12 | Additional Tuesday Star Bargains | STAR 1 L shades. Special to-mor- __Tl_ • T» ■ • • r i • pieces to match; 30 inches in row, yard,' . a . TJo ~~ | ine most important Bargain occasion of the entire year i * ____ I diameter. Special A.A.n tr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, I A Star Bargain a « . r - . 1 . CORSETS AND to-morrow T"T"C B„a.t floor. MEN'S KNEE DRAW- occurs to-morrow in the presentation of scores of extraordinary BRASSIERES .. P. m „. y » s«w.„, ;— ———ZZZZI ERS values. In many instances you will find staple, seasonable Lace or embroidery trimmed I I Street Floor. I ~ i_ j • IJII • ii i T brassieres, 75c and SI.OO values. A Star Bargain Assorted qualities of knee merchandise marked below prevailing wholesale cost. In Special Tuesday 44c f~~ ——————— IN MEN'S HALF HOSE menT• "izes 38 £>?Yn every case the exceptional bargains will be designated by a Star. on cwii corsets low or medin tv Tn Fibre silk seamless half hose, madras, voile and silk; no ex- V & Coutil corsets, low or medium IN BLACK MOHAIR seconds of 25c quality, in white changes. Special, A.A.C ~~ ——————————— ———————————————. s» em ron e ge. rims gg c mo i la j r> 42 i nc hes and black. Special to- 44c each, frC star Bargain A Star Bargain ' Star Bargains I I kf)ecia uiscay 44c wide, special in the AXc °r»U 3 . P pt.n,;Vs«w. rt , IN TURKISH TOWEM IN MOSQUITO NET- IN COLORED DRESS ' 3t "" r "*".' 1! II pink' blue or yellow 2„" TING GOODS Second Floor Three Elevators. | | Street Floor. J subject t0 sli * ht imperfections.' $3.00 coating 54 inches wide. ——J A Star Bargain A Star Bargain K«X,T W ' 77' 75 yards in the lot. Spe-44 c A Star Bargain . ~ 1 IN WOMEN S HOSE IN HUCK TOWELS £ 44c row, pi ee, P *4c ei.l T»«d»y only, yard. «4C IN LONGCLOTH ™ HAIU|A? Re f „,»r 50,. thread and fibre J* '"nd red 'tp fSF* **«* « tV°— 44c 1 Tueaday onl/yard, .. 44c P fllr ' • tr Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, —— Beach cloth, 36 inches. W ' yard 7 tr Dives. Porneroy & Stewart, Btreet F]oor y A Star Bargain A Star Bargain Special Tuesday only, AAr Street Floor. ' tv Diveß ' Pomer °y & Stewart, IN COTTON TOWEL CHILDREN'S yard ' Street F '° or ' ____________________ — — TW/l PAJAMAS 75c figured challies, 27 inches . A Star Bargain „,. „ JAJHAO wide. Special Tuesday AAr A Star Banrain *" A Star Bargain TN ______ ~n Wp T „ 8c linen finish cotton towel- Regular 75c white cambric only, yard, 44C watt ti ar Bargain IN MEN'S ATHLETICS nuuA XUWJIIJJD in g ; red or blue border; 16 pajamas, in sifees 4to 10 years. IN FRENCH VOILE IN MEN'S SHIRTS Regular 50c nainsook athletic %°t ££ tor 44 C . 44C Kx.r, s ,e, 18 V 19 , 44C w,* 44c K*'." tr Dives. Porneroy & Stewart, ur Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, ty of blues. Special AAr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, n P Vol , Street Floor - street F ""»- —ZZZZZZZIZZI Tuesday only, yard ... 44C Street Floor. D,ve^of. A Star Bargain A Star Bargain SI.OO and $1.25 Priestley's —L— ————— A Star Bargain A Star Bargain MERCERIZED NAP- IN CHILDERN'S i P "" A Star Bargain 7T~T~" IN WOMEN'S VESTS WHITE RAMIE LINEN KINS PAJAMAS yard . 44c IN CANTON CREPE IN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 75c white lisle vests; import- 36-inch Ramie linen in white, Regular SI.OO a dozen nap- 75c two-in-one pajamas; solid *1 05 Silk Ponlin 40 inches- AII V Y°° l crepe ' in a q ,,alit y Men's SI.OO negligee shirts; ed Swiss ribbed; fancy \-shape tor Summer skirts; regular &>c kins; 1,0x20 inches square; hem- colors and stripes; sizes 4to remnant lengths Snecial AA J ordinarily sold for'7sc. Extra soft cuffs; sizes 14 to 17; some I lace yokes. Special to- AA „ quality. Special to-mor- AA c med. Special to-mor- A A 16 years. Special in the AA r TUPSIV nnlv vard 44C special in the sale to- AA r are counter soiled. Spe- A A morrow, row, 2 yards for row, y 2 dozen for sa j e norrow, lne - ° nly ' yam ' ''" morrow yard, c ial the sale, ..... 44C tr Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, iJT Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, iar Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, tr Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, Dives> Pomero y & Stewart, tsr Dives, Porneroy & Stewart, ur Dives. Porneroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Street Floor. # Street Floor. Men's Store. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. A Star Bargain A Star Bargain A Star Bargain m A Star Bargain A Star Bargain A Star Bargain IN CREPE DE IN BLACK TAF IN ORIENTAL A IN FANCY RIB- TN WAqTT rnnn « IN COLORED CHINE FETA VVQWR A BONS IN WASH 600DS • EPONGE 89c black taffeta, 36 ViO 1 IUI!iB Printed warp and strip nee cloth in solid 75c colored epongee suit- Keguar 91.au quality, inches wide; specially White and cream orient- ribbons in fancy patterns; colors; 40 inches wide. ing, 42 inches wide; good in the Star Bargain al lace vestees; regularly s sto 6 inches wide; values Special to-morrow, AAr shades. Special to- 44 r 8 42" 44c z Special to- 44c I I I to c " ®P ec ' a ' to " 44c I I yards for 44C I I morrow, yard I j' T'T'C yarct, morrow , morrow, 2 yds. for w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, y tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t.» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, «r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. OT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. •—•a—_ _______ Street Floor. L—__ |H I I —— ; A Star Bargain A Star Bargain v A Star Bargain A Star Bargain TK WP SPP IN^ E D F K S ER - IN VOILE FLOUN. IN COLORED PER. ™ T.TNin FLOUNCING r> ~ i u CALES ' Regular Bc. apron ging- I Women's one corner era- Beautifully embroider- ham in the celebrated hail s' black messaline of broidered hemstiched linen 18-incb wide oriental ed voile flouncing, 4o 1_ /•>(' white ground per- caster brand; most of them fine quality; 36 inches handkerchiefs; regular 15c ' a _ ee flouncing; values to inches wide; values to 75c. cales, with stripes in col- j n checks. Special wide. Star Bargain AAr values. Special to- AAr Special to- AA r Special to-morrow, 44c or. Special to-mor- to-morrow, 8 yards AA r> price, yard, morrow, 4 for ... morrow, yard,... TV " yard row, o yards for.. for WL tsr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tsr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t-s Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor 'Street Floor. Street, Floor. Street. Floor. ■— r . A Star Bargain A Star Bargain A Star Bargain A Star Bargain BRASSIERES Star Bargains A Star Bargain IN LAUNDRY SOAP BOYS' NIGHT SHIRTS IN STAMPED APRONS RUFFLED CUSHIONS Brassieres trimmed with em- sii 9 N uJfrimS ABASEMENT ITEMS White laundry soap, made Boy,' 50e e.tnbrie and eheek lOe atamped apron,, stamped 35e filled ruffle euahions of ' t" m"°to 44C 37e' valuT" Sp3"to-7Z V om , vegetable oils only. Spe- uamsook night shirts; mm 6 on a p,od .jualitv of fUxon ind cretonne. Speei.l in the AA P edge; broken sue. sl.lO to Tuesday only, morrow, 2 for 44C cial in the sale, 14 full AA r to 16 years. Special in 44, check lawn. Special in AAr sale, 2 for 44 C $1.95 values. Special Liitrimmed hemp hats in size bars for the sale, the sale 6 for 44C ' _ „ to Tnesdav onlv man y sha P es and colors - fe pe- 7oc while lined blue outside ... p . ait n the sale, b tor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, luesday on y, cial Tuesday AAr teakettles. Special to- AAr tr Dues, Pomeroy & Stewart, tsf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, i«- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevators. tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, "C Basement. Street Floor. Third Floor—Three Elevators. ————————— Second Floor —Three Elevators. Trimmed mushroom straw 7 - onnmol Ro.-lin Lot hats for jrirls vines to *1.95. AA - s P ecial ' U( SC ' a - v 44c I I to-morrow, 44C I A Star Bargain A Star Bargain A Star Bargain 44<£ NAINSOOK CORSET I tss~ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I I 69c inverted gas lamps, coin- I IN MEN'S SHIRTS IN STAMPED TOWELS COLORED CRETONNE Royal Waists i„ semi-tailored COVERS Kinnt"r,. | piott and 44c Men's $!.00 light Wdght flan- 35c stamped towels, stamped 50e cretonne, 36 inches wide, s Jy. leß ; madras with colored Nainsook corset covers, lace BOl() blown g | ass tab i e tmn . to 17 Spedai y in°th y e ; "Ta on S ood quality linen huck, in many attractive and rich ef- cXr JSd C or 'embroidery trimmed, 50c, A Star Bargain biers; star etching. Spe- 44 Q L ... P ... .. 44c ™?i t^? d r t ?r44c r- Jd PeC,al in the 44c 75c and SI.OO values. 44 C IN WOMEN'S DRESSES cial tr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart rv n' ' ai ' exchanged. SI.OO value. 44 c Special Tuesday on y,.. $1.25 house and porch dresses 75c decorated German 44 c * ' lve8 ' I omeroy & Stewart, W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Special Tuesday 0n1y,.. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 0 f J awn an J percale; sizes 34 syrup pitchers. Special, Third J, ' loor —Three Elevators. Third floor—Three Elevators. tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Becon