The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 09, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
GRIPPE A ROBBER OF STRENGTH ARB FLESH !• s»■ Dbwb, Ca<rrw«(kt People j; RrgtUi I .oat Fleah ni Stitiftk ■t Thta §eae«a • People who have rone through winter glTertng a eucceselon ot cough* colas. Ippe, catarrh or other ailments pecu r to cold weather will probably be surprised, if they climb on a weighing sales,5 ales, to see how much flesh they nave gt. Most everyone reaches bprlng Ith weight decreased, vitality lowered, aerves affected and general health ana Strength impaired. "The best way to regain lost flesh and 4irength is through the original source • r all fleeh and strength—your food. Food, however, produces flesh and itrength only in the proportion In Which its nourishing elements are ab sorbed by the blood. Uoss of weight In dicates a leakage of the fats, sugars Mid starches of your food. Instead of foing to the blood they are passing through your body as waste. The assim ilative functions of your stomach and fntestlnes are out of order and you peed something that will get them working right again. Nothing better for this purpose than a single Sargol tablet eaten at meals for a few weeks. Sargol does not build up flesh of itself and taken between meals is of little value for the purpose, but, swallowed with your food, it acts upon every ruouthful you eat, first separating all the fats, oils, sugars, starches and other materials which make for flesh and strength from the waste matter and then preparing all these fat-making, nourishing elements into a form which the blood can readily absorb and dis tribute throughout the body. The ef fect Is quickly felt. Reported gains in weight of from ten to twenty-five pounds a month are by no means infre quent. Vet its action is perfectly nat ural and absolutely harmless. Sar&ol is sold by G. A. Gorgas and leading drug gists everywhere and every package contains a positive guarantee of weight Increase or money back. Cautioni Sargol Is widely used as a general body builder and for many nervous troubles, but when used for such purposes alone and where patient does not desire an increase of weight it should be taken not less than one hour after meals. If taken at meal-times it will almost certainly produce an In crease in weight that some may not de sire.—Adv. STBBLTOIS SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOMS TO BE CREAM ENLARGED Centenary United Brethren Church An nounces Committee to Handle Funds and Supervise Building Operations on SIO,(KM) Addition Tiie need of greatly enlarged quar ters for the Centenary United Brethren Sunday school was brought to the at tention of the officers and workers of that school at a recent meeting at tvhich time the Rev. A. K. Wier, pastor, was authorized to appoint a committee to haudle the contributions and carry on the building operations. Prior to 'having plans drawn for the improvements, there will be a meeting of the congregation Sunday, April IS, at which time contributions will be so licited and if enough is received iu tash and pledges, the matter will then 'be taken up in earnest in order to have the increased in use before the advent of winter. The approximate cost will be a'bout SIO,OOO. That the proposed addition to the ehurch building is needed has for some time been generally conceded by mem bers of the 'big Sunday school, Whose membership has steadily increased so that an average attendance of over 700 has been marked since January 1, 1915. The Sunday school has a reeord attendance of 899, which was made •ince that time. The committee named to handle tho contributions and to carry on the ac tivities pertaining to the ekurcti exten sion is composed of tho following men: fharles Beidel, Prank Armstrong. J. H. Sanders, John M. dleagv, A. fi. Lesher, 3il. L. Zerbv, E. E. Herman, John B. Malehorn, W. H. Ounvbler, G. W. Parks, J. F. Mentzer and David Neff. The Millionaire's Hundred Dollar Bill To back up his contention that hu man natere in general is selfish and dis honest, Ralph Brewster, a millionaire ehibman, cynically wagers a dinner with John Preston, the District At torney and a fellow member, that he ean prove it. Brewster encloses a SIOO bill in an envelope with the inscrip tion, "Will finder please put this bill to some good use." The use to which this bill is put to is beautifully told in mo tion pictures at the Standard Theatre to-night.—Adv.* WILL JOIN SON'S OF ITALY Dual Meets and Music By Italian Band At Amalgamation ** The St. Michael's Society of Steel ton, will be made a branch of the Hons of Italy on Monday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock and ceremonies start ing at that time will last throughout the day. Harrisburg officiate will pre side. A banquet will be served at 6 o'elock in the evening at the Mt. Pleasant hotel, Cameron and Market streets, Harrisburg, which will be fol lowed by a dance in the hall of the Steelton society at Second and Wash ington streets. The Royal Italian band will furnish music for the dancing whieh will be a feature of the even ing's entertainment. ' Xotieee have been sent to all of the members of both the Steelton and | Harrisbun* societies and there will be j a large turnout to the ceremonial. MISS CELIA ERHART HOSTESS Entertained Miss Mathias' Class at Her Home, Bace Street iMiss Celia Erhart entertained Miss Carrie Mathias' class of young girls of the Highspire United Brethren Sunday school on Tuesday evening at her home, Race street. A short business session One of the best shows of tbe week at the Standard Theatre To-night The Railroad Raiders of "«2." Feat uring Helen Holmes and Lee Maloney. The Millionaire's Hundred Dollar Bill. " Featuring Miss Leah Baird, Lillian i Burns, Ethel Floyd and Leo Delaney. 1 Two-reel special. Ctorge Kline presents "The Secret of the Ring" in three reels. The Wife's Stratagem. One reel. REAL ESTATE FOB BENT. ' -1 POR RENT—Houses with all lnmprov*. menta, on & Fourth St., Steelton. N» 111, $12.00; No. 322. tll.OO; Nos. 343 and Ml. SI.OO per month. Apply 111 a Fourth SU. Steelton. was followed by a social hour and the serving of refreshments to tbe following persons: Margie tHefoerlig, Ruth Harvey, Mary Alleman, Helen Coble, Blanche Gore, Miriam tMeredifh, Kathryn Reefer, Lnlu Coble, Charlotte Erhart, Celia Ertrart and 'Miss Carrie Mathias. STEELTON NOTES The choir of .the First Reformed church will hold a special rehearsal in the church this evening at S o'clock. The Steelton Y. W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Miss Ada Hill, Pine street, Saturday evening at 8 o 'clock. The attraction in St. Mark's Luth eran church this evening at 8 o'clock will be a high class entertainment to be given bv members of Trinitv Luth eran ehurclh, Harrisburg. A silver of fering will be lifted for the Men's Bible class. The degree team of Paxton Council Xo. 2, Degree of Pocohontas will hold a dance in Orpheum hall to-night. The proceeds will be turned over to the benefit of the order. PERSONAL Mrs. W. H. Kistler, of the borough, and Miss Adesaa Fry, of the State De partment of Health, are visiting their sister, Mrs. M. A Dubbe, of Allen town. Planning Summer Outing An enthusiastic meeting of the Young Men's Club of the First Reform ed church was held last evening at the home of the Rev. Charles A. Huvette, paster, 306 Walnut street. Plans for holding a ten-day camp in July at some convenient place were dis cussed. A volunteer committee will look up a suitable place, while another com mittee will take up the matter of a camping outfit. Past Presidents Met The Past Presidents Association, P. O. S. of 'A., Dauphin districts Xos. 1 and 2, held a largely attended .meeting in the hall of Camp 522, Enhaut, last evening. After discussing various things tor the good of the order a social time was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held in the 'hall of Highspire Camp No. 505. Miss Romaine Devlin Cured Romaine Devlin, aged IS years, daughter of John Devlin. 362 Swatara street, who suffered a compound frac ture of the right thigh in a coasting ac cident in the borough January 4, and has since that time been an inmate of the .Harrisburg hospital, was discharged from that institution yesterday, cured. IBE POWELL-WILLIAMS DELPHIC AUDIENCE Musicians Accord Famous Artists a Flattering Reception in Chestnut Street Auditorium—The "Total Eclipse" Delights Local Singers A large and appreciative audience of music lovers was rewarded last night, for attending the joint concert of Maude Powell, the leading American violinist, and Evan Williams, the fa mous Welsh concert tenor, in the Chest nut street auditorium. The artists re ceived a flattering reception. The program was varied and pleased the most critical musicians in the audi ence. Madam Powell's best numbers were the prelude in C minor by Fiorillo and the prelude Major by Bach. In the«e numbers she was unaccom panied and displayed the purity of tone which she has reached after years of effort. Mr. Williams pleased his audience most with Barelett's "Dream," "Sweet Miss Mary" by Neidliuger and "A Perfect Day," by Carrie Jacobs Bond. One of his numbers was the "Total Eclipse" from "Samson." the oratorio to be presented by the Harris burg Choral Society April 29. The Bach-Cfounad "Ave Maria" for voice and violin brought the concert to a de lightful close at 11 o'elock. BACE FOR QUF.EN STARTS Ballot Boxes for Carnival Voting Ready To-night The race for queen of the carnival to be held under the auspices of the Veteran Firemen's Assoeiiftion at Third and Reilv streets during the week of May 17. will open this evening, when contestants cau get ballot boxes and other paraphernalia necessary to vot ing in the contest at 420 Market street. The contest will close on the evening of May 20 on the carnival grounds. Permission to use the site at Third, and Reily streets was granted by the School Board last Friday night. The New Home Treatment 1 for Ugly, Hairy Growths (Boudoir Secrets) Here is a simple, yet very effective method for removing hair and fuzz from the face, neck ami arms: Cover the ob jectionable hairs with a paste made by mixing some water with a little pow dered delatone. Leave this on for 2 or 3 minutes, then nib off, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. No pain or inconvenience attends this treat ment, but results will be certain if you are sure to get real delatone.—Adv. EPILEPTIC FITS Stop when the weak nerves that cause the spells are strengthened and kept in good condition by the use of Dr. Gnertin's Nerve Syrap It helps with the first Dose. Safe, sure and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Your dollar bach if first bottle fails in any case of Epilepsy or Convulsions, no matter how bad.f It is the Sunshine for Epileptics, A valuable remedy for Dizziness and Insomnia. Large bottle, 311.00;; 6 bottle*, $5.00 Sold by a m. FORNEY, Druggist 4 '20 MARKET STREET *<? rr $ e , the Kalmtie Chemical Co., Kalmus Building, Cincinnati. 0., for their valuable illustrated m&lical book. frOnT'EPILEPSY EXPLAINED'* ■ ntC arhioh it seat tree to yoa " - '<* .'WW !41,...||. "II " . ... ■ —— w _"" T SARRISBUBQ STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1915. -v-v-Li-s 9 * I^fSl? Everyone Who Has Wooed Success With Printer's Ink and newspaper space comes to realize that ** * s not so muc^l you say to-day as what you jmftum jMIMV vSmKa do to-morrow that counts. (illo® M f%) Scare headlines, catch phrases, Wto? II I 11111111 high sounding, "copy," "bold face" and 1 I jf! l]J|j U "italics," may serve to start, the flow of trade into a Jk\ I 11! mil IV /ifii store, but if satisfaction doesn't come out in every package, success fflli ! 11l lll Ml hllr 1 will never be a permanent resident. fflll ll MMB, Thus it is that we give our first and greatest attention - t0 before we start to advertise. We make sure that mil/Ml MM I vmu those things about which we intend to write are right and then we fill lift II Sflll' 11111 l I \mJy give our pen full sway, knowing that our enthusiasm will never equal lllllfmiimmm i VI the quality which inspires it. I KIPPENHEIMER CLOTHES II j|vl If I/ have always been better than mere paper and ink ill fII P Will fM could make them. That style which is so exclusively theirs has never »ill 111 it' ll I 1 fully paralleled in print. That fabric worth, that inside and our fl jI I Kill lint h^' C ta^°b n f' s0 not i cca hl e in every garment beaming the Kuppen- II IJ||| Just now the whole store' is resplendent with new f tt I jju HI spring styles. Suits with soft rolling lines to coat front and vest lapel; If illflll iff \| with straight trim trouser lines, with all the clever little touches here ' 111 I HI IS U and there that give clothes their individuality. 111 ! fill ff n Service, Satisfaction or "money cheerfully refunded/' 11| I IjlJ I \|l guarantee, such are the methods and such the merchandise The Live Ijfl HI I til Store urges all men to enjoy at prices which are never at variance BUI sls, S2O, $25,530 the Hos2roT"j,'pV N '„„„„ 304 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. _ RAILROADS CREW BOARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—llß crew to go first after 3.30 p. m.: 132, 124, 128. 119, 123, 116, 107, 109, 115, 12?j 103, 126, 117. Engineers for 108, 117, 132. Firemen for 108, 109, 115, 120, 127. Conductors for 102, 104, 115, 118, 124, 127, 128. Flagmen for 108, 115. Bnikemen for 102, (2); 105, 115, 116 11 Sj L>avis. Mauley, Kautz, Bissinger, ros ter, Newcomer, Speas, Young, Ten nant. Firemen up: Wagner, Robinson, Wagner, Arnsberger, Yentzer, Gel singer, Moffntt, Herman, Grove, My ers, Bushev, Duvall, Martin, Farmer. Conductor up: Miller. Flagmen up: Clark, First. Brakeuien up: Arment, Bogner, Bus ser, Bryson, Collins, Hivner, Mumma, Brown, Allen, Fergueson. Middle Division—lß crew to go first after 2 p. m.: 24, 21, 216. Preference: 3. Flagman for 24. Engineers up: Simonton, Smith, Kugler, Havens, Garman, Mumma, Hertzler, Free, Kniselv. Firemen up: Arnold, Fritz, Liebau, Fletcher, Ross. Conductor up: Paul. Flagmen up: Bodley, Miller. Brakemen up: Rissinger, Strouser, Spahr, Myers. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2l9 crew to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 209s 215, 214, 205, 202, 227, 236, 233, 238, 232, 207, 225, 212, 220, 239, 228, 218. ' Eneineers for 205 ,207, 212, 214, 215, 228, 236. Firemen for 203, 205, 207, 225, 232. Conductors for 2*14, 225. Flagmen for 202, 2IS, 217, 236, 239. Brakemen for 214, 225, 236. Conductors up: Stftuffer, Dewees, Pennell. Flagmen up: Snyder, Ford, Camp. Brakemen up: Rice, Myers, Shul ler, Beets, Boyd, Loug, Summy, Werts, Vandling, Campbell, Middle Division—llß crew to go first after 2.30 p. m.: 115, 107, 238, 222, 452, 109. Engineer for 118. Fireman for 115. Conductor for 107. Flagman for 118. Brakeman for 118. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Tilosser, Meals. Stahl, Swab, Crist, Harvey, Salts man, l<uhn, Pelton, Landis. Hoy ler, Beck, Harter, Biever. Firemen up: Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schiefer, Raueh, 1-aekey, Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Getty, Barkev. Engineers for 306, 1820. Firemen for 306, 2660, 1816, 1831. THE READING P., H. & P.—After 4 p. m.: 19, 14. 17, 16, 5, 3, 20, 12. Eastbound—s6, 60, 61. 63, 53, 58, 68. 52. 62, 67, 69, 57. Engineers up: Woland, Martin. Fetrow PletzT Barnhatt, Ware, Wood, Tipton, Fortney, Richwine. Firemen up: Dobbins, Snader, Hen derson, Longenecker, King, Bowers, Anspach, Anders, Stephens, Carl, Zu koswiski, Sullivan, Fulton, Bingaman, Xve. Brakemen up: Yoder, Ely, Dun can. Painter, Rapp, Maehmer, Avres, Hoover, Shader, Greager, Gardener, Many People In Thb Town never really enjoyed a meal until we advised them to take a ssss& D ffi a before and afttt each meal. Sold only by us—2sc a Bbx. George A. Gorgas ! j Gold Crowns & Sets of < \ :! Bridge Work Teeth !| I $3, $4, $5 I $5 S jl We alwaya aiake teeth that tt J' i 1 Com* In the morning, set your < 1 < | teeth same day. Plates repaired '; , i on short notice. j, j! Mack's Painless Dtntisfs j ;; 310 Market St. < Opea Stealage. Miles, Shearer, Bingaman, Miller, Ens minger, Carlin, Smith. OPTION TEST VOTE THURSDAY? Foes to Bill May Force the Issue When It Comes Dp on Second Beading Much interest was expressed to-day in the announcement yesterday by Chairman Williams, of the House Law and Order Committee, that he will re port from committee on Tuesday next the local option measure. • It is now planned to take action on What We Say It Is, It Is You Can't Tell Whether Your Watch Needs Cleaning Of course if it doesn't keep good time, you know theYe is something wrong. But it's a mistake to wait until it be gins to lie about the time, or stops completely. A watch requires cleaning and oiling every 12 to 15 months. Regu lar attention of this kind adds years to the accurate service you get from your watch and saves many dollars on repair bills. Your watch'may need clean ing and oiling now. You can't tell —but Diener can. Let us examine it; if it needs no at tention we'll say so, and if it does you'll be told exactly what is necessary and your further pleasure awaited. There's BO charge for the ex amination. Bring your watch in to-day. Diener Jeweler The Htllmark Store 408 Market Street the bill on first reading in the House on Wednesday morning and on secoaid reading on Thursday morning, and, if the opposition to the bill does not kill it on second reading, it is proposed to fix a special order for its consideration for final passage on Tuesday, April 20, when tbe question of its final disposi tion by the House will come up. Sonie of the opponents of the bill say that thev will endeavor to get a test vote on it on second reading on Thursday, and that unless it is amond- TheP. H.CAPLAN CO. Announce a new de- SUPPLIES The Ansco is superb, indeed! It is the best picture-taker for beginner or experienced amateur. True, sure acting, easy to operate. Loaded with reliable Ansco Film, it gets sharp, detailed pictures, true to life. We have the many models, each made and priced from 92 and np. We also have fresh supplies of famous Ansco Film, Ansco Chemicals and prize-winning Cyko Paper. Here Are 4 Big Specials The Lady Watch Bracelet—round, Gold Filled Waldemar Chains and oval or octagon 10-0 size (very Match Safes—an extraordinary val smaU), lever movement; nickel Da»- f th U ttle money. Special, skeened, nicely finished throughout; " ' specially timed white enameled or P" c ®. $2.75 gold dial; value 928.00. solid Gold Lavalieres—Another ex- Gold Fined Pocket Knives. Spe- traordinary value. Special price, cial price, 05c $3.85 If you have a charge account here we shall be pleased to have you take advantage of these bargains and pay later. If you do not have a charge account, see us about starting one. THE P. H. CAPLAN CO. Jeweler—lß NORTH FOURTH STREET—Harrisburg, Pa. 9 Ed in some particulars, which they are not yet certain about, tbey will rally to its defeat. ,)/f Others are disposed to make no set opposition to the bill until it -eomee up on final pas*a«e in the House when the real test will come. Many of the members of the Houae have 'prepared speeches for or against the bill, and think that they should be made when the bill is up for final consideration. As yet all of* the Dauphin county members are reported to be opposed to the bill as it is now drawn.