Why Not Bowman s-To-morrow=For Final Easter Make-Ready JSawmcmH Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 Fresh and Pure Are the Chocolate Easter Eggs Here _____ Small and very small; large and very large—all sizes. And from a single penny upward through the dollar regions are eggs at almost every price you * might care to pay. In addition, we will place any f S inscription you may desire on etrtrs purchased any S£ SS time to-morrow, without extra charge. 2 Easter Baskets and Nove— Will be found in a delightful assemblage. Many shapes in baskets to select from at 2<* to 39<* each. Novelties are to 25<* eaeh. Papers for tilling baskets, 5c box. "Bowman Dashing Bronze Shoe For Women JW H A military boot, genuine ES French bronze, cloth tops; Sgjjf lace model. Admired by many Jy-.. in the window. Price is 80.00. "" " •<*<'•' l Also high and low shoes iu a dozen different styles—all new. \ f and everyone a winner. 51.75 AllOttier L,Ot 01 to $6.00. 1T , c*»tl women s Silk Pretty White T?nr +Vl<a The - V are S* wu,ine * llV> qualities, but owing to the different kinds are T?nrt4-A<« called "varies." and it may happen VTUa S il/uSICI that a >liglit mend may be found, but Lingerie Dresses—tine white i ,hat ean oul - v be in a few - Strongly French voile, organdie and !>a- j reiuforeed at to l'' solt ' ami heel - So,ne tiste dresses, trimmed with are all silk: while others have lisle tine embroidery. Yal. lace and soles and * arter to * ,s - A time, - v Eas " insertion; long waist effects i ter salt> - with satin ribbon sash. Sizes Mai " FLOOR —BOWMAN'S. 4 to 14 vears. Prices are SI.9S to 89.00. q Qf>Aniolc Empire Dresses—tine net. lace trim- wOap opcCldlS ined and tucked, with pretty belt of 10 eakes Swift's Pride Soap i!7c laee over ribbon. Priced at $6.98 io cakes Ivory Soap. s»c and JO oa kes pJ Q goap ;Wc Lingerie Dresses—dozens of these 1 " cakes Keis Naphtha Soap ;utc winsome fashions in sheer batiste S 5e packs Swit't's Pride Washing and 'awn. trimmed with lace, em- Powder 2:jc i r.iiii'Ty and beading. Sizes 'J to li 10 rolls Ctepe Toilet Papor ile }ca 1 ' are sl.*>o to $0,98. \ 0 phono orders sent C. 0. D. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Basement—BOWM.AX'B. Women May Choose Easter Coats To-morrow From New Models A shipment of the smartest and most stylish coats has ,]ust 1 cen added to our already large assortment. Coats of quality and style, at the price you wish to pay. Included are: The new Coverts at SIO.OO to $25.00. Shepherd Checks, at slo.o© to 520.00. White Coats, at 87.50 to 525.00. Mixtures, at 85.9S tt> 825.00. Poplins, at SS.SO to 535.00. Silk Poplins, at 820.00 to $50.00. Gabardines, at SIO.OO to $30.00. A Gathering of New Suits In smart poplins, shepherd checks and serges, at $15.00, and also silk poplins, gabardines and mixtures, at 820.00, $25.00 and $30.00. All the higher priced suits will be sold at very material reductions to-morrow. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Crepe de Chine Waists at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98, $3.98 An assortment that will surprise you. The most at- vV. tractive styles iu the better grades of material: nioder- / ately priced. Popular colors J are white, black, pink, liarht c I i'f§j \ blue, inais. flesh, rose, putty, ' \ ' Lingerie Waists,) SI.OO to $3.98 \ W vllsy More than a score of styles \ J \ /w T I«j InT) at SI.OO. A dozen good \j ' \\\\ \ }j A' /} models at $1.25 and $1.50, / and a host of models at ! \ fgrUlffl $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 and 1 £ $3.98. Second FIoor —BOWMAN'S. HARRTSBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDA Y EVENING, APRIL 2, 1915. /C' | /'ftX A. Column Of Easter Fix- LMmiaH ings For Men That Easter \JIOVC Uuestion For the young man who likes the * snappy styles—high in crown with a Should Be Decided Here, narrow pencil-curl brim; in gray, To-morrow * pearl, blue, brown and green, $1.50 , and $2.00. \\ (>lllOll \\ ho desire tllO A prj Tapered crown derbies in raven newest and most acceptable black-—same price, gloves, that fashion depicts, Dre _ s ghirta _ and to have them harmonize with the Easter costume, will a '»l i i, . iii. ueat strings, at At SI.SU (10 well to solpct troll) our t)S- are s jik fronts and fine quality mad- \ SOl'tment. Out of the many, we ras in a splendid variety of patterns. ; have chosen three of the popu- Shirts in striking patterns; ex lar styles, jail new. and dis- cedent grades at $3.00, $3.98 and tinctlv stvlish: $4.98. UA • . ~,,,, ... Boys Dress Shirts m a splendid Queen.Elizabeth —the latest silk variety of qualities and patterns with glo\e with the wrist frill, and other French cuffs and separate soft col- , r ownes and havser silk gloves, in tars ut s (> r a nd SI.OO. plain and contrasting embroidery. Prices range from 50f to $2.00. Men's Smart Shoes— French Kid Gloves, in plain and Correct styles for the young fel- ! contrasting embroidery; tine quality. lows.' A popular English model; lac- I Prices arc $1.25 to $2.35. ing through invisible eyelets, with Kayser's Chamoisette Gloves, Ion? genuine oak soles, is $4.00. and short, in all the new shades, with P aq <. pr Kpckwpsr self and contrasting embroidery. x«aSi»6r W6CKW6ar Prices are 50<H051.25. I Smartest of stripes, figures and col- I Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. orings in four-in-hands and bows, i Shoes for Boys j Adler Gloves — I This well-known line needs no de- AllU uirlS ! script ion. They're here in the want ed styles. SI.OO and $1.50. Just the right styles in shoes that 1 will give excellent wear. Silk Hosiery— New shipments have made the Excellent quality, with double stock more interesting, and prices soles and high spliced heels. Black are less than you 11 expect to pay for and popular shades, at 500 and sl. 1 such sturdy qualities. Prices. SI.OO "Monito" silk lisle hose; strong \ to $2.50. j am ] durable, 25C pair. I 1 | We Predict That Bow man Millinery Will Be Most Distinctive In The Easter Parade MnJlffflffiVStfr'm aIou £ tllis season, and lij even to the last Easter lno *. I! inent, we have constantly £ J brought forth the new ideas, and every one has materially i! enlarged the showing tmtil u now it is more complete than The latest, is a hand-made raffia hat in openwork design, a copy of the stunning model that Mrs. Vernon Castle is now wearing at "Castles In The Air." A large beautiful rose is the sole trimming. Enlarged Showing Of Untrimmed Shapes We're sure the largest in Harrisburg of the better qual ities. All braids and all colors in Small close-fitting hats. Large mushroom hats, Trieomes, New low crown shapes, Quadricones, Shepherdess, Small Sailors, Large Pokes. Our Last Minu Can be relied upon as safely and assuredly as ever. We'll do our utmost with increased help, to meet every re quirement. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Easter Jewelry W\ £3 Sometimes it takes just a small __ ■ piece to give added distinction to the j , Easter garb, for instance a string of !kfr&lr' j pretty California flower beads, in one of the many colors, and they only •A\ k lp\ cost 50£ and 75«*—or a pair of 'anii '*''' jaunty ear rings from a large variety * at 50( to $5.00. . T>i?f For the Easter violets, a silver- £il6CtS plated holder will be useful, - Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. X 0 COfflpiCtC La Vida The Costume .Collar and cuff sets, oriental lace and or ? anclie ' at set - A special ® lot of dollar grades. Representing always the latest Lace Vestees, white and cream, at mode, fitting every form-line and pro- to $2.50. ducing perfect symmetry and correct A large line of collars—cream and shapeliness of figure, they are the white, oriental lace and organdie, at acme of corset perfection. and each. Finest quality imported batiste, Main Ftoor MAN'S, coutil and fancy materials, exquisite ly trimmed, at $3.00 to SIO.OO. I I Join The Bowman Our corsetieres will assist you in ' Refrigerator Cluh the selection of the right model t<K «»iiig««w viuu, meet your individual requirements. NOW In Progress Second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. ' mmm I Men ! It's Worth Something To You To have at your command, a men's store such as this, upon which you can rely for last-minute service, and feel as- h sured of satisfaction. It is worth something to you to know that the clot lies you are purchasing conies from a reliable source, is authentic in style and of highest merit in durability, as well as tailoring. It is everything to you, when you pav $9.90, $12.50, sls, $lB, S2O for a suit, and can have absolute confidence in the house you are dealing „with, realizing that you are receiving value for value in the amount paid. To-morrow is not too late to select your Easter suit and we'd be glad of the opportunity to show you models that any man would take pride in wearing. No better styles are shown anywhere. Dressing The Bo Mothers will find it profitable to select the boy's suit here. We are showing more than twenty-five different patterns and! models, in all the up-to-date effects that youngsters like. Norfolks, at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98, $3.98 and up to $12.50. All sizes. Novelty Serge Suits, 2% to 10 years, $2.98 to $6.50. He Must Have A Smart Hat, Also For boys 8 to 16, is a new lot of stitched cloth hats, in cheeks, serges, over plaids and mixtures. They're special al 50£. Felt hats are SI.OO and $1.50. Caps of every description, 25< to SI.OO. . Tliir<l FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4 When You Require Plaiting Done We can give you satisfactory work /—" at a lower price than formerly. jr The most modern machinery is \ used, and orders will be promptly at- , ' 3(0 French plaiting, knife, side, kilt, \l ;gjg box, Sun Ray and accordion plait ing" Accordion plaiting up to 75 inches. (Dress Goods Department.) I The Wanted Easter II Kinds Small Boys' and 39c Satin Ribbons, in all the 11 v g> . . TT < leading shades, 6 inches wide, at Infants Headwear yard. ~ , „ , Taffeta Ribbons, in a big line Boys Hats—newest styles in tele- 0 f shades, 5y% inches wide, at scope and Rah Rah, in checks, mix- 25£ yard II tures and blue serge. Prices are 50tf ~, ' , . , . . , , 9 t ai T Black and white striped and II Infants' lawn caps, at to yard. II $3.00. 20c Moire Ribbons, all silk, I Infants' hats and bonnets, daintily p tiff ribbons; fine for children's I trimmed with fine laee and ribbon, hair bows, at yard. I at 98£ to $5.00. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers