The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 09, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
WITMER, BAIR WITMER Black Self-Stripe Suits, side belted coats, breast patch pocket, circular skirt. $15.001 Black and Navy College $16.751 12 Styles of Late New Model Suits— HK Black, navy, checks, etc., AO* I O Black and Navy Tipperary $19.751 Black and Navy Novelty Suit, a copy (fcOO KA of a high-class model. Special, ip 200 Better Suits— Fancy or plain, $23.75, $25.00, $26.75, $28.75, $29.75 to $37.50. Small and large sizes —l6 to 48. One special Black Silk Poplin Suit, size 48—only $30.00 — One special Black Fancy Taifeta Silk, size 42; $85.00 —special, $50.00. Black and Navy Unlined Gabardine Coat, $9.50 Tan Covert Coats, $8.75 Black and White Check Coats, $6.50 Better Black, Navy, Tan and Check Coats— many prices up to $25.00 Serge Dresses— Special $3.75, $3.95, $4.25, $4.50, $4.75, $5.00 up to $16.75. Silk Dresses, $7.50 up to $35.00 250 Silk Crepe de Chine, Stripe Tub Silk, Jap Silk Waists, white and all the new colors. Special, $1.95 Of course we have better Waists up to $8.50 202 WALNUT ' - "T SOCIAL and PERSONAL LAST COTILLION OF SEASON WILL BEHELD TO-NIGHT Masonic Temple Will Be Scene of One of the Prettiest Dances of the Sea son—Mrs. John K. Tener Will Be One of Patronesses The third and last cotillion of the season will be held this evening in Ma sonic Temple, Third and State streets. The ball room decorations will con sist of spring flowers, a profusion of annunciation lilies, daffiodils, white hy acinths and other flowers and greens predominating The E. Atlee Frueh orchestra, from the Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, will furnish the music and supper will be served at 11 o'clock. The patronesses will be Mrs. John K. Tener, of Philadelphia; Mrs. San ford DeWitt Coe, Mrs. Walter P. Ma guire, Mrs. William K. Meyers, Mrs. Frank Payne, Mrs. Henry D. Boas and Mrs. John M. Wallie. The committee in charge of the dance includes Henderson Gilbert, Vance C. McCormick, Frank A. Robbins, Jr., Henry B. Bent, John Ericson and George Comstock. Several dinners will precede the co tillion. Miss Eleanor Darlington will entertain informally at dinner at her home, 321 North Front street. The guests will be Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers, Miss Mvrv.nne Leason, Mr. Traill, George Shotwell, Mr. Redus, Bobert Spangler, Clarence Funk, Har ry Darlington and Gilbert Darlington, who are spending the wefk at their home. Mrs. Tener Guest of Honor Mrs. John K. Tener was guest of honor at the luncheon given yesterday by Mrs. Frank Payne, who is enter taining Mrs. Tener during her stay in the city. The table appointments were in pink and white with fragrant spring blossoms Parrying out the color scheme. Those present were Mrs. Tener, Mrs. Philip T. Meredith, Mrs. Samuel C. Todd, Mrs. George Kunkel, Mrs. Wil liam Henderson, Mrs. Walter H. Gaith er, Mrs. W. Walley Davis, Mrs. Itollin Alger Sawyer, Mrs. Lewis H. Johnson, Mrs. Sanftird DeWitt Ooe and Mrs. F. Herbert Snow. A the Dansant at Club With a the dansant which Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Johnson will give to- THE WAY OUT Change of Food Brought Success and Happiness An ambitious but delicate girl, after failing to go through school on account of nervousness and hysteria, found in Grape-Nuts the only thing that seemed to build her up and furnish her the peace of health. "From infancy,' she says, "I have not been strong. Being ambitious to learn at any cost I finally got to the High Schooi but soon had to abandon my studies on account of nervous pros tration and hysteria. "My food did not agree with me, and I grew thin and despondent. I could not enjoy the simplest social affair for I suffered constantly from nervousness in spite of all sorts of medicines. "This wretched condition continued until I became interested in the letters of those who had cases like mine and who were being helped by eating (irape-Nuts. "I had little faith, but procured a pkg. and after the first dish I ex perienced a peculiar satisfied feeling that I had never gained from any ordinary food. I slept and rested bet ter that night and in a days began to grow stronger. "I had a new feeling of peace and restfulness. In a few weeks, to my great joy, the headaches And nervous ness left me and life became bright and hopeful. I resumed my studies and later taught ten months with ease— using Grape-Nuts every day. lam now the mistress of a happy home, and the old weakness has never returned." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to Well ville,' in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. ' HAfiRISBURQ STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1915. morrow at Harrisburg Country Club, complimentary to their son, Leland Johnson and his guests, this week's gaieties will end, although quite a num ber of informal little dinner parties and dances will be held in the even ing. Frank B. Wickersham Host Frank B. Wickersham will enter tain at a dinner of seventeen covers at his Riverside home this evening. Cov ers will be laid for President Judge George Kunkel, Judge S. J. M. MeCar rell, Senator E. E. Beidelman, W. Har ry Baker, Freeman H. Gerberich, Mau rice Metzger, Michael E. Stroup, Rob ert T. Fox. William H. Nell, Oscar G. Wiekersham, William F. Houseman, Eu gene F. Feal, Harold Alden, Claude E. Briuser, William 11. Earnest, Charles Holton and Frank B. Wiekersham. Triangle Dinner Dance The Easter dinner dance of the Tri angle Club will be held this evening in Wintenlule. with the Loeser orchestra playing for the dancing. Dinner will be served at the Senate, with the or chestra playing. On the committee of arrangements are J. Stewart Montgom ery, Fred B. Oorl, Ralph Eldridge and Charles Vowler. MANY ATTEND DANCE Charming Affair Given By the Misses Burns, Weirman and Schmidt, Last Evening A subscription dance was given last night in Hansliaw 'g hall with Miss Dorothy Schmidt, Miss Margaret Weir man and Miss Miriam Burns, as host esses. F. Marion Sourbeer, Jr., played for the dancing and the guests includ ed the following: Misses Sara Morgan, Fannie Hoy, Catharine Thorn, Dorothy Duncan, Pauline Schmidt, Dorothy Dowdell, Edna Catharine Simonetti, Clarabelle Claster, Miriam Keiser, Mary Stark, Helen Gerdes, Miriam Landis, Elsie Schmidt, Helena Keet, T/Otiise Fisher, Osta Fee, Margaret Welsh, Dorothy Schmidt, Miriam Bur rows, Margaret Wiesman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, Edna Starleper, C. A. Delone, Heath Brasselman, Edward Book, John Moltz, Samuel Froehlich, Kenneth Rhoads, Joseph Kiernau, Charles Pease, George Bowman, Cy Heckert, Otto Lantz, Harry Dong, Ed ward McMansuny, Dick * McAllister, Ben Byers, Reed Shuey, Frank Daugh erty, Stanley M. Wray, Moe Cooper, G. Weber Knight, Martin Keet. ENTERTAINED AT TEH Mrs. J. B. Mac Donald and Mrs. Note stine, Hostesses to Ladies' of Olivet Church Mrs. .lames MlacDonald and Mrs. Lucian B. Notestine were joint host esses at tea at the former's home, 9 South Fifteenth street, for the ladies of Olivet Presbyterian church. The guests included: Mrs. Charles Pass, Mrs. L. Bolton, Mrs. John Gates, Mrs. T. Burtner, Mrs. Boyd Shartzer, Mrs. Anna Mote, Mrs. Charles Papp, Mrs. M. Hauck, Mrs. Edgar Leeds, Mrs. Don Wertz, Mrs. Charles Border, Mrs. 'Harriet. Arm strong, Mrs. Charles Leas, Mrs. J. M. Williams, Mrs. James Barber, of Tren ton, N. J.; Mrs. George Gelwicks, Mrs. Harriet Smith, Miss Nancy Scele, Mrs. Ard Seelte, Mrs. J. Harry Steele, Mrs. Percy Walker, Mrs. H. B. Bomberger, Miss Esther Heagy, Mrs. J. P. Brassel man, Mrs. H. S. Pennypacker, Mrs. A. Boi/ch, Miss Kathleen Burtner, Miss Jane Mac Donald. Held a Euchre and Dance Lebanon, April 9. —Marked by a more brilliant success than any pre vious affair of a similar nature ever conducted by the association the an nual euchre and dance last evening in the Weimer auditorium of St. Joseph's Library Association proved to be the most delightful Post-Lenten social func tion ever conducted in Lebanon. At least 500 persons representing many classes were in attendance. Many use ful and handsome prizes wort awarded. News of Persons Who Come and Go N Mifss Phillips, of 'Mahanoy City, is the guest or Miss Johanna BoMe, 1527 North Sixth street. Miss Emma Seiler, of Hogestown, visited her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Loose, 805 Green street, returning to her home yesterday. William West, of Huntingdon, is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brady Oaveny, 338 South Sev enteenth street. Miss Esther Gross, 438 Walnut street, is visiting relatives in Now York City. Miss Katherine Young, 1000 South Cameron street, will leave to-morrow to visit her cousin, Miss Mart'ha Sparrow, at Shippensburg. Miss Re-becca Miehener, Miss Cor delia Miehener and Charles Miehener, 366 Orescent street, are in Milton w"here they were guests of the Clcmmens-'Beed wedding. Joseph Schmidt, Thomas Schmidt and Al'bert Schmidt have returned to Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, aft#r a holiday visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmidt, 58 North Thirteenth street. IP. Treaster and daughter, Mrs. E. H. Thompson, "Miss Dorothy Thomp son and Robert Thompson, of Milroy, were recent guests of Mrs. Joseph Boss, 237 North street. IMT. and Mrs. Thomas Ooolc have gone to Baltimore after a visit with Che former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'Mer vine Cook, 1428 Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. William Stotz and (laughter, Miss Anna Stotz, 1815 North street, have returned from Royalton n'here they attended the, funeral of Barnard Pinnegan yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Drum, 1801 North Sixth street; 'Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Drum and daughter. Madelin Adele, and Miss Mary M'cCutcheon, 1723 North Sixth street, motored to Williams;ort and En ders, where' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Drum are spending several days. The others of the party have returned home. The Rev. Harry N. Bickel, of Potts ville, spent yesterday with his brother, C. M. Bickel, 1509 North Sixth street. The Rev. B. H. Ilart, formerly pas tor of the Fifth Street Methodist church, left Wednesday for a vi»it to his mother at East WaterfQrd and will go to Williamsport to assume charge of Pine street church to-morrow. David Henderson, of Spruce Creek, has returned home after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Holmes, State and Eighteenth streets. , 'Mrs. B. H. Hart, 1726 North iSirth street, spent yesterday in Thompson town. Miss Gertrude Dunn, of Oberlin, is the week-end guest of her sister, at Mil ton. Miss Eleanor Wolfe, 1504 Green street, has gone to Shippensburg Nor mal school for the spring term. Miss Caroline MoiFarland, 158 Sylvan Terrace, is spending a week in Phila delphia. Miss Mary Smith, of Lewistown, and Miss Bertha Goldstein, of Portage, are the guests of Miss Tillie Freedman, 203 Harris street. Mrs. Joseph Lauman and son, Wil liam Lauman, of Rochester, N. Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MaciDon ald, 1803 Mul'berrv street. Miss Caroline Lindley, 520 South Thirteenth street, spent several days in Canton. Miss Mary Tunis, 440 North street, has returned from Atlantic City. The Rev. J. Wallace Green, of Ger mantown. lias been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. E. Sponsler. 607 Briggg street. •Mrs. Norman iB. Kurzenknabe, 1010 North Third street, has returned to her home after spending several days wit'h her parents in Port Royal. Miss Helen Sloat, 1415 North Sixth street, has returned from a several days' visit to Atlantic City. Miss Mae Hope, of the State Health Department, is visiting in Ohio and West Virginia. MfSSSHEAFEER HOSTESS Entertained Members of the Cricket Club at Her Home Mass Marie Sheaffer entertained the members of the Cricket Clu'b'at her home, 1222 Market street, last evening. The guests played cards, after winch dainty refreshments were served. Those •present were: Miss Mary Shaub, Miss Marian Mc- Cormick, Miss Lou 'Boatli, Miss MaTian Berry, 'Mrs. Van Dayhoff, Miss Vera Van Horn and iMiss Sheaffer. SMILE win lIKfCASCJREIS Feel Bully! Don't Stay Bilious, Sick, Head achy, Constipated Spend 10 Cents! Remove Winter's Poison From *Your Liver and Bowels / 1 Enjoy life! Spring is here and your system is filled with the winter's accu mulation of bile and bowel poison which keeps you bilious, headachy, dizzy, tongue coated, breath bad and stomach sour—Why don't you get a 10-cent box of Caacareta at the drug store and feel fine —Take Caacarets to-night and en jßy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing yon ever experienced—Give Caacarets to children now.—Adv. THAT JAR OF MUSTEROLE ON THE OATH-ROOM SHELF \ Has Believed Pain for Every One ln the Family When little Susie had the cramp; when Johnny got his feet wet and caught cold; when Father sprained his knee; when Granny's rheumatism both ered her— That jnr of MUSTEBOIiE was right there to give relief and comfort. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. It wiil not blister like a mustard plaster. Quick relief for Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Tonsilitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, I'ains and Aehes of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, Colds on the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). Noth ing like MUSTEROLE for croupy chil dren. At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital sir.e for $2.50. Be sure you Ret the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. CARD PfIRTYAND DANCE Progressive Euchre and "300" Will Be Given Under Auspices of Knights of St. George Plans for the progressive euchre, five hundred party and dance, under the direction of Branch 168, Knights of St. George, for the benefit of St. Francis' church are nearing completion and from indications the event will be the most successful of any adventure ever undertaken by the branch. The affair will be held in Winterdale Hall on Wednesday evening, April 21. C'aTd playing will begin at 8.15 o'clock and wiil continue until 10.15 when dancing will begin. A full string or chestra has been engaged to furnish music. The card party and dance is the annual spring entertainment of the Knights of St. George. The committee in charge of the ar rangements is made ui> of Michael J. Barry, Thomas P. Culhane, Simon J. Hare, Charles P. Theuer and 'i'rank J. Suter. PARTY FORjiSS HART Queen Esther Circle Gave a Farewell Reception in Her Honor at Home of Miss Yocum The Queen Esther Circle of the Fifth Street M. E. church gave a farewell party Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Helen Yocum, 1721 Green street, complimentary to Miss Miriam Hart, who leaves Monday for Williams port. The rooms wero prettily decorat ed with spring flowers. The guests in cluded: Miss Naomi Smith, Miss Elizabeth Feltenberger, Miss Helen Chandler, Miss Helen Lozier, Miss Margaret Shoaff, Miss Violet Helm, Miss Alverda Blessing, Miss Bess Bennett, Miss Ma bel Wynn, Miss Hazel Fraiin, Miss Hazel Seibert, Miss Irene Bright, Miss Nora Bennett, Miss Catherine Mauk, Miss Grace Sparser, Miss Ruth Ster ringer, Miss Elizaibcth Thompson, Miss Mary Glosser, Miss Marie Arthur, Miss Ruth Stoner, Miss Mary Garverich, Miss Irene Loomis, Mrs. Ralph Sellmy ■er, Mrs. W. H. Yocum. S. S. CLApEETINC Members of Derry Street TJ. B. Church Elected Officers and Enjoyed Social Hour Class No. 15 of the Derry Street U. B. Sunday school 'held a meeting in the social room of the churc'h last even ing and elected the following officers for the year: President, G. H. Gilbert; vice president, F. A. Manley; secretary, G. Wilson, and treasurer, H. Sides. Aft er tjie business session a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served Those present were: Howard Huber, Harvey Wilson, Aaron Beats, Ralph Brough, Clarence Newmeyer, Clarence Slike, iHerbert Sides, Charles Peiffer, Harvey Miller, Harold Eckert, Russell Win'ks, Russell Winemiller, George Thomas, Joseph Knouff, Saul Fink, Rich ard Robinson, Paul McDonald, Stanley Wingeit, Horner Sides, Evans Hollings worth, Stewart Harmon, Edgar Steph ens, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gensler and Miss Wetob. Music was furnished by the IMen 'a quartet of the c'hurc-h. BROTHERHOOD MEETING Men of Reformed Salem Church Met in McFarland Auditorium The Salem Brotherhood of the Re formed Salem church held its monthly meeting last night in the McFarland auditorium. J. William Bowman, presi dent of the Brotherhood, presided at the business meeting. The following program was given: Lantern pictures of the Panama ca nal, shown by Mark Parthemore, of the J. Horace McFarland company; violin solo, Stratton M. Byer, accompanied by Garret Sutton Wall; vocal solo, Stanley R. Neidhamer; piano solo, Garrot Sut ton Wall; address, Prof. Howard R. Omwake, of the Harrisburg Academy. Following the program a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served. MRS. MORROW HOSTESS Entertained Members of Five Hundred Club at Her Home 'Mrs. William Morrow, of the Foun tain apartments, entertained the mem bers of the Wednesday Five Hundred Club at cards. Miss Verna Miller won the prize. Those present were: Mrs. Charles Scliaup, Mrs. Philip Hall, Mrs. Fred London, Mrs. Aaron Brown, Mrs. Edward Markley, Miss Ma'bel Morrow, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. William Drinkwater, Mrs. William Shrenkengust, Miss Verna Miller and Jtfiss Augusta Kitzmiller. LADIES' BAZAAR! Special Free Alteration Off We received this week a lot of attractive spring suits which we purchased at a i\ price that will enable us to offer free alterations in addition to a liberal discount. ! We have included garments from our regular stock, and you may select any suit or t] coat in the store, on which required alterations will be made without extra charge. ] This offer holds good until Saturday, April 17th. Qft For Ladies' CI KQQ For Ladies' i jQ* «PCWO $12.50 Suits $20.98 Suits J in all wool serges, satin in poplins and serges, in S lined. Shades are black, blue, green, tan, gray t VT/Vv • putty, brown and navy. and sand, and shepherd * iggjk /jNorfolk and other mod- checks, black and white, ; fv e^B ' * and mixed checks, silk sll QQ For Ladies' liued ' \ fj| IPAA,JO $15.98 Suits e-l 7QO For Ladies' ; W \ Jnv i» shepherd checks, . $24.98 Suits 1 s . erßt ' B and P°P lins » silk in serges, shadow cloth ; ( i j < l in ed. Blues, greens, and poplins, in black, J V VJLtlto an d P u ttv are the shades blue, green, gray, etc., « • \ N|jj! f |' om whith y° n ma y all silk lined. U $13.98 For Ladies' I Silk Poplin Suits I ■ ■ ~ $18.98 Suits have an unusuallv prettv * L\ 111 P°P"US, serges and I collection of silk poplin suits I « homespuns, in green, • l n bl , a „ o{ " ew " 10 . d V la - S /3 Ji . .vxtW/ r Nijk_/ 1 S • ,1 r,iey C(),llfi ln putty, Belgian /-/ (\ battleship gray, bllies blue, navy, «rern, worth wW*' and black, and shepherd * l6 -?s to 127.50, our prices, 17 checks in black and $12.98 to $19.98 I white, all silk lined. ; Big Coat Values Smart New Waists New Skirt Arrivals $ , One of the biggest values we 5 " ew sp"«g cunts in serges, have ever o flf ere(l are these new White Bedford cord skirts, ex- 5 shepherd cheeks and basket black lace waists over white silk cellent quality all wool material, " weaves, in white, black and col- net , and full $5.00 value, our worth $5.00, CO QQ 4 ors, worth $7.00, our price, v P rk ' e $3.98 ... , , . • 5^4. yS black and white, and mixed * Other coats in a variety of new __ . checks, $5.00 value, ••$2.98 models in serges, poplins, covert r~ U ? lan 3lr ® ral dS All wool poplin skirts in black j cloth, moire, etc., worth $lO to to $lB, our prices, to $7.00, our prices, choose from, $5.00 value, $6.98 to $12.98 to $3.98 $2.98 | STSSriW .10-12 S. Fourth Street ~9Q RECEPTION FOR PASTOR The Rev. G. F. Schaum and Mrs. Schaum Given Pleasait Surprise An informal reception aud old-fash ioned donation party was given last evening in honor of the Rev. G. P. Schaum and Mrs Schaum by fhe mem bers ami friends of the Harris Street United Evangelical church, who met at the church and marched in a body to the pastor's residence. P. E. Musser made the pddress nf welcome and the Rev. Mr. Stliaum re sponded. A sketch by Mrs. Theo Be shore and several musical numbers completed the program. Bishop W, M. Stanford offered a closing prayer. FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it re moves the freckles; "while if it does give you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine—dou ble strength—from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion, llarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to reinovo freckles.—Adv. f~ - ii.- r 4 WALK U -lOVER. Walk-Over Supremacy The proof of the fit, style and service of Walk-Over Slfoes is in the wearing. Walk-Over mod els are exclusive; Walk-Over workmanship and materials are a guarantee of "full value re ceived." Come in, try on a pair and see how fine Walk-Over shoes feel, fit and fascinate. WALK - OVER BOOT SHOP 226 Market Street HARRISBTJRG, PA. . i ....■» —i-i i I Dr. B. S. BEHNEY, I DENTIST, ■ has moved to H 390 N. SECOND STREET ■ dHHHHH DR. JOHN F. CULP _ A"X.'T°^JTIWT has moved his offices to the ! ||/\[\ f. I I* Park Apartments 1.. P. DICKEY 304 NORTH SECOND STREET 410 North Third Street | b"i ?h 0 M l xfw ,e,,t CAKES -PASTRY-DELICACIES We have been adding each week to our line of Fancy Cakes and Pastry. All just as delicious as highest skill and finest ingredients can produce. Try us with your next order. FINE CAKES Three-Layer Cakes Caramel and Chocolate Squares, jg c Lady Fingers and Macaroons, dozen, . 10c FRESH MEATS Our Fresh Meat and Delicatessen departments have met with the hearty approval of Harrisburg housekeepers and we are serving more cus tomers every day. When you want a fine, juicy, tender Steak, Chicken Roast, etc., send us a trial order. Steaks, 25c, 80c, 33c —Roasts, 20c, 36c —Chickens, fattended on milk, pound, 30c. VEGETABLES and FRUITS Fresh Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds of best quality. Prices reasonable. Bunch Rhubarb Asparagus l2oc Strawberries Tomatoes, pound, 18c Mushrooms, pound !flOc New Peas and New Beans, quart, Large and complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. We aim to excel in service, quality and price. Granulated Sugar, pound Coffee, pound '.'.25 c, 35c Canned Vegetables ... . 3 f o ' r og c Prunes, Apricots and Peaches, pound, 12 c to 25c ; S. S. POMEROY M G fe s r THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL MtdirnGold Filled Finger Piece Mounting ISMlfc Tylillilf w OB and Off One RUBIN & RUBIN, 320 Market St., 2nd Floor Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Schmidt's Saturday Specials 59tf FEESH OUT 59^ do « n ROSES dozen SPENCER 49^ A Bunch PEAS A Buncil Bendy to wear—Pin and Cord Free 15tf GARDENIA , 2 for 25^ SCHMIDT FLORIST 3