The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 21, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
10 Mercantile Appraiser's List Of Harrisburg and Boroughs and Townships of Dauphin County for Licenses Due May 1, 1915 HARRISBURG FIRST WARD Anderson. T. W.. TOO Race. wall paper. Acrl. Mrs. F., US Pock, candy. Railets. J. A.. 713 is Front, groceries. Bamfort. Mrs.. 611 Race, groceries. Conner, G. \V„ 7-0 Race, candy. Drabenstadt, W. M.. SIJ S. Front, pro duce. Frster. Geo., 540 Race, groceries. Fllberte. R.. 1010 Hemlock. groceries. Frailer. C. E.. Twelfth and Hanover, pool. Fraxier. C. E.. Twelfth and Hanover, cigars. Finney, J. W„ 113 Vine, produce. Haas. H. W.. 559 Race, cigars. Hainer ft Sons. Race, meats. Hocker. H. W\. 104 Tuscarora. gro ceries. Heist. Mrs. F. L. 620 Race, cigars. Henry. U. 1013 Hemlock, oysters. Kennedy. J. W.. 1082 S. Eleventh, gro ceries. Keene. IST Paxton. cigars. Lehr. J. M.. Hemlock near Ninth, coal : and wood. Michlovltx & Co.. Paxton. coal and ! junk. Mlchlovtti A Co., Paxton. wholesale coal . and junk. I MoCreath Bros., 567 Race, coal and j wood. Parks, J. HL 621 Race, drugs. Price. J. L. IJS Sycamore, produce. | Raine Estate, oil Race, groceries. Rodoskv, A., 527 Race, cigars. Roberts. R- L. 1314 S. Eleventh, gro ceries. Ross. E. C.. 615 Race, groceries. Reichert. J. A- Tl4 Race, meats. Rosenberg. E.. 1067 S. Ninth, groceries. I Sheeslev. J. H„ Hemlock, feed. Sheesley. J. H., Hemlock, wholesale j feed. Sheesley, H. F.. 901 & Ninth, groceries, ffclielicher. E.. 1- - Paxton. groceries. Schaeffer. J., 102T Paxton, milk and produce. Trumpfer, T., 1269 S. Ninth, groceries. Wiesman, F. A.. 519 Race, meats. Wenrtch. Wj R.. 1048 S. Ninth. gro ceries. ' Wllklns. J. W.. 919 S. Ninth, cigars. Wogenhelm. H. M., 1123 S. Ninth, gro ceries. Wagner, E.. 1229 S. Ninth, produce. Woolfe Bros.. 12S Dock, groceries. Young. G. G., 1000 S. Eleventh, gro ceries. • Mackeson. G. F„ 117 Paxton. groceries. SECOND WARD Attlck. A. T.. 1351 Perry, jewelry. Brinton. H. A., 1436 Swatara. groceries. Brenner. J. M.. 1020 Berry hill, grocer ies. Brenner. S„ 563 & Tenth, groceries. Bacon, D. & Co.. 43T S. Eleventh, whole sale candy. Bower. H. H.. 1247 Mulberry, groceries. Backenstoss. C. D., 1425 Perry, cigars. Bumgardner, L J.. 1307 Derry, candy. Cooper. A. L., 1229 Mulberry, pool. Cooper. A. L, 1229 Mulberry, cigars. Cohen. H.. 300 Washington, groceries. Conover. C. M.. 415 S. Fourteenth, gro , caries. Cimono. A., 210 S. Second, groceries. Case Machine Co., 429 S. Second, re pairs. Carnes. F. 8., 1601 Hunter, groceries. Castor. R. C., Fourteenth and Derry, cigars. Castor. R. C„ Fourteenth and Derry, pool. Crispen Motor Co.. 413 South Eleventh, autos. nil, I. W„ Mulberry street bridge, ; autos. Demma. M., 310 S. Second, bananas. Dean. J. W.. 1255 Mulberry, meats. Evans-Burtnett Co.. 21S S. Second, wholesale groceries. Fisher. W. & Sons, 1500 BerryhlU. gro ceries. Gernert. Y~. A., 1200 Mulberry. gro ceries. Guiles. C.. 215 Hummel, milk. Gangi. M. L., 202 S. Thirteenth, candy. Gardiner, G. P.. 1231 Swatara, gro ceries. Hershev Creamery Co., 401 S. Eleventh, produce. Hershey Creamery Co., 401 S. Eleventh, wholesale produce. Hess. E. S.. 1259 Derry, pool. Hess. E. S., 1259 Derry. cigars. Hughes. J. 0., 347 S. Thirteenth, whole- j sale candy. Hoffman. W. H., 1531 Derry, groceries. Heisler, M. L, 403 S. Thirteenth, real j estate. Hepperle. S.. 532 S. Eleventh, groceries. Huber. Mrs. E. T.. 125 Vine, groceries. Krentzman. A.. 239 S. Eleventh, gro ceries. Klnghan Provision Co., 411 S. Second, 1 wholesale meats, Kocher. W. L, 1420 Naudatn. meats. Kitzmiller. F. K.. 1325 Derry, drugs. Lutz. R. L. Tenth and Mulberry, lime. Leidich. D. H.. Front and Vine, drugs. Lehman, Mrs. A.. 355 S. Thirteenth, | cakes. Landis, J., Eighteenth and Derry. coaL ! Landis, E. D.. 1439 Derry. produce. Meyers. G. W., Eleventh and Mulberry, tires, wholesale. Meyers. G. W„ Eleventh and Mulberry, tires. Mengle, H.. 1409 Derry, cigars. Monn Bros.. 163T Swatara, groceries. Mercurio Bros., 121 Washington, whole sale fruit. Mercurio Bros.. 121 Washington, fruit, i Margio. J., 313 S. River, groceries. Myers, H. D.. Seventeenth and Swatara. I shoes. McFarland. E. S.. 448 S. Eleventh, el gars. McFarland. E. S., 44$ S. Eleventh, pool. < Polleck. D.. 1303 Derry. groceries. Paxton Flour and Feed, South Second, i wholesale feed. Paxton Flour and Feed, South Second. ; feed. Ruder, J.. 1239 Swatara. groceries. Rhoads, H. K.. 1601 Swatara, meaU Spungin. S.. 526 S. Eleventh, wholesale j groceries. Santuch. S.. 55T S. Tenth, produce. Sechrist G. H., 1414 Swatara. pool. j Sechrist, G. H.. 1414 Swatara. cigars. Whade. C. W„ 467 Crescent, groceries. | Swengle. A. W., 219 S. Thirteenth, real i estate. Smith, C. H.. 1325 Derry. meats. Smith, H., 204 S. Thirteenth, real estate. ; Sylvester. P., 20T Mulberry, groceries. Shields, J. D.. 224 S- Second, drugs. Samson, A., S. Second, fruits. Samson. A., S. Second, wholesale fruits. ; Shaffer. E. E.. 433 S. Tenth, groceries, i Sultzherger, Sons & Co.. of America, S. Second, wholesale meats. Strock. A.. 323 S. Fifteenth, groceries. Silberman Bros.. 445 S. Second, junk. Trombino, A.. 341 S. River, groceries. Taverna. C.. 400 S. Second, groceries. Thompson. W. C.. 1245 KiMatinnv, gro- ! ceries. Uhler. C. H„ 131T Derry. gasoline. Wolfe. R. M.. 500 S. Thirteenth, gro- I ceries. Worden Paint Co, Tenth and Kitta- ! tinny, wholesale paint. Williams ft Freedman. S. Tenth, Junk. ! Weaver. J. A., 231 S. Fourteenth, gro- | ceries. Webb, C. E.. 234 S. Thirteenth, supplies. | Zeirters. E. C.. 1316 Swatara, groceries. | Ziegler ft Haves. 222 Hummel, stoves. I 2-in-l Stores Co., Thirteenth and Swa- i tara. groceries. Da now it z, S.. 416 S. Eleventh, gro ceries. THIRD WARD Arcade Pool Parlor, 111 S. Second, pool. Armento, J. J., 215 Walnut, cigars. Ask In ft Marine. 36 N. Second, clothing Bierbower. E.. 120 S. Court, produce. Bierbower. E., 120 S. Court, wholesale produce. Bail*, <+. E. ft Sons, 24 N. Fourth, cigars. Bair. C. E. & Sons. 24 N. Fourth, i wholesale cigars. Bennethum, G. \V„ 333 Market, photo- • play. Bates ft Co., Market wholesale pro duce. Bird. H. M.. Union Trust Building, real estate. Belehas ft Co.. 305 Market, pool. Black's Art Store. 117 Market, art sup plies Blumenstine. E.. 14 S. Court, supplies. Boas. C. R., 214 Market, jewelry. Bogar. Geo., 12 N. Second, sporting i goods. Boner. J. H., 20# Market, drugs. Bowman ft Co.. 318 Market, restaurant. Bowman ft Co.. 318 Market, wholesale : dry goods. Bowman ft Co, 318 dry goods. Butterworth. M. S.. Bolton House, ci gars. Bretx Bros., 109 Market, hardware. Byerly, w. H., 317 Market, cigars. Bender. F. B„ 21 3. Fourth, barber sop- I piles. Bell Realty Co.. Third and Market, real ] estate. Brenner, J. D„ 1 N. Third, jewelry. Burns & Co.. lli S. Second, furniture. Bowman. D. G, 5 S. Second, cigars. Bowman. D. G.. 5 S. Second, pool. Clancy. U G„ 19 S. Market Square, 1 fruits. Cunningham. W. P.. 221 Walnut, candy, i Cunningham, W. P., iSI Walnut, res taurant. Cat>lan, P. H. & Co.. 18 N. Fourth, Jew el ry. Central Auto vo„ 334 Chestnut, autos. Casino Co.. Court and Strawberry, pool, j Casino Co., Court and Strawberry, el- i gars. Central Book Store, 529 Market, books. Cohen. H.. 202 Market, notions. Claster. H. C., 302 Market. Jewelry. Claster. J., 6 4 N. Second, wholesale: hosiery. Collins & Co.. 29 N. Second, clothing. Cummings. F. E., 14 N. Fourth, Jewelry. ICotik. L. W„ 30S Market, dry goods. Corbin i Graham. T S. Third, restau- ( rant. ! | Court Dairy launch. Court and Straw-; berry, restaurant. | Crego. C. J, 16 N. Third, shoes. I Cullmerry, G. U.. 222 Market, real es- ! tate. Central Const. Co.. 222 Market, whole sale cement. Colonial Theatre, Third and Market, theatre. Dickert, H. 8.. US Market, restaurant , Dickert, H. R. 113 Market, cigars. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth and Market, dry goods. Dives. Pomeroy Stewart. Fourth and i Market, wholesale dry goods. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth and Market, restaurant. Dodge. H. C.. IT N. Third, hats. I Doehne. G„ Strawberry and Dewberry, cigars. Domestic Science Kitchen. 211 Walnut, restaurant Doorly ft Co., 216 Chestnut, premiums. | Doutrioh & Co.. 304 Market, clothing, j Everybody's Co-operative Store, 228 Market groceries. Elias. H. C., 213 Walnut, candy. Ensminger, J. T., Second and Chestnut furniture. .Etter. G. S., !1S Walnut real estate. Davenport Lunch, Inc.. 325 Market cigars. Davenport Lunch, Inc., 326 Market restaurant. Fairlamb, R. V., 210 Market, cigars. Fairlamb. R. V.. 3SI Market cigars. Fairlamb & Co., 208 Market cigars. Fitzgerald. S. W„ 317 Walnut, real es tate. Feeser, J. F., 140 S. Third, wholesale produce. Forrv, W. I». 40 N. Third, furnishings. Frankburg, A.. 2134 Chestnut, tea and coffee. Factory Outlet Shoe Store, 14 N. Fourth, shoes. Front-Market Motor Sut>ply Co., Front and Market, supplies. George Bros.. 227 Market, theatre. Golden Seal Drug Co.. 11 Market Sq„ drugs. Golden Seal Drug Co.. 11 Market Sq., restaurant. Galdlno, E.. 132 S. Second, groceries. Galdlno. E„ 182 S. Second, wholesale groceries. Gilbert. H, & Son, 219 Market, whole sale hacdware. Gilbert. H.. A Son. 219 Market, hard ware. Gable, H. A., 113 S. Second, wholesale hardware. Gable, H. A.. 113 S. Second, hardware. Gardner & Baptist!, Third and Chest nut, wholesale produce. Gately & Fitrgerald, 31 S. Second, fur nlturpi Gohl's Paint Supply Co.. 305 Straw berry. paints. Gorgas. G. A.. 16 N. Third, drugs. Gutelius, J.. 2S N. Second, notions. I Gates, J. H. f S. Tenth, coal. Gross. E. Z., 119 Market, drugs. Gross. E. Z., 119 Market, wholesale j drugs. Holtzman. G.. 323 Market, pool. Hoitzman. L. G.. 323 Market, cigars. Hortlng & Mingle, 309 Market, cigars. | Haniowei, K. & Co.. IS S. Fourth, res taurant. Hamowel, K. & Co., 18 S. Fourtli, ci-! I gars. Hamowel. A., 28 S. Fourth, restaurant I , Hamowel. A., 28 S. Fourth, cigars. , Harrisburg Light & Power Co.. 22 N. I Second, supplies. ! Harrisburg Carpet Co.. 32 N. Second, j carpets. ' Harrisburg Gas Co., 14 S. Market Sq„ supplies. Harrisburg Hardware Co., 5 N. Market : hardware. Harrisburg Harness Co.. Second and ! Chestnut wholesale saddlerv. Harrisburg Harness Co., Second and Chestnut, harness. Harrisburg News Agency, 101 S. Sec ond. wholesale papers. Harrisburg News Agency, 101 S. Sec ond. papers. ! Harrisburg Rubber Co.. 205 Walnut, rubber goods. Harrisburg Typewriter Co.. N. Court. typewriters. Harrisburg Electrical Supply. 24 S. Second, wholesale supplies. Harrisburg Electrical Supply. 24 S. Second, supplies. Harry, D. D„ Third and Walnut cigars. Hench & Wilson. 325 Market, whole sale notions. Herman & Co., 22 N. Market Sq.. whole sale cigars. Hershey. D. U„ 327 Market, cigars. Himes, G. W„ 10 N. Market Sq.. stoves. Hersh. D. F„ 123 Market, cigars. Holmes Seed Co.. 109 S. Second, whole- I sale seeds. Holmes Seed Co.. 109 S. Second, seeds. I Hoover, E. G.. 23 N. Third, jewelry. Hursh, J. N.. 21S Cherrv. cigars. Jerauld Shoe Co.. 310 Market, shoes. Johnston Paper Co., S. Market Sq., pa- I per. Kay. L W, Metropolitan Hotel, cigars. Kaufman's Underselling Store, 11 N. Market Square, clothing. Kelly. J„ 3 x. Third, shoes. Keystone Sanitary Co., S. Second, sup plies, wholesale. Kennedy, H. C., 321 Market drugs. Kennedy, W. H„ 30 S. Third, wholesale drugs. Kresge. S. S.. 326 Market, 5 and 10c I goods. Kelley, James. 231 Strawberrv, cigars Kuhn. Samuel. Clothing Co.. 6 N. Sec- | ond. clothing. Kuhn. Sol. & Co.. Second and Market, carpets. Knisely, Wm. N„ 200 Market cigars. Koch, C. H., 335 N. Second, cigars. Kochenour, Geo. W„ 230 Market cigars Leib. Frank & Son. 18 N. Third, real estate. Livingston, Harry, 9 S. Market Sq„ clothing. Magaro, S., Second and Market cigars. McCabe. Frank. 125 Chestnut, cigars. Miller & Kades. 7 N. Market Sq., furni ture. Miller. A. S. & Son. 3S N. Court real estate. Motter. Chas. F„ 211 Chestnut gro ceries. Morrison, H.. Second and Walnut, cl- ' gars. Moller. C. A.. 35 S. Second, drugs. Martz Bros.. 21 S. Third, hardware. McClellan, James. Third and Mulberry cigars. Moog Bros.. 13 S. Third, shoes. Magnelli. P. O. & Co.. 112 S. Second. wholesale fruit. Magnelli. P. O. & Co., 112 S. Second, fruits. Mann. C. H, 32 S. Third, Jeweler sup plies. Marks & Copelin, 31 N. Second, cloth ing. McFall & Son, Third and Market, men's furnishings. Messersmith. J. H.. 212 Market, men's furnishings. McKay, W. S., 305 Strawberry, cigars. Montgomery, J. 8., Third arid Chest nut coal. Miller & Foose. 311 Marked, cigars. National Supply Co.. 8 & Fourth, cloth ing. Notarys & Collis, 317 Market restau rant. Nachman, Jos. Co., 320 Market, cloth ing. Newark Shoe Co.. 315 Market, shoes. Oyler, P.. 14 S. Fourth, pianos. National Watch and Diamond Co.. Third and Market, watches. Orr. John C.. 222 Market, real estate. Parialo, J. J.. 129 S. Second, wholesale fruit Parialo. J. J., 129 S. Second, fruit. Poußon. Chas. W„ S N. Third, hats. Plank Warner Tire Co., Fourth and Chestnut tires. Plaek. Win., 33 S. Second, jewelry. Pomeroy. S. S.. 5 S. Second, groceries. Pound. Wm. R. \V„ 207 Market, sta tionery. 4 mRRISBITRO STAR-INDEPgNDKNT.' WEDNESDAY KYENTNO, APRIL . 1915. ■ | Phil*. Quick Lunoh, 16 N. Second, res taurant i ; Phila. Quick Lunch, lOT Market res- I taurant. ' Parks. G. W., 10 8. Second, sewing ma i chines. 1 Pendergast, P. F., 214 Chestnut cigars. ; Rothert Co.. Jl2 Market, furniture. , 1 RUBS & Windsor. Market Sq.. fish. Rusa & Windsor. Market Sq.. whole .: sale flsh. ■ i P»Uaee Confeotlonery, 216 Market, con i fectlonery. I Rife, W. H.. 326 Walnut cigars. Robert A Meok, 115 Market, wholesale paper. Rohrer. J. F. & Son. 4 N. Third, real es -1 tate. Rose. John A_ 37 N. Second, candy. Russ. M. E.. Third and Walnut, cigars. Robins. C. ft Co.. 27 S. Third, whole sale jeweler, i Rodenhaver. J. W„ Jl7 Market cigars, Russ. John. 212 Strawberry, cigars. Rovla. George, 20 N. Third, cigars. Senate Hotel. Second and Market, ci gars. Silverman, I„ S2l Market moving pic tures. Sachs. R., 20 N. Fourth, millinery. StiefT, C. M„ 24 N. Second, pianos. Strouse Bros, 313 Market clothing. Sperry, Hutchinson Co., 209 Walnut | premiums. i Springer, Geo. W„ 206 Market Jeweler. Snavely, H. W„ Arcade Bldg., broker. Schorndori, Bessie. 12 S. Fourth, cloth ing. Schaffer, Theo. Est, 31 S. Second, sta | tionery. Strouse, B. & Co., 332 Market, clothing. Simonetti, H. R., 106 S. Second, whole i sale produce. Slble, Geo. H„ Jr., Metropolitan Hotel, clgnrs. Sible, Geo. H.. Jr.. Bolton House, cigars. Schmidt. Chas. L. 313 Market, llowers. Schleisner, W. B„ 28 N. Third, clothing. , Shorb Shoe Store, 300 Market, shoes. Shearer. J. L, 204 Market, furnishings. Sides & Sides, 203 Market, furnishings, i Sigier, C. M.. Inc., 30 N. Second, pianos, i Singer Sewing Machine Co.. IS S. Mar- I ket Sq.. sewing machines. Saunders, Minerva. 34 S. Second, hos iery. Standard \Voolen Co., 19 N. Third, cloth ing. Slabach, E. G. ft Co.. 226 Chestnut meats. Snyder, Chas. H., 207 Chestnut, cigars. iSoutter. John C.. 215 Market, 25c store. The 110 Clothing Store. 3 N. Market Sq., clothing. The 2-in-l Store Co.. Third and Chest nut. groceries. Tamsui Tea' Co.. 331 Market, tea and coffee. Trombino Bros.. S S. Fourth, fruits. j Troup. J. H., 15 S. Second, pianos. ; Tunis, W. S., 8 N. Third, stationery. 20th Century Shoe Co.. 7 S. Second, shoes. United Watch ft Diamond Co.. 302 Mar ket. watches and diamonds. Uttley. C.. 321 Walnut flowers. United Cigar Store Co.. 22 N. Third, cigars. United Hat Stores, Inc., Third and Mar ket. hats. Underwood Type writing Co., 25 N. Third, typewriters. Vogt G. S.. IT N. Market Sq., meats. Victoria Theatre, 223 Market moving pictures. Wilmer. Vincent ft Appell, 323 Walnut, theatre. Wltmer, Bair ft Witmer, 311 Walnut. clothing. Wilson. J. S.. 4 N. Third, candv. Walkover Shoe Co., 226 Market, shoes. Wolf, C. H., 201 Market, cigars. Weaver. John S.. 24 N. Third, confec tionery. Walmer. N. A.. 24 S. Third, leather goods. Webber, Mrs. O. D., 118 S. Second, toilet articles. i Weisemati, W. A.. 33 S. Second, gro . ceries. j Werner. A. F.. 213 Chestnut, candy. olf, Chas.. 116 Strawberry, gasoline. \ Z?igler. D. M., 110 S. Second, window I shades, ; Yohn Bros.. 8 N, Second, pianos. I Zacharias, H. C., 14 N. Second, real es | tale. FOURTH WARD ' ;^ s !\ F ' B - --- r »eust. real estate, j Balsley. Geo., 220 N. Second, groceries. Blake, A. N., 103 N. Second, decorations. I Bodmer, H. A.. 319 N. Third, wall paper. : Bossier ft Forrer, 705 N. Third, boilers, i Braun. J. M., 223 South, groceries. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut, real estate. , Brown, Mrs. A. C., 267 Briggs, hair ! goods. ;By rem. Samuel. 701H N. Third, cigars. I Belsinger, J. S., 206 Locust, optical goods, Cotterel. D. W„ 105 N. Second, station ery. Cotterel. D. W., 105 N. Second, whole sale books. Cook. Mrs. T. C.. 214 Liberty, candv. Corset Shop. 107 A N. Second, consets. Cohen. Ida, S3O James, groceries. Donaldson Paper Co.. Second and Lo cust. wholesale paper. Ensminger. J. T. Jr., 215 N. Second, drugs. Early, J. B, ft Son. 104 N. Second, shoe findings. Fager ft Sons, 215 N. Second, stoves. Fliokinger, John, TO6 N. Third, wall paper. Fought. M. A., 21T North, real estate. Fairlamb ft Co., 819 X. Third, candy. Heischmann Co., 210 N. Second, whole sale veast. Greco. A., Third and State, candy, i GauU, H. A., 236 North, groceries. I Goldsmith, Jos., 209 Locust furniture. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second | wholesale coffee. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second tea and coffee. Hennecke, Mrs. J., 825 N. Third, birds. Harris, J. P. ft Son, 221 N. Second, fur niture. Jones. Mrs. G. W„ 208 South, grocer ies. Kre idler. A. H. ft Bro., Second and Walnut, groceries. Koch. E. L. 211 N. Second, groceries. Kendall Optical Co.. 228 N. Third, op tical goods. Longenecker. L K„ 804 N. Third, flow ers. I Lett, James. 11l N. Second, wholesale photo supplies. ip' L:iles ' Second, photo sup- Marriane, Klndermarkt 218 Locust toys. McDonald, C. B, Telegraph Building, cigars. Messimer, G. F„ 718 N. Third, candy. Menger, J. H.. 110 N. Second, restau rant Magiaughlin, J. J., 400 N. Second, wall paper. Marzolf, E. L., 515 N. Second, groceries. Mather ft Co., 204 Walnut steam fit tings. Maglll. P. G., 410 Spring, real eetate. Miller Bros, ft Neefe, Locust and Court real estate. Nunemacher, A. W„ 701 N. Third, drugs. Orpheum Theatre. 206 Locuet, theatre. Peters. M. C., 620 N. Third, groceries. • Parthemore, L H.. Tl2 N. Third, pianos. Poorman, Bessie, 222 Locust gloves. Penn. Realty & Imp. Co., 132 Locust, real estate. Regal Umbrella Co., Second and Wal nut umbrellas. Ricker. I. S.. 817 X. Third, jewelry. Rutherford. S. S., 318 N. Second, deli catessen. Rockafeller. T. R, 20! North, real es tate. Swope, Miss Ida. 208 N. Third. French Shop. Sebourn. J. H., 827 Green, groceries. Studebaker, C„ Second and State, gro ceries. Sprenkle. C A., 814 N. Third, supplies. Saltzglver, Samuel, 207 Barbara, gro ceries. - Sariano, Frank. 228 South, fruits. Taylor, M. C- 111 South, real estate. Wait. W. 0.. 824 N. Sixth, drugs. Evangelical Publishing House, 201 N Second, books. W llburn, S. K. ft Co.. Second and State, drugs. Win Held, M.. 706 N. Sixth.' real estate. W Itmer. Bair ft Witmer, 202 Walnut clothing. C t. "It® Second, fruits. W hltcomb. D, R.. 223 Briggs, fruits. W hitcomb, D. R„ 223 Briggs, wholesale fruits. Wolbert. H. R. 717 N. Third, grocerlea Union Sales Co., Second and North tires. FIFTH WARD Adler. Chas., 1002 N. Third, real estate. Affleck. J. A. ft Co., 1113 N. Third, real estate. Argraves, H. A., 10C8 X. Third, gro ceries. Argraves. H. A. 1008 X. Third, whole sale groceries. Attlcks A Attlcks, 317 Broad, candy. Buehler, D. A.. 916 X. Third, drugs. Boyd. N. A., 12SS X. Sixth, cigars. Brown ft Co.. 1317 N. Third, furniture. Boak. C. L, 229 Broad, cigars. Book. W. A„ 131 Broad, groceries. Bodner, I. C.. 307 Cumberland, produce. Beshore, Chas., 436 Cunvberland. cigars. Burger, David, 316 Broad, cigars. Baturin, A., Co., 1005 X. Third, gro ceries. Capital Hardware Supply Co., 1218 N. Third, wholesale hardware. Capital Hardware Supply Co.. 1318 N. Third, hardware. Capin & Capin. 1121 N. Third, furnish ings. Central Cafe. 1107 X. Third, restaurant Cleckner ft Burk, 1226 X. Third, stoves. Cohen, L ft Bro., 1004 X. Sixth, shoe findings. Coneylman. W. C. ft Co., 1117 N. Third, furnishings. Cooper ft Co., 411 Broad, junk, whole sale. Dapp, W. A.. 309 Broad, pool. Dapp, W. A.. 309 Broad, cigars. Ensminger, E. C„ 1122 Green, oil. Emanuel, J. D„ 923 N. Third, pool. Emanuel. J. D„ 923 N. Third, cigars. Evans. W. H., 267 Sassafras, produce. Fisher. A. E. Est., 1017 X. Third, wall paper. Finklestine. H. L, 1219 N. Third. Sc and 9c store. Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital, stoves. Garner, A.. 1209 N. Third, clothes. Uaronzik. D.. 1105 N. Third, clothing. Gebhart H. C„ 1004 N. Third, birds. Gekns. D. N„ Third and Herr, candy. Gundruin. Ruth, 913 N. Third. post cards. Handler. 8.. 1212 X. Third, furniture. Heagy Bros., 1204 X. Third, sporting , goods. Hoopes. J. 8., 1021 X. Third, cigars. Houghton, H. F„ 1128 N. Sixth, candy. Houghton, H. F„ 1128 N. Sixth, restau rant. Hutman, Geo., 1013 N. Third, jeweler. Jewel Tea Co.. 269 Broad, groceries. Kaylor. H. H., 1202 N. Third, hardware. Kimmel, Wm.. 1101 N. Second, gro ' ceries. Kinnard, J. N„ 1116 N. Third, furnish ings. Kinney ft Co.. 1200 N. Third, shoes. Klster, J. F„ Boas and Capital, milk. Knighton ft Co.. 311 Broad, clothing. Kobler, Geo., 1232 N. Sixth, cigars, Koons, H. C., 269 Cumberland, meats. Kramer, Ira. 400 Cumberland, whole sale flour. Kramer. Ira, 400 Cumberland, flour, Kramer, Chas. F„ 4225 N. Third, drugs. Kramine, 445 Broad, restaurant, j Low. C. E.. 1100 X. Sixth, groceries. Logan Drug Co., Second and Herr, drugs. Maurer, A„ 400 Forster, cigars. McCarroll, James, 935 X. Third, tobacco. Messner, Paul, 1118 James, gasoline. Miller Shoe Store, 1125 Third, shoes. Milleisen. G. F., 1019 N. Third, coal. Morganthaler. J. N., 937 N. Third, ci gars. Marcus. I.; 1205 N. Third, moving pic tures. Nailor, J. N., 419 Brond. feed. Opperman. Miss L. 1208 N. Third, fancy goods. Orcutt C. H.. 267 Cumberland, real es tate. Philadelphia Quick Lunch, 305 Broad. restaurant. Palmer, Mrs. L, 416 Forster, groceries. People's Tea Co., 1126 N. Third, gro ceries. Potts. Geo. C., 1100 N. Third, drugs. Rettew. Vernon Co., 1100 N. Third, real estate. Rlfkin, S.. 407 Broad, furniture. Ridenhour, F. E., 1231 N. Third, flowers. Rinkenbaugh, E. L, 1215 N. Third. Jew eler. Shiffman, A., 1210 X. Sixth, groceries. Senseman. A. J„ 1206 X. Third, dry goods. Simonetti, L. 901 X. Third, wholesale fish. Simonetti. L, 901 X. Third, flsh. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 908 Xorth Third, sewing machines. Simonetti, J„ 4UI Broad, cigars. Smallwood, Wm., 434 Herr. wholesale flour. Smith, R. W„ Boas and Capital, gro ceries. Smith. W. C„ 321 Cumberland, cigars. Smith, Jacob. 1012 X. Third, cigars. Smith, J. P., 1200 X. Second, groceries. Spahr, H. B„ 1223 X. Third, stationery. Straub, W. J„ 1109 Third, wall paper. Stouffer, C. A., 449 Broad, groceries. Strominger ft Ennis, 1111 X. Third, wall paper. Sullivan. T. J., 325 Broad, cigars. Sweiger. E. F. D„ 303 Broad, notions. Swiier, J. H., 431 Broad, groceries. Tack, A. E., 1216 X, Third, wall paper. Ylngst, J., 1132 X. Front, carpets, SIXTH WARD Alitto. J., 1338 X. Fourth, candy. Anderson. J., 1316 X. Fifth, restaurant Arch, J., 1112 N. Front, groceries. Aaronson, J., 1432 N. Sixth, groceries. Atkinson, W. R., 1432H X. Third, Jew elry. Bierly, S., 319 Broad, groceries. Bloom. P., 1327 William, Junk. Bloom, J., 1325 William, Junk. Bogar Hardware Co., 1316 X. Third, hardware. Burgoon, W. F., 1334 X. Sixth, gro- 1 ceries. I • Burns, S., 1400 Marion, cigars. Clark, J. X.. 306 Broad, drugs. 1 Clark, J. X., 306 Broad, wholesale i drugs. Cobb. S.. 1315 William, clothing. Cohen, M.. 314 Calder, furniture. Crozier, G. M„ 1303 X. Third, cigars. Davies, C. W„ 1305 X. Third, cigars. Dogerty. J. P., 320 Broad, dry goods, Drabenstadt E. C„ 318H Reily, candy. Bberts, W„ 419 Relly, stoves. Endlch, A., 505 Calder, milk. Faunce, L A.. 1433 X. Third, jewelry. Freeburn, H. H.. 1400 X. Third, real estate. , Frick, C. A., 428 Reily, groceries. Garonzik, H„ 1401 Marion, furniture. Gardner. S., 1311 X. Third, wholesale fruits. Gardner, S., 1311 X. Third, oysters. Gerber, A., 141 Reily, furniture. George, C. T„ 1306 N. Third, drugs. Gentslider, J. J., 234 Broad, groceries. Graupner, O. R, 1415 N. Third, cigars Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.. 1308 N. Third, wholesale groceries. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea 00.. 1308 H. Third, groceries. Gregg, J. C„ 1320 N. Third, cigars. Hall, Mrs., 1322 Marlon, restaurant ' Harrow, A. A., 400 Relly, groceries. ' Hay, J., 1402 N. Third, drugs. Hoover. J. W„ 336 Broad, furniture. 1 Hoover, C. F„ 1415 N. Second, furniture. ' Hennecke, J. A., 1339 James, produce Houseman ft Son, 1422 N. Third, gro- ' ceries. Hoerner, A.. 316 Broad, dry goods. Kapphan, Mrs., 324 Broad, cigars. Katzman, D„ 314 Broad, cigars. t Kobler. J., 1430 H N. Sixth, pool. Kobler. J„ 1430 % N. Sixth, cigars. Kranzdorf, W„ 1321 N. Fourth, gro- i ceries. Kramer, C. D.. 1429 N. Third, cigars, ' Lauster, F„ 300 Broad, cigars. Lescure, J. W., 1310 Green, cigars. Levinson. W., 1304 X. Sixth, candy. Ligget, J. G., 268 Broad, restaurant Lowe, D. S.. 1418 X. Sixth stoves. Lukens. A. M., 302 Reily. toys. Miller, J. H„ 1336 X, Sixth, pool. Miller. J. H., 1336 N. Sixth, cigars. McAllister, J. A., 1336 N. Second, drugs. Mitchell, G. F„ 441 Broad; candy. Moyre, Mrs.. 304 Broad, candy. Murray, R. W.. 1308 N. Sixth, produce. , Neff, Mrs., 1328 N. Second, groceries. N. Y. Merchandise Co., 460 Broad, gro ceries. Nobby Grocery, 265 Relly, groceries. Parks ft Sons, 1342 X. Sixth, restau rant i Paxton Flour ft Feed, Broad, feed. Penna. Fanciers' Ass'n, 338 Broad sup- i plies. j People's Furnishings, 330 Broad, furni ture. Ptack, F.. 1326 X. Sixth. Jewelry, p.appacourt J.. 321 Calder, groceries. Rlekert, Mrs. L. 1318 X. Sixth, notions. 1 Reese. C. W„ 1419 N. Third, notions. i Rishel. J. A., 1618 X. Fifth, groceries. Rhodes, D., 1401 X. Second, groceries. ] Robinson ft Co., 1300 N. Third, dry ) goods. Ryder Hardware Co., 302 Broad, hard- ] ware. Sebold, H. 0.. 1316 N. Third, itcnes. 1 Selsam, J. T., 400 Broad, groceries. Shisler. A. H.. 1328 N. Third, supplies. 1 Simonetti, H.. J3lB Green, produce. Smith, C. J., 322 Broad, groceries. 1 Smith, C. H., 1313 N. Second, meats. Smith. M. T„ 1301 N. Third, candy. 1 Smith, C- B„ 1315 N. Third, supplies. Smiley, M. E.. 1400 N. Sixth, groceries. ] Steckley & Sons, 404 Broad, shoes. j Stevick, A. L.. 1408 X. Third, pool. Btevlek. A. L.. 1408 N. Third, cigars. Stewart. F. K.. 1427 N. Third, paper. Square Deal Auto Co., 1408 X. Third, supplies. Trlpner, J. H„ 312 Broad, groceries. Vaughn. P., 1432 N. Third, gas mantles. Wagser A Smith 1303 N. Third, gro ceries. Walters. H. A., 339 Relly. cigars. Welbley, H. S., 262 Broad, candy. Welbley. H. S., 266 Broad, wholesale candy. Wengert. D.. 504 Relly, produce. Weaver, G. T„ 501 Calder. produce. Wilson, J. E„ 326 Reily, wall paper. Williams, E. G.. 1421 N. Third, candy. Williams, J. C.. 1500 Penn. milk. Wohlfarth, J. L. 323 Relly. cigars. Ylngst, H.. 1423 N. Third, supplies. Zannell. L J.. 1342 Penn, groceries. Zlgler. G. L. 414 Broad, harness. SEVENTH WARD Adelstein. H„ 1403 N. Sixth, jewelry. Abramson, A„ 1007 X. Seventh, whole sale Junk. Amos ft Son, 1209 X. Seventh, groceries. Arch. R„ 1001 Cowden. groceries. Arnold. C. N„ 1601 N. Sixth, Rlower, A. C„ 1605 N. Sixth, groceries. Brighton, C. W„ 1300 X. Seventh, ci gars. Bracony, H. J., 1001 N. Sixth, groceries. Bair, L A., 651 Hamilton, groceries. Bechtel. A. M„ Eighteenth and Herr, groceries. Botts, M. L. 1649 X. Sixth, dry goods. Bo.ver. W. T.. 1821 N. Twelfth, produce. Brenner, M. ft Sons, Seventh and Muench, groceries. Brenner, M. ft Sons, 623 Herr, gro ceries. Baker, O. F., 1309 N. Sixth, pianos. Coleman, T„ 644 Brond, o irhth. Coleman. T.. 644 Brond, restaurant. Cummings. C. 8.. 916 N. Seventh, ci gars. Cowden & Co., Ninth and Herr, whole sale pipe. Cless. R. 1925 N. Sixth, oil cloth. Crum, D„ 662 Broad, guns. Dorcas Supply Co., 1723 N. Sixth, no tions. Drum, B. 8.. 1801 X. Sixth, groceries. Diffalong. J. R„ 1709 N. Sixth, candv. Elder. T. B„ 2011 N. Seventh, grocer ies. Frank, S. A.. 1925 N. Seventh, groceries. I-orster, 8.. 1123 N. Eleventh, notions. Fetterhoff, Mrs. E., 1815 N. Eleventh, groceries. Fernhaugh, C. B„ 1631 N. Sixth, candy. Fornwald, M. A.. 1321 N. Sixth, carpets. Flshman, S„ 1101 N. Sixth, furniture. Grunden. P. K„ ?33. X. Sixth, drugs. Gross. N„ 2015 N. Sixth, groceries. Gross, M„ Seventh and Savford, gro ceries. Garland, J. K„ 1839 N. Sixth, drugs. Gerver, M., 1201 Wallace. wholesale Junk. Gordon Bros., 1200 N, Eleventh, gro ceries. Hnrris, S. R.. 1929 N. Sixth, groceries. Herman, H. 0., 1214 N. Eleventh, gro ceries. Hemperle, W. a. 1733 X. Sixth, gro ceries. Horwitz. D.. Monroe and Cumberland. groceries. Hoffman, J. G„ 1200 Wallace, cigars. Hackenberger. Mrs. G. H„ 1845 X. Sev enth. groceries. Isaacman. A„ 1308 Wallace, groceries. Isaacman, B. H„ Seventh and Herr, groceries. Jackson, H. F„ 1004 X. Seventh, no tions. Katz. M„ 649 Cumberland, shoe find ings. ICarmatz. M., Eleventh and Herr, gro ceries. Katz. L, 1100 Herr, groceries. Kohlman. P., 130S N. Seventh, cigars. G., 1719 N. Seventh, groceries. Ixjng, H„ 1527 N. Seventh, cigars. Lyons, T„ 1135 Wallace, cigars. Mathews, T. H„ 1215 N. Seventh, pool. Macus ft Lipsltz, 2030 N. Seventh, gro ceries. Marshal. 630 Boas, drugs. Mazy, M„ 622 Boas, groceries. Moses, B. P., 1827 X. Sixth, groceries. Martin. S. K„ 635 Reily. furnishings. Moesleln. F„ 1235 X. Sixth, cigars. J 'ller. D. H.. IS3I N. Sixth, notions. Mc.Nally. R.. 2001 N. Sixth, groceries. Moyer, C. N., 1911 N. Sixth, groceries. Musky, S.. 637 Herr, groceries. Orstein. w„ 1127 N. Eleventh, gro ceries. Pavloft, V„ 1025 N. candy. Parsons, 1., 1104 N. Seventh, drugs. Rernmer, R., 1220 N. Eleventh, grocer ies. Roshinsky, M„ 923 N. Sixth, groceries. Reamer ft Son. 1505 N. Sixth, wall paper. Rhine, P. G., 1330 Cowden. produce. Roven, 1., 646 Calder, groceries. Rosenfeld, A., Broad and Cowden, gro ceries. Stago, M„ 1117 N. Seventh, groceries. Shien, A., Broad and Cowden, grocer ies. Shack, A., 1238 N. Seventh, restaurant Sherman. D„ 652 Peffer, groceries. Shellehamer, H. B„ 2017 N. Eleventh groceries. Skolnlk, M„ 1211 N. Sixth, stoves, gmeltz M.. 1100 N. Seventh, furniture. Smith ft Feltenberger. 1405 N. Sixth supplies. Staley, R. M., 1307 N. Sixth, drugs, htroh. W. S.. 1710 N. Sixth, coal. Szeim. A., 1018 N. Seventh, pool, i Taylor, A. L, 601 Cumberland, cigars, j Thompson. W.. 2027 N. Sixth, drugs. United Ice and Coal. Cowden and Fors- I ter. coal and wood. I \ erner, A. it, 627 Cumberland, gro ceries. JJagner, J. H., 1721 N. Sixth, cigars. S. a f. ner -./' H - 1721 N - pool. Waiter, H. G., 616 Herr, meats. W alburn. A., 628 Broad, groceries Weaver J. S.. 1607 N. Sixth, groceries. E. W., 1221 N. Sixth, stoves. Wolf Bros., Seventh and Cumberland, groceries. Wiibach, L,, 1023 N. Seventh, cigars. W Inkier. C., Seventh and Broad, meats. \ t ° ' f" 621 Harris, groceries. Moyer, C. V., 1911 x. Sixth, pool. EIGHTH WARD Asmowitz. A.. 127 Balm, groceries. Braude, P., 516 State, merchandise. Baturin ft Baturin, 1198 Walnut. Junk. Brenner, Nathan, 424 Walnut, clothing Brenner, Nathan, 424 Walnut, broker. Bear, 8., 700 N. Seventh, groceries. Brelsford Packing Co.. Seventh and North. Wholesale meats. Carr, Wm., 602 Walnut, restaurant. Capain, \L, 446 Walnut, wholesale no tions. Castor, Alice, 445 State, restaurant. Cap. City Junk Co., Tenth and Walnut wholesale Junk. CSI Junk ty JUnk C °" Tenth and w »'nut, Corpman, W. a, Sixteenth and Elm. pic ture frames. i Cohen, F.. 607 E. State, second hand ! goods. Cohen, M. ft Sons, 678 Briggs, junk. Cooper. Chas. A., 600 North, groceries. Cohen. T„ 604 State, wholesale Junk. ™e. r , C. A Son. 601 State, groceries. Ebel, F. W., Fourth and State, cigars, i orney Bros.. .628 North, wholesale shoes. Fink. K. 0., 1801 Walnut, groceries. Freldburg. X„ 420 Walnut, wholesale candy. Fry. Theo., 601 State, cigars. Gross, Myer. 438 Walnut, groceries. Gordon Bros., 1543 Walnut groceries. Hagey, M. A.. 137 Fourth, cigars. Hbg. Cash Grocery. 434 Walnut, gro ceries. Hantzman, F. H., 660 Briggs, luiWber. Harrison, J. E„ 618 Walnut, restaurant Hbg Rend, and Hide Co., Eleventh and Walrvut hides. Kelley, H. S., Tenth and State, whole sale coat Kelley, H. M., Tenth and State, coal. Kambeltz, L, 124 Linden, milk. Kellam, J. C., 1740 Walnut, groceries. Looker, Edwin, 501 North, fruit. Lack, Frank, 713 Cowden. groceries. Lipman. 1., 404 Walnut clothing. Moßand. Mrs. R., 1604 Walnut grocer ies. Miller, Harry, 1260 Walfut, groceries Morrow. F. S., Sixteenth and Walnut oysters. Moody, G. W„ 1700 Walnut coaL Miller, J. E., 1258 Walnu-t, produce. Morris, J. W„ 1341 Xorth, produce. Muller. J. I„ 127 N. Thirteenth, wall paper. Moore. G. a, 222 X. Tenth, produce. Nurick, 8., 608 Walnut, groceries. Rhoades, J. E„ Cowden and Forster. lime. Rhoades. J. E., Cowden and Forster. wholesale pipes. Rosen, James, 605 X. Eleventh, gro ceries. i Rubin, 'H., 116 N. Tenth, groceries. Selders, F. H„ 1601 Btat«, groceries. Strlplin, B. A., 523 Stat*, cigars. Snyder. H. M„ 1316 Walnut, groceries. Sharp, Geo., Sl7 East. groceries. Sullivan. P. T., 729 State, eigai's. Sullivan. J. J„ Thirteenth and State, groceries. Smith, H. T., 541 State, cigars. Smith, A. A., 657 BrlgKs. groceries. Strathers, C., 432 South, cigars. Strathers. C.. 4J2 South, pool. Steever, Wm., 1324 Walnut, drugs. Shandler. I. L., 139 Short, clothing. Shammo, L. C. & Sons. 609 State, gro ceries. Selbert, F. C., 114 Cowden. candy. Thorley, T. A.. 449 State, drugs. The Great Ctiina and Jap. Tea Co., 723 N. Sixth, groceries. Union Planing Mill Co., 824 N. Seventh, lumber. Watts Bros.. 402 Walnut, wall paper, wholesale. Walter. H. Q„ 434 State, meats. Yolfee, P.. 20 Aberdeen Ave., second hand goods. Zorgerr A., 600 Walnut, clothing. NINTH WARD Aaronson, C.. 412 Market, broker. Acrl, M.. Fourth and Chestnut, cigars. Allison Hill Market Co., 3 N. teenth, groceries. Attlcks Bros., 135 Kvergreen, candy. Astrich, H. Est.. Fourth and Market, clothing. Althouse, F. J„ 1276 Market, drugs. Aldlnger. F„ 423 Market, cigars. Bulthaser. R. H.. 12 S. Fifth, restau rant. Brestel, W. Y„ 1248 Market, shades. Barbush. M., 512 Market, cigars. Hartley, M. B„ 1305 Market, candy. Benner. A., 1404 Derry, real estate. Bloomsteln, C., 1528 Derry. groceries. Brlndle, C. Z., Thirteenth and Derry, drugs. Brown, C. S., 1711 Regina, producei Bollendorf, W., 24 N. Seventeenth, gro ceries. Brougher, J. P.. 517 Walnut, cigars. Brooks, K., 601 Walnut, pool. Brooks. K.. 601 Walnut, cigars. Barnhart, C. H., 1430 Derry, milk. Brenneman, E. S., 108 S. Thirteenth, groceries. Coppege, C. E„ Tenth and Market, ci gars. Columbia Elect. Co., Thirteenth and Market, supplies. Collins, G.. 41 N. Thirteenth, candy. Cozolll, W. J„ 1101 Market, cljfurs. Oornman & Colestock, 1524 Derry, gro ceries. Cooper & Son, 48 N. Eleventh, whole sale junk. Cook, H. H.. 1204 Derry, milk. Cohen. S. E. & Sons, 431 Market, broker. Cohen. S. E. & Sons, 431 Market, Jewelry. Cohen. H., 407 Walnut, clothing. Canata, H., 1000 Market, candy. Cassel, J. M., 1414 Regina, real estate. Capital City News Co., 438 Market, wholesale papers. Capital City News Co.. 438 Market, papers. Capital City Photo Novelty Co., 814 Market, frames. Chat-lies, C. K.. 7 N. Fourteenth, meats. Challenger. 0., 1243 Market, cigars. Challenger, 0.. 1243 Market, pool. Dauphin Electrical Sup. Co., 434 Market, supplies. Dare, J. E., Seventeenth and Chestnut, coal. Delss, Wm., 401 Walnut, drugs. Deichler, E. F„ Thirteenth and Market, shoes. Deiner, P. G.. 408 Market. Jeweler. Dlehl, G. A„ 9A N. Fifteenth, groceries. Dubel & Beck, Derry and Evergreen, wall paper. Edward Co., 443 Market, clothing. Enck, C. H., 45 N, Fourteenth, candy. Elscheid, G. H.. 13 N. Fifth, cigars.' Eby Chemical Co., 23 S. Fourth, drugs. Economy Grocery, 1416 Derry, grocer ies. Economy Grocery, 1240 Market, grocer ies. Farr, W. D., 1537 State, groceries. Ford Sales Co., Tenth and Market, autos. Fountain Market Co.. Derry and Mul berry, groceries. Freedman, 1., 14 Aberdeen, shoes. Frederick. D. H.. Fifteenth and Market, cigars. Fry, C., 1114 Market, furniture. Fry Coal Co., Ninth and Market, coal. Forney, C. M„ 426 Market, drugs. Forney, C. M„ 416 Market, wholesale drugs. Flickinger, J. B„ 1520 Derry, dry goods. Fause, J., Jr., 1010 Market, groceries. Fackler, E. L. Est.. 1312 Derry, furni ture. Gorgaa, G. A., P. R. R. Station, drugs. Grambastlon, J., 1104 Market, cigars. Goodman & Co., 440 Market, clothing. Gilmore & Henry. 1030 Market, cigars. Gllmore & Henry, 1030 Market, pool. Gusti, J., 24 Grace, cigars. GKt, J. C., 1303 Market, Jeweler. Gernet. W. A., 1749 Market, groceries. Gipple, J. E., 1251 Market, real estate. Gerlock, J. A., 1214 Mulberry, wall paper. Gray. A. M., 26A S. Thirteenth, notions. Hoffman, Mrs. A. E„ 1323 Market, pool. Hoffman, Mrs. A. E., 1323 Market, ci gars. Hill Sup. Co., The, 1212 Mulberry, gro ceries. Hbg. Taxlcab Co., Aberdeen and Straw berry, gasoline. Hay, w. T., 1701 Market, groceries. Hettinger, Miss May, 1315 A Market, restaurant. Huber Mfg. Co., Tenth, wholesale twine. Hoffman, E. G„ 441 Market, cigars. Hoffer & Garman, Eighteenth and Holly, flour and feed. Hoffer & Garman, Eighteenth and Holly, wholesale feed. Hetrick, J. S., 1609 Regina, groceries. Hess, Harry, 1264 Market, cigars. Hess, Harry, 1264 Market, pool. Hess. G. 8., 416 Market, cigars. Hess. G. R 416 Market, wholesale. Hess, G. 8., 416 Market, pool. Hare, H. M„ 421 Walnut, cigars. Internat. Harv. Co., 813 Market, twine and repairs. Kerr. C., 443 N. Thirteenth, meats. Kerr, X. J., 40 N, Eighteenth, groceries. Klllinger. W. H., 37 S. Thirteenth, hard ware. Kitchen, A. P., 98 N. Seventeenth, gro- Knlsely, Harry, 41H4 Market, cigars. Koons, W. E„ 43 S. Thirteenth, gro ceries. Krauss, Chas. & Co., 411 Market, Jewelry. Krauss, Chas. &. Co.. 411 Market, broker. Kulp, Mrs. A. W., 1310 Market, confec tionery. Keller, Croll, 405 Market, drugs. Kell, M. E., 28 S. Thirteenth, notions. Keystone Motor Co., 1019 Market, wholesale supplies. Keystone Motor Co., 1019 Market, autos and supplies. Kramer & Hershey, 1249 Market, res taurant. Katz, Meyer, 510 Market, notions. Kat?. Meyer, 310 Market, wholesale notions. Katzman, H— 41 Balm, groceries. Lukens & Jnidrews, 427 Market, cigars. Luken» & Andrews, 437 Market, pool. Langletz, C. W. H., Eleventh and Mul berry, lumber. Lane, M„ 1026 Market, shoes. Lianvpas, T. J., 414 Market, confection ery. Levi, Jacob. 515 Walnut, wholesale no tions. Levlson, Samuel, 1028 Market, confec tionery. Lock, Mike, 10 Cowden, groceries. Lcnney, J. M., 5 S. Thirteenth, moving pictures. Lerew, Edgar. 4 N. Fifth, real estate. Lampas, J. L.. 1266 Market, confection ery. Lutz, E., 171 N. Fifteenth, milk. Magaro. M.. 506 Market, fruits. Miller. N, N., 1268 Market, moving pic tures. Metzger & Romberger, Eighteenth and Chestnut, wholesale 'bricks. Metzger A Romberger, Eighteenth and Che«tnut, cement and lime. Mt. Pleasant Garage, 1336 Thompson, supplies. Moyer, W. 0., 1815 Park, groceries. Miller, J. D., 70 N. Thirteenth, groceries. Miller, E„ 435 Market, cigars. Martin, Chas., 433 Market, cigars. Marcllla, H. J., 3 Aberdeen, restaurant. Marcllla, H.. 17 Aberdeen, cigars. McCloskey, Annie, 1236 Market, notion* Meltxer, S.. 513 Walnut, clothing. Moog Shoe Co.. 26 S. Thirteenth, shoes. Mingle, D. S., 1108 Market, cigars. Montgomery & Co.. S. Tenth, feed. Miller, D. O. A Son. 1252 Market, clga»e. Merlina, F.. 1414 Regina. fruit. Merllna, F„ 1414 Regina, wholesale fruit. Mountz, E. K.. 1700 Regina, groceries. Miller, E. 8., 47 S. Seventeenth, produce. Monarch Wall Paper Co., 11 Aberdeen, wholesale wall paper. I Marks, H. & Son, 401 Market, clothlnf. Nye. R. P., 1444 Thompson, produce. Nathan. Mrs. F„ 24 Aberdeen, clothing. Nat. Biscuit Co., Union Square, whole sale biscuits. I O'Neil. L. C., 1523 Regina. shoes. P. R. R. Co.. Union Station, restaurant ! P. R. R. Co., Union Station, cigars. Pechart, Clarence, 1444 Keglnu, cigars. Pechart. Clarence. 1444 Regina, pool. Pedlow. H. G.. 110 S. Thirteenth, real estate. Pollock, Daniel, 19 N. Fourth, groceries, PerrlnAw. J., 19 S. Fourth, restaurant. Paul. \\. F„ 418 Market, shoes. Parthemore, L, 37 N. Thirteenth, stovea and tinware. Peters. J. E., 144 7 Regina, meats. Runkle, W. M„ 1501 Regina, groceries, ltunkle. H. E„ Fifteenth and Walnut, Runkle, G. E„ 152! Regina, cigars. Runkle, G. K., 1512 Regina, pool. Rebuck. J. M„ Fourteenth and Mayflow er, stoves. Rollls Bros., 409 Market, confectionery. Romberger, Sons & Co.. 65 S. Tenth, tallow. 2teani, J, H.. 1272 Market, wall paper. , Klckert, A. M„ 98 N. Eighteenth, drugs. Reecl, S. C., 1164 Market, cigars, chrlver, H. H„ 1256 Market, pool. Sell river, H. H., 1256 Market, cigars. Schell. Walter, 1307 Market, seeds. Schell. Walter, 1307 Market, wholesale seeds. Stephens, C, C., 1031 Market, restaurant , Stephens, C. C., 1031 Market, pool. Stephens, C. C., 1031 Market, cigars. Steese. H. M., 127 S. Cameron, produce. Spronkle. C. R., Fourteenth and Market, oysters. Snavely, H. W„ 1206 Derry, groceries. Springer. Mrs. Emma, 1347 Vernon, gro ceries. Schriver. Sarah E., 1428 Regina, whole sale bologna. Schriver, Sarah E„ 1428 Regina, bo logna. Schoffer, J. E.. 4 South Thirteenth, coffee and peanuts. Schoffer, J. E„ 4 South Thirteenth, wholesale coffee. Sherman, Harry, 1228 Bailey, groceries. Steilbeta, J., 9 N. Fourth, restaurant. Stellbets, J.. 9 N. Fourth, cigars. Kpoits, A. U„ 1317 Market, wall paper. Stoneselfer, C. D., 1303 Bailey, oyateri and fruit. Smith, R. & Co., 412 Market, dry goods. Slltzer, Andrew, 1020 Market, groceries Shephard & Myers, 407 Market, shoes. Swlger, John, 1240 Derry, dry goods. Slble, E. M., 1301 Market, Dept. store. Smith A Keffer, 4(2 Market, wholesalt tobacco. Sherr, Lewis, Eleventh and Market, shoes. Seigman, G. W., 135 S. Fourteenth, gro ceries. Sebold, M. & K„ 1311 Market, shoes. Tolmer, Horace, 1238 Mulberry, grocer, Tauslg Sons, 420 Market, brokers. Tausig Sons, 420' Market, Jeweler. 2-in-l Store, Fourteenth and Regina, groceries. Thomas, W. D., 1267 Walnut, meats. Union News Co., P. R. R. Statton, pa pers. Union News Co., P. & R„ Station, paper* Vogle, E. Z., 33 S. Sixteenth, groceries. Warner, C., 1233 Bailey, Ice creain. Wallace Ooal Co., 7 S. Fourth, coal. Wagner, E, A.. 329 SftJCameron, supplies, Webber, J. N„ 'l6O Sylvan Terrace* wholesale medicines. Weast, C. B„ 1018 Market, hardware. Willis, C. F., 1500 Market, groceries. Wels Pure Food Store, 1313 Market, groceries. Wertz, H. J., 3A S. Thirteenth, cigars. Winter & Co., 23 N. Fourth, pianos. Whltcomb, Geo., 68 N. Fourteenth, pro duce. Whltmoyer, H. E., 68 N. Thirteenth, pool. Whltmoyer, H. E., 63 N. Thirteenth, cigars. Wolf, J. C„ 1423 Sfooop, milk. Woolworth & Co., 404 Market, 6 & It cent goods. Wolfshon, J„ 18 Cowden, groceries. Wltman Bros., 40 N. Tenth, Wholesale groceries. Wltman, B<;hwarz & Co., 618 Walnut wholesale groceries. Wise, H. G„ 34 S. Thirteenth, grocer. Yeager, F. C., 1638 Market, meats. Zelders, 'E. E., 31 N. Eighteenth, gro- " Zlders, Wm. W., & Son, 1436 Derry, stoves. Zarker, F„ 26 N. Nineteenth, groceries. United Cigar Stores Co., 411 Market cigars. TENTH WARD. Atlantic Ref. Co., N. Seventh, oil. Atlantic Ref. Co., N. Seventh, wholesal* oil. Bates, E. F„ Jr.. 2210 N. Sixth, produce, Bates, E. F., Jr., 2210 N. Sixth, whole sale produce. Basehore, J. W„ 516 Seneca, produce. Bitting, Mrs. M. F., 650 Maclay. notions, « Brenner, M. &. Sons, 232 Emerald, gro ceries. Bratton, Landls, 2252 Green, groceries. Bender, Henry, Seventh and Mohan tonga, produce. Barnes, R. E„ 301 Edwards, groceries, • Charles & Co., 412 Woodbine, groceries. Ditmer, Geo., 2539 N. Sixth, groceries. Dettllng, Clayton, 528 Emerald, oystera and milk. Deppen, Irvin, Sixth and Emerald, gro ceries. Friedman, Samuel, 217 Peffer, real es tate. Fisher, Clarence, 2126 N. Sixth, cigars. Fisher, Clarence, 2126 N. Sixth, pool. Guyer, R. C., 1148 N. Seventh, groceries, Harris, D. C„ 2354 N. Sixth, groceries. Hoffman, B. F., 2169 N. Seventh, ice. Ingran, Daniel, 611 Mohantonga, gro- Jenkins, B. H., 2300 N. Sixth, drugs, Jones, Ambrose, 560 Woodbine, confec tionery. Keener, E. F., 2541 N. Sixth, tobacco. Keene, Mrs. A., 524 Maclay, groceries. Kennig, A., Sixth and Maclay, cigars. Kinslnger, Sam. Fourth and groceries. Kramer, J. H., Sixth and Forrest, whole sale produce. Kramer, J. H„ Sixth and Forrest, pro duce. Lauver, W, E. & E., 2230 N. Sixth, gaa fixtures. Levison, Philip, 2131 N. Sixth, confec tionery. Lipman, Geo., 632 Mahantonga, meats. Mock & Hartman, Seventh and Emer ald, wholesale feed. Mock & Hartman, Seventh and Emer ald, feed and grain. Orr, L. G„ Bros., 564 Camp, groceries. Orris, G. W„ 2326 N. Sixth, groceries. Patterson, E. G., 622 Emerald, meats. Penna. Milk Prod. Co., 112 Atlas, whole sale milk. j Reese, Harry, 220 N. Sixth, groceries. Reed. Mrs. A. V., 622 Maclay, restau rant. Relf, J. F„ 565 Woodbine, grocer. Schoebauer, W. J.. Front and Reel* Lane, produce. Schreckengost, S. A., 610 Schuylkill, gro- ~ ceries. Smith Bros., 612 Wiconlseo, groceries. Smith, A. C., Fourth and Reels produce. Spangler, A. E„ 2112 N. Sixth, pianos. Sterrick, L A., 2250 Jefferson, milk. Uhler, W. H„ 2417 N. Sixth, groceries. Union News Co., P. R. R. Station, Ma clay, papers. West End Elect. & Cycle Co.. »-«•, clay, supplies and . White, R. A„ 2301 N. Sixth, pool. White, R. A., 2301 N. Sixth, cigars. Wagoner, Mrs. W. S., 633 Woodbine, grp eeries. Wingert, G. H., 513 Woodbine, grocer ies. Wittenmyer Lumber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill, wholesale lumber Wittenmyer Lumber Co., Seventh and Sc-huylklll, lumber. ELEVENTH WARD Althouse, H. 8., 1840 N. Third, drugi. Arena Theater, Third and Delaware, theatre. Bink, A. J„ 1940 .Green, meats. Brunner, S. A., Fifth and Kelker, gr<s - J. W„ 1800 N. Sixth, drugs. Dlffenderfer, W. H., 1846 Green, con fectionery. Dehart, Elmer E., 124 Peffer, groceries. Davis, H. S., 306 Muench, produce. Elicker, G. E., 1930 N. Sixth, Jeweler. Fornwalt, H. J., 1807 N, Third, drjr goods. Fralm, A. H„ 2032 N. Sixth, dry goods. Glbbs, W. H.. 210 Muench, grocery. Gordon, Harry. 1918 N. Sixth, shoes. Garland. S. H„ Fifth and Peffer, gri- * ceries. Harris, 8. H„ 2019 Green, groceries. Hoover. E.. 1901 N. Third, cigars. <• Heller, Jacob, 343 Peffer, groceries. a