Hill.
Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Maurey, of Mil
lersburg; Mrs. A. D. McNeely, of New
York, were the guests of Mrs. C. £5. Mc-
Neely on Thursday.
Mrs. Charles Tredwell, of Harris
burg, was the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth
Gerberich on Thursday.
Mrs. T. G. Kinter and children are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Riffert, Harrisburg.
McClellan Kennedy, of Wilmington,
Del., is guest of his mother, Mrs.
Sarah Kennedy, High street.
Charles Swartz, of Speeceville, made
a business trip to Harrisburg on Fri
Walter Speece, of Speeceville, spent
Saturday at Harrisburg.
F. B. Bhiminger; of Altoona, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swartz
at their cottage, the "Wren," Speece
Mrs. Walter Speece, of Speeceville,
spent Friday with her mother, Mrs.
Mary Cofrodo.
Mrs. Edward Miller, of Youngstown,
Ohio, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
W. S. Fisher.
Mrs. Peter Bont, of 'Harrisburg, was
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Sarah
Kennedy, on Saturday.
Misses Minerva Shaffner, Julyann
Wierman and Gertrude Cox, of Harris
burg, spent Saturday with Miss Julia
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Thompson and
children, Helen and Evelyn; Mr. and
124 Rear of Union Trust Building
Mrs. David Lebo and daughter, Miss
Beatrice; Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gar
man and Stanley Carman attended tlio
funeral of Mrs. Francis Fasnacht at
Palmyra on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lyter spent
Sunday at Fisherville.
Miss Mildred Butorff, of Harrisburg,
was the week-end guest af Miss Dorothy
Charles Bierbower has moved from
Hnrrisburg to his bungalow for the
Sherman Fertig has purchased an au
Fink's XXX Dmb.v Ale is especial
ly strong in hops.—Adv.
Special Correspondence.
New Cumberland, April 27.—A car
pet rag party was held at the home of
Mrs. Annie Wcigle on Third street by
M. A. Hoff's Sunday school class last
A numbe" of boys are enjoying bath
ing in the Susquehanna.
An addition is being built at the
bleaching department at the Steam Dye
and Bleach Works.
Mrs. Harriet Wickersham, who has
been ill at her home in New Market, is
improving slowly.
Clarence, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. Schenck, fell on a concrete step
at the home of his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Curtin Myers, and cut his
head badly.
Mrs. Gutshall and son, Charles, of
Blain, Perry county, and Mr. and Mrs.
Illarry Yingst, of Harrisburg, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoover
Saturday and Sunday.
Harrv Fahs, of Elizabethtown; Sam
uel Falis, of Highspire, and Charles
Wacker, of York county, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Schell and Mrs. Kate Sny
der on Sunday.
Miss Susie Hoover anil sister, Annie,
spent Sunday with friends in Carlisle.
Samuel Blodget is ill at his home on
Third street.
Mrs. Berry and two children, of Pen
brook, visited friends here on Sunday.
The trees present a pretty sight, cov
ered with blossoms.
W. D. Moyer called on his sister,
Miss Euphemia, yesterday.
A severe thunder storm visited this
place last evening. The lightning was
very vivid, but no damage was re-
If You
are troubled with heartburn, gases and
a distressed feeling after eating take a
P Tablet a
before and after each meal *nd<you will
obtain prompt relief. Sold only by us, 26a
George A. Gorgao