The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 26, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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lliw M H ?mMI im^
Copyright, 1816, by (jaorg* Br rr MoCutchaon.
' 'lf was due to the most stupendous
exertion of self restraint on my part
that I said, "Well. I'll be Jiggered!"
Her audacity staggered me.
"Madame," I exploded, "will you be
food enough to listen to me? I am not
to be trifled with. Tomorrow some
time I shall enter the east wing of this
building If I have to knock down all
the doors on the place. Do you under
stand, madame?"
"I do hope, Mr. Smart, you can ar
range to break In about ft o'clock. It
will afford me a great deal of pleasure
to give you some tea. May I expect
you at S or thereabouts?"
Her calmness exasperated me. 1
■truck the stone balustrade an em
phatic blow with my fist, sorely peel
ing the knuckles, and ground out:
"For two cents I'd do It tonlghtr
"Ob, dear; oh, dear!" she cried meek
"Yon most be a dreadful woman!" I
cried out "First you make yourself
at home In my house; then you suc
ceed In stopping my workmen, steal
my cook and menserranta, keep us all
■wake with a barking-dog, defying me
ro my very face"—
"How awfnlly stern you are!"
"I don't believe a word you say
■bout a sick baby—or a doctor! It's ,
all poppycock. Tomorrow you will fled j
yourself, beg and baggage, sitting at
the bottom of this hJU waiting for"— j
"Wait!" she cried. "Are jrou really. 1
truly In earnest?"
"Most emphatically!"
"Then I—l shall surrender," she said
▼ery slowly and seriously, I was glad
to observe.
"That's more like it!" I cried enthu
clastic ally.
"On one cosdiUop," she said. "You
must agree In ndrance to let me staj
on here for a month or two. It—it 1:
most Imperative, Mr. Smart"
"I aball be the sole judge of that
madame," I retorted, with some dig
nity. "By the way," I Went on, knit
ting my brows, "how am I to get Intc I
your side of the castle? Schmlck says j
he's lost the keys."
A good deal depended on her answer
"They shall be delivered to you to
morrow morning, Mr. Smart," she said
aoberly. "Good night"
The little window closed with a bnap ;
■nd I was left alone in the smiling;
moonlight I was vastly excited, ever i
thrilled by the prospect of a sleeplessl
"Britton," I said later, "I want to bej
called at 7 o'clock sharp In the morn
lng." Noting his polite struggle to con '
ceal his astonishment, I told him of mj 1
second encounter with the lady acrose
the way.
"She won't be expecting you at 7,'
sir," he remarked. "And, as for that |
she may be expecting to call on you
instead of the other way around."
"Right!" said I, considerably dashed j
"Besides, sir, would It not be safei'
to wait till tbe tourist party has come
and gone?"
"No tourists ienter this place tomor
row or any other day," 1 declared
"Well, I'd suggest waiting Just thf
same, sir." said lie. evidently inspired.
"Confound them!" I growled, some
how absorbing bis presentiment
He besltated for a moment near the j
"Will yon put in the telephone, sir?"
he asked respectfully.
Very curiously I was thinking of it'
at that Instant.
"It really wouldn't be a bad Idea.
Britton," I said, startled into commit '
tiug myself. "Save us a great deal of
legging It over town and all that sort
of thing, eh?"
"Yes, sir. What I was about to sug
gest sir. Is that while we're about 11
we might as well have a system ol
electric bells put in—that is to say, sir
Mn both wings of the castle. Very
convenient sir, you see, for all par
ties concerned."
"I see," said I, impressed, and ther
repeated it, a little more impressed
after reflection. "I see. You are a
very resourceful fellow, Britton. I an:
Inclined to bounce all of the Scbmicks
They have known about this from tbr
start and have lied like thieves. Bj
Jove, she must have an extraordinarj
power over them or claim or some
thing equally potent Now I think ol
It, she mentioned a grandfather. Thai
would go to prove she's related in
some way to some one, wouldn't it?"
"1 should consider it to be more that
likely, sir," said Britton, with a per
fectly straight face. He must bav<
b£en sorely tried In the face of mj
Inane maunderlngs. "Pardon me, sir
but wouldn't it be a tiptop Idea tc
have it out with tbe Scbmicks to
"Excellent idea, Britton. We'll hav«
them up in my study."
"Who is thia woman?**
CONRAD and Gretel appeared
with Britton after an uncon
scionable lapse of time, par
tially dressed and grumbling
"Conrad." said I, fixing the ancient
with a stern, compelling gaze, "this
has gone quite far enough."
"Yes. mein herr?"
"Do you serve ine. or do you serve
the lady m the east wluc?"
- •> •-v " -?.~V v .jr - . ! • '> '< * . N 77 ' . *'*"*» •< * . 1 % ■-' •>
:# . ■ *, -' ;: \ 4 * v * r . * ~ • : ' ;V C '- " ; /f i
1 am a very old man," he whined.
"I do," said he, with a great deal
more wit than 1 thought be possessed.
"I have been talking with the lady
this evening," said 1.
"Yes, mein herr; 1 know," said he.
"Oh. you do, eh? Weil, will you be
good enough to tell me what Is the
meaning of all this two faced, under
hand conduct on yonr part? I want
the truth from yo\}. Who is this wo
man, and why are you so infernally
set upon shielding her? What crime
has she committed? Tell me at once,
or, by the Lord Harry, out you go to
morrow—all of you!"
"I am a very old man," he whined
twisting his gnarled fingers, a sugges
tion of tears in his voice. "My wif<
is old. mein herr. You would not b«
cruel. We bare been here for sixtj
years. The old baron"—
"Enough!" I cried resolutely. "Out
with it, man! I mean all that I sny!'
"Tomorrow, mein berr, tomorrow,'
be mumbled in a final plea. I sboob
my head. "She will ecplaln every
thing tomorrow," he went on eagerly
"I am sworn to reveal nothing, meli
herr. My wife, too, and my sons. W«
may not speak until she gives th<
word. Alas, we shall be turned out t<
die in our"—
"We have been faithful servants tc
the Rothhoefens for sixty years!" sob
bed his wife.
"And still are, I suspect!" I cried
Mr. Poopendyke's common senst
came in very handily at this critical
Juncture. He counseled me to let th«
matter rest until the next morning
when it was reasonable to expect tlx
lady herself would explain everything
However, we forced something oul
of Schmlck before bis stalwart sons
came tramping up the stairs to rescut
him. The old man gave us a touch ol
Inside history concerning Scbloss Roth
hoefen and Its erstwhile powerful bar
About the middle of the nineteenth
century the last of the real barons-1
the powerful, landowning, despotic
barons, I mean— enme to the end of hit
fourscore years and ten and was laid
away with great pomp and glee by th«
people of tbe town across the river
He was tbe last of the Rothhoefens
for he left no male belr. His twe
daughters had married Austrian noble
men, and neither of them bad a malt
descendant The estate, already In a
state of financial as well a; physical
disintegration, fell Into the bnnds ol
women and went from bad to worst
so rapidly thnt long before the last
quarter of the century was fairly be
gun the castle and tbe reduced bold
lngs slipped away from the Rotbboef
ens altogether and Into the control o)
the father of the count from whom I
purchased tbe property. The count's
father, it appears, was a distiller o(
great wealth in bis day and a man ol
action. Unfortunately be died befort
he had the chance to carry out hi?
projects In connection with the reha
bllltatlon of Scbloss Rothhoefen. even
then a deserted, ramshackle resort foi
paying tourists and a Mecca for an
tiqne and picture dealers.
The new count, my Immediate pre
decessor, was not long In dissipating
the preat fortune left by bis fatber
the worthy distiller. He had rue
through with the bulk of his patri
mony by tbe time he was twenty-flv«
and was pretty much run down at th<
heel when he married In tbe hope ol
recouping his lost fortune.
Tbe Scbmicks did not like him. They
did not approve of him as lord and
master, nor was it possible for them tc
resign themselves to the fate that had
put this young scapegrace into tbt
elioes. so to sucak. of the grim old
barons Rothhoefen. who. whatever elac
they may have been in a high banded
sort of way. were men to the core
This pretender, this creature without
brains or blood, this sponging repro
bate. was not to their liking. U 1 am
to quote £onrad. who became quite
forceful in his harangue against the
recent order of things.
He, bis wife and his sons, he assured
me, were full of rejoicing when they
learned that the castle had passed from
Count Hohendabl's bunds into mine.
I at least would i>ay them their wages,
and I might, in a pinch, be depended
upon to pension them when they got
too old to b« of any use about the cas
All attempts on my part to connect
the lady in the eHst wing with the
history of the extinct Kotbhoefens
were futile. He would not commit
"Well." said I, yawning In helpleos
collusion with the sleepy Gretel, "we'll
let It go over till morning. Call me at
7, Britton."
I went to bed, but not to sleep. It
was very clear to me that my neigh
bor was a disturber In every tense
of the word. She wouldn't let me sleep.
For hours 1 tried tq get rid of her, but
she filtered Into my brain and prodded
my thoughts into the most violent ac
tivity. She wouldn't stay put. But
finally 1 dropped off.
I was aroused from my belated sleep
by the sound of mighty cataracts and
the tread of countless elephants. Too
late 1 realized that the tourists were
upon me! Too late I remembered that
the door to my room bnd been left un
locked! One hundred and sixty-nine
were huddled outside my door, drink
lng In the monotonous drivel of the
guide who had a shrill, penetrating
voice and not the faintest notion of a
I listened in dismay for a moment
and then, actuated by something more
than mere fury, leaped out of bed and
prepared for a dash acro«» the room
to lock the door. On the third stride
1 whirled and made a flying leap into
the bed. scuttling beneath the covers
with the Rpeed and accuracy of a craw
fish. Just In time, too, for the heavy
door swung slowly open a second later
and the shrill, explanatory voice was
projected loudly Into my lofty bed
"Come a little closer, please," said
the morose man with the cap. "This
room was occupied for centuries by
the masters of Scbloss Rothboefen. It
is a bedchamber. See the great ba
ronial bed. It lias not been slept In for
more than 200 years. The later barons
refused to sleep in It because one of
their ancestors bad been assassinated
between Its sheets at the tender age
of six. He was stabbed by a stepuncle
who played him false."
A resolute beholder spoke up, "Can't
we step Inside?"
"If you choose, madame. But we
must waste no time."
"1 do so want to see where the old
barons slept."
' "
To Be Continued
Hard Pea Coal
Drops 25c a Ton
Wilkes-Barre Pea is now
$4.95 a ton, and the drop in
hard pea affects the price of
other sizes with which it is
Wilkes-Barre Xo. 2 Nut
is now $5.65,
Pill your bins now With
range coal for next winter.
These prices will advance
July 1.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
South Carolina Avenue <t Bcacb
Pleasantly situated, a few steps
from Boardwalk. Ideal family hotel.
Every modern appointment Many
rooms equipped with running water;
100 private baths. Table and service
most excellent. Hates SIO.OO, $12.00,
$15.00 weekly, American plaji. Book
let and calendar sent free on request
David P. Haliter Silna Wright
Chief Clerk Mißagfr
Calendars of above hotel can also be
obtained by applying at Star-In
dependent office.
v _■
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Night Sessions
15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, Pa.
*• •
r N
329 Market Street
Fall Term September Flrat
I 1
'Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effeot May 24. 1»14.
Trails Leave Uarriabiu(—
For Wlncbeater and Martina bur*, at
6.03, •".50 a. m.. *3.40 p. a.
For Hageratown. Chambaraburg and
intermediate stt.tiona, at *(.01, *7.54,
•iI.SJ a. ill,, 5.32. *1.49, 11.0#
p. m.
Additional tralna for Carllila ana
Mechanlcaburff at t.4S m.., 1.31,
g 30. 9.30 p. m.
For DiUsburg at 5.03. *7.SO and *
a. m.. 2.18. *3.40. 6.32, t.30 p. m.
•Dally. All other trains daily excep'
Sunday. j H. TO NOB.
iL A. RIDDLE. O. P. A-
| The Daily Fashion Hint. |
Black taffeta gown, with skirt ol
plaid taffeta. This Is one of the new
models where there is an effect of ful
ness in the skitt, while the tighter dro;
skirt is retain s! as a foundation skirt
New Establishment on South Cameron
Street Nearing Complation
The Kurd Sales Company's new build
the Mulberry street bridge, just above
the Mulbery street bridge, is nearing
completion. It is expected to be ready
for occupancy not later than May 15.
They have been delivering from 18 to
24 cars per week lor some time past.
Their allotment for the next two weeks
is fifty cars.
A Woman's Reasons Against Further
The "American Magazine" has
been offering prizes for the best let
ters on tha subject, "Shall We Armf"
The publishers announce that the vote
stands at the ratio of four in favor of
increased armament to five against it.
In the May number the prize-winning
letters are published. Following is an
extract from a strong letter against
armament, written by Mary S. Mark
hani, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota:
"Shall we arm? My answer is in
the eternal motherhood of all nations
from an economic point of view.
"For every man that lives a woman
has gone through eight hours (I take
an average rate) of the most intense
and agonizing pain to bring him into
the world, spent sleepless months in
care and nursing througli the days
from babyhood to boyhood, helped and
stood bv him past the measles, mumps
and broken bone age. till he becomes a
'big man' ot fifteen to eighteen years,
when he usually has passed the need
of mother's care, and safely reaches
maturity, twenty-one years, when he
can vote and fight like a man.
"For every one hundrrd men shot
down on the battlefield it means that
eight hundred hours or thirty-three
days of the most severe suffering has
been passed through by women, just to
bring them into the world. Fifteen
centuries in time have been spent in
constant care and devotion to bring
those one hundred men to the fighting
age, to be shot down. This is only one
hundred dead.
"Shall we make ready to kill!
Would the economic manufacturer allow
that much energy to be thrown away
if he was paying two dollars ail eight
hour day for itf But that's loss of
money! If suffering is not considered,
perhaps dollars ami cents may talk.
Suppose for every man that is killed
in battle, women were to demand five
dollars a twenty-foilr-hour day for fif
teen years, or $27,375 for her work
in giving them one man to kill—s27,-
375,000 for one thousand men killed
in one day. Would they still go on
killing if it was paid in dollars? Would
they still arm ready to kill! I won
derj Nearly twenty-eight million dol
lars per thousand to kill them. I won
der! Would thevf And that might be
for less than a day. Two houndred
million dollars, perhaps, a week. Would
they still killf Would they still arm
ready to kill? I wonder! Would
Who dig* a well, or plants a seed,
A sacred pact he keeps with sun and
With these he helps refresh and feed
The world, and enters partnership
with God.
—Edwin Markham in May Nautilus.
Patience —"Peggy has been singing
your praises."
Patrice—"Now I know you are not
speaking the truth, because Peggy
can't sing."—Yonkcrs Statesman.
[fipPlt l * all in eettin* them started
right. CUNKKY'S rbgulatr* and
the sensitive organs and aak«a ,'.'..1
V tike ckicks thrifty snd strut. <iet a Pail or 'V A
T Package and leed it all the lime. .. " .. I
it is a wonderful aid in getting V, J '
HarrisDurg ana Everywhere
J. Harry Stroup
Insurance Agent
1617 North Second St
Not a Single Boat Operating Between
Mauch Chunk and Bristol
Mauch Chunk, Pa., April 26.—The
difficulty between the boatmeu on the
ljehigh canal and the officials, which
has existed almost constantly since the
opening of the boating season, has
reached an acute stage, and there Hs
not a single boat in operation between
: Mauch Chunk and Bristol.
There are nearly 100 captains on the
canal when all are in service, and
about half that number havo 'been at
the Coalport wharves so far this season,
each leaving promptly with a load of
coal for Bris' 1 or some intervening
point. On reaching their destination
they unloaded, tied up their boats and
refused to return for another load un
less granted an increase of ten cents
per ton. This the company refuses to
Long Life to Markle Mines Indicated
by Water Bore
Hazleton, Pa., April 26.—Geol
ogists' declarations that under no cir
cumstances could there be coal meas
ures on the mountain "between £he G. B.
Markle mines, at Jeddo, and the Calvin
Pardee operations, at L«attimer, were
disproven by drillers, who, in sinking
a bore-hole for water for the Markle
Company, Btruck a vein of coal at a
depth of 200 feet. •
Since the find is north of the Markle
outcrop, it means the discovery of much
more fuel, indicating a long life for
the 'Markle mines.
Fourth In Month In Community Due to
Sunday Fight
Shenandoah, Pa., April 26. —Struck
over the head with a baseball bat,
Marty Kilbitis, quit a fight here last
night" with a fractured skull, Anthony
A. Nicholas and Anthony Pelpinis were
arrested by Chief Cantly, Captain Man
ley and Officer Ringheiser and commit
ted to jail. Kilbitis was rushed to the
State hospital in a dying condition.
This will make the fourth murder
committed in this vicinity within a
month—one at Mahanov City and one
at Park Place and one at Gilberton.
Motorcyclist Killed In Beading
Reading, Pa., April 26.—Losing con
trol of a motorcycle he was riding for
the second time, Howard Lebo, of this
city, was. thrown to the roadway at
Morgantown, near her", late yesterday
afternoon, sustaining a fractured skull.
He died at the Reading hospital last
Add Building to Masonic Home
Elizabethtown, April 26. —Reading 1
Masons visited the Masonic Home here
and selected a'site for the Berks coun
ty memorial home on the grounds. It
will cost about $25,000. A contract
was awarded for the structure, to be
built of granite.
Republican Leader Thirty Years Dies
Pa., April 26.—Joseph
Miller, 73 years old, for many years a
Marietta business man, died yesterday.
Active in local Republican circles, he
was a member of the county committee
for thirty years.
Reading Builds Four New Bridges
Reading, Pa., April 26.—The Read
ing Railway Company has begun work
on the first of four new bridges over
or under streets at Sixth and Fourth
streets and Schuylkill and Center ave
nues, to be built next summer at a
cost of SIOO,OOO. All will be of con
Berks Farmers Want Laborers
Reading, Pa., April 26.—The Berks
county farm bureau has received nu
merous requests from farmers to help
in field work. They say there will be
a shortage of farm laborers this sum
180,000,000 Russians on Water Wagon
Tn the May "American Magazine"
Captain Granville Fortescue writes an
article. entitled, "Battling for War
saw." It is an account of the great
war on the eastern frontier of Ger
many. Following is an extract:
'' When Russia went to war the Czar
with a stroke of his pen put one hun
dred and eighty million people on the
water wagon. And, believe me, this
water wagon 'ikon' is no bluff. It is
harder to get a drink in Russia to-day
than it is at Lake Mohonk. How wise
was this edict of the ruler of Russia is
now shown in the condition of his army.
Their fighting eeffctiveness is higher
than that of the French and fully
equal to the English, measured by the
physical fitness of the units composing
the forces. On the other hand, the
German soldiers nearly all carry flasks
of whiskey or other spirits. Ivan the
Siberian knows this, and I fear that
the famous edict is sometimes broken
when a batch of prisoners is gathered
in. The flasks are certainly contraband
of war."
Sir Charles Wyndham's Cabin Supper
During his active management of the
Criterion Theatre Charles Wyndham
also had his private supper-room, where
lie and a bright company of guests
often heard the chimes at midnight.
Situated some way at the back of the
theatre, it was cunningly contrived in
the semblance of the cabin of a yacht.
So minute was the masterly production
that light was admitted through port
holes glassed in sea-green. Swinging
lamps hung from the ceiling in case
Piccadilly Circus, caught in a gust of
wind, should give a sudclen lurch. For
sideboard there were lockers such as
one finds aboard a ship. Many a mer
ry little supper was given here during
the more than twenty years of Wynd
ham's lesseeship of the Criterion. It
was unique among managerial posses
sions.—From The Strang Magazine.
The Play
The throngs that jostle in the street
Are people in a play.
The tragic and the humorous,
The grievous and the gay;
Youth and doddering dotard,
Moonlight, storm or sun,
Ring up the magic curtain,
The play has just begun.
Sweet melodies insistent r
Pervade the mise en scene,
Sunshine clothed in shadow,
Snow white or willow green;
Heroes, clowns and villain,
Dusk drowns the weary sun,—
Ring down the twilight curtain,
The play of life is done.
—Robert Loveman in May Nautilus.
The Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary
will be open daily except Sunday at
1 p. m., at its new location, Front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment of
the worthy poor.
Henrietta D. Grauel
The Choice and Preparation of Mushrooms
The mushroom family is so large
that it is not tturprising we continually
mistake near-edible ones for their
savory and nourishing relatives.
The fear of poison deters many of
us from making use of the species that
abound ih pastures and woods and it
is an important matter to have the real
standing of the fungi made clear. But
,jnst as all signs fail in dry weather, so
do all mushrooms seem treacherous.
It is claimed that repeated washing
with cold water removes the dangerous
quality from most varieties and that
boiling dissolves out the rest. It is
well known that water in which any
sort of mushrooms are boiled is poison
ous so there may be some truth in this
claim, but the safest way is to only
use a variety that you know positively
to be harmless.
Even with every precaution taken
fatalities from this food are numerous
and this is probably hecause the so
called safe kinds are eaten in too gen
erous quantities.
There are many ways suggested to
determine if poison lurks in the fungus,
as dropping a piece of silver in the
cooking food, but they are all futile.
The cultivated varieties give little trou
ble and the cheapest way to secure the
good mushrooms is to buy them.
They should be used as soon as pos
sible after picking; they are first
washed in cold water and then soaked
in water containing enough vinegar to
Unrivaled for Purity and Flavor
v / \
A builder of A Tonic
strength for businessmen and
and flesh overworked persons
Produced by the Master Brewer
Bell 826 L Order It Independent 318
Has Its Real Value
The wants of many business people and home de
mands are realized by its use. Let us act for and
with you—now. Call at our office or
Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246
The frost with little soundless wedges
Oan pry the cliff apart;
Yes, it can heave the ancient ledges
And make the mountain start;
So Love with stroke of delicate sledges
Opens the flintiest heart.
—Edwin Markhain in May Nautilus
Wild Animals Trust This Man
In the Interesting People department
of the May "American Magazine" ap
pears an article about Sol A. Stephan,
who is doing a splendid work at the
Cincinnati Zoological Garden. He
knows how to perform a surgical opera
tion on a tiger, cure a hippopotamus
and take care of all kinds of wild ani
mals. His work requires a rare kind of
wisdom and ability. Following is an
extract from the article about him:
'For thirty-five years Sol Stephan
has presided over the Cincinnati Zoo
logical Garden, and has been, therefore,
foster father to every sort of wild ani
mal which has been seen in a zoo
on this continent.
"Stand beside the cage of a fierce
and monstrous lion suffering with an
ingrowing clew, an abscess or a de
cayed tooth. Could you suggest a safe
and effective method of operating? Sol
builds a false back for the cage, ten
men pull it forward with ropes, it con
stricts the lion until he Cannot stir, and
the trick is accomplished.
"Could you extend the life of the
lust passenger pigeon in the world from
a formal period of about eight years
to Sn actual life of twenty-nine years
and seven months! Sol Stephan did
it; and he is now caring for a pair of
European storks which have been his
charges for over nineteen years, and
for three Carolina parrakeets, the last
survivors of their race in the world,
each of which is over thirty years of
age, and one of which is completely
bald, so long has she lived beyond her
allotcd span of summers.
"Colonel Stephan raises every year
several young lions, tigers, leopards,
buffalo, camels, llamas, kangaroos and
hundreds of the young of smaller
beasts, birds and reptiles; but the
proudest moments of his life are when
i>e gazes at the flower of the Cincin
nati Zoo, the marvelously perfect young
giraffe Daisy, which he raised from
birth. You can count on the fingers
of one hand all the giraffe infants
which the zoos of this continent have
ever seen, and none bnt Daisy has lived
more than a fortnight after birth. Dai
sy is now four years old and the ad
miration of every wild animal lover."
he acid to the taste. This whitens them
ami removes the bitter principle.
The little button mushrooms ar®
used for garnishes and the big caps are
broiled or filled with fine forcemeat and
baked in glass bells.
For general purposes, after soaking
♦he mushrooms in the acid water drop
them into boiling salted water and cook
until they are tender.
They require very littlo water but
must be closely covered to keep in
the steam; they will he tender in a
few minutes. Some ways of servinjj
them are: on toast, in purees, stutTcit
with herbs and a rich sauce, baked,
steamed, broiled and creamed.
If you are so fortunate as to have
A quantity of mushrooms that you are
positive arc wholesome yon may make
mushroom catsup, or dry them after
they are steamed tender, or can them
as you can corn.
"What is meant by a faggot of pars
ley f—.lane,"
Reply.—This expression is frequent
ly seen in French cookery books and
means a mixture of parsley and other
green herbs. You may use bay leaf,
thyme, a bit of celery and a small green
onion. It is intended to flavor meats
and soups. Agaiu it may be just a
bunch of parsley tied loosely. There
are six varieties of parsley and all are
used for garnishing and for flavoring.
; it )
ft ROADWAY ft* 33*2 3T
I| Ontnh!n#« *v#rv convenience and B :
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M and 1 rum* tie *entrea. 1 From
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take Rroad«r«v ear* and rat off I I
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Without h«»h. from H.M L
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S We are especially equipped for 5)
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Qnick Belief for Coughs, Colds and
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IS N. Third Bt. Penaa. Station
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 nml
2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those un
able to pay for them.