I f f Mff MMMfffff fMf ff ff f WiTTw **WWW*V*V*,** WW , , WW y W9www f f , WWWWWWWWW yi\ j | Great 4-Day Stock Reducing Salel i (Sowmcmz Starting To-morrow I - - Wednesday, ; Men's 1 Linens In other words, a Room-making Sale, in preparation for building oper ; Clothing SSs ations which will take place soon, when every inch of space available ► XT\ s \TT':29c must be utilized for selling purposes. This means every department ► S l its ~i j Double Table Damask- must clear out a certain portion. Formerly $*0.00; men's and Regularly $1.39; 70 inches * ► young men's suits of wool cassi- wide; spot, chrysanthemum, key- . ; X" d ,r." D< Li " 9«c Only four days has been assigned for this clearing out to take place, : Biue'serge suits —' and- in order that this may be accomplished, it means: Special lot of all wool bine wide; two patterns; soiled on serge suits for men and young double edge; A | (IQ A ® ► men at reduced prices—about yd., V* •\f!J I ■ _ | I I I • f' : —— A Kadical r rice Lowering On Sea y suits_ at $15.75; S2O suits at Men's Soft and Stiff Hats #10.75. are greatly reduced in this ■■ «■ jm ■ _ jssz&ss-ssis® liHSEs-s sonable zVnd Staple JN^tcrclisLnciisc ► bronze mixtures; q _______ _____________________________________ ► Trousers- Notions ' Furniture Wash Dress The savings are all the greater because of the short- ; ► t r ™Z*Zt~' i "" r "'sl 35 10, Que™ stocking D.™. Fumed Oak Bookcase- G-nnd<* * ness °f time alio wed; and a number of departments ► Thnj Floor— —bowman's. ™iof'»pSf"Sh' «„™ I J,T""' Mo#i * "OOOS are compelled to enter goods that formed a part of ; ,h r- d»"B«- "H T r "V'™'V *. their stylish spring stocks: while others are determined Women's st&'aiSUXT''.T'.T. 15c to reduce their surplus of staples, including home : (tlava« i»t*aiogh*n— furnishings and the like. VJIU VCO Wavers 21 + Louis X\l period; &AQ fkfh Formerly 25c; Seco Scotch Alll .. 1 l •• : Silk Gloves- , .*[ 15c AU lengthy descriptions have been omitted, and we - JStSS.'^l'^ vl 39c r °(>e er iieavv se iw.on s Ho S t F.r,J?y ?».oo ; ~«gi. d.., ; Crepe de chines- urge you to read every item: look for the special, blue doubl. finger t«>, pr., .. B<4 fc pted I—IJ »"> F0m.,1,. 25c; »itk and iottoo; lettered nrir.P C3rH'd 8 ">' d - Linen Corspt at OOO.iO Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. . ► length chamoisette gloves; with Lacers . . Royal Rest ChaiTS— I HTVI -14- £X /l/\ t\A O - f contrMtln ß em - C/) r 10c Dust Caps and Sun Formerly $19.50; upholstered TnTYTnlitin-O W 11116 ITOOQS T> HJT broiderj, pr., t/lfC Bonnets in leatherette seats and back; AO v*CXIH2fS OOC OPT)OSll>0 __ , lyTptl Main Floor— bowmax'S. 10c inside Silk Belting, the push button C 79 0C m 0 _ r Mercerized Batiste— * VA * UV/ - U ————» black and white, vd., ... chair; at sl£tifO 17 V I IOIT Regularly 50c; 45 inches wide; -»«• . -p. . ► _ 75 c Steel Scissors .. ,39£ Oiiarfprpd Oak Chiffa- ' ' A Al+Z a« a ® ue ' material for 1Q Men S Dress Shirts— ■)(),. Spissnrfi' 2%#* v Bleached Cotton Absorbent (luultlOlllxi summer dresses; vd., ... li/C Formerly $1.00; percales and ► vUiOCIO OUCMeei scissors robe— ' Toweling; 17 inches wide; 7 . T ftnrrnl/\fVi madras, with soft and starched ► _ ' ,5c all over Hair Nets, me- Formerly $185.00; large don- yd / C savings JjOngClOttl— cuffs; broken lines; jq , COrSetS— dium brown ble doors; fitted with full length Huek Towelinc bleached- 18 Regularly $1.00; Bowman's at C Formerly 50c to 59c; made 5c paper Toilet Pins,.. .3f^ mirrors; one only, £/jQ inches wide; regnlarlv 10c; Vj Special; 10-yard lengths; ijQ ; ; Men's Working Shirts— ► of batiste, net and coutil; odd 4c, 6c and 8e white wash at 4>UU,VU vd ()C CV« AAA 36 inches wide; at UIFC Formerly 50c; nat r ? nfl Vs k . en ,n' Zeß li a 'L s i 7es Trimming Braid, yard, .. Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. OnOCS Remnants terns; plain and military collars; K " :25c 3c piece white Cotton Tape, Women's Shoes- . F.™.,ly ise „a 19«, .hort » ""»• "■ ?C --, 1«* A„i „ T *4- Tl,:„ women S&noes lengths of lawn, voile, nain- /• each OOC r Brassieres— .>0 piece white and colored . LlGdrillg UUt d lyOt Ol I HIS Formerly $2.50 and' ?3.00; sook and crepe, yd DC Men's Half Hose— d ' 2 pieces U Season's Untrimmed Hats at it it Floor - BOWMAK ' S - & : iSX^^sife 0 ' t sc card dollar But. Pr •** 00 Suit Cases- W/ZC sizes; at CO C tons, ................. ► . 00 pack 9 washable collar _ Formerly $2.50 to $3.50; fine long; made of rubberized Formerlv 25c- 4-in-hands nnm y Brassieres— stays 3<* Values up to $3.00. Includes a varietv of" patent coit, gun metai and vici V* * '13.1 JlrlpS, irOTTI ► Second Floor BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. 1 L "%£ Goodyear" Sffi | SwitZCrlatld, JUSt Rild * soles; high or low * VA such a quanitv must go i : A . Tl. O Wool Dress m r; rsoots- immediately I zVt JL nese ucvcrc Goods They're Marked at ► _ . Poplar Cloth— jlain toes; all sizes; An I T_T 1/? * I 4 ► T) J J • Formerly 25c; 36 inches wide; P r ' " ' MQ I f KriPP 1 1 1™ nav y> g ar n e t and black; 1 Women's Military I - 1 - AUIA i- ] IVCU. Boots- We couldn't think of keeping in stock 1,666 storm serge Formerly $5.00; fine bronze yards of any one article during building: opera ; Garments In the Women's Suit, Waist and El's sEeE" 3 ' 75 uSrthT om #t onee at i,,Bt ► Ppttionnt S\Pf*finn*i D/onnnonr Coatings— Formerly up to $4.00; tan, All fresh and new, including Swiss, nainsook, ► rr 111 Ul&uppear Formerly $2.00 to $3.00; 56 vici kid ami gnu metal button vo j] e aI1( j organdie of the better qualities T f'v rri inches wide; plaid and <7fk and lace shoes; Goodyear welt . 1 ► #n n I Jm) nr lll)n diagonal; yd., tuC soles; for dress and street wear; bale PriCeS, tO regularly priced 10c * Ur WU Storm Serge- $2.79 to SI.OO. There's one thing sure: they must be cleared out sometime during this Formerly 75 C; 48 inches jq~ Men's Shoes— l ess than 5 yards will be cut from anv sale, for there'll simply be no room for them and former prices are a second w,d " : . nB 7, ° nly; i«;™ Q Formerly $2.50 and $3.00; piece. consideration. Main FIoor— BOWMAN-S. tan and black double sole work : t . p , in « shoes ; a " Bizeß; $1 7Q utner Reductions In Trimmings ► F«°J?o?a^ 5 » W $22.50 QQ | Crepe de Chine IVTII r nil-iV'i csi, 'L ' 39c and 50c Swiss Em- s{%and 60c laces, match and $25 Suits, at Waists AfAlXoXlllAnr CflLi Children S Shoes broidery Flouncing, 27 sets of edges and inser- These are suits that were bought last season Excellent Prinrpne r»n t. ni *UXJbSt 4, QQ the lot; desirable A* fl/k Formerly 2oc to 39c; open and able for boys and girls from 2to | ? ) , 7 vreiOnil6S h as high as $25.00, at «jP«J*yOO&^p*r# shades Price is 01.00 closed; trimmed with lace and em- 6 years old; fine straw in £/| inch O» w ule, Regularly 12% c; 36 71/ , -and these are not old and undesirable styles. Bought at ► the very close of last ason they are very similar to the ame e tlCOatS II n . Bath RobeS— j manioc .. J models of the present season, while among them are some of Regularly $1.00; black, mer- JBlOOmerS- Formerly 75c; made of flan- p . th. /Ti the present season's styles. cut very wide with y a $ ,1 50 i ma ' e nelette, in pink and blue; kinter- nnH * / Smn p1 , w ° f 7?/- Lilna 1 fln..»«. -I wir/ P n/k1 I" P , ,nk ' garden pattern; cord at neck and and Oriental designs; Jjj Portland sheeting, at .../ O C ' Skirts- White Waista- S.J sftc PM h" ; Sh H® et , B T»n. , • Formerly fa, $5.98 ami $6.60: - " J' ' '' - 38c W lS h DreSSeS RoSr^n^ - l,»m,tilrhi.d ■ I'-iwk ma.lin; 3-'im:h h "ma^aLyht and some were even higher; they white voile and lingerie waists; Children S CambllC WaSn UTeSSeS Kegularly 17c, hemstitched, l y imperfect; 81x108 »7/» ► are not quite a* wide as the abo »t fifteen dozen and about ten COatS finmno Formerly SI.OO to $1.50; in incnes; inches; at 4DC l nresent fashion's demand hut Bt y'es. All sizes are among them, _ . . WUWIIS gingham, chambray and percale, #*