These Are Days of Brightening Up the Homa i . . « • d m * IS JSjoamaitii Call 1001, any plinnr. Founded IWI Timely Specials in Wanted Silks Black Satin Messaline, yd.— CT* rMI I//iflf//nl\\ \« regularly $1.00 ; 35 inches wide; very KT ||v| P. W. Taffeta, $1.75 yd.-40 - v /BHS R\ inches wide; good shades of Rocky ( (lllv I W\^ Mountain blue, Oregon green, battle- a ship grey, navy, wistaria, black and < ivory -. ±\Z&- Crepe Meteor, $1.69 yd.—regular ly $2.00; 40 inches wide; extra good J* quality; shades of putty, Rocky c Mountain blue, Oregon green, Copen hagen blue, Tuxedo brown, navy, • . r\ • black and ivory. Ddlllty SpllUg Faille Francaise, $1.59 yd.—36 inches wide; satin finish; black only. "fAT" Silk and Wool Poplin, 84£ yd.—4o 1/ICOOCO lUI inches wide; in wistaria, Russian f\ • « green, putty, sa id, Belgian blue, Ore- JLvILLiC Ixll*l S gon green, black, navy, and battle ship grey. Gingham Wash Dresses —plaids, M. I. A. Black Satin Messaline, checks and stripes; also plain colored . i -- 35inch es wide; blue star ch ambray, prettily trimmed, with Main FIoor—BOAVMAN'B. plaited, plain or tier skirts; sizes 2 to Laces and Embroid- Linen Dresses ' in white - leather > . . , . rose and old blue; also contrasting enes Are Kicn in combinations ; some are long waist TVTatxt Pflffornc models, hand embroidered, wide 11 CW irdtterns leather belts; sizes 6 to 14 years, at Double width all over Shadow Laces, in $4.98. white and i-ream, at 30c, 75c, SI.OO and $1.25 yard. Wash Dresses of crepe gingham, in Cream and white Oriental Lace Floun- nnveltv nlairl of rich coloring <jilk Sings, 27 and 45 inches wide; at SI.OO ano\eltJ pl.lia 01 run colorings, SliK to $3.05 yard. ginghams, chambrays and percales, Oriental Lace or Net Edges, 2 to 8 with plaited and double skirts; trim inches wide; white and cream, at 12i£c . . , . to SI.OO vard. nied with lingerie and pique collars; Swiss Match Sets, 4 to 12 inches wide; sizes 6 to 14 years, at 50<* to $6.50. beautiful patterns, at 20c to 39c yard. Swiss Flounclngs, 18 inches wide; at Lingerie Dresses, in many new 25c, 89c and 50c vaTd. styles; sheer batiste and lawn, trim- Ruffled Baby Flounclngs, 27 inches me( j with fine lace and embroiderv, wide; regularly 75c, at 50c yard. „ . , Swiss Flouncings, 2 7 inches wide, at touches ot hand work; sizes 2 to 6 85c to 59c yard. years, at to $5.00. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. There's No Secret About This Clear-Away of Trimmed Millinery Even though styles are fully established, new ideas will lie constantly taking shape, and it's our policy to SHOW THEM FIRST in Harrisburg. But they will not materially affect the present running styles, and hats that were worn on Easter day will be stylish for Aveeks to come. Our reasons for this sale right in the heart of the season are (1) to make room for new models; (2) and to dispose of present models before they become common or out of style. Xote the savings: $4 to $6 $6.50 to $lO M £ HATS ... IJpO.iJO HATS.... fi) $lO to sls Isl2 to $22.50 HATS ... |• / U HATS 'IplU Special Untrimmed —are the best hats we've seen yet at this price, and because they were made to sell at The wante< * sailors (like illustration), f /gpsF pokes and shepherdess shapes in black, with / CT; heavy cable edges, well made. Special, $1.49 v \. VTY' Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 13 Have never been 80 hea hhy and fresh looking as .s this Spring's assortment; now on sale. JSHRS Here yOU 11 find yOUr favorites : both monthly and climbers, while every shade is represented. ' Included are: Magna Charta, Duke of Edinburgh, Fisher Holmes, La France Lilac Rose, Victor Hugo, Frau Karl Drischki Ideal White Rose, Gen. Jacqueminot, American Beauty, Ulrich Brunner. Priced at Seeds Garden Requisites Mays' Flower and Garden Seeds, 2c pack, Rubber How—standard grades, com* In or 6 packs, 10c. |;' t a ' rea <ly coupled. Bulbs / ieSh r . a ifc u ft. ltjf rub,ber ho,e ' contlnu,yu " Tube noses. Elephant Ear, Carinas, AUe- Oarden Spadesf'nOc. mania. Indiana, Louisiana and Qladlolas— n r< ! wels :J lc "" d 10c * Garden Rakes, 3Rc, Sftc, SOc. moderately priced. Dahlias, assorted 00l- Weed Digger or Asparagus Knife ase ln _ „.„w Hand Weeders, 10e. , c each. Bure Klll) Krttafl ghears, 30c, Baieraent—BOWMAN'S, * v Y • - V ' v " '- ; *'''■ i- ■ < \ / At this busy period of renovating and house cleaning-, we are desirous of helping- you select the proper floor coverings, furniture, draperies, wall papers, and the like, that will make the home bright and cheerful during the spring and summer months. We suggest: Room Size Best Known Your desire for a well-wearing nig can be satisfied in this assortment, and beautiful patterns in rich colorings will add new life to the home. Bigelow Electra Rugs, extra fine Extra I artrr Purrs quality; size 9x12, at $24.50 UargC &IZC KUgS Wiltone Rugs, beautiful effects, , If you have 811 odd size room Per mostly in plain colors, size 9x12, at h ? ps there 18 something in tfcis lot $32.00 of rngs t0 fit it - Body Brussels Rugs—good line of . The -Y eome in Axminster, body small all-over designs; size 9x12, at r " 3se } s ' velvet aKcl tapestry; in the $26*. 50 following sizes: Royal Wilton Rugs—medallion fig- 12x15, 10.6x12 ures and small all-over effects; size 11.3x15 11.3x13.6 9x12, at $37.50 11.3x12 10.6x13.6 Alexander Smith's Axminster Rugs _ _ —rsize 9x12, at $21.00 and $22.50 Yard Wide Rag Carpets Alexander Smith s Herman Rugs— Very near to the home-made kinds, no seams all in one piece at $24.00 Attractive colorings In wool stripes, Wool and Fibre Rugs— extra heavy 49fS and yd. quality : new designs, in greens anil * Stair Carpets, from to $1.35 browns, 9x12 at $8.25, 8.3510.6 at yard. Many qualities and patterns. $7.25, 6x9 at $4.98. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. The Draperies Department Offers Many Little Curtain Voile, 18<* to 50< yd.— Lace Curtains, 50< to $5.75 pr. white, cream and ecru, with fancy __ lace and novelt net cnrtain in open work borders. . , , , • , , Curtain Material., 18f to 50* f ™ yd.—cretonnes, repps and taffetas. centers, with braid trimmings, Cluny Curtains, at 79<* to $3.50 pr.— insertion and lace edges; 2V 2 and 3 scrim, voile and marquisette curtains, yards long. in white and ecru; with hem and Armures, 39< to 95«* yd.—figur edge; hemstitched hem and lace; in- ed designs; in red and green, sertion and lace; 2y 2 yards long. Tapestries, $1.50 to $2.25 yd.— Sunfast Curtains, $3.75 to $6.25 50 inches wide; pretty colors and de pr.—in brown, green, red, blue and signs. rose; with and without valance.' Fourth FIo6r—BOWMAN'S. The Furniture Department —calls attention to new and handsome suites and separate pieces; also timely specials that will be of interest at this moment. Special Values in Dining Room Tables SIO.OO golden oak Pedestal Tables, $3.25 genuine leather Dining Chairs $8.95 $2.75 $15.00 golden oak Pedestal Tables, $ 2 - 25 solid wood seat Dining Chairs, $12.75 $1.98 $16.00 golden oak Pedestal Tables, ft ™ "r!' """'"I S"! 8 " "IS ?g ®-|o c ft $/.00 white enamel Beds,.. .$5.50 409-/1 ~ , T> , , , SIO.OO white enamel Hed5,...57.95 *22.00 golden oak Pedestal Tables, al , cott(m Mattresses,. .$5.00 $18.75 $7 75 ro u edge felt Mattress, $6.95 $3.00 genuine leather Dining Chairs, $12.00 Imperial edge felt Mattress $2.50 $8.90 Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Women's Coats From Wile--The King of Coat Makers It's a well-known fact that more of Wile's coats are copied than those of any other New York maker. Over a hundred of his new models arrived here for Saturday. Coverts, $12.50 to $25.00 Mixtures, SIO.OO to $25.00 Poplins $15.00 to $35.00 Gabardines, $12.50 to $25.00 Novelties $12.50 to $20.00 Plaids, $12.50 to $22.50 Checks ..$15.00 to $30.00 Over Two Hundred Coats at $5.98, $6.98, $8.98 and $lO. And just as snappy styles as though you were paying two or three times as much. Serges, poplins, coverts, mixtures, checks and plaids. The New Skirts For Shirt Waist Wear And the fashion creators say that a u j, wonderful lot of waists and skirts will \T\\ / ' / /k a be worn this spring. 'jtlffl serges, poplins, gabardines and checks. JkSHL Five models at $7.50 and SIO.O0 — V, , in coverts, checks, poplins and men's wear serges. Ten models, at SIO.OO and $12.50 ! dines and men's wear serges. Extra Size Skirts of Serge, at $3.98 —excellent tailoring; measure to t Pure Wool Serge and Pure Wool Nov- ' «j elty Cloth Skirts, at $1.98 —made in "==J- • the newest models. In black, navy and gray. ~HZZI Sacond FIoor—BOWMAN'S. IN THE MEN'S STORE —Men who know style and appre ciate economy in clothes-=those men will buy their spring suit at Bowman's fin our complete Men's Store, is an assortment of I styles and patterns that /1 would do justice to a metro-jJ politan shop; in fact many I who saw the grand window® display a few days ago, re-1 marked as much. At $9.90,51250 sls and s2o] are all the popular effects —large, | distinct lapels; single button sack* coats; double-breasted vests, and - ' Shepherd checks, pin checks, over-plaids, mixtures, blue flan nels, novelty stripes, Tartan plaids,™ and a new nrrival of blue worsteds® Spring Top Coats come in Eng-« lish and Chesterfield models, atjj $lO, sls, $lB and S2O. M Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I Smart, New Furnishings For Dressy Men . j Men's Dress Shirts, sl.oo Men's President Suspenders, • percales and mercerized madras, 39^ —regularly 50c. coat style, with attached French Munsing Union Suits, $1.00! or starched cuffs, newest Sprmg anJ lines com-} ' 'Men's Silk Shirts, $3.00, plete ' in all the wanted st>'les s3.9B and $4.98 — coat style, Monito Half Hose, double soles,' French cuffs; choice patterns. high spliced heels; thread silk,' New Neckwear, 50^ — four-in- 50£ pair; silk lisle, 25£ pair, hands and clubs. MHin FIoor—BOWMAN'S. New Military Effess Dominate Shoe Styles Women's patent leather and gun metal trimmed military laced spring boots, in battleship gray, putty and sand colors. The smartest shoes you'll see, al $3.50. Women's gun metal and patent colt colonials, pumps, and strap slip pers; some with grey and fawn suede backs; plain toes and Louis Cuban leather heels. Just received from the factory. Pair, $2.25. Two Striking" Shoe Specials Special No. 1— Women's low and high shoes, in tan calf skin —shoes that were formerly $2.50 to $4.00 pair. All sizes in the' lot. Pair SI.OO Special No. 2 Women's high and low shoes, in black leathers t)f all kinds; button and laced; all sizes; values $2.50 to $4.00. Pair $1.25 Special items are not exchangeable, sent C. O. D. or on approval. Correct Gloves Women will And here, the very latest developments in gloves for spring. Kid gloves, in all shades, 2-clasp, $1.25 pair. Fownes' French Kid Gloves, in self and contrasting embroidery, at SI.BO to $2.25 pair. Bacmo 1-clasp washable doeskin gloves, guaranteed to wash; plain and black em broidered, $1.25 and $1.50 pair. Bacmo 12 and 15-button length doe skin gloves, at $2.50 and $!I.OO pair. Fownes' and Kayser's 2-clasp "silk gloves in all shades, plain and contrasting em broidery, 50c to SI.OO pair. Fownes' and Kayser's 12 and 16-button length silk gloves, 75c to $2.00 pair. Kayser's 2-closp chamoisette gloves, in all the wanted shades, with self and con trasting embroidery, 50c pair. i 480 Soft, Fluffy Ha* Switches Just Arrived All colors and shades; 24 and 1 inches long; all three short stem regularly $3.00. Saturday, $1.45. At this price the lot will likely dj appear before the day is past. Every economical woman «hoq take advantage of this unusual C fering. Prompt and courteous attentic from an expert who will guarantee match. Combings made up Saturday f< $1.25. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Primo Grey 4 Enamel Ware Specials Lot consists of 12 and 14-qt.: water pails; 10 and 12-qt. Ber-j lin cooking kettles; chamber\ pails, enamel cover; 2 and 3-qt.j rice boilers; foot tubs; 16-qt.j preserve kettle; 14 and 21-qt.s dish pans. Choice, 29^. Basement—BOWMAN'S. i ;] Good Clothes Deserv Good Treatment White lined odorless moth-pro bags afford absolute protection fro moth, dust, dirt and moisture. Th come in four sizes, 60<, 70<, 851 and SI.OO. The Lavender Box—tar camph mixed with the best quality of lave der flowers—the great preservii compound. Box, Moth Balls, box. Basement—BOWMAN'S. Join The Bowman Refrigerator Club, Saturday 1 SI.OO sends a Refrigerator to l Your Home. SI.OO Week pays for it. Notaseme stone lined Refrig erators, at $18.50 to $40.00. Century white enamel Refrig erators, $10.50 to $27.00,. Ice Chests, $4.49 to $15.50 Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ■ 5
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