G. R. KINNEY S CO. Just received 300 pairs of Men's Samples of Endi eott. Johnson & Co.'s End well Shoes. Regular $3.50 values. Special, $1.98. Sizes (i, GV4 and 7 only. Growing Girls' White Canvas Shoes, low heel, best grade Sea Island duek—a regular $1.75 value for 98«>. Sizes 2* i> to ti. Men's Tan Bluchers, broad high toe, $1.50 grade for Kinney's $1.25 Special for Indies equal anything in the town for $1.75. Come in patent, gun metal and vici. Misses' and Children's Pumps in patent, gun metal and white canvas. All styles for 98£. Why "pay more I Men's Heavy Shoes, elk-skin upper, solid soles, extra value for $1.98. Bovs' Scout Shoes, sizes 2 1 •> to 5 1 .» a $2.00 value for $'1.49. Misses' and Children's Shoes, patent vamp with grav cloth tops, at $1.49. G. R. KINNEY & CO. 19 and 21 North Fourth Street NEWS OF STEELTON EIGHT SUNDAY SCHOOLS IH UNION PICNIC Date for Holding Annual Outing Is Announced for Thursday, June 17, at Mt. Gretna—Each School to Pay Own Half Fares Announcement was made this morn ing that the date selected for holding the annual union Sunday school picnic this year is Thursday, June 17, and the place decided on is Mt. Gretna. The idea of holding union picnics by the various Sunday schools of the bor ough is meeting with much favor and this year eight schools are co-operating in the movement instead of five as in previous years. The following churches and schools will take part in the out ing: St. John's and St. iMark's I>uth eran. the First Methodist. Centenary 1 United Brethren. First Presbyterian, ' i A irst .Reformed. Main Street Church of Gad and the Central Baptist cJiurch. These schools have an approximate ' ' enrollment of 2.500 scholars, but the I' committee in charge of the movement; ' expects to have double or treble this j number to take part in the outing. I Each school will select a committee | in the near future. These committees will then meet and work out a schedule | of athletic events. The Steelton Glee ' Club and its orchestra will accompany 1 the excursion and give a vocal concert i ! on the grounds. The singers will be un- | , der the direction of Frank Armstrong, j ; To provide transportation for large j ; families each school will arrange to pay j ; its own half fares. TABERNACLE SITE SELECTED Construction Will Soon Be Started Un der H. C. Wright The Committee in charge of the com ing Hillis evangelistic campaign has selected a site for the erection of the tabernacle at Second street and Boos er's ran and announced this morning that its erection would be started in a very short time under the direction of H. C. Wright, chairman of the commit tee. ' The opening of the campaign has been postponed until May 2 to allow ample time to complete the structure. STEELTON NOTES Mrs. G. P. Vanier, chairman of the garden school committee will begin the distribution of 62 garden plots among local school children to-morrow morning after 10 o'clock. Five cents per plot will be charged. The first prayer meeting under the auspices of the Hillis evangelistic cam paign will be held in the Main Street Church of God this evening at S i o clock. The co-operating churches will | take part and the meeting will be open 1 to the genera] public. Work was begun at the steel plant : vesterday dismantling the No. 2 j blooming mill engine.' which will be i transferred to the new 35-inch rolling ! mill to operate the rolls there. The old blooming mill will finallv be abandon ed. A number of visiting members wit nessed the ceremonies of the third de gree of the Knights of Pvthiae con ferred by Steelton Lodge Xo. 411. last night. A number of candidates from J Enterprise lodge of Harrisburg, receiv ed the degree here last night. The annual meeting of the con gregation of the First Presbvterian church will be held next Wednesdav night at 7.30 o'clock. DEATH OF YOUNG SON Liewis Andrew, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. W. Sheets, of Press ler, died at 3 o 'clock vesterdav morn-1 ing. Funeral services will be held to-' morrow morning and burial will be in • York county. DIED OF BLOOD POISON * James M. Chapman, aged 62 vears' 1 dip] yesterday afternon at 1 o'clock in the Harrisburg hospital of blood , oisomng. He rested at 350 Mvers street. Funeral arrangements have "not j been announced. • One of the test shows of the week at the ' StandardJTheatre To-night The Earring. Featuring John Inoe and Lottie Briscoe. Three-reel special. A Foothill Problem. One reel. The Outlaw's Awakening. One reel The Girl at Lonepoint. Hazards of Helen. Featuring Helen Holmes. One reel. The Loan Shark King. Featuring Van v Dyke Brooke and Norma Talmaee. ' One reel. REAL ESTATE FOB BENT. FOR RENT—Houses with all ihmprovs menls, on S. Fourth BL, Steelton. Not •If. No. 322, JU.OO; Nos. 353 and ItS. $9.00 pei month. Apply ait a Fourth St. Steelton. PERSONAL The Rev. David Makoff arrived in j the borough yesterday direct from Sofia, 'Bulgaria, to take charge of the | looal Bulgarian Orthodox church. North Front street. The new rector succeeds the Rev. Nicola Pavloff, who has 'been transferred to another charge. Christian Oluntr, employed in the Horvath printery, had the two middle lingers of his left hand slightly lacer ated this morning when he failed to withdraw them quickly from a job press which he was feeding. Mrs. Jerome Whitmoyer, South Har risburg street, is the guest of her fa ther, the Bev. J. E. Graulev, at M iners ville. O. P. Eppinger is confined to his home, Lincoln street, by illness. Rehearsals Nearing End Rehearsals of the High school can tata are nearing the end and the dress rehearsals will be held next MondaV and Tuesday evenings. The various members of the ca.t are now thorough ly familiar with their respective parts and, with the aid of the High school orchestra. Prof. W. M. Harclerode ex- 1 pects to please all friends of the pupils and schools with a superb rendition of the cantata, called "t'hiistoforus." Mrs. S. H. Wilson Entertained Mrs. 8. H. Wilsou entertained the Embroidery Club at her homo at Bress ler Wednesday afternoon. Refresh- > nients were served to the following per sons: Mrs. J. P. Snyder. Mrs. George Miles. Mrs. Oeorge Grecncmr, Mrs. Walkman, Mrs. Charles Tomliusou, Mrs. Robert Miles and son, of Harrisburg, and Miss Mary Burkhart. of Bressler. Death of Young Daughter Malinda. a young daughter or' Mr. j and Mrs. Charles Stannart, died at the | home of her parents on Adams strec. yesterday afternoon of pueuniouia. l'u ' neral services were held at her late ! home this afternoon at 2 o'clock and i interment was made in Midland cc.ne i terv. Standard Theatre's Offerings The best obtainable in .drama and I comedy will be shown on the screen at this popular show place this evening to the satisfaction of its patrons.- Adv.* To Start Fire Company League The Friendship Fire Company will take the initial move to establish a firemen's baseball league in Harris burg. The backers of the Friendship team are planning a meeting to which will be invited representatives of the other fire company teams in Harris burg. Two companies, Paxton and Mt. \ernon, are the only companies not yet represented by teams ou the base ball field. New Lights For Paxtang To-morrow Paxtang's new street lighting system will be put into service to-morrow evening shortly after 7 o'clock, ac cording to the plans of the borough j authorities and the contractor. Thir- j teen 100-candle power incandescent j lights make up the lighting system, i Councilmanic Banquet May IN The first annual banquet of the i Harrisburg Councilmanic Association, composed of former Councilmen, will ! be held in the Chestnut street auditor- j ium on May IS. so it was decided at a meeting of the tbanquet committee held last night. Undiscovered Oceans of Truth "We may be justly proud of what lias been achieved, but let us not fail to remember with Newton that 'the last ocean of truth' still 'lies' for the I most part 'undiscovered l#fore us.' However marked may be the progress rf science, her individual votaries must always feel a sense of humility at the 1 little the best of them is able to con- j :rioute toward tne general result."—j •>ir Kdward Schaefer, in an address to ' he 'British association. • ~j Special for Saturday, April 17 To acquaint you with our new location, we will examine your eyes, fit you with glasses for distance or readiug and sewing purposes for $1.50 complete—same as you pav $3.00 elsewhere. Our regular $6 Glasses for $3.00. KING Optical Company 82S Chestnut Street, 1 Harrisburg, Pa. • nARRISMUffI STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL t6. 1915. ~ I Greater Values For Men At # DOUTRICHS I MIhHNV' y° u ma y won( ler how the Live I g|ll I|||P jft Store is able to continually give to Har -81 fl mmm§ l\ risburg the greater values which are making it the I I UMm mm 1 us seas on the reasons will be made clear. IWffm wmfli We will show you suits in greater style and Wllilfl ilw fabric variety than any other store or two in town; x£S> wM ummmW aC( l ua i nt y° u w ith our cash buying basis of getting the best r ln lar^er Q uantit ies at lower prices. liifl I! I The suits you'll see here to-morrow will begin to ap il/f/ I P e * r in the be ft society a day or two later, the Original Glen Ur- S llffl/lf/7 HI !11S quharts, lound here only, will be the pattern hundreds will un lif 1 ill successfully strive to duplicate. You'll find Club Checks, Stripes Mm VIM Overplaids, Scotch Mixtures and the ever popular Solid Shades in lllff/ I ijil every good wear resisting fabric that's woven. if 11 The House of I I KUPPENHEIMER stamp of its approval on every garment, *s§Bl as ,? thereby, "these are the best clothes we can copyr.ghtisis make and we add they're the best clothes ever made, the best thehouseofkuppenheimm values any store, this store included, can offer at ; S2O, $25, S3O I Suits at sls, in every new model—fabrics and tailoring that you would be fortunate to find in the ordinary store at $lB or S2O y 2 he Live Store Combines Courteous 304 B 9 H iSI iIM Harrisburg, Market St. u^^^ renna. 50c A WEEK 5 BIG SPECIAL WATCH BARCAMS t Special Value Excellent Timekeeper S Dueber-Hamden, Complete, 3-0 Size Ladies' Watch, 3-0 Size Crown Complete Hnnt s $12.50 inR Case ' Fine, y Jeweled 20-vear «->. . . . case Ladies' Watch. Elgin or Waltham Ladies' Qt . q • , j, lft 25 year Guaranteed Case; 15- Special, SIO.OO jewel Micrometer Regulator. I Special, $19.00 The P - H ' Caplan Co. . Elgin or Waltham Special 14 K. Hunting Case, full jew- or Waltban >. 12 size Thin eled movement. Model. Special, $40.00 Special, $14.00 CALL AT OUB STOBE AND SEE OUR NEW EMBLEM WATCH The P. H. CAPLAN CO. JEWELERS 18 NORTH FOURTH STREET ARTISTIC PRINTING AT STAR - INDEPENDENT. RAILROADS CREW BOARD HARRISBUBG SIDE Philadelphia Division—237 crew to go first after 3.45 p. in.: 203, 227, 209, 232, 219, 238, 236, 207, 233, 225. Engineers wanted for 203, 205, 215 233, 236. Firemen for 203, 207, 237, 238. Conductors for 215, 225, 236. Flagmen for 215, 238. Brfakemen for 214, 219, 225, 232 236, 238. Conductors up: Stauffor. Fiiekinger, j Pennell, Katon, Shirk, Dewees. j Flagmau up: Snyder. Brakemen up: Shuler, Rice, Jacobs, Deets, Boyd, .Shaffuer, Suraray, Stime ling, Taylor, Werts, Vandling, Musser. Middle Division—26 crew to go first after 1.30 p. m.; 231. Preference: 2, 7. Fireman for 2. Conductor for 26. Brakamen for 2, 7. Engineers up: Garman, Hertzler, Free, Knisley, Ciouser, Bennett, Mooro. Firemen up: Fletcher, Mohler, Wright, Cox, Gross. Conductors up: Keys, Eberle. Flagmen up: Frank, Miller, Bod ley. Brakeman up: Troy. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—ll2 crew to go first after 3.40 p. m.: 123, 113, 127, 132, 109, 105, 116. Engineers for 109, Jl2, 132. Conductors for 118, 132. Flagmen for 115, 132. Brakemen for 128, 132. Engineers up: (iibbons, Streeper, Sober, Buck, Smeltzer, Manloy, Sel lers, Brummer, Kennedy, Davis, Kautz, Speas, Gillums, Bruebaker, Dennison, Long, Downs, Uindmau, Reisinger, Seitz, tfrisswell. Firemen up: Bushey, Kreider, Hartz, Duvall, Wagner, Weaver, Dodd, Chron ister, Grove, Mofl'att, liollier, Gelsinger, Brenner, Peuwell, Herman, Spring, McXeal, Bleicli. Kearney, Cover, Robin son, Gilberg, Shive. Conductor ur: Fesler. Brakemen up: Mumma, Busser, Col lins, Brown, Svyeigart, Hope, Allen, Wi land. Middle Division—ill crew to go first after 2.15 p. m.: 112, 119, 220, 114, 226. 228. Engineer for 112. Flagman for 144. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Beck, I BUY DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY THE NATIONAL WAY Vf OUR credit is good— I yes; we trust you. Our convenient and dignified deferred payment plan makes it an easy inat- ter for you to enjoy dia jjM monds and jewelry while || paying for same i /x small jjg| weekly or monthly pay ing inents. Use your credit. jm === ■ NATIONAL WATCH & I DIAMOND CO. » 4 N. Third St., Second Floor. | llarter, Biovcr, Blosser, Meals, Swab, Crist, Ilarvoy, Saltsman, Kuhn, Snvder' Pelton, Shaver, Landia, Hoylor. | Firemen up: Bnir, Kvde, Bostdorf Schiefer, Raueh, Weigie, Lackey, Cook erly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, BartoleL Getty, Barkey, Sheets. Engineers for 306, 1454, 22 130 1820. ' Firemen for 213, 1454, 1816, 130 SBS, 1365. THE READING | P.. H. & P. —After : 24, 15 9 21, 8, 1, 5, 18, 16, 12, 14, 7, 17. Eaatbound—After 2.15 p. in.: 57. 51. 64, 71, 61. ' Engineers up: Morne, Crawfiord, Middaugh, Massiinore, Rich wine, Glasa, ; Tipton, Wo land, Sweelev, Morrison. | Firemen up: Sullivan, Dobbins, j Grumbine, Henderson, Stephens, i Brakemen up: Ayres, Smith, Dun ! <•»», Stephens, Grime*, Koofnr, Wynn, j HJy, Taylor, Page, Kapp, Maxton. j Rabbi Chonaii, of Zepora, said: | "The study of the law may be coai | paied to i, huge heap of dust that is to jbo cleared away. The foolish man says, I 'lt i« impossible that I should be able j to remove this immense heap; I will j not attempt it,' but the wise man savj, : 'I will remove a little to-day, some "to morrow and more the day after, aud thus in time I shall have removed ft all.' " It is the same with studying law.—Case and Commont. I; Gold Crowns & Sets of il !» Bridge Work Teeth i | $3, 's4, $5 |ss ! ]! We always make teeth that fit. ' <[ Come In the morning, get your I 1 J; teeth same day. Plates repaired ' II on short notice. j: Mack's Painless Dentists jj J SIO Market St. f Opea Kvealßßa. * ! 7