The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 21, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
Hefkln, Dilllan. 1620 N. Fifth, groceries. Hoffman A McFall. 1818 N. Third, gro ceries. Uarrlsburc Broker Co., ISO! N. Ssoond, brokers. Kirk land, J. A., 2J« Pefter. groceries. Kutp. Mrs. W. A., 1826 N. Sixth, con fectionery. *K.etl, E. J.. Mra. 1744 N. Fourth, gro ceriea Lehman. D. O- I»S4 N. Fourth, oysters. Dappley, John. 1800" N. Fourth, shoea Ijißts, W. D, 1948 N. eixth. groceriea Dandle, C. F., 1818 N. Third, fruit. Mehring. C. A.. Fourth and Pelf sr. McFadfen. ElisabeHu 17JS N. Third, meats. NeK, A. a. 1820 N. Sixth, produca Nva BJ. M.. 500 Kelker. groceriea Olewlne. 8.. 1820 N. Fifth, groceries. Rex Auto Garage, 1817 N. Third, sup plies and oil. Seibert, Homer, 1902 N. Sixth. Jeweler. Snook, W. H.. 324 Kelker, stovea Strlne & Kise, 18®2 Susquehanna, pro duce. •-Schuster, Mr* Clayton, 344 Muench, groceries. Smith. C. W.. 1808 N. Third, milk. 2-ln-l Store Co.. 1518 N. Sixth, groceriea Welger, J. M., 347 Muench, groceriea Wltman. Wm., 1945 N. Fourth, grocer ies. Weakley, C. a, 1851 N. Fourth, meata TWELFTH WARD Amnion. J. S.. Susquehanna and Hamil ton, pool. Amnion, J. S.. Susquehanna and Hamil ton. cigars. Bates & Son. 1724 N. Fifth, groceriea Blair. G. M . 319 Hamilton, groceriea Bueler. J. 1704 N. Sixth, candy. Bon Ton Shoe Shop, 1529 N. Third. * shoes. Katea J. 8.. 1337 N. Third, cigars. Balser. D. & Son. 1700 N. SUth. real estate. Beshore. T., 352 Harris, produce. Beshore, T'., 352 Harrla wholesale pro duce. , » Conover, C. D, 1728 N. Fourth, gro ceriea Crownshleld, H. E.. 1532 N. Sixth, gro ceriea Dovor, H. C.. 1724 N. Third, groceries. Frantz, J., 1701 N. Third, groceriea Forteiroaugh, W. H.. 1613 N. Third, res taurant. Klkwood Poultry Supply Co., 1702 N. Third, wholesale supplies. Good, G„ 1722 N. Fourth, notiona Gordon, J„ 1633 N. Third, shoes. Handshaw, C. E., 1541 N. Third, coal. Hull Bros.. 1718 N. Third, meats. Hess. E. H., 1530 N. Sixth, druga Jeffries, W. A., 224 groceries. Johnson. S. N„ IS3B N. Sixth, oysters. Koons, H. C., 1629 Penn, meats. Kuntz, U A„ 1530 N. Third, candy. Dodge. G. H.. 1622 N. Fourth, groceriea McCormlck, W. M„ 1628 N. SixtH, Jew » elry. Miller. J. F., 1732 N. Sixth, hardware. « Marsh, H. I*. 1603 N. FHfth, meata Mehring. E. J., 1601 N. Fourth, gro ceriea Martin, L» G.. 1726 N. Fourth, groceriea Malony, J. H„ 1619 Green, real estate. Parfet, J. A., 1341 N. Fourth, candy. Ralston, Jf., 1701 N. Fourth, groceries. Redmond. A.. 1520 N. Third, autos. Mra M., 1735 N. Iliird. candy. 6nerringer, J, R., 124 Hamilton, gro ceries. Gilbert. U. IM2 N. Sixth, candy. Sollenberger, S J„ 1538 N. Fourth, gro ■* ceries. Sherman, D„ 501 Hamilton, shoes. Smith. I» 8.. 268 Delaware milk. • Trlpner, G. C., 1640 N. Fifth, groceries. Wolford. J. H., 1603 N. Third, gas man tlea "■ Wagner, J. H„ 1639 N. Third, cigara West End Pharmacy, 1601 N. Third, * drugs. THIRTEENTH WARD Rover Bros., 762 S. Nineteenth, ice. *" Behney. T., 1549 Derry, groceries. Cap. Tea Co., 1885 Berryhill, tea and coffee. Carl, D. 8., 918 S. Twenty-first, whole sale candy. Gable, W. T., 2022 Derry, groceries. Goodyear. W. B„ Nineteenth and Derry, druga Hess, S. E„ 1926 Kensington, groceries. Holland, Mrs. Wm., 1917 Derry, pool. Holland, Mrs. Wm., 1917 Derry. cigara Dutz, J. S. & Son. 1825 Derry, groceriea "Devi, S., 962 S. Twenty-first, groceries. Dewis, E. W., 1903 Derry, groceries. Kise, A.. 1954 Kensington, groceries. SlcAllcher, A. M.. 1900 Holly, groceries. Myers & Albaugh, IS47H Derry. candy, ftaffensberger, R. A. 1945 Swatara, milk. »Bmith, G. C. & Co., 2101 Derrv, gro ceries. Pmith, J., 1948 Swatara, groceries. Stine, A., 977 S. Twenty-first, groceries. 2-ln-l Stores Co.. 1903 Derry, groceries, linsniinger Dumber Co, Derry, whole sale lumber. Ensminger Dumber Co., Derry, retail lumber. COUNTY ■KRRYSBURG BOROUGH Bowman. Wm. H„ cigars. T'tebler. P. F„ produce. ..Foster, H. G.. merchandise. Hartman Bros., feed. Jloover Bros., furniture. Howe, Henry, produce. w Kambel, J. A„ cigars. Kebaugh. C. E., produce. Kebaugh. John, produce. Keboch. Isaac, produce. Matter, 11. 11., cigars. Miller. W. H.. saddlery. , Motter, W r m. C,, general merchandise. , Romberger, Jos. F„ general merchan dise. , Snyder, Minnie A., millinery. DAUPHIN BOROIGH Barriharl, B. R.. milk. Coble. A. C"., drugs. Conrad. Jacob, jewelry. Cooper, C. H., general store. Crouse. W. K., meats. Garberich. W. G.. general merchandise. Gayman, M. C., fish. Dong, I. L», merchandise. Malehorn, J. D„ cigara Malehorn. J. D.. pool. Porter, J. D.. confectionery. Reed, W. F„ general merchandise. Seller, D. F„ fish. Sellers, C. W.. cigars. Shoop, Geo. W.. shoes. „ Strickler. Wm. G.. groceries. Switrer. Thomas G., groceries. ELIZABETHVILLE BOROUGH Bauder, W. A., groceries. . Bufllngton, I. T., furniture. • Collier. A. B„ electrical supplies. Diebler. C. E., merchandise. Dietrich, S. A., jewelry. Dubendorf, J., oil. Eagle Tanning Co., hides. Eby, Chas. T., wholesale confectionery. Eby, Mrs. Emma E., grocer. Ellzabethville Milling Co.. feed. Elizabethville Milling Co., wholesale feed. Fetterhoff, I. J, wall paper and paint Flckinger, Jacob, medicines. Forney, Chas. E„ post cards. Gottschall, H. H.. groceries and notions. riokc, Ira M., hardware. Hoke, Ira M., Star Theatre. Hoke, James M. & Son. plaster. Hoke, A. W„ cigars. Hoke, A. W„ restaurant Hoke, A. W„ pooL * Kerstetter, G. W., groceries. Keefer. Chas., cigars. Koones, John F„ medlcinea linker. Wen. p., produce. I.enker. T. Jf.. millinery. 1-entz, Thomas G., fish. Dyter, J. H., groceries. Matter. W. E., meats. Messersmlth, Geo. E., wall paper and paint tfaylor, M. A., notions. Romberger, A. M., general store. Romberger, J. A., coal and feed. ' Romberger, J. A., wholesale feed. Romberger. C. T., auto supplies. Romberger. Josiah, medicines and soapj Romberger. D. W„ harness. Romberger, D. W„ wholesale hides. ' "Sadewltz, Sam. Sheetz, Mrs, Jesse, millinery. Sheetz, Mrs. John, shoes. Scheffle, Chaa E.. agt., furniture. Smith, F. W„ teas and coffees. . Snyder, C. T„ cigars. Stroup. J, C., drugs. Stlne, D. M., clothing. I'hler A Co., general crtorS. Watson. G. S„ cigars. Watson, G. S., pool. Watson, G. S., restaurant. Weaver, Fred & Son, Zeigler, U H. & Son, stoves and tln - ware. Zeigler, Mrs. F, A., millinery. GRATE BOROUGH Adams, Geo. C., auto supplies. Bufflngton, J. J„ saddlery. Bufllngton, H. G., produce. , Coleman, E. H., produce. Daniel, J. E., produce. > Daniel, J. E„ groceries. Daniel, J. E.. restaurant Urosa Abe, general merchandise. V Hartman, F. E., general merchandise. HABRJSBURG STAB-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL I 1915. Helper, Geo. E„ produce. Klinger. M. E., produce. Koppenhafer, 1* E.. produce. Kratser, C. U_ merchandise. Hotter, John 8.. flain. Miller A Broa., general merchandise. Ritiman, A. S.. papers. RMaman, F. N., cigars. Rltxman, F. N., pool. Ritiman, F. N„ restaurant Rothermel. Ira, merchandise. Rogers, W. 0., cigars. Shlro, Jacob, twine. Smith. Harry, motion picture* Smith, Harry, cigars. . Smith, Harry, pOol. Smith, Harry, resturant. Thomas, J. Frank, produce, Umholts. H. H, produce. Wllller, J. A., produce. Zerllng, James, hardware. HALIFAX BOROUGH Albert. John A., pool. Albert. John A, cigars. Bogar. John D. A Sons, lumber. Bowman, Q. W„ meat a Baker. C. C., furniture. Bltterman, W. P.. plaster boards. Cooper, O. J., wholesale feed. Cooper, O. J., feed. Enders, Mrs. A. F„ mUllnery. Fetterhoir & Bro., gerferal store. Heialer. W. C-. groceries. Koppenheffer. C., stoves and tinware. Dodge Broa, restaurant. Debo, J. H., _general store. Nace. Mrs. W. 8., druga Nelson, Jas. M., cigara Nelson, Jag. M„ restaurant. Richter, C. M.. cigars. Royal Theatre Co. Smith. A. M.,» general store. Smith. A. M., wholesale teed and grain. Sweigard, Amos, grocer. Shoop, H. R.. implements. Wert, G. L., general store. Zimmerman, Harry 1., wholesale pro duce. Zimmerman, Ira 8., general store. HIGHSPIRE BOROUGH « Beschler. Mrs. C., cigars and confec tionery. Bodmer, Ed., cigara Cover, C. A., meats. Durborow, H. R., hardware. Fox. Miles M., confectionery. Greene, O. P., cigara Gruber. Theo. D. restaurant. Gruher. Theo. D, pool. Gruber, Theo. D., cigars at\d confec tioner. Hooker, J. C„ general merchandise. Hoke, A. J„ coal. Keefer, J. E., meats. Deidlg. C. E„ general merchandise. McDanel, H., drugs. Palmer, T. A., groceries. Sauder, Joa M.. feed and flour, Sauder, Joa M., wholesale feed. Sldea George E., groceries. Shelley. C. B„ cigars and tobacco. Sftelley. C. E., pool. Shelley. C. 8., restaurant. Sldea M. 0., meats. Steeltpn Store Co., Dtd., merchandisa Walmer. J. H., milk. Wolf, Geo. A, grocer. Veager, news agency. HIMMELSTOWN BOROUGH Blessing. F. D.. general store. Bordner. J. P.. cigars and tobacco. Brlnser, Dudley, meats. Brightbili, J. Si., lumber. Brantner, Mrs. F„ confectioner. Brownstone Store Co., general store. Burkholder, Jos., feed. Earnest, R. 8.. real estate. Ebersole, H. G., candy. Em rick, D H„ meats. Etter, E. Z., groceries. Engle, John S. & Sons, groceriea Ejngle, Morris, groceries. Freese, Ralph, milk. Froum, George, milk. Gebhardt, H. T„ meats. Gravesttne & Co.. milk. Gra.u.pner, F. 8.. cigars. Goodman's Millinery, millinery. Hooker, A. C., confectionery. Holler, Chaa, coal. Holler, C. 1., restaurant. Holler. C. 1., cigars. Hoover, A. D„ restaurant Hoover. A. D., cigara Hummel, I* G„ general store. Hummel, F. I*. saddler. Hummel, Ward, milk. Hummel. O. D.. gents' furnishings. Imboden, A. H., ice. Kartnany & Kramer, moving pictures. Karmany, W., furniture. Kilmer, J. U., Jeweler. Kilmer, J. I», confectionery, Mensch & Herbein, cigars. Mensch & Herbein, pool. Miller, Cyrus, real estate. Miller. M. T„ cakes. Nye A Conrad, general merchandise. Nissley, M. R„ general store. D. N„ sewing machines. Rufr. J. 1., drugs. Shenk, J. R., cigars. ShafTner, H. *M.. auto suppllea Walton, R. J., produce. Walter, J. H., agricultural Implements. Wagner, Morris, real estate. Wolf, Samuel, merchandise. Wolaver, Henry, stoyes and tinware. Wheeler, F. G., confectionery. Wise. A. W„ shoos. Zeller, G. A., pool. Zciler, G. A., cigars. Zcrfoe, S. 8., plumbing. Ziters, Samuel, groceries. I.HCE.\B BOROUGH Atlantic Refining Co.. oil. Andulies. John, cigars. Arnold, A. C., cigars. Blyler, S. E„ cigars. Tteedde, M. B„ Est., millinery. Boechler. Henry, merchandise. Boeckler, Charles, cigars. Bowman. Henry, meats. Budd, Geo. W., pooll Budd, Geo. W., tobacco. Budd. R. J., moving pictures. Cooper, W. H., groceries and meats. Cooper, W. H., coal. Cooper, W. H.. wholesale produce. Cooper, W. H., 5 & 10 cent store. Cook. Asley, groceries. Coble & Sons, general merchandise. Delaney, J. P., groceries. ©by, Geo. W., wholesale confectionery. Eby. Jtrhn H., cigrars. Fritz, Albert, cigars. Fritz, Albert, moving pictures. Fisher, J. F., general merchandise. Goss, John. cJgars. Goldberger, R. J., general merchandise. Grow, E. H., confectionery. Hawk, E. G., groceries. Hensel, T. A., clothing. Heckler. Wm., cigars. Hoffman, Jos., clothing. Hoffman, Dewls A., cigars. Hoffman. Dewis A., candies. Hoff, Chas. A., hardware. Koppenhaver & Sons, meats. Krobath, John, cigara Dykens Motor Car Co., supplies. Dykens Mercantile Co., grocery, Lebo, Edward, hardware. Dykens Supply and Manufacturing 00., building material. Marts. J. E„ cigars. Miller. John C. Estate, general mer chandise. Miller, J. M., groceriea MUler, J. M„ real estate, Minnlch, Robert H. H., confectionery. Myers, John F., confectionery. Manhattan Supply Co., teas, etc. Parfet, Geo. W., carpets. RelfT & Heht Furniture Co., furniture. Reidlnger, Samuel A., cigara Reldlnger, Samuel A., pool. RudUiil, A. M., groceriea Rudisill, A. M., celery. Smith. Joe W., clothing. Smith. W. G., drugs. Schoffstall, Duther, builder. St Clair, Chas. W., groceriea Sheealey, H. E.. groceries. Shammo, I. D., cigars. Shelley, Paul J„ groceries. Stein, C. &L, general merchandise. SchoiTslnll A. P., cigars. Snyder, N. li, jewelry. Smith, E. G„ millinery. Susquehanna Coal Co., suppllea Uhler. W. H„ drugs. Willlamstown Gas Co., fixtures. Wynn, Frank, stationery. Wallls. S. T. t shoes. Wiggins, C. H., jeweler. Witmer, C. J., cigars. Wltmer, J. w.. saddlery. MIDDLETOWX BOROUGH Ackerman, J. M., meats. Antrim, F. J., restaurant. Antrim, F. J„ confectionery. Arndt, A. P.. groceries. Atlantic Refining Co., wholesale oil. Banks Bros., notions. Barbush, Frank, cigars. Bauder, A. & Son. feed. Baumbach, Valentine, shoes. Bauder & Bro., groceriea Beard, C. F., groceries. Berman, M., clothing. Blshel. Jacob, oysters. Blecher, Simon, milk. Blumson, David, groceriea Blumeson, Jos., merchandise. Brlnser Milling Co., feed. Brady. Jos., meaits. Brlnser, S. C., feed. Brlnser, Isaac 8., meata Cain, Devi, cigars and groceriea Castllla, Eugene, cigars and groceriea Christian, H. T„ milk. Cohen. Mary A., groceries. Condran, Edward, moving pictures. Conklln, W. W.. cigars. Croll, A. 8.. paints. Crick, A. 8., pool. Crlok, A. 8.. restaurant. Orlck, A. B- cigara Deckerd, lira. J. 8., feed. Derrick, H. a, sonfsctionery. Detwtler. H. R., meats. Dstwlter Bros., confectionery. Dimeler, J. EL, green groceries. Dimeler, H. E., groceries. Doutrlch, I. H., clothing. Duke A mom. restaurant. Dopes, J.. cigars. Bbersole, M. v., machinery. Enterprise Grocery, grocery. Erlsman, C. 8., meats. Espenshade, E., grocer. Espenshade, 1., cigara Espenshade, 1., restaurant. Btnoyer, C. C., cigars. Ettee, David, grocer. Few, C. &, drugs. Follinger, Jacob, clears, Friedman, R„ merchandise. Gingrich. & 8., cigara Harrlsburg Gas Co.. gas stoves and fix tures. Hartman, E. F„ groceries. Hartman, E. F., wholesale groceries. Hendrickson. A. K., bread. _ Herrlts A Zug. wholesale nfeats. Hill, E., cigars. Hill, E., restaurant. Hippie, John H., cod. Hippie, Richard D., cool. Hoffman. Mrs. J. E., millinery. HouchK Philip, shoes. Huntrberger. D. W.. groceries. Johnson, R. J., confectionery. Ksin, J. A.. Mgr., Baltimore grocer. Klahr, E. H„ Jeweler. Klawnsky,, dry gooda Klawnsky, Sam.. junk. Kovachek, Andrew, Jeweler. Krause Broa. clothing. Krepcpe, John, groceriea a Jtupp, Amos, cigara w Dandis. J. C., meats, Daverty, Eugene, drugs. Deggore, W. M., produce. Denhart. H.. merchandise. Lewis, J. K„ groceries. Dong, Carson, coal. Dong. O. E., groceries. Dongsdorf, Harry, tobacco. Dongenecker, C. E„ restaurant. Umgenecker, C. R, confectioner*. Mayes. T. E.. estate, drugs. McCreary, W, W„ cigars. Martin. A. C., groceries. Mattla Edward, tobacco. Manfred Bros., moving pictures. Duke A Moss, tobacco. Middletown Furniture Co.. furniture, Mulllner, M. D., restaurant. Mulllner, M. D., pool. Mulllner. M U, cigars. Myers, H. W„ lumber. Ofcer, C.. hardware. Orth, Chas., groceries, Parthemore, F. A., cigara Payne, .Samuel, notions. Peters. J. G., merchandise. Peters A Weller, coal. Povlansky. Joe, junk. Prouser, Albert, Junk. Prouser, Samuel, junk. ttank, W. J., cigars. Raymond. R. P., hardware. Rife. Jacob F„ hides and leather. Reltzel. W. W„ groceries. Reltzel, W. W.. wholesale groceries. Rodfong, Mrs. M. E.. notions. Rodgers. J. P., cigars. Rodgers, J. P., restaurant. Rodgers, J. P., pool. Roo*>. J. S., groceriea Roth, H. S., furniture. Sauder, J., notions. Schuitz, Fred., meats. Schadt G~H., stationery. "Schue-ts, W'ni., shoes. Seiders. D. M.. butterine. Seiders, E. W„ groceries. Selser, S» S,, tinware and stoves. Seltzer. C. A. saddlery. Shellenberger, H. H.. saddlery. Shireman, E. D, coal. Shireman, J. F., cigara ' Smeltzer, J. p., oil. Smith. H. C.. groceries. snavely, E. M.. auto supplies. Snyder. Martin, cigars. Silverman Bros., coal. Silverman Bros., wholesale coal and TH^,T e 'r W - sewing machines. Tripp, T. W, groceries. 20th Century Shoe Co.. shoes. Wagner, I"., meats. 5.??. ner i. Wm - groceries, white, Harry, cigars. Wise. E., grocery. Wilson. A. A., cigars. w » 5" ol * ars and tobacco. J. soi, B. H., restaurant. Wilson, B. H., pool. Joffe, M., clothing*. Young, Deah, millinery. Brubaker & Espenshade, feed. MILLERSBURG borough Alvord, J. M„ pool. M - cigars and tobacco. > R %* n lP g wholesale oils. Barnhart, J. F. # merchandise. Barnhart, J. F., restaurant. Barnhart. J. F., pool, i A. C. & Son*, groceries. R; F.. stoves and tinware. Car man >. H. A„ general store. iSrivS™ zssrsf 4 vs Drelhelbls, J. W. Sons, meats. Douden Planing Mill Co.. lumber. Ditty, J. F„ cigars. Ditty, J. F.. pool. Eehenour. Geo. E„ confectioner, hshenour, Geo. E.. restaurant Ettinger. G. W., oiL T - cigars. S- furniture. PBirehild, T. D, restaurant, rrank, J. E. & Son, furniture. 11 merchandise. Gilbert. H- S.. cigars. Hoffman. Henry, notions. Hoy. H. H., general store. Heckert, J H„ cigars. Herrold, W. M„ real estate. Herrold, Rebecca, groceriea Hetherington, T„ drugs. dise' 81 N " & C °" Ken * ral merchan- Kepner, CI. A Co.. meata Klipger. I- rank A., produce. Kirk, !• rank S„ supplies. Jvrauss, S. A., moving pioturea Koppenhaver, H. G.. cigars. Knouff, F. U, restaurant Kra'use cl^ng"' Kepner, H. T.. milk. Dightner A. B„ millinery. Debo, J. W„ produce. De>bo, Chaa N.. groceries. fer. ker t Geo - M - "sh. ? ' ers^. J l,th w heel Co., coal ,iardware - Mattemas, J. H., produce. \rool 8 ' V" ? r " whole sale hldea Mattis, J. A., restaurant. Mattll: J. A.' pooi rS and COnfectlone ry. |ovi e n r^. r rt. n M u C °- ,Umber ' KIS: B us 4 J^eier rohan< "- Sa o,<rth,n »- • Row^^'i^f 6 M mUllnery. |fc W htrd P E I ?m?r.^ , |il. r n , ?'rV MUte - Romberger, T. O. A Son, cigara Starr, John W., drugs Snyder, C. J., coal at A.- Produce. Shetron, C. G.. general stora Sausser, F. A., saddlery. Snyder, Mra, Clara E.. millinery Tyson. W. H., auto tires. Troutman. J. R, feed. Uhler, C. E.. general stora wZV M a r kVelS handlß# - w^'lT >n c. A> N -^™- PENBROOK Booser, J. L», groceries. [ Davis, A. 8., produce. Esllnger, O. E.. milk. Rbersole, O. a, wholesale feed. E>bersole. O. a. feed. Elshburn, a A., feed. Elshburn. a A., coal. Elshburn, & A. general store. Hartman, M. H„ general store. Hassier, C. 8., milk. Haverstick, G. H„ hardware. Heckert. P. F., real estate. Hicks. J. W„ shoes. {Joak, C. A., milk. Hoover, a. A., groceries. Hoover, O. A., restaurant. Hotick, H. 0.. real estate. Ivishman, Jno., cigars. Kishman, Jno., rssitaurant, Levan, C. D., milk. Ludwick, E. S., groceries. Martin, J. M., Jeweler. Mcllhenny, Alex., meats. . ' Mumma, J. E„ milk. Packer. J. C., milk. . Eishburn, H. A., Penbrogk Garage, Powley. C. E„ shooting gallery. Relchert, J. C„ cigars and confection ~ ery. Relchert, J. C., restaurant. Retehsrt, J. C., pool. Schaeffer, Jerome, groceries. Sheaffer. M. J., real estate. Shenk, J. E., tinware. ISiders, J. H., milk. 'Small. C. L., groceries. The S-ln-1 Store Co., groceries. Wagner, R. N. A Son, supplies. Walborn, E. M., milk. Walmer. H. 0., coffee. Walmer, H. 0., wholesale coffee. Weaver, G. W., milk. Wirt C. U, saddlery. ' Wi>lta A. F„ groceriea Wirt, Wm., real estate. ROYALTON BOROUGH Boughter, J. e..iunk. Davla Mrs. A. E., notions. Gore. J. IL, poultry. Granger, H. S., dears and confections. Hatfield. W. 8., suppllea Houck, 8. K., groceriea Holland, T. H., Est, groceriea Dandia & 8,, groceriea Dandls, H. P., groceries. tore. H. 8.. cigars. Rutherford, J. M„ general merchan dise. Wolf. V. H., milk. 9TEELTON Afcrashoff, M„ 486 Myers, meats. Abrashoff, M., 488 Myers, pool. Armstrong. Frank. 195 S. Front, meata Asavtc, Joe, 558 S. Third, meata Bser, M. M.. 157 N. Front, florist. Bailey, F. E.. 7 S. Front, Jewelry. Raker, John A., 101 S. Front cigara Baker, John A.. 101 S. Front, restau rant. Baker, D. P., 544 S. Third, general mer chandise. , Baker. D. P.. 544 S. Third, shoes. Barlsch, A., 730 S. Third, dry goods. Boldel, Chas. H., 45 S. Front, cigars. Bcldel, John W.. 28 S. 4th, groceries. Bosnyak, Frank, 532 S. Third, millinery. Brandt, Gertrude W„ 373 South Front, cigara Bratino, F., 519 S. Second, groceries. Brinser, C. U & Son, 140 N. Front, hard ware. Budnick, David, 701 S. Second, grocery. Burgots. S., 628 S. Third, grocery. Cohen. Harry M., 29 N. Front. Jewelry. Cohen, John, 214 Frederick, groceriea Colemnn, H. F.. 28 8. Front, cigars. Couffer, C. M., 452 N. Front cigara Couffer & Sultzberger, 258 N. Front, coal and feed. Cramer. H. J., 26t> N. Front, tinware. Creamer. E. G.. 28 N. Fourth, grocer. Davies, W. H„ 152 Dlncoln. groceries. Daylor, W. J., 267 N. Front, oigars. Daylor, W. J„ 267 N. Front, restaurant. Detwt?ller Bros., 40 S. I , *ront. coal. Pel lira. It, 200 S. Front, cigars. Dimitroff, S„ 143 Main, notiona Dlmitar, Cordes, 702 8. Third, groceriea Donatel. J.. 820 S. Second, groceries. Duffln, Wm. F., 371 S. Front, cigars. Duflln, Wim. F„ 371 S. Front, restau- rant. Dundoff. John, 502 Myers, groceries. Eckels, Dawrence. 318 N. Front, meata Eckels Bros., 148 8. Front, meats. Fabian. John, 201 Christian, groceries. Fabian, John, 201 Christian, pool. Farina, Mra Mary, 681 S. Second, gro ceries. Fairlamb, R. V„ 3 S. Front, cigars and tobacco. Fulrlamb, R. V., 3 S. Front stationery. Fatlor, Andrew, ICI Docust, wholesale produ ie. Fencll, N. S., 46 N. Front, stoves and UTiware Flnkelstlne, S. 441 Myers, groceriea Fisher. Joe. 23' Myera groceries. Fletcher, Alfred, 119 S. Front, cigars. Fortney, Hurry, Front, pool. Fortney, Harry, Front, cigara Kirtney, Harry, Front, restaurant. Frey, Rosa 19 N. Front, shoea Frum'n Max., 37 N Front Jewelry. Furl, Ptter, 247 S. Front, groceriea FHirclch, S., 16 S. Front, cigars. Gallagher. Mrs. & Son, 683 S. Front, groceiies. Oaronzik. M„ 377 S. Front, furniture. Gaionzik, .<. P., 341 s, Front, general merchandise. Gcrdea .1. H„ 349 N. Front, cigars. Cierber, H., 310 Dlncoln. groceries. Gittlln, N„ 502 S. Third, cigars. Gittlln, 1., 571 R. TTiird, groceries. Gittlln, I„ 571 S. Third, meata Glad. Adam. 865 S. Third, milk. Geistwhite, Geo. M., 329 S. Front, gro ceries. Geistwhitc, Geo. St. 329 S. Front, no tions. Harlan. M. F.. 165 S. Front, groceriea Harlan, H. H„ 171 S. Front, cigars. Harlan H. H., :71 S. Front, restaurant. Hartman. Geo. N„ 307 Myera cigars. Harwarth, James, 600 g. Second, gen eral merchandise. Harrlsburg Dight, Heat & Power Co. Harrisburg Gas Co., 14 & Market Sq„ Harrlsburg, gas stoves and mantels. Heile. D. B„ 109 S. Front, flowers. Hershey, H. D. Est. 168 Dincoln, gro cery. Herman. E. Ek & Bro., 141 & Front, cigars. Herman, E. E. A Bro., 141 S. Front, wholesale cigara Hess, John, 400 N. Front, coal. Heller, Chas., 323 N. Front, fruits. Heller, C. E„ 265 N. Front cigars. Heller, C. E,, 265 N. Front, pool. Houck, Philip. 4 S. Front shoes. Hollar, Wm., 539 N. Front, wall paper. H-loff. Alexa., 263 Franklin, pool. Hloff, Alexa., 263 Franklin, grocer. Isroellt, Benj., 587 S. TTiird, groceriea Jackson, Wm, 139 Adams, groceriea Jiras, Joseph, Est., 263 3. Front, cigars. Johnson, Bud., 215 N. Front, plumber. Jones, H. E., 638 S. Second, confection- ery. Karmatz. M., 480 Myors, groceriea Katzen, Dewis. 186 S. Front, furniture. Keller. J. G., 32 N. Front, merchandise. Keister, W. A. A Son, 187 No. Front, groceries. Keim, John L., 361 S. Front, groceries. Keim, D. C., N. Front, cigars. Kelm, Chas. E„ 379 S. Front, groceries. Kern, F. S., 170 N. Front, cigars. Kern. F. S., 170 N. Front, pool. Klugh, J. R., 223 N. Front cigars. Klugh, J. R„ 223 N. Front, pool. Kofalt. Marko, 844 S. Second, groceries. Koncar, Steve, 662 S. Third, cigars. Koncar, Steve, 662 S. Third, pool. Kostoff & Mencoff, 443 Myera cigara Kostoff & Mencoff, 443 Mvers, pool. Dantz, Joseph. 143 N. Front, cigars. I>au, C. C., 106 Trewick, confectionery. Daborwitz, Dewls, 2 S. Front, clothing. Dacob, S. W., 555 N. Second, groceries. Dacob, S. W., Harrlsburg st, groceries. Devttz, M., 40 N. Front produce. Devitz, M., 40 N. Front, wholesale pro duce. Devitan, I. J., 159 S. Front, jewelry. A. J.. 37 S. Front clothing. Dehrman, Dewla 300 S. Second, grocer ies. Dipsic, Sarah, 651 S. Third, clothing. Deone, Ralph Deone. Ralph J., 389 S. Front, restau rant. Dein, Max, 506 8. Third, groceries. Devitan. U A Son, 670 S. Third, no tions. Dehrman, S., 865 S. Front, groceries. Devln, Jacob, S. Front, Jewelry. Dlpsitz, 1., 453 Myers, produce. Dlpshitz, Nathan, 686 S. Third, fruits. Dong, G. M., 87 N, Front, general mer chandise. Ijonealre, Mary, 613 S. Third, groceries. Mandl. Geo., 387 6. Front cigars. Malegoff, Tony, 261 Franklin, cigara MalegofT, Tony, 261 Franklin, pooL Margolls, Nathan, 274 Frsdsrlck, gro ceriea Mmmraa, Mark, is N. Front real estate. Martz. w. K., 65 N. Front drugs. McNear, B. F„ Jr.. 301 Main, groceries. Marcus, D* 259 Christian, groceries. Marcus, Aba, 317 Trewick, groceries. Maglnnla W. F„ 13 N. Front, hardware. Marsloo, Frank, 121 8. Front, fruita Marsico, Joe, 355 S. Second, groceriea Markley, A. A. A Son, 346 S. Front, meats. Mars. Mra A., 18 S. Front, millinery. Matjaslc, M. M., 656 S. Third, gro ceries. McCutdy, John A., S N. Front drugs. Mlnoff, Dlnko, 481 Myers, meats. Melman, A„ 87 Conestoga, confection- ery. Neb In iter, Richard, 51 N, Front, pool. Neblnger, Richard, SI N. Front, cigars. Nelly. Thomas J., 947 a Front, cigar*. Ney, P. M., 184 N. Front, moving pic tures. Nichols, P. D., 175 N. Front, pool. Nichols, P. D., 175 N. Front, cigars. Obercash. M. A., 243 Main, cigars. Orth, J. G., 11 S. Front, confectionery. Porr, J. la, 147 N. Front, drugs. Parks. Geo. W„ 177 S. Front, sawing machines/ Rftpip, Paul, 846 8. Second, shoes. Peters, D. A., Est., 189 13, Front, drugs, Pllsitz, Mike, 422 Myers, meats. ' Pollock, Daniel, 109 N. Front, groceries. Polston. Uoyd, 120 Adams, pool. Popp, Steve, 639 S. Front, groceries. Prowell. Wm„ 204 N. Front, groceries. Prowell, T„ 385 8. Front, drugs. Rashinsky, Sarah, 302 Conestoga, cigars and clothing. Rashlneky. T„ 102 N. Front, clothing, Rak&s, Danjan, 608 S. Third, general merchandise. Restak. Liouts, 144 Main, general mer chandise. Rheam, John H., 663 N. Front, gro ceries. Robbin, Joseph, 357 S. Front, clothing; Roden Grocery. Harrlst>urg and Ridge, groceries. Romberger. E., 311 Bessemer, groceries. ReehHnc BTOS., 302 Myers, general mer chandise. Salvatorl, Palmerio, 551 S. Second, cl gars, Sostar, M. A„ 516 S. Third, meats. Settino ft Bros., 23 S. Front, Orpheum theatre. Sellers, H. U, 102 N. Front, Standard theatre. Serbic, A, I 0« S. Second, cigars. Shupp, J. 8., Front and Mohn, cigars. Shupp. J. E„ Front and Mohn, pooL Shelley, John P., 185 N. Front, pooL Bhelley, John P., 185 N. Front cigara Shelley, John P- 18S N. Front, restau rant. Shelley, Kirk, 111 & Front cigara Shelley, Kirk, 131 S. Front pool. Sharosky, M„ *35 S. Third, merchan dise. Sharosky, U. A Son, 120 Main, gro ceriea Sharosky, M.. 151 S. Front, groceriea Sharavsky, & M. Est, 202 Frederick, groceriea Sherman. S., 419 8. Front, candy. Shore, Wolf, 76t S. Third, groceries. Silver, Joe. 755 8. Third, groceries. Silver, Douise, 714 S. Third, general merchandise. Singer, David, 317 S. Front, furnltura Slovlnac, John, 231 Main, meats and groceries. Smith, Joe, 64) S. Third, cigars. Smelgh, w. C., S5 N. Front, confection ery. Smith. David. 382 Myera groceriea Smith. David. 227 Christian, groceries. Snavely, John H., 2553 S. Third, grocer lea , Sobel, R, 654 8. Third, groceries. Sprovlerei, Gaetan, 520 S. Second, ci gars. Spoopenr, Abraham, 512 S. Third, meata Steelton News Agency, 152 N. Front. Sellers, H. D., 17 Pine. Standard theatre. Steelton Planing Mill Co., N, Front, lumber. Steelton Store Co.. Dtd.. Front and Do cust, wholesale flour and feed. Steelton Store Co.. Dtd., Front and "Do oust, coal and wood. Steelton Store Co., Dtd.. Front and Do cust, tobacco. Steelton Store Co., Dtd., Front and Do cust groceries. Steelton Store Co.. Dtd., Front and Do cust, dry goods and boots and shoes. Sugar, Joseph, 238 Myers, groceries. Starasintc, M., 596 S. Third, groceriea Stojin, Vlada, 602 S. Third, tobacco. Stojin, Vlada, 602 S. Third, pool. Sandown, Mary, 202 Mohn, 'grocer. Toperaon. Samuel, 537 Mohn, merchan dise. Toonaslc, Citlka, 241 Frederick, gro ceries. Toran, John, 475 S. Second, cigara L'lrich, G. M., 158 S. Front, oila Ulrlcli, John A., 239 Dlncoln, milk. United Ice and Coal Co.. Conestoga and Frederick, coal and wood. Verbos, Katie, 538 S. Third, groceries. Weigel, Ralph, 105 S. Front, saddlery. Wleger. Frank, 327 N. Front, groceries. Whitebread, W. H., 159 N. l'Tont, con fectionery. Wilt's. H. Sons, 50 8. Front, furniture. Wool worth, F. N. & Co., 21 N. Front 5 & 10c goods. Wolf & ing. Yoselwitz, Theodore, 868 South Second, merchandise. Young, C. J„ 201 S. Second, groceries. Yovanovich, V.. 608 S. Third, groceries. Yoffee. Moses, 170 N. Front, second-hand store. Zacha Jos., 25 S. Front clothing. Zorger, M. M„ 317 S. Front, furnltura Zimmerman, J. M., 35 S, Second, confec tionery. Zimmerman A Co., 41 S. Second, gro ceries. Blackwell, P. S., 116 Adams, cigara Frank Burkley, 51 N. Front, cigars. Frank Burkley, 51 N. Front, pool. UNIONTOWN BOROUGH Bingaman, J. H„ tinware. Bohner, 11. M., feed, Bohmer, Wm. H., meats and produce. Boyer, Devi & Son, feed. Boyer, Wm. M., furniture. Dockey, Elmer E„ general merchan dise. Gessncr, E. K., general merchandise. Koppenhaver, C. M„ general store. Kocher, Henry, agricultural Implements. Dahr, Ed. E„ tobacco. Dahr, Ed. E„ restaurant. Datsha, George, restaurant Dalsha, George, cigars and confection ery. Noblet. J. S., saddlery. Paul, O. C., cigars. Snyder, Dydia, merchandise. Spotts, Dan, produce. Weist. S. T„ meata WH.UIAMSTOWN BOROUGH Academy of Music, theatre. Adams, R., groceries. Adams, Chas. M., supplies. Bottomley, Mrs. J. A., cigars. Bottomley, Mrs. J. A., restaurant. Blanning, J. Roy, stationery. Blannlng Hardware Co.. hardware. Berry, Edward, cigars. Berry, Edward, art store. Budd, Chris, cigars. Budd, Chris, pool. Baddorf. Arthur, groceries. Buggy, M. E., groceries. Baird, Robert & Co.. carpets. Bordner, Wm. C., groceries. Boyer, wm. Henry, wall paper. Cohen, Dewis, general merchandise. Clemmer, H. F., dry goods. Chester, Mrs. R. A., general merchan dise. Cooper, Mark H„ jeweler. Condeli, John, cigars. Condell, John. pool. Dikun. John, notions. Day. R. W„ furniture. Darby, James A., cigars. Dm bin, J. W. & Son. general store. Eby, A. N.. jeweler. Edwards. Idrison. cigars. FlUpatrick, E., millinery. Fickinger, S. T., feed and coal. Fickinger. S. T„ wholesale feed. Graham. T. W„ cigars. Glace. Chas.. candles. Gross, Barney, Junk. Griffiths, John, cigars. Griffiths, J. W„ grocer. Grinm. Clark, candy. Gelst, J. E., cigars. Hoffman, Mrs. M. M., produce. Hancock. J. R.. general merchandise. Haas, C. J., hardware. Harner, J. R., drugs. Hall. W. T.. cigars. Hummel, Mrs. C. E.. groceries. Higgins, Diszie, candy. Hughes. John T„ groceries. Hughes, W. D„ groceries. Jenkins, Howard, groceries. Jenkins, Howard, pool. Kingston, Samuel, shoes. Katuch, Geo., oigars. Klinger, H., wholesale confectionery. Klinger, H., confectionery. I Klinger. D. S„ restaurant, Kapp, John, meat. Kreiner. Ray R., oysters. Dester, J. H.. music store. Mcehan, Michael, druga Meehan, J. D., cigars. Morrie, James, cigars. Morris, Dizzie, groceriea Moegen, Chas., groceries. Miller, H. E., groceries. Miller, H. C„ wholesale groceries. Mace, J. D., meats. Mehalko, John P., tobacco. Mehalko, John P., pool. Maiden, Atbert, cigars and confection- ery. Maiden, Alfred, pool. . Moyer, J. R., groceries. Miller, Jerry, oil and candies. New Era Ctush Store, merchandise. Newton. James, grocer. Nace, Daniel C., milk. Nash. Charles, groceriea Pahlra, Charles, cigars. Pritchard. F. E., millinery. Ralph, Allen, cigars. Ralph, Aaron, furniture. Row, W. 0., meats. Row, Ed. 8.. stoves and tinware, Roberts, Mary, cigara Stokes, Wm. G., wholesale cigars. Stokes, Wm. G., cigara Stokes, Wm. G., pool. Samuels. H. E., groceries. Sutoq. Coal Co., Coal. Thompson, D. D, clothing. Thompson, J. C., general merchandise. Williams. E., grocer. Walklnshaw, A., Jr., groceries. W'alklnshaw, M., notions. Welsh, R. T.. cigars. Welsh, R. T.. pool, Williams Valley Amusement Co., thea ter. Vrenn. Mra G. R., notions. Williams, B. W„ cigars. Williams, Wm. G., cigars. Williard. B. W„ groceries. Whittle, J. H„ general merchandise. Zimmerman. J. F., cigars. Zimmerman, A. D„ cigars. CO.MEWAGO TOWNSHIP Buck. William G„ groceries. Bshelman, J. S„ groceries. FoHz, C. M.. general merchandise. Grants, A. lA, feed. Herr, John C., produce. Tschudy, 1. S., saddlery. DBHRY TOWMSHIP Balsbaugli, S. S., produce. Bilotta, F„ grocer. Binglgman, A., cigars. Bonfantl, Frank, groceries. BrownMone Store Co., general merchan dise. Clolfl. Metrllo, grocer. Curry. J. B. Est., coal and feed. Ourry. J. B. Est, wholesale feed. Denato, G„ grocer. Domes. Padrone, grocer. Erb, Will C., merchandise. Fick, Mary 1 , grocer. Ftco, Nteco, grocer. Fortl. Felix, grocer. Hershey, A. K., feed. Herehey Store feed. Hershey Store Co., general merchan dise. Hershey Store Co, restaurant. Hershey Store Co., poo I. Hese, J. C., tobacco. Hess, J. C„ restaurant. Miller, J. H„ Tocer. Pa«e, Jacob, cigars. Rasp, John M.. groceries. Schaetfer, H. D„ saddlery. Vltanga, G.. grocer. Wagoner, Clayton, meats. Weltmer, Ulrich, wholesale produce. WeMmer, Ulrich. produce. Witman, H. M.. grocer. Wit man, F. carpets. Wolf, C. J., milk. Yingst, Geo. W„ grocer. EAST HANOVEH TOWNSHIP Boyer, John A., general merchandise. Boyer, H. A., furniture. Caette, J. H., wholesale hides. Deibler, W. H.. cigars. Glngrlcli, David, feed. Hess Bros., furniture. Hummer. G. J„ meats. Klefer, J. 8.. feed. Kuntz, J. H.. general merchandise. Laudermllch. Mra Henry, groceries. Llngle, I. D.. cigars. , Dingle, T. M., stoves. Dingle, J. B„ feed. Dingle, C. D„ general merchandise. Moyer, M. K„ produce. MoonslHne. Joseph, merohandlse. I lthoads, E. N.. general merohandlse. I Runkel, Irvln F., feed. | Shertzer, B. F., saddler. HALIFAX TOWNSHIP Bowman, Cornelius, general merchan dise. - , Bowman, Cornelius, wholesale produce, ltowor, S. M., groceries. Cooke. A, E., wholesale produce. Cooke, A. FJ., prodiKe. Glaoe, Charles i„ general merchandise. Hoffman, Geo. R., wholesale produce. Kitchen, Frank, milk. Meredith, J. E., confectionery and to bacco. Meredith. D. F„ general merchandise. Rutter, H. W.. wholesale produce. Sponsler. H. M., produce. Swelgard, C. C., wholesale produce, Tobias, James, wholesale meats. Webster. H. feed. Wolfgang, F. E., wholesale produce. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP Bordner, Jacob, merchandise. , Endei-s, E. IS., merchandise and produce, Paulus, Geo, D., produce. Zimmerman, AlviriJ wholesale produce. „ JACKSON TOWNSHIP Baddorf, H. F., meals. Blxler, John CX, merohandlse. Bowiman, S. F., wholesale meats. Enders, C. C., merchandise. Enders, G. W. D. Est, merchandise. Enders, Thomas F„ wholesale produce, tile, Oliver M., merchandise. Harman, J. M., feed. Helt, Ira M, repairs. Miller, E. W., meats. McLaughlin, H. E„ cigars. Marsh, C. A., cigara Travltz, Simon, oil. Wertz, Chas., meats. Warfel, William, merchandise. Wise, William, teas and coffee. Zearlng, Samuel, confectionery. LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP Barnhart, A. H„ cigars. Ebersoll, S. S., groceries. LYKENS TOWNSHIP Bufflngton, I. M,, feed. Daniel, Allen E., oil. Gunderman, Frank, produce. Hartman, Amios, produce. Keller, Howard H., milk. Hoover, Chas. A., produce. Hoover, Edmund, produce. Kessler, C. H., merchandise. Kocher, Chas. H„ produce. Reigel, John H., produce. Smeltz, W. H„ produce. Troutinan, David H., produce. Umholtz, J. E., cigars. Welker, G. A., produce. LOWER SWATARA TOWNSHIP Mumma, I. N., milk. Nissley, A. H., milk. Nlssley. J. L., milk. Zimmerman. S. A., milk. LOWER PAXTON Care, Cf 8., general merchandise. Care, Brook, real estate. Cassel, J. L, meats. . Dare, E. J., produce. Farllng. Michael, cigars and confec tionery. Farling. Michael, pool. Fishburn, S. A., feed. Hassler, C. C., milk. Hocker. L. A., milk. [.azzarlne, David, cigars. Leese, O. 8., general store. Mengel, Emanuel, feed. Mixel, F., pool. Reith, Carl, cigars. Rudy. D. K., oil. Sample, Anna V., notions. Seibert, F. R„ produce, heltzer, Ellas, stoves and tinware. Seltzer, b. C., meats. Sheesly. B. F., feed. Sheesly, B. F„ wholesale feed. Wagoner. F. D., tlnshop. Zimmerman, W. G„ furniture. pif.inL D, ?f' B^ PAX,ro:f TOWNSHIP pitting, M. C., grocer. Lebo, John, produce. Le<bo, Jamee M., cigars. Logan, A. C„ grocer. Mader, Mrs. R. M., grocer. McKee, H.. grocer. Shoop, S. T„ feed. - Schaffer, I. L, coal. Speece. Howard, groceries. htriekler, H. G., meats. Michael, general merchan- Wert, W. W., fish. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP Deibler, John 0., feed. Harman, J. A., oil. KoppenhelTer, F. L. produce. Minnich, H. E., produce. Miller, J. A., meats. Romberg-er, Mrs. H. A., general store. Rombergrer, li. H„ meats. Romberger, J. E., produce. Shoop. Dammon R„ produce. Stein, P. E., produce. Weaver, Oliver, produce Weaver, G. A„ seeds. HKED TOWNSHIP Oarman, Samuel, general merchandise. Lukens, Geo., general merchandise. SOUTH HANOVER TOWNSHIP Fasnacht, John, cigars. Fasnaoht, Uriah, meats. FaV kler, John, grocer. Hess, W. E., meats. Hetrick, D. A-, merchandise. Isenhour, Israel, stoves and tinware. Kaylor, Harry, cigars. Keller, Wm., feed. Challenger Fence Co., fencing. Landls, C. A., meats. Miller, W. L., eaddlery. . Pelffer, H. P., groceries. Rapp. lElla J., general merchandise. Rlvoads, S. E„ meats. Shakespeare, W. M„ general merchan dlse. Shakespeare, H. A., produce. Shiftier, Geo., produce. Stuckey. J. P., produce. Zimmerman, Gabriel, produce. SWATARA TOWNSHIP Attick, Geo. W.. milk. Attlck, J. 8., milk. Aungst, Wm., groceries. Benney, Mrs. B. N.. groceries. Bishop, W. J., milk. Bit*, Tobias, pool. Bomgardner & Bro., meats. Bonltz, Anthony, produce. Bonnymends Farms, produce. Dunn, Thomas, cigars. Fisher. C„ milk. Fought, J. H„ milk. Fry, Joseph, groceries. Frey. Geo., groceries. Geary, Evans, groceries. Glanvmlchele, A, groceries. Gorman, J. H., cigars. Gorman, J. 11. pool. Greenawalt, A., cigars. Greenawalt, A„ pool. f Greenawalt. C. W„ milk. Grenler, W. H., olgars. HelHg. H. C„ cigars. Horetlck, F. J„ produce. Jones. H. W„ meats. Kempf, Peter L. groceries. Kline, J„ restaurant. Kline, J., candy and cigars. Kohn, Max A., groceries. Kramer, H. F„ groceries. Kramer. R. S.. groceries. Llngle. J. H„ milk. Livingstone, J. W„ produce. Loser, T. H„ general merchandise. Martin Broa. meats. McNear, B. F., Sr., groceries. McKlnney, R. T., tobacco. Morris, James, groceries. Parthermore, P. L, milk. Paul. Elmer 0., groceries. Peck, John H„ pooL Peck, John H., cigars. 11 Rupp, C. F., raltk. Rutherford Bros.. coal. Rutherford. Marshall. coal. Sherman, Harry, groceries. Stare, John, milk. Stlkl. V.. milk. Soloinan, 1., groceries • Stauffer, H. 8.. meats. Stengle, O. A., general merchandise. Stelnberger, Geo. W„ feed. Tlttinger, Christ, produce. TlMlnger, Matthew produce. Thompson, James v.. cigars. Tobias, M. G.. groceries. Tormaal, Prank, cigars. Tormasl, Frank, pool. Waldley, Annie H., confectionery. Yosalowitz, John F., groceries. SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP Raskin*. W. C„ cigars. Bates, R. E., produce. Bogar Lumber Co., lumber. Bollinger, U. U„ cigars. Boyer, Melda K., groceries. Byers, Russel, produce. Creamer, Chas. M., produce. Creamer, Frank W.. produce. Crlswell,. J. W„ produce. Dare, J. H., produce. Dry, Paul, meats. Davis, Geo. S„ produce. Douglass, R. L.. cigars. Enders, A. E„ produce. Frederick, W. J„ meats. Fry. Rebecca E., peanuts. Oarman, Theodore U, produce, Gill, J. C» real estate. (k>od. O. K„ produce. Grubto, Daniel, nallk. Gruber, S„ produce. Hargest, J. s.. produce. Harlaeher, J. A., pool. Harlacher. J. A., cigars. Harlaeher, J. A., restaurant. Harlac.her & Bonltz, cigars. Hawkins, E. C., meats. Hepford, D. G„ produce. Hepford, W. L., produce. Hershey, H. F„ produce. Hews, D. 8., meats. Hetterman, Mary J., groceries. Hicks. W. N., produce. Hoffman, H. 0., groceries. Hoover, J. C. & H.. groceries. Horst, L. H., meats. Horstlck, E. M„ cigars. Horstlck. IK. M., pool. Jacobs, A. S„ groceries. Kramer & Hassler, feed. Kramer. J. S.. milk. looser, H. A., groceries. • Longenecker. ©., produos. Mader, Dan, produce. Magaro, IJCWIS, produce. Magaro, Tony, pool. Mahargue, B. B. A., general merokra dlee. Manning, H. C.. milk. Matzlnger, W. J., produce. McNeal, B. R.. meats, Meadowcroft. Mrs. E., groceries. Meckley, 8. J., produce. Memmlnger, J. G.. groceries. Miller, F„ groceries. Miller, J. H., milk. M'Her, J. P. & Son, groceries. Miller, W. H.. Mrs., groceries. Myers, W. H.. milk. Orr, I* G„ groceries. Paxton Flour and Feed Oo„ feed. Radle, John W. , RafTensbergor. A. T.. milk. ' Relahert, H. I*., produce. Rohrer. Chae. M.. milk. Ru<ly. J. H., Jr., meats. Rudy, W. w., Jr., meats. Rudy, W. w.. Sr.. meats. Runkle, G. E„ groceries. Schmidt, Chas., produce. ' Sohrlner, W. J., groceries. Shoop, Mrs. J. H. & Son, produce. Smeltzer, Samuel, milk. Smeßzer, John P., milk. > Smith, David, produce, Schmidt, S., groceries. Snow, Mrs. Katie, produce. Sponnenberger, F, produce. Stahler. H. M., olgars. Stahler, H. M., olgars, Stahler, H. M., pool. Stahler, H. M., pool. Sturtevant, Mrs. L X*. milk. Trimmer, R. E., paper. Trullinger, S. W.. milk. Turns, Bph., cigars. Van Wagner, Mrs. I* W., groceries. Weaver, H. A„ general merchandise. Wengel, George, produce. Wenrich, E. L, grocer. Wevodau, W., produce. Zlgler, John, groceries. UPPER PAXTON TOWNSHIP Bufflngton, F. D„ produce. ** Fraellck, Frank, produce. Freeborn, M. E. groceries. Hummel, C. C., cigars and tobacco. Hoy, J. J„ produce. ICahler, J, TC„ hides. Lenker, J. Ed„ produce. Lenkei\ C. J., produce. Lebo, jr. C., meats. Lei>o, Geo. W.. produce. Miller, S. D.. milk. Mlllersburg Milling Co., wholesale flour and feed. Mlllerstourg Milling Co.. flour end feed. Novlnger, G. W„ produce. Ornadorf, C. N„ coal. Renn, Mary E., merchandise. Snyder, C. J. & Son, feed. Seal, J, F, produce. Spotts, C. E„ merchandise. Spotts, BenJ., produce. Strawbecker, J. H., produce. Strawser, J. W„ general merchandise. Wltmer, J. 8.. milk. Weaver, Lanton, produce. Weaver, A. M., produce. Zimmerman, J. P., produos. Hoy, C. A. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP Bonewltz, Geo. A„ milk. Burrell, Geo. H., produce. Cample, H. J., milk. Eardmer, Geo, W., produce. Feldt, W. A., milk. Good, A. D„ merchandise, Gunderman, M., produce. Johns. J. J., milk. Koppenheffer. T. M„ produce, Lenker, C. C., produce. Linker. H. C„ produce. Lebo, Chas. C„ merchandise. Lubold, H. E., produce. Matter, Peter, milk. Row. A. D., cigars and confectionery. Schlegel, A. J„ produce. Shadle, Clayton, cigars. Smeltz, J. K., milk. Snyder, H. H„ general store. Snyder, N. E„ oil. Swab, Isaiah, meats. Ulsh, Jacob, produce. Yartz, D. W., produce. Yeager, Lewis & Son, feed. Zerbe, Jonathan, cigars. WAYNE TOWNSHIP Dlmpsey, Austin, groceries. Harman, C. F„ general merchandise. Jury, J. E.. groceries. Kelter. Aaron M„ produce. Kelter, Aaron M„ wholesale produce. Miller, Jos., wholesale produce, Proudfoot, Elmer F„ produce. Shoop, Ira R., oil. WEST HANOVER TOWNSISi* 4 Buck, J. W„ meats. Fox, Geo. W., merchandise. Heller, C. C., produce. Hess. H. M., meats. I .and Is, L, G., fertiliser. \ Perkey. J. IE., produce. Schaffner, A. M., general store. Schubauer, J. C., groceries. Stuckey, I. H„ produce. WICONISCO TOWNSHIP Adamiak, Peter J., groceries. Batdorf, John 11.. stationery. Batdorf, Mrs. ft. P., s-noes. Davis, Mrs. Emma, confectionery. Deltrich, Wm., grocer. , Deitrich, W. W„ pool. Dodd, A. A., groceries. Dodd, R. E., merchandise. Esterllne, J. R., llour and feed. Erdman, ,A. H., milk. Fetterhoff, R. J„ candy. Forman Bros., clothing. Harman, Edward, stoves. Hoffman, Andrew, cigars. Keen & Bro., drugs and hardware. I Kelley, Wm., groceries. Kerwin. James L. groceries. Kissinger. W. H. & Co., general mer chandise. Kolva, W. T., pool. / Kolva, Wm. T„ cigars. Koppenhaver, F. & Son, meats. Long. John J;, notions. Mace, Henry 8.. grocer. Messner, Ed., cigars. Mesener, Ed., pool. Miller. Samuel Est., general merchan dise. Miller, Adam, groceries. Mucher, Geo. M„ cigars. Murphy, John J., cigars. Pontius, J. H„ cigars. Prout, J. S., drugs. Row, George W„ merchandise. Row, J. Allen, pool. Row, J. Allen, cigars. Shadle, W. L, groceries. Smith, George W„ cigars. Umholtz, Edmond, cigars. , Welker, BenJ., cigars. Wlest, W. 0.. groceries. For the purpose of hearing appeals, and to correct any errors in appraise ments. the County Treasurer and .my self will be at the County Treasurer'e Office, in the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., April 30th, 1915, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. o'clock. J. A. MILDER, Mercantile Appraiser, Penbrook, Pa., March isth, 1913.