The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 17, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
4 \ Tlia Orders for Reos for Immediate Shipment —Greatly in Excess of Possi ble Ootput—Are Pouring in Now at tho Factory at Lansing, Michigan. \ Lansing, Michigan, to-day is the busiest city of its size in the world on account of the IMMENSE DEMAND FOR THESE WONDERFUL CARS. FROM YEAR TO YEAR as manufacturing conditions AND YOU'LL HEAR FACTS about low up keep cost have improved—and especially this year when Reo that will astound you—and that will explain to you as ready cash euab.ed them to buy when cash was at a premium and to obtain theretofore impossible values for Reo the Fift h—"The Incomparable Four." —Reo buyers have received the benefit in the lower tA . , • KNOWING FROM PAST EXPERIENCE that the de p mand for Reos is always greater than the supply—for MORE THAN FORTY THOUSAND of them to-day in there never has been a time since the first Reo was hands of users—and some of those users are your inti- made that Reo could supply enough cars for all who mate friends. Ask them. wanted Reos - knowing that this demand would be hopelessly in excess of our facilities in the spnng THEY WILL TELL YOU MORE and better than we months, they planned, as they fondly believed, to can. meet it. Our Allotment For This Year Is 398 Cars. To Insure Prompt Delivery We Have Stored a Trainload on North Tenth Street They Won't Last Long Twenty-seven of this great trainload of Reo cars have been already sold and delivered —but 24 of them are yet on hand. Can you imagine any stronger testimony to the splendid qualities of a car than that unusual demand. SINCE THIS CHASSIS WAS DEVELOPED and WE SUPPOSE WE OUGHT to tell you something about you'll remember we said then it would prove to be this car—it's the usual thing to do in an ad. But bless "the ultimate car"—finality in all essentials of chassis you, everybody in the world knows Reo the Fifth as design—the only changes have been in improvements, "The Incomparable Four." refinements of details and in equipment. _ THIS GREAT PRODUCT OF REO experience, Reo REO THE FIFTH comes as nearly being a staple as has facilities and of Reo integrity, occupies a place that ever been designed in an automobile. is unique among motor cars. The Reo ambition to make a car of superior quality at a moderate price that will lead in the Public Eye for Beauty, Mechanical Construction, Endurance, Economy of Cost and Operation is fulfilled. Order your Reo car now. Don't delay. Then you can hope to get it when you want it. HARRISBURG AUTO COMPANY Third and Hamilton Streets ■TOMAN THROUGH CISTERN BED Ml Ted From Drowning By Neighbor Who Was Planting Onions Marietta. April 17.—Mrs. Frank ■ iekoltz, while drawing some water Fester-lav from a cistern fell through j he bed which wae badly decomposed, | was saved from drowning by Wil liam Enswiller, who happened to be j ' working in the garden planting onions ; at the time. He summoned assistance j * and she was taken out with difficulty ; as she is a woman who will weigh ' | nearly 300 pounds. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. I HAItriSBTTRG STAR-IHDEPEM DENT. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 17. 1915. ■ Arm Caught in Gasoline Belt j We*t Lampeter, April 17.—While j trying to put a belt on a rapidly re volving gasoline engine, Roy Huber bad his arm ".aught in the belting late ' yesterday at. .noon and several bones t were broken, besides, his fingers being I badly lacerated. He was also injured internally when thrown to the ground with violent force of the impact. Many Lancaster Chickens Dying Marietta, April 17.—An, epidemic has struck Lancaster county among chickens and is affecting young and old stock. In Bart township, several I large flocks have been wiped out, many ! dying on rooets. The fowls take sick and die suddenly. In thi» section it has affected mostly chicks. An investi gation is being made. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. REO CARS FOR CUSTO AS SOON AS7HEY The wisdom and fdtethought ot tne Harrisburg Automobile Company in se curing a trainload of automobiles the first part of March, and storing them in the big warehouse on Tenth street, anticipating the spring nish, has proven a boon to the numerous people who are going to buy Reos just as soon as the robins eome. Just about one-half of these 51 cars have been taken out and delivered to customers in this territory. Nineteen have been taken out so far in April. It is a mighty nice thing to be able to get your favorite car the day you want it. Two hundred and sixty three Reo cars, fours and sixes, have MILLIONS BEINGMADE FROM TIP GIVEN BY UNCLE SAM Quad the Only Motor Truck That Could Beach High Mining Claim and Bring Untold Biches to the Pos sessor* How a California miner made mil lions of dollars by taking a tip from Uncle 6am is the latest and most ro mantic chapter in the history of trans portation. Several months ago there emerged from the Funeral Range, on the west side of Death Valley, a prospector who wae all but dead from exhaustion. Only the knowledge of having discov ered a rich gold mine spurred him on to safety. , But when he recovered sufficiently to go and claim his riches, he was faced with the problem of transporta tion. Wu'gons were impossible—the grades were too steep. Pack mules would not do —the animals needed more water themselves than they could carry (between wells. Motor trucks of the "ordinary type were tried, but they all quit at "the first steep grade. Then came the tip from Uncle Ssra. One of the army officers at San Diego told of a new type of motor truck called the Quad, which drives, brakes antl Steers on all four wheels and which was recently adopted by the 1 United States government for use in I the quartermaster and signal corps of \ the American army. This truck, he i said, waded Hjht through sand or | roadless country wherever there was a holding bottom and eimply laughed at ; the hills. So the Death Valley miner tried a j Quad, which he operated between his mine and Zabriskie, a little town on j the Tonopah and Tidewater railroad. | Soon he had an offer of $70,000 for I his property aud sold out. The next ; owner had carried away $80,0(M) worth i of ore with the Quad when he got an j offer of $130,000 which he accepted, j Still another change of ownership j came when the price was boosted to $310,000. But.the present owner is; not talking sale. Instead, he has ! bought two more Quad« and his for tune will soon be reckoned in mil- j lions.—Advi* MOTORCYCLE Wd \ Already entries have been re- I ceived for the one-day motorcycle re- ! liability run of the Grand Rapids, (Mieh.) Motorcycle Club, which is , scheduled for April 25. This is the i first run of the season staged by the Grand Rapids club and koen rivalry is I rife among the drivers, each having contended during the entire winter that his is the speediest and most* re liable mount in existence. The April 25 run will give each an opportunity to prove bis statements. A 100* per cent. F. A. M. motorcy cle Club has just organized at Homestead, Pa. The Keystone Motorcycle Club held their second run of the season on the 11th, Twenty-one members left the club house at Thirteenth and Walnut streets at 10 a. m. The prospects for rain prevented many from participat ing. The trip was to and re turn to Harrisburg, One of the riders reports covering tne entire, distance of 79 miles on hts motorcycle using less than 2 gallons of gasoline. Roads in good condition. The club will have a run to Sunbury and return to-morrow. Veteran of Otvil War Dies West End, April 17.—Samuel Kacle, 76 years old, a. veteran of the Civil war, and who served four jears, died yesterday from a complication of , diseases. He was a member of the Methodist cfturch and ia the last of hie "family. Woman Dies at RothsviUs * Rothsville, April 17.—Mrs. Jeffer son Ussner, 58 years old, died yester day from a complication of diseases. She was a member of the Lutheran church. One son, two grandchildren . and a sister survive. neen received and delivered to Reo cus tomers up to date and a telegram re ceived from the Reo people this morn ing announces the shipment of five ad ditional carloads direct to customers in surrounding towns. The Harrisburg Automobile Company have already made arrangements to get eight hun dred Reo cars for 1916 and to increase their storing capacity during the win ter to 150 cars instead of the 51 they stored in March of this year. The only reason that this great increase and business is possible is on account of the wonderfully good quality of the Reo cars and its legion of frieuds.—Adv.* ' EASIEST six CYLINDER CAR The "Light Six" Haynes Performs Wonderful Work on Less Gasoline Than Many Other Machines The "Light Six" Haynes is the easiest sis-cylinder car in the country on gaeoline. When you can get from twenty to twenty-four miles on a gal lon of gasoline with five passengers, it pays the public to buy an automo bile of this character. The makers acknowledge that the carburetor on the Haynes is of a re markably fine type, not usually found on a car of this price, the Bayfield, and that the Haynes is constructed from radiator to rear axle of the very best possible material, all of which is in perfect alignment and bearings ground to a micrometer fit. There isn't any doirbt but that the Haynes is built not just to sell but to make the owner more enthusiastic than owners generally get and to have his enthusiasm increased instead of decreased. Many a man is greatly pleased with his car when he gets ft but has a dif ferent tune to sing six or nine mouths after he has owned it. It is not that way with the Haynes. The longer the customers have Haynes cars the bet ter pleased they are. Roberts and Hoin, local dealers, say that the Haynes is the best and light est six-eylinder ear made at the pres ent time, that it will go up any hill faster at high gear, faster at second gear, fastej at low gear, also slower at high gear and that it will go farther on a gallon of gasoline than any other six-cylinder car of any weight made, has been proven.—Adv.* i f « . Motorcycles and Bicycles ' Bicycles, #1K.Ol» and Motorcycles, $1:23.00 f\ \m/i\ and up. \//\ New and Modem /jfi\ Sold on small weekly payments. GIVE US A TRIAL f WEXCELSIOR M' CYCLE CO. yTi; ' 10 §, Market Hurt Hanlikitf, Pa. *J I Bell Phone, 6M.W. J Oyn Brtilafa Areata for Rxrrlalvr Anta Crete —holder of all warld'a reoorda. miller T GEARED TO THE ROM) irts are averaging » third and more over their guarantee of . 4,500 MILES in this district. Get the Proofs Sterling Auto Tire Co. Distributors and Adjusters 1451 Zarker Street The Vulcanixers ' American Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher. Tented —Tried aad Proves The effect of the powder thrown upon a fire It almost Incredible. EBY CHEMICAL COMPANY Maaaf act arias Cbemlata aad Pkralclaa Suppllea S3 I.' FOURTH IT, HARRISBIRC, PA.