The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 26, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Letters Bead In Libel Trial To-day
Show Roosevelt's Relation With •
So-Called Bosses
Bit Associated Press.
Syracuse, X. Y., April 26. —A aeries
of confidential letters taken from the
files kept by the late Thomas C. Piatt,
while he was representing the State of :
New York in the United States Sen- j
ate, were to-day read to the jury try
-1 ing William Barnes' suit for alleged
libel against Theodore Roosevelt in the
Supreme Court here. Some of the let
ters were signed by Senator Piatt
while others were signed by Colonel
Roosevelt. In nearly all of them the
writers discussed candidate* for office
in the State government and in reply
to a question by Mr. Barnes' counsel,
the former President said without the
slightest hesitation that he consulted
freely with Senator Piatt about affairs
st Albany, knowing and realizing at
all times that he was the "boss" of
the Republican party in this State.
BMJ lunuimj
the light sentence. Mercer, however,
was not so well satisfied with his pun
ishment. He asked the Judge to make
the penitentiary term date from No
vember 7. last, the time of his arrest.
Judge Kunkel declined to ao that.
"A friend" wrote a communication
to the court asking leniency be extend
ed to Mercer, but Judge Kunkel said
"anonymous letters" are not consid
ered and he advised the District Attor
ney to destroy the letter.
A letter received bv District Attor
ney Stroup signed "Mrs. H. R. Mer
cer," from Philadelphia, asking for
' support fur herself and three sons, in
dicated. Stroup said, that Mercer evi
dently is ' fathering two families."
The letter stated, according to the Dis
trict Attorney, that an Atlantic City
woman, the mother of three children,
also claims to be Mrs. H. R. Mercer.
No 92,500 Bond Forthcoming
Mercer, in his plea for leniency, ex
pressed a desire to be "let go this
time" so that he could "look after"
his "family." Besieds, he said, prison
life has cost him his health. He said
that since he was -jailed here is old
fater has died.
For many weeks the sentencing of
Mercer was postponed because the
AVestchester county. New York, authori
ties. sought to gain his temporary free
dom to aid them in investigation of
some criminal cases. The local court
agreed to let Mercer go free if the
Westchestre eountv authorities would
post a bond of $2,500 to guarantee his
, return, but the bond was not forth
Tech Graduate Volunteers to Instruct
Garden Plot Toilers
L. Lerov Howard, a graduate of the
Technical High School in the class of
1908, to-day offered to the Harrisburg
Benevolent Association his services as I
instructor at the garden plots which
the association has just opened and his
1 offer was accepted with thanks. He
will serve without pay and will teach
new and unexperienced garden toilers
how to obtain best results.
Mr. Howard is 28 years old and a
son of James Howard, 306 South Fif
teenth street. He will make his head
quarters at the gardeus at Twelfth and
Calder streets and also will aid the
"farmers" at the Fifteenth and Cath
erine street plots. He will be at the
garden plots daily from 4 to S p. m.,
and also will spend some time there in
the mornings, if necessary. His hours
, in the morning will depend entirely
upon the interest manifested by the
soil tillers.
Mr. Howard will begin his work this
week and will continue to act as in
structor during the entire four-month !
6eason. .
Miss Jane Virginia Bayne and Joseph'
N. Hobart Married at Noon
A quiet wedding was performed at '
uoou to-day at the parsonage of the Im-,
mauuel Presbyterian church, when Miss;
Jane Virginia Bayne and Joseph N.
Hobart were united in marriage by the i
Rev. H. Everett Hallman. The wed
ding took place in the presence of the j
immediate families, after which the J
couple left for a short wedding trip.
On their return they will reside at 715 j
North Seventeenth street.
Mr. Hobert is well known through
out the city, especially in railroad cir
cles, being employed 'by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company as assistant
division engineer of the Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Emory C. Lutz Oet Bide
Following Ceremony
One of Harrisburg's jitneys was put
to a novel use on Saturday night when
a group of serenaders "kidnaped" a
newly-married couple in it. Following
the marjiage of Emory C. Lutz, of the
« .Mi'Keesport "Evening Times," and
Mi*s Florence X. Shreffler, 2140 North
.Seventh street, this city, at 8 o'clock,
the friends of the couple secured a .jit
ney and took the bride and groom
around the town.
, The jitney was well equipped with
appropriate placards and sprinkled with
rico and confetti.
City Clerk Miller Gets Information
From Other Third-Class Cities
Information regarding the success of
curfew ordinances in force in other
municipalities has been obtained by City
Clerk Miller from officials in four "third
class cities of the State and will be laid
before 'Harrisburg 's City Commissioners
at their meeting to-morrow afternoon.
The City Clerk was directed to get
this data for the information of the
City's lawmakers in view of the re
peated demands made by civic societies
here for the passage of a curfew bill.
The Commissioners to-day declined to
say what action they will take on the
curfew bill that now is pending before
Mr*. Fuller Has National Reputation
Mrs. Gertrude Breelau Fuller, of Pitts
burgh, who speaks on woman suffrage
and economics in The Chestnut street
auditorium Wednesday evening, has a
national reputation as a speaker. She
is a board member of the Pennsylva
nia Child Labor Association. i
London, April 26, 4.26 A. M.—A
dispatch from Athena to the "Tele
graph '' says Germany has replied to the
Greek government's note regarding the
torpedoing of the steamer EUispontos
in the North sea, stating that if inves-1
tigation s>how s the sinking was due to
the mistake of a German submarine,
Germany will express regrets and make
amends by the payment of 4n in-
Germany wishes Greece to
give to this communication
"as evidencing the good intentions of
the German government.*'
The Ellispontos, a steamer of 1,235
ton«, was torpedoed in the North sea,
April 17, while on her way from
Ymaiden to Monteveido. Her crew of
twenty-one men waa rescued.
Newport News, Va., April 26.—» The
Gorman auxiliary cruiser Kronprinz
Wilhelm, which put in her for repairs
two weeks ago after her commerce raid
ing cruise, was towed from her anchor
age to a coal pier early to-day.
She will take aboard between 3,500
and 4,500 tons of bunker coal, it was
stated at the pier. This will require to
day and a large part of to-morrow.
Pair Arrested for High Treason
Venice, April 25, 8.20 P. M., Via
Paris, April 26. 9 A. M.—Charged with
attempting to sell to a foreign power
railroad plans for the mobilization of
the Italian army, John Schishew, an in
terpreter, and Krnesto Crescente, a de
signer employed in the technical of
fices o fthe Italian railways, have been
arrested for high treason.
Many Arrests; People Live on Potatoes
Rome, April 25, 9.25 P. M., Via
Paris, .April 26, 9.30 A. M.—Eighty
seven more arrests for demonstrations
resulting from the shortage of food
are reported from Triest. The people
are said to be living almost entirely
upon potatoes, a large supply of which
has been received.
Cratlianl From First Pace.
his eyes, nose and an ugly gash in the
back of the head.
Medical aid was summoned and it
was found Mr. Shupp had a fracture of
the skull and concussion of the brain.
He was eonvcyetf to the Harrisburg
hospital in Charles E. Keim's automo
bile. There he was still unconscious at
noon to-day aud there was no hope for
his recovery. "
One of the two other victims of falls
is Mrs. Joseph Fletcher. When she
was sweeping the uppermost of three
steps at her home, 117 South Front
street, she turned suddenly around, lost
her balance and fell to the sidewalk,
sustaining a fractured right hip and
right arm.
Mrs. Harry Davis was the third vic
tim. While watering flowers at the
rear of her home, 3T2 South Second
street, she lost her balance and fell
down a flight of three steps receiving
an ugly gash above the right eye.
Ask the Governor to Help
The Aero Club of America has asked
Governor Brumbaugh to lend his aid in
making the National Aeroplane compe
tition in Xew York and vicinity a suc
cess. The meet will last from July 4
to October 12 and every State has 'been
asked to send competitors. A project is
on foot to secure two SB,OOO aeroplanes
for the Pennsylvania National Guard
as a nucleus for an air squad to be or
ganized later.
Many Visitors
Chester P. Ray, i n charge of the
Pennsylvania building at the Pnnasia-
Pacific Exposition in San Francisco,
writes that the Pennsylvania building
is visited every day by thousands of
people, among them being many former
Pennsylvaniniis. When the Pennsylva
nia moving pictures are installed, de
picting scenes in this State, including
the pageant on the moving of the war
flags from the flag room to the Capitol,
the attendance is expected to reach
capacity limit. The space reserved for
the Liberty Bell is being made ready
for the reception of the old relic, and
its arrival in the exposition grounds
will t>e made the occasion for a great
Ptter Raglan Held Under *SOO Bail
For Selling Whiskey
Peter Raglan, colored, who lived at
16 Cowden street, was held under SSOO
bail for court this afternoon by Mayor
Royal on a charge of selling liquor
on Sunday and without a licence. Wil
liam Dawson, who was detained as a
witness testified that he purchased a
half pint of whiskey yesterday for
fifty cents. Joe Hoston, the city 's of
ficial dog catcher, testified that he
paid thirty-five cents on one oct-'asion
on Sunday to Raglan for half a pint.
Raglan was arrested yesterday
morning by Policemen Brine anil
Schelbas after was seen to
emerge from No. 16 V-'owden street,
with a bottle of whiskey.
Band Concert Will Be Feature on En
tertainment Next Thursday
Plans are being made for a "boost
er" meeting and social for the mem
bers of Branch 168, Knights of St.
George, and their friends next Thurs
day night. The Verdi Italian band of
thirty pieces, one of the crack musical
organizationsfof Central Pennsylvania,
has been engaged for the occasion. The
baLd 'B president, C. Gacta, was in New
York last week and obtained several se
lections, which are entirely new here.
During the evening refreshments will
be served and short addresses will be
made by members of the Knights of St.
George. Efforts are also being made to
have a member of the supreme body
The social will be held in McClos
key hall, which adjoins • St. Francis
church on Market street near Fiftee&th.
A committee, composed of M. J. Barry,
chairman; Simon J. Hare, Frank J. Su
tcr, Thomas Culhanc and Charles Theur
er, is arranging for the meeting.
Commissioner Eby Ii Stronger
County Commissioner John H. Bby,
who is confined to his Lykens home
suffering from a nervous breakdown,
was reported slightly improved to-day.
Directors Have Sold All Beal and Per
sonal Property and Are Now
Awaiting Court Order to Distribute
Funds That Remain in Treasury
Applications-for the dissolution of
the Eagle Tanning Company, of Eliza
bethville. Dauphin county, and the con
firmation of the sale of the company's
real estate and personal property to Da
vid R. Motter for $30,000 all are con
tained in a petition presented to Judge
Kunkel to-dav t>y the directors of the
company. District Attorney M. E.
Stroup presented the papers. The pro
ceedings is amicable, since the company
has ceased doing business.
The court was asked to designate a
time when the request may be granted,
this for the purpose of first giving no
tice to all concerned of the company's
intention. The court has not yet fixed
the date. The directors certify that
they have sold the property, that they
have no debts and that a balance re
mains in the hands of the treasurer for
distribution among the stockholders.
G. Fred Gaupp, president of the com
pany, makes the application.
M. S. Hershey's Chauffeur Had Bealty
and Personal Property Holdings
Worth About *1,500
The estate of Ira Kohr, who for sev
eral vears and up until the time of his
death in an auto accident some months
ago was employed as private chauffeur
to M. 8. Hersliey, the Hershey choco
late king, is valued at between $1,200
and $1,500. This became known to
day when the young widow appeared
before Register of Wills Roy C. Dan
ner and took out letters of administra
tion on the estate. Kohr left no will.
To Fix Property Lines
C. H. Hoffer, A. L. Etter and George
H. Schadt, all Middletowners, were
to-day appointed a .commission to de
termine property lines of some real es
tate situated in Middletown which
formerly was owned by the late Matil
da J. Rambler. The properties are sit
uated on ground leased from the
Emaus Orphan Home trustees under
the will of the late George Fry, founder
of the home. By Mrs. Rambler's will
one portion of the real estate goes to
her daughter, Mrs. Julia R. Xissley, and
the remainder to her grandson. Leonard
Adopt Two Children
Court orders by Which two children
may be adopted by foster parents were
made this morning by Judge Kunkel.
Jesse I. and May Grubb, of Harrisburg,
will adopt as their heir and child Jesse
R. Doutrich, a son of Harry and Lucy
Doutrich. of Marygville. In the other
case Albert M. keane is permitted to
adopt his nephew. Miciiael P. Keane, 20
years old. and a son of Peter and the
late Johanna Keane. The lad's father
is a brother of the would-be foster par
File Amended Statement /
An amended statement, changing in
form but not in substance papers in
the damage suit of William C. Shaull, a
contracting carpenter, against Joseph
L, Shearer. Jr., to-day was filed with
the court by Samuel Zimmerman, coun
sel for the plaintiff.
Suit Over Stock Deal
William M. Bates this morning filed
a civil suit against H .W. Suavely, a
Hariisburg broker, to recover $4,160.95
alleged to be due on a stock transaction.
General James W. Stranahan filed the
Appeal Taken in Tax Case
An appeal in the tax suit against
the Westinghouse Air Brake Company
to-dav was filed in the office of Wil
liam V. Pearsen, Prothonotary of the
State Supreme Court. Notice simultan
eously was given to Prothonotary Hol
ler, of the Dauphin county eourt.
Civil Suit From Vancouver
It was learned here to-day that the
suit between the United Iron Works
and the Mainland lee aud Storage
Company, now pending in King
George's court in Vancouver, B. C.,
and in which testimony is to be taken
in Harrisbur?, is a civil suit involving
the sale of material. A sample of ma
terial furnished the defendant was re
ceived to-day by Charles C. Stroh,
representing the defendant. The Har-,
risburg end of the case will open
within a day or so with Frank J. Roth,
of this'city, sitting as commissioner
to take testimony.
Three New Divorce Suits
Among the divorce suits (begun this
morning were the following:
David vs. Edna Diven, desertion;
Ethel vs. Edwin Davenport, desertion;
Catherine vs. George Waffenden, de
License Transferred
On application of Lincoln C. Carl,
attorney, Judge Kunkel this morning
made an order transferring the liquor
license held by George Katyueh, for
the Williamstown house. Williamstown,
to John Stadribr.
Appointed Election Officer
Judge Kunkel this morning appoint
ed Isaac Straw, a majority inspector
for the election district in the Second
precinct of Middle Paston township,
to. succeed the late L. E. Adams.
Marriage Licenses
Peter J. Mitchell and Mary 8. Ker
age, Williamstown.
Joseph N. Hobart and Jennie V.
Payne, Harrisburg.
Sentences Imposed
Among the sentences imposed by
Judge Kunkel this morning were the
following: William Gripman, Frank
Miller an<J Joseph Smith, larceny, two
months in jail; John E, Marshall and
Edward Seguime, carrying concealed
deadly weapons, sentence suspended;
Charles Hoy, serious charge, sls fine
and costs.
Another IXniontown Bank Action
By Associated Press.
Uniontown, Pa., April 26.—Another
receivership growing out of the failure
of the First National Bank, of Union
town, made its appearance in court
when receivers were appointed for
Francis M. Semans, Jr., former assist
ant cashier of the bank.
Berlin, April 26, by Wireless to
Savville—ln the official statement
given out to-day by the German gen
eral army headquarters it was an
nounced tjjat more than 1,000 Cana
dians had been captured in the fight
ing around Ypres, Belgium. The text
"The Germans hold Lixerne. on the
west >bank of the oanal which the
French pretend te have reconquered.
Also on the east of the canal the con
quered terrain remains in the posses
sion of the Germans. The number of
cannon taken by the Germane rose to
45, including four English.
"Northwest of Zonnebeke the Ger
man attacks continue.. More than 1,000
Canadians were taken prisoner. The
total number of prisoners rose to 5,r
000. Thev include Senegal' nogroes,
English, Tnroos, Hindus, French, Can
adian Zonaves, and Algerians.
"In the Champagne region, north
of Beausejour, two French night at
tacks were repulsed.
"On the Meuse heights the German
attacks progressed several moun
tain saddles until the height to thP"
west of Lee Eparges was taken by
storm. Several hundred French sol
diers were taken prisoner. Several ma
chine guns also were captured. •
"In the Ailly forest the enemy's
advances failed.
"In the Vosges the Germane took
gagement eleven ; : officers and 749
French soldiers <lpre made prisoner
and six mine' throwers 'and four ma
chine guns capturM.
"Northwest of Ciechanow feeble
Russian night attacks were repulseil
and the situation on the east front re
mains unchanged.''
C«Btliucd From Flrat Page.
of the principal places, and listening
to the arguments at the capitol. When
this kind of life grew monotonous
"Buck" decided that the next best
tiling to do to while away the time
was to hunt a job. After looking fori
work unsuccessfully for several days!
he went to the Western Union office
where he easily got a ,iob as messenger.,
there being a greaf demand for boys
at the time. His father, who is a man
of considerable means, objected to this
but that didn't matter to "Buck," for
he has a mind of his own.
' While in the service of the com
pany young Mangan always was faith
ful in fulfilling his duties, his manager
said this morning, and in addition to
this gained the name of being the po
litest messenger boy on the force, al
ways making it a point to remove his
cap when entering an office or calling
at a residence.
It was stated at the office of the
company that both officers and clerks
regretted to see the boy leave, as he al
ways was on the alert to meet demands
upon his services, setting a good ex
ample to the other messenger boys.
Services Held at Market Square Pres
byterian Church This Afternoon
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah E. Doll
McCauley, widow ot Gilbert M. Me-
Caulev, who died at her home, 13 South
Front street, Friday night, was held
this afternoon at 3 o'clock from Mar
ket Square Presbyterian church. The
services were in charge of the Rev. Dr.
J. Ritchie Smith, of Princeton Theolog
ical Seminary; the Rev. Dr. George P.
Stewart, president of Auburn Theolog
ical Seminary, both former pastors of
the church, and the Rev. William B.
Cooke, pastor in charge. Prior to the
removal of the body to the church a
short service wa» held at her home at
2.30 o'clock for the relatives.
Benjamin M. Crawford
Benjamin M. Crawford, aged 67
years, died at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. H. W. Mumma. He is sur
vived by the following children: Mrs.
H. W. IMumma, Mrs. J. E. Hoffnagle,
Marian 8., Leo and Claud Crawford.
The funeral will be held to-morrow aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock from tfhe funeraj
chapel of T. M. Matik & Son, 1521
North Third street. The services will
be in (Jiarge of the Rev. E. E. Snyder,
pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran
church. Interment in Paxtang ceme
Mrs. Sophia Holmes
Mrs. Sophia Holmes, wife of Henry
Holmes, died at the Harrisburg hos
pital after a short illness, aged 40
years. Surviving are her husband aud
one daughter. The funeral will be held
from her home, 1710 Wood street, Wed
nesday morning at 9 o'clock. The serv
ices will be in charge of the Rev. E. E.
Rupp. The body will be taken to Dun
cannon on the 10.25 train for burial.
Mrs. Annie Dempsey
Mrs. Annie Dempsey, wife of James
died at her home, 540 North
street, v yesterday morning, aged 54
years. Vie is survived by her husband
and four children. The funeral will be
held from St. Patrick's cathedral Wed
nesday morning at 9 o'clock. Inter
'inent will be in Mt. Calvary cemetery.
Life Imprisonment for Strike Bioter
By Associated Press.
Fairmont, W. Va., April 26.—80y
Haller, who with 133 others was in
■dicted for the murder of Constable W.
R. Riggs, during a riot between strik
ing miners and a sheriff's posse near
Farmington, W. Va., last February to
day pleaded guilty and was sentenced
to lire imprisonment.
Burned in Gas Explosion
Andrew Garosic., 1022 Herr street,
was burned about the face, 'head and
hands yesterday gas escaping
from a main in the Harrisburg Pipe
and Pipe Bending Company plant ex
ploded from a torch he wis carrying.
He was admitted to the Harrtebuig
hospital for treatment.
Villa's Horse Shot From Under Him
Washington, April 26.—1n the battle
of Celaya, General Villa's horse was
shot under him in a charge of the
"battalion of death," according to an
report from Chihuahua to En
rique C. Llorente, of the Villa agency v
Kantner Gets Heavy Sentence
Wayne Kantner, who pleaded guilty
to setting fire to his house at 619 Ma
hantongo street, was sentenced to the
Eastern penitentiary late this afternoon
for from 18 months to 3 vears by Judge
Demonstrations Every Day in Harris
burg and Other Cities Through
out the United States /
This week t'he "Gas Range," the
housewife's greatest helper, yis in the
limplight, naturally, so to speak. There
wilk be special demonstrations every
day in tho large cities throughout the
country, in which the many advantages
of the gas range will be explained.
Those who selected the dates for this
event were certainly fortunate so far as
weather conditions are concerned. With
the thermometer soaring up in the nine
ties in the shade, the coal ranges and
cooking stoves seem a bit too hot for
comfort in the kitchen and the gas
range in which the heat can fee regu
lated to a nicety and turned off and on
at will, certainly has the distinguished
consideration of the woman who has to
go through the ordeal of cooking ami
baking in hot weather. There is so
much to be said in favor of the gas
range that the gas range people are go
ing to take a whole week t*i say it.
Economy, efficiency, cleatfliness and com
fort are some of the claims put forth
on general principlef, while eatjh manu
facturer and dealer will feature the su
perior points of his own line or product.
Few cities have taken more kindly
to t'he gas range than Harrisburg. Per
haps the spirit which has revolution
ized so many things and made the city
one of the most progressive in the
country has had much to do with it,
or may be if can 'be credited to t'he
roctive campaign and liberal induce
ments put forth by the Harrisburg Gas
Company. Surely the latter has been
very zealous in introducing this modern
institution into the homes of 'Harris
burg, Steelton and other towns reached
by its lines for supplying gns for fuel
and light.
This week, as a matter of course, the
company has big demonstrations on at
its stores and offices in Harrisburg,
Steelton anil Middletown. During this
demonstration a special reduction will
be made on every cabinet gas range
that is sold.
State Will Not Reimburse Counties That
Were Victims of Frauds
Piled up in the office of the State
Game Commission to-day were several
large boxes containing affidavits from
counties that had been filed for claims
for bounties for killing noxious animals
and predatory "birds.
Under the law these affidavits must
now be filed with Secretary Kalbfus, of
the Game Commission, and he will go
through them "to ascertain whether they
are correct or bogus. It will involve a
great deal of work, but the State does
not propose, to be swindled out of thou
sands of dollars if it can help it. It is
expected that a close examination will
reveal a great deal of fraud, in which
event the counties which have paid the
bills will not be reimbursed, j]»ut will
lose what they have paid on the fraudu
lent claims.
Already many fraudulent claims
have been discovered. In a number of
instances it was shown that bounties
were paid on heads of rats and chickens
which the claimants represented to be
those of weasels and goshawks, respec
Boy Drowns in Reservoir
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Williamstown, April 26.—While
playing on the roof of the reservoir
here with a number of fellow play
mates, William Nau, was drowned
when the roof gave way Saturday aft
ernoon. By the time several men ar
rived and brought the boy to the sur
face he was dead. He is 10 years of
age and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Nau.
Motor to Fountain Springs Hospital
Lieutenant Warden and City Detec
tives W'hite and Murnane yesterday mo
tored to Fountain Springs hospital near
Ashland, where they visited Chief of
Police Hutchison. They found Chief
Hutchison improved. He will try to
coma home the latter part of this week
or early next week.
is guaranteed by using
Fashionable McCall Patterns
The latest styles. Empire and Bolero effects, Flowing sleeves, Full skirts,
Tailored and simple plain costumes, suitable for development in Silks,
Linen% Serges and the new Cotton fabrics, are found in widest selection in
the new McCall Patterns now on sale.
© MOCILU Skirt 646 a S4 \\ Waist 6457
xWr |L\ \ Skirt 628#
15c each for these McCall Designs—Make one up y«\irse(f—lt will surely
please you.
You will always find the latest and most stylish Fash
ions in McCall Paper-Patterns. Ask for any design
you want. You can easily make it yourself, look well
dressed and save money.
The Summer McCafl Book of Fashion s
When Bought With Any 15c McCall Pattern
E. M. SIBLE, 1300 Market Street
A. R FRAIM, 2032 Sixth Street
Avalanche of Beqaaata for New Places
Under OommlMlontr Jackaon
Application* tot positions as deputy
factory inspectors, under the (bill ap
proved 'by the Governor increasing the
number f: -m fifty to 100, have de
scended on John Price Jackson, Com
missioner of labor and Industry, like
an avalanche, and their number in
creases from day to day. At least two
hundred applications are now on file,
and still they come.
Commissioner Jackson said to-day that
he will take up the matter of appoint
ments with Governor Brumbaugh be
fore he announces any of them, and it
is the intention to obtain the men ibest
fitted for the 'places. The chief work at
present will be to get men who can aid
the employes to improve conditions aud
to take an interest in the laws that
have 'been enacted for their benefit. It
is intended to get the new deputies to
work as soon as possible, as Commis
sioner Jackson says the force at pres
ent caunot adequately cover the work
mapped out.
As the applications are received they
are filed, and in time Commissioner
Jackson will have a conference with
the Governor aud then announce the
new fifty deputies.
George W. Heckert, of York, former
manager of the Harrisburg Tri-State
baseball team, has announced he is seek
ing one of the ,jo>bs and is circulating
a petition in his own behalf. Charles K.
binder, the York chief of police, also
is reported to be seeking one of the
Williams Valley Injunction Proceed
ings Postponed By Court's Order
The hearing set for to-morrow in
the injunction proceeding brought by
the Sterling Consolidated Electric
Company, a holding concern to restrain
a group of stockholders of the Wil
liams Valley Water Company, an un
derlying concern from taking it£ af
fairs out of the control of tne Sterl
ing company, to-day was indefinitely
postponed by Judge' Kunkel at the in
stance of counsel for the plaintiff com
pany. -
This action was taken in view of
the fact that but one of the five mem
bers of the defendant company has re
ceived formal notice of the suit and
also to give the defendants ample time
to employ counsel and prepare a de
fense. The defendants include P. B.
Shaw, of Williamsport, and the follow
ing Philadelphians: George Parknian,
R. W. McConnell, James A. Tanner and
William J. Kennedy.
In the meantime the preliminary in
junction obtained last week remains
in force. An answer must be filed
within thirty davs from the date the
defendants receive official notice of the
suit. That notice wilf be served by
the Sheriff of Philadelphia county.
Secretary Woods Exchanges Greetings
With Dr. Brumbaugh in Meyerstown
Governor Brumblugh returned from
Philadelphia last night in his automo
bile and was at his desk this morning
hard at work. A great many visitors
consulted him on pending legislation.
On his way to Philadelphia on Fri
day afternoon the Governor met Secre
tary of the Commonwealth Woods in
his automobile returning from Philadel
phia. The meeting took place in the
public square in Meyerstown, and be
fore the populace could get up a dem
onstration in honor of the two officials
they had exchanged compliments and a
few remarks about the weather and said
Brotherhood to Visit Central
S. B. Watts, local manager of the
Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylva
nia, will deliver a lecture before the
Brotherhood of Grace Methodist church
this evening at 7.30 o'clock. After
the lecture the Brotherhood will be
taken through the Harrisburg central
office by Mr. Watts aud shown the actu
al operation of a switchboard.
They Are Again Conspicuous In Deal
ings When Nov Week Opens In
Wall street Trading—Spasmodic
Deals Brighten Business
By Ataoclatrd Prest. \ V
New York, April 26.—Wa1l Street,
—indications of a continuance of
stock market activity was seen at the
beginning of the week's operations,
specialties were agsin conspicuous with
gains of I to 2 points in Bethlehem
Steel, National Mexican Petrole
um, Baldwin Locomotive, General Mo
tors and Guggenheim exploration, while
leaders were fractionally higher. Amer
ican can was up almost 2 points on
initial sales of 3,900 shares, and U. 8.
Steel rose the smallest fraction on of
ferings of 5,000 shares, but soon lost a
full point. Standard railway shares
were relatively backward, but New
Haven and Hock island advanced a
point each.
Early gains were materially reduced
by heavy profit taking, but the set
back was of brief duration, renewed
buving i on a larger scale soon overtak
ing any reactionary tendoncies. Higher
prices were made before noon, Reading
recovering much of its 2 per cent.'divi
dend and other investment issues show
ing greater streugth. Coppers respond
ed to another advance in metal prices,
Utah and several others of that group »
ascending to record quotations. Gains
of 1 to 2 points were general, the only
weak features being railroads lik*» iMis
souri-Paciflc. and Missouri, Kansas and
Texas. Bonds were irregular, with buoy
ancy in copper convertibles.
New York, Aprill26.
Open. 'Close;
Alaska Gold Mines ... 39% 38%
Amal Copper 78% 78y t
Amer Beet Sugar 48% 4814
American Can .. 39 38
do pfd 99i/ 2 9914
Am Car and Foundry Co 55 " 54
Am Cotton Oil ....... 53V» 52%
Am Ice Securities .... 34% 33%
Amer Loco 58% 55
Amer Smelting 75 74'/^
American Sugar 112%&110 V.
Amer Tel and Tel 122 > *,122
Anaconda 38% 38%
Atchison 104% jlO4
Baltimore and Ohio .... 77% 77%
Bethlehem Steel 142*14414
Brooklyn R T 91% 91
California Petroleum .. 19 18%
Canadian Pacific 169 _ 167%
Central Leather 42%* 40%
Chesapeake and Ohio .. 48 47'/,
•Chi, Mil and St Paul . . 96% > 96
Chino Con Copper .... 4 8 48%
Col Fuel and Iron .... 32% 31%
Consol Gas 127%,| 128
Corn Products . 14% 14%
Krie 29" 28%
Erie, Ist pfd 44% , 44%
General Electric Co. ... 153 " 153%
Goodrich B F 48 48%
Great Northern pfd ... 121 % ( ?) 121 %
Great Nor Ore, subs. . 38% 38%
Interboro lMet 21 20%
InteTboTO Met. pfd .... 75% 70
'1 #eliigh Valley 144 * 143%
louis and Nashville .. 125 125
Mex Petroleum 9 6 90%
•Mo Pacific 14 13
'National Lead 63 64
'New York Cen 90 88%
NY, N H and H. .... 69%' 67%
Norfolk and West ... 106 '"105%
Northern Pacific 110% 110
'Pacific Mail 20% 21
Pennsylvania R. R. .... 110% 110%
People's Gas and Coke . 120% 120'
Pittsburgh Coal 23 23%
do pfd 95% 94
Press Steel Car 49 49
Rav Con. Copper . . ... 25% 25%
xxßeading 153 152
Repub. Iron and Steel . 29% 28%
Southern Pacific 94 93'
Southern By 18% 18%
Tennessee Copper 34% 35
Texas Company 139 139
Union Pacific . 133% 13
U. S. Rubber 69% 69% ,
U. S. Steel 59% 57%
do pfd 109% 108%
Utah Copper 72 71%
Vir.Carolina Ch'eni. .. .• 28% 28%
Western Maryland .... 25 25
W. U. Telegraph 68% 6 9
Westinghouse Mfg .... 87% 86
xxEx-div. 2.
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
By Associnted Press.
Chicago, April 26.—Close:
Wheat—May, 164%; July, 137%.
Corn—May, 77%; July, 80%.
Oats—May, 56%; July, 55%.
Pork .Tuiv, 18.07; September,
Lard Julv, 10.35; September,
Ribs July, 10.47; September,
A Prediction by Ovids.
Ooida, far from regarding heavy
feeding as a concomitant of literary
snccess, once declared that to eat any
thing more than was strictly necessary
was vulgar and barbaric, and, further,
that to take food In public or anywhere
except in entire domestic privacy was
"an Indelicacy which In the coming
golden age of refinement we shall no!
dream of. We shall then," she said, "no '
more think of Indulging bodily needs in
the presence of others than of cleaning
our teeth or washing oar hair In th«
public view." And then will be the end
of the "restaurant" habit.—Pearson'!
Hard Labor. »
A definition of herd labor appear*
in the decision of the court in People
versos Hanrahan, 75 Mich., 621, as fol>
"Hard labor In Itself Is not lnfamom
or degrading. On the contrary, it 1«
ennobling and is the foundation upon
which reposes all true progress in men
tal and moral development.
"The infamy and degradation consist
in Its being Involuntary."—New York
LFfe's Limit*.
All indications point to the fact that
less than ten miles below our feet a red
heat Is maintained permanently and
within twenty a white heat Ten miles
above us we have the pitiless cold, fht
below zero, of interplanetary space, /
To what a narrow zone of delicately
balanced temperature is life confined!