12 lXyi& Friday Specials Bring Rare v alues for This Busy Day I No Friday Specials Women's Wool Drawers Bed Spreads jl A Toilet Goods Lace Specials Ready-to-Wear Sent C. 0. D. or Mail or Women's 75c and SI.OO $3.00 satin Marseilles bed fSPW f' 35c size Hymetters liquid White point de Paris laces, Straw Braid and *' white wool drawers, light spreads, satin raised designs; I 'lll ! soap in sprinkler top bottles. -V» to 4 inches wide, in good Silk Crown Hats 'Phone Orders Filled. / and heavy weights. None ex- size 84x94. Special Friday Jlff P f Special Friday only, patterns, values up to 20c. ' changed. Special Friday only, $1.89 1 I[ J 2isc jar Wright's silver Special Friday only, Special Friday only, ___ oQ ly erDives, Pomeroy & Stewart I If j cream. Special Friday only, Valenciennes lace edges /\ pu n Pnnil« trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Tloor. I• I | , 20* and insertions, 1 inch wide, . X^7o liress «OOE street f]oor , ______ Antiseptic absorbent cot- assorted, values to 10c. Spe- Divcs Pomeroy & stewart , 30c pongee, half silk, 3ti —■ T j ton, lti-oz. roll. Special Frf- cial Friday only, yard, . .3* strcet Floor inches wide; solid shades and Scarfs and Shams ! day only 21* Camisole laces in white, 14 Fridayonlv SET' 12V& Men's Shirts and 2oc bureau and dresser .x W.staria soap 3 cakesin inches wide 1, values up tol 25c. ~ y ""' *. : . f Drawers scarfs, with shams to match, I' V * * S » ,e( ' lul Pr,day only > yard ' e bnp c npP i ala < at'suiting, 4L inches wide, 18x50 inches and 30x30 j) \i Iwo-grain quinine pills, tsDives. Pomerov & Stewart 01106 opecialS helio, light blue, black and Men's SI.OO white mercer- Special Friday onlv 'I M 100 in bottle. Special Friday street Floor. Women's $1.50 and $2.00 white mixtures. Special Fri- ized cotton shirts and draw- ' XMr only ' patent leal her. slippers with day only, yard, 48* ers. Special triday fcTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart 'dr Assorted tooth brushes, _______ two and three straps, hand -1214c wash suiting, linen eac "' street Floor. values to 19c. Special Friday w , ■KToob-uroor. turned soles and high heels. finish, solid shades. Special «*Divee, Pomeroy 4 Stewart Prtrlfprc °"'* V Women S JJieLKWear Special Friday oilly, .. .98* Friday only, yard 8? • Street Floor. _ rOlCI! I\OCK.erb SI.OO Gilkey's healing oil Imported lace collars in Mpn - S S3OO pat ent colt 25e crepe ginghams, 32 _. H/Ton'o "Piirtiicliinfrc Special Friday only, linament for man and beast. white and ecru, assorted, jal- shoes, button and blucher inches wide; stripes and fan- —— 6 Special Friday only, .. '' es worth c. . peeial Fri- style, Goodyear welted soles, cy plaids. Special Friday Hosiery Specials Men's linen hemstitched / Austin sponge carpet day only, £*•>(• not all sizes. Special Friday only, yard 12 1 , / , v . , handkerchiefs. Special Fri- 'WO cleaner. Special Friday only, Women's neckwear in a only, :.$1.75 20c madras shirting, 30 lisle fashioned day only, .8* Only 2to a customer. 20c* large range of styles, slightlv Boys' $2.00 tan elk skin inches wide; white ground Special Fridav onlv 25*!' Men's tie-pins and watch- t>, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, "No-odor" for perspira- soiled. . special Friday only, laee shoes, broad toe last with with colored stripes. Spe- fobs, assorted style. Special Third Floor Three Elevators. tion . -5c size. Special Fri- two heavy oak leather soles, cial Friday onlv, Women s 38c black cotton Friday only .. 12 1 -.* day onlv, 17* trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart sizes 9to 13 x />. Special Fri lSfte Bates' gingham, in h ™\ r / h, f d tops - day only, ...T ?1.65 short lengths, 3to 5 yards'. 1 , te ' pPUa flowinc end shape Special a o • 1 Special Friday only, - Misses' $1.50 black skiu Special Friday ouly, yard. «*>._ 2 »« .. 14< Apron Specials Po„M violet ami ro,e l.« shoea, Aea Ui4 to 2. B<* Children s 19c and 2ac Men's cloth hats Alpine Bungalow aprons, made of talcum powder. Special Fri- Colored Dress Goods Special Friday only, ...89^ 20c wash suitings for boys' black silk lisle hose, seamless; R hnnt> Snecinl Friilnv onlv percale.. Special Friday only, day only, , , , . . . ql ■nrooainn wash suits; 30 inches wide. sizes 6to 9y 2 . Special Fri- shape. Special Fnda> onl>, * 29< . nrDivs Pomeroy & Stewart • -Shepherd check, 42 Shoe Dressing .;.il fiVSilov nil I v vur.l daVOlllv 17t ' on,er °y & Stewart inches Wide. Special Friday Waann'a 10r> hlnnk «lion Special Friday onlj, yard . • • WHvh, Pomeroy 4 Stewart Aprons, Mother Hubbard Street Floor, Front. only, yard, 450 (h ,^ sin Fridav Men s 2oc grey mixed cot- Men's store, street Floor. stvle, in gingham. Special . ' . 4 . dressing. Special 18c crepe, neat figures and ton hose, white feet. Special __^______Fridav onlv 25<* __s3.oo check coating, >4 only, o£ solid shades. Special Fridav Friday only, ........ 12 1 inches wide; shades of light Mason's 10c black shine for only, yard, 100 or Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. _ . Second Boo"—Three Sheets and Pillow Casea blue, green and rose. Spc- all black shoes. Special Fri fcrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart street Floor. Royal Waists 39c 72x90-inch bleached ciai Fnday only, yard,. day only, 6^ Street Floor. „_Roval tailored wnists in sheets. Limit 4 to a cus- _ Roman stripes worsted, fcirDives, Pomeroy & Stewart linen'and madras, SI.OO and . , ,o " l< ' r - Special Friday only, 54 inches wide. Special Fri- street Floor. TntiPhonti Qptc $1.50 values. Special Friday Corset Specials day only, yard, 69< Art Needlework -n on '. v . 69X " In u ( 1 1 ,>ai ' ,ie( J wide; shades navy, putty and ameled Berlin kettles with 39e stamped pillow cases. Street Floor. T L ki! IT, , l»llow cases, embroidered and Russian. Special Friday only, cover. Special Friday only, hemstitched, size 45x36 Linen Waists Second Hoor-Three hlevators. hemstitched. Special Fnday yard ,89> 45^ inches. Special Friday only, ——White linen waists tailor- ' _ ' - . $1.25 silk poplin,.4o inches tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, P air ' 25(l wide, twenty shades. Special Basement. Boc stamped crepe night rauern OlOLns value Special Friday only, Notion Specials sheets, embroidered and hem- Friday only, yard gowns, ready made and Linen pattern cloths, round ' - stitched. Special Friday only, Canton crepe, 47 stamped for embroidering. and square design. Pomeroy & Stewart sieres, sizes 36 to 42, Special inches wide, full range of col- Vitrhpn Plnrks .Special Friday 0n1y,.. .49r sl. - v 1,0x > 37 k# Basement. cushions braid p.ns. Special worth Special Fri(l ay «Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart 29c porch cushions in fancy White (rOoH only, ~12 o „| v , ;.25«* street Floor. chintz, ruffled edsre. Sneeial gowns in figured crepe; oOc 50c braid pins. Special n i , Friday only, .......... 23c $1.75 English longcloth, 40 values. Special Friday only, Friday only, 35* China and Glassware tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, niches wide. 10 yards to a 35* w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, value. Special Fridav'onlv „ , _ __ , $2.00 cut glass oil and vine- Third Floor—Three Elevator, plece ' (I, . ia , . f « r un(l f- Corset covers, lace inser- Street Floor. 4 for ' oMazda Lamps, 27C gar cruets. Special Friday wear. Special Friday only, tion and edcre. Special Fri- * ....1,. «i qq — piece 98* dav onlv .....35* ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Sterling Mazda Tungsten ? ——————______ _ ... Street Floor. electric lamps, 10. 20, 25 and 75c pink and red rose tint- Wompn's Uninn fine grade underwear Corset covers with em- Sweater Specials ______4o watt. Special Friday only, ed oval china fruit trays. Spe- Women S union buits crepe; 30 inches wide; needs broidery trimming; two to a p 27* ,-ial Fridav onlv. ......49* Women's white cotton rib- no ironing. Special Friday customer. Special Friday Infants'sl.oo sweaters, as- - - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tar Dives, Pomero'y & Stewart. bed union suits, knee length, only, yard, 8* only, lo* sorted styles. Special Fri- Children's Umbrellas Basement. Basement. lace trimmed; extra sizes, 7, !■*' I,e l HW ' n checks, 38 nr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, J 01Il y> *os , 8 and 9. Special Fridav inches wide; extra good val- Second Floor—Three Elevators. Women's SI.OO vests, small ,V. en/* !, black um onlv, 250 ue for curtains and children's s i zes onl .V, grey and blue. brellas with Congo handles, _ ts-Dives, Pomeroy '& Stewart wear * fecial Friday only, Special Friday only, .. .25* -»0c value. Special Frulay Aluminum Kettles Jardinieres Street Floor. - vard ' 7 ? Blapk Drp ach 50c Embroidery Specials Z'lZ-t*' Special grey sweaters, V neck sizes 12% c. Special Friday only, . 10c clothes props. 8 feet £de C ' tff-Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. T - , . , , , only, yard, 98£ 34 and 36 only. Special Fri- var( i longy Special t nday only, 3 10-inch opal rlome shade, hpt - Street Floor. Embroidered voile floun- $1,25 silk poplin, 40 inches dav only 50< ' * for 25* cial Friday only, 98* eing, 40 inches wide; in wide. Special Friday only, Men's and women's $4.98 larJe ran« of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, fiTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart showy patterns, ,9c value. yar d 89* Shaker knit sweater coats, wide values un to Sne Basement ' Ba9(>ment - Mercerized Nankins " ia a> oU> S?ai» $1.50 silk poplm, 40 inches maroon only, shawl collar, in- cial Friday only, vard. 18* r v wide. Special Fridav only, terwoven pockets. Special w v li f c 17 cors u et co vf r cm- yard 89* Friday only, $3.98 black weaVe T pink iS Ash Cans Colonial Tumblers inches, hemmed; broidery, 17 inches wide; val- $1.50 black broadcloth, 54 Women's $6.% and $7.98 blnJ and^ v«rrlnilSl «i •>- i . i d,.i oa ♦♦ ni -i worth 89c a dozen. Special ues to 18c. Special Friday , inches wide. Special Friday silk sweater coats. Special rt i s ! sl.2a covered ash cans, gal- $1.20 new pattern Co onial Friday only, each, 5* only, yard, only, yard, .... ?1.15 Friday only, 55.98 worth 12y 2 c. Special tr.da> van zed, large size. Special table tumblers Special t ri- Dire \ p ; e :;Zor stewart £ " Dives ' st Pom t er FT & stewart "" Dives ' Poraeroy & Btcwart ' " Dives - Pon,ero - v & stowart ' pZ?; 7 sJZf btreCt tlo ° r ' StrCCt Floor - Street floor. Men's Store Balcony. Street Floor. Basement. Basement. CHEAPER COALFORTHE NAVY Secretary Daniels and Other Officials Taking Keen Interest in Develop ment of Alaskan Bailway Route By Associated Press. Washington, April 15.—Secretary Daniels and other Navy Department of ficials are manifesting keen interest over prospects of obtaining cheaper coal for the navy now that the route of the Alaskan railway has definitely been decided upon. For the past two years they have been giving close at tention to the high cost of coal for na val vessels in Pacific waters. The proposed road will tap the Matanuska coal field in Alaska from which the Department last year ob tained sufficient coal to conduct prac tical tests which demonstrated its suit ability for naval use. "The opening of this field to rail transportation to tidewater," says a department announcement, "is a mat ter of great importance to the navy, which ships annually about 100,000 tons of coal from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The present freight rate is from" $7 to $8 a ton but the opening of the Alaskan railway should make it possible to ship coal from the Matanuska field at a price so much lower as to make the annual saving in the cost of the navy's coal bill of great moment.'' STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. BEING RESULTS. f * \ HARHISSURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 15. 1915 NEW CUMBERLAND Hassler Team of Harrisburg to Play Game Here Next Saturday Special Correspondence. » New Cumberland, April 15.—A game of baseball will take place on the New Cumberland athletic grounds Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock between the Hassler team, of Harrisburg, and New Cumberland team. Riverside Council, Daughters of Lib erty, will initiate some' new members this evening. On Tuesday night the Knights of the Maccabees of New Cumberland Tent gave an entertainment and social to the ladies of New Cumberland Hive No. 149 and many of their inter ested friends in the Citizens' hose house on Fourth street. Deputy Frank I Lenberg, of H&rrisburg Tent, gtive a jsplendid short talk and Attorney j Lioeser, also a member x>f that tent, | with the earnestness along the Macca bees' line, produced a profound impres jsion upon the audience. Mrs. M. H. ; Hickoek, State Deputy in charge of the i Harrisburg District of the L. A. O. M., l,spoke briefly on the advantage and 'benefits derived from the ladies organi sation and the Rev. 8. X. Good, a mem |ber of New Cumberland Tent, spoke (impressively on the work of these or ganizations and expressed a hope that ( th«> splendid wwk now started in this | place should continue. A bountiful re ipast was served and every one left j feeling this was one of the most suc cessful events of the season. Mrs. Allen Rosay of York, is visiting her sons, Williany and Ueorge. Miss Mary Gwilt, of Baltimore, vis ited her mother, Mrs. T. H. Voglesong, Seventh street, Sunday and Monday. Samuel Mumper moved into their ! new and handsome home on Sixteenth j street yesterday. I Samuel Dull has converted his ice ■ house into a warehouse which he will use for lime eement, etc. ! Mrs. F. H. Voglesong has opened up a fashionable dressmaking establish ment at her home at Blkwood. Mrs. Winfermyer, of Marsh Hun, called on friends here yesterday. A Timely Question "Love me and the world is mine," said the impassioned youth. "Do be sensible, Henry," replied the practical girl. "I care not for the i world. Tell me whether or not there |is any permanency attached to your liob."—Birmingham Age Herald. EXPLAINS EXTENSION SCHOOL Wendell P. Raine Addressed Central High School Pupils This Morning Wendell P. Raine, instructor in com mercial law in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, to-day addressed the students of the Central High school at their chapel exercises on the work and purpose of the Har risburg branch Mr. Raine paid a tribute to the memory of the late Wil liam Sherman Steele, Central's princi pal. He said: " Professor Steele must be given much credit for the successful establishment of the school. You must remember, if any of y.iu become students at the Wharton School, that he had part in giving you your opportunity." Mr. Raine said that others who have shown special interest in the work of establishing the extension school aro Dr. Samuel Sliope, C. Harry Kain and Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery. Mr. Raine then explained the purposes of the school. Alabama's Capitals When A'abama was a territory its capital was at St. Stephens, in Wash ington county. The convention that fraed the constitution under which it was admitted into the Union was held in Huntsville, where the first Leg islature met in October, 1819, and the first Uovernor was inaugurated! Ca haba became the seat of government in 1820. In 1825 the capital was re moved to Tuscaloosa, and in 1846 it I was again removed, this time to Mont eomery. ,