8 REGENT THEATRE SPECIAL SATURDAY SHOW—TO-DAY THE IDLER A Photo-Play Extraordinary, featuring Charles Richm&n, by C. Hadden Chambers, including our daily changes: Hearst-Selig News. Special Ambitous. Admission 5< and 10^ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday THE SPOILERS Featuring William Farnunf From the Rex Beach Book, in 9 Reels Thrilling, Powerful and Picturesque, A Virile Masterpiece On account of this extraordinary production, we show at the following hours: 12 noon, 2.20, 4.12, 6, 7.40, 9.30. Showed at the Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadelphia, two months. Balcony, 10< —Orchestra, 20< The most wonderful story ever filmed WOMEN TO MEET IN PARISH HOUSE ONEASTER MONDAY Bnggwtions Will Be Submitted on Theme "The Social Aspect of Foreign Missions,'' From Unde nominational Handbook Missionary workers in the Protest ant Episcopal church will celebrate Monday in Easter week by holding the second "central meeting" of the Wom an's Auxiliary of this neighborhood iu St. Stephen's Parish House at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The principal address will be by Mrs. Burke, of Fort Yukon, Alaska, ■wife of a missionary physician in that district. Lake all of these central meetings. Monday 's gathering will be of an un denominational character and open to any who care to attend. The central meeting plan is unique in the Diocese of Harrisburg, which was divided into eight districts for the purpose by Mrs. James F. Bullitt, of this city, soon after her election as diocesan president last fall. It is the first diocese to be organized thoroughly for such work. The plan is to hold monthly meetings tor a territory so small iu compass that women from every parish iu the dis trict can attend. Monday's meeting will be opened by, singing the missionary hymn, "Ye Christian Heralds, Go, Proclaim," fol lowed bv prayer by the Kev. .Tame? F. Bullitt, rector of St. Andrew's church. Mrs. Bullitt to Speak Miss Julia Coates, secretary of the central meeting, will give her report and Mrs. Bullitt will discuss "Miss Emery's Four Points from the Hand book." Brief suggestions will then be submitted as follows, the main theme being "The Social Aspect of Foreign Missions," the undenominational" hand book which was widely used during Eent: "The Round Robin to the Church Periodical Club," Mrs. Willis Geist !Newbold; "The Gift of One Day's In come to Missions," Mrs. William H. EPILEPTIC FITS Stop when the weak nerves that cause the spells are strengthened and kept in good condition by the use of Dr. Gaertin's Nerve Syrup It helps with the first Dose. Safe, sure and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Your dollar back if first bottle fails in any case of Epilepsy or Convulsions, no matter how bad.f It is the Sunshine fori Epileptics, A valuable remedy for Dizziness and Insomnia. £ Luge bottle, $ 1 .OO; 6 bottles. SS.OO | Sold by C. M. FORNEY, Druggist 436 MARKET STREET Write the makers, Kalmu* Chemical to., Kalmus Building. Cincinnati. 0.. for their valuable illustrated medical book ITDlrr "epiiepsy explained ■ MmKLML which is sent free to yon HARRISBVRG LIGHT S.pOWER.ffl Make Up Your Mind To-day to Have Your Home Wired \ and Enjoy All of the Electric Comforts Electric Lighting— Electric Vacuum Cleaners— Electric Irons— Electric Percolators— Electric Toaster Stoves and many of the other modern electrical ap pliances that make life worth while. The cost of wiring is within the reach of everybody. I Let us quote you prices. Have the wiring done during Spring house cleaning. I Phthplay To-day ALICE JOYCE la J-reei Kulrm "The Girl of the Music Hall" CHARLES CHAPLIN In -GETTING ACDI'AINTGD"—It's Jilt Another Scream "RETHIBITIOX," 2-aet Sell* Urania 20 Live Ostriches Pa x tail £ cars ran direct to the OSTRICH FARM. Farm open daily, Sunday included. Uncle John would be pleased to meet you. John A. Newell Manager. Baltzell; "The Value of the Mission !ary Play," Miss Dora Coe; "What Im jpressed Me Most in the Study of 'The Social Aspect of Foreign Missions," " Miss M. Gertrude Lett; "Reasons for Foreign Missions as Brought Out iu •The Social Aspect of Foreign Mis sions,' '' Miss Baker; "The Importance of Junior Work and 'The Building of the City,' " Miss Hiipa Schram, of Columbia, secretary of Junior Auxiliary work in the diocese. After singing "Jerusalem, the Gold en," the meeting will hear Mrs. Burke's address, and the offertory i hymn, "At Even, Ere the Sun Was Set." will conclude the gathering. A social hour will follow during which tea will be poured by Mrs. A. Wilson Xorris and Mrs. George Doug las Ramsey. MUSIC AT FIRST U. B. Augmented Choir Will Sing "Olivet to Calvary" at 6 O'clock The augmented choir of twenty-five voiees of <«•>•> <« ♦ •}><• <> •}• -j.* •;••>•>•> •> * > »!■ -s* <• <• <• •!•»;**!• *> •;« -j* <« <• •> <• «> • I Special Opening Day Offer | ? '"J" ' THIS COUPON AX D —j f I 15c FIFTEEN CENTS 15p ! | 1 Will Admit Any Person 1 1 I to the Best Seats in Any Part of the Theatre MONDAY, APRILS, 1915! I Afternoon o | Take Advantage of This Special Bargain Opening Day Offer I i ♦> "Open the Gates of the Temple," iu one group. He will also sing a number of Han del songs from the famous oratorios, in which he excels, und as encores he has promised "All Through the Night" and "O Dry Those Tears." Sale of seats for this popular mu sical event are now on at the J. H. Troup Music House and the prices are ■within the reach of all. No School Board Meeting The only member of the Harrisiburg School Board to appear for a meeting last evening was President Boyer. Aft er a wait of half an hour the meeting was adjourned until Tuesday evening. At that time an architect for the new West find building will be picked and the annual supply contracts will be awarded. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent, i CHUHCH FOR LOCAL OPTION First U. B. Congregation Takes Action In Accordance With Rules At a meeting of the congregation of the First United Brethren church, the Kev. J. T. Spamgler, pastor, a resolution has been adopted, in accord ance with the temperance' clause from the book of discipline of the church, as follows: "The distilling, selling and using , of intoxicating drink as a beverage, the renting and leasing of property to i be used for the manufacture or sale of such drinks, also the signing of petitions for granting license, or the entering as bondsmen for persons en gaged in the traffic in intoxicating drinks, are strictly prohibited; and should any of our members be found guilty in this respect, they shall be dealt with as in the case of other im- ! moralities. This rule, however, shall not be so construed as to prevent druggiats and others from selling and using of alcohol for medicinal and mechanical purposes. "Whereas, We, the members of the. First United Brethren church of Har-; risburg, desiring to show our apprecia tion of the principles of the abovej item, adopt the following resolutions: 1 "First, That we heartily approve the high stand of our church 011 the liquor question. ' "Second, That we respectfully re-' quest our representatives in our Leg-, islature to use their influence for, and' vote in favor of local option. "Third, That a copy of this action ; lie sent to the Governor of the State i of Pennsylvania, to our representa-! tives in our Legislature and to our city papers." STAR-INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS.