The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 13, 1915, Image 1

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Detailed Report. Pace •
uS A 4 l Z ED VOL. 77—NO. 111.
Police Chiefs in Our
Midst Swapping
Views on How to
Trap Wrongdoers
Colonel Hutchison Tells of Economic
Value of Identification Bureau —
Tillard, of Altoona, Calls for Civil
Service and Pension System
Chief Joseph B. Hutchison, of the
Harrisburg Police Department, spoke
at the opening session of the Pennsyl
Head of Harrisburg's "Finest" Ad
dresses Visiting Sherlock Holmeses
vania State Association of Chiefs of
Police, in the Board of Trade auditor
ium tlii* afternoon, on the economic
value to the taxpayer of a police iden
tification bureau such as Harrisburg
has in operation, lie was assisted by
City Detective Joseph W. Ihach. who
has charge of the local bureau, in a
demonstration of the system.
"Were every criminal caught imme
diately upon the commission of his first
offense and weie every crime punishable
by death or life imprisonment, there
would be small need of an identification
bureau,'' said Chief Hutchison, "but
every criminal is not caught and the
majority that are get freo again, after
seiving time, and most of them begin
again to ply their crooked trades.
"For example, a criminal is arrest
ed, measured and photographed in ac
<oidance with the Bertillon system and
his record placed on tile. At some
time this man regains his liberty and
commits another crime. Vou look up
your record and photo and send copies
of record and duplicate photo all over
the country, and not only the police
of the different cities are enabled to
aid in the search, but the public as
well, because a general description of
the man and his photo can be printed
in the newspapers."
* Value of the Bureau Here
Chief Hutchison described how the
bureau was opened in Harrisburg thir
teen years ago by the purchase of
measuring tools and cards for the Ber
tillon, and how later it was developed
by the purchase of a cabinet and finger
print out fit. Now. he said, Harrisburg
has a bureau of identification equal to
any in the country, "The money value
to Harrisburg can hardly be esti
mated." added the chief.
City Detective Jbach, in charge of
the Rertiljon system here, who trans
ferred his card cabinets to the platform
in the convention hall, demonstrated to
thri policemen that the complete crimi
nal record of a suspect, together with
a full description of him, could be ob
tained almost in an instant, no matter
what alins the criminal was known to
have used.
The convention was opened with
Conllnnrd on Seventh I'affe.
Hill Employe Undergoes Operation at
Harrisburg Hospital
Edward (i. Smith, of Philadelphia,
clerk in the ollice of the State Fire
Marshal, had his left leg amputated
above the kneo in the Harrisburg hos
pital yesterday afternoon. lie baa
been suffering t'lom an infection due
to rheumatism for a number of years
and efforts were made to save his leg,
but physicians who have been treating
him in the hospital since March 17
decided that an amputation was neces
sarv if his life were to be saved.
The operation was successful and Mr.
Smith's condition was improved this
morning. His Harrisliurg home is the
Bolton House.
Martins Move Into Awning Home
The flock of martins that maintain
a summer homo in the awning over the
front of the store of Bates & Co., 110
Market street, began arriving yester
day, one day behind their arrival last
year. There were but a few twittering
around this morning, but the full mem
bership will come back with another
ell of warm weather.
«bc Star- iHhMt Stikpumknt
Renatta Bennett, Who Ban Away and
Married Harry Stormfeltz, Still Is
Kept From Husband By Parents—
Friends Say Latter Will Relent
A, very tearful little bride and a
very uncomfortable but determined
bridegroom to-day are awaiting the
blessing of the former's mother and
father, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bennett,
1642 North Third stroet, on their ro
mantic elopement of last Sunday.
On Sunday night, on her way to
church, Miss Kenatta Bennett, 15
years old, met her sweetheart, Harry
Storinfelti!, 21, and they decided to
take a walk instead of going to serv
ice. During the walk the young man
suggested that they go to New Cum
berland, wait for the midnight train
to Baltimore, and go to that city and
be married as soon as a license could
be obtained and a clergymau found.
This plan was carried out to the
letter. Upon their arrival in the
Maryland metropolis they were mar
ried at the parsonage of a Lutheran
church. The young people returned
to Harrisburg last night and went to
the home of the bride's parents. The
rtiother sent S Drmfeltz to his own
home and kept her daughter with her
until the father, an engineer on the
Pennsylvania railroad, should return
from bis trip.
Mr. Bennett reached home early
this morninig and after a family con
ference decided to accept the in
evitable and not take any steps to
ward having the marriage annulled as
said, he at first intended to do.
The parents, however, have not yet
given their blessing to the pair but
their friends expect it to be forthcom
ing vcrv soon. Then the parents will
let the bride go to her husband. The
couple probably will take up their resi
dence at the home of the bridegroom's
parent*. 1230 1-2. North Sixth street.
House Law and Order Committee Ex
pected to Report It at Start of
the Evening Session
The Law and Order Committee of
the Houso of Representatives met at 3
o'clock this afternoon to consider,
among other bills, the Williams county
unit local option bill which has the
backing of Governor Brumbaugh.
This bill will likely be reported out
in the House at the opening of the
session at 8 o'clock this evening. It
will be on the first reading calendar
to-morrow. There is usually a light
attendance on Thursdays and it will
I likelv not be called up for action on
second reading before Monday night.
To-day was the day fijted by the
Ijaw and Order Committee for action
on all of the bills before that body.
Work Will Pe Rushed So Adjournment
Can Be Taken on May 0 or IS
It was stated 'in well-informed legis
; lative circles to-day that the 'House
; resolution providing for final adjourn
, ment of the Legislature on May 6,
which has been reposing in the Senate
• Committee on Executive Nominations
for some time, will be brought out
about May 3 and adopted, provided
i that the Senate can see the way clear
| for she disposing of the important leg
islation tha' is now coming to the
If there are any signs that the work
| cannot be completed by May 6. then
I the day for final adjournment will be
'fixed tor May 13. It is understood by
j those who have been consulted that the
j day of fina' adjournment will not be
j later than May 13.
The sessions of the Senate this week
1 will be prolonged to Friday, and it is
| understood that Friday sessions will be
held every week until final adjourn
! ment.
Bill Applying to the Office of Mayor
Is Passed by Both Branches
The Senate bill providing that 51
! per cent, of the total vote cast at the
primaries gives a candidate for mayor
j unopposed place on general election
; ticket in third class cities was passed
fnally in the House of Representatives
j this morning, and now goes to the Gov
ernor for his approval or rejection.
This bill applies to Harrisburg.
Tulip Drops Out of the Race
The Dunn bill designating the tulip
as the State flower was defeated by a
i vote of 90 to 28 in the House of Rep
; rescntatives this morning.
Mrs. Dull Sends Money tp Firemen
Mrs. A. P. L. Dull, 211 North Front
| street, to-day sent Fire Chief John C.
I Kindler, as treasurer of the Firemen's
Relief Association, SSO to be added
to the relief fund together with her
thanks for the excellent work done
by the local firemen in saving sur
rounding buildings at Bonnymeads
when a tenant house burned on
April 7.
Well-Known Hotel Man Dies
By Associated Press,
Baltimore, April 13.—Dr. John L.
Perry, one of the proprietors of tho
United States hotel, at Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., died here to-day. He
was 75 vears old.
Lynch Aniounces In
tention to Ignore the
Objections of River
Coal Contractors
Head of Highway Department Says
Only a Court Injunction Can Pre
vent His Going Ahead With Im
provement as Originally Planned
William H. Lynch, City Commission
er of Highways, following a conference
with City Solicitor Seitz and City En
gineer M. B. Cowden, at noon to-day an
nounced he had deeided to close the
gap in the river front wall at the Mar
ket street wharf, with step sections, pre
cisely the same as have been construct
ed along the rest of the river bank.
This was the original plan but it had
been objected to.
Objection had been raised to this plan
'because it closes the wharf used by con
tractors who get coal from ,the river
and for years have been using t'he land
ing. They have even threatened to take
the city into court to obtain an in
junction restraining the city from clos
ing the gap in a way to eliminate the
ivharf. Similar threats were made by
•ontractors when a perpendicular wall
>vas proposed fir closing the gap.
livnc'i vn.evi r, said to-day he is
atisfied 'b" construction of the
tep sect filler for the gap, is
the only ian and that he nov
intends ti H out unless preventer
by legal action.
The contention has been raised tha
the deeds given by John Harris, found
er of tHarrisburg, conveying river fron!
land to the city forbid the closing ol
the landing. City Solicitor Seitz, how
ever, hns advised the Board of Public
Works that the Harris deed is not :i
bar to the proposed improvement. Com
missioner Lynch said he believes the
court would decide that it is without
power to restrain the city permanently
from making the improvement in the
waj' proposed.
As to whether the Oity will have
sufficient money to finance the cost of
closing the gap, Lynch said it will be
answered within the next several days.
His determination to go on with the
work, he said, is rinil if approved by
the Board of Public Works. That
body always has been in favor of the
steps rather than 'the perpendicular
wall, he said.
The matter will be placed before the
Public Works Board at a meeting to
morrow or Thursday. There will be
no necessity for action by the City
Commission, Lynch said, unless it is
found necessary to appropriate addi
tional money for the work.
The Stueker Brothers' Construction
Company, contractors now completing
the river front work, have agreed to
rebuild five sections of stepA adjacent
to the gap and this work will be start
ed first. Then the gap will be closed.
That will be a matter of two or three
weeks' work, said Lynch.
Reservoir Park Courts in Shape
Park Commissioner Taylor is plan
ning to have the two upper tier tennis
courts on the terrace in Reservoir
Park facing Whitehall streot ready
for use by Saturday. These courts were
re-equipped with iron posts and new
wire netting last year. The other
courts will be ready by the end of
next week.
Mayor Introduces Ordinance Providing
for It to Assume Duties of Old
Board of Revision of
man Would Lease Ball Grounds
The office of real estate registrar,
an official who will prepare « file of
books, maps and papers covering all
real estate changes and new buildimgs
for the benefit of the city assessors,
is proposed in an ordinance introduced
at to-day's meeting of the City Com
missioners by Mayor Royal. City So
licitor Seitz recommended the passage
of the measure.
Some other cities of Harrisburg's
size have had property registrars for
years but Harrisburg, it is contended,
iiad no need for such an official so long
as the Board of Revision of Taxes and
Appeals was in existence. That body
was wiped out by the Clark commis
sion form of government act. Deeds
marking transfers of property or
showing title to new property must be
filed with the city registrar for his
information before they are entered
of record with the County Recorder.
Penalties are provided for failure to
do so and the act of 1889 makes it
mandatory that the Recorder refuses
to record deeds that do not contain the
stamp of the city registrar. Certified
copies of the registrar's data on any
particular parcel of real estate may be
obtained for sl.
A proposition to release to the
Pennsylvania Exhibition Company a
part of Hargost's Island—the Old
Tri-State baseball field—is contained
in an ordinance offered by Commis
sioner Bowman.
Probably Nominal Bent
The understanding is that in view of
the fact that the Exhibition Company
officers have confessed judgment in fa-
Caatlaaarf aa rwtrik Faaa
UNIT E V D, k 7^3
mm - ) Kaf* r * * —w .rtO Ml (Ml ft . /^ n c c
O" «'*Port*
\?S' jf.VE NE 2 u fteRRA LEONECBrft^-^zzz^:
k -X,
A', v> bR a z Try; / <=> c "T a
® Feb %^,
y\BOLIVIA/ // /® K-
I y I,J /
. 1 ] \*c i • tit Janeiro V
> if y&)
Eimts'frKliwte. Hp "(J-* '^10605
«-pprox- route ! f r SQ3B Mflgi.
Above is a map outlining the cruise of the Kronprinz Wilhelm from August 3, when she left New York, to
April 11, when she arrived at Newport News, giving the approximate places where she met and sunk "her victims,
as follows:—1, Indian Prince (British); 2, La Correntina (British); 3, Uuion (French); 4, Anne de Bretague (French);
5, Bellevue (British); (i, Mont Angel (French,; 7, Hemisphere (British); 8. Potaro ♦British); 9, Highland Brae
(British); 10, Wilfrid M. (British); 11, Somantba (Norwegian); 12, Guadeloupe (French); 13, Tainar (British), and
14, Coleby (British). No. 15 shows where the Chasehiil (British), was stopped.
Aberdeen, Scotland, April 13, 4.15
A. M.—The "Free Press" published
the following telegram from Lerwick:
"A terrible explosion has occurred.
Harbor street was wrecked and many
lives were lost. No details are obtain
able as yet."
Lerwick is situated on the east coast
of mainland, Shetland Islands. It is
defended by an old fort, dating from
the time of C'romwell, and is one of the
chief stations in Scotland for the royal
naval reserve. Lerwick is the capital
of the Shetland archipelago.
London, April 13, 4.20 P. M.—The
fatal explosion at Lerwick, Shetland Is- I
lands, yesterday was the result of a j
lire, according" to recent dispatches
reaching London. Considerable proper
ty was wrecked and four men and one
boy lost their lives.
New York, April 13.—-It was an
nounced to-day that a new storage but
tery is being made for the submarine
L-8, under construction at the Ports
mouth, N. H., navy yard, which will
do away with the danger to the crew
of chlorine poisoning.
It is claimed the submarine can re- j
main submerged for 100 days without
danger of asphyxiation to the crew.
Miller Reese Hutchinson, chief engi
neer at the Edison plant in Orange,
N. J., made the announcement.
Divers Will Attempt to Reach Sub
merged Submarine To-morrow
By Associated Press.
Honolulu, April 13.—George D.
Stillson, chief gunner's mate in charge
of the diving operations for raising the
submarine F-4, submerged outside the
harbor since March 25, said to-day
four expert divers would probably
make a descent to-morrow.
With the appartus brought here yes
terday by the cruiser Maryland and the
use of a new method of supplying com
pressed air, Stillson said the divers
would be able to work at any depth to
400 feet. The work of adjusting the
apparatus for the descent will be com
pleted to-day.
United States Commissioner In York
District Victim of Accident •
at Rohrerstown
By Assoqiated Press.
York, Pa., April 13. —Attorney
John F. Kell, United States Commis
sioner in this district, either fell or
jumped from a Pennsylvania railroad
train near Rohrerstown, Lancaster
county, last night and was killed.
The body was found by a track
walker after a special train had left
here to search for the missing man, his
absence from the train not being no
ticed until it had reached here. He
was 52 years old.
mm Fine 1
Patients In Chicago
Hospital For Insane
Save Lives as Build
ing Burns
2,800 OTHERS
Fire Drill Works Without Hitch When
Hundreds of Inmates of Institu
tion Are Conducted From Building
Burning Fiercely
By Associated Press.
Chicago, April 13. —Two huudred
convalescent patients of the Chicago
State Hospital for the Insane were
rescued to-day from fire which de
stroyed a frame structure used as an
annex to the institution at Dunning,
northwest of the city.
Warned by previous blazes in the
building, the hospital authorities had |
prepared a fire drill which worked
without a hitch. Some 2,800 other in
mates of the institution guarded
to prevent panic or undue excitement
in the main building a few hundred
feet away. The loss was estimated at
The loss is estimated at $5,000,
chiefly on the building,, an the patients
helped the fire fighters remove the
equipment from the wards.
W. Rockhill Nelson's Last Thought
Was That of Taking Care of the
Public's Interests »
By Associated Press.
Kansas City, iMo., April 13.—Wil
liam Rockhill Nelson, owner and editor
of the Kansas "City Star," died at.his
home here this morning. Mr. Nelson,
who was 74 years old, had been in ill
htyjjth several months and had been
confined'to bis home since last Decem
ber. Uracmie poisoning caused his
death, according to physicians.
Mr. Nelson took an active part in
the management of the "Star" up un
til about a month ago, when his con
dition changed for the worse. Until
then members of the "Star" staff gatli
ured at his bedside several times week
ly for the purpose of discussing with
•Mr. Nelson questions of editorial |>olicy.
At these conferences he would dictate
editorials and outline ideas for cartoons
and feature stories. Although his phy
sicians constantly advised against the
part he was taking, during the last few
months, in the management of the pa
"per, he refused to obey them, reminding
them that it was in the building of the
"Star" he had been happiest and that
he would not be content without some
thing to occupy his mind.
During the last month, however, Mr.
Nelson had been conscious only at in
tervals. At each period his mind was
clear and he constantly asked questions
about his newspaper and the members
of its staff.
Paris, April 13, 5.10 A. M.—A
fierce struggle continues in Bukowina,
according to a dispatch to the "Petit
Parisien " from Bucharest. The Austri-
ans are reported to have dispatched
twtf farmorod trains against the Russians
near Rojana yesterday. They were met
by a terrific fire from the Russian ar
tillery. One of them crawled back to
Czernowitz badly damaged but the j
other was blown up.
Austrian troops which followed the
train delivered two furious attacks but
arc said to have been repulsed.
London, April 13, 9.45 A. M.—The '
following semi-official statement issued j
at Petrograd last night is contained in
a dispatch to the Reute» Telegram Com- i
"Ossowetz was bombarded through
out the day Sunday by eight-inch
howitzers. The artillery of the forts
replied, seriously damaging one of the
enemy's siege batteries. The Germans
tried to send four fire relief trains
against the forts tfiit they were sunk.
In the region of Jebwabno was active
fighting in the tranches, during which
bomb throwers were used."
Washington,' April 13.—An official
VVai Office bulletin from Vienna re
ceived by the Austro-Hungarian em
bassy here to-day said the Russian of
fensive in the Carpathians hail been
brought to a standstill and that counter
attarks had broken the Russian line in
several places.
The effort of the allies to drive back
I the German wedge in the Meuse-Mo
selle region continues unremittingly,
; but the official communications from
both Paris and Berlin indicate that the
; German lines are holding. The Berlin
i announcement speaks of a number of
French infantry attacks with strong
forces, which are said to have been re
pelled. Small gains are claimed for the
Germans in the forest of Lepretre.
The French War Office refers only
briefly to this fighting, saying that at
several points the attackers made
their way to the wire entanglements
| of the Germans.
Elsewhere over the western front
there wag a lull yesterday. German
aviators dropped bombs on three towns
occupied by the British.
A French battleship, with the aid of
sea planes attacked a Turkish concen
tration camp in the vicinity of Gaza,
in Southern Palestine near the Egyptian
border. This camp probably was es
tablished in connection with the ad
vance of the Turkish troops to the Suez
The statement of the French Min
ister? of Marine announcing the attack
Cmi tin lied am Kourtk rase
No Basis For Report
That Negotiations
Are Being Consider
ed to End Conflict
Both Germany and Austria, It Is Bald.
Have Within Their Borders Ample
Means to Carry on the Conflict
Against Their Enemies
Rome, April 12, P. M., Via
Paris, April 13, 8 A M.—lnformation
obtained froin tho highest Gorman
sources in this city is to the effect that
there is absolutely 110 basis for the re
port that peace negotiations under
conditions are being considered in Ber
lin. These reforts, it is said, are based
upon ignorance of actual conditions in
the German empire. The assertion is
made that both Germany and Austria,
particularly the former, have within
their borders supplies of everything
necessary to prolong the war indefi
Well-informed Germans in Rome de
clare the determination of the central
empires to carry the conflict to the end
will become apparent soon when the
campaign is resumed wiih fresh vigor
on both fronts, according to plans
mapped out by the general staff during
the winter. The same sources of in
formation are atuhority for the state
ment that not only can Germany pro
vide enough food to supply her people,
but that she has on hand a plentiful
store of supplies for manufacturing
arms and Ammunition.
Britain to Buy Wilhelmina
New York, April 13.—The case of
the American steamship Wilhelmina,
loaded with foodstuffs for Germany
ami detained since February at, Faj
mouth, England, has been settled,
counsel for the owners of tho cargo,
announced to-day. The British govern
ment is to buy the .cargo and compen
sate its owners for loss of anticipated
profits in Germany.
Ship Bombards Turkish Camp
Paris, April 13, 11.18 A. M.—The
marine ministry issued the following
statement to-day "Yesterday a bat
tleship, in conue-tion with French sea
planes, bombarded the important Turk
ish encamp ment in the neighborhood of
Laredo, Texas, April 1 3.-—'Mexican
: sokliers in Nuevo ijaredo to-day de
i dared General Madovie Herrera had
caused 200 Villa prisoners to be exe
cuted yesterday after the Villa defeat
near Huipachito, twenty miles south of
here. The (,'arran/ji commander's only
reply to Americans who questioned him
regarding tho report was:
"The prisoners have been disposed
In his official report to Car ran 7. a
i regarding tho battle Herrera was said
| not to have mentioned any such execu
tions. Ameicans familiar with the sit
| uation were little disposed to believe
i | tho stories although they apparently
. ! were taken for true across the border
from here.
Hundreds of residents of Nuevo La
redo went to the Huisachito battle
field to-day to watch> the burning of
M dead, killed in yesterday's battle, in
, which it was said more than 200 Villa
troops were killed.
Heavy Rifle Fire, Pupils Dismissed
Hy Associated Prtss,
, ] Brownsville, Tex., April 13.—Uhil-
I ! dien were dismissed from school in
5 West Browiwville to-day because of
heavy rifle firing in the woods on the
Mexican side of the river near West
. I Reports Favorable Trade Balance
3 I By Assnciafed Press.
Washington, April 13.—Secretary
' ! Redfreld roported to President Wilson
; to-day that the commerce department
for the 'general trade figures showed a
a favorable balance for the United
9 States of $17,679,267 last week. 'i'hiH
was smaller than the balance the Veek
t before.
811 Associated Press.
, t New York, April 13.—Bethlehem
, Steel rose to 153 in the final hour hut
. lost all of Its rise towards the end.
_ Coppers were the feature of the gen
s eral list at smart gains. The doting
was irregular. All other features of
. to-day's active market were second-
E ard to the movement In Bethlehem
Steel which roee SI points, but yield
ed all of Its gain in the final dealing*.