The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 15, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Guaranteed iSF*
WTHY buy hoseof
when you can get
that are guaranteed for
come SIX IN A BOX, | HRjlB
a only ONE
DOLLAR. With each box
you grt onr WRITTEN A^Vinr
GUARANTEE to the If you
effort that if you can wear p_„f„ r
them out in LESS thy c • l V
six months, you get NEW n
ONES in their place, Hose,
Black and color*. For Rale ___ , t
exclusively in the 137 p f T n
•tore* of UM J
Newark Shot Sttras 6«. o*r F a mou.
llarrUbnrK Branch—SlS MARKET St., Bear MANHAT-
Drnberr; —Open Saturday evealnm until TAN STIJC
10.30 to accommodate our ciiMtoraern. lilll Jll>l '
Other ><Mv«rk Store* \etirhyt York. Head- - . •
In ft. Altoona, Baltimore. l.nncanter. triCtlTCly
187 Stope« In 07 Cttlea Boxed,
., ~,„i| SI.OO
John Ihlder, of the National Housing
Association. Accompanied By City
and State Health Officials. Begins
Two-Day Tour of Harrisburg
The survey of housing conditions in
Harrisburg got started this morning
when John Ihlder. field secretary of
the National Housing Association of
Now York City, met Dr. J. M. J. Rau
nick, of the Board of Health, and .lohn
Molitor, chief of the State Housing
Bureau, and others interested in the
subject, for a conference in'the rooms
of the Chamber of Commerce. The
actual survey started this afternoon
and will continue to-morrow.
E. L. McOolgin, secretary of the
Harrisbirrg Chamber of Commerce and
secretary of the joint housing commit
teen, is co-operating.
At 9.30 o'clock this mornimg the
preliminary meeting of Mr. Ihlder, Mr.
Molitor, Dr. Raunick and the follow
ing committees, was held in the rooms
of the Chamber of Commerce:
Chamber of Commerce Committee—
William Jennings, W. B. Mt-Caleb.
Vance C. McCormick and J. Horace
Civic Club Committee— Miss Elea
nor, Shunk, president: Mrs. William
Henderson, Miss Mary E. Reily and
Miss Martha Buehler.
Associated Charities Committee—
W. B. McOaleb, president; Vance C.
When Your Fiftieth
Birthday Comes
will you have the sound heart, steady nerves and
good digestion of your younger days?
Many men and women reach the prime of life,
burdened with stomach trouble, headaches, consti
pation, nervousness, heart flutter, etc., and fre
quently the cause is the drug, caffeine, in the coffee
they drink.
\on can quickly tell if coffee is injuring your
health by stopping it ten days and using
This delicious, pure food-drink contains no caf
feine nor any other harmful ingredient. It is whole
some and invigorating, with a snappy flavour very
like that of the Old Gov't Javas.
And Instant Postum is so easy to make. Put a
level teaspoonful in a cup and add hot water—
that's all.
The convenience of Instant Postum is seen at a
glance. Sold in 30c and 50c tins. Some prefer
Postum Cereal —the original form, which must be
well boiled, 15c and 25c packages.
Grocers sell both kinds, the flavour is equally
delicious and the cost per cup is about the same.
"There's a Reason" for POSTUM
MeCormick, Mre. William Henderson
anil Miss Hazel Clark, sec rotary.
There also were present Edward L.
MeColgin, secretary for the commit
tees: Miss Mary W. Miller, head nurse,
Visiting Nurse Association; Mrs. Elsie
| V. Middleton, secretary Children's Aid
I Society.
After this meeting Mr. Molitor, Mr.
j Ihlder and Dr. Raunick started to
make the survey.
At 3 p. m., to-morrow an advance
report of the result will be made to
city and county officials in court room
No. 2. A public report with a discus
sion of housing in general, illustrated
with lantern slides, will be made at S
p. nf. to-morrow evening at the Ha-ris
burg Public Library, Front and Wal
nut streets. Tickets can be obtained
from Secretary E. L. MeColgin, 908
Kunkel building.
Boy of Four Finds Revolver and Girl
of Three D'es
Lebanon, Pa.. April 15.—Mary Ann,
I 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Doll, of Miners' Village, was al
j most instantly killed yesterday when
accidentally shot in the stomach by her
brother, George. 4 years old. who. dur
| ing the temporary absence of the
1 mother, found his father's loaded re
j volver.
Harvard Gets Big Gifts for Cancer
i/ flu Associated Press.
London. April 15.—Gifts amounting
• to $72,90S to be devoted to cancer re
search at the Harvard iMedical School
) were announced at a meeting of the
i/Harvard overseers to-day. Of this sum
| JiO.OOO was provided by the will of
j Philip 0. Lockwood. of this .dry.
Students of Music Will Present Inter
esting Program on Friday Evening
in Fahnestock Hall—Miss Mary
Turner Assisting
The following program will -be given
by tbe students of Mrs. Nl. Pfubl Froeh
li'ch's Schol of Music at Fahnestock
hull 'Friday, April 16, at 8 o'clock.
LVlissMary Turner will assist:
Siuging, "Hustles of Spring, - ' Mar
gery Ureu; Lichner, k 'Gypsy Dauce,"
Helen Carson; Kngelman, '"Over liill
and Dale," Anna liae Lightner, Miss
'Bevard; Behr, line- Perle, Sylvia Clas
ter; Lack, Valse Arabesque, Ijouise
Zaepffel; Oodard, Second Valse, Irene
Allenian; Pieczonka, Parantella, Jack
(Froeblich; Grieg, ''Butterfly," Edna
Garonzik; Massenet, Klegie; Thomas,
"A Song of Sunshine," I Miss Turner;
Oodard, Second Mazurka, Heleu Brehm;
Grieg, "To Spring," Maibel Baker;
Rubinstein, Melody in F, tirst piano,
Mary Titzel, second piano. Hazel Kuhn;
Ciianiinade, Pierrette, Lillian S'herinau;
Shuett, Etude (M'ignonne, Julia Wash
burn; Godard, Berceuse from Jocelyn,
Helen Baturin; iSharwenka, Polish
Dance, Anna Duncan; Shuett, A la'bien
Aimeo, Ruth Ulsh; Gottshalls, "Last
Hopeti" Martha Treimau; Leschetizley,
"Two Larks," Caroline Hahn; Mas
senet, Air of Salome from Herocliade,
'Miss Turner; IBendel, Liebesinsel, 1 Mar
guerite Fisher; Shubert-Liszt, "Hark,
llark the Lark," Edna Mader; Chain
inade, Valse Caprice, Harry Seabold;
Hive King, "On Blooming Meadows,"
'Mildred Rudy; Heethoven, Presto (from
Sonata Op 10, No. 2) Dewitt Waters;
Balakirew, L'Alonette; Grieg, Peer
Gvnt Suite; first piano, Margery Oren,
Dewitt Waters; second piano, Ruth
I'lsli, Harry Seabold.
Was Solemnized at Parsonage of Zion
Lutheran Church By the Bev.
S. Winfield Herman
The wedding of Mise Evelyn Aid*
inger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam C. Aldinger, of Hainlyn, to Dr.
Frank L. Shenk, was a quiet event of
this afternoon taking place at the par
sonage of the Zion Lutheran church,
the Rev. S. Wiufield Herman, ttie pas
tor. officiating.
The (bride wore-a traveling suit of
blue with hat to match and a corsage
of valley lilies and roses.' There were
no attendants. Dr. and Mrs. Shenk
will take an extended automobile trip
and on their return will be at home
at 1232 Market street.
Dr. Shenk is a graduate of Medico-
Chirurgical College, and has complet
ed a post-graduate course at the Poly
clinic hospital, Philadelphia. He has
practiced medici-ne at Linglestown for
the past eight years.
Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Crawford and Mrs.
Young Were Hostesses For Ladies
of Presbyterian Ctfurch
Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Crawford and
Mrs-. Young were hostesses at tea yes
terday afternoon for the ladies of Im
manu'el Presbyterian church. The tea
was held in the social room of the
church and was attended by Mrs. Ster
linger. Mrs. Cunningham, .lean Cun
ningham, Mrs. Follweiler, Mrs. Boy
son, Mr*. Elliott, Miss Lucatia Boyd,
Miss Helen Bahm, Mrs. Wren, Mrs.
Morman, Mrs. Fry, Mrs. S. K. Boyd,
Miss Ruth Strigler. Miss Susan Molt,
Master Cecil Homes, Mrs. McLees.
Farley Gannett Gave Interesting Talk
on "Water Ways of Pennsylvania"
The regular monthly meeting of the
College Clirb was held yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Philip T.
Meredith. 1605 North Front street.
Farley Gannett, of the State Water
Supply Commission, gave a most inter
esting* talk on "Water Ways of Penn
sylvania," illustrating his talk with
pictures of the streams of the State.
At the 'business meeting which was
held just before the regular meeting,
Miss McfGinnes, of Steelton, was elected
to the elufa membership.
Home From Six Months' Trip
Mrs. Harry Stites and Miss Mabel
Stites have returned to their home, B'2's
North Sixth street, from a six months'
trip through the West. They first visit
ed 'Mrs. Stites' daughter, Mrs. Charles
Lease Esnleman, at Canton, Ohio, aft
erward going to Detroit and Ann Ar
bor, Mich., for the holidays. The winter
was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. Samuel Stites, Des Moines, lowa.
Engagement Announced
Announcement of the engagement
of Miss Carrie T. Tunis to E. Ralph
Kulp, 931 Nortl) Second street, was
made last evening at a five hundred
party given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H. "Tunis, at their home, 440 North
street. No date has been set for the
wedding, which will probably be an
early fall event.
Irvin-Aungst Wedding
Manor, April 15.—Miss l.aura B.
Aun>xst, of this place, and B. B. Irvin,
of Mountville, were married yesterday
at the parsonage of the Church of the
Brethren. Lancaster, by the pastor, the
Rev. H. B. Yoder. They were attend
ed by Mr. and MTS. John Eberßole,
the latter being a sister of the bride.
A reception followed.
Stark-Hiestand Wedding
Marietta, April 15.—Miss Edna
Hiestand, of near here, and Emlon L.
Stark, of Lancaster, were married yes
terday at Lititz, in the Lutheran
church, bv the Rev. E. A. Weicksel,
pastor, with the ring ceremony. The
couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Bucks, of Leola. A reception fol
Witmer-Buckwalter Wedding
Elizabethtown, April I's.—Miss
Anna Carlotta Buckwalter and Omar
G. Witmer, were married yesterday by
the Rev. H. K. Ober, at the home of
the pastor. The attendants were Joel
I Buckwalter, a brother of the bride,
and Miss Eva Witmer, a sister of the
' crooin.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
iMiss Margaret Tenney, of Haver
ford, formerly of Steclton, is the guest
of iMTS. Henry S. Gross, of the latter
Iceland Johnson returned to his stud
ies at 'Lawrenceville, N. J., after spend
ing the spring 'holidays with his par
ents, iMr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Johnson,
of Steelton.
Mrs. Harry Young, 516-A South
Thirteenth street, left yesterday to visit
her sister, 'Mrs. Sterable, in Philadel
-Mrs. Farley Gannett, 122 Woodbine
street, is visiting in Boston.
The Rev. P. Huegel, the Rev. Father
Dailey, of this city, and Dr. Nichols, of
Elizatoethtown, attended the closing of
the forty hours devotion in Middletown
Mrs. Bruce Mingle, 19 South Third
street, has returned from Newport.
'Mrs. Edward J. Kreidler, 1203 Chest
nut street, has returned from a visit
with her niece, Miss Jane Green, in
Miss Anna Miller, Fifth street, re
turned home from a visit with Miss
lvatherine Holland in Royalton.
Mrs. C. IH. Seitz, 336 Boyd street,
spent yesterday in Royalton.
Mrs. Edwin J. Fager, 117 Reily
street, is spending several weeks at At
lantic City and Edgewater Park.
Mrs. W. C. Snyder and Mrs. M. Burt
ner, of Altoona, are guests of their
niece. Miss Dollie Knouse, at tbe Don
F. 'H. Baker, of Cerro Gardo, lIL,
spent Tuesday with his niece, Mrs. J.
F. Ness, 402 Boas street.
Mrs. John T. Milliken, of Detroit,
is the guest of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. William Gastrock, 3022 North
Fifth street, Riverside.
i.Mrs. James McGranagan, 1939 Park
street, is the guest of her brother. Prof.
B. P. Bigler, at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Mary Cratzer aud daughter.
Pearl, 231 Hamilton street, have return
ed from a soveu weeks' visit to Phila
delphia, Xartberth, Reading and Atlan
tic -City, where they were the guests of
Mrs. William J. Ettinger, 122 Cal
der street, and Mr.. and Mrs. P. A.
Glaser, of Steelton, have returned from
Pittsburgh, where they were the guests
of Mrs. P. W. Pratt. Mrs. Ettinger's
Mrs. D. Erwin Rush has been en
tertaining several out of town guests
at her home, 635 Hamilton street. They
are Mrs. P. €. Dewire, of Pittsburgh;
Mrs. C. O. Hottenstein, Miss Margaret
Hottenstein and Miss Martha Calhoun,
of Sun'bury.
Mrs. J. W. Balsbaugh, who under
went an operation for appendicitis at
the Harrisburg hospital, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Oough, 215 Ver
beke street, who have been visiting Wil
liam J. Ettinger, Jr., at Baltimore, have
returned home.
,Mts. J. Ehnont Kempter, who has
'been spending several days the guest
of Dr. Ruth A Deeter, 132 Walnut
street, has returned to her home in
Prank Pilling has returned to his
home, 1840 State street, after a visit
with his parents at Baltimore.
Miss 'Mary E. Worley, 111 Paxton
street, has joined her mother in Wash
ington, D. €., where the latter has been
visiting for the past two weeks.
Mrs. C. C. Cocklin, of Heckton, has
returned from a visit in New York. Last
Saturday Dr. Cocklin joined her for a
week-end at Atlantic City. The Misses
Plorenee and Miriam Cocklin have re
turned from Bowmansdale where they
spent the spring vacation with their
Mrs. Charles Cornelius and daughter,
■Dorian, 539 Maelay street, spent yes
terday in Lancaster.
Miss Clarissa Bratten, who has been
spending the winter at the home of her
sisters, the Misses Bratteu, 308 North
street, returned yesterday to her home
in Lewisberry.
Dr. and Mrs. Sil** C*. Swallow, of
Camp Hill, left for a stay at
Ocean Grove.
Mrs. Scott Cornelius, 539 Maelay
street, left to-day for Altooua.
T. Miles Logan, 1015 North Second
street, is spending several days in Phil
Representing Barnum & Bailey
Koy Peltus, representing Barnum &
Bailey's "Greatest Show on Earth," is
in the city arranging for an exhibition
here on the 6th of May. Mr. Peltus has
been with Barnum & Bailey a number
of years and has made many friends
during his various visits to Harrisfburg.
Underwent Operation for Appendicitis
Charles M.Storey, of 24 North Four
teenth street, who underweut an opera
tion for appendicitis Monday evening
at the Harrisburg hospital, is recovering
rapidly from the operation.
Well-known Local Druggist Says Every
body Is Using Old-time Recipe of
Sage Tea and Sulphur
Hair that loses its color and lustre,
or when it fades, turns gray, dull and
lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur
in the hair. Our grandmother made up
a mixture of Tea and Sulphur to
lteep her locks dark and beautiful, and
thousands of women and men who value
that even eolor, that beautiful dark
shade of hair which is so attractive, use
only this old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this famous mix
ture by' asking at any drug store for a
50-eent bottle of "Wyeth s Sage and
Sulphur Compound," which darkens the
hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody
can possibly tell it has been applied.
Besides, it takes off dandruff, stops
scalp itching and falling hair. You just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at a time. By
morning the gray hair disappears; but
what delights the ladies with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beau
tifully darkening the hair after a few
applications, it alau brings back the
gloss and lustre and gives it an ap
pearance of abundance.—Adv.
Will Give Handel's "Samson" at Ma
jestic on April 29, Assisted by Rus
sian Symphony Orchestra and New
York Soloirts
Elaborate preparation* are now be
ing made for the twentieth Spring Mu
sic Festival ot tne Harrisburg Choral
Society, which will be held in the Ma
jestic theatre on Thursday, April 29.
On this occasion the society will cele
brate its twentieth anniversary. It
was organized in 1895 ;iud has con
tinued its activities continuously from
that date. For eighteen years it was
under the direction of Dr. W. W. Gil
christ, of Philadelphia. Two years ago
Dr. Gilchrist was compelled to relin
quish the conductorship 011 account of
ill health and since that date the con
ductor has been Dr. J. Fred Wollo, of
Bethlehem, noted for his noble work in
connection with the Bach Choir and
Bach Festival.
The society numbers about two hun
dred and fifty. It nas been rehearsing
all winter Handel's magnificent ora
torio, "Samson." This work is con
sidered by many as Handel's master
piece; is most tuneful and immensely
dramatic. Dr. Wolle is delighted with
the work and the society, ami, on April
29, expects to surpass last year's con
cert. This is setting a high standard.
In the afternoon the Russian Sym
phony Orchestra, of New York, which
captivated its audience last year, will
give an orchestra concert. This orches
tra consists of about forty musicians
under the able conductorship of Modest
Altschuler. The program, which will
be announced later, includes many fa
vorite selections and several fine solos.
The afternoon concert will begin at 3
o'clock, so as to enable teachers and
pupils of the public schools to attend, i
The choral concert will begin at 8.15 j
in the evening. At this concert the '
Choral Society will be assisted bv the j
Russian Symphony Orchestra and the
following distinguished New York so
loists: Miss Marie Stoddart, soprano;
Miss. Marie Morrissey, contralto;
George Harris, Jr., tenor, and Wilfred
Glenn, bass.
"Greatest Show on Earth" Booked to
Appear in Harrisburg on
May ft
The thin-blooded fellow who has
i been shivering around all wiuter and
looking forward expectantly for a sign
; of spring would have received his re
! ward this morning could he have been
■ down near the station when the big, red
| advertising car of the Barnum & Bailey
("Greatest Show on Earth" rolled into
j the city. The circles is a sure sign of
I spring and now it is a settled fact that
I old winter has passed away. On board
' the advertising car came fifty men, who
• are to-day covering everything in sight
j with tiuming posters depicting the
'many wonders of this season's circus
program. The big, red dates announce
i two performances in Harrisburg on
i Thursday, May 6.
The Barnum & Bailey management
1 announce for this year "a circus of all
| nations," presented by 480 artists
I gathered from every quarter of the
globe. Evtry nation in the world is
! represented, even to a complete CUi
' nese circus from Pekin. Never before
| have so many absolute novelties been
j offered in a circus program and promi-
I nent among these are the trained ani
| tnal numbers as presented by the "war
elephants" introduced by lady trainers,
j Mile. Adgie's ten tango dancing lions,
J Madam Bradna 's (lying horses. Pallen-
Ibc-rg's wonderful bicycle and roller
j skating bears and the Barnum & Bai
j ley seven groups of posing horses.
I Aside from these, all the best riders,
j acrobats, aerialists and clowns that are
j really worth seeing take part in the
' great circus that fills three rings, four
j stages, the hippodrome and the dome of
the largest tent ever made.
A prelude to this year's program is
i the presentation of the new, inagnifi-
I cent, spectacular pageant, Lallah
! Kookh. in which 1,250 people take
! part and in which 300 musicians are
! heard playing upon every known kind
| of musical instrument and all in per
! feet harmony. A fortune has been cx-
I pended for the gorgeous costuming of
this wonderful procession.
The Barnum & Bailey menagerie is
more complete than ever and includes
40 elephants and 110 cages of rare
wild beasts. Most of these are shown
! in open dens in the big morning pa-
I rade.
Work on State Road at Turn of Moun
tain is Proceeding
Sp'Cial Correspondence.
Duncannon, April 15. —Work on the j
State road at the turn of the moun- j
tain south of here is going on, this sec- 1
tion of road, is hard to keep in repairs,!
owing to so much fall of rock and I
ground from the mountain side.
Mrs. Harper Heishley, of Harrisburg,
was the guest of Mrs. William Morri
son over Sunday.
Clyde Stewart, of Logania, was in
town and called on friends Monday.
Naoma, the nine month old daugh-!
tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bender, j
died on Sunday evening.
Prazure Snyder has purchased a j
new Pord automobile.
Miss Goldie McCoy and sister, Mrs.
Margaret Havman and little daughter,
Kebe. were recent visitors to Marvs
ville where they were the guests of
■Mrs. Jacob McKelvey.
Mrs. M. L Righter has installed a
a bathroom in her residence on South
Market street.
W. L Bothwell is making nnmerou&j
improvements to the property which he I
bought of the William Karly estate on
High street recently.
A Curious Error
The Bev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale
told how a curious error crept into the
translation of the Lord's Prayer into
the Delaware Indian tongue. The
English translator had as an assistant
an Indian who knew English. "What
is 'hallow' in Delaware?" asked tho
translator. The Indian thought he said
"halloo" and gave him the equivalent.
Therefore, the Delaware version of tho
Lord's Prayer reads, "Our Father, who
art in heaven ,hallooed be thy name.''
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
Friday Specials Entered In Our
Free Alteration Sale
Just two days more in which you may enjoy the
advantage of free alterations on your new spring
coat or suit. These Friday specials offer double in
ducements to you to visit the store to-morrow.
' $3.00 Silk Waists, $1.89 '
Extra tine quality llabutai silk and crepe de
chine waists in ii variety of the new stripes, new
models with combination flare and military col
lar. Full $;{.0() value. Special Friday (I*l OQ
only, choice ! *p A«OI/
$3.00 Dress Skirts, $1.89
All wool Rorjje and crepe skirts, circular and flare models, navv *
and black, $3.00 values. Friday onlv, £ * Q(\
choice " J) 1 .©y *
Free Alterations on All Suits
$1 2. o 0 values sN.fiß $18.98 values $1:1.98
$15.98 values SII.IIS $20.98 values $15.98
$24.98 values $17.98
Oft'er ends Saturday next.
D r„ r = wr ip-12 t Fourth si. -m rlrd
Unexcelled Seasonable Food—A la Carte Menu
No. 9 North Fourth Street, • Harrisburg, Pa.
m mxECMiiKESS'iraiY I /
\\\V Palronize Ihe Milk Man Who Really '
\\\\\ Serves Pure Milk and Cream //
\\\Y Unsurpassed in Quality—Tested ' j f
AAA by the City's Chemist in fat—spe- 111
~V\\\ citic gravity and freedom from ////
\\\\ Bacteria. //// '
\\V\\ Hoak's "Special" for infants is '///
• \\\\ served to more families for children / ///
Ay\\ than any other milk. ////
\\vv\ lloak's milk—cream—and cele- ////
vAY brated buttermilk delivered in all //// :
s\V\\ Parts of the city. //yy
Early Delivery Assured /// /
Both Plioiies—Phone Us Vour Order ///
Milk, 7c per qt. Cream. pt., 6c
Our first mobilization brings to the front our
El Capitan pump, a fetching creation with a power
ful appeal because of its genuinely beautiful features,
combining, as it so cleverly does, striking oxford and
pump ideas. We have the El Capitan pump in all
the new shades now 011 display in our window. Don't
fail to see it.
Walk-Over Boot 5 hop
226 Market Street