The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 14, 1915, Image 1

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    * ,
twtalM »m«t Par* I
Si""".™'" VOL. 77—NO. 112.
Measure Providing For
Commission Is De
feated In Senate and
Then Recalled
Senator Catlin Indicates Confidence In
His Ability to Have Bill, Which
Regulates Betting on Hones,
Finally Passed by Legislature
Horse racing in Pennsylvania was
discountenanced emphatically to-day by
the State Senate, when the racing com
mission bill was defeated on final pas
sage. Later a sufficient number of
Senators agreed to give the bill anoth
er chance and the vote of defeat was
reconsidered and the bill was placed on
the postponed calendar.
The ultimate outcome of the strug
gle is a question which is interesting
men with sporting proclivities all over
the state. The bill was introduced by
Senator Catlin, of Luzerne, whb is lak
iuk a keen personal interest in the
proposition. It creates a state racing
commission and makes general provis
ions for horse racing anj also regulates
betting on the races. Catlin seems to
feel certain of getting the bill through.
When the bill came to a vote *lB
Senators voted "aye" and 15 voted
'"no" and the bill fell for lack of the
constitutional majority of 26. Neither
Senators Beidleman nor Martin voted.
Senator ( atliu at first voted "aye" but
when defeat was apparent he changed
to ,- no" so as to be in a position to
move to reconsider. An hour or so la
ter Senator McConnell, of Northum
berland, moved for reconsideration and
Senator Catlin seconded the motion.
Opponents of the motion demanded a
divisiou and the count showed 25 votes
in favor of reconsideration and 7 op-
Coatlßnrd on Ninth Page
The local option bill was reported to
the House this meaning by Representa
tive \ ickerman. of Allegheny county.
The Law and Order Committee yester
day unanimously voted to report the
bill to the House.
Following the report of the bill, Rep
resentative Glenn, of Venango, called
up for consideration the resolution ask
ing for an investigation of money
ri-ised and expended in the last political
campaign by the liquor dealers of
Pennsylvania. The resolution calls for
a committee consisting of three mem
bers of the Senate and four members
of the House to hold complete investi
gations and authorizes expenditures for
clerks and other help.
Representative Kitts. Erie, moved to
refer the resolution to the Committee
on Elections and there were a dozen
seconds to the motion. Representative
Glen insisted on a roll call on the mo
tion. The motion carried by a vote of
127 to 36. Representatives Wildman,
Nisslev and Young voted with the ma
jority and Representative Swartz was
absent. Representatives Shoop and
Goodyear, of Cumberland county, also
voted with the majority.
Representative Wilson, of Jefferson,
introduced a resolution calling upon the
State Veterinarian to furnish the House
with a report of the operations and ex
penditures of the campaign of the
%tate Live Stock Sanitary Board
against the foot and mouth disease.
The motion was referred to the Com
mittee on Agriculture.
The Howarth bill requiring the li
censing of barbers and regulating bar
tering was defeated by a vote of 112
to 4S.
The bill to place county officers in
counties having fewer than 150.000
inhabitants on a salary basis and abol
ishing all fees was objected to by Rep
resentative Milliron. of Armstrong, who
led in its defeat bv a vote of 151 to
The Mearkle bill enabling second
class cities to construct and -maintain
subways and galleries in congested dis
tricts and empowering the Public Serv
ice Commission to use the same was
passed finally.
The bill giving foreign corporations
doing real estate business in Pennsyl
vania the right to hold real estate was
also passed finally Shortly after
noon the House recessed until 8 o'clock
Patent medicine interests got busy
At the Capitol to-day with the result
that the bill introduced by Senator
Plymouth W. Snyder, of Blair, regulat
ing the sale of infants' "soothing sy
rups" and similar medicines, was sent
back to the Senate Committee on Pub
lic Health and Sanitation for a hear
ing. The hearing will be held to-mor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock. The bill j
had reached the third reading stage in
the Senate.
The measure forbids the sale of any
patent medicine for infants less than
three years old if it contains any opi
um, morphine, heroin or codeine. It
specifically provides that the act shall
in no way be construed to forbid a
practicing physician from prescribing
any medicine containing any of the
drugs mentioned.
Senator Snyder, who is a retail drug
gist, living in Altoona. says that the
bill will be passed. He agreed to the
hearing as a matter of courtesy. *
®l|e Sto- Sirftepettitetit
Members of Union at Mooting Last
Night Assort They Must Often
Moot Deficits—A. li. Pfctton Elect
ed Delegate to State Convention
At the meeting of the Firemen 's
j Union held in the Mount Vernon truok
house last evening, it was the unani
mous sentiment of those present that
more money was needed for the sup
port of the fire department of this
city, each company receiving annually
about SI,OOO less than is appropriat
ed to fire companies in other eities of
this commonwealth, known as third
I class cities. Frequently say the fire
man they have to chip in to make up
, deficits on horse feed, harness supplies,
horse shoeing, and other necessary
! items. They are preparing for a car
j nival on May 17, to raise money to
j help meet these and other necessary
The firemen ask for six smoke'-pro
• tecting helmets, two to be placed on
1 each hook and ladder truck. The im
portance of these line been made very
manifest at recent fires, they "assert.
They also ask for a revised map,
one for each company, showing tlie
location of all the fire plugs in the
' city. It seems that now and then a
! plug is changed from one locality to
| another, and that new plugs are put
! iu without any notice to the lire de
! partment.
A. L. Patton, of the Reilv hose, was
elected delegate to the next State
I Bremen's convention. Copies of the
| new constitution and by-laws of the
! Firemen's Union were handed to the
members. Comments were made upon
j the unusual number of fires in our
city since the first of January, and
' the email comparative loss attributed
| to prompt service.
There were no complaints of police
, interference since the March meeting,
i and all seems to be harmony again.
1 The Firemen's Union did dot deem it
I wise to take any action on the propos-
local option law, since no instruc-
I tions from the various fire companies
on the subject had been received,
j It was decided that hereafter when
j sermons are delivered by chaplains to
• the respective companies, that all the
other fire companies be invited to the
services. Messrs. Avars, of the Wash
i ington: Wert, of the Citizen; Rahn,
jof the Friendship; Tawney. of the
j Royal, and Patton, of the Roily, were
I appointed a committee on social
! events.
I ____
Msyor of That City Discusses "Split
Vote" Among the Commissioners
I .Mayor Spencer D. DeGrolier, of
I Bradford, who with the Bradford chief
lof police, is iu Harrisburg this week
attending tho convention of police
chiefs, said this morning he was much
| surprised when he read Harrisburg
newspaper stories last evening of the
weekly meeting of Harrisburg's Cora
j missioners and saw nothing about
"split voting" by the well known "3
| to 2" method.
The Bradford Mayor laughingly re
; marked that the Bradford City Com
j mission has its "tips and downs some
, times, but not frequently," but he
, added that when all is not hayuonious,
j the voting goes "4 to 1." The Mayor
covets the honor of frequently toeing in
the minority.
Will Seem Almost to Touch, Although
About 400.000.000 Miles Apart
! A close approach of the two prin
' cipal plants in the morning sky, Jupiter
and Venus, will be visible here to-mor
i row morning between 4:30 and 5
o'clock. At that hour they may be seen
rising almost due cast and will be sep
arated from oile another by less than
half the distance across the face of the
moon. They will actually 'be more than
400,000,000 miles apart. The brighter
one is Venus, the other Jupiter.
About 11 o'clock to-morrow they will
'■begin once more to separate, and by
| Friday morning will tie five times as
I far apart as they will appear early to
| morrow morning."
Governor Is 5» To-day and the Lieu
tenant Governor 51, and Their
Friends Heap Congratulations Upon
Them at the Capitol
Senate routine was interrupted early
this afternoon when Lieutenant Gov
ernor McClain was in the chair. Sena
tor Sproul, of Delaware, "father of the
Senate," remarked upon the coincidence
that the Governor and Lieutenant Gov
ernor both are celebrating their birth
day anniversary to-day, the former be
ing 53 and the latter 51.
Senator Sproul presented Mr. IMc-
Clain in behalf of the Senators witli a
vase of handsome "red roses of Lan
caster." The roses, long-stemmed
American beauties, dotting heavy banks
of foliage, were borne to the head of the
main aisle bv two pages while Senator
Sproul was speaking. They were set
in a vase four feet high. Senator Sproul
made some congratulatory remarks to
which the Lieutenant Governor replied.
The Senate then took a short recess,
during which the members, attaches and
other spectators crowded about the Lan
casterian to extend their good wishes in
Governor Brumbaugh put in fhe same
kind of a day which has characterized
his entire administration. He seeming
ly was the only person on the hill ignor
ant of his birthdsy anniversary and
was too busy in conferences about his
local option fight and other matters to
receive more than passing congratula
\ *
German Raider's Com
mander In New Move
to Take His Ship
From Newport News
Details of Sensational Sinking of Brit
ish Steamship Bellevue, One of the
Wilhelm's Fourteen Victims of the
Sea, Told by Members of the Crew
By Associated Prefa,
Newport News, Va., April 14. —Ex-
pecting permission from Washington to
move into dry dock, Captain Thierfeld
er, of the German commerce raider,
Kronprinz Wilhelm. to-dav ordered his
I vessel made ready to proceed up the
James river from her anchorage. The
| examining board from the Norfolk navy
' yard was due at any time to check up
on his outline of repairs necessary to
mako the ship seaworthy.
The German commander did not
complete his inquiry into the national
ity of members of the Wilhelm's crew
; last night, as requested by Collector
| Hamilton, but promised to ascertain to
| day whether any naturalized Americans
are aboard the ship. At least one
! American is believed to belong to the
| crew.
Details of the sinking of the Brit
! ish steamship Bellevue, one of the Wil
helm's fourteen victims, stated to-day
j by members of the crew, reveal that
I the British ship was held as a prize
| for 16 days before she was sent to the
| bottom. The Bellevue was bound from
j Liverpool to South American ports with
| key and some oxen when she was cap
tured by the Wilhelm December 4,
last She was moored to the Wilhelm
with strong cables and stripped of ev
erything or value after her coal had
been taken aboard.
hen the French steamer Mont Agel
was sighted the Bellevue was Jeft in
charge of a prize crew while tit Wil
helm gave chase and finally sank the
Frenchman by ramming. Then, on De
j cember 20, after all movable parts
were securely lashed down, in order
j that nothing might be left floating upon
the surface to give tne British cruisers
: a clue as to the Wilhelm's whereabouts,
, the Bellevue was scut to the bottom.
: Newport News, Va., April 14.—The
German commerce raider Kronprinz
: Wilhelm, it was learned to-day, is in
j need of boiler tubes which eannot be
: supplied at this port and must be man
ufactured elsewhere. To procure and
j install the tubes, it is said, would re
quire at least three weeks.
U. S. General Will Take Personal
Charge in Recent Alarming Con
ditions in Mexico
By Associated Press,
Washington, April 14.—Major Gen
eral Frederick Funston, commanding
the American forces on the Mexican
j border, is en route to-day from San
i Antonio to Brownsville, Texas, to take
| personal charge of the situation there,
I which has again become threatening in
1 consequence of the falling of Mexican
i bullets into American territory,
j According to Reports from Mata
moros to the Carranza agency here to
day, the sortie against the Villa troops
yesterday resulted in the killing of 300
of the besiegers and the capture of
! many -prisoners, with 200 horses, sixty
j mules and four machine guns.
Mexican Refagees Sail for XT. S.
Galveston, Tex., April 14.—The
United States army transport Sumner
sailed early to-day for Tampico where
she will take on about 300 refugees
who desire to return to the United
William Barnes' Complaint Against
Roosevelt to Be Argued Monday
By Associated Press.
Syracuse, N. Y., April 14.—Arrange
ments for the trial of the $50,000 libel
suit of William Barnes, of Albany,
against Colonel Theodore Roosevelt,
which will be called before Justice Wil
liam 8. Andrews next Monday, were
completed and aipproved at a confer
ence hera last night. Special tables for
use of fifty newspaper representatives
will be constructed.
Chief of Police Caden announced that
guards will be assigned to both Colonel
Roosevelt and Mr. Barnes.
Misses Bolt, Kills Father of 6
By Associated Press.
Sunbury, Pa., April 14. F. C.
Schope, married, and a father of six
children, was killed to-day when John
Gaugler,swinging a hammer at the Penn
sylvania railroad car shops, missed a
bolt he was aimiug at and struck
Schope on the head, fracturing his skull.
Chiefs Invade Capitol to Appear Before
the Senate Judiciary Special Com
mittee—Williamsport to Get Next
Convention—Old Officers Re-elected
Determined to fight for civil serv
ice for police in third class cities of
Pennsylvania and to work for pension
funds for policemen of all classes tho
chiefs of police attending the conven
tion of the State Association this aft
ernoon determined to show the Senate
Judiciary Special Committee at a hear
ing this afternoon thnt there is a
popular demand for civil service. This
legislation has been backed by the con
All of the plans for future better
ment of police in the state depend on
this issue, according to the policemen.
To remove political control from police
departments would work for a more
intimate co-operation bctweou the mu
nicipal and state police, which subject
was taken upon by George F. Luinb,
deputy superintendent of the state po
lice. last evening at the annual ban
quet which was served in the Board of
Trade hall.
He also advocated a state bureau
of identification, similnr to one now in
operation in Albany. This subject was
brought up by City Detective lbach,
who has charge of the local bureau of
The convention closed this afternoon
with an automobile ride over the city,
which ended at the capitol. Williams
port was selected as tho place for the
next meeting. The following officers
were re-elected:
President, J. N. Tillard, Chief of Po
lice of Altoona; vice president, Charles
F. Evans, chief of the L. V. R. R.
police of South Bethlehem; secretary,
George W. Harder, Chief of Police of
Williamsport; executive committee,
James Robinson, Superintendent of Po
lice of Philadelphia; Joseph B. Hutchi
son, Chief of Police of Harrisburg;
Manfred Narr, Chief of the P. anil R.
police of Philadelphia; L. B. Day, su
perintendent of Altoona, and William
B. Thomas, Chief of Police of Jenkin
town. >
Says Miss Saul, If Anyone, Should Be
Made the Assistant Principal
Millard F. Saul, member of the
School Board, denied this morning that
he is backing his nephew, Bertram W.
Saul, a member of the Central High
school faculty, for a position that may
be created of assistant principal of that
"I am not in favor of Bertram Saul
for the place," he said, "and I am
making efforts to learn where the story
started that it is my plan to place Ber
tram there. If I favor anybody for that
position it will be my sister. Miss Anna
M. Saul, who has virtually been prin
cipal of fhe Central High school since
Professor Steele was taken sick and
since his death.
'•Bertram was a candidate for the
principalship and it is said that he was
given to understand that there was op
position to him. i.ic first the members
of the board heard of a plan to create
an assistant principalship was last Sat
urday when some directors were cskej
to support the suggestion."
It Will Be the First SteameT to Be
Equipped With Motor Tractor
The first Harrisburg steam fire en
gine to be equipped with a motor trac
tor, under the contract awarded by the
City Commissioners on April 6, will be
that of the Hope company, which was
sent to-day to Hoboken, N. J., to the
factory of the Front Drive Motor Car
Company to be equipped in that way.
The steamer will returned to Har
risburg in ten days, according to as
surances given to Fire Chief John C.
Meantime the Paxton steamer will
be placed in the Hope engine house
and will cover the Hope district and
the central part of the city. Other
steamers will be sent away as soon as
the Hope engine is back in service.
Tener Gives Optimistic Forecast Re
garding the Race in the National—
This is "Lajole Day" In Philadel
phia—Fine Weather Everywhere
By Associated Press.
New York, April 14.—For baseball
fans throughout the country this was
the most memorable day of the year,
the day for which they had waited six
long months, the day of the opening of
the big leagues season. The Washing
ton weather bureau promised fair
weather to greet the thousands who
were to gather in baseball parks in
the East, and the West to welcome old
favorites and new faces on the dia
monds in the American and National
All the disputes and legal tangle
ments of the winter wero temporarily
thrown into the discard so far as the
spectators were concerned at the sig
nal to play ball. In accordance with
the custom, the great game was to re
ceive official endorsement by President
Wilson in Washington, in tossing the
first ball upon the diamond, while
Miayor Mitchell, in New York, and
other officials in various cities per
formed similar functions.
President Tener, of the National
League, former Governor of Pennsyl-
CwtUui ok Ninth Pave,
general vctowano
General Vietoriano Huerta. dictator of Mexico until ousted by the United
States, arrived in New York recently, and declared that he was not think
ing of Mexico, or of starting any revolution to regain his lost control, but
that he came to attend to personal and family business. Despite his as
sertions he was kept under close surveillance by government agents.
I ... - :
Passengers Rescued
From Minnesota En
ter Robe Under U. S.
Consul's Escort
Among Americans Reaching Yokohama
From the Steamer Are Wife and
Children of Philippines Governor
General Harrison
By Associated Press.
Kobe, Japan, April 14.—Because of
the heavy passenger lists of steamers
sailing soon for American ports, con
siderable difficulty is being experi
enced in making arrangements for
transporting to the United States the
persons rescued from the Minnesota,
which struck a rock Sunday night at
the entrance to the Inland sea. Sev
eral will sail for San Francisco to-mor
row on the Manchuria, while the Pa
cific Mail Steamship Company will pro
vide extra berths for others on the
Tamba Maru, which sails on the 17th
for Seattle.
The German passengers on tho Min
nesota who were brought here by the
Oanfn have been permitted by the For
eign Office to land under the escort of
the American consul on condition that
they remain in their hotel until their
The Minnesota still is pivoted on the
rock which tore a hole in her bow.
The entire bow is visible at low tide.
Only one hold was damaged and the
cargo is being shifted aft. The steer
age passengers have been removed., April 14. —Mrs. Francis
Burton Harrison, wife of the Governor
General of the Philippine Islands, and
her children, who were passengers on
the steamer Manchuria, arrived here to
day. Other passengers of the wrecked
steamer who have reached Yokohama
confirm the previous statements that
there was no panic when she struck
and that after the accident many of
the passengers went to their berths
for the night, while others spent the
night in the salon^ playing cards.
Wilkes-Barre Officials Here
t Mayor Kosek, Finance Commissioner
Bennett and City Solicitor McHugh,
all of Wilkes-Barre, were in the city
to-day to attend tho hearing before
the Legislative committee on the bill
intended to repeal the anthracite coal
tax law.
Warren Van Dyke Named Deputy
Warren Van Dyke, of this eity, for
mer secretary of the Democratic State
Committee, was named yesterday by
B. F. Davis, newlv-appointod Collector
of the Ninth Internal Revenue district,
as his deputy.
Rome, April 14.—A dispatch from
Trent telegraphed from the frontier to
the "Idea Jiaxionals,'' quotes an ofli
£ial who ha« just returned from Vienna
•as authority for the statement that a
state of siege •probably will be proclaim
ed soon in Austria because of the un
rest resulting from the Russian advance
across the Carpathians. Wealthy Hun
garians are said to be making hasty
preparations for flight.
The "Idea Xazionale" correspond
ent says he has learned from the same
source that Emperor Francis Joseph has
decided to cede to Italy the so-called
"Italian provinces." This report is
considered in Rome to be entirely with
out foundation.
Lemberg, April 13, Via Petrograd,
j April 14 and London April 14, 3.45 P.
. M.—ln a desperate attack by the Rus
sians on the right flank of the Austri
jan position at Mezolabercz, on the
! Hungarian side of the East Beskid
| mountains and about fifty miles south
of Permysl. the Austrians were forced
I after a 12 hour battle to make a re
Tho whole main crest in this dis
trict which the Austrians considered
I to be impregnable now is in ' Russian
Last Struggle for Carpathians
London, April 14, 12.45 P. .u.—The
struggle for the last of the Carpathian
passes remaining in the hands of the
Germanic allies still holds the center of
the war stage. In London the critical
importance of the series of fierce battles
being waged along the eastern front
from Bartfeld to Bukowina is so fully
recognized that tho activities in other
fields, appear relatively of minor im
Rome, Via Paris, April 14. —Pope
Benedict has sent to Cardinal Mercer
$50,000 for the Belgian suffers from
the war. Accompanying the donation
was a letter expressing the pleasure
[ of the Pope that rolief committees for
the Belgians had been formed in vari
ous countries.
The Pope also sent $5,000 to tho
bishop of Cracow for the Polish war
Greater Danger Than War
Petrograd, April 14, 12.35 P. M.,
via London, 2.4>5 P. M.—The chief of
the Rumanian oanitary corps has dis
covered cholera bacilli ami other in
fectous disease germs in the waters of
the river Pruth which for part of its
course flows along the boundary be
tween Rumania and Russia.
Cotton Not Contraband Says Britain
London, April 14, 3.16 P. M.—The
British government has decided
against placing cotton on the contra
band list.
Fighting in Dardanelles
Is Resumed With
Sultan's Forces Tak
ing the Offensive
Austrian Official States Czar's Troops
Were Given Terrible Setback In
the' Carpathians, but Denial Is on
Heels of Story
After a prolonged lull in the opera
tions at the Dardanelles, lighting has
been resumed on a small scale. An of
ficial report from Constantinople says
the batteries at the entrance to the
straits were bombarded yesterday and
that a cruiser and destroyer were
struck by the Turkish fire.
Messages from Vienna to Rome
quote an Austrian official as saying
that a state of siege probably will be
proclaimed in Austria, on account of
popular unrest occasioned by the ad
vance of the Russians through the Car
pathians. It is reported also that Em
peror Francis Joseph has decided to
mako the territorial concessions desir
ed by Italy provided that nation will
take up arms for Austria and Oer
many. This report, however, is not
generally credited in Rome.
The Austrian announcement that
the Russians have been checked in the
Carpathians is disputed at Petrograd,
, where it is said that further advances
j have been made. Uzock Pass apparent
-Ily is the key to the situation, and on
account of the strong forces of Aus
trians and Germans massed in this dis
: trict, the Russians have been unable
to force their way through. The last
Russian official report, .however, an
nounced the capture of three villages
j and 2,700 prisoners in the fighting
j near the pass.
The British Parliament meets to-day
for consideration of some of the lm
! portant collateral issues presented by
the war. It is expected the liquor prob
i lem will bo discussed and the goveru
-1 m«nt may announce its decision in
1 favor of a measure to enforce temper
-1 ance or prohibition. Announcement also
is expected concerning the govern
! ment's plan for utilizing the nation's
resources for the manufacture of war
After a twelve-hour battle the Rus
sians have captured another section of
the mountain barrier between Galiciz
and Hungary. A dispatch from Lem
berg. Gallcia, tells of a Russian attack
on the Austrian forces at Mezolaorcz,
in the East Beskids. The Austrians
were forced to give ground and It is
said the main mountain crest in this
section, considered impregnable, has
passed to the hands of the Russians.
This battle was an Incident in a
struggle of unusual severity now in
progress along a front of more than
100 miles from Bartfeld, Northern Hnn
i gary, to Stry, Eastern Gallcia. Petro
| grad reports that both sides are at
; tacking simultaneously and that the
: losses are heavy. The Austrians In
Bukowlna and the Germans in North
ern Poland are making small movc
\ ments, Interpreted in Petrograd as in
tended to force the Russians to with
draw some of their troops from the
Carpathian front. \
In France and Belgium only small
engagements occurred yesterday. The
; official report from Berlin mentions
| several French attacks in the Meuse
! Moselle region, where the fighting re
cently has been most severe, but says
the Germans made a successful resist
Prospects of World Shortage Shovel
Prices Skyward
By Associated Press.
Chicago, April 14.—Pros F i;ets of a
world shortage in wheat available for
immediate .shipment resulted to-dav in
a sensational bulge in prices. Business
suddenly assumed large proportions in
the last hour of trading and prices
fluctuated wildly, jumping up at the
rate of 1-2 eent between transactions.
May wheat rose swiftly 6 1-4 going
163 as against 156 3-4 at the close
last night. The :idvanee was to within
four cents of the topmost level since
the beginning ot the war.
Increased Woolworth Dividend
New York, April 14. —Directors ot'
the F. W. Woolworth Company to-day
declared a quarterly dividend of 1*54
per cent, on the common stock, an in
crease of % of 1 per cent. This
places the stock on a 7 per cent. basi*.
New York, April 14. —Pressure of
profit-taking became more pronounced
in the final hour, lowest prices of the
day then being registered by many
leaders. The closing was irregular.
Speculation was again extremely ac
tive and broad to-day with all around
gains. These were subsequently reduced
or effected on extensive realising.