FTOfl'fJfr SPRING IS HERE BnH@Kj jSmmr Is Fast Approaching cannot help but see the green grass and to hear if you rise early X enough, the twitter of the birds. Parks and sheltered gardens will'soon ilgpj I he abloom with laurel and rhododendron. It is only a few days until 7 J you wiD be going "AMAYING." It is time to stop the echoes and end the I || gloom of shut-up houses. Get that house-cleaning done. Get that new Rug, The Charm of Fine * means and get Baby out in the fresh air and sunshine. / Rugs and Cm Tab Can of All Yiur Ntsds, So Don't Dolay INJOTHING adds so much to the charm We have four floors of stock and warehouses of duplicates waiting for and coziness of a room as pretty floor coverings ou se^ the prices are great saving, 10 per cent, at least saved and and attractive draperies. Their luxurious soft co- many cases 25 per cent. lorings enhance the warmth of the home spirit which be- ————. ——— speaks a cordial and ready welcome. Even though the fur niture may be nice, it does not appear to the best advantage A ■ I //A| _ lAfml ■ #%l "II I I II without this necessary setting. Our entire stock is calcu- lipt n ■■| B ||AAT UUlfll A |"h||| In If " lated to appeal to the varying and discriminating tastes of I Mil I H l|||||N| ffllll II |j 11111 111 ||_ our patrons, in pattern, color effects and prices. You should ww% villi ■■ w 11111 111 (1| see our room and hearth size rugs in Axminster, Wilton, HI 1191 ■ ■■ ■ ■% r m The WnitP. mnnntain Rfifriffpratnr select only such lines as contain the finest workmanship, best I IIU WVIIIIU If IUUII lit 111 IIU 11 I gLUI (IIU I materials and fast colore. Our curtain line comprises the best ' ® in Cable Net, Nottingham. Cluny, Marquisette, Irish Point, T-fdrHwrw-vr! P Brussels Net, Arabian. Scnm, Etc. Something for everybody. OpeCldi ndrUWOOO lYeiriger- The Bissell sweeper saves carpets and protects atOF, tat Holds 40 lbs. of Ic6, « furnishings by its gentle, yet thorough and dustless sweep- /\ QO 'vaS\ ing. It eliminates the drudgery and outlasts 50 brooms. At Q all prices, depending upon style, etc. We offer special: Bissell Sweepers, $1.98 to $4 ii Special Ice Chest, that Holds | Vacuum-Sweepers and $1 i A dMfl 50 lbs. of Ice, iiran is Cleaners, v* lU sl6 4810 Q Q ■•'W i OT\ W W Specials in Room-Sized Ruers, Matting, IJP^eT'O Carpet and Oilcloth. TT , , A Special 9x12 Seamless Rug, 7C Special Side leer, that Holds J To-morrow at . 99.1 d 75 lbs. of Ice, r I J $12.98- Mr WE ARE OUTSIDE THE HIGH RENT. HIGH PRICE DISTRICT AND YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BILL CHARGED IF YOU WISH Special After-Easter Clearance Sale of Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses, All Reduced. An Op portunity of Your Life to Get a New Spring Suit Early at a Reduction of From 25% to 40% GATELY & FITZGERALD SUPPLY CO. -FURNISHER!- 29.31-33 and 35 S. Second St. I FAMILY - . 1 Location Means a Great Saving To You————j 1 riikKa AMVSEMEMTS i " ~ ' "" MAJL.STIC Saturday. April 24. matinee and Mclntyre aud Heath in '" Tae .lam Tree. I :.J»y a;&;lnee sad n.ght. April 30. •' Tw .n Beds.'' COLONIAL •iTMt aflereoun a:id e« cuing, v;vid* fillc aui pictures. 'VICTORIA iloOon Pictures. PHOTOPLAY Motion Pictures. REGENT Motion Pictures. P ATtAUL Moving Pictures. Mclntyre and Heath Those who remember '"The Hani Tree,'* which comes to the Majestic Saturday afternoon and evening wili teii you is has ail the good qualities of musical entertainment. pleasant melo j oie». rosliekiag comedv and picturesque i settings During its Career *s a Kiaw! an j tr.anger production it led tHe field j ASK FOR-* Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER J NO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg. Pa. , Frank J. Rieker, M«r. of lively entertainment. That was six years ago. Its revival by John Cort this time J should yield its own reward for it brings back # musical play that was enjoyable w:th the two black blossoms of laughter. Mclntyre and Heath, in original role, one as a "chamber maid" in an Alabama stable, and the other a sure-enough minstrel man. From the time the Georgia Minstrels arrive at Mognolia Springs until they appear in the Nicklebacier Mansion on Fifth avenue. New York. Mclntyre and Heath as laugh producers are in a class all ' by themselves. How Alexandra Hamble- ; , tonian from the livery stable, played by Mclntyre, was lured away to become a minstrel, and how be became stranded i down in Florida, finally to get on his feet with the actor man when they im personate a Raiahoni and Raiah to de ceive the wealthy Mr. Nicklebacker. never fails to convulse the audience.— Adv. * "Twin Beds" There is a delicious touch of fem ininity in the retiring scene of "Twin: Beds," when dainty and charming Margaret Boiaad prepares to slumber. | In a rode de nuit'that makes the fem inine portion of the audience gasp w-th envy, and her slender feet shovel into red ieather Spanish mules, she! affrightedly explores the dark chasms, under each twin bed. and to her in-' tense relief and the unqualified enjov ment of the audience, there is no dreadful man there. It is just such lit- J tie touches of human nature that • brings "Twin Beds'' home to all of us whether we hav e the misfortune to be apartment house dwellers or not. Sel wyn & Co.. are sending "Twin Beds"' * * f HARRISBFRG STAR-INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 22, 1915. c to the Majestic for a return engage ment next Friday matiaee and night ' ! with an exceptionally talented and fine !| ly balanced cast, comprising Miss Bo * land. Rowland Vance Lee. Marion 1 1 Lord, August Aradiini. Beatrice In . gram. Jan e Sevmour and J. M. Brvnes. —Adv. * Big Show at Colonial Headed by the biggest musical com edy act that ever played the theatre, a new bill of vaudevilie opened at the ; Colonial this afternoon for the re- j mainder of the week. "The Bachelor; 'Dinner."' the headliner, is a gigantiei piece of stageware, surpassing all pre vious acts offered at the Colonial. There are fifteen people carried by the act, including a bevy of maidens who make up a very charming chorus. They have I lavish costumes and have been drilled in the pretty dances and steps that go! with the big musical comedy show. On ' the same bill are Rozella and Rozella. in an instrumental musical act: Van dinoff and Louie, a novelty in oil paintings; Little Miss Jean,"clever ju i venile entertainer. This is the first time ( the musical comedy, "The Bachelor j Dinner," has ever been presented in a ■ theatre charging prices as low as those asked at the Colonial.—Adv. • AT THE REGENT I Henry W. Savage's tremendously successful mystery farce, "The Mii tlion," with Edward Abates, is to-day's ; attraction at the Regent theatre in "ad dition to the regular program of first j 1 run films. The elaborate picture was | shown last night and was witnessed by big audiences. So quick is the action of the farce that its adaption to the screen was in- ! evitable; indeed the is a motion I picture itself. Edward Abeles is ver satile and at all times entertaining. | Though he is called upon to portray six ! distinct characters, he changes his per } soaality with each costume and the ef j feet is surprisingly entertaining. ''The j Million " is a safe and sure cure for melancholia and it is absolutely fatal to one's dignity. The motion picture has been cleverly constructed and the settings, of which there are many, are uniformly good. For to-morrow Man ager Magaro has booked the film pro duction of Bret Harte's book. " M "Liss.'" which will be shown in five j parts.—Adv.* "The Ordeal" at the Victoria, To-day One of the greatest features it has ever been our pleasure to present will | | be offered to-day, entitled "The Or-1 ( deal." It is a wonderful production j which every person ought to see. That the Victoria's new $25,000 pipe organ ! jis truly "the talk of the town" is | proven by the fact that every day we j : hear people saying that they "doubt I its cost'' or that it is not played by ! a musician but is an automatically ar- I , ranged instrument. Otffers say that it j is the greatest musical instrument that J they have ever heard and we feel {er- i tain that only those who have not , heard this marvel of musical genius ' and mechanical ekiU could criticise i adversely. This great *25,000 pipe or jian is one of very few in the country ■ j and are mostly in*the most pretentious i I motion pictures of the larger cities. I i To-morrow we present "The G>eat ! . Diamond Robbery," featuring an. all I star cast including Miss Gail Kane, ! Wallace Eddinger and Charles J. Boss, j This six part production has been taken from that great melodrama of the same name. "Three Weeks," will j , be shown next Tueadav and Wednes day.—Adv* SCHWAB TO HNTEB BANKING ! Steel Magnate and Associates Bay Site .for Building South Bethlehem, Pa., April 22. Charles JJ. Schwab, reports here had it yesterday, intends to enter banking. The steel magnate and others have pur chased for (40,u00 a sixty by 100 feet site at corner of New and Fourth streets. On this, and possibH additional, property, Schwab, who k working joint ly with Pittsburgh capitalists, it is said, will erect a modern five-storv bank building. Seriously Hurt By Jitney 'Boa Beadjag, April 22.—While on his way td attend church services here yesterday, Peter Matthew*, aged 56, was run down by a jitnev bus, owned and operated by Walter Ravel, and se riously injured. He suffered a eoncus- ' •ion of the brain and may not recover. STUDENTS CUT EXPENSES Penn State Juniors Substitute Smoker for Class Dinner State College, Pa., April 22.—De termined to cut down the cost of their college expenses, the members of the junior class at Penn State Tuesday I night voted to substitute a smoker for the annual class dinner. This decision reduces the individual price for the function from $8 to 50 cents. In former ' yoars classes traveled to Pittsburgh, Washington or Harrisburg for yearly banquets set at $3 a plate. Transportation expenses and incidentals \ cost each man $5 more. This year the juniors will stay at home and hold their smoker in the college armory. SCHOOL STRIKERS FINED Thirteen Assessed 82 Each Agree to Return to Studies Yonkers, X. Y., April 22.—The strike among the 1.000 pupils of public school Xo. 20. who refused to attend school because Wiiliam 8. Maxson, their for- GORGAS' Iron, Quinine AND Strychnine I The Best Spring ! Tonic [ : Iron for the blood • Quinine for the system Strychnine for the nerves Iron, Quinine and Strychnine is widely recommended by the medical profession. Counteracts malaria, builds strength and health. 50£ and SI.OO WAS' DRUG STORES 16 N. Third St and Penn'a Station CRARLRS J. ■ Molt j Worthy MMkk Clothes, I I | The Classy I pi^ u ' ts sls—s2o—s2s hare caused young meu to tell their friends that our suits are distinctive and perfect in style and fit. Our store is an ex clusive "Clothes Shop" and we specialize Young Men's Suits. We study your wants and when you put on one of our suits your pleasure and comfort is assured. Our English Models, with soft roll front coats, in neat dark or light worsteds, serges or velour finished cassimercs, < are very attractive and the Olenn Urquliart Plaids we show L are extremely popular. We ve gained popularity at a bound and our methods of doing business, will surely appeal to you. Every suit we sell must be a perfect fit and we give every customer our personal attention. 14 N. Third St., next to Gorgas, Druggist mer principal, failed to be reappointed, collapsed yesterday, when thirteen of the boy strikers were fined J J each by City Judge Beall. Seven of the lads had spent a night of reflection in jail and yesterday prom ised to go back to school. Mr. Maxson was partly responsible for ending the trouble. He went among the pupils, urging them to go back to their desks. Armless, Acquitted of Beating Wife Hazleton, April 22.—Wife beating, which wa« charged against J3cob Get ski. did not seem a suitable accusation REO CARS AND TRUCKS Reo The Fifth SIOSO f.o.b. Lansing, Mich. "The Incomparable Four" 6-Cylinder Touring, 122 Wheel Base $1385 4-Cylinder Touring, 115 Wheel Base, SIOSO 4-Cylinder Roadster, 112 Wheel Bare, SIOOO R ** % to 1-ton Truck complete with body $1075 iy 2 to 2-ton Truck Chassis only, .$1650 ALL F. O. B. FACTORY wheji Mayor .lames Harvey surveyed the man, who is armless. (Jetaki claim ed that when he did not make a good day's wages his wife abused him. The Mayor decided that Oeiski could not have hammered his spouse very badly with both arms off. Fractures Leg In Fall 'William Freet, New Buffalo, re,civ el a badly fractured right leg yester day when he fell from a 9-foot lii'ih scaffold at the island coal wharf. The injured man was t:ikeu to the Harris burg hospital where the fracture was reduced. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers