The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 09, 1915, Page 14, Image 14
14 .&J3-— 1 n i ture ., Attr Tv < ? ns Men's Spring Hosiery Thousands of Yards jT 1 >-c?n> 1 ™ bhow Unusua l Values and Underwear c 1 A nv I 1 I «»»* w» k., Ot Colored Dress ■ iJPT J wWa «"««Cottons J' J' j \ $15.00 silk floss mattresses. Special. and slate, 25< Ready to-lIIOITOW for the Spring f\JEh <3 910.95 • Cotton half hose: seamless; iu black, tan, sewing campaign. \M • $59.00 leather library suite of 3 pieces. navy, slate, drab and white, 12' Colored voiles have been in SO great / «vv ................939.00 Pine Silk half hose; iu black, grey, navy, a demand siuee the opening of the ) D.\ R ep d chairs and rockers, in brown and ch&mpafnie and taupe, 50<? V. * , t , I ' ivory finish, upholstered in cretonne and tap- - , k 1 llllg Si«lM 11 that \\e have gathered / . . estrv. Specially priced 87.95 K WC,R M #ck »« entirely new showing for April / " ' Children's walnut dressers. Special. $59.00 and ahi^am""iraw* 1 and May sewing. There are now over u \ r /Tws $21.i.1Xl oak dining room suite of 9 pieces. Egyptian cotton or short sleeves. Each, a hundred styles ill white and colored ; \\ ' fhi *' iV\\ Frlil«~fltnr Sbnpe Spwi 'l; ...*150.00 »«.■».*.« »«•«"«* K ro lmd voiles at 25* a vard, and each \\ '{ ),■> E/Uucaior onoes D ""' j 8 """ "»'• nfthem .'an-ies a touch of Sprin K thnt NV |l\ Educator shoes are nrade to fit the feet of j \\r » O • 11 . is irresistible. n/^x children. The lasts are form-fitting and the <rir/-v 1 r*W Women S ODHng HoSierV Among the other notable new workmanship is the best that enters into any 4>1.0t/ Cle 1 IT J weaves at 25tf are: >!uhs niadi. r A__ A_ ' 1 C Q I _ QQ £111(1 vJflCl6rW6flr Silk muslin, 36 inches wide; one half silk: solid i Button style in patent colt skin, tan calf liA .f"VIl ,r\{Jlll OalC, i7OC ir. m • 1i..,!. a :jt i; c i~ u„ 0 „ 0 .„ »„ shades. Yard. yjjc w w x* r w-» « 1 • j ii i* -»u r< J. _ »omen s nlaiK SI l K lisle nose; seamless: Anderson ginaliam; made in Scotland- checks and IV It \A / - -- - I . 1 skin and gun metal calf with Goodjear welt- The oolors are Rock;r Mountain blue, old high spliced heels and toes. Pair. .. Ed oak leather soles; rose, Russian green; navy, olive, wistaria 3 paj r f or SI 00 v '" inon l' on 8 pe: ono halt linen in mercerized finish. • Siies sto 8 $1.75 best we liave^een^se 1 l^for 1 * > 1S 81 50 Blaek S ' lk ,iß, ° hoSe, fl9,lioued «»*• Anderson madras ahirting; for shirts, shirt wawits Thflt 525 Is EllOllO^H Sixes BVO to 11 $2.00 ,! • , ,A , :■ , high spliced heels. Pair 37U* • nd ßQ dre "."- •V•■ .v • 236 A IO LvliUU^ll _ In this April Sale this lovelv 40-inch crepe •> * • " suiting; 4- mches wide; trench linen finish /» > f Siies liy a to 2 $2.50 is offered for. vard 9W I P " ,r f ° F ' l * oo ,n $ n °*, sl J® de *i Yard ' :'' V, » To P«V fnr « „ , 0 01 Dives. Po'meroy 4 Stewart. Street Floo. 1 Silk boot hose; with fashioned feet; in .nd^TSIJSI^" Whl * gr ° UmU; W lOf & IM6W Bovs Scout Shoes i l black and colors ! T ' _ _ 'T.I 1 r\ I Black silk hose, fashioned feet, made with f0r o - •••; • • asc Otllt" Tan and black elkskin Scout shoes made , 1 dDie UfllTlflSK button holes in top to fasten supporters s - wash suiting m white and colored grounds. o - "" h ' At 69c and SI.OO Yard I B1 . ( , Bilk Mtrt he . vy J™ Sixes 6to 10 $3.00 j 1 ,Ol>s »*•» Underwear Items For t. Sixes Ito 5 1 /», $2.50 Bleached table damask; 2 yards wide. Special. Women's white cot- White lisle union O _ i ..i • P • 0 - q . IQI/ .AAA •.• * , -°° i t ? n ri I bbe<l union su ' ,B; suits: sleeveless and DOVS and more than *t>2o.oo for their Spring OLZ6O *7 LO Iu 2» •• • • Napkins to match the 12-inoh damask. Special, slwelew and knoe i laco trinunod. 50c u A ,. a » ~,1 Ar4AM » . .. . i n-^i * 1 ss.6o i length soe | white lisle union , «o>s white open mesh union suits; short clothes. There are scores of garments \I._L CL „. -f, „ Unbleached table linen; 70 inches wide, in open j White lisle union suits; sleeveless, knee sleeves and knee length, n f ft lln nn-ilit-x- mntm-iolo i« cti-lnd tl in + Men S ohoes &2_> Uxrords border designs. Special. ......... ,79c to *I.OO soits; high neck and j length, tight fitting or Children's white cotton ribbed waist union quality materials, 111 styles that „ , , . . , . 24x24-inch damask napkins, in double damask j sleeves; ankle ' lace trimmed knoe. suits; H union suit anil waUt oom)mi»rl ■ nil express individlialit.V that, fomo Men's Educator shoes and oxfords in tan patterns; values to S3 He. Special 2»c to 50c | length 50c I 78c, 91.00 and *1.35 sizes combined, all H *«» mimiu.v, nuu, come willow calf, gun metal calf and black kid «" Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. W Dives Poinerov A Stewart Q»r.,..t Fi„nr 1 Wltlllll tllC range Ot $17..)0 to $25.00, .to; Ooodvear -.ltod, o.k leather sole,. ! "■ » n,v». ■■.me,.,- t 8 .... rt , 8 „e„ an( , m . ( , siz( , s flt „ , * 4 - 50 I i large women. Men s tan Russia calf English oxfords, g\ blind eyelets, rubber soles. Goodyear welted. Si Among the suits at moderate prices OT Ihvea, PomeroT & Stew»rt, Street Floor, Rear. ¥BI j-srs • rp + 1 I "fllf; 1 tl aiu ' belted coats; in sand, navy and Belgian irerousse Oloves 1 i n \ "fthrTmp j Are ,^°o^K! ssed Hundreds of New Trimmed Hats Have Come In tTCCSfes: HI Va/UcHlljr j • styles in poplin,"gabardine and serge and in The best glove makers of France SIIIOO EdStOf '"p, |Ua^ ty . sh^ phtrd thetks> •••••'25.00 ma, jrosstesansi" »«* faftem Hals, fit and 112 New Mo dels al 54.95 to $6.50 Se m bPIID " , t Auother wonderful showing of latest millinery creations will greet to-morrow's visitors. Noteworthy because S fl , ar | llg f k ( c ,° llar a , nd assembly. , of the vanetv ot new styles is the assemblage of trimmed models at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.50. Manv new SgS ° C '° at ' aid m P ' a,tS; plaited " r^ Trefoiisse two-c asp gloves of best quality elusive models in pattern hats are shown at $lO and sl2. The woman who waTits to keen informal 'A hi fiTui . $25.00 Z' whfte P»ir .^::.- k SSSS ! I " inim s, - rlps wm in «<»* our millmery, for all the new effeets are showu hereTrft Trefousse two-elasp San Pareil real kid Large purchases of the latest shape in untrimmed hats brings to the store entirelv new stvles in l irap and 80me are in fanc y modes, gloves, in black, with white embroiderv and i; i i i j TT 7. 1 : 1 — ————— $30.00 to $55.00 white sewing. Pair $2.00 li>M'i e. black and bite milaii-hemp and beautiful qualities of Italian leghorn. Twa-clasp gloves of real kid, in black, . . | The Loveliest Silk WaistS white and colors. Pair, $1.75 ! Specials In Large Straw Shapes at 69c To 5® ? und In Washable chamoisette gloves in 16-button ... Q . . .. , iiarriSDUrCf length; white, biscuit and pongee. Pair. 4th Street A,Ble " , , .. . ... 59r to SI.OO The styles are practically without Washable chamoisette gloves, in white and New Quills f New Flowers : j " 1 materials include lace, pongee. Pair. 59c !" bl * f . k ! An new showing 0 f flowers of many | i Thg b ' a^k { crepe de chine, French crepe and Cashable chamoisette and lisle two-clasp Sulphur, blue, red and other colors, 49c to 98c 1 kinds at 25 c i •i y . »m • J , Stl'ipe tllb sillvS. ST.rr. ." d . T , H.W Ostrich Plumes N - LUUe oSH?9sf " , «?d as worthy a eollec- T i li. i . ~ , . , . . T V popular short broad bead styles of plumes 4 , \ ' BftC and <sc Th - lnf „ f fn „„, . . tIOU of Silk Waist StvleS in any otlier Two-elasp Silk gloves in black, with white in white, black, pink, blue and sand *2 SO Wheat m black, nntural and colors at 35c and 49c lh| s lot consists of fancy straws in mushroom U„„„;„l,„„„ ' J embroidery or all black and all white- dou- ~ T^ e ncw os,rioh bands in blue, white, sand and The new berry wreaths at 49c, 75c and 98c j f,^ eS "/m,!fn?. 1 /!,'rpr'7'.l.°'!!'' flowers and rib- XlaillSOUlg sit IC. ble tioirer ends. Pair '.SBC " I eb.„i„ 10c ud sac ! sSs.i' B."™v ,t ... 52.98 to $6.50. tr Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart, Street Floor. t>r Pomerov 4 Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. —— ™^| Throe Elevators. The Selection of That New Spring Suit The New Palm Beach Four-In-Hands for Men Cannot Lon2 Be Delaved re ® ounc^to a ' n Their First Bow To-morrow v And they give promise of being the biggest hit of the Spring and earlv Summer The change of seasons makes a change of clothes imperative. The person who wears i heavv f? aso ?- Exclusive is the word that truly expresses them. In many new color com \\ inter suit when the Sun in the Spring sky proves its warmth by coaxing out the buds on tree bmatlous * at ' . (*Vi and but«h is sadl\ out of tune with nature and folks about him. De Jainville four-in-hand cravats in Roman Men's Belts 2 B »<* to S»1 v u-tUiWistotrf, coavincc - vou Spring Suits at $lO Spring Suits at sl2 and Y X ®. re y ov erpl&id cassimeres. CI C « Boys' and men's four-in-hands in solid colors Negligee shirts with bosoms and cuffs of an 1$ Jk 1 f lu . c and Zrey checks. /l, aild fancy stripe and figure patterns 25< excellent grade of tub silk and the hacks of a Striped grey cassimeres and worsteds. 9 . gtri P gd wontods. soft, durable mercerized fabric; an actual $1.50 \- / check c&ssimens - ught grey ov'Suw caasimeres. v• r • j , , , value; , s P eci _ all }' P riced f °r to-morrow at 95< k. J Blue Serges. Grey overpl&id worsteds. for spring are the madras, corded and Men s $1.50 white mushroom bosom negligee Fancy grey mixed worsted. BU »«l whlt« chock cassimeres. soisette soft collars; sizes 12 to 17, shirts: in all sizes except 14i/ 2 . Reduced to 95^ /\ Black ** d pin awi- ' d!S Tm^ b chLkr P * <i Wo^,rt<ld, • 2 for a <l uarter and - each. 25 < i » Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, Men's Store. tr \ meres Blne Mrse *' "* , S $ P lß n Ld U s20 at clt So $25 Swift ' s Pre mium Sugar Cured Hams, Averaging 101b. ( BMsra'asr I "" c '" k ßegularly 22c, In a Special Sale To-morrow, lb., 17c \ vJx r== \r\ © Overplaid blue worsteds. Plain greys and oxford greys. V\ c fabric's!" 1 * wtt finiah w«k unfinished worsteds. .On account of the low priee quotation no mail orders or C. 0. D. sales will be taken on the AlrO\\ Fancy shadow stripes. ' Swift ham special to-morrow. nL \\\ iYn Failc y niixed cassimeres and Silk lined to edge or plain li'lii. u -r\ , worsteds. faced lapels. . I > \ lth each purchase of groceries, excepting sugar and ham, we will sell 10 bars of any IN/\ ■ d » o 'C rt V . C f CQ CH laundry soap for 35^. I ) VV® OOyS opnng OUItS: 4)0 to SO.OU Sa mAty;Tl&7 neS : . large 1W«48.. ( t,Mw,,ri Banquet coffee, cannot be Fl.h .-d Salmon ' L rCJ These are the latest Norfolk styles and each suit has extra Fancy peaches, 1 lba. J.V- Country cured dried baef. U parchment' bals. 1 " iL . e '. Asoc Tuna Hah. a delicious white / I Px I MM pair trousers. Sizes 7to 18 }'earß. Purity aprleots, in sanitary lb • tOc Purily coffee, our finest srade nieat for salads, can, ...34c // | /""Ov I 1(1 „ packages. iHe Lebanon bologna. lb„ Mr of selected coffees In sealed Chinook mlmon ciitletd th« // I // . I rrf Green and brown Carlton Blaid qv. ,j _ . . . cans. .................. Boiled ham. sliced, lb., ~, .sftr Our Favorite tea, a delic- oval can** «. J// /w\\\ 111 Shadow and fancy Striped Tender Shoe-peg corn, 3 caniT luncheon loaf, lb 2N<- lous blend at a popular 1 , '' ' , ••• »« I I \\v 3 worsteas. cassimeres and worsteds. 2r* Llmburger cheese, lb Wr price, lb 4»C- M >' Wlf e maple syrup; large ll / Blue serges. EJarly June peas, 3 cans, ...2ftc Wisconsin cheese, lb 3Sc "Senate Blend" tea, It has no quart bottles Wc OH - Grey overplaids. BOVS TOD Coats Pork and beans. In tomato Full cream cheese, lb SSe equal, lb #Bc Huckleberries: delicious Penn • Black and white rJuwl wnn T f LI . sauce. 3 regular 10c cans, *i«- English dairy cheese, lb....arc SpaoUh and Staffed Olives sylvanla blue berries; pack -018 Light-we'ght fancy blue and Golden wax beans, tender and Herahey a pure cocoa, lb., IBe Largo uuart lara .elcctprl e<l ln larße B,a9a Jarß ' • • ,8e r i black and white checked wora- eweet: 3 cana. rw -lbs We Spani.h ollv J .. " Olive butter, a tasty treat for H A * onsteda - • ted top coats, sizes 3to 8 rears, New^eirflaLuSa!'-1 Ibi '" n r "*r" "* Tr * ~ targe jars Manzan'lila olYve«. sandwiches lOv Tan Scotch homespuns. $3.50 to W.OO - Clothin K- BMond F]oot ' 3 Elevators. Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. Basement. HAKRTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDISNT. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 9. 1915.