ft) Buy or Uont IK«W5|| Waits 1 j HELP WANTED— 3CAU CARPET- LAYER WANTED Must be competent in laying linoleums, also making and hang ing window shadea. Apply to Carpel Department .at once. BOWMAN « CO. WANTED—Two paperhangers. Apply ! Hi F.clly S'... Harrisburg, Fx I ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN 1 WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; cltisens of I I'm ted States, of good character and j temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For' information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 3d A Market s'.s., Harrisburg. Fa. " SOLICITORS for good proposition; one that is to the advantage of each prospect; exceptional offer now run ning. none but hustling, reliable men need apply. Room 40?. Patriot Build ing. from S to S a. m. and from 4 to £ p. m. WANTED—Two srst class painters. In quire or see A. I". SPOT*/. 1319 Mar ket street. Harrisburg. Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED—AppIy Em ployment Office. Bethlehem Steel C<*» South Bethlehem. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—A man out of work would like carpenter repair work or em ployment of any kind. Address M. F. M.. 11 IT Perry St. WANTED—A position by first class baker, married man. Address or call Susquehanna St. AGENTS WANTED WANTED—Live Insurance Agents who will produce business, paying tor sickness, accident and natural death; also for childbirth. This is something new and very attractive. Agents who mean business will apply to Box itii. Boston, Masa. FTET.P WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—A bright girl to work on a mangle. Apply TROY LAUNDRY. 1529 Fulton St. WANTED —An sxperlenced woman for general housework, four in family; no washing. Address M. G.. 2til. care Star- Independent. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. YOUNG LADY would like position, after May 1. in store as saleslady, or in some office as bookkeeper. Address M. DCEPKE. Wortnleysburg. Pa. GIRL wishes days work or washing and Ironltig to do at home. Car. fur nish reference. 34$ South Cameron St., City. LADY wishes chamber work or assist ant cook; can come with reference. Inquire MARY MILLER, _■ > Ciiestnut St Harrisburg. Pa. I tVHIVS WOMAN wants days work. Address Sll James St. WANTED—House-cleaning, washing and 1 ir*oing. by a respec table white worn-j an. or address No. 1403 j :'.ow;r Ave Harrisburg. Pa. ~ j 11 j Last aad Fend b . I FOUND. FOUND—The well-dressed man. He always seeds his clothes to Eggert's I Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market St. Do you? Call and deliver. POUND—A derided Improvement 1b rny 1 » appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye tV orks 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call leg and delivering. LOST . —. t PURSE containing twenty dollars. Re ward of returned to Star-Independent l See. FOR SALE 1 Real Estate of Special Interest 23 N. CAMEROX ST. 145 ft. frontage on Cameron street 1 —plot is open on three sides. l» ( HBSTStT JiT. At a price that will interest yon. Lot ft. Three-story brick house. ! 23 S. FROM ST. A splendid Front street proposi tion at the price. Lot 2«.5i110 ft. to River avenue. JV, -story brick hoase aad a 2-story brick stable. J 4#S HKRR *T. r A house you should see—A special bargain at the price. »l« X. SIXTH ST. Thre«-story brick house with ten i rooms—bath and furnace. Lot 2tx > ft Make us a reasonable offer. 14 X. THIRD ST. An A No. 1 business location, just off Market street. Four-storv brick building with store room on first floor—offices as second floor and apartment on third and fourth '. floors. 814 X. THIRD ST. A business location that is on the market to be sold. Look It over and make us a proposition. 121-137 S. THIRD ST. Dwelling bouses apartments ! garage and vulcanising room. An in- ' vestment proposition. lILLER BROTHERS & CO. SEAL ESTATE Fin Insuraaee Surety Bonds Locust aad Court Streets Real Estate KEAL ESTATE FOB SAM i FOR SALS—-Plot of ground. lQixiO ft.; southeast corner Sixteenth and Briggs ' streets. For information writ* to MRS. I ANNA HKNNEG, 317 A Oak SC Wee j haw ken. N. J. FOR SALE— rooms, bath; gas; | furnace. Price reduced. Did yoa get our list? BELL REALTY OCX. Bergner | Building. • ' FOR SALE 3-story brick house; » rooms; bath; gas; electric light: fur nace; porch. No. » S. Sixteenth St. The price is reasonable. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. lISM WILL BUY a frame house with plot 36x13*; located at 1411 S. 11th St.. alao two bungalows for sale; large plots. BELL REALTY CO. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—t South Eighteenth St.; < rooms and bath, all improvements; wide side entrance, front yard. Good locality. Price 12300. H. G. PEDLOW, lU> & Thirteenth St. j FOR SALE—33I Hummel SL; 3-story brick. $ rooms and bath; all im provements; front porch; lot ISS feet ! deep to paved drive alley, H. ; G. PEDLDW. 11» & Thirteenth gt. 1 FOR SALE—I« 3» aud 1841 Apricot SU 2-story brick, almost new, » rooms and bath, front porch and all modern improvements; siso 1«43 Apricot St., same as above with store rodui. occu pied by confectionery store doing good Business. Owner leaving city and will sacrifice if sold quick. A. s. MILLEit JK SON. Eighteentu aud Slate Sla. FOR SALE—No. 1»44 N. Seveuth SC. 3- siory irame, all conveniences, front porch. Nos. HOT'and Hi»» Plum avenue, 2-story name, water in kitchen. No. 111. N. Fourteenth St.. brick, conven iences. from porch. Now 1»40 Derry St, all com enicncva iront aud siue porch. C. H. ORCUTT, Cumberland St. SEAL ESTATE TOE EEWT FOR RENT—S-room dwelling. No. 41i Crescent St., bay window tront and rear and porch tronu rent lU.eO. Im mediate possession. Apply Penua. Realty anu Improvement Co, 133 Lo cust St.. Harrisburg. Pa. TOR RENT—Two-story brick house. I rooms and bath. Ideal summer home. About two miles north ot Dauphin. For ■ information address DAVID HOFF MAN, Dauphin, Pa. FOR RENT No. 1413 Market Si, ...<36.50 No. 1110 Walnut St, No. 3W16 Kensington No. i#i» S. 214j St, |lb.uO J. £. GIPPLE. TOR RENT—3-story brick dwelling, at Kl3 N. Third street. Best of loca tion. All improvements; immediate possession, inquire lltfv North Front, narrisaurg, Pa. FOR ItENT—I333 Thompson. |10; 1544 Thompson, new. 317. |lt»v cash will buy a new brick, steam neat, chestnut awsh house, li. G. PEDLOft", llv S. ihlrteenth St. FOR RENT—House ISJ North Fifteenth street, good location, near Walnut Su die-ut 314.00. Inquire JOHN A HER MAN. JJS Market St. SIX-ROOM HOI'SES at Edgemont. one half mile north of Penbroos. healthy location ar.d good water and stables; rem per oiouth. Inquire of WH BKENNIiId.\N, Penbrook. fa. ir'OK KENT— ldli Catherine St., $16.00 542 t>. 17th St., $18.50 54U fc>. 17th bt., ... .$18.50 Apply Kulin oc Hershey, 18 isouth Tlurd Street. w FOR KENT 1317 Derry St, apartment, $35.04 131* Market, aparuneut, 33v.00 •Vpartments from 32450 to (3.1.50 leU Zarker. house. o.uO 133 S. 14th, 2 houses, J houses, each. Jll.oO 2 houses, improvements. 313.ui) HAttVEX 'l*. SMlln. 2V4 S. 13th St, or Beil phone 24SM. FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve ments. at moderate rental*, J. & GIP Purl. i;»l Market St. APABTMENTS FOB EENT TWO apartments with five rooms and front and back porches, at reduced I rent, at ;i)li» Green St- FOR RENT—Apartment of Ave rooms. bath and laundry room, second floor, corner property, plenty of light, must 1 £ k* eppfeetatwt GEORGE ft. Ml LKa, 325 Hummel St. ! 'EAL ESTATE FOB OB BENT HOI SES built in pairs, side entrance. S rooms; tile bath, hot, cold water; ! electricity, gaa. steam heat; front, back I porches, price reasonable, location , rwentieth and Swata-a. Inquire 450 S. Seventeenth Su or ls4» BerryhiiL HOUSES FOR RENT and 3Vi -story dwelling houses lor sale. Eider Real Estate Co, 24th and Derry Sta 1 —i UNFURNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT ROOMS FOR P.ENT—Three unfurnish ed rooms for light housekeeping; ! water ar.d sink in room used for kitch i en. use of aath; no cbildren.v Call at itO Catnp St. v : FOR RENT—Several unfurnished rooms : tor light housekeeping, no children, i Also, one furnished room. Apply sl4 I X. Third atreet. ; i BUHim BOABDEBS WANTED 1 FROM APRIL 16—Boarding on a farm, near Dauphin, at reasonable rate*, i Boating and fishing. Special rates for . the season. Address 3762, care Star- , I Independent. rUBNISHED BOOMS FOB EKMT. ! POR RENT—Two-roomed suite; weM . furnished; large private porch, every; convenience. Includtng bath and phone. Facing Capitol Park. 406 North St. . j rw ele to the Public Serv ice Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania for a certifi cate of public convenience evidencing the Commission's approval of an .igree ment with the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Com pany !»r the lease of space in a stor age building at Harrisburg. Pa., the public hearing on which will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Har risburg on the »th dav of May, 1915. at ! i.JO p. m.. when and where all per sons In interest may appear and be heard if they so desire. . Ia »ke Matter of the Petltioa of the HarrUharc Beard of Trade, for a de- Irree of dluolatloa of Mild corpora tloa.—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, No. June Term. 1915. : Notice is hereby given that the Har- I risburg Board of Trade has tiled in the , above Court its petition praying for a | Decree of Dissolution and that the I Court has fixed t!je lith day of May, i 1915 at 10 o'clock A. M„ in Court Room No. 1. of the Court Hous* at Harris burg. Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, as the time and place for hearing said , petition and application for dissolution, when and where all persons interested may attend and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. FOX (t GEYER. Attorneys for Petitioner. Harrisburg. Pa.. April 12th, 1916. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of John Egenrieder. late of the city of Harrisburg. Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Harris | burg, Penna.. all persons indebted to 1 said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, ar.d those having claims -rill present theai for settle ment THOMAS EGENRIEDER. Administrator, 314 Reily St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Sale art Exchange FOB SALE X j f"X>R SALE—An Oldemobile. in good condition. Inquire ISIO State St., Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE—I9I2 5-passeuger Hupn.o bile in first class condition; two ex tra tires; will sell at a great sacrifice to early bnj-er. 41 EH KING GARAGE, j H35 Rose Avenue. , GAS ENGINE (Nash.)—One 40-H. P.. one 30-H. P. Al condition. Now run ning. Bargain to quick buyer, on ac eouot of removal. Will work satisfac torily with gasoline. Hosier, Mt. Ver non. N. Y. C. W. H. LAKGLETZ. Loabcr-Wt are overstocked with all kinds and ! grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It wilt pay you to see us. Otbce Cameron and Mulberry Sta. BARGAIN—A baby coach, good as new, cost (30.00; was used only a few months, will sell for 110. Inquire 3!3 Chestnut St.. Harrisburg. Pa. BARGAINS in typewriters. Bar-lock, 110: Williams. $10; Remington. fls; Royal. 130. L. C. Smith and Under wood. prices reasonable. U C. SMITH A BROS.. 36 & Fourth St ONE PIANO—Was used about one year. i am leaving city and will sell It reasonable on monthly payments. Ad dress 3145. care Star-Independent FOR SALS—AT GABL£"S, lit, 115 and 111 South Second street 6,000 gallons Mew Era Ready Mixed Paint Acme I quality. All the full line of the Asm*' make, FDR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 B*>th Second Su MOO sets new Sash, till xl 3 L, primed and glaseA at (LIS par set. Also other lives | vid Duolap. 1829 N'orth Seventh street; , William 8. Moses, a butcher, 1320 ; Cowden street; William McDaniel, 1418 Herr street; Charles Freeborn, 651 Dauphin street, and William Cleelaod, Muench street. C V. NEWS LIQUOR LAWS VIOLATED? COURT ORDERS INQUIRY Ob the Statement of a Mercarsburg Clergyman, Judge (Milan Directs Grand Jury to Invaatigate Alleged Drunkenness Among Minors , • Ohsmbersburg, April 27. The Franklin county Grand Jury here at the present session of criminal court was directed yesterday to investigate charges made by the Rev. William Fred erick Bald, a Merceraburg clergyman, who has written the Judge, saying that hotelmen in and around Mercersburg have been in the htbit of furnishing in toxicants to minors. Judge Gillan ad vised the jurors to make a scathing in qairy so as to learn the "facta." This court order came as a surprise, notwithstanding the fact that it had been known here that complaints were to be registered agaiust alleged viola tions of the liquor laws. It really re lieves the county prosecutor and tho j county detective, who are busy • with this seseiou of court, front making the investigation and"* it also means that the inquiry will be begun at once and a report thereof made as quickly as pos sible. The clergyman's letter to the Judge was not read in open court, although it ' is said that the complainant gave the ■ names of several boys whom he charges j he accosted on the street while they I were dared and staggering from drunk | enness. Wholesale Bicycle Thefts Carlisle, April 27.-—With three (thefts reported within,a period of 3-4 ! hours, local officers are attempting to , locate the persons implicated in a i series of bicycle thefts. Colored lads i are suspected and arrests are expected to follow. Last night a bicycle was taken from the porch at the residence of W. A. Bender, ticket agent at the local Cum i berland Valley station. Later the wheel was seen with two colored boys in charge. About midnight Officer Speck found the bicycle virtually a ) wreck, lying on the lawn in the rear of I'Metzgar halL Between 7 and 9 o'clock Saturday evening, the bicycle of Clayton Stit i zel, clerk at the H. T. Henuan store | on East High street, was taken. The third theft occurred last even ing when a bicycle was taken from , the home of Harry Jones, North Pitt ? street, and later recovered in a dam- I condition on Penn street. i ——, Patent on Tape Clamp j Gettysburg, April 27.—Edgar M. j Hewitt, of this place, has secured a I patent on a tape clamp and is designed | for mending temporarily steel tapes 1 which are widely used in all surveying | work. Thev frequently tear, throwing j out of employment, some times for an | entire day, a gang of sis or eight sur , vpyors. who may hav e to return to their base until a new tape can be se j cured. j Alice Frick Greer Chambersburg, April . 27.—Mrs. j Alice Frick Greer, of Waynesboro and Johnstown, died Monday morning at >6.35 at the residence of J. G. Hite shew. Hazel street, this place, an i illness of five weeks. Mrs. Greer was i a member of the Methodist Episcopal 'church. She is survived b ythe follow ing sisters: Mrs. John H. Gehr, Waynes : Mrs. E. Johnson, Bucvrus, Ohio; Mrs. D. M. Johnson, Bucvrus. Ohio, i Mrs. Amy H. Snyder and Mrs. S. B. i Eiliott, neices, and J. G. Hiteshew, nep hew, of town, also survive. Found Dead Under His Auto Hagerstown. Md., April 27.—Ja ob Ambrose. 2o \V»ars old. of Berkley Springs, was killed while returning home alone from Hagerstown, near Lovers Leap, by his automobile over ' turning. It is thought he lost control :of the car by a tire bursting. A party 'of motorists found him dead, pinned beneath the car. Child Chokes to Death on Peanut I Cumberland. Md., April 27.—Leo . Scallv, 18 months old. son of Leo Seal ' lv, of Eckhart, this eounty, choked to ! death on a peanut which lodged in his throat yesterday morning. Violent coughing attracted the parents, but be fore a doctor could be summoned, the child was dead. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, April 2T.—Wheat weak er; No. 2 red. car lots, export, 1620165; Njx 1 northern, Duluth export, 173® Refined sugars firm; powdered. 6.00; fine granulated, 5.50; confectioners' A. 6.50. Bran firm: winter, per ton, (29630; spring, per ton, S2T.SO® 28.00. Corn weaker; No. 2 export, 79 @80; Mo. 2 yellow, local, 84 OS4H. Oats lower: No. 2 white, t>3«*o<>4. Butter higher; western dreamery, ex tra, 31; nearby prints, fancy, 34. Eggs steady; nearby firsts, free ease. 6.15; current receipts, free case. 6.00; western extra, firsts, free case. 6.15; firsts; free case, 6.00, Live poultry weak: fowls. 17® ITU; old rooeters, 120 124*; chickens. 134s 18; turkeys, 1301 a: ducks. 13015; geese, 10 #ll. Dressed poultry firm: fresh killed fowls, fancy, IS® 19: average. lt«»17: unattractive, 14® 15; old roosters, 13>4; frozen fowls, 16© 18; roasting chickeiie, 17@S0: broiling chickens, 22027; tur keys, 18®2£; ducks, 12® 18; geese, 1! ® 16. Potatoes firm; Pennsylvania, per toushel. 50655; Maine, 50055; New York. 40 045; Florida, per barrel. 4.000 5.25. Flour steady; winter straight, 7.000 7.25: spring straight, 7.250 7.50; spring patent, 7.500 8.50. Hay steady: No. 1 large balsa 18.000 18.50; No. 1 medium bales. 18.00018.50; No. i. do.. 16.00® 17.00; No. 3, do.. 14.00 ® 15.00; sample, 13.00014.00; light mix ed. 17.50 011.00; No. 1. 16.50017.00; No. 2. 14.50e15.50. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, April 27.—Hogs—'Receipts, 15.000: strong. Bulk, T. 3507.50; light, 7.25®7.60; mixed. 7.150T.60; heavy, 6.85 6_7_.45; rough. 6.8507.05; pigs, 5.25® Cattle—Receipts. 8,000: steady. Na tive beef steers, 6.10®8.65: western steers. 5.600 7.40: cows and heifers, 3.00 08.40; calves. 6.50® 9.00. Sheep—Receipts 10.000 ;• steady. Sheep, 7.50®8.60; lambs. 8.50011.00. i Those Asphyxia ting Bombs ' Paris, April 27.-*-The first Wounded soldiers who have arrived in Paris from the Ypres speak with scorn of the asphyxiating bombs used by the Ger mans. "Their famous bombs killed no bedy, said one of the wounded French men . "They just pnt to sleep those who breathed the fumes. Then the German* came up and killed the sleep ers., Fortunately help came and we finished smashing them."' LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this offiee in beat style, at iowest prices and on short notice. \ Bethlehem Steel Up S7O Am. Locomotive Up S3B Xb one week. WHICH ARE NEXT? They may he Among 3d se lected low priced stocks. Lift mailed on request CLARENCE CONE * CO.. 41 Broadway. Mew Yaek MONEY If you work, keep house, pay your bills snd need money for a good purpose, we can supply It in amounts of to S2OO at legal rates, payable weekly or monthly. Organised In 1909 bv local people with local cap ital to save borrowers from extortion. the Co-opera tive. regardless of what others advertise, still leads for business rates, terms and service. CO-OPERATIVE' loin ft Inmtmtnt Co. SO4 CIIKBT.WT ST. Open daily from S a. m. to *» p. m., and Wednesday and Saturday evenings until a o'clock. IFOR SALE Look here! Do yon want t« buy a new home? Go to SIS to S3O Geary I St. I am Just finishing four three- I story brick. mansard roof houses. with wide front and back porches ' and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented I cellar, hot and cold water In cellar. 1 Parlor and dining room, larga kitch en. five bed rooms and bath, six large :losets. vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and I dining room tlnished floors. No 1 houses in the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will surprise you. APRII. 13—TWO ARE SOI.D F. H. Hantzman OBce 660 Briggs St. f I FOR SALE 1>23 N. Second ft!., 3-story brick. 260-36! Delaware Ave., 2-story brick. 225 Broad St., 3-story frame. 1803 Green St., 3-story brick. PLOT OF 6ROOND 2033 N. 2nd St.. 50x16; ft. Paxtang Ave., Paxtang. 55x150 ft. Railroad Sidlag For Manufacturing or Coal Yard ft along P. & R. track. S7O ft along P. R. R. track. H. M. OIRO Vntoa Trust Rldg. One of the most prominent corners I of South Cameron Street, a frame ; house and lot 20x73 (with private alley), 1024 Paxton Street, only cross-town street below Market. ! Bath room and stove. Price, ' 92,100 if sold before May 10, 1S»15. M. A. Fought 272 North Street Harrisburg, Pa, >i . j ELECTED TO HOSPITAL BOARD I Jackson Herr Boyd' Is Chosen to FUI One of Four Vacancies At a meeting of Board of Managers of the Harrisburg hospital yesterday, Jackson Herr Boyd. 124 ! Pine street, was elected to till one of the four vacancies in the board. There was an informal discussion of a suggestion that a private ambulance be purchased for the hospital, but • nothing definite was decided upon, as I only a small fiwid is available. The hos ! pital at present is using the city am -1 bujance. Our 'JITNEY" Offer—This and {Sc. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with oe to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's | Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, j colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in eides and back, rheumatism, i backache, kidaey and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing ca thartic, especially comforting to stout persons. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street. —Adv. William Crawford Funeral The funeral of William Crawford, i who died Sunday at the Harrisburg hospital, was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the funeral chapel of T. M. Mauk & Son. The services were in ! .-barge of the Rev. E. E. Snyder, pas j tor of St. Matthew's Lutheran church. Interment was in Paxtaug cemetery. Lady Eagles to Meet A meeting of the ladies' auxiliary of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will be held to-morrow evening when eiery lady is asked to be present, as plans for holding a fair will be discussed. Fink 'g Hercules Porter. Especially j adapted to invalids and sick room use.—Adv. Many Refugees From Mexico By Associated Press. Galveston. Tex.. April 27.—The U. 1 6. transport Sun.uer arrived last night ! with 293 refugees from Tampico, Mex- 1 ico, anil most ot them left for their! homes in various parts of the United ' States. All but fifteen of the refugees; are Americans. Most of the arrivals had funds and less than fifty required aid-. The Harrisburg . Hospital is open daily except Sunday, betwoen 1 and t o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those un able to pay for them. See "THREE WEEKS" 280 Scenes "A Taken from the famous book by Elisor Oljrn. » To-day and To-morrow at the VICTORIA THEATRE E.H. COOPER A COMPANY FOUHDKRB AND MACHINISTS i > ** fi teiWmiii (mm» CASTIKQfI or 111. DESCRIPTION* HADH TO PATTKHN '•l' Far Ike MraiN Iraa Hnrlu SHORT AND SOUTH STREETS - HARRISBURO, PA. i Minded Man Hard Pea Coal 25c Cheaper Prices for Hard White Ash Pea. Coal have been reduced by the coal operators. This reduction was made because of dull times. Many large manufacturing plants use Hard White Ash Pea Coal for steam pur poses. On account of the dull times these manu facturing plants are only working part of the/ime and of course are not consuming much coal. This is your opportunity to get this size coal at a lower price than heretofore. Better place your order soon as the opera tors would give us no assurance as to how long the prices will remain down. United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Cowden ' Third and Sou Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry Also Steelton, Pa. I ARTISTIC PRINTING AT STAR - INDEPENDENT. AMUSEMENTS | AMUSEMENTS ' "MAJESTICTHE A TRE FRIDAY. APRIL SO, M ATI .NEK AND NIGHT 6ELWYN & CO. PRESENT THE LAUGH FESTIVAL MB PRlCEfr—Mat. 26<* to $1.00; Night-. 25c to >1.60. . Soate Tomorrow * TT " ■ ' COLONIAL Photoplay To-day Km /innrin amta stewart and kari, wil- ILfiORE S v, "—» OLONIAL IDS TMF. PHK K OF . PEACE,"—2-act | I.uhin drama, fenturlDK JUBTINA 3 Other Good Acts ; '" ,,u ' 2-nt't Kalrm tilrl Detective Sertea I ,* * * r ~ '~ U ~ I 11007 BARBED Cj VXI I Newark Custom Officials Refuse to I 1 v Sanction Johnson-Willard Pictures | I Newark, N. J., April 27.—The Fed- era j CU!i t omß officers refused a formal 10 w - TO 11 F- M. , demand for permission to show in this HTUC l city moving pictures of the Jobnson- I fit O IKL OF Trie Willard fight at Havana. flf\l ncju U/JTCT" Tho J pman ■ • -» thorities from prohibiting tbc picture*. 11