The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 16, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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S2O Spring Suits In a Special Clotking Event Saturday at
High Grade Suits
Tailored HUB f| August Brothers
Garments Hireh-Wickwire, )JjQlJ—'"'
From Regular L M&j —. H _, _ r r? fi--^Lt|
- Stock • g Hickey-rreeman |r!p}
( Season's Most Interesting Values #?
bout 100 Spring Suits of the highest grade of hand tailoring enter this sale to-molTow. Every suit is from regular stock. J}/
ssemblage is made up of broken lots and includes in the different styles all sizes from 33 to 40. vM/J /
here are the popular one, two and three-button effects in English sacks with regular or patch pockets. The savings, we are \// V / /
ent, will appeal to manv men who are thinking of buying new suits. /)/ j'A |k
%E'3£'JS3Eg& WORSTEDS J 1 /
ing Suits $lO to $25 Boys' Spring Suits Boys' Spring Top j
other styles in Spring Suits from $lO to $25. L ate st Norfolk styles with extra pair trousers. Grey
res, tweeds, worsteds, mixtures, homespuns, Scotch tweeds and mixtures, blue serge, fancy shadow j I j
veaves and serges. Latest one and two-button ***? ca «f " ier « s an <J worsteds, fancy Carltons, Tartan Nobby Balmacaan and regular Norfolk styles in blue Kj Ul
checks, black and white check worsteds—sizes 6to 18 serge, black and white check worsted and plain grey
nglish sae k s - years—ss to $6.50. cassimere, sizes 2ty> to 8 years— to $5.00. ' '^
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Bear —Three Elevators.
Queen Quality ! a A J It. . Spring Weight Underclothing
1 r 1a Is fl A 0 \(( A.. '■ CCI In All Wanted Styles
rOOtWear 1 A , 1 JWjBL I ) Men ' B E S™ tittn b-lbriwan shirts and drawers, shirts
_ fH / cr §>/1 r Vl n \AA have long or short sleeves, each 87*ic
Fnr Wnmt>n M/fl/1 riicrriminil a f J i \ wilMi OvltS i 'V I \ VN J Men's oxford grey fancy figured balbriggan shirts and
I Ul WWUIIICII WW nO UlSCriminate ark-:. jLlitlfi M - jBR., SSB&. drawers, shirts have short sleeves, each 50c
■ mw /!■ B m __ _ \ \ ' : -■ _ Men's Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits, long or short,
in the Clothes Thev Wear • v Anu,p sleeves SI.OO
/ * a ' i Boys' Egyptian eottnn ribbed union suits, knee length,
e , r . short sleeves 50c
une ot our Market street windows is / \F \ J\- •" i iv T V N < WOMEN-S VESTS AND UNION SUITS
Mm New Suits and Coats -
wf In a Showing That Is Incomparable
warrant having you make a special effort to M.4 The most comprehensive showing of suits and coats that we ."".".•."T.'S
see tne displav this week. Anionsr the most In \ A K. rmJßtHuf i. u J J ±. N . . WOMEN'S HOSIERY
talked about values in the Ouepn Oii'iHtv * /* I id tunc had gathered together at any one time this season is now Fast biaek cotton M>«e f seamless, spliced heels and toes,
exposition are: ' / W liAi / assembled for the inspection of women and misses who have not ~a st black lislc hoge> faßllioned feeti . 17c '. or
Patent colt button shoes, with grey and black tops „n / JW' VPt lna(l ° Provision for their Spring clothes. Interestingly priced Silk '| sle '; o9e . senmless, splice,l heels and toes, black,
medium toe teste with French leather"heels '55.00 / M J|W V A ; are tIICSC: fashioned feet," iisie tops,' black", white!
Patent colt and gun metal calf button shoes, with Cuban / r g re >'» sand, putty, and bronze, 50c
or >eneh heels, $-i.oo ' - ''\~ r / \ If Navy and black fine quality popliu suits, in belted style and trimmed with MEN'S HOSIERY
Black Russian calf Carlton pumps, with prev suede backs ! V A \ I L tt Fast black cotton hose, seamless, light and medium
ajid narrow plain toes; hand welted soles and hifih French —trtl / \ / ' <pi*».OU weight i2\ic
o«els nn \l\ \ J m . i 1 1 1 -i e i* • * 1 n *. -n i Interwoven hose, black, tan and navy, 25c
Gun metal calf and Patent colt colonial U / Nav > v an,i blaL ' k su,ts (,t P°P lui 1,1 « st . vle t,lat wlll a PP eal to women, Blafk , isle hogo with faßhlo ned feet 2.-5 C
V/ . fcjv $18.50 .ilk li.l, r..1,i0„,d lee,. 87Kc, „ S tor .1.00
b "" 0n """ //' X T WIB, in and ™l,„. m „HI „ 0 „lin ;
I . 4 , \> ,vi,h bu " et b"" 0 "* :- * 22 - 50 A Comfortable Shirt for Boys
Dull kid skin and patent kid skin P um P s with one'aTrap; ! \J PnnCe t ' with eir(,uiar skirt s in The average boy hates the idea of feeling all fussed up
new stage plain short forepart last, with two small buttons: j the season's best ,I'ailge of colore, $25.00 in his clothes, so to help him out a maker with a happy idea
Cuban leather heels / .... . comes along with a short shirt for boys; it has an adjustable
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor 1 tJ ■ Norfolk and Prince Chap styles in navy, Belgian, sand and black, with collar that may be worn low or high. In various colors and
0„ "„ C_ 1' , , _ _ __ _ _ tached pointed military collar and detached cuffs 50c
bpnngs Freshest Cotton Street Coats at $12.50 to $25.00 JEXWgr
W in I nlnrinrfc T T . „ , Boys' Windsor tics in plaid designs and solid colors, 2oc
and Rich Designs' Hundreds of Garments in Many Styles " 8 "" t r '°"-
r . ... ® . Black and white plaid and Shepherd check coats in full Shepherd check coats, in military style, with steel button f~Hr»\/#=»c r»f Rp»rp>
oOc silk and cotton poplin in solid shades. Special, yard, belted model, with bengaline silk collar, $12.50 trimming, $15.00 VJIUVCa Ul lYdlc; VacUalll^
39c tub Silk, one half silk, in white grounds. Specif Fancy weave poplin coats, in navy and black, at Black and navy poplin coats, with piped trimming of Direct To Us From France
yard, '. SIO.OO and $12.50 maize silk and narrow belt trimming, $18.50 Two-clasp kid gloves, in colors and white. Pair, $1.50
39c crepe, 36 inches wide, in solid shades. Special vard - Two-clasp rea' kid gloves, in colors, white and black.
' ' is»c | Pair ' $1.75
«^2r^r.*?.*!.??.rr?. ™I Charming Silk Waists of Crepe and Georgette | white embroidery and white sewing. Pair, $2.00
Voiles in over one hundred different designs in white and . __ i t> Trefousse finest quality real kid gloves, in black, with
colored grounds including white and black colored strioes n llxr J I\T r CU w ' I ' white embroidery and white sewing. Pair $2.25
and floral designs. Special, vard 35c ODGGiaIIV i 000(1 111 Si I 16W 1 o"ffiolToW Two-clasp washable chamoisette gloves in natural, white
- Ponieroy, Stewart, Street Flop •••' ' B Di^^Wroy' & Stewart!
There sNo Touch of Same- We Have Opened a Millinery Section On Grocery News of. I
ness in These Dollar Waists £Z3\ - treet Fl°o r fT—II
Striped dimity, dotted and figured Swiss and striped voile \ Where trimmings, shapes and other millinery goods will be these sterling items has been ar
w-ui<te »» uoiri» n , * i ~ . j \ found at attractive prices. It is our purpose to make this one ranged for to-morrow. li
waists are selaom siiown in such excellent grades as von will *™i/B/i>Vir X \ „F »U. U. ■ * -J. XI. * ±CI J R J
1,„.. »„ . f as-, rwv ~ s \h\ of the busiest spots on the street floor and for the opening, 5 ihs. granulated sugar 24c
hue to-morrow tor SI.OO. home are made with a dainty to-morrow, will be offered 1 lb. Banquet coffee 30c x fir
touch of blind embroidery, some are hemstitched on the collar- C 1 AC\ . o 1 1 ti 1 can black pepper 10c i ill |
piece and others are effectively made with a vest of organdie. 5)1.49 tO $2.98 Colored Hemp \ l? n S y tomaC !!!!!! l!E =
\ou'll like every style shown in this new group. SllflOeS Sit 39c t6a * ac ! '&((((((( ([(ffffff/'i'/jjff
Equally fascinating: are the waists that have been coming in jjfif This special lot of untrimmed hats includes turbans, medium The tota ' combinatton ' '' " ,, - HO ! 1
this week to sell for $1.90. There are white voiles and stripe f jJW M \ shapes, and other styles in rose, tan, blueS; sand and other tr Diveß ' p ® mer °y & Stewart, |
batiste Royal garments in styles that are very fetching. jr shades. Basement. I i|W
A particularly pleasing waist is finished with lace and or- J Another attractive offering will he 1 tt'F/
gandieinsertion. Trimmed Strflw HflK for I Neckwear lhat M/
«• Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Three Elevators.
"All Out Doors Invites Your Kodak" in the trimming line are: Fancy Porch Rockers
Vest Pocket Kodak, size of picture,. Xo.' 3A Folding Pocket Kodak, size Ostrich a . r ?® bllDehoß lOp Ro&C, cherries, "J Ap Flaring shape collars of oriental SatUrdaV (Dllly,
1%x2% SO.OO of picture 520.00 bands, "t/V/ daisies, XMV/ and daisies, .. XVfV/ lace in white and cream, at 1 "
No. 1 Autographic Kodak, Jr., size; No ;, Al >t o ß r aphic Kodak, »22.'50 . ..... „ 25c to »1.00 $1.39
wiST »• fl 1 " 4 ZZ ZXSJSXSXi New Hats In the Millinery Salon, Second Floor 53 2Z t. induce ,o«v. toto^..ta
No. 1A Aiitopraphi. K«d»k. j,.j {CaUST . slli l mlcnt » f . the . »tyle» in large .nil mwlium hemp >h»pes in this """ " wl "" X P» rch we shall
Size Of picture. 2%X4%, *ii.m r The Brownie Family includes: morning and are exceptional values at $1.95. Co]lftrg of embroidere(l voile ttnd offer to-morrow a s ibstantially
With R. K. lens $13.00 v' 0- ® H r ° w iije $1.25 rp • jTT (T /I nP <p rAr la* r-r\ organdie at 25c to 91.50 built rocker, as pictured, at a
No. 3 Folding Pocket Kodak, size of No! 2 Br'S !!!!! !!! i ! H'Z 1 rimmed HatS at $4.95, 55.95 and $6.50 Collar and cuff sets of embxoid- very low price ; not .UOre than
5? "bSIIS*' "" S'SS The variety of styles is large enough to satisfy any taste. Our styles at these popular prices B "'" ° r "" U "Sic to «lj>o fecial' " ...
- m™, PORI.TOV . Stewart, »„e„ " " ™ Tn" I' "\T "f K ™' ' * «—«• « "»'-»■ * '««-.
moaeis. tor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. Street Floor. Third Floor—Three El wators.