Join the Bowman Refrigerator Club . #4 Athletes and cold water plungers to-morrow. SI.OO sends the famous CALL 1001 mwM 9 FOUNDED . • . , , Notaseme stone lined refrigerator to ANY PHONB ML | 1871 should take advantage of this Half your home. WUJkgwMrgggUlg Price Sale of Turkish Towels. To-morrow, 23d: A Rousing 23c Sale ~~ I April 23d, falls on two important days: Friday 2>jfH(Ml I bargain day, and the last of the 4 Days of I Stock Reducing. Therefore a 23c sale with Jpik Jr I j amazing price reductions. All items announced giS ifr! I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings Kg I I Wp Mil will be on sale to-morrow as well. Read every M IB I ————— Lmens No phone orders Dfdp6ri6S I * T • j » . Silver Bleached Table Oloth for sale items sent Silkoline—in white, laven- ~ OSlCiy AH i regularly 33c; 9Qf» prOVaP one on a P ularly 10c; 4 yardsf :23c I Leatw I Muslinwear <**VICA ▼¥ vttl Table Tapping block pat- floral designs; regu- /"***** J nainsook and figured crepe Women's Stockings—plain Linen Doilies—stamped for terns; 36 inches wide; regu- Qtl 4-T|p larly 39c to 45c; yd., fc inches colors; formerly 50c OQn Women's Hand Purses Brassieres—made of cam less; regularly 17c; OOa 23c ; "'ill harts; llx 00„; l.rgc e.rpe, to 75c; 3 pairs Z6C .fa" brie batje; reinforSl 2 for ttut a ' k • - u J* •■■■ ' nn ,.~f^7 a 1 ' inches; 3 for ... UO C on °" eßld ® and small; patterns Mercerized Fringe red Folding Drinking CUDS UNDPR ARM; y° kes OF LAUE aQ d Women's Union Suits—low —*■ Turkish Face Oloths-ligUt >b. otter; rev e ra.Me ;reg. only, tormeri,oopq p -in toXr 23f embroidery; crossed back neek; sleeveless; lace knees; _ _ blue; regularly toe; and high neck, short seleves j \JST ATfIPTI Q m' "v , , r< s* -Jn * ati Burlap—red or green; 36 | lot; formerly OQ _ and tight knees: reg- OO VY vlllvlX w Toweling linen huck, Crex Stair Carpets and Hall inches wide; regu- ()<)„ i • ooc to SI.OO, at .... AuC ularly 50c, at ZoC f\* _ Wlt 1 h nar, :® w red border; 18 Runners- m blue, green and , ar , lgl/ 2 , ZoC TTSI TI Hlr Ar Dressing Sacques - made Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. CjIOVCS inches wide; regu- 9q p brow?; regularly 9Q r Sample Lace Curtains-one Hanalier- of light percales and lawns, larly 3ac ? yard,.... /yut 29c ; yard n„i P nf a 01' ?o fl • ,n assorted patterns; low __ _ Lisle Gloves—2-clasp and Bleached Toweling—regu- Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. pair oi a Kina ; i/ 2 and J neck or flat collar-all sizes- MPTI'Q 16-button length; OQ/, larly'6c; yards long; formerly SI.OO formerly 50c, 00l ® pair ZOC 5 yards, £IO C C*ll to $1.50, Crepe de Chine Handker- at ZoC Children's Chamoisette and Bath Mats—pink and blue; OIIKS Pa "' chiefs—in all shades; excep- Gingham Aprons small 1; ill HISHIHS[S Lisle - Chiffon Dress Taffeta IS Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. tional value, checks of blue and white; Men's Underwear-shL Cloves 16C larly 33c; at Z6C Jg£ Linen Hsnd OO ST? Styl " S th 7 f " drawers and union suits.: Main F.oor-BOWMAN'S, Main F,oor-BOWMAN'S. mais pink, white, brown and T J kerchiefs, 3 for . 23C belt feeS " g QOI broken lines; light weight; , x garnet; regularly gQp LdtCb dlia Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. at 2oC S .!! 23c Ribbons and Hats and Embroi- Men's Half Hose—silk lisle ht i r>___ wide; in Nile, tan, grey and KnVS' WLJi.. and pi.™ cotton; double Neckwear Z'Ta'd" 8 23c deries wnite soles; black and colors; regu- Q ,./i hnv. 1 AdUV UvlivO Pi ninin/v /■% larly 25c; " Manx's and Bows'w k n larlv 39c to 7oc• yd., 23C Boys' felt and velour Hats, hundred different styles; Swiss Flonncing; yd., Knickerbockers t'idl cut; Linene—soft finish; regu- S h™ra^,!7'kial ota ?.f Meire Ribbons-large line '°™^«' 00 «»" 23C ™'»- »»'» »U0 OQp • ta V v ° 23C # 23C and 50c values. FlO of shades to select from; reg- at yard; piece cing,yard, yams mjy •< 23c 23 C »—"""A** :,9e ~ud 50c' Val. .M,p b si2es , W Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ~ , V , , , - _ _ - sets, piece, regularly 39c; pair, £OC striped organdie; OO Collars—Lace and organ- Wiiif-n i*% OQn Sold 3t> Tort 'hon Laces, 10 Oliver Twist Wash Suits— regularly 39c; yard, ZljC "nAWQcfipiJ die; regularly 50c, OOp O 111 Lb 111 LIIC /COL OdlC yards, 23£ assorted colors; reg- Luna Lawn—looks, lasts X/UlliCO tlt/5 at 0 , ~ ot * ci • Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. ularly 50c, at and launders like linen; 40 Percales S6 inches wide- Xlain t! ° 01 BOWMAN'S. %p 1 TOT - OQ^» cut from full pieces; regu- • So a good, pure wool, tailored suit will cost you $2.46. XXThaI years; formerlyOO * ' crene Ratinein lies t'.! !s IvS pat - 23c Chinaware And they were originally $12.50, $!5.00,517 50 and $20.00. W 001 UieSS J t . .V.,° 23C wiSegS OQ ! j-Goods , e«J c ,ÜB,r ' " ss.ooskirts,atsl.23 '• JKM Kitchen- Wash Dress inehes; 3-inch hem; launder- "«i'' "B , * —and some of them were more than $5.00. Pure wool and white; yard, .. XtT O foo ed ; regularly 45c; limit 4to u ~ , , , Ba sk®^ s — fabrics—serges, poplins, basket weaves and honeycomb Storm Serges—plain col- "diCO VjOOCIS a customer; nQ„ « ! Wl * r,! ' 23p •» » 1 " 1 »«"" with " ri P e i Brooms-,„»,1e of select Oolored n-J*" „aa White Flannel II wool* Decorated German China— j $2.50 and $2.98 Crepe de Chine Waists, at $1.23 I 23c ! tor^roo"" cut from full pieces; OO ' »«l>d dishes, eakc plates, nut The latest models—the best colors and all sizes. Not all Striped Nov lty Suiting- regularly 39c; at .. 2oC va-d """ 5 23C «» ZaP bowls, spoon trays, olive sizes in all styles, however, as most of them are samples. 42 inehes wiHe-for tia Chamber Pails—ealvaniz- i* **""«'*• ', j M.r- % nsr No ' " ,M> " of ired : 23c m inches wide; choice $5.00 Taffeta and Messaline Waists, at $1.23 Roman Stripe Worsted ° ' • ,VA(* formerly 89c; yard, ttOt larly 12% c; 3 yards, hOv Glass Fruit Bowls—Colon- A splendid opportunity for women who wear black. , Towel" Bars'-soiid Pillow Cases—bleached; 42 ial pattern; 8-inch size • reg- Dozens of staple style waists in black taffeta and messa- f' -m nil hes u ide ,tor- nickel-plated- 15 18 21 and inches wide, in navy, Copen x36 or 45x36 inches, ulady Sc OO • also nav - v and brow » and ,lark Excellent mer ! y 3!>e aml 24* inches long wgOO a " d ~r 9^o 3 for ZOC at ZOC qualities, and all sizes among them. > artl ularly 49c choice ZoC ya J?'« "'V-' *' * Wrannar 7 i i«" *. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. t»« 1, * ®-- . Cotton Ratine—linen fin- Fn !;iwr crr?v7,! , y Blue Band Bowls-made of SI.OO to $1.50 House Dresses, at - OO^ talito in silver grey, blue or white porcelain ■ formerly 35c ar ii t .*• ', . e . • —, . imported white willow; reg- uUrlv 9*ic vH ■ 0 v,)« Z» M light colors; limit, one pat- and 45c- OO Slightly crumpled from getting wet, but perfect in PVI 11HTOTI ' O ularly 39c; OO mL i^'lrll^uvuT^M tern to a customer, OO at ' 2iO C eVery 0 ier way " AIM)Ut six dozen altogether. You'll V/UUQrcIl S at £qQ 1 at ZOC Milk Pitchers-decorated ■ C ° m ? Carly t0 g f one - a f nd - vou t,an , u -v one -. We _ Wash Boards-Tidal wave jI T a • Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. regSarly 35c "id Art ' want as many of our customers as possible to participate. Vf £nvonia..,t'V". '^ c >ad ()Se Support -j /T> _ __ _ kind. Most of them are sizes 36 and 38—some larger torn; sizes 3to 6 years; for- i *i ',j mr i".' ''' ers, 23^ Border 1 Oys »«es among then, merly 50c ; fan uSriy c > 75c Wash C ™' TJ ~ &9c Romper Dolls, slightly sls to $25 Dresses, at $3.23 and $4.23 'children's Waah'nnH ve,vet and ser » e Presses; crepe de chine, Hats—made of chambray, or floors- regularly OO Shields, 3 pairs, ....23£ J^ a ° dl>9c fharacter and messaline, charmeuse, silk poplin, velvet and satin, serge pique, and ratine; also straw 69 c -at ' '2 OC 15c box Taffeta covered 20 yards of cut out bor- Infant Dolls, 23* and velvet; all splendidly made; good styles. / hats, sizes 2to « years; for- in ikes' Swift's So Quillbone, 2 for 23^ der (enough for room); 50c and 69c Mechanical _ , „ AOO merly 50c to $l9B- OO t» iw f- c 2 pair Velvet Grip Ilose regular price sc. Suitable Toys, at 23< Percale Petticoats, at for most every room. To- SI.OO to $1.25 Walking An- White with neat figures and stripes, and plain blue *' Tnfanta' Po«o ;n, i t >J,. ' ]f t 'B 3 23^ morrow, 20 imals, at chambray. Made to sell at 59c. Cut very full and well i ■ f "" ashing 1 ow- OO « 1 doz. spools John J. yard8 ' 50c Printing and Painting tailored, with sectional ruffles. One to a customer. ly to 50c; 'oo l 10 rolls Crepe ToV OO Clark's 6-cord spool cot- JVmrth -BOWMAN'S. Sets at ..23< Second Floor-BOWMAN'S. at ..., 23C let Paper, . ... . 23C t\in V.oor-BOWMAN^ —————-——— Third floor BOWMAN S. . Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Basement—BOWMAN'S. —.————. WOMAN, 70, ELECTED MAYOR Sirs. A. R. Canfield Defeats Opponent At Warren, 111., By Four Votes Chicago, 111., April 22.—Mrs. A. R. Canfield, 70 years old, was elected Mayor of Warren, 111., Tuesday, de feating her opponent by four votes. She is thp first nonian in Illinois to be chosen chief executive of a muni cipality. Warren's population is about 1,500. Sued For Breach of Promise, He Weds Sunbury, April 22.—Miss Marie lllif, a divorcee, and Bert I. Rertn, a >': in bury merchant, divorcee, were married here yesterday by the Rev. M. H. Wert. Last February Renn was made defendant in a breach of prom ise case, brought in the Northumber- ■ 'v, ( ' ■ ■, *'•- -V y I ■■ '■ ' ' ■" ' ' ■■ : ■ , > HARRISBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, 1915. land county court here by Mrs. Nellie J. Wilson, in which she sought $lO,- 000 damages, alleging that Renn pro posed marriage aud then jilted her. The suit was withdrawn. Two Men Hurt in Auto Wreck Lewisburg, April 2i2.—Their auto mobile skidding anil crashing into the abutment of a bridge near here, E. L. Howell and Ralph Mertz, Northumber land business men, were pinned under the car. Howell suffered a broken col lar bone and bruises, while Mertz es caped with slight lacerations. Two Hurled Into Mine Mahanoy City, April 22.—A steam shovel and two laborers were carried thirty feet into the earth yesterday when the surface at the Mahanav Col • liery strippings subsided. Nicola De i.leanese, aged 30, sustained a broken | back and internal injuries. He was re leased by a rescue force. His death is expected. The other laborer, Rock De nesio, managed to crawl from the wreckage, escaping with bruises. NO NEED TO REPEAT SUICIDiE Pottstown, Pa., April 22.—After a ; week of suffering, George Fillman, the 12-year-old lad who emptied a load of ,shot into his abdomen because he was afraid of being whipped for running I away from home, died at a local hos | pital yesterday. j Under the impression he would get I well, he said to his nurses. "I'll make a good job of it next time." "Handcuff King" Is Sent to Jail York, April 22.—Albert Littaur, known in theatrical circles an a "handcuff tying'' was yesterday sen tenced to jail for nine months on a plea of guilty on the charge of larceny as bailee. His crime consisted in ob taining two watches from a local jew elry company ou the installment plan and then pawning them. Growing Children frequently heed a food tonic and tissue builder for their good health. Emulsion containing HypophotpM** is the 'T thia. George A Gorgas York to Have Curfew for Women York, April 22.—Mayor John R. Lafean has made special arrangements to put into effect immediately an order which prohibits young girls and wom en from walking the streets of York after 11 o'clock at night. Any woman seen on the street after that hour un less she has a good excuse will be ar rested. Boy Bites Tongue; Bleeds to Death York, April 22.—Carl Gray, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gray, of near York Haven, accidentally bit hie tongue last Thursday. Physicians were unalble to stop the flow of blood and the youngster bled to death Tues day. Several physicians tried to save i the child's life. DYINO OF NEGRO'S ATTACK Oirl Beaten Insensible While Qetting Him Food Will Die Towanda, April 22.—A negro tramp ! attacked Anna Crowl, 18 years of age, so .brutally at her home in South Waverly, yesterday afternoon, that she will not survive. The negro was captured and hurried to the county jail in Towanda to avert lynching. The negro had asked the girl for 'something to eat, and while she was i j»rejiariug it he entered the house and j beat her into insensibility. He then stole valuables and fled. S. W. Crowl, father of the girl, to get to the negro to shoot him. but 1 was prevented by officers VINCENT ASTOR TO BE FLYER | Purchases Flying Boat for Flights oi Hudson and at Newport New York, April 22.—Vincent As J tor has purchased a living boat am proibably will make trial flights in i [within the next few weeks, from tin Hudson river near his home, Fern Cliil at Rhinebeck, N. Y. The boat is bull for two passengers, and it is said tha Mrs. Astor intends making flights wit I her husband. If the boat proves a success, it ii probable that Mr. Astor will take it t( Newport this summer. He has had i floating hangar built for the boat, g< that'it inay be towed wherever he da ' sires to take it. 5