Wmh 1 HELP WANTED—MAIB WANTED—At one®; yo*n|s men for au tomobile business. Big pay. Wo make you expert In ten weeks by malL Pay us after we secure you position. Cen tury Auton<rJ>lle Institute, bos Angeles, Cal- 930 WEEKLY, evenings at home. Ev erything furnished, no experience, no canvassing. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha. Xebr. 150 MONTHLY and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take order* appoint agents; permanent. Jap-Amer ican Co.. Chicago. WANTED —Bv corporation; ambitious men to call on drug and general stores and appoint agents. 120 weekly; e\penses and commission. Nardine, M 3 ■No. Pearl St.. A 1 bany. THE Doty Manufacturing Company wants a capable man. preferably ex perienced, to take charge of their local agency business, handling the Doty vac uum sweeper on an attractive commis sion. Write at once to The Doty Man ufacturing Co.. Box 800, Dayton, Ohio. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United Spates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruit ins: Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts.. Harrisburg. Pa. AN experienced painter who can also do all kinds of carpenter work; steady employment by the year to a satisfac tory and vc«npetent man. Box 3743, care Star-Independent. WANTED—Painters, at once; none but mechanics need apply. MALE HORN BROS.. I'M Lincoln St.. Steelton. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn 175 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work for 135.00. No. 5 N. Cameron; Bell phone 1710. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS make money selling the ad vertised Baldwin double-service house I dresses and aprons. Clean, lucrative occupation for ambitious ladies. Repeat orders. to-day for Baldwin Garment Co.. Holyoke, Mass. KOKO - WHRAT - CRISP. JIO.OO daily proflt. Beats pop-corn. 5c package j costs lHc. Can of samples, 10c. Partic- : ulars free. Machine and instructions, I 17.50, prepaid. Oorneau Co., 501 Park side. Chicago. AGENTS—Something new; fastest sell ers and quickest repeaters on earth. Permanent, profitable business; good for SSO to $75 a week. Address American Products Co, 1654 Third St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS to sell our new $5,000 Health | and Accident Policy for $lO yearly. ! Pays $5,000 death, $25 weekly for in- Jury. sls weekly sick benefit. Easy seller. Liberal commissions. Pacific Coast Casualty Company, Newark, N. J. | AGENTS—We manufacture the fastest j selling 25-cent household article on the market. Big profits. Weite for particulars. Globe Supply Co, Box 137, 1 York. Pa. •WTDE- AWAKE AGENTS are coining money with our easily demonstrated ■peciakies. Write to-day for particu lars and new catalogue. L. & M. Krieg, 151 Hallad&y St.. Jersey Cttty. N. J. AGENTS—II-piece toilet set end one dollar carving set. all sells for one dollar. Big profits for live wires. Write quick. Pierce Company, 906 W. Lake, Chicago. AGENTS make S2O to S4O weekly sell ing "Hydr-o-Nox." An automobi* necessity. Retails 50c. Demonstration sells. Particulars free. Hydronox Com pany, 1182 Broadway. New York. AGENTS—SSO.OO weekly. Customer in every home, for one or more of our 15 household inventions. General agents |ret rich. Home Supply Co., Lock Haven, AGENTS—-Make SIOO weekly. Wonder ful new invention. First time adver tised. Washing machine that generates Us own power. Positively Automatic. I'ree sample. Niagara Washer Co., Wat erloo, lowa. AGENTS—IOO per cent, proflt. 300 can dle power lamp. Brilliant White non flickering light. Burns 96 per cent. air. Costs only 5 cents a week to operate. Sillier of Ohio made ■weeks. Write for free sample. Thomas lAmp Oo„ 9542 Hopper St.. Dayton. O. AGENTS—Here is an opportunity to make from $lO to $25 a day. Bell con centrated liquor extracts for making j whiskies, liquors and cordials of all kinds at home. Some?lilug* «ntirelv I new; a long-felt want filled; every home I • user; simple and easy. Saves over 50 I per cent. A few minutes does the work. Strictly legitimate, no license required, can be sold anywhere wet or dry. Enor mous demand, sells fast, coins you money. Small, compact, carry week's supply in pocket. Exclusive "territory being snapped up—all or spare time—no experience necessary. Be quick. Send postal to-day for sample outfit and full particulars. Address Universal Import ! Co.. Dept. 423, Cincinnati. O. AGENTS—If I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to SSO weekly. Greatest seller In years. Over 700.000 sold in last six months. Every housewife will buy on sight. Postal brings liberal proposition and free sam §le. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union quare. New York. Slight Error Customer (to druggist)— I "The label on this bottle isn't right." Druggist—"Why notf It says: j 'One teaspoonful as required. Shake before taking.' "v Customer—"lt should read, 'Takej before shaking. ' This medicine is for ' Jhi lis, isn't itf " —Boston Transcript, j V Desirable Farm Properties For Sale ADAMS COPKTY FBI IT FARMS | 20—ACRES we]Mocated a frii^ir"°far S m«°'pa»- 1 n !* miles northeast of Middletown. ujSon applfcatUm. I—ACRE 73 —ACRES The Ebersole'''store" property one miles southwest of New Cum mlTe south of Waltonvllle Dauphin btr l a n<J—'he ' Grissinger" farm. A county. A good country store stand. 800(1 farm neal " Harrisbwfg 17300 »IWIO 01—ACRES iti ! One mile north of Dauphin—The '* AlKfcS "Umberger" property. Usual farm i j v "' a 8e of Springvllle, Cum- j buildings. A farm that will be worth berland county. Improved with house more money in a very few years. barn and outbuildings #17.10 M—ACRES 6% ICRE* ! An A So - 1 farm in York county— u ~~, 185 acres cultivated, 11 acres pasture hnl Middletown. Im- iland —modern new house—modern bouse stable and out- new barn. Particulars upon appli buildings. *1 100 cation. T""«\OIIES |2H_\cki>]«( « The "Sultzaberger' property L** mU ®? n ea,t of D,,l .*V ur ?' J To, S Andersontown. York county— brick — IOO acres cultivated. 28 house (dwelling and storeroom)— acre f meluio !! r and wqpdland. Po.- stable, etc. *2BOO «"• ** arranged for,. fi2oo .. ,„ nM 157—ACRES 10 —acres Three miles southeast of Penbrook H mile north of York Haven on the r ° a d to Union Deposit—l2o level, sandy soli. 8-room frame acres cultivated. 37 acres meadow house— frame bank barn. Possession and woodland. j ?" d '"I™" ca " likely be arranged <«RAM) VIEW POIXTRY FARM ror. frlce (imm» Located at Cly—ls miles south of Ht4__*CRES Harrlsburg on the N. C. Ry. Two 11# _ . acres of ground. 8-room frame i?! ** north of Duncannon—4- house with bath room and furnace— room frame house, stable, etc., fizoo chicken house and stable, 93000 Wilier Brothers & Co., F t£L s u T e HARBISBTTRq STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1915. I Wants 1 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN—SideIine. Make SIOO velvet next week. Others do. You will. Ross »ade $43.00 first morning. Electric, » Indow Sign. Flashes changeable word ing. Outselling everything at SIO.OO. Thirty days time. Free sample. Flaah tric Sign Works, Chicago. WANTED—Four good men at ones In Eastern towns: slso>to $250 monthly; pay every Thursday. No sample*, no selling or collecting; simply determina tion to work. Such full instructions that success Is assured. Write and secure splendid Income. H. O. Jones. Secre tary, ISO 1 3chwind Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOUNG married man qrishes position as chauffeur; 7 years experience; or any other kind of work: also handy man around horses. Address L. R. D.. 122 Hoyer Ave. RELIABLE colored man wants calcl mlnlng or whitewashing. Call or phone Leroy Hotel. JOHN JACKSON. YOUNG colored man wishes position as chauffeur or housework of any kind. Apply 37 N. Summit St. Best of refer ence. YOUNG M4N desires work of any kind: Call or address 921 Rpse Ave. WANTED—A position as janitor or watchman, by elderly man. Has had experience. Can give reference. Ail dregs^^ejj^usquehanna^Stjj^Clt^^^^ HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED Lady traveler. Experi ence unnecessary. Salary, commission and expense allowance to right lady. Mcßrady & Co., Chicago. DO you want another $2 dauyT No experience; constant spare lime work knitting hosiery; machines furnished on contract; we take product. Gleason Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 337 Madison. Chi cago. FREE to any woman; beautiful 42- piece gold dec. dinner set for distrib uting 3 doz. cakes Complexion Soap Free among friends; no money needed, j Tyrrell Ward, 216 Institute, Chicago. LADlES—lmmediately. $2.00 per 300 to address envelopes, previous experi ence unnecessary. A permanent busi ness. Can commence work immediately. Instructions and copying material 12c. Money refunded If not satisfied. The National Copying Co., Box S2J>, Chicago. LADIES—Make shields at home, $lO per 100; send stamp. Work sent prepaid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway, New York City. WANTED—GirI for general housework; ! references required; must know how : ■to cook; good wages. Small family. I Apply mornings or 6to 7.30 evenings at 16;0 State street. | WANTED—White girl wanted for gen- I eral housework; give references. 2129 N. Third street. | WANTED—Experienced white woman for housework; no washing, ironing jor sweeping; must be a good plain i | cook. Apply evening, 7.30 to 9. 21S Pine I street. WANTED—LadIes, $1 dozen making aprons at home. We pay you. Send stamped reply envelope for particulars. Star Manufacturing Co., Klinlra. N. V. WANTED Girls over lb years of age to learu cigar making. Paid while learn ing. -Apph- at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 50U Race street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE YOUNG LADY would '.ike position i:; J Office; has experience in typ ivritlnj; and shorthand; can give reference. ~ ply 1522 N. Fifth St. WANTED—Good, respectable « hite girl | desires general housework. Call lios Wallace street. YOUNG WOMAN would like position as housekeeper in small family: have a little girl three years old. Address ! MRS. L., care Star-Independent. WANTED—White woman desires house work by the day. Good reference. Address P. O. Box Penbrook. WANTED —Middle-aged white woman wants to keep house for small familv or will do day's work or houseclean ing. Call 652 Cumberland St. ! YOUNG LADY stenographer would like position to do light office work; has I experience; state salary paid. Address R. A., 112 Sylvan Terrace. j YOUNG WOMAN wants position as housekeeper for a widower with or without a child; good housekeeper Ad dress MINNIE WITMER, Lykens, Pa. I Bisinass Opportunities I J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUY OIL STOCK In $61,000,000 com pany, just organized; ground floor proposition; 100 p#r cent, dividends 90 days possible; 20 wells at once; quick action on your money: limited number shares at 2c share. $lO buys 500 par ! value stock; big advance In stock soon; selling fast; remit now; write for free information; dividends declared soon. : Amalgamated Oil Co., 1131 Colcord I Bldg., Oklahoma, Okla. IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. Deatb nod Obituary * DPPX CUPPLES—On April ,8, 1»1J. James T. Cuptyles, st his horns,' No. 1526 Wallace street, aged (1 years. Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from above address. Relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further riotlce. Interment in East Harrisburg cemetery. " Sala and Exchongo r fOB 8 ALB POOL ROOM and cigar store, centrally located and doing a good business. Address No. 3746, care Star-lndepend ent. Harrisburg, Pa. DO 4POU have rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, or stiff limbs? I have a remedy. Send 25 cents in stanius to 3715, care Star-Independent, and receive same by return mail. FOR* SALE —Two cheap delivery wag ons. Apply T. H. LOSER, Paxtang, Pa. Phone 751J1. C. W. H. I.AMiIETZ, Lumber—We ars overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to ses us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sta FOR SALE—One platform wagon with doors back; one cutunder wagon, suit able for grocery or laundry; one Dayton wagon, two seats. All wagons are ready for use. GROCE'S WAGON SHOP, 1541 Walnut St. EGGS for hatching from the following varieties White Leghorns, White Orpingtons, Barred and Partridge Rocks; 31» Cherry St.. City. PRIVATE collection Vlctrola records, one-third to one-half off listed pries; sold singly or any number, mostly Red Seal records; 230 State St. Bell phone 6&6 R. Some choice bargains. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acms make. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second SU 6,000 sets now Sash. Bxlo xl£ L., primed and glased, at $1.15 par tet. Also other alses. Miscellaneous LODGE NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF HARRISBI RG I.ODtiE 107. I.OYAI. ORDER OF MOOSE Brothers: In accordance with the provisions of the Supreme Lodge stat : utes, and a custom of the Lodge, me morial services in honor of Our De i ceased Brothers will be held in the Lodge Hall, Third and Boas streets, on Sunday afternoon. April 11th, 1015. at p. iu„ sharp. An interesting pro gram ha 3 been arranged and a large attendance expected. Letf all Moose attend. PERSONAL. LADIiSS— When cU laved op Irregular, use 1 rlur.iph i'uis. always depend able. ~e..ei an i par.icaiaij free. iue Naiiu.ial o-euicai Institute. Mil waukee. \» U FUENIIUip PACXING PACKINti—A. H SHRUNK. IVO6 North fc'.xt!. iiitel, .iisi i.dsi of tur* ; ■ -• «• c.li,i. a;.a ic«,u. litlj j __-r MCNEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AJkiuUNxb l'ajuieiits to suit borrower. iSiuaii luaiis a specialty, j .Positively lowest rates ui the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded aiid incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO, 132 Walnut street «. STORAGE. STORAGE In 2-story orlck building, rear 408 Market St. Hougehold goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. DIENEIt. Jeweler. 40$ Market St. IRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di vided Into private rooms for storage of household goods. New building. Low insurance. Inspection Invited. 437-445 South Second street. HARRISBUKU STORAGE CO. . FREIGHT DRAYAGE. storage, shippers and distributors of merchandise of all kinds; prompt and efficient service. Warehouses on p. it. K and p. it R. tracks. MuNTUOMKRV cu, Peipher Line, i'enth below Maiket Su BAZOB BLADES , ALL KINDS of razor blades resharpen ed; made better than new; safety, 25c per uozen; Star, lie; old style, Jsc, leave orders Henry Gilbert it Sous' Hardware, iiln Market street. ALL KINDS OP HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; turnlturv. pianos, freight, la the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or j evening. WH H. DARE, 1451 Vernon I St^_Bell_j>hone_jsl7J. ' " Lost and Found . POUND. _ / FOUND—The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. Do you? Call and deliver. FOUND—A decided Improvement In my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works, 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call- J^yjjjnd^d^ellverlnj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOST—On Tuesday evening, at Victoria theatre, cameo brooch;, valuable only as a keep-sake. Reward If returned to 234 Kelker street t " ■' ■ —■" ■ ■ ■ FOR RENT 1838 N. Second St. Three-story brick (single) hsise— IS rooms—steam heat. Garage oa rear of lot. MILLER BROTHERS SCO. UAL BSTATE Ft re lasaraaeo Ssretr Bongs Loeast sad Coort Street* Rnl Estata 1 —i —■■■ i m . i - BBAL BBTATB fOB BAI.B 41! CRESCENT STREET—Two-story brick, front porch dwelling, all mod ern convenience*; 15 minute* walk from Market Square. Desirable neighbor hood. PENNA. REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT CO.. 182 Locust street. FOR SALE—IBO7 Rudy St; 2-story brick; nearly new; 6 looms and bptl); steam heat; lot 16x90. Small amount of j cash necessary. Main St., Camp Hill, one square from j trolley line; frame; S rooms and bath; furnace. Lot 80x142. Price, 13,700. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sta. 87 ACR miles northwest of Golds boro; good frame buildings; well and spring. Price 12,000. BRINTON-PACK ER CO.. Second and Walnut Sta. —MONEYMAKER— Shrfrt distance to trolley, (3) rail roads, (10) Iron and Steel Mills (12) Silk. Hose, Pants and Novelty Works. GoOd buildings mostly new and painted, water through concrete ttoor stone milk house, and Ideal location for paultry, beaj, berries, early vegetables and Dairy Business. Nearness to City Mar ket makes a gi'eat bargain. (100) acres ft (83300) with (8) ton hay (10) toiv straw (2) horses age (6 and 7) and (2) fresh cows (4) thrifty hogs and (60) chickens It (83S00). GEORGE B. OSTRANDER Danville Telephones Suubury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings CORNER LOT FOR SALE—Corner Hun ter and Sixteenth streets, 20 feet on Sixteenth street and 100 fee-t on Hunter street; water and sewer under curb on Sixteenth street. Apply GEO. F. FAY MAN, 436 S. Sixteenth St. FOR SALE—Millinery store, in Harrisburg. Splendid location. Doing good business. Price reason able to quick buyer. Address 3742, care Star-Independent. FOR SALE—No. 465 and 467 Myers St.. Strrlton, !*■„ 24-siory frame-dwell ing with water and gas ,in kitchen; stable in the rear. Houses are in good 'repair. Rent sl9 per month. Owner desires to sell at once and will take 11700 for the pair. Apply to JOHN P. CROLL, 434 Pine St., Steelton, Pa. SEVERAL NEW BRICK HOUSES for sale; well built; finished in chestnut; gas; electric light; steam heat; porch. Inspect these houses soon; prices right. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Butiding. FOR SALE—No. 44 N. Seventeenth St.; brick house; 9 rooms; bath; gas; elec tric light; steam heat; porch. Also prop erties on Eighteenth street, near Mar ket. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Bldg. >2,700 WILL BUY a suburban property; plot 75x150; frame house; porches; large chicken house; work shop and garage; variety of fruit. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No.. 344 South Fourteenth St.; frame house; 9 rooms; bath; gas; porch; lot 27x110. Also other property for sale in this vicinity. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—A bargain. 10-acre farm in Dauphin county, 10 miles from city; good buildings; fruit. Running water. Price $1,200. H. G. PEDLOW, llu S. I'mrteeittS. FOR SALE—Locust St., Camp Hill; 3 squares north of trolley line; 2%- story frame dwelling; 6 rooms and bath; vapor vacuum heat; hardwood floors; porches; one and three-fourth acres or land; 140 fruit trees coming in bearing. Price, 84,200.00. 1-42 State St.; 3-story brick; 8 rooms, bath and furnace; front and rear porch. The price is right for this convenient location. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Sec ond and Walnut Sta. FOR SALE—MiII and farm; 13 acres of land; located 4 miles north of SvA tara Station; frame dwelling; stone mill ir. running order; frame barn. BRIN TON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. REAL ESTATE FOB RENT FOR RENT—House for rent at 1115 Market street; 9 rooms, bath and steam heat; newly papered. Inquire at 1113 Market street. FOR RENT 1317 Derry St., apartment, 835.00 1315 Market, apartment, $30.00 Apartments from $22.50 to $32.50 310 Crescent, house ..$23.00 1218 Swatara, house $20.00 1641 Zarker. house, $20.00 133 S. 14th $20.00 1 2 houses, each $25.00 I 2 houses, each, sll.oo] 3 houses, each SB.OO ' HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 S. 13th St.. or I Bell phone 248 M. FOR RENT No. 1413 Market St $26 50 No. 1110 Walnut St $20.00 No. 2016 Kensington St $lO 50 No. 1019 S. 21 a St $ lO.UO ; J. E. GIPPLE. FOR RENTS—9O4 Capital St', refitted throughout, modern improvements, in cluding free use of steam heat; for nominal rental. Apply HENRY FINK'S SONS ESTATE, 320 Forster. FOR RENT—No. 5 Grace street, two doors from Market street and'P. R. R. Depot. Suitable for most any busi ness. Large show windows; steam heat Rent reasonable. Apply CLASTER'S Jewelry Store. 302 Market street. FOR RENT—No. 618 Wiconlsco St., 8 rooms; bath; large yard; rent $13.00 pef month. Apply 2331 N. Third St. FOR RENT—House 114 N. Thirteenth St,, SIB.OO per month. Apply Savoy HoteL FOR RENT—I 33 Royal Terrace, all Im provements; large front and back porch, $lB per month. Apply J. M. REIGHTER, 1312 Berryhill St. 1332 THOMPSON AVE., $10.00; 1613 Thompson Ave., 7 rooms and bath, all improvements. $15.00; 1544 Thompson Ave., new house, never occupied, all im provements, $17.00. H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth. FOR RENT—IBIS N. Second street, 9 rooms, electric lights, steam heat, newly remodeled throughout; rent S4O. 14 North Third street offices and apart ments; *-111 remodel to suit tenants. Ap ply P. MAGA.RO, Regent theatre. FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve ments, at moderate rentals. J, & OIPPLE, 1151 Market Bt APARTMENTS FOB BENT FOR RENT'—Apartment of five rooms. bath and laundry room, second floor, corner property, plenty of light; must be seen to be appreciated. GEORGE W. MYERS, 225 Hummel St, REDUCED RENTS—Three modern, im proved 7-room apartments for rent to adults. All conveniences. .Location 238 S. Thirteenth St Apply on premises or phone 2283 L. BEAX ESTATE FOB SALE OB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT and ZH-story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real BOOMS FOB BENT FOUR unfurnished rooms, second floor, for light housekeeping; Use of bath: beautlful kitchen; hot and cold water; two stoves; steam heat; two entrances; reasonable rent. Call at 333 S. Sixteenth street BOOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED—Private family wlsh- Ing to reduce expenses could find de sirable tenants for part of house (fur nished or unfurnished). Refined mar ried couple about to remove here from Philadelphia. State terms and loca tion. Address No. $714, care Star-In dependent Yon Are Best Protected when you invest not as your neighbor invests—bat in accord ance with your circumstances. Safety is, of Course, the prime essential of every investment, but investments of equal safety differ in yield, marketability and probability of appreciation. „ v Without obligation we will dis- investment problems and make suggestions as to the. best way for you to invest, CorrtspanJtnct IntiUd N. W. Halsey & Co. 1421 Chestnut St, Philadelphia a»w Tor* cblrafo See Prudaee Bancs Baltimore St. Luuls ETTKOPEAN GOV'T BONDS UNITED CIGAR STORES RIKER HEGEMAN 00. STEWART MINING 00. BRADEN COPPER CO. interesting review iwsucd ou t!ie>o stocks. We desl in sll securities CLARENCE CON! JL CO. | 4,1 Broiilud). New York I The Essentials of a Good Investment may be tound in a mortgage bond we are offering. It can be considered dependable be cause of the tangible value of the property securing it and because of the stringent provisions whioh were in sisted upon when it was first issued. At its present price this bond yields 5.25%. Send for descriptive Circular No. Al-120. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Socuritias 149 Broadway, New York Chiracs Philadelphia' Wutfalx Bo«too Baltimore Londor FOR SALE Look here! Do yon want to buy a | new home? Go to 616 to 620 Geary i St. I am just finishing four three- j story brick, mansard roof houses, with wide front and back porches j and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented | cellar, hot and cold water in cellar, j Parlor and dining room, large kitch en. Ave bed rooms and bath, six large :losets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and dining room finished floors. No houses in the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will surprise you. F. H. Hantzman Office ttttO Brigg* St. s < ™ .«■ ■■ « »»i » Real Homes FOR SALE Those new brick houses situ ate Nos. 28, 30, 32 and 34 Prospect street. Fitted up with steam heat and electric and gas lights. These homes are ideally located and the price will be made at tractive to quick buyers. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street , ,-■■■■ - I ■ . WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS Bradstreet's Figures for Last Week in Harrisburg and Other Cities Bank clearings in the United States for the week ending April 2, as re ported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, aggregate $3,395,260,000, j against $3,004,606,000 last week aud $3,270,938, 000 in this week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate sllO,- 997,000, as against $118,347,000 last week and in this week last rear. Following are the returns for this week, with percentages of change froui this week last year: New York $1,996,746,000 I 8.3 Chicago 255.475.000 D 4.8 Philadelphia, 154,035,000 D 12.3 Boston 1 (>9,983,000 I .1 St. I>ouis 79.897,000 I 5.9 Kansas City, 67,637,000 I 40.6 Pittsburgh 45,013,000 D 10.8 San Francisco, ... 48,136,000 D 1.8 Baltimore, D 13.5 Scranton 3,423,000 1,8 Heading 2,414,000 D 9.0 Wilkesßarre, 1.589,000 1 .3 Lancaster 4,400,000 I 43,6 Harrisburg 1,876,000 D 4.2 Krie • • 895,000 York 1,690,000 I 7.1 Chester, 530,000 D 17.3 Philadelphia Closing Prices Philadelphia, April 10.—Stocks closed steady: Cambria Steel 4794 General Asphalt, ...f.... 26% do. preferred jgk Lake Superior Corporation 514 Lehigh Navigation 7574 Lehigh Valley 7014 P. R. R 54 2 Philadelphia Electric, 23% Philadelphia Company, 39% do., preferred, 35 P. R - T 10 hi Reading 78 Storage Battery 50 Union Traction 36 u U. G. 1 54 U. a Steel 56% Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, April 10.—Wheat higher; No. 2 red. car lots, export. 155®157; No 1 northern, Duluth export, 165^168. Corn firm; No. 2 spot, export, 76077; No. 2 yellow, local, 80>4®)81H. * Oats firm; No. 2 white, 63@64. Bran firm; • winter, 'per ton, $29 00; spring, per ton. $26.50®27.00. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00; fine granulated. 5.90; confectioners' A 6.80. Butter firm; western creamery, ex tra. 32; nearby prints, fancy, 35. Eggs firm; nearby firsts, free case, 6.30; do., current receipts, free case. 6.15; western extra firsts, free case, 6.30; do., firsts, tree case, 6.15. Live youltry weaker, fowls, 16HB17; old roosters. 12012&; chickens, 14019; turkeys, 15017; ducks, 16@17; geese. 12&16. Dressed poultry steady; fresh killed 1 .*3 , WANTED Every owner of a kitchen range, beater or furnace to come to 1 Geo. W. Himes Store and see the Economy Gas Burner j | in actual operation. Much cheaper than coal or wood and no more ashes J I or eoot. Installed in your own stove at home. Should you dislike carrying ! i coal and emptying ashes be sure to see it. Commercial Distress i' 8 merchant's bank can often bridge '"^Ejjjp^ jVer H torrent of financial distress, and SSl' tfivvi l BaVe man -' r an honest business mat from ruin or disaster. But only a sound, well managed bank can do this, one coo ducted on lines of honest methods and 11 absolute integrity. The First National Bank solicits your account. 1 224 Market Street 818-820 North Sixteenth St. A fine home in the residential section of Harris burg— The restricted area north of Briggs street. Spacious living room—Beamed ceilings—Open fire place—Hardwood floors—Steam Heat—Tile Bath— Laundry on first floor. Must be seen to be appreciated. x CONVENIENT TERMS Burton Va 812 N. SIXTEENTH STREET . For Sale On Terms to Suit Located on Derry street, between 21st and 22nd streets, built for comfort and convenience; wide paved street, excellent car service. Home buyers should not purchase before taking a look at thlß well located property. It would -take a whole page to describe the reason why YOU should Investi gate this proposition. All the information will be cheerfully given to you, when you come to inspect this extraordinary opportunity. Open for Inspection at all tlinn, Including Sunday. CAM, AT I*. VAN DKHI.OO, Builder, 21111 DERHY STHEKT, or Third and State streets, Masonic Temple Building. i I „ + Jowls, fancy, 18H ® 19V4 : average, 16® 18; unattractive, 14@15; old roosters, 13>/4; frozen fowls, 16®18; roasting chickens, 17®S0; broiling chickens, 22®27; tur keys, 18@22;. duoks, 12®18; geese, 12 ©l6. Potatoes firmer; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 55®60; New York, 48tf®55. Flomr firm; winter straight, 6.60® B. 85; spring straight, 6.75@7.U0; do., pat ent, 7.00® 8.00. Hay weak; timothy. No. 1 large bales, 18,00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.5u® 18.00; No. 2 do.. 15.50® 16.50; No. 3 do.. 14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00©17.50; No. 1 do.. 16.00# 16.50; No. 2. do.. 14.50 @15.50. 2!lgl . . ... SURETYSHIP —WHAT IS IT? Suretyship presupposes the existence of a primary obligationi and the undertaking of the surety Is that the primary obligor, or prlnclpa'. will perform that obligation. The undertaking la usually In the form of a bond of both the principal and surety for the paymeat of n definite sum of money upon condition that If the principal shall perform the obligation, the bond shall be void. However In ease of default, the bond will be satisfied by the payment of the resulting monetary damage, not exce«dlay In aay event the amount of the bondi and the principal Is hound, t« the extent of his resources, to pay that damage or to reimburse the surety la case the surety should pay It. THE L. F. NEEFE AGENCY Insurance—Surety Bonds 410-11 Kunkel Building Bell Phone 3840 AGENTS—BROKERS—UNDER WRITERS—ADJUSTERS Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, April 10.—Hogs—(Receipts, 8,000; slow. Bulk, 7.05@7.1«; light, 6.85 ®7.15; mixed, 6.85®7.20; heavy, 6.65® 7.15; rough, 6.650/6.75; pig's, 5.f0®8.75. Cattle —Receipts, 100; steady. Native beef steers, 6.00®8.»0; western, 5.60® 7.50; oows and heifers. 3.00@8.00; calves, 6.25®8.75. Sheep—Receipts. 200. dull. Sheep. 7.40 ©8.40; lambs, 7.80® 10.50. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. 11
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