The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 26, 1915, Image 1

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Detailed Report* Face •
n s K T A 4 M ,B?« ED VOL. 77—NO. 122.
is sural
It Will Figure Largely
In the DeliberatiQns
of the Senate in
Present Week
Workmen's Compensation and Full
Crew Repealer Are Expected to Be
Reported Out of Committee In Few
Days—Appropriations Before House
Both the Senate and House will meet
to night at 8 o'clock, and the lawmakers
are expected to work hard with the idea
of possible adjournment May 13 or
May 20.
Public interest in the Senate this
week is centered on what that body
proposes to do with the child labor bill,
which is yet in the Judiciary Special
Committee, which is headed by Senator
Snyder, of Schuylkill. He is said to be
opposed to the Cox bill in the form in
which it came from the House with
the endorsement of Governor Brum
baugh. The Cox 1 bill provides for a
nine-hour day and a fifty-one-hour week
for children between 14 and 16 years
old, but there i:- a disposition to amend
the bill in the Senate committee and
make the day ten hours and the week
fiftv-four hours.
Another point of difference is that of
the ages of newsboys and telegraph
messengers. The Cox bill fixes the aje
limit for news boys <•: 14 years au.i the
opponents want the age limit at 10
years. The Cox bill places the ago of
messengers at night at 21 years and it
is sought to amend the bill bv making
the messenger age 18 years at night.
Other Important Bills Held Up
The committee held a long session
last Wednesday night, but took no ac
tion. adjourning to hold another session
this evening. It is possible, however,
the major ty of the committee will
agree on the amended measure and Sen
ator Snyder will report it without the
formality of another meeting.
The workmen's compensation and
full crew repealer bills also are held
up in Senate committees, but are ex
pected to be reported jut this week.
The bill placing the payment Of the
expenses of the primary elections on
the various counties, introduced by Sen
ator Sproul, will come up for final pass
age in the Senate to-night. The bill
removing Judges from the operations
of the non-partisan ballot law will also
come up in the Senate this evening on
final passage.
In the House to-night there are sev
eral special orders, one of which is the
consideration on final passage of the bill
to consolidate the Western and Eastern
penitentiaries in one building now in
course of erection in Centre county.
The bill provides for the modification
of the plans of the pj-esent building, feo
that they may be enlarged *o meet the
consolidation. Should the bill pass and
be approved by the Governor, the West
ern and Kastern penitentiaries will both
go out of existence, and all of the pris
oners be confined in one institution.
To Act on Appropriations
A revenue bill an the special order
calendar in the HOUSQ to-night imposes
a tax of two per ent. on every SIOO
of bonds, mortgages and other securi
ties. Several hundred appropriation
bills will come up on first reading in
the House, and it is thought that all
may be passed finally before the close
of the week and sent to the Senate.
It is understood that both branches
will be at work this we*k until Thurs
day, and that the business will be j
rushed, the hot weather of the last few ;
days warning the legislators that they 1
must hurry their proceedings.
Head of Athletics Says He Is Through
With Spectacular Third Baseman
Boston, April 26. —Connie Mack, I
manager of the Philadelphia Athletics j
said in an interview to-day that so j
long an he remained at the head of the |
club, J. Franklin Baker, of home run
tame, would not be a member of the
"I am through with Frank Baker 1
«s a ball player," Mack added, "and
it is my intention at the present time j
not to allow him to 'become the prop
erty of any other team in the Ameri
can league. I would not sell him for
$1,000,000 in cash."
Late in the winter Baker announced
bis intention of retiring'from base
ball, but according to Mack, he played
on the Upland team of the Delaware
County League, Pennsylvania, on Sat
Prof. Dibble Gets Two Weeks' Leave
of Absence From Lambertville
Howard G. Dipple, of Lambertville,
N. J., recently elected principal of the
Central High school, will arrive here
on May 15 to spend two weeks in Har
risburg to become familiar with the
workings of local school.
He has formally accepted the Har
risburg offer in a letter to Secretary
Hammelbaugh of tho local board. He
has received a two weeks' leave of ab
sence in Lambertville and it is those
two weeks he will spend here. He will
return to his present school for a short
while arriving here early in June to
take op his permanent position.
John Bunny, Movie Actor, Die*
New York, April 26. —John Bunny,
the moving picture comedian, who made
millions laugh, died at his home in
Brooklyn to-day. He had been ill for
about three weeks of a complication of
fflie Star- Itikflfenktii
John Shupp, Victim of One of Three
' Remarkably Similar Accidents, Has
Jailed to Regain Consciousness
Since Fall in Hose House
, No hope was held out at noon to-day
for the recovery of John Shupp, fath-
er of Steelton's fire chief, who was at
the Harrisburg Hospital still uncon
scious from injuries received in a fall
down stairs in the Baldwin HOBS Com
pany 's quarters, in Steelton, last Sat
urday evening. »
Mr. Shupp was the worst injured of
1 the victims of a trio of accidents re
markably similar in character which
occurred in Steelton on the same day.
I The other two persons were women
both of whom, though severely in
jured, are expected to recover.
' John Shupp ia an old resident of the
s borough. His son, John E. Shupp, Jr.,
the Steelton Fire Chief, is also vice
president of the State Firemen's Asso
' | ciation. Just how the elder Shupp
5 met with the accident is not known,
r but about 10 o'clock Saturday night
i he was found in an uuconscious condi
; I tion lying at the foot of the steps
i leading from the first floor to the base
j | ment of-the Baldwin Hose house. South
Front street. It is supposed he fell
. I down "stairs. Blood was oozing from
i Continued on Mnth ]'a«c,
I Jacob Epler, 70 Years Old, Former
Supervisor of Conewago, Meets
With Fatal Accident
(Special to the Star-Independent.) !
| Middletown, April 26.—Jacob Ep- 1
j ler, 7 0 years old, a retired farmer and j
! supervisor of Conewago township, was
; J almont instantly killed on Saturday j
I afternoon at 2 o 'clock when he was |
j jerked by a colt from a oarriago in j
j which he' was riding homeward on the
Falmouth Pike and suffered a fractur
j ed skull. The accident occurred just
; east of Chestnut Hill, live miles east
' of town.
Epler and his grandson, David Ep- j
; ler were seated in the carriage, and j
j the elder man watt holding a halter i
j str»ii attached to the colt that was j
I running along behind. When au auto j
j passed the Epler i>arty, the colt shied j
! and bolted and pulled the aged man i
I backward out of the vehicle, his head
| striking the ground with much force,
j Mr. Kpler died shortly after the acci
dent. The grandson escaped injury.
Mr. Epler served as school director,
;of Conewago township for fifteen
years and for many years also was a
| township supervisor. His son, Simon
Epler, formerly was a deputy mercan-
I tile appraiser of Dauphin county. Mr.
J Epler, also left two brothers, David, a
; Conewago township farmer, and Squire
| .lolin Epler, of ElizabetMown, Lan
caster county.
Funeral services will be held at the
home tomorrow morning at 9.30
o 'clock.
A. H. Nuss and Wife Injured but Chil
dren Escape in Middletown Crash
; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nuss, their two
[daughters and a son, of 1715 State
i street, this city, who were touring the
, lower end of Dauphin county in an
auto yesterday, narrowly escaped seri-
I ous injury about 2 o'clock in the aft
i ernoon when tlwir machine was struck
jby a Harrisburg Railways Company
trolley car at Main and Nissley streets,
i Middletown.
The auto was almost completely
wrecked. Mr. Nuss received several
cuts on his hands due to flying glass
when the windshield was smashed. Mrs.
Nuss suffered from shock but phy
sicians say her condition is not alarm
ing. The children escaped injurv. The
| family returned to Harrisburg by trol
ley car after the damaged auto was
j placed in a Middletown garage.
| Witnesses say the automobile
! "balked" on the track when Mr. Nuss
I endeavored to shift from low to hieh
gear. 8
"Buck" Mangan, Whose Father Makes
Laws on the Hill, Relinquishes His j
Post With Western Union Follow- *
ing His Mother's Death
"Buck" Mangan, 16 years old, son
of State Representative William J.
Mangan, of South Pittsburgh, who
about seven weeks ago entered th«
service of the Western Union Tele
graph Company as a messenger boy in
this city, despite the protests of his
well-to-do father, quit the job this
morning and left for his Pittsburgh 1
home. "Buck's" quitting, however, '
was not due to his tiring of the job
but because of the death of his mother. 1
After h« informed th e manager that he 1
was going home and that he would not 1
return to duty again the other mes- 1
senger boys gathered around him and 1
reluctantly said "good-bve." During
his short period of service "Buck"
had become very popular among the 1
other mercuries. I
"Buck," whose father calls him
"William," came to Harrisburg with j
Representative Mangan at the opening 1
of the legislative session. For a month 1
or more he contented himself rambling 1
about the city, learning what he couM '
Coatlnurd on Math Paso. I
m on HAH
Mercer. Who Tried to
Cheat Local Banks
Out of Thousands,
Gets 9to 15 Months
Court Sentences Him to Six Months in
County Jail But His Inability to
Pay Fine and Ooßts Will Extend
Period to Nine Months
H. B. Mercer, the New York crook
with a criminal record, who was ar
rested by the Harrisburg police three
hours after he began trying to work
a bad check game here on November
7, last, was this morning sentenced by
Judge Kunkel to a penitentiary term
of not less than nine months and not
more than fifteen months'
This sentence was imposed on one
count charging forgery. On a similar
count and three additional charges of
false pretense Judge Kunkel said he
would not pass judgment in view of
the fact that county jail sentences only
could be imj>osed as the penalties. The
sentence, Judge Kunkel directed, shall
be computed frotu January 15, last,
the date of the defendant's conviction.
j Fred Leßrun, the Frenchman, who
j was Mercer's colleague in the Aim
, flam game by which the New York
I crook tried to work off two bogus
j checks for SI,OOO each on banks in
this city which Mercer called a "jay
town," also went before Judge Kunkel
this morning and got a sentence of six
mouths in jail, the sentence to date
from January 15, last. Chicago and
Florida business men had informed the
court that Leßrun previously bore a
"good name." For sixteen years prior
jto becoming Mercer's |>al "he was a
cigar manufacturer in Chicago. Costs
[ and a SSO fine also were imposed on
j Leßrun and as he cannot pay them
bis total jail term will actually be
j nint" months, the three months addi
tional representing the unpaid fines
j ami costs.
Says Mercer Falsified
Judge Kunkel explained his reason
for dealing more leniently with Leßrun
than with Mercer by saying that Mer
cer deliberately falsified on the witness
stand. Also the court took into consid
eration Mercer's record, which shows
that he previously had been convicted
of working the bad check game.
Leßrun thanked Judge Kunkel for
Continued on Ninth Pace.
Hardscrabble Hearing April :tO
Paul O. Smith, Karl Steward and
James D. Saltsman, the "Hardscrab
ble" viewers, decided definitely to-day
on Friday, April 30, as the time for
the next hearing at which testimony
will be taken on the question of
"Hardscrabble" property values.
K. of C. Supreme Head Dies
Chicago, April 26.—James Maher,
national supreme director of the Knights
of Columbus, died at his home here to
day. He was a native of Illinois and
was 55 years old.
Spreading Rapidly In Cumberland Coun
ty To-day Notwithstanding Efforts
of Hundreds of Men to Check Them
—Clay Works Are in Danger
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Carlisle, Pa., April 26.—'Fire which
broke out again in the South IMountain
near Toland, Cumberland county, late
yesterday afternoon, has to-day spread
over an area of eight hundred aeres. It
is making rapid progress in different
directions despite the efforts of hun
dreds of men who are fighting it con
The flames are this afternoon ap
proaching the lake at Mount Holly
Park. The park is believed to be in
danger for the second time within sev
eral days.
The efforts of the fire-fighters were
concentrated last night near Barnitz
Station, where buildings were threat
ened. The Hames approached close to
the saw mill of A. C. Gibler and the
stave mill of J. Harvey Lime.
The Philadelphia clay works and the
South Mountain mining works, near
'Mount Holly are in danger this after
noon and the employes have all desert
ed their usual work to help fight the
The State forestry Commission this
morning had no official reports of for
est fires throughout the State other than
those that had been received 'by noon
on Saturday, but it was unofficially
learned there that the Are that devas
tated the region in the Cumberland Val
ley up and ai-roes the South Mountain
to Hunter's Run Valley and thence to
Pine Grove broke out again yesterday.
No reports have 'been received of tlhe
damage done to State forestry reserva
Commissioner Conklin and Deputy
Commissioner Williams will visit the
Pine Grove, Caledonia and Mont Alto
reservations this week to ascertain the
damage done to State property. Mean
time bills for service are coming in
daily from tihe men who have been
figthing the fires.
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"Sir John" is here seen (on the left of the group) standing on the pnve in the middle of one of (he long, flat
roads leading to that portion of the western battle line which Is under British control. He was born at Ripple, In
Kent in 1852. and was christened with the names John Denton Pinkstone. He entered the army in 1874. He hag
steadily risen in his profession and as leader of the cavalry division in South Africa won special distinction. He is
now one of the eljj&l flfld marshals of the British army anft is the* treated leader of all the British forces in France
and Flanders. It will be noticed that some of the officers are wearing tlie new soft crowned caps.
Mercury Touches 03 Degrees, the
Highest for This Month in the 37
Years the Harrisburg Weather Bu
reau Has Been in Existence
There is little in the weather situa
tion to-day to indicate early relief
from the record-breaking temperatures,
according to Weather Bureau officials,
who carefully scanned the maji in
quest of cooling blasts from the north,
which did not materialize. The tem
perature to-night and to-morrow will
remain far above the normal for April.
It is hardly likely, however, that the
April record for twenty-seven years,
which was established yesterday with
a maximum of 93 degrees will be
The highest official temperature to
day was 91 degrees at 1 p. in. At 2.30
o'clock this afternoon the thermometer
registered 89 degrees.
The Washington office of the Weath
er Bureau predicted at least forty
eight hours more of the hot spell. The
territory affected is east of the Missis
sippi river. The absence of rain, ex
cept for scattered showers, is being felt
in niany sections anil crops are suffer
When the mercury touched the maxi
mum of 93 degrees at 4 o'clock yester
day afternoon it broke by one-half a
degree the April record of 92'/ a which
was established on the 18th and 19th
of the month in 1896.
The general conditions which
brought about the high temperature
changed little in the forty-eight hours
preceding noon to-day, hence the dis
appointing forecast, which savs "con
tinued warm." There nre three well
defined low pressure areas, one in the
St. Lawrence valley and two to the
Probably because the hot spell came
on Sunday, when J'here was a minimum
number of out-of-door workers, the suf
fering was not so great as it otherwise
would have been. By to-day many per
sons had accustomed themselves to the
hot weather.
Many sought relief In canoe rides
and not a few venturesome youths went
swimming yesterday. Thousands of au
tomobilists went into the country for a
cooling breeze and scores of straw hats
•blossomed forth.
New Police Motorcycles Will Go «5
Miles an Hour
After this week auto scorchers will
have to go some to get away from the
motorcycle policemen, who will be
mounted on special police motorcycles
guaranteed to make sixty-five miles an
Two special machines have been or
dered and it is expected will berreeeived
by the local agent for the department
some time this week. The cycles are
equipped with special motors to stand
the strain of poliee work. In addition
to being unusually fast the motors are
flexible and will not be damaged by the
frequent stops and starts the policemen
are compelled to make.
Company to Erect Temporary Trestles
So That Traffic Will Not Be
Stoppod During the Work—Hall
road Engineers in Charge
Extensive repairs to four of twen
ty-three piers in the Philadelphia &
Heading Kailroad bridge over the Sus
quehanna river, north of Vine street,
arc contemplated by the railroad com
pany and within a short time work will
From four to six courses of stone
atop these four .piers have cracked
slightly and these will be replaced
with reinforced .concrete in much the
same way that repairs were effected on
the Walnut street river bridge.
An engineering feat of no mean pro
portions will bo necessary to effect the
repairs without halting" the heavy
freight traffic over the bridge. Trestle's
will have to be built strong enough to
support the bridge load while the stone
courses ar„ removed and the concrete
placed. The bridge is higher than any
of the other bridges over the river at
this point and the steel structure will
have to be firmly braced to prevent
side play.
pier on this end of /the bridge
was repaired in this manner last sum
mer and during this summer it is hoped
the remaining four that need repairs
will be fixed. The work will be done
under the supervision of the Philadel
phia & Heading railway engineers.
Three Contributions Sent in Before So
licitors Start Out
The Harrisburg Baud Concert Asso
ciation, which proposes hand concerts
,in local parks throughout the summer
months, got a flying start this morn
ing in its campaign to get the $1,500
necessary to run the concerts. Before
the officers of the association started
out to gather funds three voluntary
contributions were made.
J. X. Kinnard was first with $5; Rob
ert .VlcC'ormiek, second, with J25, and
a third contribution was cash, sl. The
officers are sanguine of success with
money coining in before it has been so
licited. It is expected that the board
of directors of the Harrisburg Railways
Company will hold a special meeting to
decide on a contribution to the fund.
Clarence O. Backenstoss, secretary to
Mayor Royal, is treasurer of the asso
ciation. <
Will of Louis Fink Probated
The will of tbe late Louis Fink, 312
North Second street, late manager of
the Livingston store, 9 South Market
square, was admitted to probate this
afternoon. Letters were granted to his
wife, Sarah Louise Fink, who is made
sole beneficiary. The value of the es
tate ,was not fixed in the will.
Sentence of Simpson Suspended
Sentence was suspended o-i Edward
Simpson in court to-day on his own
plea for leniency. He ' was charged
with robbing gas meters.
London, April 26, 4.25 P. M, —The
following- official announcement was
given oitt in London to-day:
"The general attack on the Darda
nelles by the fleet and the ariuy was re
sumed yesterday.
'"The disembarkation of the army,
covered by the fleet, began before sun
rise at various points on the Gallipoli
peninsula, and in spite of serious oppo
sition from the enemy in strong en
trenchments protected by barbed wire,
was successful.
"Before nightfall large forces were
established on shore. The landing of
tile arinv and the advance continue."
London, April 26, 12.20 P. M.—
What some military critics arc inclined
to pronounce the "greatest battle of
the war" is now under way on the Yser
Official reports are both meagre and
contradictory, but it generally is be
lieved in London that the Germans
again are makiug desperate efforts to
break through to the French channel
ports. Some such recrudescence of the
German offensive has been anticipated
by the war experts but this movement,
forestalling the iong predicted allied of
fensive, comes as a distinct shock to
the general public.
It is impossible as yet to get a clear
idea of the extent of the German move
ment, but some special dispatches to
London papers descri'be it as so im
portant that the Germans are even
credited with bringing Field Marshal
Von Hindenburg from the east to con
duct the operations, and Kmperor Wil
liam himself is reported as proceeding
to the Yser front.
Ask Wilson's Aid to Resist Japs
Honolulu, April 26.—Chinese resi
dents of Honolulu at a mass meeting
last night decided to send an appeal by
cable to President Wilson and to the
British 'Foreign Office at London, asking
their good offices to assist the Chinese
to resist the demands of Japan to the
end that China may avoid war with
American Correspondent Threatened
Washington, D. €., April 2"6.
Philip E. McCleary, an American news
paper correspondent at Vera Cruz, has
been imprisoned and sentenced to be
shot by authorities for hav
ing sent out unauthorized news dis
patches. Secretary Bryan received an
appeal for aid to-day from John W.
Roberts, another American correspond
ent there, and instructed Consul Silli
man to take the question up at once
with General Carranza. No. official re
port on the affair bad reached the de
Former Fortifies Entire
Frontier, Expecting
Attack From Hum
bert's Troops
Diplomatic Negotiations Will Prob
ably Offset Apparent Trouble Be
tween the Dual Monarchy and Italy
—Still Hoping For Settlement
, Relluno, Italy, April 25, 9.50 A. M.,
via Paris, April 26, 9.38 A. M.—
Italian refugees from Austria report
lliat Austrian troopw have fortified the
entire frontier, even building entrench
ments of concrete and cement behind
which have 'been placed cannon of
large calibre. Officers are paid to have
declared that if policing is begun. Hie
villages ncnrest the lines from Selva
(east of Lake (Jarila in Italy) to
Laste, Italy, (20 miles to the uorth
ot Selva) will be razed.
This information ban done much to
counteract the effect of reports that
Austria is disposed to conduct diplo
matic negotiations regarding the ce»-
sion of the territory to Italy.
Verona, Italy, April '2<s, 9.30 P. M.,
via Paris, April 26, 9.35 A. M.—Din
patches received from the frontier de
scribing conditions in thu province of
Trent, states that commerce and in
dustry are paralyzed and agriculture
at a standstill because of the lack of
workmen, 40,000 have been called to
the colors. All horses and oxen have
been requisitioned.
The lack of sulphate of copper has
seriously threatened the silk worm in
dustry, one of the chief resources of
that section.
Austrian military authorities are
said to be rapidly" completing their
preparations for defense. Twelve thou
sand troops are quartered at Trent;
4,000 at Roverete; 4,000 at Riva and
15,000 altogether at various smaller
places. Arrangements are being made
for housing five thounand Prussians,
:i,oofl at Trent aud 2,000 at Mezzo
War Big Thing for the U. S.?
Rome, April 26, via Paris, 8.05 A.
M.—The opinion prevails in Parlia
mentary circles that if no definite deci
sion as to Italy's participation in the
war is reached previous to May 12. the
date upon which the Chamber of Depu
ties convenes, Parliament will be pro
International questions could not be
discussed in Parliament while they were
still under negotiation, it is argued, and
it would be absurd, it is argued, and
fled for Parliament to discuss trifling
matters when such highly important
questions were before the country.
Furthermore, tr.e Chamber has given
full powers to the Cabinet and nothing
has occurred to destroy this confidence.
Referring tc the international finan
cial situation created by the. war, the
"Giornalo D'ltalia" says the United
Stated, at the end of hostilities, will be
the only country to have secured large
economic, profit. This paper then gives
statistics to tehow the increases in
American exports and says furth<r:
"This war, which is devouring Eu
rope, is a magnificent thing, financially,
for the United States."
King Victor Emmanuel met the
members of the Cabinet in conference
yesterday. He talked with Premier Sa
landra and Foreign Minister Honnino
on the situation at length and after
they had gone he was closeted for an
hour with Minister of War Zupelli.
The new German offensive In Bel
gium, styled by some British com
mentators the greatest battle of the
i war, Is being pushed on with all the
power of the army Germany Is reputed
to have assembled along this front.
The official announcement from Berlin
to-day reports Impressive victories, al
though no admissions to this effect are
made at Paris or London. The Ger
man statement makes no specific claim*
as to further territory conquered but
described the attacks In which it la
said large numbers of prisoners were
taken including 1,000 Canadians. The
Belgian statement of yesterday that
Lizerne'had been recaptured is char
acterized as untrue.
The official Paris statement give*
few details of the fighting In Belglam.
It is said German attacks were check
ed by the British.
The German attack la developing
with great force over a large part of
Continued on Eleventh rag*.
New York, April 28.—Heaviness
prevailed in the final hour, Reading and
other leaders doclining abruptly. The
closing was heavy. Higher prices for
coppers and specialties and later pres
sure against investment issues were the
chief features of to-day's Irregular mar