.•-■-- ■ ■ , 1 The Star-Independent 2 Orpjieum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page. Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you dpaw the tickets please, call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening N or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from Boyds Directory by a blindfolded girl.) * ■ ■ . j) On Account of the Orpheum Closing Saturday Night These Tickets Will Be the Last Drawn for This Season. Miscellaneous RMUNTPBB PAOPKO PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North Sixth (treat, first class packer of fur niture. china and bricahrac. Bell phone »»»W. W. J. WENRICH. 129 Hamilton street- Furniture. china and piano packing, Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone . BICYCLES WANTED BICYCL.ES, or parts of bicycles wanted for highest cash price, at once. Buy a Keystone rebuilt bicycle and save money. • Try Keystone quick repairs. KEYSTONE CYCLE v~O.. Sl4 N. Third St. MONEY TO LOAM MOST MONEY LOANED —On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments. Highest cash prices for old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE. 411 Mar ket street. WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. 133 Walnut Street STORAGE. STORAGE In $-story brtck building, rear 40S Market St. Household good* in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER, Jeweler, 40$ Market St. FIRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di vided into private rooms for storage of household goods. New building. Low insurance. Inspection invited. 437-44S fcouth Second street. HARKISBURG STORAGE CO. FREIGHT DRAYAGE, storage, shippers and distributors of merchandise ot all kinds; prompt and efficient service. Warehouses on P. R. R. and P. A; R. tracks. MONTGOMERY & CO., Peipher Liue, Tenih below Maiket at. RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS of razor blades re sharpen ed, made belter than new; safety, 25c per dozen; Star, 15c; old style, 25c; leave orders Henry Gilbert & Sons Hardware, £l9 Market st:eeL ALL KINDS OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In ths city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic ana pleasure trips, day or evening. \VM. H. DARE. 1453 Vernon El. Bell phone 3517 J. \ Sale and Exchange FOE SALE I OR SALE—Two good huckster wag ons. one covered, one open, also auto tires, with tubes. -'9x34. very cheap. Call before Monday, 22J S. 29th St., Pen brook. C. W. H. I.ANULF.TZ, I.umber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It wil! pay you to see us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE—One platform wagon with doors back; one eutunder wagon, suit able for grocery or laundry; one Dayton wagon, two seats. All wagons are ready tor use. GROCES WAGON SHOP. 1541 Walnut St. FOR SALE—One white bed with brass trimmings, with spring and mat tress; almost new; also one larffe side 1' 'ard. Call at 1728 Regina St. Oil. STOVE—Three-burner blue flame Perfection, complete with cabinet and oven; good as new. SIO.OO. Address Box 3740. care Star-Independent. TWO PLA YER-PIANOS and 3 uprights will be sold for any reasonable fig ure on small monthly payments to suit purchaser. Address 3739 care Star-ln dependen^ EGGS for hatching from the following varieties: White Leghorns, White Orpingtons, Barred and Partridge Rocks. 21s Cherry St, City. PRIVATE collection Victrola records, one-third to one-half off listed price; sold singly or any numfcer; mostly Red Seal records; 23u State St. Bell phone 6&6 R. Some choice bargains. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St. 5,000 sets new Sash. 6xlo Xl 2 i-. primed and glazed, at (1.15 per set. Also other siiea IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. Suburban Home Bargain Price (RIVERSIDE) | 3010-A \ortfc Third St.— a new 24- 1 story brick house (one of a pair)— 7 j rooms—bath —steam hea:—front and j back porches—balcony—electricity— ! piped for gas—cemented cellar. Five minutes from Second street trolley. We are pricing >ou thin property ■ t the exceptionally rrsmanble Mjrurr of «30Mt. KILLER BROTHERS S CO. j HEAL ESTATE Fir* Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets I Real Estate - - REAL ESTATE FOB BALB CORNER LOT FOR SALE—Corner Hun ter and Sixteenth street*. 20 feet on Sixteenth street and 100 feet on Hunter street; water and sewer under curb on Sixteenth street. Apply GEO. F. FAY MAX. 436 S. Sixteenth St. PGR SALE—Millinery store, in Harrislmrg. Splendid location. Doing pood business. Price reason able to quick buyer. Apply C. D. STEWART, 70ti Kunkel Building. FOR SA—No. 465 and 457 Myers ft.. Steelton, l*n., -story frame dwell ing with water and gas in kitchen; stable In the rear. Houses are in good repair. Rent sl9 per month. Owner desires to sell at once and will take SI7OO for the pair. Apply to JOHN P. CROU* 434 Pine St., Steelton. Pa. SKVKRAI. NEW BRICK HOUSES for sale: well built; finished in chestnut; gas: electric light; steam heat; porch. Inspect these houses soon; prices right. HEIA. REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 41 N. Seventeenth St.; brick house; 9 rooms: bath; gas; elec tric light; steam heat; porch. Also prop erties on Eighteenth street, near Mar ket. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Bldg. $2,700 WILL BUY a suburban property; plot 75x150; frame house; porches: large chicken house; work shop and p».;agp; variety of fruit. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. fX>R SALE—No. 344 South Fourteenth St.; frame house; 9 rooms; bath; gas; porch; lot 27x110. Also other property for sale in this vicinity. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—A bargain. 10-acre farm in Dauphin county. 10 miles from city; good buildings: fruit. Running water. Price $1,200. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Ttilneent'-. FOR SALE—Locust St., Camp Hill: 3 squares ' north of trolley line: 2^a story frame dwelling: 6 rooms and bath; vapor vacuum heat: hardwood floors: porches; one and three-fourth acres of land; 140 fruit trees coming in bearing. Price. }4.200.00. 1242 State St.: 3-story brick; 8 rooms, bath and furnace; front and rear porch. The price is right for this convenient location. BRINTH>N-PACKER CO.. Sec ond and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—MiII and farm; 13 acres of land; located 4 miles north of Swa tara Station; frame dwelling; stone mill ir. running order; frame barn. BRIN TON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—4IS Herr street, 3-story brick, all improvements, 9 rooms and bath: steam he«n: entire new ba'th otii flt; 19-ft. alley rear of lot; electric light anil gas; price (3,200. M. A. ' TOI ' GH T. 272 North St. j FOR SALE—2H-story frame dwelling; all conveniences; 6 rooms and attic, j 2SoS Canby St.. Penbrook. This prop i erty is well located, new house. Price, j (3.100. M. A. FOUGHT. 272 North St. j 205 BRIGGS STREET—3-story frame | dwelling—bay windows—7 rooms and j bath; city steam heat; gas range; gas 1 attachment on boiler for heating water; | one 0; choice, $8.20®8.30; good $8.00@8.10; medium, $7.50®7.75- com mon, $7.00® 7.25; bulls, $5.00®58.50: fat cows, $4.75®6.25; thin cows, $3 25a 4.50: milch cows, common to choice j7.00; southerns and barn yards, $5.00® 7.00. Sheep and Lambs—There was a firmer feeling especially noticeable on the top of tlie Sheep market, but there the Im provement ended. Lambs closed steady at the values. Trade was seasonable Hot house lamb# were gradually low ering. Quotations: Sheep— Wethers, extra $8.25@8.50 Choice $7.50® s.OO Medium $7;00®7.50 Common, $5.00®u.00 Ewes, heavy, fat, $'.00®7.2S IjH nibs— % xtT . 3 \ •••- •• $10.75® 11.00 Good to choice $10.25® 10.30 Medium $9.00® 10.00 -.oinraon $7.00® 8.00 Hot house, apiece ss.oo#i 7.00 Hogs—This market closed in fair shape, with desirable stock firmly held Quotations. $10.50. City Dressed Stock—All varieties of choice and prime meats were steadily held, while demand was ordinarily nor mal. Steers, 10@13; heifers. 10®12V4; cows 8® 12; veal calves, 14® 15; extra calves, 16: southern and barnyards, 10® 12' country dressed 13®14; extra, 15; sheep' 13@ 14; extra wethers, 15; lambs, 16® 17; extra lambs, 18c; hogs, lOty. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, April B.—Wheat steady No. 2 red, car lots, export, 153V4@155U- No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 161® 166' Corn firm: No. 2 spot, export, 75V4 @76 V 4 ; No. 2 yellow, local, 80 Si 81. Oats lower; No. 2 white, 6214®63>£. Bran steady; winter, per ton, $28.50: spring, per ton, $25.50® 26.00. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00; line granulated, 5.90; confectioners' A. 5.80. Butter Arm; western creamery, ex tra, 32; nearby prtnts, fancy, 23. F.gfcs firm; nearby firsts, free case. 6.30; do., current receipts, free case, 6.15; western extra firsts, free case, 6.J0; do., firsts, free case, 6.15. Live poultry firmer; fowls, 17©17%; old roosters, 12®12H: chickens, 14@19; turkeys, 15@17; ducks, 16®17; srecse, 12®16. Dressed poultry steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18H$Fl>tt; average, 16&18; unattractive. 14015; old roosters, 14; frozen fowls, 16i£plS; roasting: chickens, 17@'i0; broiling chickens, tur keys, 18@22; 'ducks, 12#18; geese, 12 @1«. Potatoes firmer; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 55@60; New York, 48655. Flour firm; winter straight, 6.60® 1 "f" r> { to Times of Commercial Distress ' V&tf a HWchant'a hank can often bridge /'JcK' jVer a torrent ot' financial distress, and j 'i %W save many an honest business man from '/fr i - '**, ruin or disaster. Hut only a soil Ad, well ;BSHr "'■ • nan ®B6d banlc can do this, 011 c con .^g^Vducted on lines of honest methods and absolute integrity. The First National j *> »es; oht 224 Market Street i =====*i||l ™ < The Dauphin Deposit Trust Company 213 Market Street Harrisburg, Penn. As called for by the Pennsylvania Commissioner of Banking April 5, 1915. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and Cash Items, $150,717.50 Capital Stock, $300,000.00 Due from Banks, .. . 394,144.31 Surplus 300,000.00 United States Bonds Undivided Profits, . . 21,387.88 4 per cent, par, 1.50,000.00 Doposits 2,750,304.32 Loans and Invest- Due to Banks 22,087.77 ments 2,040,807.03 Bank Building 50,000.00 ________ Overdrafts 70.38 98,400,739.07 __________ 83,400,739.97 Trust Funds $530,328.20 ! DONALD McCORMICK, President ! ROBERT McCORMICK, Treasurer J. A. GRIESHABER, Assistant Treasurer Public Sale Will be sold at Executor's Sale at ! No. 9 North Fifth street, near Mar ket, all of the household goods, also one large York safe, at the same time the property will be sold. Sale on Friday next, at 1 o'clock, April 9th. W. F. BAY STEWABT, Executor. A. H. Shrenk, Auctioneer. 1 * 8.35; spring straight, 6.75@7.00; do., pat ent, 7.00 @B.OO. Hay weak; timothy. No. 1 large bales. 18.00; No. 1 medium bale*, 17.8u® 18.00; No. 2 do., 1ii.5U@16.50; No. 3 do., 14.000 15.00. Clover mixed light. 1?.00@17,50: No. 1 do., 16.00® 16.50; No. t. do.. 14.5# @15.50. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, April B.—Hogs—Receipts, 16,000; strong. Bulk, 6.80@6.95; light. ! ———————— * FOR SALE Look here! Do yon want to buy • i new home? Qo to 626 to 630 Geary St. 1 am just finishing four three story brick, mansard roof houses, with wide front and back porches and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented cellar, hot and cold wa.ter In cellar. Parlor and dining room, large kitch en, five bed rooms and bath, six large closets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and ! dining room finished floors. No houses in the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can selaMH paper to suit. Go to see once, before too late. The surprise F. H. Hantzm^l Office 000 ttrlni St. N—— ,J———— 6.70#7.00; mixed, 6.66@7.00; @6.95; rough, 6.46@6 55; pigs, Cattle —Receipts, 4,000; beef steers, 6.00® 8.90; 5.65@7.50; cows and calves, 6.25@8.76. *Sheep—Receipts. 7.40@8.50; lambs, 7.80 11