The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 15, 1915, Image 1

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OttalM Hcport, Pag« •
Si™""™? 0 ® VOL. 77—NO. 113.
Former 'President "William Howard
Taft was due to arrive in Harrisburg
at 2.35 o'clock this afternoon, the chief
purpose of his visit being to lecture to
night in tl.? Technical High school au
ditorium under the auspices of the Har
risburg Academy.
Governor Brumbaugh planned to meet
him at the station, and then it was pro
posed to take 'Mr. Taft to the Acad
emy for a brief address. From there he
wa sto go to the Capitol to adress the
lawmakers at 4 p. m.
Mr. Taft did not arrive on the 2.35
train, as expected. It was Relieved at
that time that he missed the traiu in
New York, but that he would arrive
here an hour later. A big crowd at
the station at 2.35 was disappointed.
Harrisburg entertained Mr. Taft for
the second time to-day. the previous
occasion having when he was
President of the United States, His
visit here in 1911, during his term as
President, was a short one, —only long
enough for him to make a speech. To
day he is here in his capacity as Yale
professor of law and as a lecturer. He
will stay in Harrisburg over night as
the guest of Governor Brumbaugh at
the Executive Mansion. The Governor
has practically arranged the details of
Air. Taft's stay in Harrisburg.
The chief purpose of the former
President's visit is to give his lec
ture, ''The Signs of the Times." in
the Technical High school auditorium
this evening, under the auspices of tie
Harrisburg Academy. Two other public
appearances were arranged for him,
the first at 3 o'clock this afternoon to
address the students of the Academy
Assembly in the hall of the House of
second at 4 o'clock to address the mem
bers of both branches of the General
Assembly in the hal of tie House of
In order to hear this address the
Senate delayed meeting until Tuesday
evening this week, so that it could
remain in session until to-day without
interrupting its legislative program.
iSti. Theodore Roosevelt Taken to Hos
pital Last Night by Her Husband
for Operation To-day
New York, April 15.—Mrs. Theo
dore Roosevelt, who was taken to
Roosevelt hospital last night by her
husband. Colonel Roosevelt, was oper
ated on early to-day. Dr. Alexander
Lambert, of rhe Cornell Medical School,
was the surgeon in charge. While the
nature of Mrs. Roosevelt s ailment was
not disclosed it was stated that the
operation was successful and that the
condition of the patient was satisfac
Colonel Roosevelt appeared at the
hospital with !Mrs. Roosevelt at 10
o'clock last night. He remained with
her until she was taken to the operat
ing room early to-day. During the oper
ation he anxiously paced the private
room in which Mrs. Roosevelt had spent
'the night. After the operation he was
immediately notified of Mrs. Roose
velt's condition and left the hospital
with his son, Theodore. The Colonel de
clined to discuss his wife's illness and
referred inquirers to T>r. Lambert, but
judging from the look on his face the
operation and condition of Mrs. Roose
felt apparently were satisfactory.
Capitol Park Extension Commission
Pays !*22.000 for Congregation's
Filbert Street Property
The Capitol Park Extension Commis
sion announced to-day an important
purchase, being that of four properties
ou Filbert street, among which is the
Chisuk Eiuune Bnei Synagogue, on Fil
bert above State street.
The price paid for Synagogue alone
was $22,000. This is a tine brick
structure and has been in use by the
congregation for about ten years."
James Lewis Gross, 87, Succumbs to
Attack of Disease
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Dauphin, April 15.—.Tames Lewis
Gross, one of the oldest residents of
the bdrough. died from grip last even
ing at the home of his son, William
Beil Gross. The aged man was a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gross,
We»t Scituate, Mass., and was boru
there April IS. IS2B. I
He is survived by five sons. William
Bell, Dauphin, with whom he resided;
James H., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Clifford,
Lewis and Clarion, New York, and two
grtndchildren. Miss Gertrude Gross,
New York, and James Lewis Gross, of
Kuueral services will be held Satur
day afternoon at 3.30 o'clock at his
late home. The Rev. R. F. Stirling,
las-tor of tne Presbyterian chureh, will
018-iate. Interment will be in the Dau
phin cemetery.
British Casaolties Total 140,;147
Ijundon. April 15, 3.05 P. M.—The
total of British casualties in the war:
from the beginning of hostilities up to
April 11 is 139,347 men, accdrding to
an announcement made in the Honse of
Commons this afternoon by Harold J.
Tenuant, Under Secretary of War.
®ie Star- MmL MbtMnimi
Novice at Rmining
Trolley Car Respon
sible For Terrible Ac
cident in Detroit
< I
Student Motorman Halts Car at Rail
road Crossing, Misunderstanding
Conductor's Signal and (Joes Ahead
to Plunge Passengers Into Eternity
By Associated Pre**.
Detroit, Mich., April 15.—T0 the
inexperience of a student motorman isj
charged the death of 15 persons, 11
of them women, who were kilted last
night in a collision between a street ear
and a freight train on the tracks of the
Detroit. Toledo aud Irouton railroad iu ;
the western end of this eitv.
According to the police, the unex
plained inactivity of the student's in
structor also contributed to the dis- I
aster. Twenty-eight other persons were
injured, four of them so seriously that j
their death is believed certain. Early
to-day only seven of the dead had been
identified and it was said at the morgue
sotuo of the bodies are so terribly mu
tilated that their identication will be
well nigh impossible.
Misunderstood Signal
With a heavy load of passengers,'
homeward bound, the car, handle*! by,
student motorman, J. C. Westever. I
halted as it reached the railroad cross
ing. The conductor ran ahead and 1
seeing a string of freight ears pushed i
by a switch engine approaching-the in
tersection, signalled the motorman to
wait until it had passed.
The novice misunderstood the signal
and turned on the power. The car i
started down the slight incline leading i
to the railway tracks. When too late j.
the motorman shut off the current and i
applied the brakes, but the car slid ]
along until it stopped directly in the;
path of the oncoming train. The lead
ing freight crashed into the street'
car. striking it squarely in the middle.)
Nearly 200 feet was traveled before
the freight was brought to a stop, and!
along this distance; terribly mangled!
bodies of dead and injured were strewn.
Others caught in the wreckage of the
car were not extricated until several
hours after the crash. The roof of the :
street car remained practically intact,
but the remainder of the car was re
duced to a mass of splinters.
Some of the bodies were torn to
bits. One woman was hurled com- <
pletely over the roof' of the railway
station. A hand was found on the roof :
of a freight car fortv feet away.
Are Held for Manslaughter
The crews of the car and of the i
freight train were taken to police head- :
quarters and after an investigation
Westever and the regular motorman,
Richard Vallade, were detained on a
charge of manslaughter. j
The identified dead are:
Miss Cail Glady George, a school 1
teacher; Mrs. Zepak Wagnorgaa, Louis
Kornich, Thomas W. Salmoni, John,
Biel, Odella Bourgeois and Donak Kir
The majority of the other victims are
foreigners, wHos? homes are in the
River Rouge and Delrav suburbs of De
Representative Stern
Introduces a Bill Pro
viding For Creation
of a Commission
Measure Is Dropped by the Attorney
General and Provides That Mem
bers of Board Are to Meet Within
15 Days of Appointment
A Commission on Constitutional Re
tiatou is prj* ided for in a bill intro
!duced in the House to-day by Repre
sentative ytern, of Philadelphia. The
Attorney General is made ex-ofticio
chairman of the Commission which
shall consist of six persons to be ap
! pointed by the Governor; two named
I by the President Pro Tem. of the Sen
ate and two by the Speaker of the
j House.
The bill provides that a constitu
tional c.onvejnion be held before Janu
ary 1, 1917. The Commission is to
meet within lo days after its selection.
The Commission is authorized to report
to the constitutional convention if it is
1 held and otherwise to the next Legis
The Commission is empowered to
make investigations and its report is
to be aci ompunied by statistics and full
information. An appropriation of $50,-
000 is provided for expenses and the
members other than legislators, Attor
ney General or any holding public of
fices of profit, are to be paid $3,000
for their services.
The bill was drafted by the Attor
ney Genera' 's Department and was re
ferred to the Judiciary General Com
, mittee.
Local Option a Special Order
Upon motion of Representative Wil
liams, of Tioga, the local option bill
which passed first reading this morning
was made a special order on second
rea<Ling for next Monday evening at 9
o'clock and on third reading on Wed
nesday morning at 11 o'clock.
The Senate bill regulating the em
ployment of females in hotels, boarding
houses and restaurants was recommit
ted to the Judiciary General Commit
tee of the House. This bill, it is
claimed, interferes with the provisions
of the workmen'» compensation act now
in the Senate.
The bill regulating the sale of the
atre tickets to prevent "scalping"
also was sent back to committee.
The House cleared a second reading
calendar of 70 bills and the Vickerman
bill taking away from the Public Serv
ice Commission jurisdiction over coun
| ties, cities, boroughs, towns and town
ships in matters relating to duties,
contracts and public service, was made
a special order for next Tuesday morn
ing at 10.30 o'clock. The bill is ad
vocated by the Home Rule League.
The bills prepared by the Public
Service Commission amending the Pub
lic Utilities act were amended and
passed on second reading.
Patrick Lloyd Dies at loa
Associated Prvss.
Chatham, N. 8., April 15.—Patrick
Lloyd is dead at Milbank, near here,
iu his 108 th year. He was born in
Limerick, Ireland, on Bt. Patrick's
Day, 1808.
Brumbaugh, Without Any Previous Intimation
of His Intention, Sends Communication to
Senate This Afternoon in "Which He With
draws Names of Pennypacker, Tone. John
son, Brecht, Wright, Wallace and Gaither,
Which Were Submitted by His Predecessor
and Were Awaiting Confirmation—Repub
lica Leaders Profess Complete Surprise—
Foes of Governor Hint at Trick to Use $lO
- Appointments to Aid Local Option
Fight, but His Friends Discredit This
Governor Brumbaugh sent a commun
ication to the Senate this afternoon,
just a sthat body was about to ad
journ. in which he withdrew all of the
appointments made by Governor Tener
last January for Public Service Com
It came like a thunderclap, as none
of the Senators had the least intima
tion that the Governor was about to
do anything of the kind. In fact, all of
these generally credited as the leaders,
including the members of the Senate
Committee on Executive Nominations,
created for just such emergencies, who
are supposed to be in the Governor's
confidence, disavowed any knowledge
that the Governor had any such inten
tion. The Governor's letter withdraw
ing the nominations, addressed to the
Senate, is ag follows:
'•On Jauifury''6, 1915 .my predeces
sor in offico nominated for the advice
and consent of the Senate the follow
ing named persons to be members of
the Public Service Commission, to
serve for,the terms sot opposite their
names, respectively, to compute from
July 1. 1913:
"Samuel W. Pennypacker, 10 years.
"Laßue Tone, 9 years.
'•Emory R, Johnson, 8 years.
"Milton J. Brecht. 7 years.
"Charles F. Wright, 6 years.
"Frank M. Wallace, 5 years.
"Walter H. Gaither. 4 years.
" I respectfully advise the Senate
that I do hereby recall aid nomina
tions. ■> >
"Martin Brumbaugh.''
The Senate for a moment did not
catch the import of the communication,
and for a while it was uncertain where
it should be sent, but this was quickly
determined by Leutenant Governor Me-
Clain, who sent it to the Committee on
Executive Nominations.
No action will be taken on it for
Chief of Police Will Undergo Operation
for Throat Trouble
Chief of Poliee Joseph B. Hutchison
left this morning for Ashland, Pa.,
•where he will be operated on in the
Miner's Hospital for a throat affection
toy Dr. Jonothan C. Biddle, superinten
dent of the hospital. The operation
will probably take place to-morrow.
Dr. Biddle is a personal friend of
Colonel Hutchison and is a surgeon ou
the latter's military staff of the
Eighth Regiment, National Guard of
Pennsylvania. Oolonel Hutchison was
accompanied to Ashland by Major J.
Mark Peters, of Bteelton, also a sur
geon on the staff.
During the police chief's absence
Captain Joseph P. Thompson will be in
charge of the police department.
Prothonotary Holler Provides New
Blanks in Order to Comply With It
Among the bills recently signed by
Governor Brumbaugh and which al
ready have become operative is one
providing that all judgment notes en
tered of record be accompanied by cer
tificates showing the precise addresses
of the judgment creditors. As a. con
venience to persons entering judgment
notes, Prothonotary Menry F. Holler, of
Dauphin county, has had prepared a
large supply of blank certificates on
which judgment creditors may certify
as to their residences.
These certificates have gummed
edges so they <an conveniently be fast
ened to the notes. The certificates are
to be furnished *by t it court clerk with
out cost to peraoi'S filing judgment
a while, as the members of the com
mittee seem to be uncertain concerning
what action is necessary. It is held
that no action is required, and that
tlie mere act of withdrawal of the
names takes them from the hands of
the cominitte and it has no further
jurisdiction in the matter.
. A Governor's withdrawal of nomi
nations sent in by a predecessor lias
been of frequent occurrence in the
past, and it is recorded that both Gov
ernors Stone and Pennypacker with
drew appointments from the Senate
that had been sent there by Governors
Hastings and Stone. No action was
thought necessary by the Senate on
those occasions.
The action of withdrawing the
names, it is held, 110 longer leaves them
in the bands of the Senate, and a Sen
ate committee therefore has nothing
to do with them.
Senators Crow, McNicliol, Vare and
Sproul, all of the Committee on Ex
ecutive Nomiuatioim, when asked what
the withdrawal of the names of the
Public Sersiee Commissioners meant,
expressed the utmost surprise over the
news, and one and all reiterated that
in all of the conferences held with the
Governor, the question of the with
drawal of the names of the Public
Service Commissioners was never dis
"As a matter of fact," said one of
the Seuators named, '"the subject was
never broached in any conference we
held with Governor Brumbaugh, and
his communication is a great surprise
to us."
Those who professed to know in
sinuated that this move of the Gov
ernor's is part of his plan of campaign
whereby lie hopes to gain support for
his local option bill. It is pointed out
that a commissionership plum with ;•
SIO,OOO salary attachment is some
thing that could be mighty potent in
drawing votes for the bill"
On the other hand the Governor's
friends resent the insinuation that he
is playing politics, and say that 110
wants a Public Service Commission
that he can appoint as one of his own
creation, and that the mere act of his
recalling the names does not p!»*vent
him from sending them or some of
them back to the Senate again.
Whatever the Governor's intention
was, it is certain his communication
ereated more surprise in legislative
circles than any he has up to the
present time.
Another Suspect Taken in Connection
With Death of N. Y. Woman
New York, April 15.—A second ar
rest was made to-day by detectives
investigating the murder of Miss
Claudia H&nabury, of Lansingburg, a
suburb of Troy, N. Y., whose body
was found last Saturday in a lot buried
under a pile of rocks. Mrs. Bertha Wil
son was held as a material witness at
the request of District Attorney Mar
According to the police Mrs. Wilson
has admitted that she introduced Mies
Hansbury to Rafaele Viullo, the con
tractor arrested last night on a charge
of homicide in connection with Miss
Hansbury's death. Viullo was cross
examined at police "headquarters dar
ing the night. The poliee assert that
he said he had known Miss Hansbury
and that she had written a letter to
him about Christmas time, but that he
denied knowledge of how she met her
Troy. N. Y., April 15.—Claudia
Hansbury, descried by the New York
police as the girl whose 'body was found
in a vacant lot in the Bronx last Sat
urday, is at her home here, and has not
been in New York.
New York Lawyer Killed As He Trav
els 5.5 Miles an Hour
New York, April 16.— Benjamin
Jackson, a lawyer, was instantly killed
in Central Park to-day when the auto
mobile in which he was riding alone
crashed into a tree on the side of the
The police say he was driving *t tie
rate of flftv-five miles an hoar. The
wreckage under which Mr. Jackson was
pinned caught fire immediktel/. -fie
was dead when extricated.
Former Chief Factory Inspector's Grave
Will, by Agreement, Be in Arling
ton National Cemetery Next to That
of His Intimate Friend of Civil War
Captain John C. Delaney, Civil war
hero and former Clhief Factory In
spector of Pennsylvania, who died last
night at 11.46 o'clock in his home at
Chevy Chase. Washington, in his 67th
year, will be buried in the Arlington
National Cemetery near Washington.
In accordance with an arrangement
which lie made some time ago with the
late General Michael Kerwin, of New
York, that the two should be buried
side by side in the Arlington ceme
tery, his grave will be next to that of
General Kerwin. The two men had
R m Jtk
Former Chief Factory Inspector. Who
Died Yesterday
been friends from boyhood aW their
earneest dsire had beeu that they be
buried among their old comrades in [
the National cemetery.
John C. Delaney was born in Ire
land on April 22, IS4S. and at the time '
of his deatti lacked but a week of be
ing 67 years old. He came to this
Coatliwd on Klrlfnth Pagr.
LOW is ON TBE£. V. R. R
Engineering Journal Comments on the
Fact That All of the Proposals
Were Far Below the Estimate Made
by Railroad Company's Engineer
The extraordinarily wide range of
bidding and the fact that the low bid
was almost $500,000 below the en
gineer's estimate as revealed when the j
Cumberland Valley Railroad Company
recently opened proposals for its new !
concreate arch bridge to span the Sus-1
quehanna river from 'Mulberry street,
this city, is the subject for comment
by engineering journals. One periodical,
in its current issue, points out that tho
thirty-eig'ht bids received ranged from
1270,290 as low proposal, to $633,690
for high, and inference is drawn that
the'cost of bridge building materials 1
"certainly must be on the decline."
The successful bid was considered by i
the Cumberland Valley authorities to I
be surprisingly low. The maximum bid ;
also was a surprising feature in view of
the fact that it was almost SIOO,OOO
below the estimate of the company's
The construction of the bridge will
require a mixture of 54,000 cubic yards \
of concrete, the price of which the low i
bidder fixes at $4.73 a cubic yard.
Something like 102,000 square yards of i
waterproofing will bo used, 7,800 lineal
feet of conduit and twenty-one man- !
Victims Lived Directly Beneath Dam
When the Collapse Occurred
Holbrook, Ariz., April 15. —Lyman
Reservoir, which impounds waters of
the Little Colorado river, 12 miles
south of St. Johns, Apache county,
broke at midnight, drowning eight per
, They had been living directly under
the reservoir dam, which collapsed as
did a similar but smaller dam ten years
Londou, Aipril 15, 3.46 P. M.—The
British steamship Ptarmigan has been
torpedoed and sunk by a German sub
marine near the North Hinder light
ship, in the North sea. Eleven sailors
of the Ptarmigan's crew of twenty
two men were «4ved.
The Ptarmigan had a tonnage of 475
net and V#s built at Dundee in 1891.
The vessel was 218 feet long, 30 feet
beam and 16 feet deep. She was
owned by the General Steam Naviga
tion Company.
German War Office
Reports Setback For
Czar's Forces In Re
cent Engagement
Attacking Strength of the Russians la
Visibly Lessened as Their Assault!
on the Dual Monarchy's Soldiers
Are Apparently Unsuccessful
Berlin, Apiil 15, by Wireloss to Say
ville.—The German War Office to-day
gave out n report on the situation in
tile Carpathians, dated Monday, April
12, which reads:
"The Russian attempt with the army
that was before Permysl to force the
invasion of Hungary lias resulted in
failure. The endeavors to get through
the Lupkow and east Dukla Passes were
not successful and the Hussian attacks
at So/.tropko and Felsorzeberz have
definitely come to an end. The Rus
sians consequently are attacking fur
tlier to the east, but here also they '
were repulsed near with
heavy losses. The attacking strength
of the Russians lias visibly lessened."
German Report on West Front
Berlin, April.lS, by Wireless to Say
ville.—The German War Office gave
out a report dated April 14, which
"Between the Mouse and the Mo
selle there was yesterday 'nothing more
than isolated engagements.
"French attacks near Marcheville,
in and around the forest of Le Protre,
northeast of ManonviUer and south of
Hartmans-Weilerkopf, resulted in fail
ure. "
Italy Neutrality Causing Trouble
Milan, April 14, 8.25 P. M., Via
Paris, April 15, 3.30 A. M.— An im
mense crowd, composed both of those
favorable to a continuance of Italian
neutrality and those who seek the na
tion's intervention in the war, attend
ed the funeral to-dav of the workman
who died from wounfls lie received Sun
day when the police dispersed a war
mass meeting which he was holding.
The entire garrison of the city wan
posted at strategic points to prevent
disorders and mounted caribiners
charged the crowds after oxeitement
had been caused by speeches delivered
by radicals while the funeral ser* icos *
were in progress. Socialist Deputies
and members of all the workingmen's
organizations in the city took part iu
the procession.
And Rumania Ready for the Fray?
Koine, April 15.—A dispatch to the
"Tribune" from Saloniki says the in
tervention of Rumania iu the war seems
imminent. The army, splendidly
j equipped, is ready for instant action.
Netj, J Ym-li, April 15.—Friends of
Andr4 0. Chaaipolliou, of this city,
grandson of the late Austin Ooroin,
| prWdeut of the Long Island railroad,
; learned to-duv that he had boen kill
ed while serving in the French army-,
at Bois Le Pretre, March 23.
Mr. Champollion, though an Ameri
can, went from New York at the,be
ginning of the war to enlist in the
French service. He was a grandson of
Jean Francois (Jhampollion, the dis
tinguished Egyptologist and trans
lator of the Rosetta Stone. He was 34
years old.
Washington, April 15.—An official
statement authorized by the Japanese
embassy to-'lay characterized as "pre
posterous" reports that a naval bate
; had been Established at Turtle bay,
1 Ijower California, and declared "there
never has been any intention on tie
i part of the Japanese government to lo
cate a naval base or occupy any ter
ritory on the west coast of Mexico."
. Failure of the Russian attempt to in-
Hungary was announced to-day
by the German War Office. The state
ment Is made that the effort of the
Russian Army from Persmysl to force
the Lupkow and East Dulka passes was
not successful and that Us attacks at
several points along this front resulted
In defeat with heavy losses. In conse
quence, It Is said, the attacking power
of the Russians has lessened visibly.
Although official reports from Petro
grad concede no such reverses thuy in
dicate the Russian advance has been
brought virtually to a halt, tins Rub
si an War Office says ' 'slight progress"
was made nor Uesck pass and a cen
ter attack at Kosiowa by the Auttr*-
CMtliurf Kleveatki Pas*.