The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 23, 1915, Page 14, Image 14
14 Women's &l> Misses' Suit Attrac- flf The Latest Styles in Large Straw tions Ir elude Many New Arrivals F ¥ Shapes Hur~*reds of Garments Interestingly Priced $ Lisere Milan Hemp Hemp Leghorn I j l A shipment of large shapes in untrimmed straws arrived late this week, The showing of suits is of a character that will appeal to every woman >' and the latest styles in lisere. Milan hemp, hemp and leghorn are shown of —there are scores of garments in styles that will serve every practical use, * fering many advanced ideas for dressy Summer hats, priced so interestingly that they come well within the means of every woman. J Urgp shapps in t ' laok ' n * vy Mw I Mllan he,np hntß in Xavv blue and Copenhagen suits of fine | Silk poplin suits in styles that cannot be Hcm P h * ts in wh 't" Mack in small, medium Chfldren's hemp and rnilan Shapes?* 5 ° quality weaves, in a plain tailored practical ' matched in Harrisburg at the same cost, are lar,!e !M4c t0 * a,3 ° ' to $2.03 style, with circular skirt. Specially priced, now attracting the consideration of women I 1 TVT 1 * rp • ITT 515.00 who seek to be individually dressed Prices i iNeW btVleS 111 1 rimmed HatS Navy bliie and Belgian blue suits of fine , rom " * 3O 0 ° to * 39 50 . . New styles fresh from the workroom for women, misses and girls. Turbans and large SSnfS; suit is toiS iiS Street Coats in Attractive fWi \ for women and misses and dainty mushroom styles trimmed with velvet ribbon and satin covered buttons, $16.00 StvleS /L, ft Our showing of hats at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.50 embraces a wide variety of smart, Navy, Belgian and black suits in a very J . , I rV" 1 dressy styles, and our pattern hats at $6.95, $7.50, SB.OO to $12.00 are all exam good style that will appeal to the average j Black poplin coats in several very good 1 j J /w * pj es 0 f pre-eminent style. woman $18.50 looking styles, at ........... . SIO.OO \ ur Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second ¥]oor. Front—Three Elevator*. Sports suits in Shepherd checks, naw and Navy blue poplin coats, with silk collar t \x\ A . _ «« T _ ~~ Belgian blue, with trimming of buttons and cuffs, ...... 400 Yards Fancy Warp Print Ribbons Priced At 920.00 Covert and Shepherd check coats m mill- "P\ H\W - Cj Prince Chap suits, in plain tailored styles, tar y style, with full plaited back and lining jjj j \ j||\w LeSS 1 nail vJne liall lOr 1 O-mOffO W with full circular skirt: in navy, green Bel- of colored silk. .. 515 00 . ,\|j j\\ If these tine quality ribbons had been bought in a regular wav it would gianblue and checks. $2a.00 Black; W *Ys in ijU \ V b(> necessary to price them 59c a vard, so you easilv appreciate the Value they $37.50 and $39.50 suits of imported serge and cuffs ot green or blue silk $18.50 Jf? ! : ;\ * represent at 24£ a vard ' * with fancy colored collar and vest. Specially tr Dives. Pomerov & Stewart, Second Floor. /i j JU I|\ I tt i x ij 'i ' j f • \ • , » > priced at $30.00 Three Elevators. M \ \ Iu h K ht and dark grounds; t> inches wide. A value not to be duplicated j j V/Ji , i soon. » rr\ r <hip /->i * i-v • XT c. 1 rr\ r-H ' ' \ \ ' 25c satin and fancy edge taffeta and moire ribbons, 5 inches wide, in desirable colors. $14.50 <sl> sls Cloth Dresses in INew btyles: $12.50 s P lH ' ial - - vard - 19 < en-, •„ jjii* jori-i • Black velvet ribbons are now in great demand. We arc happy to say that for the first A clearance of dresses specially reduced ( only two and 3of a kind. '«> time in the history of ribbon weaving we are able to offer velvet ribbons made in America, on account of the fact that there are now , In all sizes, for women and misses. \ In 'i inch to 3 J /> inches wide Yard to 89^ tr Dives. Pomeroj 4 Stewart, Second Floor-j-Three Elevators. Y W Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Women'sßibbed Underwear Charming New Waists of Voile: Copies of High Cost Stylish Queen Quality Pumps c Summer in Monv Models: To Be Shown To -morrow at $2.50 One of the best makes of shoes for women bears the Queen i vJI OU.Hllllt/1 111 iVldliy Four new styles in voile blouses, with trim- lace edge and the cuff is hemstitched,.. $2.50 Quality stamp of excellence and quality. We show a representa \ r I . 1 T-| • j min f. of hand embroidery and touches of or- Voile waists trimmed with organdie cm- th ' e U " e l 8 and in gun metal calf, dull kidskin and Moderately r need ?an f di r lace insertion; one style broiderv and lace insertion are very much in P ate f <,oltskl » one-eyelet ties. Colonial pumps and pumps. All . f hox P' alts an ; hle t insertion ; another vogue; the sleeves are long and trimmed with Goodyear welted soles with l.igh (üban "WTiite cotton ribbed vests; low neck and sleeveless; in plain st\le is made with an Imperial frill. ou 11 ] aee insertion, $2.50 ail( ' rench heels, $3.50 to $5.00 or fancy yokes waists in any other store to equal A very good looking voile blouse is made Educator Shoes for Children \K \\ «;r- licip vp«;ts lnw neck nn.l «Ippvplc-,s v* 1 -"" with an organdie vestee and box plaits trout \VwVi hite silk lisle nb ed ests. lo 371 ,*• 3 for SI 00 Voile waists with an Imperial frill and tueks : and back; it is effectively finished with filet Broad, roomy lasts with Goodyear welted oak ~ , , wt , . . , , ,f' 3 , tor 7*°° the collar is trimmed with hemstitching and lace insertion and an organdie collar, . $2.50 lU,tent C ° H #km White lisle ribbed union suits; low neck and sleeveless ; fancy „ „ MJ " . yoke; knee length, 50< A $5.00 Crepe de Chme Kimono, $3.95 si'.7s n .92.00 * 1 nua'ity of crepe is very worthy and the collar and cuffs are finished with hemstitching. In lavender, ' .... ■ W omens Silk Hose of Quality: 79c roSe> Wlstana - h * ht blue - Be'jnan and Pink. An outof-theordinary long kimono for W. 95 « l"te Isubuck Educator shoes— „ Two styles of long crepe kimonos are shown this week for SI.OO. One is loose in the hack; the other is Sizes 3to 8, Sizes to Sizes 11H to Black Silk hose, fashioned feet; high spliced heels: four-inch fitted at the waist with an elastic; in vXrious colors, all of them desirable for Summer. $2.00 11, .. .92.50 2, . . .S:t.OO lisle garter tops. Pair, Long crepe kimonos, with loose back or fitted waist line; sailor collar, with hand embroiderv or plaited frill u. n i c T7I - QU- J /-V f j Fancv silk hose; black boots, white and fancy striped tops, of messahnf Men S Educat °r Shoes and Oxfords y fashioned feet SI.OO Petticoats of Taffeta 55.00 to SIO.OO I he most eo ™' ort »We and best fitting shoes , . osj. n- i m x i OJlcwl i "P"."" ipxv.wv —g, ln metal calf, black kidskin and tan ■KnT Black lisle out size nose, fashioned feet «<OC I lircular flounce style? trimmed with narrow plaitings, rose quilling or narrow ruffles. In rose, taupe, Rus- Russian calf —broad toe lasts with white oak Fine silk lisle hose; seamless; in black, tan and white 25* Slßn ' Me«liM°or iewel"wifh *T' y and . blai ; k : . , , f lcather Goodyear welte.l soles and broad heels, , ' -«essaune or jersey petticoats with flounce, in plaited or circular stvle f3.50 to $5.03 $4.30 VT Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. | totton messaline petticoat*, wuh plaited flounce " $1.30 Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear. Li: * j t® Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. New Duntley Vacuum FJfIA : I j Trefousse Real Kid Gloves Cleaners $3.95 &W' Men's $20.00 Spring I Are Gloves of Real Distinction The latest lf>ls model with adjustable bmsh attachment. This 1 K| O vv„ u it t i * i i• ■ • . ~ _. . , , , >» SS We heartily recommend Trexousse gloves to women who discrinu is a thoroughly efficient cleaner guaranteed both bv the manufac- v ~ L i . rt* -fl rv *** . . . T .... . , .. , k p 1"C Q+ X I « / nate in t,leir outer apparel. In various qualities, imported direct turer and ourselves. This is an unusually low price for a vacuum ' t-'liL J wLillO Cll sPIO./ O from France: cleaner of such merit as the Duntley. „ //Wlsy i y Trefousse gloves of finest quality real kid, in black with white embroidery Lawn mowers—high wheel* with I High-grade continuous length /4r I 0 MISLEADING '"Sale" Dl'ic'e llllt 'l rp«l vnluo aiUl whitc sewin R- Pair $2.23 three carbon steel blades. 9 inch I woven fabric rubber covered garden Mw-\ I • 1 ,i « . 1 \ctlllt. Trefousse Sans Pareil 2-clasp kid gloves, in black with white embroidory open-spoke wheels and side plate, , hose made to withstaji'i high ✓. S j J. 111 ClOtneS 01 tllC D6St CJllfllitv and Stvle. TIIPSC w h»te sewing. Pair $2.00 Stfl£ Sharpener ' h ' Shlr ! any length .) JP, are hand-tailored suits from regular Stock and Two-clasp kid gloves, in colors; white and black $1.30 to $2.00 ift «o.»- '-."inch foot lOc ! '/mi it ' flip i a J i . , Washable 75c clmmoisette gloves, with three pearl buttons; in all desirable ii tZt. A Ifl " le .special price IS quoted because of the broken con- 14 inches.' .92'S Ame-ican Water Motor Washing TVAU' dltloD ° f the sizes SOine StvleS. There ai'O all 817 PS Sixteen-button. length ohamoisette gloves, at 39c to SI.OO 16 inches, 53.00 ! Machines, guaranteed to work on i Xjif v ' ill flip pntir-A 1 t 1 - Q*« Lisle and chamoisette gloves, in four colors, white and black. Pair, ...23c _„ , . , „ , 30-lb. pressure, motor guaranteed for UOWevei' J4 to 40. Silk gloves, with double finger ends. Pair 30c to $1.30 Ball bearing lawn mowers. P-inch one year, brass cylinder only, valve «- np x open-spoke whee s, 4 crucible steel in p ' !ston redu eing the number of T7?m] Latest ElUlligh sacks in one and 2 hiif/nn / / ' ° ° y Stewart ' Street I,oor blades on revolving cutter, dust working parts, long stroke motor, A SdCKS in One and 2 button models. bearings, highly fiu- a H jrlass inclosed, large tub, com- _ . O -f pi f V.WF 1565 Checks Mixtures Overpiaids wittsbugarCuredbhoulders, 14 inches, .$4.23 plete for gas or electricitv, $7.00, I 1 •. fID 1 / 15 £& :::::::SrS 1U Suits Tailored Expressly for Young lb., 12& C Dives, Pomerov i Stewart. Basement. t. \ M C* i r" t <-» t -—— ——- Men: l 5« $lB and S2O 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, 59c _ New White Dress Goods \ m 3 (!" f ° r y ° lmK m ™ in '' assi - swin-. « .» g .,c„red .v- er , g . , lb ». At 2 o<*. 39c and oOr—^\ oiles and crepes in plain and novelty f ,\1 ft ' ' ' 1 DllXtUies. Owing to the limited number to be sold none will be sent C. 0. D. weaves, Irish poplin, dotted Swiss and pique. g \ Plaill and patch pockets; full aild skeleton linings Special to-morrow, lb., 121/ 2 tf qtifutl n at rhite VOil6 ° f B ° ft * he?r I .kiSS v," V * aml Striped W Sc Ml 4,11 SiZeS ' With each SI.OO purchase, not including shoulder special, we will 23c. 39C. 30C. 75c to SI.OO • «- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. ¥ U 10 ,bB -.* ranulated SU «» r f ° r 59 < Eire cloth with small snow flake three good patterns, vard 39c i I Three Elevators cases fancy solid , "F'lait" tender creamy an excellent snappy va desitm, vard, , , - A ' . , I ■VJ packed tomatoes; extra Maine corn; can rtety; lb 27c JSS&TSZ&S?*'"''* i '■» White gabardine, one of the most j 30c, 83c, 93c, SI.OO and $1.23 20 cases Early sweet beans in tomato sauce; Gorsonzola; the finest popular white weaves this season White pique a favorite fabric for Dozing*':. *. .® a .Me 3 sS|ar"cures u'aly?® lbf mP ° r,ed .. > ard t>9c, 30c, 63c to $1 .OO skirts, yard. 2.> c, 39c, 39c to 73c /A WWiJ Fancy asparagus tips, strips weigh 3to 4 lbs., Sweitzer cheese; lb., ... „ _ AT , tall tins, very tender, 2 lb 2Sc 33c 111 cj, Fomeroy X Stewart, Street Floor. jjK / cans, 35c Sugar - cured bacon: Imported Roquefort — X x >. _ No. round cans sliced any thickness: cheese; lb 55c W \ S \ dStk choice tender aspara- lb 28c Record coffee; a choice * * y T . O• 11 ¥1 Ifll (—/-v W \ / > JH . regular 20c cans, Lebanon bologna, lb., blend, in one-lb. bags, Men s Interwoven hi k Hair Hnv .Stir i \ - >* \ l jH# j i i««-i«cans. SI.OO s.%c ib *» U> CU 1 lull 1 lvJaC, UUO S f 1 \ L . A ,/V Delmonte asparagus Dauphin County bo- Banquet coffee; a se , . ... ft /_ \ P\ j 1 AjlDMtfimi) i'[Vr / tips; square cans; con- logna. lb. 23c lection of fancy coffees. Interwoven silk halt hose: high spliced heels: black, sand cliam- W - carefully roasted; In on* n.,,-,- >,..1 „ .i„,„ - A , W \ /> i ' > Svfi >* 1 I 2Sc ' doze n, »2.50 Country cured dried pound parchment bags: pagne. unite. na\j. red. gretn. slate, S \ j /v I i \f\ t! Ifl ®l uSB» Flag whole tomatoes, beef. 4ib ioc ib soc , ~ , lw—-- V J /u 1 ' Il\ , I large size; the very fin- Luncheon loaf, 1b.... Purity coffee; our very Interwoven silk lisle half nose: seamless: black, tan, naw, slate, STa. , t J , MI .1' i rMBH ' est P acked - Can . !»«• 23c finest blend; 1 ib. cans. cat,.) u-bitc ori A Tjfi I V it r jLJESWeDozen *1.70 Minced ham, lb., ~2oc 40e sail"! and White 25c I 1 k t •*. "Flag" small rosebud Boiled ham, the very "Senate" tea, selected ctti -it i i« i 1, <swn m \ lßtx 1 l '#> beets; large tins of finest to be had; sliced, from the best chops and ribre silk half hose; seamless: in blai-k. tan. naw and slate.. {X 1 \ \ 1 sweet red ruby beets, ib 3»c blended with the great ■f I I 1 \ I I ' jBBBHMRH Can, .. 18cj 6 cans, SI.OO English dairy cheese, est care; lb., 03c Men's Summer Underwear M " Dive8 ' Pomeroy&Btcwart " Baßonient - White cotton ribbed union suits: j White madras athletic union suits; \I Al 77 fl\ ~ - _ 1 r\ < 1 short sleeves and ankle length, SI.OO knee lenpth 73c •// / V OllirtS lOr 1 enniS, OOlling BnQ vjtller Egyptian cotton ribbed union Egyptian balbriggan shirts and fSw Pi y / (Li. \J l -- / Out Hnnr suits: short sleeves; ankle length. I drawers; shirts long or short >Ljfc I I fc'"\ 1 I\\ WUI L/UUI O|JvJIIO tr Dives. Pomerov & ste'warTstreet fW Ifffi I/ / ' I I 1 ' \ / A showin g representative of the best styles produced for the m'Sk i irt — / forthcoming summer season: XT C.l ■ F> I 1 1 —~L.——_ Men's sports shirts in solid white to 14. Each 30e INew otyles in DOVS Wash OUItS V I 1 "ft*" n ' or " eat ,tri P e P atterns - with »tan(K- Scout shirts with two flap military 47 v / II ~— / ar( * st^'e or conv « r tib l e high-low col- pockets and attached collar. Here's the Balkan stvle—the vestee effect—middies—Russians / \ \ " '— / • l» r sl.oo to $1.30 Shirts with separate collars in ami Norfolk*—all .he popular cuts iu deinattd this season. Shown 4 . in blqe and white stTip6Ct tan and plain blue lin6D f fancy I I u which allows for freedom of the Boys' all silk and part silk shirts t madras, linene in brown, tan and blue, pique and white percale, r~J \ wrist $1.30 with separate or attached collar, sizes 2 ! /3 to 9 years. 51.30, 51.95, 32.50, 52.95 and $3.50. fj <*4 % . ShirU for Boys Boy, Oliver Twist suits, sizes 2\ 2 to 8 years, 50c to si .95. © \ | yJll I Negligee styles with separate soft justable collar; in grey, tan and _ collar in white and stripes; sizes 12 white 30c tr Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart. Second Floor, Rear—Three Elevators. _. ' • , ■ — tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men s Store. HARRISBTTRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 23. 1915.