The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 15, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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{Atahluhea in 1876)
Published b*
*■ Star-lndepeident Building.
' Mwao.22 South Third Stroet. HairMwr*. Pa,
Svary Evening Enoept Sunday,
Officer,•l Dincttr* i
tairrtirm F. Meters, j #jh( Kuhx,
Fk. W, Wai&OWBX, „ _ i
VlcePreildent. Wm. \
h. K. Items,
Seci etary and Treasurer. Wm. W. Wallowe*.
tu. H. WAKNER, V. HUMMEL Bexokaue. J*.,
Business Manager. Editor,
All communications should be addressed to Star-Independent,
losiness, Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department:
ecording to the subject natter.
Entered at tbe Post Office in Harrtsburg as second-class matter,
trajamln 4: Kentnor Company,
New York and Chicago Representative*,
tew York Office, Brunswick Building. 22a Fifth Avenue,
hicago Office, People's Gas Building, Michigan Avenue,
Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscriber)
K Three Dollars a /Mr in advance.
The paper with the largest Horn* Circulation in Harrlabnrg ana
barbytown ■-
Circulation Examines by
Mrats Bra noh Ex<;han*e> - No. 3280
Wilt* Branoh No. 845-24S
Thursday, April 15, 1013.
Sun. Mon. Turn. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
12 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
Last Quarter, 6th; New Moon, 14th;
First Quarter, 22nd; Full Moon, 20th.
BffikV 'jWl Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair to
', \ night and Friday, not much change in
X\Q} f • temperature. Light frost in exposed
Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-night
and Friday, not much change in tem
jjjp » perature. Light frost in exposed places
to-night. Light to moderate northerly
Highest, 67; lowest, 37; 8 a. m., 40; 8 p. m., 53.
"When twenty-five Italian families in Rochester,
tf. Y., establish new homes in Alabama within the
text few weeks, a colonization plan will be put into
iffect which should be watched with a great deal
>f public interest.
The present plan in Rochester provides that by
January two hundred Italian families will have
een sent to the South to follow agricultural pur
pits. Each family is to have a forty-acre farm
with a five-room dwelling house, a barn and, of
[ourse, a chicken house. No provisions seem to
lave been made for a garage, but that little detail
:an be attended to after the colonizers have become
•egular farmers.
The idea is to make land worth something which
sat present uncultivated. Industrious foreigners
re being depended upon to carry out the idea,
"hat they will fulfill expectations seems likely,
ince they are of peasant origin and are well suited
or agricultural work.
While vast expanses of territory in this country
,re unoccupied and untilled, numerous human
leings who are willing to work when work is pre
ented, are leading cramped lives in crowded tene
nent districts of big cities, often in need of the
ery food that, they might be getting through na
ure's processes if they were farming some of the
inused soil.
Capital is, of course, necessary to set up the
tochester Italians as farmers, for the undertaking
3 on a comparatively big scale. It might not
lways be necessary, however, to transport colonists
o great a distance, and it might even be possible
ii cities sometimes to arrange plans for the cultiva
ion of waste land very close to home, if not right
t home.
Indeed the idea has been caught in this city and
ifferent plans are being carried out through which
therwise useless land, within the city limits, is
onverted into gardens in which vegetables may be
aised by children and by adults who have no other
ipportunities to attempt agricultural work. A
ilan by which uncultivated land can be made pro
luctive is a worthy one, especially if it alleviates
listressing conditions by providing necessities of
One of the many queer conditions being created
iv the war these days is that of unmarried German
yomen seeking in a neutral country husbands of
iny nationality but Germander Austrian and even
iffering financial inducements to obtain sileh hus
(ands. -»
It appears that among the Germans expelled from
Jussia at the outbreak of tlw war were /omen
flio owned property in the Cfcar's domains and
or one reason or another were unmarried. Some
if these women stopped at Stockholm in ttfeir
light and have been advertising in Swedish papers
or spouses, that they might return to Russia a*
itieens of other nations than Germany and Austria,
|nd,look after their interests there.
Advertising for husbands, qnd even offering to
fiake marriage financially profitable to men agree
pg to risk it, are rather unusual and unladylike
jrocedurcs. If the end does not appear to justify
ic means, however, it at least explains them and
ertainly it is not wrong in itself. Marriages re
ilting from the advertisements might not be very
entimcntal but they surely would be businesslike
pid at the worst could not be any more unsuccess-
... • - , \ • r ' i ! w ~ '
ful than some unfortunate marriages which are
seemingly based on love, —but only seemingly so.
Even German women who are not owners of
property in Russia and who do not for other reasons
have to change their nationality, might also, with
advantage look for husbands in Sweden or in other
neighboring neutral countries. The supply of pos
sible husbands in Germany is going to be small for
some years. The women of the empire may as well
look for likely spouses in the nearby peaceful coun
tries, before prospective brides start to >cross the
channel from England where a scarcity of males
likewise is apt to cause inconvenience.
Sweden, whose queen is German and whose sym
pathies have in a mild, unobtrusive way been pro-
German, might be a suitable hunting ground for
women from the Kaiser's realm who are seeking
husbands, while Norway, where English is spoken
fluently and where the British have found a pleas
ant summer playground for many years, might not
unlikely hold husbands for surplus young women
from the adjacent island.
It is only to be hoped that after the war of the
nations is over, fresh complications will not arise
because of contests among the women in interna
tional matrimonial affairs.^
Former Governor Tener, now head of the National
League, may have his troubles as a result of the baseball
war, but at least lie doesn't have to be confronted with
the nightmare of having to cut the Pennsylvania Legisla
ture's appropriations down to where they will fit the
Hello, Bill Taft! Dee-light—no, not that; but we're
glad to see you. N
If local option goes through this will be the last trout
season where bottled bait will be used in some counties.
Trout fishermen, please take notice that we will not
believe a word you tell us about the number of "speckled
beauties" you land to-day! We're from Missouri.
Who can tellf Perhaps the next time former President
Taft and Governor Brumbaugh meet will be as rival can
didates for the nomination in the Republican convention
of 1916!
A music rings
Around the earth,
A joyous note
Ot' silver mirth.
Prom feathered throats
Outpours the strain;
It sings on winds,
On land and main.
You War it. not?
You hear the moan?
Ko other sound
Except the groanf
If you would hark
To all that cheers,
Just wear a grin
Between your ears.
—MeLandburgh Wilson, in New York Sun.
If you cannot think of a man's'name, call him Colonel
and it will be all right.—Salt Lake City Deseret News.
"Is he successful as a writer of sensational literature?"
"Is he? Why, he has no inferior."—Philadelphia
lirst Manager—"l see you have a new leading woman.
Did the other one take sick?"
Second Manager—"No, but she didn't take well."—Bos
ton Transcript.
"I hear that they belong to the early-settlers."
"Well, you wouldn't think so if you could see the bill
collectors climbing their front steps."—Judge.
There is probably no truth in the report that Tammany
has sent a committee to Terre Haute for pointers. Even
Tammany draws the line somewhere.—Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Pat —"If Oi'm not mistaken—which Oi'm sure Oi am—
your name's Murphy." •
Tim—"Nope, ye're mistaken —ye're not mistaken. Me
name is Murphy."—Life.
"Plenty of men do get jobs on the strength of their
"Yes; a good family tree haß produced many a plum."
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Now own up, my man. Didn't you Invent that tale
of woef"
"No, sir; 1 got it from a friend who has gone out of the
begging busrtiess."—Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Many of the ills of life originate in the mouth," say#
Dr. Wiley. Men who have gone to the hospital to have
broken noses, black eyes and smashed ribs patched up will
probably agree with him.—New Orleans States.
Church—"When a barber goes to a doctor, what is the
first thing the physician says, do you suppose?"
Gotham —"Don't know."
"Let me see your tongue."—Yonkers Statesman.
Her Dad—"l'm afraid if I let my daughter marry you
she will learn to forget me."
Suitor—"lf you feel that way about it you could let her
see your name on a check every month."—Boston Tran
IN 2000 A. D.
"Some day we'll be telephoning through the air without
"Maybe. But won't it be queer to have an operator call
back to you and say: 'The air is busy now!' "—Washing
ton Star.
"Black specks dance before my eyes, doctor," complained
the society patient.
"That is very annoying and monotonous."
"Yes; they never have any new dances."—Kansas City
Bill—"He thinks fish makes brains."
Jill —Does he eat any?"
Bill —"Lots of it."
Jill—"He ought to be able to prove an alibi."—Yonkers
Tongue-End Topics |
Plan to Give Work to Belgians
'Home that expatriated and distressed
Belgians ay yet be induced to settle
in Australia, notwithstanding the ad
verse attitude of the Belgian govern
ment, was voiced in a statement made
recently at a meeting in Sydney, Aus
tralia, of the Millions Clu-b by Percy
Hunter, director of the New South
Wales Immigration Bureau. Mr. Hunt
er, whose headquarters are in London,
said that the plan of transplanting of
Belgians to the Commonwealth was sug
gested immediately upon its becoming
apparent that there would be a large
number of Belgians who in consequence
of the war would be unable to earn
their living at home. The JJew South
Wales government offered to take 2,000
of them, transport them passage free to
Australia, maintain them and return
them, passage free, to their homes in
Belgium after the war if they desired.
And it also offered to transport a con
siderable number of young Belgian
women and widows with children who
might find situations as domestic serv
ants. Though these plans had failed
because the Belgian government had de
terminedly refused to sanction them,
Mr. Hunter believed that some arrange
ment to the end desired might even
tually be made.
Death of British Labor Leader
John Wilson, veteran Labor member
of the House of Commons, died last
month in his hoff.e in Durham, 78 years
old. lie started life as a pit-boy in
the coal mines, and was self-educated.
He founded the Miners' Association in
1869, and had been one of the chief
leaders of the trades unionists ever
since, entering Parliament in 1890 and
serving continuously there up to the
time of his death. In his autobiog
raphy, published a few years ago, ho
told of his early trials and privations
as the son of a poacher, who, in con
stant dread of the law, never lived
more than six months in one place. He
told of feeling the call of the wild when
19 years old, of his wanderings in the
United States, his return to his native
heath, bis unregenerate life, his con
version and introduction to lay preach
ing, and his advent as a trades union
Boys Headed for Firing Line
Romantically inclined German boys
who run away from home for a life
of adventure have changed their direc
tion since the outbreak of the war.
Formerly they always went West, led
astray by cheap tales about fighting
the Indians and life in the Rocky moun
tains; now they go East in order to get
nearer to Field Marshal von Hinden
burg. Four such youngsters recently
left Neu Koelin, a suburb of Berlin.
Not having any money, they fell upon
a newspaper vendor and robbed him of
$1.75. That took them as far as
Frankfort on the Oder, where they
were stranded. Roaming in an adjacent
village begging for food, they were ar
rested by the police and sent home to
tneir parents. The boys said thejy in
tended to go to Kast Prussia and carry
water to the German soldiers in the
Drafting New Zealand Soldiers
The New Zealand Defense Depart
ment has announced that drafts of rein
forcements must be Buch as to maintain
the New Zealand expeditionary force
now in Egypt constantly at full
strength in the field. This means that
a draft of about 1,800 men at intervals
of every two months throughout the
continuance of the war. All drafts are
now receiving fouif months' training be
fore dispatch from New Zealand. The
New Zealand forces now in Egypt num
ber about 8,000 men.
* * *
Horse Meat High in Denmark
A largely increased demand for horse
meat to be sent to Germany is noted in
the Danish markets, and prices paid
are higher than ever known before.
This is a surprise to the horse butch
ers, as it ha 1 been supposed that the
demand for horse flesh would be more
than supplied by carcasses of animals
killed in battle; but, according to the
Danish butchers, the meat of horses
killed in battle has been generally
found unfit for consumption, and the
carcasses are now burned or sold to
soap manufacturers.
• • •
Rhinoceros Kills Four Soliders
Four soldiers of a small scouting
contingent recently sent out against the
Germans on the East African front
were killed by an infuriated rhinoceros,
according to the "Weekly Cape
Times." The scouts had gone oift in
motor cars, and the leading car was at
tacked without warning by the animal,
which overturned the automobile and
killed four of the occupants. It took
fifty men with knives to overcome the
intruder, which put another car out of
action before it was killed.
"Tom out of work igainf Why, I
thought he had a steady job."
"Ob, the jo>b was steady! The
trouble is Tom wasn't. "'—Boston
We have never sold anything here
in Harrisburg with the INSTANT ac
tion of the simple mixture of buck
thorn bark, glycerine, et*., known as
Adler-i-ka. This remedy, usod success
fully for appendicitis, is so quick and
powerful that ONE SPOONFUL relieves
almost ANY CASE of constipation,
sour or gassy stomach. Adler-i-ka acts
on BOTH lower and upper bowel and it
is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser
we ever saw. G. A. Gorftas, druggist,
16 North Third stftfet and Pennsylva
nia Railroad Station.—Adv.
Hood's the Great Blood
Purifier, Is the Best
Spring sickness comes in some de
gree to every man, woman and child in
our climate.
It is that run-down condition of the
system that results .from impure, im
poverished, devitalized blood.
It is marked by loss of appetite and
that tired feeling, and in many cases
by some form of eruption.
.The best way to treat spring sick
ness is to take Hood's Sursaparilla.
This old reliable family medicine puri
fies, enriches and revitalizes the blood.
It is an all-the-year-round alterative
and tonic, and is absolutely the best
Spring medicine.
Get your blood in good condition at
once—now. Delay may be dangerous.
■Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and insist on having it, for noth
ing else can take its placo.—Adv.
* \
To-night, David Warfleld in "The
Saturday, matinee and evening,
"Little Mary Mack."
Saturday, April '24, Mclntyre and
Heath in "The Ham Tree."
Kverv afternoon ami evening, VUIUIM
villo and pictures.
Motion pictures.
Motion I'ietures.
' Motion Pictures.
Moving Pictures.
1 ■*
David Warfleld Here To-night
The season's most notable theatrical
event will 'be celebrated at the Ma
jestic to-night when David Warfleld
will appear in his popular revival of
"The Auctioneer." Since this expert
medium for displaying Mr. Warfleld's
•genius was first appreciated by the
public, thirteen years have elapsed and
instead of witnessing the play as orig
inally written by Lee Arthur and
Charles Klein, theatregoers, it is said,
will see a much better comedy.—Adv.*
"Little Mary Mack"
A sprightly musical comedy that is
destined to take its place with the
season 's successes will be\seen by local
playgoers on Saturday afternoon and
evening, at the Majestic, when "Little
Mary Mack" comes to this city. This
production, dealing with American life
is a charming combination of romance
and wholesome humor, with good
The story deals with the adventures
of Mary Mack, as the title implies.
Mary's methods in thwarting the
scheme of a millionaire who is striv:
ing to marry his daughter into the no
bility, offers rare opportunity, of which
the author takes full advantage.
"The Ham Tree"
The kings of laugh producers Mc-
Intyre and Heath who have been
stage partners longer and more con
jenially associated than any two pro
fessionals known to the world, will ap
pear at the Majestic, Saturday after
noon and evening; April i 2"4, in John
Cort 'a elaborate revival of the world
famed musical novelty, "The Ham
| Tree." To the millions and a few
I more who have seen these inimitable
i negro impersonators 110 recommenda
tion is required. These two artists
have been closely allied on and off the
stage for forty "years. They are so fa
miliar with each other's acts, move
ments and thoughts that their per
formance, which is so exact, might be
classed as a perfect machine.—Adv.*
Hypnotism at Colonial
Hypnotism as a marvelous scientific
achievement and also as a producer of
uncowfined mirth, will be exemplified
in the headline act of the Colonial the
atre's new bill. Colvin, who lays just
claim to !be one of the foremost hyp
notists of the day, has been booked at
the Colonial theatre at greater ex
pense than is usually expended for a
single act for three days in this the
atre where the prices of admission are
so low. The records at the Orpheum
►theatre show that one of the biggest
weeks in thp history of that house re
sulted from the appearance of a hyp
notist, and there is no doubt but what
Oolvin will repeat this record making
feat at the other theatre. On the same
bill with him are the Harmony Trio
in popular songs, Mercedes Bock and
company presenting a playlet that is
replete with good, clean fun, and Lew
Fitagibbons, an expert xylophomist.
The Regent
Dustin Farnum's superb acting in
"Cameo Kirby" brought tears to the
eyes of many patrons at the Regent
theatre last evening, when the film was
given its first run. It will be repeated
to-day and to-night. Heartrending
scenes of slavery days in the South
add a touch to the production unsur
passed in any other play. Separation
of '' mammies'' and their daughters at
the auction block and the sale of an
aged slave w|io for years was the body
guard of the father of "Cameo Kirby,"
left penniless at the elder's death,'are
scenes which can be shown appropri
ately in connection with the commem
oration of the death of the great eman
cipator to-day. Throughout the film
play there is woven a pretty love story.
Farnutn, as "Kirby," is misrepresent
ed in many ways and shunned by his
former companions, but in the due
course of time he gets "back into his.
own" and all ends well. In one part
of the film is shown a thrilling steam
boat race on the Mississippi just above
New Orleans, a sport enjoyed 'by thou
sands in the fifties. To-morrow Man
ager Megaro will show "The Fairy aud
the Waif" and on Saturday the latest
moving picture success, "In the Valley
of the Missing." Adv.*
The Victoria
The Victoria is keeping out of the
war among the "Movie theatres in
this city and will pursue the even
of its way. It will charge the usual
Charming Spring Coats
For Ladies and Misses
I7OR Spring wear Fashion has A
1 decreed Coverts, Shepherds JKf
Checks, French Poplins and mwjmk
English Gabardines.
A touch of the "Militaire" has de- 4
velopetl many distinctive models. The v fffA Jz,
Tommy Atkins—The French Army
coat —The Soldat—are all new crea
tions which are very striking—more
conservative lines are also used to good
$12.75 to $25 .fIBK
A Special Selling of
Ladies' Superb Coats at
An assemblage of Ladies' and Misses' yWWIWf|W|B
Spring Coats in beautiful models of
Gabardines, Shepherd's Checks, Eponge
and Wide Wale Serges—belted effects / I YA
and flare styles—many silk lined— lM
values to $lB.
Friday and Saturday these famous Pure Thread
Silk Hose for ladies will be sold at specially ro- '
duced prices—Black, white and Tan—soc values |
at 3 pairs for SI.OO. Better grades in all
shades at SI.OO per pair.
admission of 10 cents for the following
good and sufficient reasons:
First—On account of its new $25,-
000 pipe organ.
Second—On account of its famous
mirror screens.
Third—On account of showing the
most expensive pictures that can be se
Fourth—On account of the theatre
being completely remodeled and refur
Fifth—Because it gives more than
the money's worth'in sterling attrac
tions aud makes its patrons comfortable
and pleases them at every perform
ance.—Adv. *
The Photoplay
Special Kalcm production in three
reels, '' The Siren's Keign,'' featuring
Alice Hollister, Anna Q; Ncilson and
Harry Millarde, in the leading roles,
is to-day's beadliner. On the same
program is an Essanay masterpiece,
"The Countess Veschi's Jewels," with
Bichard Travers, aud Bryant Wash
burn in the leading roles, anil the
Vitagraph comedy featuring Sidney
Drew, "When l>unbleigh Saw the
.Joke," to complete a First-Run Li
censed program. To-morrow Norma Tal
madge, the clever nineteen-year-old star
of the Vitagraph Company, appears in
the title role of "Janet of the Chor
us," a two act dramatic feature, pro
duced by Van Dyke Brooke. —Adv. *
Fiftieth Anniversary of Death of
Abraham Lincoln Observed By
Departments in Washington
By Associated Press.
Washington, April 15.—Business of
the United titates government virtual
ly was suspended to-day in recognition
of the fiftieth anniversary of the death
of Abraham Lincoln. In the National
Capital, as elsewherfc throughout the
country and in foreign lands wherever
the American government is represent
ed the event was being observed in
accordance with President Wilson's
executive order. The President him
self laid aside the cares of ollice as
did other officials of the government
to pay silent tribute to the memory
of the martyred President.
By direction of President all
the governmental departments were
closed for the day and the Supreme
Court of the United States, headed by
a former Confederate soldier, Chief
Justice White, held no session. Flaigs
on all (government buildings through
out the United States, were at half
mast as a tribute to Lincoln's memory,
Enjoy the sunny skies, lovely
flowers and verdure of spring to
the fullest extent. Perpetuate
the pleasures of your strollß and
walks with pictures.
Anybody can take good pic
tures with a Kodak—
You snap the Kodak—we do
the developing and printing—if
you don't care to take the time.
Bear in\ mind Kodaks are |
Cameras, bnt all Cameras are
not Kodaks.
A Complete Line of
, Store Always Open
16 N. Third St.
Penn'a Station
\S . J)
! as wern they also on all forts aud
I reservations, naval stations and war
j ships and ii|»on all American em
bassies, legations and consulates
throughout the world. All postofficcw
were closed part of the day. The own
ers and captains of all American mer
chant vessels had been requested to dis
play the national emblem at half mast.
British Soldiers' Pay
The English War Office gives some
interesting information concerning how
the soldier is paid, whatever the cir
cumstances of his service.
In the trenches, of course, there is
not much use for money, but while ho
remains on the firing line the soldier's
accounts arc kept by his company offi
cers, and he can make withdrawals
when convenient.
A statement of his financial position
follows him into the hospital, and his
i banker is then the medical ofliecr in
charge. On furlough during convn
| lescence there is a special paymaster.
Pay due to a soldier killed in action
is dealt with as part of the estate and
j sent to the next of kin.—Philadelphia
j North American.
Removal Notice
! to 22-1 North Second St.
Tailors and Importers
I *-
"Pearl Gray" i
Men! Get an introduction
to "Pearl Gray"— it's the
i newest color in men's soft
I hats and has "caught on' 1
strong already. Certainly
nobby hats—the shapes were
i made especially for us—see |
j them to-day.
$2.00 and $3.00
"Where the Styles Originate" j I
Coal Is 50c a
Ton Cheaper
It used to be that people
bought coal only when cold
weather made it necessary
to build the fires for Winter.
This brought an avalanche
of business all at one time.
To relieve this rush the op
erators have a season of
cheaper prices and many
bins are filled early now.
Will you give this matter
.your early attention 1
Kelley has the coal—freshly
mined arid of best quality.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets