2 tA lesson of the European War Once more, among countless times, has the great food value of chocolate and cocoa been demonstrated, both serving as a part of the rations of the troops in SERVICE. BAKER'S SWEET CHOCOLATE has always had this guarantee "The ingredients of this Chocolate are guaranteed to be pure . c.VfrToi** cocoas of superior blend and sugar." % The genuine has this trade-mark on'the package, and is made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 ' DORCHESTER. MASS. • * i Pin SERVICE WILL OPEN CMIPIIGII WEEK AT CARP CURTIN Series of Sermons On Marriage and Divorce to be Started at Cov enant Presbyterian A- H. WHITE AT TWO CHURCHES Men's League of Harris Street U. E. Will Be Addressed at Afternoon Mass Meeting by the Rev. A. E. Hangen, Park Street Pastor The eight-day campaign for the raising of $38,000 for the building fund of the Camp Curtin Memorial 'Methodist church will be given a start to-morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock with a patriotic service in the present ; chapel which will 'be attended by the Grand Army of the Republic Posts in this city, together with the Sons of Veterans. Martial music and patriotic addresses on the scenes of the Civil war at the old camp will be features of the service. The speakers will be Colonel Henry C. Demoting, of this city, and Miihlon Shalber, of Readiug, the oldest veteran in the House of Representa tives. The members of the various posts will attend the service in a 'body. * African Missionary Here The Rev. C. H. Brosius, a missionary from Africa, will speak in two local churches to-morrow. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock he will occupy the pulpit of Zion Lutheran church, South Fourth street, and iu the evening at 7.30 he will be at the Redeemer Lutheran church, Nineteenth and Kensington streets. A series of sertjions on "Marriage and Divorce" will'be started to-morrow evening by the Rev. Harvey Klaer, ipastor of Covenant Presbyterian , •rhurch, Fifth and PefTer streets. The topics to bt treated during the course are "Keeping Company," "Getting Married," "Keeping House" and "Be ing Divorced." To Discuss Personal Liberty A. 11. White, manager of the Harris- Ibuig office of the American Civic Re form Union, will speak iu the morning in the Park Street United Evangelical church on " Persoual Liberty." This is in reply to statements made by mem bers of the Personal Liberty League 011 local option day. He will speak in the afternoon iu the First United Brethren chuivh on Boas street, at 3 o'clock at a mass meeting for men only 011 a sub ject of vital interest. Mr. White comes well recommended from Erie, Emporium, Renovo, Lock (Haven and Uniontown, Pa., and from lowa, West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia. He has spent most of the lime for the last three years in Penn sylvania in the interest of a higher standard of t-jvie righteousness. At Pine Srreet Presbyterian church in the morning the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mudge, will speak on "Things Dono end Things I'adone," Luke 11:42. The choir will sing an anthem, "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken" (Shelley) ami Mrs. Cox will sing as a solo "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes." At the even ing service the topic will be "The Strengthening God," Isaiah 40:31. The musical program at this service will begin at 7.15 o'clock when Mr. MeCarrell will play the following auin bers as an organ recital: "Tocatta ahd Dugne in D'Minor" (Bach), "Die Ant wort" (Wo; steuholme), "Offertoire in D Minor" (Batiste). The choir will sing "Behold God Is My Salvation" •(O Hare) and "Cast Thy Burden on the Lord (Elijah)" (Mendelssohn). Men's Meeting at Harris Street The Men's league of ITarTL Street United Evangelical church has arrang ed for a Sunday afternoon mass meet ing for men. This meeting will be held at S.itjl o'clock and will be ad dressed by the Rev. A. E. Hangen, pas tor of Park street church. The "-Rev. Mr. Hangen is an able speaker, has had S wide experience in addressing men's Bieetings and will have a message of Interest. The men are urged to attend- Charles Gingrich is president of the t \ SUNDAY NIOHT—7.3O O'CLOCK Hear Dr. CLAYTON ALBERT SMUCKER "Witch Fads and Frauds of To-day" Stevens Memorial M. £. Church Thirteenth and Vernon Sts. Will Expect You V- *■' " ■. i HARKISBUKtt STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIfr 17, 1915. devotional committee of which J. J. Nungessor is chairman. At Grace Methodist church at 7.30 the pastor will preach the first of a j series of sermons 011 the ''Tragedy of i Job," Act I, "All Lost." This will | be followed on successive Sunday even ings by Act 11, "The Great Argu-j ment," Act 111. "The Great Vindica- i tion" and Act 111, "Getting Acquaint ed With God." To-morrow evening, at 7.30 o'clock,! Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker will begin in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal church. Thirteenth and Ver non streets, a series of three sermons on live topics. The first sermon will be on "Witch Fads and Fraufcls of To-j day." On the evening of April 25, the subject of the address will be "Lying in Its Varying Forms and Shades." At the Men's Club meeting on the evening | of May 2, he will prea-ch on "Signs of the Times." Other services in the churches fol low: LUTHERAN .Redeemer, Nineteenth and Kensing ton Streets—The Kev. E. Victor Ro land, pastor. 10.30, "The Supreme Privilege.' 7.30, the Rev. Mr. Brosius, missionary from Africa, will speak. Sunday school at 5.30. Junior C. E. at 2. Senior C. E. at 6.30. Zion, Fourth Street —The Rev. S. W. Herman, pastor. 10.30, sermon by the Rev. C. H. Brosius, of Africa. 7.30, sermon by pastor. Sunday school at 1.45. Men's class at 1.50. Men's de votional scrvieo at 10. Reception to men Monday evening at 8. Trinity, South Ninth Street —The Rev. R*. L. Meisenhelder, pastor. 10.30, "Contagious Christianity." 7.30, "An Old Testament Love Storv." Sundav tchool at 2. C. E. at 6.30. St. Matthew's, Green and Seneca Streets—The Rev. E. E. Snyder, pas tor. 11, "The Book That Kits Life." 7.30, "The Supreme Sacrilege." Sun day school at 10. Prayer service Wed nesday at 7.45. Augsburg, Fifth and Muench Streets —The Rev. Amos Maxwell Stcmets, pastor . 10.30, "The Walk to limaus." 7.30. ''The Good Shep herd." Sunday school at 2. C. E. at 6.30. Men's League at 9.30. Christ, Thirteenth and Thompson Streets —The Rev. Thomas Reiseh, Ph. D.. pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Sui.dav school at 2. Men's Bible class at 2. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. 7.30, "Sensitized Toward Christ." Messiah. Sixth and Forstor Streets — The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor. 10.30, sermon" by the pastor. 7.30, "What Makes One Happy." Holy Communion, State and Seven teenth Streets —The Rev. John Henry Miller, pastor. • 10.45, "The Great.Pas tor and His People." 7.30, "Prodi-| gal." Sunday sehpol at 9.30. Luther League at 6.30; subject, "Moral Tna- leader', Mrs. W. A. Gernert. Memorial. Fifteenth and Shoop Streets—The Rev. L C. Manges, D. D.,- pastor. 10.30. "The Many Mansions." 7.30, "Our Heavenly Father." Sun dav school at 2. Men's prayer meeting at'lo . Junior Luther League at 5.30. Senior Luther League at 6.30; topic, "Moral Inability." Eph. 2:1-10; lead er, Miss Gertrude Drawbaugh; singing bv the male quartet. ' Calverv, South Thirteenth and Reese Streets —-The Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor. 11. "Christ the Good Shep herd." 7.30, "The Risen Lord's Inter est in Our Daily Work." Sunday school at 10. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. DT. E. D. Weigl'e, pastor. 10.30. "Character istics of the Good Shepherd." 7.30, "The Good Shepherd Rejected." Sun dav school at 9.15; special music. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7.30. Choir practice Wednesday at 8.30. BEFORMED Saleui, Chestnut and Third Streets —The Rev. Ellis X. Kremer, pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Evening i service at 7.30. Sunday school at 1.30. 1 Fourth, Mirket and Sixteenth ! streets —The Rev. Homer Skyles May, pastor. Morning service at 10.45. I Kvening service at 7.30. Bundav school at 9.30. Heidefcnirg C. E. at St. John's, Fourth Maclay I ptrerts—The Rev. G. W. Hartman. pastor. Morning service at 1-0.3*0. Sub ject, "The Lord I* Our Shepherd." | Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "Re ligion and Youth." Sunday school at I 9 15. V. P. S. C. E. flj 6.30. Second, Verbeke and Green Streets —The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pas tor. Morning service at 10.30. Even ing service at 7.3'0. Sunday school at 1.45. BVble class at 1.50. V. P. 8. C. j E. at 6.30. St. Matthew's, Enola —The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor. Morning service at 10.46. Sunday school at 9.45. C. 1 E. at 6.45. St. Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev. j W. R. Hartzell, pastor. Evening serv -1 ice at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.30. | Men's Bible class at 6.45, 1 Market Square—The Rev. William 18. Cooke, minister in charge. 10, ser ; mon by the Rev. George Black Stewart, D. D.," president of Auburn Theological Seminary. 7.30, sermon by the Rev. Mr. Cooke on "Life's Cardinal Vir tues—Wisdom." Sunday school at 9.45, with all departments, Bible classes for men and women, senior, intermedi ate, junior and primary. Christian En deavor at 6.30; topic, "Ope Day in Seven for the Highest Things;" led by Miss Margaret M. Miller. Wednesday at 4.30, Junior Enedavor, witli an ad dress by Prank I'almer on India. At 7.45, mid-week service; subject, "A Notable Meeting of Presbytery." Fri day at 3, women's prayer meeting. Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D., pastor. 9.30, class meeting. 10.30, "The Plumb Line Standard." 1.45, Sunday school and men's Bible class. 6.45, Epworth League. 7.30, "Trage dy of Job"—"Act I, All Lost." Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A. Pvles, pastor. 10.30, "The Extra Mile." 7.30, "The God Who Answers by Fire." Praise service at 9. Sun day school at 2. Junior League at 3. Epworth League at 6.30. Camp Curtin Memorial, Sixth Street Near Camp—The Rev. A. S. Williams, pastor. 9.30, class meeting. 9. <5, Junior League. 6.30, Epwortli service. 2, Sunday school. 10.30, patriotic service. Col. Henry Demming and Mahlon Shaaber will speak. 7.30, the pastor will preach on "Fulfilling the Law," second sermon on "The Writ." Stevens, Memorial, Thirteenth and Vernon Streets —Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, pastor 9.30, class meeting. 10.30, morning prayer and sermon, "Rested by Work." 2, Sunday school. 6.30, Epworth League, good program, stirring music. 7.30, Sunday evening closing service, "Witch Fads and Frauds of To-day." You ars invited to attend all services. St. Paul's, Vine Street Near Front —The Rev. Robert W. Runyan, pastor. 10.30, "The Cause of Fear." At the evening service the Rev. John Tyler, of the McCauley Mission, New York, will speak on "Naaman. the Leper." Class meeting at 9.30. Sunday school at 1.45. Epworth League at 6.30. Ridge Avenue, Sixth Street Near H err —The Rev. William W. Hartman, pastor. 10.*#. 1 * Uplifted Christ. ' 7.30, "An Untroubled Heart." Sun dav school at 2. Epworth League at 6.30. BAPTIBT First, Second and Pine Streets —The Rev. W. S. Booth, pastor. 10.30, spe cial sermon to young ladies, " Caleb's Daughter and Her Request." Sunday school at 111.30. C. E. fit 6.30. 7.30, illustrated sermon, "The Church Un derground iu the Catacombs.'.' St. Paul's, State and Cameron Streets —The Rev. E. Luther Cunning ham, pastor. Mornivg service at 10.30. Sermon by the Rev. C. J. Henderson. Evening service at 7.30. Sermon by the Rev. C. J. Henderson. Sunday school at B. Y. P. U. at 6.30. Special missionary meeting at 3.30. Mrs. Sarah Payne in charge. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. in. Tabernacle, Forster near Sixth — At 10.30 a. in., the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Calvin A. Hare, will preach. Sub ject, "Godliness Profitable." At 7.30 his subject will be "Christ's Knowl edge of Human Nature." The elabo rate Easter music will be repeated by request, both morning and evening. Second, Cameron Street —The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene, A. 8., pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Subject, "The Denial of the Faith." Evening iservice at 7.30. Subject, "Partaking of Sin by Greeting It.'' Sunday school at 12. K. Y. P. U., at 6.30. Young people's meeting at 6.30. Mid week services Wednesday at 7.30. CHURCH OF GOD Fourth Street—The Rev. William N. Yates, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Blessed Are Believers." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sulbject of ser mon, "Heaven." Sunday school at 1.40 o'clock. Junior C. E. at 3. Senior and Intermediate C. E. at -41.30. Mis sionary meeting next Wednesday even ing. PeiAjook, 2733 Carfby Street—The Rev. Jay C. Forncrook, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Evening serv ice at 7.30 o'flock. Sunday school at 9.30 o'clock. C. E. at 6.40. Dr. W. N. Yates, pastor of the Fourth Street Church of God, will speak to men only at 3 p. m. Pleasant View—The Rev. George AV. Harper, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Preaching at 10.45 a. m., "Hon oring the Lord." Jr. C. E. at 3 p. m. Sr. C. E at 6.45 p. m. Preaching at 7.30 >p. m. "The Great Miracles of To day." Prayer meeting Wednoeday at 7.30 p. m. Green Street—i Preaching by the pas tor, the Rev. C. H. Grove, at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning subject, "Constructive Work." Evening sub ject, "Guilt." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Senior Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Gamp Hill—The Rev. !D. S. Shoop, D. !D., pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The IMan Who Was Handicapped." Evening serv ice at 7.30 o 'clock. Subject of ser mon, "Telling All to Jeans." Sunday school at 9.30 o'clock. Christian En deavor Society at 7 p. m. UNITED BRETHREN Frist, Boas Street —The Rev. J. T. Spangle"-, pastor. Morning service at Let's ALL go to , Epworth League To-morrow 10.30 o'clock. Birt>s«®t of Mrmos, "The Good Shepherd.'' Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Bnt>jeet of sermon, ""Les sons Out of Recent Weeks." Sunday school at 1.45 o'clock* Christian En deavor at 6.45. , State Street, Eighteenth and State —The Bey. E. A. G. Bossier, pastor. 'Morning service at 10.45 o'clock. Sub ject of sermon, "The Believer's Trans lation." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Career of SamueL" Sunday school at 9.30 o'elock. Jr. C. E. at 6 p. ra. Y. P. S. C. E. at 630 Midweek prayer service 'Wednesday at 7.30. Derry Street, (Fifteenth and Derry (Streets-—The Rev. J. A. D. D., pastor. 'Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Y. P. S. C. !E. at 6.30. At the morniug service John Tyler, formerly of the McAuley •Mission, New York, "will speak. Otteibein, Fourth and Beily Streets Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. C. R. at 6.30. The Rev. C. W. Steinsbring will preach at 'both services. Sixth Street, Sixth and Seneca Streets—The Rev. P. Hummel Bals baugh, pastor. Praise service at 9.45. 10.30, "Fools for God." 7.30, "Fools for Self." Sunday school at 1.45. Junior Christian Ertdeavor at 5.45. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6.30. Saturday evening union prayer service at the home of Mr. Miller, 2017 Penn street. F&BSBTBBXAN Covenant, iFifth and Peffer Streets —The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Subject, "Paying Our Debts." Evening serv ice at 7.30. Subject, "Keeping Com pany." Sunday school at 2. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. The evening sermon is the first of a course on "Marriage and Divorce." The other sermons will be "Getting Married," "Keeping House" and "Being Divorced." Calvary, Cameron and Sycamore Streets—The Rev. Frank P. Macken zie, pastor. Morning service at 10.15 o'clock. Subject, "The Sin of Achar." Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "Our Temptations and Their Con quest. " Sunday school at 9. C. E. at 6.30. Mid-week service Wednes day evening at 7.30. Capital .Street, Oapital and Forster Streets—The Rev. B. M. Ward, pas tor. Morning service at 10.45. Sermon by the pastor. Evening service at 7.46. Sermon by the Rev. DT. Holt saple of the Anti-< Saloon League. Sun day school at 12.1*5. C. E. at 7.15. Pwyer meeting at 8 p. m. wWnes day. Bethany, Cameron and Cumberland Streets—The Rev. John M. Warden, pastor. Evening service at 7.30. Sub ject, "A Model Church." Sunday school at 9. C. E. at 6.30. EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector. Holy Communion at 8 o'clo-ck. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening prayer and address at 4.30. St. Augustine's, Thirteenth and Herr Streets —Archdeacon E. L. Henderson, rector. tMorning prayer, litany and sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12.30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 o 'clock. St. Paul's, Second and Emerald Streets—'Holy Communion at 8 a. in. Service and sermon at 11 a. m., sub ject, "Lincoln and His Generation." Sunday school at 2.30. {/horal even song and sermon, at 7.30, subject, "The Good Sheuherd.'' St. Andrew's, Nineteenth and Mar ket Streets—Tho Rev. James iF. Bullitt, rector. Holy Communion at & o'clock. Morning prayer, the litany and sermon at 10.30. Sunday school and Bible classes at 12. Evening prayer and ser mon at 7.30. EVANGELICAL Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Han gen, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. At 10.30 A. H. White, manager of the lecture bureau of the American